
Pelargonium. chestnut leaf acacia leaf geranium leaf simple or compound


Pelargonium royal, or as it is also called royal geranium, is a very beautiful flower (plant), whose history begins in South America. As you already know, there is a tropical climate. Royal pelargonium was brought to Europe around the eighteenth century, it was from that very moment that breeders began to breed a huge number of varieties of this flower.

This plant is very loved for its most beautiful flowers, but for this it is necessary to take very close care of it.

If you correctly and carefully monitor and care for the royal pelargonium, then the diameter of the inflorescences can reach as much as twenty-five centimeters. But basically the average size of inflorescences is fifteen centimeters.

Peduncles have different lengths, from about five to ten centimeters, and the size is inversely proportional to the area (size) of the inflorescences.

The diameter of the flower is from five to seven centimeters. In the bud itself, the leaves overlap those below them in the form of a fan. Color and shape come out randomly.

You can also find a variety with purple, lilac and white flowers. Most likely there is no such color of a red tint in which the flowers of the flower simply were not painted.

The buds themselves come with contrasting inclusions in the center or the same type. In their form, they can be terry and simple with wavy, even or corrugated edges. Flowers just look great in photos.

Flowering will last from three to four months, unless of course the royal pelargonium is very well cared for, and provided with excellent top dressing.

Flowering is much shorter than other types of pelargonium. You can extend this period only with the timely removal of dried buds, as well as the application of fertilizers (mineral) with phosphorus and potassium, some people who work with flowers for this make a special inoculation of royal pelargonium on other types of this flower.

The smell during the flowering period is not observed, in any case, sharp, so most consider this more an advantage than a disadvantage, because not everyone likes the rich aroma of pelargonium (due to allergies, for example).

Care for royal pelargonium at home

As we have already said, caring for royal pelargonium at home is a rather complicated process. Even with the smallest violations of the rules for caring for a plant, flowering simply disappears.

Royal pelargonium grows very poorly in the shade, however, it also does not approve of the direct rays of the sun, the leaves can get a so-called burn.

Overfilling or underfilling will approximately equally badly affect the royal pelargonium. The flower can also be affected by various kinds of pests and diseases. Here are some of the most important rules for caring for a royal pelargonium plant at home.

Light - Royal Pelargonium loves sunlight in the right proportions, then it will bloom very plentifully and for a long time. You also have the opportunity to put the plant on the southern windowsill, but you will need to keep an eye on it so that the direct rays of the sun do not fall on the leaves, otherwise they will burn.

In winter, it is necessary to highlight the royal pelargonium additionally, because if the plant does not have enough light, then the stems will be very much stretched in length.

Temperature - In summer, the temperature in the room where the flower is located should not reach the limits of twenty-four degrees. In winter, the flower should be given the necessary rest, such a period of calm is possible only at a temperature of twelve to fifteen degrees.

If this is not observed, then the royal pelargonium simply will not bloom. Exactly the same can happen when the pelargonium is overheated, or even if you just put the flower in a pot in a draft.

Watering - The flower loves moisture, so pelargonium needs to be watered very often and plentifully. Let the topsoil dry between every two waterings. Some flower growers advise others to water the royal pelargonium in the pan, and not in the pot itself. Water must be sufficiently settled before watering, you can also use boiled water.

Humidity - If the room is very dry, then there is no need to spray pelargonium. The flower is very afraid of water getting on flowers and leaves.

Fertilizers - Top dressing should be carried out in the summer and spring periods (when flowering takes place). The best way is to use fertilizers with a sufficient content of phosphorus and potassium (mineral fertilizer), in which case you can extend the flowering period of royal pelargonium by another ten to fifteen days. Fertilizers need to be applied once every two weeks.

The soil - royal pelargonium strongly loves soil with a weak alkaline reaction or simple (neutral). In order to reduce acidity, you need to pour ash into the pot, since ash is also considered fertilizer.

It is important to provide good, and that there is no proper drainage for pelargonium, this is necessary so that water does not stagnate in the so-called flowerpot.

If you can provide the royal pelargonium with maximum proper care, then your flower will be able to go through a flowering period absolutely every year for two to three months (if there is excellent fertilizer, you can extend flowering even longer).

Most people who have royal pelargonium, despite the huge number of difficulties and factors, are simply happy and satisfied with the presence of this flower in their home, because the beauty of pelargonium is worth the effort that people put into growing this species.

Reproduction, as well as pruning and grafting

Royal pelargonium really likes propagation by cuttings - this is the most popular, simple and effective way.

However, it should be remembered that rooting in water is generally unsuccessful, because the cutting simply rots and then never takes root, so it should be planted directly into the ground.

So to speak, cuttings are carried out mainly in the second half of the last month of the summer period (August), or at the beginning of the month of the autumn period (September). A branch is cut from the very top, seven to ten centimeters long.

The cutting must have at least two or three knots. After cutting it, it is left alone for a couple of hours, so that everything dries out a little, after which it is planted in moderately moist soil with fairly good drainage. We recommend mixing the soil with sand (coarse). The stalk does not need to be covered with a film.

In order to protect the sprout from all sorts of diseases, the soil is fried in the oven or treated with a special concentrated solution with the addition of potassium permanganate.

After such a special treatment, all cuttings of royal pelargonium are planted in the ground, however, it is necessary to land no earlier than forty-eight hours later, because the ground must be prepared in advance.

After fourteen days (or more), when the rooting period ends, the plant is planted in a pot. In order to speed up this process, we recommend very carefully pinching off the leaves on the branch, in which case absolutely all the energy of the pelargonium will go to the formation of new roots.

Reproduction by seeds- probably the most time-consuming process, but if you still succeed, then you can bring out very hardy pelargonium plants with a sufficiently extended flowering period.

Special seed material is purchased in stores. Seeds are oblong, but somewhat small. These seeds are planted in a small shallow container.

The soil must be somewhat structural, the best option would be a mixture of sand and peat, plus ash. Seeds are deepened into the ground by half a centimeter.

The landing itself is carried out in the middle of the winter period (February, preferably in its middle). The very first shoots appear after about thirty days. At the moment when two real leaves are already observed on the sprouts, they carry out the so-called picking into a smaller pot.

In winter, the royal pelargonium is drawn out, because it does not have enough light. We advise you to cut it before the flowering period begins. Around the end of February. The tops of the branches must be cut very carefully in order to form a very beautiful crown.

They can also be used for plant propagation. The pruning process itself should not be radical, because the flower will stop blooming.

Pelargonium royal is rarely transplanted, once every two to three years. It must be remembered that pelargonium blooms only in a cramped pot; a very spacious flowerpot will not work.

You can force the royal pelargonium to bloom a little longer only with the help of a special vaccination for other species. The best choice would be a fragrant pelargonium or a unique species. On the zonal pelargonium, the royal simply does not take root.

For vaccination, you need to take a twig with three or two leaves, make a cut (necessarily oblique) in length from one centimeter to one and a half.

You must make exactly the same cut on pelargonium, after which you need to correctly combine the plant with a twig, then you can tie it with a woolen thread or simply wrap it with plastic wrap.


Pelargonium royal loves careful cultivation, but all sorts of difficulties often appear. For example, in some cases, pelargonium leaves turn yellow. We will explain why this happens.

If the yellowing is just at the tips, and the rest of the leaf is elastic, then your royal pelargonium probably does not have enough moisture. However, if the leaves simply rot and wither, then the reason for this yellowing is proportional, that is, overflow.

Also, if you moisten the soil too much, then the so-called water cushions may appear on the leaves. At very low air temperatures in winter, the leaves may take on a red color.

In such cases, pelargonium should be placed a little further from the window. And with a lack of lighting, the leaves of the royal pelargonium may generally fall off.

Royal pelargonium is susceptible to various kinds of diseases. For example, it is very dangerous when your royal plant has a blackened leg, in such cases it is simply impossible to save pelargonium.

You just have to throw out the pelargonium along with the soil, and the pot itself should be treated with bleach. If there is an excess of moisture, then gray mold will appear on the leaves, caused by a fungus.

Such leaves must be removed as quickly as possible and after that, neat and proper watering should be established.

Of the pests, royal pelargonium is often affected by whitefly and weevil. You can destroy such pests with special insecticides, and if there are just a lot of such pests, we advise you to simply collect them.

Most flower growers are wondering why the royal pelargonium does not bloom. The reasons may be different, for example, imperceptible rot or fungal infections. It is necessary to carefully examine the leaves and stems, as well as the basal region.

Sick areas of pelargonium are removed and treated with so-called fungicides, while watering the plant must be significantly reduced.

The rapid fall of flowers will be associated with an excess of nitrogen in the soil or very dry air in the room. Pelargonium will not want to bloom in a very spacious pot.

The problem can also manifest itself due to the fact that there will be little lighting, in such cases the pagons become very long, and the flower stalks simply will not develop.

The temperature in winter and spring can also interfere with the flowering period, overheating in the summer is also included. Pelargonium is also harmed by a very frequent transplant.

Types of royal pelargonium

The list of species of such a flower as pelargonium is very large, we will highlight only the most popular ones. These include the following:

  • Sallymunro. Incredibly beautiful plant with rather large flowers. The upper leaves are red, one might say burgundy in color with a dark tint, almost black with a white edging around the edges. The undersides are pink like apple blossom. Such a plant will bloom several times in one season.
  • German series candy flowers and its variety Candy Flowers Pink with Eye. The so-called large-flowered plant with a pink tint. The leaves will have black spots.
  • Candy Flowers Bright Red all the same german line candy flowers. The flowers are cherry in color with black blurred spots on the leaves. Plants branch quite well, and thus are able to form a beautiful crown, and also its advantage is long flowering.
  • Pelargonium royal Mona Lisa. Variety with incredibly large flowers of a beautiful white hue. In the very center, next to the red stamens, in some cases you can find thin touches of pink. The edges of these leaves are wavy.
  • BlackPrince. An insignificant plant in size, up to forty centimeters in height. The flowers are plum-colored and the petals are silver-edged.
  • GeorginaBlythe. The plant is very small, a maximum of thirty-five centimeters in height. Flowers at this height are strangely large enough, with a bright red color and an orange tint. The throat itself is white. The edge of the sheet is wavy, in the form of ruffles.
  • Morwenna. The variety is quite compact. The flowers are large with a rich red color with a dark tint. The edge of the leaves resembles lace. This variety of pelargonium looks amazing in photographs.
  • WhiteGlory. This variety bears huge flowers from seven centimeters in diameter, white. Plant height up to forty-five centimeters.
  • LavenderGrandSlam. The plant is of medium height with purple flowers. The uppermost petals will have dark feathers with a purple-dark tint.
  • Carisbrooke. This variety has light pink flowers. On the upper leaves you can see a thin marble pattern, it is made in the form of strokes and spots.
  • Regaliachocolate. The variety has large flowers with a dark red color and a chocolate tint. The leaves are very wide open, and their edge is even.
  • Mandarin variety. Incredible medium sized plant with delicate orange color. In the center are white buds. The edge of the leaves is smooth with white edges.

It is better for you to choose a plant to your taste, while taking into account the characteristics of absolutely each variety. The most correct and accurate care, then it will delight you with flowering every year. The most important thing is to love pelargonium.

Synopsis 5

Leaf structure. Leaf arrangement. Leaf venation.

Sheet- a lateral vegetative organ growing from the stem, having bilateral symmetry and a growth zone at the base.

The sheet usually consists of leaf blade , petiole (with the exception of sessile leaves); some families are characterized stipules .

leaf blade an extended, usually flat part of a leaf that performs the functions of photosynthesis, gas exchange.

The base of the leaf the part of the leaf that connects it to the stem.

Stipules - paired leaf-shaped formations at the base of the leaf. They can fall off when the sheet is unfolded or remain.

The leaves of some plants, such as birch, maple and plantain, do not have stipules. There are no stipules in adult leaves of oak and bird cherry. They die quickly.

Petiole - the narrowed part of the leaf that connects the leaf blade to the stem with its base. It performs the most important functions: it can turn and bend, thus changing the position of the leaf blade in relation to the light. In addition, it has a mechanical significance for attenuating blows to the leaf blade from rain, hail, wind, etc.

Leaves with petioles are called petiolate.

But many plants, such as dandelion, aloe, and wheat, have leaves without petioles. Such leaves are called sedentary . They articulate with the nodes with wide bases.

Variety of leaf blades

Leaf blades in plants are very diverse.

In shape, they can be, for example, rounded (cuff), heart-shaped (linden), ovoid (crow's eye), linear (wheat).

Leaf blades are whole (apple, wheat, lilac) or dissected to varying degrees (geranium, yarrow, calendula). In addition, leaf blades differ in the shape of the apex (blunt, sharp, notched, etc.), edges (solid, serrated, serrated) and base (rounded, heart-shaped, narrowed).

Leaf edge shape

Leaf venation.

An important distinguishing feature of leaves is the nature of their venation.

In the leaves of oak, birch, one powerful vein stands out, located in the middle. This is the main vein, around which branched small veins form a grid. It is clearly visible in autumn on fallen leaves. Such venation is called reticulated.

If veins depart from the main vein to the left and right, resembling the structure of a feather, such venation is called pinnate , or cirro-reticulate .

The leaves of the sycamore maple, caustic buttercup have several large, almost identical veins, fanning out from the base of the plate. They also branch multiple times. Such venation is called palmate , or palmate-reticulate .

If several large veins run parallel to each other along the plate, then venation is also called parallel . Leaves of wheat, corn, and millet have such venation.

In the leaves of plantain, lily of the valley, the veins are large and, in addition to the central one, are curved like an arc. Their venation is called arcuate.

Simple and compound leaves.

Simple leaves include leaves that have one leaf blade, like those of nettle, wheat, oak, bird cherry. Between the leaf blade and the petiole, simple leaves never have an articulation.

By shape simple whole leaves, distinguished as lobed, separate and dissected.

Complex Leaves are made up of several leaf blades called leaflets. Each leaflet of a compound leaf has its own petiole, with which it articulates with the common petiole. Such leaves are typical for strawberries, wild roses, clover and lupins.

The leaflets of a compound leaf, like the leaf blades of a simple leaf, are varied in shape, edge, and apex. Depending on the number of leaflets and the nature of their articulation with a common petiole, compound leaves are distinguished: trifoliate (strawberry, clover), palmate (lupine, chestnut), parotid (pea, rank, yellow acacia) and odd-pinnate (rose hip, mountain ash).

Variety of compound leaves

Geranium, kalachik, crail, pelargonium - the most popular indoor plant. This unpretentious flower will become a real decoration of your windowsill or balcony, in addition, it has many healing properties. About 400 varieties of pelargonium are distributed around the world.

Types of home geraniums

Thanks to the work of breeders, a large number of varieties and hybrids of geraniums have been bred, differing in the shape and color of inflorescences and leaves. Let's get acquainted with the most common types.

  1. Geranium zonal- the most common window sill decoration. Has a huge number of varieties. The plant tolerates changing conditions well, is characterized by unpretentiousness and frequent flowering. The flowers are bright, collected in inflorescences. The foliage is round, slightly wavy, the edge of the foliage is dark red or brown. The leaves have a characteristic odor. Flowers are simple five-petal, semi-double (have 6-8 petals) and double (have 8 petals or more). Flowering can continue year-round, if you create optimal conditions for the growth and development of pelargonium. The smaller the pot in which the ball grows, the more abundant the flowering. Geranium captivates with a variety of shades and colors of petals - bright, plain or multi-color, with a border or multi-colored spots.
  2. Geranium royal- an unusual and very beautiful view with large flowers of a wide variety of colors. The flowers are up to 15 centimeters in diameter. There are a lot of hybrids of this species; this is a favorite plant of many flower growers and breeders. A distinctive feature of the subspecies is the presence of a dark spot or strip on the petal. Petals are both simple and terry, having a wavy or corrugated shape. The pair of upper petals are more velvety and slightly larger than the others. This type of pelargonium reaches a height of up to 50 centimeters, the foliage is terry, reminiscent of maple leaves. The flowering period of royal geranium lasts no more than 4 months, flowering occurs only in plants that have reached the age of two. This species is the most demanding for care and development conditions.
  3. Pelargonium fragrant. This subspecies got its name for a wide variety of flavors - rose, ginger, strawberry, lemon; just touch the leaf. Bred hybrids exude a wide variety of odors. The inflorescences are small, mostly pink or purple. Geranium oil obtained from this plant has a wide range of applications: in cosmetology, medicine, cooking, and everyday life.
  4. Pelargonium ampelous (thyroid). It has thin and fragile shoots, reaching a length of 1 meter. The foliage is star-shaped, dark green, with a glossy surface. The inflorescences look like brushes. Flowers simple or double, of the most diverse colors, reach 5 centimeters in diameter. Flowering lasts about 4 months, mainly in the summer. Well suited for planting in hanging flowerpots.
  5. Angel. The plant is characterized by flowers similar in shape to pansies, unpretentious to conditions and care, has a spectacular and bushy shape, reaches a height of 40–50 cm (with systematic pruning). If the trunk is not cut, the ball will take on a falling shape. Flowers have a wide variety of shapes and colors. The flowering period usually occurs during the summer months. The plant blooms so profusely that sometimes the leaves are not visible behind the inflorescences.
  6. Unique. This subspecies was bred in the process of crossing brilliant and royal geraniums. The leaves have a dissected shape, dark green in color, exude a light aroma of spices. In general, this plant is considered highly decorative by flower growers. The inflorescences are predominantly red, with a white center, reminiscent of royal pelargonium in shape. Very rarely come across flowers of white and pink color, even more rarely - flowers with spots and stripes.
  7. Pelargonium succulent. The subspecies is characterized by branched and curved stems, lignified below, stems with thorns are less common. Plants of this species can acquire the most unusual forms of the stem. Often succulent geraniums are used in a wide variety of interior designs.
  8. Pelargonium lemon (pink). This plant blooms very rarely, so flower growers refer to it as a non-flowering species. The bright green leaves of a complex dissected shape look very unusual, which was the reason for the wide distribution of the kalachik among indoor plant lovers. When touched lightly on the foliage, the flower exudes a subtle scent of lemon. Geranium reaches a height of up to one and a half meters.

How to care for geraniums

Watering. In the spring and summer, pelargonium consumes a lot of moisture, so watering must be frequent. In winter, water a little less often to prevent stagnation of water and excessive dampness. Spraying leaves kalachik does not tolerate.

Soil loosening is a necessary action for proper plant care, as it provides good oxygen access to the root system and prevents stagnant water and root rot.

Fertilizer must be carried out in spring and summer, but not often, so as not to harm. Phosphate fertilizers promote flowering.

Pinching produced at the end of winter or in spring in order to form a beautiful form of pelargonium and increase the number of inflorescences. It is necessary to pinch the shoots on the 6-8 sheet.

Lighting should be good enough, but it is better to hide the plant from direct sunlight in order to prevent leaf burns. In the winter months, it is better to remove the roll from the windowsill altogether and put it in a dark place.

Reproduction methods

  1. Reproduction by cuttings. Cut off small cuttings (3-5 leaves) from the top of the shoot, it is recommended to cut the cut obliquely. Then, for several hours, leave the cut cuttings in the air, then sprinkle the cut site with a biological root growth enhancer and plant them in the ground. When planting cuttings, it is better to place them closer to the edge of the flower pot. The most suitable months for propagation by cuttings are February, March, July and August. Rooting occurs within a month, at which time it is better to water by spraying. Rooted plants are planted one at a time in small pots.
  2. Reproduction by cuttings more commonly used by breeders. Pots with a diameter of 5 cm are used for sowing, and when the seedlings grow up, they can be transplanted into a larger pot. Flowering seedlings from seeds occurs in about a year.

To form a magnificent form of pelargonium, the upper kidney must be pinched.

Let's talk about geraniums

Geranium family. Homeland - South Africa.
A plant with herbaceous stems, woody in the lower part, has an upright densely leafy bush up to 1-1.5 m high. Geranium leaves are pubescent with small hairs, have a peculiar smell.
The plant is photophilous. In summer, abundant watering is necessary, in winter - watering is limited, but without drying. They winter well under normal conditions on a bright windowsill. Geraniums respond positively to mineral and organic top dressing in the spring and summer.
To form a bush, pruning or pinching should be done, although geraniums do not like frequent and strong pruning.

Annually, young geraniums must be transplanted. This is done in the spring before growth begins. The capacity for the roots should be small, otherwise leafy shoots will develop strongly, but the plant will not bloom.
All geraniums are easily propagated by cuttings throughout the year, the most favorable time for cuttings is February-March and July-August. It is better to renew geraniums by cutting off the apical shoot for rooting. When grafting, the cut stalk is first slightly dried and planted in a substrate, keeping it in a dry state (rarely watered and not sprayed).
For the cultivation of geraniums, a mixture of turf, leaf, humus soil and sand (2: 2: 2: 1) is suitable.

Geranium is the best natural antidepressant. Substances secreted by geraniums have unique anti-stress properties. Put a geranium in your bedroom and you will be surprised how much easier it will be to fall asleep.
Domestic geraniums in the form that we are used to were bred by the famous English gardener-breeder George Tradescan, who was so passionate about their breeding that each newly bred variety was affectionately called an angel or a butterfly. Truly the pinnacle of his skill was the royal geranium, which quickly cured the English king of insomnia.

There are hundreds of varieties and forms of geraniums, but the most commonly grown are zonal varieties grown both in the garden and in the home, with a variety of colors from red, pink, salmon to white. They are distinguished by a very long flowering and only in winter their flowering fades away and they "rest". Very easily, zonal pelargoniums are cuttings and propagated by seeds.

Royal geranium (Regal Geranium), or Martha Washington (Pelargonium domesticum)
Large-flowered pelargonium with showy large flowers: red, white, pink, purple, sold during the winter as a flowering pot plant. It is also called English, royal, domestic or noble. It has many varieties, a variety of shapes and colors of flowers. You can distinguish the royal from other species by large flowers with wavy edges, 10-15 cm in diameter and a large dark spot, which is indicated like a royal seal on each flower petal. Flower colors range from white and pink to red. The leaves, 7 to 15 cm long, often have serrated edges. The first hybrids appeared before 1900; hybridization continues today. The flowering period of royal geraniums is shorter than that of zonal ones - three to four months.
The plant is not adapted to high temperatures and when grown outdoors will not give the same high results as garden varieties. Requires chilling at night to below 15 degrees to maintain flowering, as well as for budding. Hot days will cause flowering to cease until favorable temperatures set in in the fall.

Ivy geranium (Pelargonium peltatum).
Other species are also encountered, in particular geranium thyroid, which is especially good as an ampelous plant ... This species grows in vine-like vines, with smooth, leathery leaves (similar to ivy leaves) and flowers with narrower petals and less dense floral inflorescences. The length of the lashes can reach more than a meter. Geranium ivy can be seen throughout Europe, it is widely used in window boxes and looks attractive in hanging baskets...

Geraniums of the group "Angels" (Pelargonium Angel)

Pelargonium Angel is one of the most attractive plants in the genus. Angels are growing in popularity at an unprecedented rate due to their long flowering period, numerous, simultaneously opening flowers, and usually fragrant leaves. In this species, the flowers are similar to pansies, they are also called violet flowers, the plants bloom all summer with luxurious hanging flower caps. Angela is the result of a complex crossing of royal geraniums and fragrant curly (P.crispum) with a lemon scent.

They are graceful, well branched and very unpretentious. The bush is compact, the height of the plant is not more than 30 cm. Their leaves are jagged at the edges, resemble maple leaves, very similar to the leaves of royal pelargoniums, only twice as small. Some of the leaves have crinkled edges. Many Angels have a lemony leaf scent. The flowers of all Angels are simple (not double), small, 3-4 cm in diameter. In most flowers, the two upper petals are larger and darker in color than the three lower ones.

This group is one of the best potted crops. Plants tolerate heat and full sun well.
Geraniums of the Unicum group (Pelargonium Unique) are excellent container tall plants that bloom profusely from early spring to late autumn. It is a hybrid of royal and brilliant, with a bushy form of growth, woody stems and shoots, reaching a height and width of about 1 meter. The leaves are beautiful, strongly dissected, have a spicy smell. The flowers are very decorative, similar to the flowers of the royal geranium, but of medium size, with petals of very bright colors marked in the form of spots and stripes-rays. For flowering, fertilizing with potash fertilizers is necessary ...

Fragrant geranium species

Scented geraniums are very popular in indoor floriculture, even though their flowers are small and ineffective. These are excellent houseplants, with very beautiful and carved foliage. They have a wide range of different leafy scents and are often used to create aromatic compositions of dry perfumes and flower teas.

Fragrant species of geraniums are valued by lovers of home flowers for the scent of leaves. It is no coincidence that caring housewives put pots with these flowers in every room. Geranium has a strong antiviral and antibacterial effect, so it can reliably protect during an epidemic of influenza and viral infections. Homemade geranium flowers strengthen the nervous system, normalize sleep and purify the air. With the help of the healing properties of essential oil, they regulate metabolism, it is also useful for migraines, hypertensive crises, edema and obesity. Essential oils are widely used in the perfume and confectionery industries. And about the fact that in a house in which fragrant geranium grows (see photo), there are no moths, flies, and other insects, all housewives know, because their smell repels insects.

Each flower is beautiful in its own way. But not every flower is worthy of having poems composed in honor of it. Many poems have been written about geraniums, with the number of which, perhaps, only a rose can compete. Moreover, the authors of these poems are poets of past eras and our contemporaries. And they all say that geranium is a dearly loved flower, a symbol of warmth and comfort, a symbol of home, where you are always welcome. It is not for nothing that the name "grandmother's flower" was assigned to the geranium. At one time he was considered the personification of something outdated. And now “grandmother” means native, familiar, homely ...
Geraniums on the windowsill
Geraniums on the windowsill
Looking through winter glass
To the edge covered with snow
And only in the upper room it is warm.
There the stove is heated, and tea
Always with honey cake.
There you can meet childhood -
I so want, I want to go there.
A red cat covered his nose with his paw:
It's probably going to be cold.
But here the frost is not the same
Or maybe life just isn't the same.
Will no longer ski
Sunday morning kids
And there, for the sake of February,
Everyone rode, I rode.
And this snow-white edge
It was the warmest on earth.
Geraniums on the windowsill
So often I began to dream.

Olkhovik Tatyana Sergeevna, Tyumen

5 SECRETS OF SUCCESSFUL GROWING PELARGONIUM (GERANIUM) USE IN FOLK MEDICINE This plant is popularly known as "geranium". But this is not correct, because geranium is a completely different plant. Geranium is a frost-resistant perennial that grows in gardens and winters quite calmly in the ground. What grows on our windowsills, and what we call geranium, is actually pelargonium - a heat-loving plant that can grow in the garden, but only in the warm season. Before the first serious frosts (or better before), they dig it up and transplant it into pots, which are placed on well-lit windowsills until May and take care of it like a houseplant. And then it can be transplanted back into the garden (in this case, you can even divide the rhizomes of the plant and thereby contribute to the reproduction of pelargonium). It is not necessary to transplant pelargonium into the garden. It can grow all year round exclusively in pots, which is basically practiced by everyone.

Pests and diseases. Pelargonium as a whole has few pests and diseases. Of the diseases, root rot and root collar rot can develop (in case of excessive waterlogging of the soil). This is, unfortunately, fatal for pelargonium. Gray mold on the leaves (gray mold) is not so deadly and can be dealt with - stop watering, remove leaves with mold, spray with an antifungal drug for houseplants according to the instructions, put in the sun. The main pests of pelargonium are whiteflies and aphids, which are very easy to deal with. It is enough to buy an appropriate insecticidal preparation for indoor plants (if pelargonium grows in a room) or garden plants (if in a garden) in a garden store and spray the leaves according to the instructions. From personal experience I will say that I did not observe obvious diseases on my pelargonium. As for pests, when growing pelargonium indoors, one day (10 years ago) a whitefly appeared. This is a very small insect that looks like a white butterfly. It settles on the underside of the leaf, and there it multiplies very quickly, sucking the juice from the leaves of the plant. A severely affected leaf turns yellow and falls off. Therefore, you just need to inspect the leaves from all sides and, if these insects are present, buy the appropriate insecticidal preparation from the garden store and spray according to the instructions. You may have to repeat the procedure if the whitefly has bred heavily.

If suddenly your pelargonium: * There is no flowering, but the plant itself looks cheerful. Most likely this is due to too warm air in the room. Pelargonium, although drought-resistant, will not bloom if the air is too warm in the room. * The leaf turns yellow and falls, also the edges of the leaves dry. This means insufficient watering. But just in case, we examine the underside of the sheet. Suddenly the reason is the whitefly. * The edges of the leaves turned red. Too low air temperature. Perhaps the pot is close to a frosty window. * The stems are bare and the leaves fall off (sometimes not even turning yellow). The reason is too little light. Do not forget that pelargonium is photophilous. By the way, the whitefly can also cause the same effect, so do not forget to inspect the lower part of the leaf. * The leaves are sluggish and rot, after which they fall off. This means over watering. Reduce watering, put the pot in the sun. * Watery pads on leaves. The reason lies again in excessive watering. * There is gray mold on the leaves. This is gray mold. The reason is also in excessive watering. What to do? Remove leaves with mold, spray with a preparation against fungal diseases (we buy at a garden store and apply according to the instructions), reduce watering, put in the sun. * The base of the stem has darkened. Bad sign. The plant will die, it cannot be cured. So you have to break up with him. The reason is excessive waterlogging. It could also be contaminated soil.

Reproduction of pelargonium Pelargonium (geranium) reproduces well by dividing the bush. Can be propagated in spring by cuttings. I tried to propagate by cuttings in the fall. It also happened. She simply put the stalk in a glass of water, and as the roots appeared and grew, she transplanted it into a pot of earth. But I don't really like cuttings. With this method of reproduction, many of my plants die. Although it is believed that pelargonium is easily propagated by cuttings. Therefore, I prefer to divide the bush. With this method of breeding lunges, I have never had before. ROYAL PELARGONIA (SEE PHOTO)

When growing pelargonium in the garden. I do not transplant pelargonium into the garden. I just take the pots out into the yard and set up some kind of patio. But if there is a desire to transplant pelargonium into the ground, then I do it when the threat of frost has passed. In central Russia, this is not earlier than the second half of May. The night before, pots with pelargonium should be well spilled with water, even with some excess. It is best to plant pelargonium in a garden in a sunny position, in moist, well-drained soil. The plant also tolerates light partial shade well. After planting, it is necessary to squeeze the ground around the plant well with your hands so that there are no voids in the ground. This rule must be observed when planting all plants in the ground. When growing in the summer in the garden, it must be borne in mind that if the summer is damp, then the pelargonium will not bloom much, although there will be a lot of green leaves. PELARGONIUM GRANDIFLORA (SEE PHOTO)

GERANIA IN FOLK MEDICINE Geranium (pelargonium) also has cleansing, antimicrobial and refreshing properties. It is used in the treatment of skin diseases, eczema, lichen, as well as wounds, tongue infections, stomatitis and facial neuralgia. Quite rightly, geranium (pelargonium) is considered the flower of women's health and longevity. This plant also helps in solving delicate women's problems. It contributes to the balance of hormones during menopause, normalizes the course of the menstrual cycle and eliminates the negative effects of menopause. People who are under stress are advised to keep geraniums (pelargonium) at home. Just don't put it in the bedroom. It really has the properties of an antidepressant: it effectively relieves fatigue and stress, strengthens the nervous system. This plant saturates the air with essential oils, which have a beneficial effect on the nervous system, balancing the processes of excitation and inhibition. Thanks to this, the smell of geranium helps to get rid of bad thoughts and nightmares. To be treated with the smell of geranium (pelargonium) is recommended as follows. Put the flower on the table, sit down 60 cm from it and breathe through the nose. First, take three deep breaths, then evenly and calmly inhale the smell for 10 minutes. Depending on the circumstances, 15 to 30 such procedures are required. Women generally need fewer sessions because their sense of smell is more subtle than men's. Smokers and drinkers will need more time. To enhance the effect of inhaling the smell of geranium (pelargonium), you can also take its infusion at the same time: insist 1 tablespoon of crushed leaves in two glasses of boiled chilled water in a sealed container for 8 hours. Drink infusion in small sips throughout the day. The smell of pelargonium not only improves mood, increases mental activity, gives optimism and cheerfulness. It is believed that it is also a strong amulet. Those who are afraid of the evil eye are advised to keep geranium (pelargonium) not only at home, but also at work. Or constantly carry dried leaves, petals with you. Geranium is used in the prevention of colds, flu and SARS. In order not to catch an infection during the epidemic season, herbalists advise rubbing the bridge of the nose and wings of the nose with a fresh leaf of geranium (pelargonium). And for the prevention of colds before leaving the house or, conversely, after returning home, you can knead a plucked geranium leaf and put it in your nose. Geranium oil will cleanse the nasal mucosa and protect against possible colds. It is very useful for the general strengthening of the body to prepare such a mixture. Geranium leaves 1 (200g) and cranberries (500g) turn through a meat grinder, put everything in a two-liter jar for a day. Then add 1 kg of honey to this mixture and mix everything well. Take 1 teaspoon 3 times a day 20 minutes before meals. Geranium (pelargonium) is also indispensable for inflammation of the middle ear, sinuses, tonsils. Not without reason, among the people, she has long been called the "doctor ear-throat-nose." This plant relieves pain well and has a strong antiseptic, anti-inflammatory effect. For colds, tonsillitis, tonsillitis, bronchitis, laryngitis and runny nose, it is useful to do geranium inhalations: 1-2 drops of geranium oil per 0.5 liter of hot water. And for rinsing with sore throats and other diseases of the throat, a decoction of geranium is used: pour 2-4 teaspoons of dry crushed leaves with 2 cups of boiling water, leave for 10 minutes, strain and rinse 3-4 times a day. Recipes of traditional medicine. # From sciatica, osteochondrosis, compresses with fresh leaves of geranium (pelargonium) are recommended. # An infusion of geranium leaves is used for dysentery, rheumatism, gout, as a good hemostatic agent. A teaspoon of crushed leaves insist overnight in a glass of chilled boiled water and drink several sips 3-4 times a day. # For pain in the heart 2 teaspoons of geranium leaves (pelargonium) pour two glasses of cold boiled water, insist 3 hours. Drink the infusion several times during the day. # Geranium also helps with tics (twitching of the eye muscles). Apply a few leaves of geranium to the sore spot, cover with a linen cloth and tie a warm scarf overnight. Do a few treatments and the tic will stop. DO NOT FORGET TO CONSULT YOUR DOCTOR BEFORE USING ANY RECIPE! We hope this article was helpful to you. Good luck!