
Kojten in garden design


There is such a category of plants that are not known little and in a natural habitat is inconspicuous, but it is worthwhile to settle them in the garden, as they immediately bloom (in the literal or figurative sense) and show all their hidden "talents".

Hoisen, he is Azarum, one of them. Distributed throughout Europe, Southeast Asia and not only. Sens in wet shady places, mainly in coniferous and mixed forests. It has varieties, but with us, more often we will meet evergreen species - European.

Find out azarum easily: heart-shaped leaflets (reminding hoofs) or a spear-shaped shape, long-coal, forming a fluttering carpet, less often kicken.

Favorite gardeners European coil has a leathery dense leafy of a saturated green color.

Popular species

Azarum European (ASARUM EUROPAEUM)

  • Habitat: everywhere in Europe and in the south of Western Siberia.
  • Color spectrum:dark green glossy leaves forming a carpet.
  • Height: up to 10 cm
  • Growing conditions: In the shade of the garden, where the soil is always wet.
  • Features:evergreen perennial with leathery honesty leaves, medicinal plant.

Azarum tailed (Asarum Caudatum)

  • Habitat: Western North America
  • Color spectrum: Light green juicy foliage
  • Height: 10-15 cm.
  • Growing conditions: Shadow, half, wet humus soil, frost resistance to -18 Celsius.
  • Features:evergreen Perennial with sowed leaves up to 15 cm long, the shape of the honesty with pointed tips, in the middle lane it is not bad under the snow, it is quickly restored when you are freezing.


EUROPEAN'S HOUSE - poisonous and, as it can simultaneously, medicinal plant. He causes a vomit reflex in alcohol persons (such a wonderful reaction!) And extensively applied in folk medicine. But to sense a negative impact, it is necessary, at least to eat :)

It blooms the hooven is not clear, under the canopy of its own leaves, but he has flowers, although small, but rather busy.

Kojten in garden design

The shady lanes of the garden is best to turn the border from Azarum. The dense cushion perfectly sees the material of the pavement or a mulching layer of garden path and will not give a single chance of weeds. The relatively rapid growth of the creeping rhizome will make it possible to fill the space literally in three or four years.

The same growth feature causes the use of the welflings in the design of the nearby trees zone.

Small growth and high decorativeness provided an azarum place in the first rows of garden parquet.

And the hoofer looks great on the background of stones.

Form and color combination

The best and, perhaps, the only use of Azarum in the mixboro is the lower tier and the forefront of the shadow flower garden.