
What are light switches called? Overview of switches with a dimmer: what are they and how to connect? Features of selection and operation


Over time, household appliances undergo changes, becoming safer and more comfortable to use. Relatively recently, dimmers have come into wide use - devices that change the power of lamps.

A light switch with a dimmer switch is especially convenient to use - a device that practically does not differ externally from a conventional device.

Let's take a look at the design features of devices with a regulator, their advantages and disadvantages, as well as connection options.

Dimmer - a special device, the purpose of which is the gradual regulation of the level of artificial lighting. With the help, you can transform a room by creating a twilight in it or a flood of light.

The first mechanical device was patented in the 1890s in the United States. It was used to gradually darken the theater hall.

Typical functions of such devices, which allow you to change the voltage of devices from 0 to 220 volts, are turning on and off lamps, as well as changing the degree of light supply

The set of options for modern devices is much wider. They can be programmed to turn off automatically by setting a timer, or set to simulate the effect of presence. This involves turning on / off, as well as changing the brightness of the light for a certain time, for example, a day, according to a given mode.

Distribution was also received by variants of devices that allow remote or voice control. All these dimmers fit perfectly into the smart home system and play an important role in it.

Models of dimming switches

The profile market offers a wide range of models that can be classified based on various criteria:

  • working principle;
  • design features;
  • adjustment equipment;
  • compatibility with lamps of different types.

Let's take a closer look at these classifications.

Thermostat and triac dimmers

According to the principle of operation, all equipment can be divided into two fundamentally different large groups.

Dimmers based on a rheostat

Initially, dimmers were made using a set of resistors. By changing the resistance with a lever, it was possible to adjust the lighting. With an increase in this indicator, the current strength fell, and the light in the lamp became weaker. Conversely, by reducing the resistance, it was possible to increase the luminous flux.

Such devices have a fairly simple device, however, dimmers differ from manufacturer to manufacturer due to the build quality and components used. Such variability affects the stability of operation (especially at low voltage) and smooth running.

Rheostatic type dimmer device. The disadvantage of such devices is their lack of efficiency, especially when used with incandescent lamps.

Rheostatic dimmers convert light energy into heat, so their use practically does not reduce electricity costs.

Triac dimmers

A more modern option are devices made on the basis of a triac (triac) - a semiconductor device.

The principle of operation of such devices is as follows. To turn on the lamp, it is necessary that a current pass through the triac, that is, you need to create a certain voltage between the electrodes. This is achieved by charging the capacitor from the potentiometer R, while the latter will change the phase angle.

As soon as the voltage indicator on the capacitor reaches a certain value, the triac will open, so that an electric current can pass through it. In this case, the resistance of the device drops, which is why the light bulb will burn more strongly. A similar process is observed with both positive and negative half-waves. This is due to the symmetry of the diac and triac, for which it does not matter in which direction the electron flow flows.

The voltage across a resistive load is an alternation of positive and negative half-waves that follow alternately at a frequency of 100 Hz. Due to extremely short sections at low voltage, flickering can be observed, which is deprived of rheostat dimmers, as well as dimmers equipped with frequency converters.

Features of the design of dimmers

According to the design features, several types of devices can be distinguished, the most common of which are modular, monoblock and boxed.

Modular dimmers

Distribution boards are usually equipped with dimmers of this type. Such devices are perfectly combined with incandescent lamps and equipped with step-down transformers.

Monoblock devices and their types

Such devices are a complete unit installed in a mounting box in the same way as a traditional switch. To install such a device, you must first take care of the mounting socket, the size of which depends on the parameters of the dimmer (the size range starts from 26 mm).

Manufacturers produce a wide range of monoblock models that differ in size, colors, and design. This allows you to choose a fixture for any most sophisticated interior.

Dimmers of this type are especially recommended for installation in thin partitions, where, due to insufficient wall thickness, it is difficult to place conventional fixtures. The difference between monoblocks and the previous category of devices lies in the two-wire connection, which is why it is included in the break in the phase load circuit.

In turn, considering the method of regulating monoblock devices, several varieties can also be distinguished:

  • push-turn;
  • keyboards;
  • rotary;
  • sensory;
  • remote.

These options are shown below.

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Turning on push-turn devices is carried out by pressing the knob of the key, while its rotation allows you to adjust the level of light.

Dimmer and Lamp Compatibility

When choosing dimmers, it is necessary to pay attention to the types of lighting devices for which they are intended.

For incandescent, as well as halogen lamps, designed for standard voltage, almost any device is suitable. It is only important to remember that as the voltage decreases, the color of the light flux will change. At low voltage, it has a reddish tint, which is not only unpleasant, but also harmful to the eyes.

For regulation of low voltage halogen devices (12-24 V), step-down transformers (RL) compatible devices are suitable. If an electronic transformer is expected, it is recommended to give preference to a dimmer model marked C.

Control devices for low-voltage light sources, as a rule, are equipped with mechanisms that smoothly turn on / off. It is important to keep in mind that such devices are particularly sensitive to mains voltage fluctuations, which can lead to a significant reduction in the operating period.

Combined with various types of lamps, devices allow you to ennoble the room, at the same time making it more comfortable. With an attractive design, the switches are also a great addition to the interior.

Dimmers for high-voltage electrical circuits are most often used to control the brightness level of theater halls. Since there is a significant power consumption in this case, it is important to make sure that the selected dimmer model is designed for significant loads.

In the design of switches with regulators designed for luminescent lighting sources, a special starting device is provided for converting the supply frequency in the range of 20-59 kHz. This allows you to change the value of the current passing through the circuit, which allows you to influence the level of brightness of the lamps.

The basis for the operation of dimmers used for LED lamps is the method of pulse-width modulation. The degree of power of the light flux is adjusted by changing the duration of the current pulses that are fed to the LEDs with an optimally adjusted amplitude. Due to the high frequency of the applied pulses, reaching 0.3 MHz, the flickering of the lamps, which is harmful to vision, is excluded.

To learn about the features of dimmers and their compatibility with various lighting devices, the markings that are applied to such devices allow:

  • The Latin letter R printed on the dimmer indicates that it can be used to adjust the light in incandescent lamps with an "Ohm" or "Resistive" load.
  • The designation with the letter L allows operation with transformers that reduce voltage and inductive loads.
  • The Latin letter C indicates that the device can be combined with electronic transformers (“Capacitive” load).

A special badge, indicating the admission of lighting adjustment, is also placed on fluorescent and energy-saving lamps.

Advantages and disadvantages of dimmers

Among the advantages of various types of switches with regulators is the smooth start of the lighting system, which can significantly increase the service life of lighting fixtures (the service life of incandescent lamps in this case increases up to 40%).

Dimmers can be used not only to control light, but also to regulate the voltage of other appliances (kettles, irons, heaters). In this case, it is important to observe the correspondence between the power of the device and the load exerted on it.

Such devices create endless possibilities for interior design. With their help, it is easy to spotlight the selected area, create interesting light patterns. A valuable quality of dimmers is also the ability to control light sources remotely or with the help of sounds.

However, these devices also have their drawbacks. Dimmers can only be used to control light sources whose power corresponds to that of the device. Due to the characteristics of the output voltage, step-down transformers may not work correctly.

The devices may generate electromagnetic interference that will interfere with the operation of radios and other devices. Certain types of lamps (especially those equipped with additional devices - electronic ballasts, drivers) in principle cannot be combined with dimmers. The efficiency of dimmers when working with incandescent lamps is quite low. Lowering the brightness of the lamps has little effect on the consumption of electricity, which instead of light turns into heat.

Three main connection schemes

Dimmers are built into the break in the power circuit, which allows these devices to regulate the voltage supplied to the lighting devices. In this case, several installation schemes are possible.

In bedrooms, adjustment from two places is often used. In this case, one device is mounted by the bed, the other is connected at the entrance, which allows you to change the brightness of the lighting while lying in bed.

After completing the work, you need to turn on the electric current and try the process of adjusting the light to check the correct functioning of the device.

Connecting a switch with a built-in dimmer

On sale, you can often find switches, the design of which involves a built-in element that regulates the brightness of the light. Their installation is no different from the installation of a conventional device.

A switch is inserted into a hole specially made in the wall, from which the top cover is previously removed. The structure is connected to the wiring and fixed with bolts. As in the previous case, it is necessary to check the quality of work: after turning on the electricity, the device must allow dimming the lighting.

Connecting a device with a remote button

For the bedroom, it is very convenient to connect the dimmer at the same time as a simple switch, while the dimmer is installed near the bed in order to control the level of lighting directly from the bed.

The kit of such a device includes additional control buttons, which can be installed at a distance of up to 50 meters from the regulator.

Despite the various schemes for connecting dimmers, you must always follow the basic rule - the installation is carried out in series from the source of electricity and the phase cable

To mount the device, the phase wire is connected to the terminal of the regulator No. 1 and the first terminals of the remote buttons. From the second terminals of the remote buttons, the wire is transferred to terminal B of the regulator. The load is connected to terminal No. 2 of the dimmer and the neutral wire N.

Leading manufacturers of dimmers

Switches with a dimming function are included in the catalogs of many companies specializing in the production of electrical equipment. We will name just a few of them.

Schneider Electric(France). Power engineering company founded in 1836. Branded dimmers (Unica, Merten) are distinguished by both good build quality and spectacular design (streamlined shape, wide range of colors), thanks to which they serve as interior decoration.

Teco. The Czech company Teco began its activity in 1919, having established the production of equipment for telegraphs and telephony. It is currently the world's leading manufacturer of sensors, touch buttons and similar devices. A large place in the catalog is given to dimmers, which captivate with a combination of excellent performance and affordable price.

Jung. A family-owned German company with over a century of history, offers a wide range of electrical products and specialized equipment, including dimmers. All products of the enterprise are characterized by high technical parameters, functionality, excellent build quality and components used, as well as a well-designed design.

Legrand. The French company, founded in 1886, is currently the leader in the production of electrical equipment. The company's products are used for domestic and industrial purposes, and administrative buildings are also equipped with them.

The company pays great attention to the development of innovative technologies, conducting its own scientific research. The company produces high-tech dimmer models that fit perfectly into systems.

Gira(Germany). Founded in 1905, the German company currently has offices in 37 countries of the world, including Russia. The company is characterized by a quick response to customer requests.

This is achieved through tireless monitoring of the profile market, as well as the existing production and scientific base. The dimmers produced by the company are characterized by a universal classic design and impeccable quality, which guarantees long-term use.

A dimmer with which you can change the brightness level of the lighting is a comfortable device that allows you to create a cozy atmosphere in the room and reduce energy consumption. The presented range of such products is quite wide. In order not to make a mistake in choosing, you need to take into account the power of the lamps with which it will be combined, the design features of the device, its planned placement, as well as the appearance of the device.

In this article, we will consider a device that is sold in electrical stores as a dimmer for incandescent lamps. It's a dimmer. Name "Dimmer" came from the English verb "to dim" - to darken, to become dull. In other words, the dimmer can be adjusted. At the same time, it is remarkable that the power consumption also decreases proportionally.

The simplest dimmers have one rotary knob for adjustment, and two leads for connection, and are used to adjust the brightness of incandescent lamps and. Recently, dimmers have also appeared to adjust the brightness of fluorescent lamps.

Previously, rheostats were used to adjust the brightness of incandescent lamps, the power of which was not less than the load power. Moreover, when the brightness was lowered, the remaining power was not saved in any way, but was dissipated uselessly in the form of heat on the rheostat. At the same time, no one talked about saving, it simply did not exist. And such devices were used where it was really only necessary to adjust the brightness - for example, in theaters.

So it was before the advent of wonderful semiconductor devices - dinistor and triac (symmetric thyristor). See: . In English practice, other names are accepted - diak and triak. Based on these details and work modern dimmers.

Connecting a dimmer

The scheme for switching on a dimmer is impossibly simple - you can’t imagine it easier. It turns on in the same way as a conventional switch - in the break of the load power supply circuit, that is, the lamp. In terms of installation dimensions and mounting, the dimmer is identical to the switch. Therefore, you can install it in the same way as a switch - in a mounting box, and installing a dimmer does not differ from installing a conventional switch (). The only condition that the manufacturer makes is to observe the connection of the leads to the phase and to the load.

All dimmers that are now on sale can be divided into 2 groups - rotary, or rotary (with a regulator - potentiometer) and electronic, or push-button, controlled using buttons.

When adjusting (dimming) the potentiometer knob, the brightness depends on the angle of rotation. A push-button dimmer is more flexible in terms of control flexibility. You can connect several buttons in parallel, and control the dimmer from any number of places. Of course, this is theoretical, in practice the number of control places is limited to 3-4, and the maximum length of the wires is about 10 meters, and the circuit can be critical to interference and interference. Therefore, the manufacturer's installation instructions must be strictly followed.

The price for dimmers with a regulator and with buttons differs by an order of magnitude, because a push-button dimmer (for example, a Legrand dimmer) is usually assembled with. Therefore, rotary dimmers are much more common, which we will discuss below.

The device and circuit of the rotary dimmer

The rotary dimmer device is very simple, but may vary from manufacturer to manufacturer. At the same time, the main difference is in the quality of assembly and components.

The scheme of triac regulators is basically the same everywhere, differs only in the presence of additional parts for more stable operation at low "output" voltages and for smooth regulation.

The principle of operation of the dimmer circuit is as follows. In order for the lamp to light up, it is necessary that the triac passes a current through itself. This will happen when a certain voltage appears between the electrodes of the triac A1 and G. Here's how it appears.

At the beginning of the positive half-wave, the capacitor begins to charge through the potentiometer R. It is clear that the charge rate depends on the value of R. In other words, the potentiometer changes the phase angle. When the voltage on the capacitor reaches a value sufficient to open the triac and dinistor, the triac opens.

In other words, its resistance becomes very small, and the light bulb burns until the end of the half-wave. The same thing happens with the negative half-wave, since the diac and triac are symmetrical devices, and they do not care which way the current flows through them.

As a result, it turns out that the voltage on the active load is "stubs" of negative and positive half-waves, which follow each other with a frequency of 100 Hz. At low brightness, when the lamp is powered by very short "pieces" of voltage, flicker is noticeable. What can not be said about rheostat regulators and regulators with frequency conversion.

This is what it looks like real scheme of the dimmer (dimmer). The parameters of the elements are indicated taking into account the variation among different manufacturers, but the essence of this does not change. Triacs in a practical circuit can be set to any, depending on the load power. Voltage - not lower than 400 V, since the instantaneous voltage in the network can reach 350 V.

The initial-end point of ignition, the stability of the burning of the lamp depends on the size of the capacitors and resistors. With a minimum resistance of the rotary resistor R1, there will be a minimum lamp burning.

If you really want to, you can try to make a dimmer yourself. There are a large number of different schemes for home-made dimmers of different levels of complexity. You can get acquainted with the schemes of home-made dimmers in more detail in a series of articles by Boris Aladyshkin about home-made dimmers -.

How to repair a dimmer

In conclusion - a few words about the repair of dimmers. Most often, the cause of a breakdown can be an excess of the maximum allowable load or a short circuit in the load. As a result, as a rule, the triac fails. The triac can be replaced by unscrewing the heatsink and removing the triac from the board. It is better to immediately put a powerful one, at a higher current and voltage than a burnt one. It also happens that the regulator fails, or the installation is disturbed.

The dimmer can be used as a voltage regulator, connecting any active load through it - an incandescent lamp, a kettle, an iron. But the main thing is that the power of the dimmer (in other words, the maximum current of the triac) must correspond to the load.

- a very convenient thing, as it allows you to smoothly adjust the brightness of the glow of incandescent lamps. As it turned out, switches with a regulator can differ significantly in characteristics and this must be taken into account.

In my new house, I installed two switches with a regulator - one for the arch lamps, the other for the chandelier in the hall. Both regulators were identical, and, with the regulator in the extreme left position, the incandescent lamps shone to the floor of the glow. Those. apparently, the simplest thyristor control principle was applied, in which the minimum voltage was 50% of the maximum, i.e. approximately 110 volts.

After three years of operation, the switch standing on the arch failed: it stopped turning off due to problems with the contact separation mechanism. In stock was another switch with a regulator.

Light switch with regulator in the package

The packaging of the switch once again confirms that the Russian industry has completely degraded: the barcode is Russian, but the switch is made in China.


  • Voltage 250 V;
  • Current frequency 50 Hz;
  • Rated current 2.5 A;
  • Degree of protection IP 20;
  • Power 500 W.

Actually, we are primarily interested in power. As a rule, 500 W is enough power for a chandelier, not to mention arch bulbs.

Degree of protection of this circuit breaker IP20, i.e. The switch is intended for "standard" operating conditions, such as residential areas. This switch should not be used in the bathroom, as it has high humidity.

The switch is intended for installation in a mounting box.

Back side of the switch

I have a metal junction box installed into which one two-wire electrical cable enters.

Metal junction box

Installation of the switch is very simple: connect two wires, insert the switch with the top cover removed into the mounting box and tighten the two screws with a screwdriver until the switch is securely fixed in the box.

The cover of the switch is fastened with a nut.

The switch cover is fastened with a nut

And this is what the switch with the regulator looks like after installation.

It's time to say how the new switch with the regulator differs from the old one. The new switch allows you to adjust the voltage from almost zero volts to the maximum, i.e. from 0 to 220 v. For me, this is a plus, since the arch bulbs are used as “duty” lighting at night.

The photo shows that in an incandescent lamp, the coil barely heats up when the minimum voltage is applied.

I confess honestly that I have not tried using a switch with energy-saving lamps, so I can’t say yet whether this bundle will work or not.

The dimmer is a very useful device, it can be used in all rooms. With this device, the brightness of the lighting is adjusted. The second name of a dimmer is a dimmer.

With the help of a dimmer, voltage and light are regulated in rooms, rooms and certain parts of an apartment or house. In addition to saving on lighting, using dimmers you can create interesting lighting designs.

  • Modular. Install such dimmers, as a rule, in switchboards. With their help, lighting is controlled in stairwells and in corridors. The control is carried out by a key switch or a special button. By pressing this button, a person turns the lamps on and off, but if the button is held for more than five seconds, then it becomes possible to adjust the brightness level of the lamps.
  • Dimmers that are installed in the mounting box. These regulators are used with halogen lamps and incandescent lamps, they are controlled by a special remote button.
  • Monoblock dimmers. Such dimmers are installed in a conventional socket and connected like ordinary switches. It is recommended, however, to observe polarity when connecting.

Monoblock dimmers for control are divided into:

In addition to the above gradations of dimmers, they are also divided into types of lamps with which they work:

  • Dimmers for halogen lamps 220V and incandescent. Almost all dimmers work with halogen and incandescent lamps. Provided that they work from 220V. Lamps have inertia, but there is no inductance and capacitance. It should be remembered that if the voltage decreases, then the color temperature of the light changes. It will decrease, and the radiation will begin to acquire a red tint. The color can become unpleasant at low lamp voltages.
  • Dimmers for low voltage halogen lamps. If 12-24V halogen lamps are to be regulated, a step-down transformer is required in this case. The marking of such a transformer is RL. An electronic transformer requires dimmers marked C. This marking shows that it is possible to work with a capacitive load. Dimmers must be able to smoothly turn on and off the lamps. The service life of such lamps is significantly reduced due to sudden voltage drops.
  • Brightness controls for fluorescent lamps. The regulation of such lamps is the most problematic. This type of lamp cannot be controlled by a standard starter. In this case, another starting device is needed. Such a device is called electronic ballast, that is, electronic control gear. With this equipment, the lamp is powered at a frequency of 20-50 kHz. By changing the frequency, you can also change the strength of the current that flows through the lamp, thus changing the level of glow.
  • Regulators for LEDs. Pulse-width modulation is used to regulate LEDs. In other words, current pulses are applied to the LED, while the amplitude is optimal, and the pulse duration is adjustable, thus changing the brightness. There is no flicker, because there is a high pulse frequency, it can reach 300 kHz.

Dimmer - connection diagram

Seeing a dimmer, the question of how to connect it and what kind of circuit is needed disappears. It does not differ from a simple switch in size. The dimmer is installed in the same way as the switch in the mounting box. The dimmer is mounted in the mounting box using special tabs. The regulator is connected, like a switch, to break the lighting circuit. Polarity must be observed when connecting.

Is it possible to install a dimmer instead of a switch? Yes. And it's easy. First, the switch is dismantled. To carry out this operation, you need turn off mains voltage, and then make sure that it is missing using the indicator. Further, the frame from the switch is removed, and the screws of the mounting feet are unscrewed with a screwdriver. The switch is removed from the box and disconnected from the wires, for this you need to loosen the screws on the terminals. After these manipulations, you can begin to install the dimmer. All operations that were listed above must be performed in reverse order, you need to start by connecting the regulator to the wires.

Dimmer connection diagram

The wiring diagrams for the switch and dimmer are similar. Like a switch, a dimmer must be installed in series with the load.

For the bedroom, the most optimal and convenient scheme is to turn on the dimmer in series with a simple switch. It is recommended to install a dimmer next to the bed, to be able to control the light and still not get out of bed. Dimmers for LED lamps are becoming increasingly popular in smart home systems. The ability to control lighting allows you to create zoning rooms depending on a particular situation, if necessary, you can highlight and highlight the desired interior items.

How to properly connect a high-quality dimmer

To be able to adjust the lighting from different points, you can use high-quality imported push-button dimmers, for example, French-made Legrand Valena regulators. The peculiarity of this device is that there are additional control buttons in the kit, they can be installed in the desired room, however, there is a limitation fifty meters from the regulator to the remote button, which will be the farthest.

The connection diagram for a dimmer with remote control buttons is as follows. The phase wire goes to the number one dimmer terminal and the first button terminals, which are remote. From the second terminals of the buttons, which are remote, the wire must go to terminal B of the regulator. The load must be connected to terminal number two of the dimmer and the zero wire N.

Before installing the dimmer yourself, you must know a few rules to have an idea how to connect a dimmer:

  1. Despite the fact that there are several options for connecting regulators, the dimmer connection diagram is simple - they are installed in series from power sources to a wire that is a phase wire in the mains.
  2. In order to be able to adjust the lighting from several points in the room, it is recommended to use an expensive and high-quality dimmer that has additional remote buttons.

A switch with a dimmer (another name is a dimmer) is a device designed to adjust lighting parameters. The device allows you to change the brightness of the light in the range from 0 to 100% of the nominal value.

Dimmers can be used as a replacement for a conventional switch, while having much more functionality.

Purpose of the dimmer

The task of the dimmer is to provide a change in the brightness of the glow of lighting devices. Adjustable light switches allow you to achieve any intensity of lighting: from subdued light to extremely bright. The use of dimmers makes double or triple switches unnecessary, there is no need to buy expensive lighting fixtures with voltage controllers.

Note! To control the light intensity of energy-saving light bulbs, you will need a special device - an electronic starter.

The advantages of dimmers include the following characteristics:

  • light brightness control;
  • setting the brightness change time;
  • control from the remote control;
  • long service life;
  • programmed artistic flicker, creating backlit paintings;
  • energy efficiency (some models).

Disadvantages of dimmers:

  • excessive consumption of electricity in some cases;
  • the creation of radio interference that interferes with the operation of electrical household appliances;
  • small loads cause dimmers to malfunction;
  • the operation of dimmers often results in unwanted flickering of the light.

Operating principle

All dimmer models have similar lighting brightness control schemes. The differences lie in the presence of additional elements to give a smooth glow and stability of the lower limits.

The figure below shows the purpose of the terminal columns in the dimmer.

The capacitor is charged through a variable resistor. As soon as the charge becomes sufficient, the triac opens and the light comes on. After that, the triac is closed. A similar process is observed on the negative half-wave.

The figure below shows the operation of a light intensity switch.

By selecting the values ​​of resistors and capacitors, it replaces the initial and final periods of ignition of the lamp, as well as the stability of its glow.

Classification of dimmers

There are two types of dimmers - monoblock and modular. Monoblock systems are made as a single unit and are designed to be installed in a box as a switch. Monoblock dimmers, due to their small size, are popular for installation in thin partitions. The main scope of monoblock systems is apartments in multi-storey buildings.

There are several types of monoblock devices on the market:

  1. With mechanical adjustment. The control is performed using a rotary dial. Such dimmers have a simple design and low cost. Instead of a rotary control method, a push version is sometimes used.
  2. With push button control. These are more technically complex and functional mechanisms. Multifunctionality is achieved by grouping controllers controlled from the remote control.
  3. sensory models. They are the most advanced devices and the most expensive. Such systems fit well into the surrounding interior, especially decorated in a modern style. Commands are transmitted using an infrared signal or radio frequencies.

Modular systems are similar to circuit breakers. They are placed in distribution boxes on DIN rails. Modular devices are used to illuminate landings and corridors. Also, modular systems are popular in private homes where it is necessary to illuminate the surrounding areas. Modular dimmers are controlled by a remote button or a key switch.

Dimmer power is a key parameter when choosing it. The total power of the connected devices must not exceed that of the dimmer. On sale there are systems whose power is between 40 watts and 1 kilowatt.

According to the design features, single, double and triple modifications are distinguished. In most cases, consumers choose single dimmers.

Additional functions

Old dimmers were made as electromechanical devices. With their help, it was impossible to do anything except adjust the brightness of incandescent lamps.

Modern models have significantly expanded functionality:

  1. Timer work.
  2. The possibility of embedding a dimmer in a larger system - "smart home".
  3. The dimmer, if necessary, allows you to create the effect of the presence of the owners in the house. The light will turn on and off in different rooms according to a certain algorithm.
  4. Artistic shimmer function. Similarly, the lights on the Christmas tree garland flash.
  5. Possibility of voice control of the system.
  6. As a standard, commands are given from the remote control.

Varieties of light bulbs

In dimmers, a variety of types of light sources are used: incandescent lamps, halogen (conventional and low-voltage), fluorescent, LED bulbs. The options for connecting a dimmer with a switch differ depending on the type of lamps used.

Incandescent and halogen lamps

These light sources are rated for 220 volts. To change the intensity of lighting, dimmers of any models are used, since the load is all active due to the lack of capacitance and inductance. The disadvantage of systems of this type is the shift of the color spectrum towards red. This happens when the voltage drops. The power of the dimmers is between 60 and 600 watts.

Low voltage halogen bulbs

To work with low-voltage lamps, you will need a step-down transformer with a regulator for inductive loads. A distinctive feature of the regulator is the abbreviation RL. It is recommended to purchase the transformer not separately from the dimmer, but as a built-in device. For an electronic transformer, capacitive indicators are set. For halogen light sources, the smoothness of voltage fluctuations plays an important role, otherwise the life of the bulbs will be drastically reduced.

Fluorescent lamps

The standard dimmer will have to be changed to an electronic ballast (electronic ballast) if the start is carried out by a switch, a starting glow charge or an electromagnetic choke. The simplest diagram of a system with fluorescent lamps is shown in the figure below.

The voltage to the light bulb is sent from a frequency generator of 20–50 kHz. The glow is formed due to the entry into resonance of the circuit created by the inductor and capacitance. To change the current strength (which changes the brightness of the light), you need to change the frequency. The dimming process starts as soon as full power is reached.

Electronic ballasts are made on the basis of the IRS2530D controller, equipped with eight outputs. This device acts as a 600-volt half-bridge driver with triggering, dimming, and fail-safe functionality. The integrated circuit is designed to implement all possible control methods, due to the presence of multiple outputs. The figure below shows the control circuit for fluorescent light sources.

LED light bulbs

Although LEDs are economical, it is often necessary to reduce the brightness of their glow.

Features of LED light sources:

  • standard plinths E, G, MR;
  • possibility of functioning with a network without additional devices (for 12-volt lamps).

LED bulbs are not compatible with standard dimmers. They just fail. Therefore, to work with LEDs, special switches with dimmers for LED lamps are used.

Regulators suitable for LEDs are available in two versions: with voltage control and with control by means of pulse-width modulation. The first type of device is very expensive and bulky (it includes a rheostat or potentiometer). Variable voltage dimmers are not the best choice for low voltage light bulbs and can only operate at 9 and 18 volts.

This type of light source is characterized by a change in the spectrum as a response to voltage regulation. For this reason, the adjustment of light diodes is carried out by controlling the duration of the transmitted pulses. In this way, flickering is avoided, since the pulse repetition rate reaches 300 kHz.

In order for the lamp to work correctly, it has a driver. The possibility of dimming is indicated in the product passport. If dimming is not possible, it is recommended to buy special devices with pulse-width regulation.

There are such controllers with PWM:

  1. Modular. Management is carried out by remote controllers, remote controls or using special tires.
  2. Installed in a mounting box. They are used as switches with rotary or push-button control.
  3. Remote systems installed in ceiling structures (for LED strips and spotlights).

Pulse-width regulation requires expensive microcontrollers. And they are not repairable. It is possible to independently manufacture a device based on a microcircuit. Below is a dimmer circuit for LED bulbs.

The normal frequency of oscillations is achieved through the use of a generator, which includes a capacitor and a resistor. The intervals for connecting and disconnecting the load at the output of the microcircuit are set by the size of the variable resistor. A field effect transistor serves as a power amplifier. If the current is above 1 ampere, you will need a cooling radiator.

Connecting a dimmer

There are several dimmer connection schemes.

Scheme of a dimmer with a switch

In the described case, the dimmer is installed in front of the dimmer in a phase break. The switch controls the supply of current. The connection diagram is shown in the figure below.

From the switch, the current is directed to the dimmer, and from there to the incandescent bulb. As a result, the regulator determines the desired brightness level, and the switch is responsible for turning the chain on and off.

The scheme is well suited for bedrooms. The switch is placed near the door, and the dimmer is placed near the bed. This achieves the ability to control the light directly from the bed. When a person leaves the room, the lighting goes out, and when they return to the room, the light turns on with the characteristics that were set by the dimmer.

Wiring diagram with two dimmers

In this circuit, there are two smooth light switches. They are mounted in two places in one room and, in essence, are walk-through switches that control individual lighting fixtures.

The circuit is associated with the supply of three conductors to the junction box from each point. To connect dimmers, jumpers connect the first and second contacts in the dimmers. Then, a phase is supplied to the third contact of the first dimmer, which goes to the lighting device through the third contact of the second dimmer.

Scheme with two through switches

This scheme is rarely used. It is in demand for organizing control over lighting in walk-through rooms and long corridors. The scheme allows you to turn the light on and off, as well as adjust it from different parts of the room.

Pass-through switches are placed in a phase break. Contacts are connected by conductors. The dimmer enters the chain in a sequential manner, after one of the switches. A phase approaches the first contact, which then goes to the incandescent lamp.

Brightness is controlled by a dimmer. However, it should be borne in mind that when the regulator is off, the walk-through switches are not able to switch the bulbs.

Requirements for installing a dimmer

When installing a dimming device, you should pay attention to several important circumstances:

  1. Fluorescent and energy-saving lamps are not dimmable in the standard way. Both types of light bulbs are capable of working with a dimmer, but their service life is drastically reduced. Sometimes the life of a light bulb is reduced to 100-150 hours. In addition, the risk of breakage of the dimmer itself increases.
  2. Dimmers need a certain minimum load. Most often, its value is 40 watts. The decrease in load occurs due to the burnout of one of the bulbs, deterioration of contacts, the appearance of flickering with a frequency of 50 hertz. When the load falls below the minimum allowable, the protective system is activated or the device goes into a faulty state.
  3. Dimmers are temperature sensitive. At temperatures above 25 degrees, overheating is possible, which is fraught with damage to the dimmer.
  4. Do not exceed the maximum permitted load on the device. If necessary, it is recommended to add power amplifiers, with the help of which it is possible to switch devices up to 1.8 kilowatts.
  5. Do not connect capacitive and inductive loads at the same time. This is fraught with damage to the device.

As for the installation location, experts recommend proceeding from the following information:

  1. Do not install dimmers in rooms where there are usually a lot of people. In crowded places, the equipment will work with interference.
  2. It is necessary to avoid installing dimmers in rooms where there is no permanent place for installing lighting equipment.

Mounting switches

In terms of dimensions, the dimmer switch resembles a standard device for turning the light on and off. The dimmer is installed using special paws in the gap of the lighting chain. The main requirement for the installer is to observe the polarity.

The figure below shows the dimmer connection diagram.

How to connect two dimmers can be found in the following diagram.

If you are going to install a dimmer instead of a switch, you will first need to dismantle the old model. But even before that, you should turn off the power supply and check the absence of voltage using an indicator. To remove the old switch, take a screwdriver and unscrew the screws of the mounting tabs. After that, remove the device panel. Then loosen the screws on the terminals and disconnect the switch from the wires.

The next step is to install the dimmer. Installation is carried out in the reverse order described above for dismantling. After installing the dimmer in the socket, we fix it with screws and put a decorative frame. If you need to adjust the lighting in several places, you will need additional dimmers and installation of socket boxes with cable laying to them.