
How to properly install a water pump in a well. Self-installation of a borehole pump

House and plot

After the drilling work is completed, the correct installation of the downhole pump in the well is required. This will ensure its smooth and long-term operation. The owner of the site will be able to cope with this procedure on his own if he has a standard set of tools and necessary materials.

Equipment selection

In the drilled hole, you need to select a pump that will meet all operational requirements. You need to choose accordingly from submersible models, since surface devices are able to work at shallow depths, less than 8-10 meters.


A popular budget option for a pump that well owners love for its low maintenance and affordable cost. It does not have bulky bearings or constantly rotating elements, which reduces wear, reduces heat levels and extends the interval of continuous operation during one turn. Models of vibration pumps are easy to mount and install in the well.

At the same time, they are very economical, weigh little due to the principle of oscillation, and not the operation of complex mechanical components that require lubrication. With proper operation, they serve for a very long time, but have a number of features. So, for example, vibration equipment can only be used in a fixed well, otherwise the soil will begin to crumble and close the well. The recommended immersion depth is up to 3 meters, which also entails a number of restrictions.


This type of equipment is designed to work at greater depths than the vibrating counterpart. However, centrifugal pumps are more expensive. With their help, it is possible to pump both cold water and hot water or some solutions of chemically active liquids.

Among the shortcomings, it should be noted a small pressure, not exceeding 45-40 meters. There is no self-suction function of the liquid - before starting the unit into operation, it is necessary to fill in the liquid. And most importantly - its power relative to vibration is weak.

VIDEO: Which well pump is better

Installation rules

  • Installation of a deep well pump in a well, the video of which is presented on the page, begins with checking the correct installation of the casing.

It should have the most vertical state, which is controlled by a plumb line. Excessive misalignment can affect the performance of the pump.

  • We also check the ease of passage through the casing. The most acceptable gap between the pump wall and the pipe is at least 5-7 millimeters on each side.
  • Too small a distance will lead to rapid wear of the housing. This is especially true for vibration models. Their principle of operation provides for the possibility of a small stroke inside the working hole.

Carrying out the procedure

The pump can be hung on a nylon cord or a stranded cable from 5 mm in diameter. For the cord, we select the tensile strength, which will be 5-10 times the mass of the pump. Information about this parameter is on the packaging. The end of the cable should be cut as little as possible, and then lightly burned with matches or a lighter so that the rope does not untangle.

When diving to the horizon below 10-15 meters, it is customary to form a damping unit. It is made of high quality rubber or medium hardness spring. During operation, the pump will vibrate, and this solution will reduce the amplitude of the oscillation.

Be sure to use a suspension, the strength of which is enough to withstand 10 times the mass of the drainage pump. The attachment point is best done at a distance of at least 10 cm from the inlets.

To ensure rigidity, the bundle of cable, pipe (flexible hose) and cord is fixed with electrical tape.

We tightly wrap a couple of circles in the form of a ring every 1.3-1.5 m of the length from the pump until the entire bundle exits the drill hole. The first ring must be made from the pump at a distance no further than half a meter.

When connecting, it is undesirable to use threaded connections. They will turn out to be poorly effective due to the effects of corrosion, because there is an aggressive humid environment around the pipe.

In extreme cases, a flange connection is used. At the same time, there is a subtlety when the bolt must necessarily go towards the bottom, so when dismantling the structure it will be easier to stick out the assembled pipes with the pump.

Before connecting an additional accumulator to the pumping station, we put the upper side of the discharge pipeline on the base plate. At the next stage, we mount the check valve and, if necessary, install the valve. A device for measuring the current pressure in the system can be mounted in the design.

We attach the prepared suspension to the transverse beam. At the final stage, we lower the pump into the well. In the process, it is desirable to exclude thorns on the walls of the body, doing everything strictly vertically.

It is advisable to leave a place for measuring the stationary water level. To do this, a gas collection pipe is mounted in one of the holes of the support platform. It must be lowered below the dynamic water level.

Using a megohmmeter, we detect the level of current resistance of the winding on the electric motor with the cable lowered. Now you can connect the control station to the pump.

Permissible depth

The owner of the well, using its passport, can determine the value of the stationary water level. It is physically measured from the soil horizontal to the liquid horizontal with the equipment inoperative. When the pump is started, the water goes to a lower level. It can also be measured or found out from the passport. This value refers to the dynamic water level.

Scheme of the correct location of equipment relative to the level of the house and the well

It will be possible to ensure proper cooling of the pump and its built-in electric motor when the submerged pump is hung on a horizon of at least 0.3-0.4 m below the dynamic level. A more correct position would be 2-3 meters below the dynamic level.

At the same time, the operation of a vibration or centrifugal pump at the very bottom should not be allowed. You will need to hang the device, 1 ... 2 meters back from the lowest point. This will ensure that there is clean water in the system.

Emergency pump replacement

The need for replacement does not occur very often. However, breakdowns occur or the device develops its full operational resource. Then it must be replaced with a new one. There are reasons for accidents due to negligence or improper operation. In case of insufficient power, it is also possible to replace the pump with a more productive apparatus.

You can replace the pump yourself or with the help of specialists. The second option is preferable for beginners. Especially if it was installed before you, and there is also no information about the depth of the well or the hydraulic equipment has a significant mass.

Most of the connections will need to be cut and the clamps will need to be replaced with new ones after significant corrosion processes. Having disconnected the pipes, we check the operability of the device in any container. If necessary, we change it to a more powerful or working one.

SAW: Drainage pump - how to disassemble and repair

Happy owners of dachas and individual houses are well aware that the level of comfort of their homes depends on the successful solution of the problem of water supply. A person spoiled by civilization is unlikely to want to regularly go to a well or a river with a bucket. If it is not possible to connect to a centralized water supply system, you have to equip an autonomous one. Most often, a well is drilled on the site. Her work must be well organized, otherwise problems cannot be avoided. Installing a water pump in a well is the most important stage in its arrangement. How to do everything right? Let's figure it out.

Preliminary work

Choosing the right pump is important. The equipment must fully comply with the size of the well. The difference in the diameters of the casing pipe and the pump will lead to serious problems in the operation of the equipment, up to its damage. For example, with a large gap, the pump will not be able to provide sufficient water velocity to fully cool the engine, which can simply burn out.

The documents for the equipment indicate all the minimum allowable values. They must be taken into account. One more nuance. At the joints of the casing pipes, their diameter decreases slightly, despite this, the pump must freely pass into the well. Forcible "pushing" of the mechanism is unacceptable. Before installing the pump in the well, it is worth checking the casing for possible irregularities, narrowing or curvature. The detected defects must be eliminated, otherwise they will seriously complicate the installation of the equipment and its operation.

Installation of a submersible pump in a well step by step

When starting the installation of submersible equipment, you need to remember that it is designed to work under water. This places special demands on the waterproofing of the system. It is important to make all connections as accurately and efficiently as possible.

The pump installation procedure includes several main steps.

Preparation of the pump and pipes

First of all, you need to install a nipple or adapter on the pump, to which we will subsequently attach pipes. The nipple will provide us with a transition from an internal thread to an external one. For some models of pumps, such an adapter is included in the sales package. If there is no nipple, it must be purchased. And it is best to do this at the same time as buying a pump, so it will be easier to choose the right adapter.

When installing the nipple, it will be necessary to make a threaded connection. For better tightness, it is carried out with winding. Plumbers usually use tow or fum tape. In this case, it is better to refuse both options. The best choice is Tangit tape or linen. When working with flax, be sure to treat the joint with silicone sealant or a similar compound. Such a connection will be resistant not only to internal pressure, but also to possible hydraulic shocks.

We wind the coupling onto the nipple. We begin to prepare pipes. They can be metal or polypropylene. In any case, experts recommend using products with a diameter of at least 32 mm. Narrower pipes will significantly limit the water pressure, which will adversely affect the operation of the pump. We align the prepared pipe section as much as possible. This is necessary so that it enters the well as evenly as possible, without distortions. Connect the pipe to the pump.

Electrical cable connection

Before starting the installation of a borehole pump, it is necessary to provide its power supply. To do this, you need to connect the power cable. It may or may not be included with the pump. In the second case, you need to consult an electrician and purchase a suitable cable. We connect the prepared cable to the electrical terminals of the engine. Be sure to isolate the connection points with special heat shrink tubing, install a heat shrink sleeve on top. So we will provide the most reliable waterproofing.

Grid preparation

The power cable connected to the pump is laid along the pipe. Now we need to secure the well pump with a cable so that we can lower it down. It is best to take a metal cable, but a strong nylon cord is also suitable. We securely fasten it to the body using special mounting lugs for this. We lay out the fixed cable along the cable and pipe. We got a "track" of three elements that need to be fixed to each other. It is best to use special clamps for this, but electrical tape or wire is quite suitable.

We lower the device into the well smoothly, without touching the walls of the casing pipe with the equipment

Lowering the pump

We fix the upper end of the pipeline to the base plate above the well, mount a check valve, if it is not on the pump, an elbow, a valve and a pressure gauge. Then we connect all devices to the water supply system. We attach the prepared suspension system to the crossbar, now you can lower it. To properly install the pump in the well, you need to ensure its smooth descent into the casing. The mechanism should not touch its walls, if this is not possible, you need to protect the case with a rubber ring.

Installing a water pump in a well is a complex procedure. Even a minor mistake can lead to problems in the operation of an autonomous water supply system and damage to equipment. It is better to entrust the procedure to specialists who know exactly how the pump is installed in the well. They will quickly and efficiently carry out the installation of equipment and give a guarantee for its uninterrupted operation.

Video: pump installation

The issue of the need for water on a land plot has not been considered in recent years, everyone understands that nothing living can exist without life-giving moisture. That is why own wells are an essential attribute of a modern landowner. It remains to be determined only by whom and how the workflow will be carried out.

It must be understood that an improperly installed pump will not only serve a little, but can also violate the integrity of the foundation of a nearby building.

Beginning of work

The drilled well on the site is only the first stage of water production. Further, the next task for the landowner is how to properly install the pump in the well.

The solution to this issue consists of several sub-points:

  • The right choice of units.
  • Direct installation of pumps in the well.
  • Equipment immersion depth.

Choosing a well pump

Buying a pump to supply water from a well to the surface is a crucial moment.

Therefore, several factors should be taken into account in order to avoid unpleasant surprises that entail the replacement of an unsuitable system:

  • The diameter of the body of the unit must correspond to the inner diameter of the casing pipes (well walls), taking into account the fact that at the points of their connection with each other, the diameter decreases slightly.

Important! The frame of the system should not be pushed through with difficulty, but should be freely immersed in the casing. With this choice, installing a borehole pump with your own hands will become a simple, not burdensome task.

  • Only centrifugal borehole pumps should be considered, the use of vibration units is undesirable in wells, especially sandy ones. Do not be tempted by the fact that the price is the lowest.

For your information! Sandy wells are those drilled to the depth of perched water, groundwater or interstratal waters.

  • A technical parameter such as pump performance matters. The required performance depends on the planned amount of water consumed, the uninterrupted supply of water to your home and other outbuildings depends on it.

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Technology of self-installation of the pump in the well

When all the equipment is selected and purchased, the last question remains, how to install a borehole pump. Of course, you can invite professionals, they will equip your well with high quality and in the shortest possible time and put it into operation for you. But this service will cost you a lot, so many land owners prefer to deal with this on their own.

Now a small instruction on how to install a pump in a well for those who decide to do this work with their own hands.

For clarity and to facilitate understanding of the installation process, consider the simplest diagram of the pumping unit, which includes:

  • Directly the submersible electric pump itself.
  • Clamps securing the power cable to the pipe.
  • Knot of fastening of the cable holding the pump (from stainless steel).
  • Power cable.
  • Pressure gauge.
  • Check valve.
  • Locking device for regulating the flow of water.
  • We install a nipple (adapter) on the outlet pipe of the unit for connecting pipes. Usually such an adapter is included with the pump. Otherwise, it must be purchased separately. A coupling is screwed onto the nipple.
  • All threaded connections must be "planted" on the winding. Modern plumbers use FUM tape in this capacity, although some use tow in the old fashioned way. However, for the installation of borehole pumps, another winding material should be used - Tangit tape or flax fiber. To ensure the tightness of the joints, the flax fiber is coated with a silicone sealant or other similar lubricant.
  • Both metal and polypropylene pipes can be involved in the installation of a submersible pump. In any case, the recommended pipe diameter is at least 32 mm. Thinner pipes will limit the pressure of the water flow.

Preparatory stage (pump piping)

The pipe connected to the pump should be as flat as possible for the equipment to be easily immersed in the well.

After aligning the pipe, we attach it to the pump.

Important! The main thing that should not be overlooked is the thorough and reliable waterproofing of all connections, since the submersible pump is constantly in the water. The reliability of the waterproofing of power supply elements will extend the service life of heat shrink tubes by covering them with heat shrink sleeves.

  • We connect the power cable, straighten it along the pipe.

  • The stainless steel cable for lowering the pump into the well is securely fastened to the mounting eyes and laid out like a cable, parallel to the pipe.
  • We fix the electric cable and the cable in the pipe into a single route using clamps.

Pumping equipment designed for installation in a well acts as an important element responsible for water intake. The functioning of the entire water supply system will depend on how correctly the equipment was selected and installed. Before starting the installation of the pump, it is necessary to analyze the well for the absence of curvature or any kind of narrowing that it may have. If such conditions occur, then it is necessary to be prepared for the fact that the installation will occur with some difficulties. It must be remembered that the life of the equipment will be significantly reduced. If the difference between the diameters of the pipes turned out to be quite impressive, then the device will not be able to cool properly. This will cause the pump to catch fire. Experts emphasize that even too small a difference can lead to problems that will arise during the operation of the equipment. If you are interested in this issue, then you can find out about the minimum allowable indicators by looking at the technical documentation.

Installing a pump in a well

It should be carried out into the well only after a cord is selected by the foreman or team, to which certain requirements are imposed. The rope must withstand a breaking load that is five times the mass of the device itself. Among other things, it is necessary to pay attention to what distance must be maintained to fix the suspension. Be sure to exclude the absorption of the node. To do this, it should be located no closer than 10 m from the inlet. If the installation of the pump in the well is accompanied by lowering the device to a more impressive depth, then a spring suspension is fixed at the end of the cable. This component will help dampen vibrations. A medical tourniquet can act as this element.

Technological features of the installation

Installation of the pump in the well should not involve the use of a steel cable, which some craftsmen use as a suspension. This rule should not be neglected for the reason that the metal element is able to break the fasteners located on the pump housing. Maintaining a step in the range from 0.7 to 1.3 meters, it is necessary to strengthen the electric cord, the nylon suspension, and the pipe (the latter must be made of metal-plastic) between each other. To carry out these manipulations, electrical tape should be used. Stepping back from the pipe about 20 cm, you need to make one fastening.

How to avoid mistakes

Installation of the pump in the well should not involve the use of threaded connections to connect the device. Experts say that they can be subject to corrosion during operation. That is why it is recommended to use an alternative solution that involves the engagement of the fixing bolt, which must always face up, while the nut will look down. In this way, you will be able to prevent the bolt from falling into the well, which can happen quite by accident. If this cannot be avoided, then the work of the well will be stopped.

When a submersible pump is installed in a well, the upper part, which belongs to the discharge pipeline, must be well fixed to the base plate. Then you can begin installation work involving the use of a check valve. It is worth considering that this recommendation is true for all variations that are devoid of this component. To the crossbar you need to strengthen the suspension. It is important to exclude any contact of the surface of the pump housing with the walls of the well. If you are not sure that you can perform these manipulations without the interaction of materials, then you can play it safe by protecting the case using a rubber ring. The insulation resistance of the motor winding is determined by a pressure gauge. The next step will be to check if the device is deep enough. After that, you can test how well the electric motor functions when it is loaded.

About diving depth

If you yourself decide to install a water pump in a well, then you need to think about the depth of its location. The equipment is installed 30 cm below the so-called dynamic water level. This figure is the minimum. Under the static level, the distance from the water surface to the surface of the earth should be raised. After pumping out water from the water intake, measure the level at which the stop will be made. This position will become the dynamic level. The step from the pump to the bottom should be equal to the limit of 1 to 2 meters. This figure can be increased. If a submersible pump is being installed in a well for the first time, then when choosing equipment, it is necessary to pay attention to those models that have a float switch. If the water level in the well reaches the most critical level, then the float switch will perform its function, stopping the engine.

Re-installation of the pump in the well

Do-it-yourself installation of the pump in the well can be done again. This need arises in some cases. Among them, one can single out the fall of equipment into the water intake. The most common cause is a break in the fastening cable. It may be necessary to replace the installation even if the equipment modification is incorrectly selected. Quite often, purchased pumps have insufficient or, conversely, excessive power. This also applies to performance. Re-installation in the well may be necessary even if the operation or installation was carried out in violation of the rules and technology. Well owners are faced with the problem of a voltage drop that occurs in the power grid. This may also contribute to the need to change equipment. The re-installation of the water pump in the well is also carried out when the electric cable is pulled out, as well as when the equipment is wedged. If a break in the riser pipe, cable sagging, and groundwater fluctuations have been noticed, the equipment must be immediately removed and replaced.

Replacing the pump with a new one

You can carry out replacement work on your own or use the services of specialists. If you decide to carry out the work yourself, then you will need the help of a few more people. One master will not be able to cope with the weight of 100 kilograms, which is possessed by equipment located at a depth of 50 meters. You will need a safety cable for manipulation. After removing the equipment, it should be checked for maintainability. If there is no chance to return the pump to work, then you need to purchase and install a new unit.

Work procedure

Step-by-step installation of the pump in the well involves the initial disconnection of the equipment from the power supply. In the place where the pipe connection was made, the fastening must be unscrewed. The old pump is removed quite slowly, while it is necessary to provide insurance with a cable. It is necessary to pull the equipment continuously, with the help of three people. After removing the pump, you can proceed to install a new one. Downhole installation involves fixing the device on the pipe. A cable must be connected to the base, as well as soldered wires and installed a fluid coupling. The wires are fixed to the pipe. The next step is to lower the device into the well. The electrical cable must be protected from chafing at the edge.

Final works

As soon as the pump reaches the required depth, it should be tested by connecting it to the mains. If the need arises, then it will be necessary to reconfigure the automation. Installation of a deep well pump in a well can be carried out independently, however, experts recommend seeking professional help. Among other things, this approach is more acceptable also for the reason that a team of professionals guarantees a successful outcome.

Citizens change their registration with great joy: becoming a resident of a suburban village is both pleasant, prestigious, and good for health. True, such a change in habitat means that power outages and walking with a bucket to fetch water will become commonplace for most of the settlers. You can put up with it, or you can fight it. To buy and install the same generator, you need quite a bit of time. But with the source of water, everything is much more complicated. It is difficult to find a place for a well on your own, and digging it is generally life-threatening. It is best to contact specialists who will do this work for you. They will also tell you if it is possible to drill and install a pump in a well on the site, if this option suits you better.

Installation and commissioning rules

Before you install the pump in the well, you need to check for bumps, curvature or narrowing of the casing. All this can not only significantly complicate the installation, but also reduce the life of the equipment. If the difference in the diameters of the pipe and the pump is too small, all surface defects will affect its operation, if it is too large, the pump may burn out. The fact is that in the latter case, the speed of water movement, which is necessary for engine cooling, will not be provided. The minimum allowable values ​​must be specified in the technical documentation.

The pump is hung on a nylon cord capable of withstanding a breaking load that is five times its weight. To avoid suction of the knot on which the suspension is fixed, it is tied at a distance of at least 10 centimeters from the inlets, and its tips are melted. If the pump is lowered less than ten meters, an additional spring suspension must be attached to the end of the cord to dampen the vibration. It can be a medical tourniquet or a flexible rubber band.

Do not use iron wire or rope as a suspension, as they break the fasteners on the aluminum pump casing during operation.

The power cord, nylon suspension and metal-plastic pipe are fastened with electrical tape in increments of 70-130 centimeters. The first bundle should be at least 20-30 centimeters from the pump nozzle.

The pump suspension is selected in such a way that it can withstand a load that is 5-10 times the weight of the pump. And the attachment point should be ten centimeters from the inlets

Connecting the pump to the well does not involve the use of threaded connections. They reduce the strength of pipes, corrode. Flanged connections will last much longer. When using them, the fixing bolt must be inserted from above, and the nut from below, since a bolt that has fallen into the well can lead to a serious accident.

The upper end of the discharge pipeline is attached to the base plate. Then a check valve is installed on it (if it is not on the pump), a valve, a knee, a pressure gauge and the equipment is connected to the water supply system.

Next, the suspension should be attached to the crossbar. This is the last thing to do before lowering the pump into the well. When lowering, it should not touch the walls. If this cannot be guaranteed, it is better to protect the housing with a rubber ring.

The pump must be lowered into the well very carefully, avoiding contact and hitting the walls. Just in case, you can put a rubber ring on the case

In order to measure the water level in the well, a column of gas pipes is installed in the hole of the base plate. It is immersed below the dynamic level.

With a megohmmeter, it is necessary to determine the insulation resistance of the motor winding with the cable lowered. After that, the control station is connected to the pump, it is checked whether it is sufficiently immersed in water and the operation of the electric motor under load is evaluated.

To what depth can and should the pump be lowered?

The static level is the length of the segment from the ground level to the water table in its natural state. Then water is pumped out of the well. The level at which the water stops is called dynamic.

The pump drops below the dynamic water level by two meters, and at least one meter must remain to the bottom of the well

In order for the engine to cool properly, the pump must be lowered to a mark of at least 30 centimeters below the dynamic level, and a dive two to three meters below this mark is considered optimal. It should be remembered that the distance to the bottom of the well should be at least 1-2 meters.

How to replace the pump in the well in case of an accident?

The need to replace the pump rarely occurs, mainly due to the fact that the pump was installed incorrectly in the well. The cause of the accident may lie in the incorrectly selected automatic power supply, and in the low power of the pump itself. For example, if it is designed for a 50-meter dive, but in fact it is installed at a depth of 80 meters, then repairs will be needed in a few months.

The automatic power supply is set to working, and from such a depth a weak pump simply cannot lift it. As a result of constant work without shutting down, it quickly breaks down.

As in any situation, there are two ways out: we call repair specialists or we do everything ourselves.

Option number 1: we call deep pump repair specialists

First of all, this option is suitable for those who do not understand pumping equipment. Professionals can objectively assess the situation, identify the causes that led to equipment failures. Perhaps only the automatic power supply is not working properly, and the pump itself is in working condition. In this case, it is enough to properly configure it.

Another plus for those who have already decided that such repairs are beyond their power is the guarantee that the contractor gives. Also, in addition to the basic work, you will be fully configured for the entire water supply system. Of course, you need to pay for such services, and if we are talking about replacing the pump, then the amount will be impressive.

Option number 2: do-it-yourself pump replacement

On your own, the replacement of the pump in the well is carried out only if you are sure that it is malfunctioning. If in doubt, it is better to consult a specialist.

It is simply impossible to do this work alone, you will need the help of at least five more people: at a depth of 100 meters, a pump with a cable and suspension weighs about 250 kilograms.

    • First of all, you need to prepare a metalwork tool, an electric soldering iron, a building hair dryer, a heat-shrink sleeve, scissors and consumables.

Then we disconnect the well head pipeline and the pump power cable from the main line going to the house. After that, unscrew the tightening element.

When lifting the pump, be sure to use a safety rope. If the pump fails, it will be impossible to raise it, which means that the well will also be used in the future.

  • The pump raised to the surface is disconnected from the line. We inspect the pump, if it is still in working order, replace the connecting mechanism, coupling and check valve. The old ones, most likely, have already lost their working properties, so it is better to put in new ones. If the old pump cannot be repaired, install a new one.
    Next, we connect the main pipeline with the pump, solder the power cable, remembering the tightness of the connection and the heat shrink sleeve. We attach a safety cable, check its tension.

We prepare the new pump for diving, solder the power cable and attach the safety cable

    Installation of a deep well pump in a well must be carried out with the utmost care. It is undesirable to allow contact with the walls of the casing.

The pump must be lowered into the well very carefully - we make sure that it does not hit the wall

    We tighten the borehole head, attach the fittings to the piping and configure the automation in accordance with the specified parameters.

We set up automatic power supply in accordance with the specified working pressure parameters

The most convenient option for organizing water supply in a suburban area is a well. The submersible pump runs quietly, and if the installation and commissioning were done correctly, then next time you will have to look into the well very soon.