
Lilac flower with small flowers. Purple flowers

Secrets of preparation and storage

Plants with purple leaves have different requirements for placement in the interior and care for them. Indoor plants decorate the interior, saturate the air of apartments with oxygen and simply bring aesthetic pleasure to the inhabitants of the apartment. Among the huge number of domestic plants, there are several that stand out for the unusual color of the leaves.

Instead of the traditionally familiar green color, a purple color can be observed on the entire leaf plate or part of it. Consider the most popular types of flowers that strike with an unusual color.

Belongs to the Compositae family and has about 50 species of lilac and burgundy flowers with different names. Carved wavy leaves are covered with fine purple hairs that are pleasant to the touch.

It does not require special care, the main conditions for successful cultivation are bright lighting during daylight hours.

If the plant feels a lack of light, the hairs will turn green, which will affect the attractiveness.

With a lack of lighting, the leaves become the usual green color.

Basic conditions for proper care:

  • loose soil with neutral acidity, consisting of leafy, soddy soil and river sand;
  • abundant watering as the topsoil dries up;
  • content in summer at a temperature of 20-24 degrees;
  • in winter with a lack of natural light temperature drop to 13 degrees, when kept in warmer conditions, additional illumination with fluorescent or phytolamps is mandatory;
  • humidity does not play a role;
  • top dressing during the period of active growth every 2 weeks;
  • propagation by cuttings is easy and fast.

Every 2 years it is desirable to rejuvenate it - cut top cuttings and root. Otherwise, the flower loses its attractiveness - it turns pale and ugly stretches.

Hemigraphis - a plant with burgundy

Hemirafis belongs to the Acanthus family and has about 100 varieties. In room culture, it is grown as an ampelous, herbaceous or ground cover crop. ovate toothed leaves able to change color depending on the amount of light falling on them.

With sufficient light, the color of the leaves becomes purple-metallic, with a lack of sunlight, the leaf blades acquire a reddish-silver tint.

Hemigraphis will please with unusual foliage if the basic rules of care are followed:

  • bright diffused lighting(east or west windows are better);
  • the optimum temperature is 20-25 degrees;
  • high air humidity(not less than 50%);
  • regular watering as the soil dries out by 1 cm, reducing the frequency of watering in winter;
  • regular top dressing from April to September with fertilizers for decorative and deciduous plants;
  • annual transplant in wide, shallow pots with a mandatory drainage layer of at least 2 cm;
  • soil mixture of turf, leafy soil, humus, vermiculite and crushed pine bark;
  • pinching to form a compact bush.

Hemigraphis is easily propagated in the spring by stem cuttings 7-10 cm long. The cuttings are kept for 2 weeks in a glass of boiled water, and after the roots appear, they are planted in a pot.

Irezine is a member of the Amaranth family. This herbaceous plant at home can grow up to 60 cm in height. Rounded or elliptical leaves turn red-purple in good light.

The lack of light affects the attractiveness - its shoots turn pale and stretch.

It is not difficult to grow irezine, it is enough to follow the basic rules:

  • continuous illumination- any windows are suitable, except for the northern ones;
  • when placed on the south side during the midday hours, it is mandatory shading from scorching rays;
  • with a lack of natural light, additional illumination with lamps is desirable so that the total daylight hours are 14 hours;
  • air temperature in summer 15-25 degrees, in winter - 15-20 degrees;
  • regular watering after the top layer of soil in the pot dries up; in winter, watering is reduced, increasing the interval between them;
  • during active growth of top dressing at least 2 times a month, in winter, top dressing is allowed once a month;
  • when grown as a perennial plant, an annual transplant is required;
  • for the soil mixture, leaf and sod land, sand and humus are used in a ratio of 2: 2: 1: 2.

To make the irezine bush more lush and spectacular, its apical shoots need to be pinched. This will stimulate the plant to form new side shoots.

Zebrina is one of the most unpretentious indoor plants, a relative of tradescantia. Its leaf blades have a striped color of silver-green and purple stripes. With good lighting, the color of the leaves becomes more saturated, with a lack - the purple color turns pale and is replaced by green.

An undemanding zebrina will be content with little:

  • continuous ambient lighting protected from direct sunlight;
  • top dressing every 2-3 weeks (from April to September);
  • moderate poly c (with excess moisture, the leaves dry);
  • soil mixture of equal parts of leaf and sod land with the addition of sand.

It makes no sense to transplant a zebrina - after a year, an overgrown bush loses its attractiveness.

It is more expedient to rejuvenate annually: cut off the apical cuttings and root in water or immediately in a pot with soil. Zebrina is often compared to a weed because it is so easy to care for.


Reo is a powerful plant with long narrow leaves, painted dark green above with pale stripes, and deep purple below.

Since reo is a close relative of zebrina and tradescantia, similar care. Under favorable conditions, the plant quickly grows into a bush of arbitrary shape.

For 1-2 years, reo can fill a wide pot or flowerpot with rhizome shoots. Propagated by cuttings, young shoots or seeds.


Oxalis, or oxalis, has a unique property - at night or in bad weather, the plant folds its trifoliate leaves, which in this form resemble the folded wings of a butterfly. Therefore, oxalis is also called Madama Butterfly or butterfly flower.

Growing sour, you need to follow the basic care requirements:

  • air temperature 20-25 degrees in summer and 12-18 in winter;
  • scattered light, protection from direct sunlight;
  • abundant watering in summer, symbolic moistening in winter;
  • top dressing every 2-3 weeks during the period of active growth with a half dose.

Kislitsa in winter needs rest.

If the plant "froze" and stopped releasing new leaves, it means that a dormant period has come. At this time, the temperature should be lowered, watering is minimized. In the spring, with the appearance of new leaves, the plant is returned to its previous growing conditions.

Indoor plants with purple leaves are unpretentious and easy to care for. They have small, unattractive flowers, and all the beauty lies in unusual leaves with a spectacular color.

The effect of purple on a person cannot be called unambiguous. It is unusual for perception, so each person has his own reaction to this color. Purple is the color of mysticism and night. It is preferred by intellectuals and travelers. In a flower bed or among the flowers in the garden, plants with flowers of purple hues look very impressive. They are both among perennials and among annuals. Some of these flowers are not only beautiful, but can also be used as medicinal raw materials.

Magnificent asters

Among the many varieties of these flowers, there are both annuals and perennials. Asters have flowers in lilac, purple, blue, red, orange and white. Below are those varieties that are dominated by purple or lilac shades:

Clematis hedge

Crocuses that bloom in autumn are planted at the end of July, and spring ones are planted in autumn. It should be noted that crocuses grow rapidly, so the distance from one bulb to another should be significant - about 10 cm. After flowering, the bulbs must be dug up and stored in a dry place until the start of the next season.

delphinium and muscari

The soil for planting these flowers should be slightly acidic, slightly moist. It blooms well both in sunny places and in the shade. The fertility of the soil affects the size of the bulbs, the appearance of the flowers. Mouse hyacinth should be fertilized with compost or humus.

In the floodplains of rivers and lakes in spring and summer you can find a wide variety of vegetation: these are meadow flowers and herbs that create a colorful or delicate color of earthly clothes. There are perennial, biennial, annual flowers in fields and meadows, they reproduce by seeds (self-sowing), roots (vegetatively), pollination (with the help of birds and insects).

Different geographical zones differ in their characteristics and the names of growing herbs, which choose a more comfortable climate for maturation and reproduction. Plants and flowers of fields and meadows can be creeping, undersized (up to 15 cm), medium and high photophilous (up to 2 m). Meadow and field plants are bright, delicate, bicolor, variegated, dark. Colors prevail among them: yellow, blue, purple, white, pink, red.

Yellow grass natural landscapes

A huge number of fragrant, tart or delicately smelling herbs have yellow inflorescences: goose onion, elecampane, sweet clover, colza, backache, dye navel, lupine, tansy, dandelion and many other useful and beautiful plants. Some yellow meadow flowers, their photos and names are presented in this section.

goose bow

A low-growing plant no higher than 15 cm has long leaves growing at the roots, small bright yellow flowers, expressively smelling of honey. Used as a cosmetic and medicinal product.


It grows in bushes up to 1 m high. The leaves are narrow, light green, the inflorescences are orange or yellow. Flowers are solitary or in bunches. It is used for face and body care, as well as in traditional medicine.

sweet clover

Sweet clover also belongs to the yellow wildflowers. This is one of the tallest flowers growing above human height (up to 2 m). The stems are evenly covered with three-toed leaves. Small flowers (yellow or white) are arranged in the form of brushes.

Sweet clover heals wounds, relieves inflammation and convulsions, and treats a wet cough.


This bush plant is even higher - up to 1.5 m. The area at the roots is equipped with narrow lancet leaves. The flowers are small, come in different colors, including yellow, pyramidal arranged on a long stem. Delphinium is added as a useful component in the manufacture of soap.

Field plants with yellow inflorescences can continue the above list. These include: zopnik (or feverish root), St.

blue wildflowers

The main among the blue flowers of meadows and fields can be distinguished: chicory, common aquilegia, gentian, delphinium, field larkspur, lupine, cornflower, peach-leaved bell, multicolor pansies with a predominance of blue-violet color, common bruise. Here are photos of blue wildflowers with names.


It has a powerful, fleshy root filled with milky juice. Stem with multiple branches grows up to 120 cm in height. The leaves grow from the middle part of the stems, collected in rosettes. The flowers of this meadow plant are blue-blue (there are white and pink species), with jagged petals, bordered by leaves, located along the length of the stems and on their tops. Loves the sun, flowers close in the afternoon.

Chicory is useful for the nervous system, heart and blood vessels, kidneys and liver. It is a medicinal food for animals.

Aquilegia vulgaris

Bush meadow flowers of medium height (up to 80 cm). Not afraid of frost. Large inflorescences on tall thin stalks can be of very different colors: blue, white, red, pink, purple, black, lilac. treat pneumonia, sore throats, skin diseases, wounds and burns, scurvy, headaches and stomach pains.


It is a semi-shrub with a constant lower part in the form of bush branches and a replaceable grassy top. Reaches a height of 1.5 m. It has memorable flowers in the form of large bells of blue, purple and pale blue. Gentian root is used for indigestion, gout, eye diseases, anemia, diathesis, heart failure.

Cornflower blue

Reaches 1 m in height, leaves are elongated, dull green hue. The flowers grow in a beautiful blue color. It is used for the treatment of kidneys, urinary tract, cardiovascular system, eye and female diseases, joints, stomach.

purple meadow plants

Marshmallow officinalis

A low flower up to 50 cm tall with oblong greenish leaves located along the entire height of the stem: below - larger, above - gradually smaller. Pale pink flowers grow one at a time, they can reach 10 cm in diameter. Marshmallow is not adapted to severe frosts, it feels comfortable in central Russia. The root of the flower is used in the treatment of coughs and stomach ulcers, increasing immunity.

Valerian officinalis

Stretches up to 1.5 m in height. The leaves are attached to the stem with a long petiole. Light pink fragrant inflorescences look like umbrellas. In medicine, a drug based on valerian root is used as a sedative, for headaches, pressure, angina pectoris, thyroid diseases, cholelithiasis, problems in the urinary tract, during menopause in women.

Fireweed angustifolia

forest anemone

wild bow

Explanation of some names

Meadow flowers, in addition to the official Latin name, have a name that was given by people. For example, coltsfoot got its name from the contrast between the upper (warm, fleecy) and lower (cold, smooth) parts of the leaf.

Elecampane relieves fatigue, gives "nine strengths". Cornflower - a symbol of purity and holiness, named after St. Basil, who treated flowers with great love. Ivan da Marya is named after the legend of unrequited love, which was not destined to come true.

According to Russian legend, multi-colored pansies are the color of hope, surprise and sadness of a girl whose heart could not stand the vain expectation of her beloved. The carnation was named after its resemblance to an old forging nail. The roots and leaves of gentian are so bitter that this taste has become the name of the flower.

Photos with the names of wild flowers are given below.

Ivan da Marya


carnation meadow

Flowers-honey plants

At the height of summer, when honey flowers in the field produce nectar for cross-pollination, bee workers collect this healing sweet liquid for further honey production.

The most honey plants are:

Honey plants also include: anise, peppermint, spike lavender, cumin, meadow cornflower, autumn kulbaba, lungwort, coltsfoot. Depending on the name of the flower, honey productivity from 1 hectare ranges from 30 to 1300 kg. The following are photos and names of some field flowers-melliferous plants.

Nature has generously endowed a person with an incalculable wealth of flora, which heals ailments, delights with its special beauty, cleanses the soul and improves mood.

Video sketch - meadow flowers

European countries are feverish with purple tones in flowers. The magical charm of color is due to the combination of opposite energies: the restraint of blue and the assertiveness of red. To match the fashion in landscape design, the dacha is populated with purple plants.

Description of purple perennial crops

Purple flowers have 190 tones, so choosing candidates for home and garden decor is easy. Among indoor plants, they prefer the beautiful fuchsia, violet, as well as sour, which is popularly called the clover of happiness. The violet fragrance and color has many followers.

Striking purple colorsperennials in the garden:

  • Italian bullock and gentian;
  • hydrangea and arizema;
  • aconite and callistefus;
  • geranium and pulmonaria.

Psychologists are convinced that each person has his own reaction to a purple hue. The color of the flower buds symbolizes well-being, spiritual wealth, kindness. Birthday is an occasion to give your best friend a homemade flower with purple buds.

Some gardeners believe that purple coloration reflects age and wisdom that comes with time. Purple-flowered petunias have a more intense scent than other varieties. The luxury and depth of double or simple tubular buds is achieved thanks to the floral tone.

In addition to serenity, among the meanings of purple cultures are sadness and longing for the past. Purple flowers are appropriate for romantic natures who dream of the future and the new. Girls who are depressed are not advised to grow such flowers.

For a delicate garden, a combination of purple perennials, coupled with annuals, is just right. The cheerfulness of the flower garden gives the neighborhood with orange or yellow crops.

Plantings look beautiful in a group of white and purple irises. Callas and gladioli are attractive in this arrangement.

To embellish the flower bed with dark shades, purple crops with red and pink flowers are planted. Soloing purple buds against the background of ground cover purslane or another culture will emphasize the originality of the site.

TOP 10 purple perennials

Plants are used for cutting into bouquets, for decorating buildings and decorating a lovely plan. Grow dwarf and tall varieties with numerous buds. Summer residents are interested in the names of the best purple flowers for the garden.


Cultivated as an annual and biennial. The growth of a short bush ranges from 20 to 40 cm. Alyssum has fragrant flowers and a bright color.

Features of agricultural technology

A light-loving plant loves light fertile soil. At the initial stage of development, the perennial needs moderate watering and enhanced nutrition. Alyssum, which belongs to the Cabbage family, is affected by the cruciferous flea.

If the plants are very sick, chemicals are used:

  • Aktar;
  • Fitoverm;
  • Actellik.


The flower dominates the garden in autumn. The favorite of the autumn site is characterized by intense flowering before the onset of frost.

The color scheme is distinguished by a variety of tones: yellow-violet, snow-white, lilac, hot pink. New Belgian aster is a valuable honey plant, on the golden center of which bees flock during flowering.

Features of agricultural technology

When asters are planted, you need:

  • semi-shaded or sunlit flower bed;
  • light breathable soil;
  • the introduction of organic matter and mineral supplements;
  • moderate watering;
  • replanting by dividing the bush every 5 years.


The perennial resembles a crocus. The purple flower's name is colchicum. In the common people they call autumn or autumn crocus. The differences lie in the dimensions of the flowers and the smell. One bulb forms up to four flowers.

Flowering time is three weeks. Then the pollinated flowers immediately dry up, wintering well under the snow.

Colchicums are planted in the rock garden. Flower beds with constant flowering are suitable, as well as ordinary flower beds.

Features of agricultural technology

Kolchikum grows in the sun and in the shade.

However, you will need:

  • soil moisture control;
  • moderate watering during the heat;
  • weeding and removal of weeds;
  • pruning dried leaves in June and at the end of flowering.



Admire the beauty and richness of colors. The elegant purple flower is mentioned in legends. One of them says that a young man named Hyacinth, a favorite of the Greek god Apollo, was injured during the competition. In places where transparent drops of blood flowed, wild flowers appeared, which were named after the young man.

Perennials are excellently cultivated in open ground and at home.

Features of agricultural technology

Spring primroses are susceptible to top dressing. Dry fertilizer is applied after the formation of the first shoots, while also loosening the soil for the first time.

The next time the flowers are fed at the stage of budding under the root. Then a liquid feed is applied after flowering.

Before rooting the bulbs, the earth is not allowed to dry out. Hyacinth is watered periodically, especially in drought.


tenacious creeping

A distinctive feature of the ground cover is the ability to survive. In nature, it is found in meadows and forests.

Varieties are popular with gardeners:

  • Multicolor with catchy purple foliage interspersed with scarlet, yellow or orange;
  • Tenacious Laxmanas with elongated leaves of a grayish color;
  • Geneva tenacious with flowers of white, bluish or pink color.

Features of agricultural technology

The tenacious is resistant to the adverse effects of the weather. The plant is not attacked by pests and phytodiseases. The tenacious blooms with a minimum of sunlight. Prefers loose types of soil with the addition of sand, peat or turf.

On a note. They diligently plan the landing of the tenacious due to the rapid spread and oppression of plants growing nearby.

tenacious creeping


In a different way, the lozinka, or clematis, is a herbaceous perennial plant from the Buttercup family. It grows in temperate climates and subtropics. There are up to 300 species.

On a note. Ideal for vertical gardening. Clematis decorate terraces and gazebos, planted along with roses.

Features of agricultural technology

Heat-loving clematis likes loams and sandstones without close occurrence of gunt waters. Plants are planted at intervals of 2 m.

Liana care consists in watering, feeding, mulching the ground under the bushes: clematis does not tolerate overheating of the root system. Shelter is needed in winter.


The undemanding plant has become famous for its color and smell, which is similar to musk.

Interesting. An impressive example of landscape planting of mouse hyacinth is the famous white and blue Muscari rivers in Holland in the Keukenhof park.

Features of agricultural technology

A 25 cm stalk plant likes abundant watering and sunlight. Grows in partial shade. Reproduction of individual varieties of a small culture occurs by self-sowing.


The inhabitants of decorative flower beds take root and grow even on heavy soil. The addition of coarse-grained sand to the planting holes is appreciated.

Features of agricultural technology

In order for phloxes to please with balls of bright colors, they plant in an open, sunny and wind-protected flower bed. The root neck of the plant is deepened by 2-3 cm. Sandstones need an admixture of clay.


Planting an ornamental culture will ennoble the garden and city streets. Lilac (in Hebrew - lilah, in Persia - fox tail, in Rus' - chenille) pleases summer residents with lilac flowers and amazing aroma from mid-May. The variety of lilac determines the color of the flowers: from pink-violet to white. 3 species grow in Russia, 30 in Eurasia.

Features of agricultural technology

For planting bushes choose fertile drained soil. Cultures are planted in increments of several meters, watered and mulched. In the first years after planting, fertilizer is not applied under the bushes. Then they are fed with ammonium nitrate and urea. Don't forget to trim the plant.

On a note. Fresh lilac leaves heal purulent ulcers and wounds.


Refers to deciduous shrubs that reach 2-3 m in height and are distinguished by long spicate inflorescences.

Features of agricultural technology

Buddley loves the sunny area. Water-loving culture prefers foliar spraying. The flowering of the shrub falls on the age of three. The peak of decorativeness falls in July and continues until October, if wilted inflorescences are removed. Before flowering, they are fed with nitrogen and organic matter. In the flowering phase, fertilize with potassium and phosphorus. In winter, culture needs protection.

The perception of purple garden flowers allows you to find peace of mind and energize.

It is important for gardeners to avoid mistakes when choosing purple perennials.

Violet color does not have an unambiguous description of its impact on a person due to its bipolarity. There is a certain tradition to consider it the most unusual for perception. Experts in the field of psychology, after conducting certain studies, came to the conclusion that each person reacts to it differently. Including in color options for flower buds.

In some countries, purple is considered to be a mystic color, they make it a symbol of the night, under the auspices of which many inexplicable things happen. Some people compare it with the air, in which tropical notes hover. This color is loved by intellectuals and those who are not indifferent to secrets and travel. But then again - psychologists say that it is impossible to determine exactly what types of people are fans of this shade.

Those who love this color and gardening can try sprucing up their flower bed or garden space by planting purple flowers.

What does the purple color of flowers mean?

In general, purple flowers mean that a person is admired, they also symbolize charm and friendship. Violet itself is a binding color, it is able to reconcile and connect different people. Therefore, flowers of a purple hue will help different personalities find a common language. Purple is the favorite color of poets and royalty, so compositions made up of flowers of this shade look so regal and unusual.

Purple flowers: names

There are many purple flowers in nature, and if you want them to not disappear from your flower bed for a long period, then you can make a flower bed of continuous flowering from them.

  • Crocus. A bulbous plant, quite common, begins to bloom in early spring. Many varieties of this crop have purple flowers. If you plant several at once on the 1st site, you will get a very unusual and beautiful combination. By the way, all varieties of crocus develop well and grow both in the shade and in sunny areas. They will take root in any soil without stagnant moisture, they do not require special care in relation to themselves. They are not afraid of frost and snow either, but only their flowers open only in sunny weather, and vice versa in cloudy weather: they close their petals tightly. They can grow in one place for up to 5 years, after which it is recommended to transplant them to a new place of growth. They will look great among lawns and stones. They are also used for winter distillation;

  • Hyacinths - they are called the kings of spring! Translated from Greek, their name translates as "flower of the rains", which is probably associated with the rainy period in the place of its origin. By themselves, these plants are beautiful, strong, at the same time delicate and very beautiful, they also have a very pleasant smell and a variety of purple hues;
  • Tulips. Although this plant does not have many varieties with purple flowers, they look very impressive. The flowers themselves are large, often with white edging;

  • Rhododendron. It is an evergreen shrub that loves the sun. There are not so many varieties of this shade, but they look very beautiful and bloom for a long time. It is used both for a single landing and for a group;
  • Lilac. She has a lot of fans. This plant got its name thanks to the purple hue of flowers !;

  • Delphiniums and lupins. The 1st have semi-double flowers of dark color. The flowers of the 2nd plant are also unusual and very beautiful;
  • Irises. They don't have any colors! They are considered leaders among the flowers of a purple hue. The color of some of their varieties is very unusual and immediately attracts the eye, as is the shape of the flowers themselves;

  • Decorative bow. Its flowers are collected in graceful inflorescences. It can become a decoration of any garden plot;
  • Salvias, aquilegias, Wittrock violets, campanulas, phloxes and aconites begin their flowering in mid-summer;

  • Purple mackerel and purple hazel also begin to unfold their beautiful leaves in summer;
  • Rose. Although this shade is not very characteristic of roses, nevertheless, varieties of this color exist in nature;

  • Bedley David or "Black Knight" is an exotic interesting plant. It blooms densely, long and majestically. Velvet inflorescences, consisting of small flowers. Their aroma is similar to the aroma of honey, which is why they attract butterflies so strongly. Grows very fast. Bushes can be planted both singly and in groups;
  • Cat mint. It blooms with small tubular flowers of a light shade. They exude a very pleasant aroma, and bloom for a long time. If faded inflorescences are removed in time, then flowering will repeat;
  • Lilies. There are some hybrids that grow quickly, have a beautiful appearance, and their flowers sometimes reach a diameter of 20 cm!;
  • Gladiolus. Hybrid varieties can bloom with buds that are painted in several shades at once;
  • Clematis. A climbing plant that blooms luxuriantly has recently been gaining more and more popularity among gardeners;
  • Wisteria large-flowered "Multiuga". This plant is a vigorous vine. It blooms long and beautifully. Flowers, reaching a length of 30-50 cm, are collected in inflorescences. The shrub itself is perennial, and sometimes reaches a height of 18 m, the leaves are up to 30 cm long. It blooms in early spring, and in the southern regions - in the month of May;
  • Asters. Very common flowers, begin to bloom in the 2nd half of summer.

Purple flowers: photo

Flower with purple leaves: description

Not all lovers of purple flowers have the opportunity to grow them in their backyard, but this can be done in an apartment! There is a houseplant that has purple leaves. At first glance it may seem that this is a very rare species, but in fact it is not so at all. These qualities are possessed by violet acid or oxalis. You can breed it not only inside the house, but also in personal plots. She attracts attention to herself with her leaves, which are painted in a rich purple color.

The flowers of this plant are inconspicuous and small and look very gentle against the background of bright foliage. They can be yellow, white or pink in color. Oxalis blooms for a long time, and 3-4 flowers bloom at the same time, and after, fading, they are replaced by new ones.

In many countries of the world, this plant is considered to be a symbol that brings happiness to the house. She was even nicknamed by the people "clover of happiness" and is given in decorative pots for the New Year. There is such a sign: if on the last day of the outgoing year the oxalis changes its owner, then it will certainly bring happiness to the house.

Its leaves look like butterfly wings and can fold if the lighting changes. And the main feature of the oxalis is that it closes the leaves in cloudy weather or at night, and on the opposite side of the sun, it opens them to the rays of the sun. Because of this, the place of growth of oxalis must be chosen carefully. It should be such that the plant does not burn out from the sun's rays, but at the same time it is not in semi-darkness.

Also, the place should be cool, with diffused light. Watering is recommended regularly. In nature, it grows in damp places on the banks of reservoirs and swamps, as well as in the shade of massive trees. Due to prolonged darkness, oxalis will lose the decorative appearance of the leaves, and bright light will simply burn them.

In general, this plant is unpretentious in terms of care. But there are some varieties that require a dormant period, which often occurs in the winter. The aerial part of the plant dies off for 1-1.5 months, and new shoots already appear in the spring. During the dormant period, the air temperature in the room should be about 12 degrees Celsius, and it is far from always possible to maintain it. Due to non-compliance with this condition, oxalis often does not grow in many gardeners.

In summer, oxalis needs regular watering, but without stagnant water. In autumn, watering should be reduced, and in winter it should be completely stopped, the soil should be kept slightly moist. In dry weather, the leaves can be sprayed, but it is better to do this with boiled settled water so that there are no stains on the leaves later.

The main advantage of this plant is its resistance to pests. And of the diseases, it only exposes the rotting of the root system, due to excess moisture.

If you want your garden to shimmer with mysterious and mysterious purple colors, then plant flowers in this beautiful shade of the palette. You can also add them with various decorative elements, as a result you will get a spectacular and very beautiful flower bed!