
Construction on thise of rice husks. What are the disadvantages of the yew foundation

Ornamental trees and shrubs

Photo by V. Nefedov
Creating supports for the foundation:
a - fittings are placed in the well; b - after filling the lower part of the well with concrete, a glassine shirt folded into a tube was brought into it; c - the end of the column should protrude by 15-20 cm;
g - the next day, the ends of the supports were covered with bitumen; Walls according to TISE-3M:
a - pull the cord;
b - install void formers;
c - after ramming, they make stripping; g - the walls are reinforced with "flexible connections";

e, f - compensator formwork is used to form short blocks Wall laying:
a - the openings were trimmed with brickwork;
b - the laying of the upper rows was done from the platforms;
c - external and internal walls were laid without mutual dressing
Internal walls for laying engineering communications in them were reinforced with 6 mm reinforcement bars; external - road mesh every 4 rows of masonry
Walls according to TISE-2:
a - TISE-2M are distinguished by a jumper;

b, c - backfilling of the mixture, its tamping and demoulding are similar to the molding of TISE-3M blocks The organization of floors is no different from other construction technologies. In the attic (a) and basement (c) levels, mineral wool insulation should be provided, for the interfloor (b) - sandy sound insulation is sufficient A pit made of reinforced concrete rings was located under the house, the pipes were insulated. The risers were located behind a light partition in the bathroom. The partition is equipped with a sash used in the operation and installation of utilities A trowel is used to level and smooth the side surface of the wall. To create holes in the molding of the block, wooden void formers were provided. Ground floor plan Second floor plan
Attic plan

The cost of building a house consists of the cost of building materials, labor and equipment. TISE technology, which implies construction without the use of heavy lifting and transport machines, based on cheap materials, can significantly reduce the total cost.

Project "Hope"

We will consider the sequence of actions during the construction of a two-story cottage using TISE technology, covering the construction of the foundation and walls of the building, using the example of the standard Nadezhda project. The house is designed for year-round living of a family of 4-6 people. Building area - 81 m 2, total area - 155 m 2, living area - 75.7 m 2. The cottage was erected by a team of four people, the work was completed in 2.5 months.

Foundation laying

Before starting work, they analyzed the soil and determined its type, since the choice of the type of foundation depends on this. The soils on the site turned out to be heaving, so the foundation began to be built columnar-tape. The structure is formed from supports buried below the freezing level, and the above-ground part - a grillage tape.

When creating a column-strip foundation, a manual foundation drill "TISE-F" (price - 1500 rubles) was used to perform reference wells with an expanded cavity at the bottom. The actions were carried out by two workers, which significantly reduced the cost of this stage of construction.

The construction of the foundation began with the drilling of wells for the supports. After that (it took about an hour for each), pre-prepared reinforcement was inserted into it, made in the form of two U-shaped brackets made of reinforcing steel with a diameter of 12 mm, located crosswise. Each bracket was made from a reinforcement bar 3 m long so that the finished frame would protrude from the well by 15-20 cm.

Pillows of sand or gravel are not created when constructing a columnar foundation of this type!

Then they started filling the well with concrete of the following composition by volume (cement-sand-crushed stone-water): 1: 3: 2: 0.7. At the same time, cement grade M400, crushed stone-granite, was used, since porous materials (brick, crushed limestone, expanded clay, slag, etc.) significantly reduce the frost resistance of the foundation pillar, which in the future can lead the structure to an emergency state.

Before the start of filling with concrete, pegs were installed at each well, indicating the level of the lower edge of the grillage tape. Moreover, the minimum gap between the soil and the grillage should be 15 cm (it is necessary for the subsequent shrinkage of the house). Concrete was laid in layers of 15-20 cm and compacted with careful baying. The concrete mixture itself was prepared for no more than an hour of work and sold until the moment of setting.

Foundation supports

During the construction of the foundation of the house, the TISE-F drill was used to drill reference wells with an expanded cavity at the bottom. diameter of the cylindrical part of the well - 0.25 m; expansion diameter of the lower part - 0.4; 0.5; 0.6 m

To determine the number and size of the foundation pillars, the step of their installation, a calculation was carried out, which took into account the bearing capacity of the soil, the weight of the house with the operational load and the distribution of weight under the bearing walls. To determine the depth of foundation pillars, it is necessary to know the depth of soil freezing in a given area (for Moscow - 140 cm), the type of soil, the level of groundwater and flood waters and their seasonal changes.

Based on the results of the calculations, the following characteristics of the supports were adopted: the diameter of the expansion of the lower part is 0.6 m, the total drilling depth is 1.6 m, the installation step is 1.5 m. The supports should be located at the corners of the house, along the perimeter and under the internal load-bearing walls the first floor with a given step (1.5 m). In our case, 24 pillars were placed around the perimeter of the house, 20 pillars under the inner walls, that is, only 44 pillars were required to create the underground part of the foundation.

After filling the lower part of the well with concrete (5-10 cm above the expansion), a glassine jacket rolled into a tube was brought into it, which formed a smooth part of the well. The length of the shirt blank (1.8 m) was taken on the basis that it would protrude from the well by 15-20 cm under the upper edge of the clogged peg - level indicator. Then we completed the filling of the well with concrete under the upper edge of the shirt.

The next day, the protruding ends of the supports were covered with bitumen (so that water from the supports would not seep into the grillage and walls). The process of creating one column, taking into account the time of drilling the well, lasted about an hour and a half; it took a week for all 44 supports. When the last support was completed, they began to organize the horizontal bandaging of the pillars - grillage tape.

The formwork for the grillage 40 cm high and 35 cm wide was made of boards. (In the general case, the width of the grillage tape is determined by the width of the wall being erected and the type of basement.) To simplify the creation of the formwork around the perimeter of the house, they made technological sand filling under the edge of the foundation pillars, compacted it and covered it with glassine. At the location of the ends of the supports in glassine, holes were cut out for them. The grillage tape was reinforced with a bar with a diameter of 12 mm - four at the bottom and at the top along the section of the tape, but not closer than 3 cm from the edge. To do this, a layer of concrete approximately 4 cm thick was poured into the formwork and the lower bars were laid on it. Next, the formwork was filled with concrete, not reaching 4 cm to the top, and the upper bars were immediately laid, after which the concrete was added to the end. The connection between the grillage and the supports appears only after the concrete is completely poured into the formwork: under the weight of the concrete, the filling sags by about 1 cm, due to which the supports penetrate the foundation tape. The surface of the tape (after the start of hardening) was carefully smoothed out and controlled by the level - it is unacceptable to lay on an uneven grillage.

The tape was moistened for a week. Demoulding was performed after 7 days, after which the technological backfill was removed. Thus, a gap was created between the grillage and the ground, compensating for heaving phenomena. The opinion that the gap should be filled during the construction of such a column-strip foundation is a gross mistake. Violation of this rule will result in the soil, swollen, simply tearing off the tape from the supports.

Here is the amount of materials used to build the foundation. The volume of concrete required for supports and tape is 13 m 3. The total consumption of materials for the construction of the foundation: cement - 3.5 tons, sand - 6 m 3, crushed stone - 6 m 3, reinforcement 12 mm - 480 kg, glassine - 100 m 2.

At mid-2005 prices (Moscow), the cost of materials amounted to about 25 thousand rubles. The total time for the construction of the foundation is 10 days.

The strength of concrete made it possible to start building walls using the TISE technology the very next day after pouring the grillage.

TISE modules

Modules for the construction of walls using this technology are an adjustable formwork that allows you to mold directly on the wall, without an underlying mortar, hollow wall blocks from a cement-sand mixture with a small amount of water. The modules themselves (TISE-2M and TISE-3M) consist of a closed box-shaped form without a bottom with a wall thickness of 2 mm and two void formers (boxes inserted into the mold to create voids) fixed in it with removable pins - four transverse and one longitudinal. The kit also includes a compensator formwork designed for the manufacture of shortened blocks.

All components of the module are made of steel. With proper operation, it can be used to mold up to 10 thousand wall blocks, the dimensions of which are multiples of the usual two-row masonry “in brick” (for TISE-2M) or “one and a half bricks” (for TISE-3M). This allows such walls to be combined with traditional building materials.

The module is available in two main modifications that allow you to create blocks of the following sizes (L H W):
TISE-2M - 510 150 250 mm (weight - 14 kg);
TISE-3M - 510 150 380 mm (weight - 18 kg).

The TISE-2M module in our case was used for the internal walls of the house, TISE-3M - for external load-bearing walls with backfill insulation. Wall blocks were molded in the following sequence: void formers were installed in the mold, they were fixed, then the mixture was poured in 1-2 steps and compacted with a rammer. Stripping (removing the mold from the molded block) was carried out immediately after compaction of the mixture. One block was created in 4-7 minutes. To carry out stripping, all fixing pins were removed and the mold was carefully removed. The planes of the corner blocks were carefully aligned vertically and horizontally using a plumb line and a level. For the manufacture of incomplete blocks, a void former and a partition-scraper were placed in the mold.


The molding of the wall block is carried out in the wall without an underlying mortar, and it is possible to start laying the blocks the very next day after pouring the grillage. We want to emphasize that it is not necessary to lay any waterproofing layer between the first row of blocks and the grillage, since the seepage of moisture is prevented by a layer of glassine between the grillage and the ends of the supports. Based on the length of the modules (510 mm) and taking into account the gaps between the blocks (about 10 mm), it is recommended to make the wall length a multiple of 260 mm (510:2 + 10).

It should also be noted that the smooth walls of the TISE climbing formwork module make it possible to construct walls with a flat surface that does not require subsequent application of a plaster layer. This creates additional savings on materials, reduces labor and financial costs. You can build such walls on any foundation.

Before starting to manufacture blocks of the first row, a cord was pulled. Focusing on it, set the form. The outer walls were built using the TISE-3M module. The erection began with the laying of corner fragments of the wall (for corner dressing) from three standard ceramic bricks, one of which was broken in half. Corner dressing can also be performed using a shortened wall block 12 cm long, but in our case we chose the “brick” option as more decorative.

To create the next wall block, the module shape was placed close to the just completed block. At the same time, the void formers were fixed in a mold so that a thicker wall (11 cm) was obtained on the inside of the house, and thinner (9 cm) on the outside. When making blocks of external walls, basalt rods were used for transverse reinforcement (the so-called "flexible connections", the cost of 1 piece is 7 rubles), laid one for each block.

After spending the mixture from one bag of cement (8-12 blocks) until it sets, they started leveling and smoothing the side surface of the wall, for which a trowel was used. Vertical gaps between blocks, holes from transverse pins, irregularities along the horizontal seams of the masonry were filled with a cement-sand mixture of the same composition. And since especially careful grouting and complete filling of the holes with a solution is not required, they were only covered (to a depth of no more than 1 cm).

For the installation of wooden floors in blocks, even during molding, niches were made for placing the ends of wooden beams with a cross section of 150 50 mm, mounted on an edge. The basement beams rested directly on the grillage. Beam supports were placed at the junction of adjacent blocks with a step of 520 mm (a multiple of 260 mm). To create niches during the execution of the block, it is necessary to provide an additional void former. For this, a removable wooden liner 200 mm high and 50 mm thick was made, and its length was selected based on the block size (110 mm for external and 45 mm for internal walls). When demoulding, the liner was removed. The next day, after laying the row with openings for the floors, the beams themselves were installed, and then the formation of a new row of blocks began. The same was done with the arrangement of floors between floors. Ligation with the inner walls was not carried out, the inner and outer walls were erected independently of each other. If the space for the final block was less than its standard size, such an element was molded using a special formwork-compensator. If it was required to place a block between others created earlier, then a longitudinal pin was not inserted into the void formers (otherwise it would not be possible to remove it from the mold during stripping).

The straightness of the wall was ensured by the manufacture of blocks along the cord. The verticality of the structure was checked every 4 rows of masonry. If the wall "left" to the side, the surface of the masonry was rubbed with a trowel so that the form installed on it took the required position. The horizontality of the upper plane of each molded row of blocks was checked using a level. If necessary, it was also overwritten. The length of the trowel for the side walls is at least 50 cm, for the upper plane - at least 120 cm, the width is 10-15 cm.

External walls must have high thermal insulation characteristics. This can be ensured by reliable insulation. In our case, a scheme with filling insulation was used: a warm layer of foam insulation 18 cm thick was created inside each block. Such a design, in terms of heat-saving characteristics, is equivalent to brickwork 3 m thick. Filling foam insulation with its simultaneous compaction was also carried out every 4 rows of masonry, after checking the verticality and horizontal wall.

Working mixture

Everyone who got acquainted with the TISE technology was interested in the composition of the concrete mix. Many were overcome by doubts: is it really possible to mold a block with such a simple tooling that can withstand a load of more than 100 tons after hardening? The whole secret lies in the volumetric composition of the mixture, consisting of M400 cement, sand and water. The ratio of the components cement-sand-water: 1: 3: 0.5.

Sand should not be fine (dusty), without clay impurities. If it contains many different fractions up to 3 mm in size, a full-fledged concrete mix can be obtained with a volume ratio of 1: 4: 0.5. When compiling the mixture, the brand of cement should be taken into account. So, with a brand of 500, its amount can be reduced by 20%, but with a brand of 300, it will have to be increased by 20%.

Amount of water . Since the mixture should turn out to be hard, the amount of water added to it should be taken very carefully. With an excess of moisture, the molded block will "float", acquire a barrel-shaped shape, and with a lack of moisture, it will crumble after stripping. It should be noted that it is also necessary to take into account the natural humidity of the sand, which has been under the open sky for a long time: after rain, the dosage by water can increase significantly. Nevertheless, experience shows that there are no problems with determining the amount of water - everything becomes clear in the first two or three blocks. Obviously, it is impossible to form blocks in heavy rain.

The mixture was obtained as follows. First, about half of the required volume of sand was poured out and leveled, then a bag of cement was poured onto it and leveled, and then the rest of the sand. The whole mixture was stirred with a shovel until it acquired a uniform gray color (without the yellowness of the sand). After that, a slide was made from the resulting dry composition with a recess in the middle, where the entire volume of water was poured. After 1-2 minutes, when the water was absorbed, the mixture was again shoveled, averaging the viscosity. The preparation time of the mixture from one bag of cement (50 kg) was 8-10 minutes. There were 12 buckets (10 L) of sand and 25 L of water per bag of cement. The mixture should be prepared as needed, taking into account the speed of block formation. It is not necessary to store the product for future use, it must be used until the moment of setting, which occurs in 30-50 minutes. One bag of cement is evenly consumed when working with one module for half an hour. The volume of the mixture prepared from one bag of cement is enough for 12 TISE-2M blocks or 8 TISE-3M blocks.

To make the outer walls strong enough, every 4 rows of masonry, immediately after filling and tamping the insulation, they were reinforced with a special fiberglass mesh. It does not create cold bridges, eliminates the drawdown of bulk insulation and is easily cut with ordinary scissors. Particular care was taken that the joints of the grids in the wall were not located vertically on the same line and did not fall on the corners, window and door openings.

The formation of the layer of blocks forming the door or window opening was started immediately after the completion of the corner elements of this layer. The blocks near the openings themselves were made in such a way that almost always the inevitable undersized elements were located somewhere in the middle of the wall. A row under the window opening was laid on a reinforcing mesh (in order to strengthen the structure in the opening area and drown out the horizontal channel of the wall). The resulting cavity was covered with insulation, then covered with glassine, and covered with a thin layer of mortar on top. The gap between the inner and outer walls on the sides of the window was covered with a board. At the upper corners of the openings, the masonry was not brought up to half the block, leaving a ledge under the support for the lintel. The cavity of the block, on which the jumper rests, was filled with concrete. Lintels over window and door openings were made by the traditional method - casting reinforced concrete elements in the formwork directly on the wall (the concrete is the same as when pouring the grillage). The dimensions of door and window openings were made in multiples of 26 cm (window height - 1350 mm, width - 1290, 2060, 770, 1540 mm; door height - 2100 mm, width - 890, 790, 1030 mm). When installing standard door and window frames, compensating boards are installed in such openings. The boxes are fastened to TISE blocks in the usual way.

The inner walls were molded using the TISE-2M module. In this case, the first row began with blocks adjacent to the outer walls. The void formers of the block of the inner wall were fixed in such a way that two cavities of equal volume were obtained in it, separated by a vertical transverse partition. To embody the architectural design, window openings were also trimmed with elements of brickwork. The inner walls of the house were reinforced with reinforcement bars - for each row, two bars with a diameter of 6 mm were used, located horizontally. This made it possible to use the vertical channels of the walls for laying engineering communications in them. Since the blocks were assembled in layers (one layer per day), the construction of the walls of the house lasted two months.

The rafters and roof trusses were connected to the walls through a bar with a section of 150-150 mm, embedded along the perimeter of the outer walls (Mauerlat). Mauerlat was fixed on the wall using embedded elements made in the form of U-shaped pieces of wire with a diameter of 6 mm. They were located along the perimeter of the wall with a step of 1.5 m and concreted into the cavity of the block. After the construction work was completed, the installation of engineering communications began.


Between the beams of the lower floor, bars of 5 mm were fastened at a distance with a step of 40 cm. A covering material was laid on top, a heater (mineral wool 10 cm thick) and the same covering material were laid. Logs were nailed over the beams (beam 5-5 cm) with a step of 50 cm, and on them - tongue-and-groove boards (32 mm), plywood (6 mm) and linoleum.

The floors in the bathroom were laid in the same way, tongue-and-groove boards (28 mm) were laid instead of logs. On top - another layer of boards under 45 to the floor beams, covered with polyethylene and poured with concrete (30 mm) with mesh reinforcement. After the concrete had hardened, ceramic tiles were laid on the adhesive.

Bars of 4-4 cm were nailed to the beams between the first and second floors from the sides, and then a draft floor (20 mm). Everything was covered with polyethylene, on which sand (7 cm) was poured. Logs were laid on top in increments of 50 cm. A tongue-and-groove board (32 mm), plywood and linoleum were nailed to them. Plasterboard (12 mm) was attached to the ceiling of the first floor.

The upper floor was arranged similarly to the lower one, however, after laying the insulation, boards (28 mm) were nailed to the beams.

Engineering Communication

In accordance with the adopted scheme, in the places of installation of fittings (switches, sockets, etc.), even during the formation of blocks, holes for it were provided. In addition, we made wooden glasses, the dimensions of which corresponded to the selected electrical fittings. When creating a block in which a hole was supposed, a little mortar was first laid, then a glass was placed in the formwork and molding was completed. The glass was removed immediately after stripping. The standard box was fixed in place only after all the wires involved in this assembly were released from the hole.

The laying of water pipes was carried out at a depth exceeding the calculated freezing depth by 0.5 m. At this level, the pipeline entered under the house and rose through the underground. Under the building, in the area of ​​communication input, a pit made of a reinforced concrete ring with a diameter of 1 m was located. In the underground space, the pipelines were insulated with mineral wool.

Sewerage and water supply risers are located behind a light partition in the bathroom. The partition was equipped with a sash for installation and operation.

The riser of the sewer system is brought out above the second floor by a ventilation pipeline with a diameter of 50 mm. Ventilation is necessary for the proper operation of the septic tank and the normal operation of water locks on plumbing fixtures.

The gas supply system of the house was carried out according to an open scheme, and not in intra-wall cavities.

Exhaust ventilation channels were also carried out along the vertical channels of the inner walls. For each room they created their own channel, the air ducts were brought out through the roof to the street. In each room, a hole was provided in advance in the inner wall of the block, located in the upper row, for mounting an exhaust ventilation grille.

Forced ventilation was organized through special channels under the window frames. Before installing the window on the upper plane of the window sill wall, interconnected ventilation tubes with a cross section of 52 cm (2 cm 2 of the flow area of ​​pipes per 1 m 2 of the room) were laid.

Summing up, we note that, as follows from practical experience, TISE technology provides:

reduction of total costs by several times compared to other building technologies;

the possibility of construction without the use of heavy lifting and transport vehicles;

the possibility of building on unprepared construction sites (without electricity).

An enlarged calculation of the cost of work and materials for the construction of a house with a total area of ​​​​155 m 2, similar to the one presented

Name of works Unit rev. Qty Price, $ Cost, $
Stakeout, grading, development and excavation m 3 17 18 306
Horizontal and lateral waterproofing device m 2 39 8 312
Construction of foundations for columnar, monolithic reinforced concrete grillages m 3 12 60 720
TOTAL 1340
Cement T 3,5 70 245
Granite crushed stone, sand m 3 12 28 336
Bitumen-polymer mastic, hydrostekloizol m 2 100 3 300
Fittings, knitting wire, lumber, etc. set 1 170 170
TOTAL 1050
Preparation of concrete mortar in construction conditions m 3 78 15 1170
Masonry of walls and partitions (TISE technology) m 3 76 75 5700
Plaster mesh for walls m 2 100 2,8 280
Filling lintels of openings linear m 23 16 368
Smoothing surfaces of walls and partitions m 2 290 1,8 522
Installation and dismantling of scaffolding m 2 78 3,4 265
The device of overlappings on stone walls m 2 155 12 1860
Insulation of coatings and ceilings with insulation m 2 260 2 520
Filling openings with window blocks m 2 23 35 805
TOTAL 11 490
Applied materials by section
Cement T 20 70 1400
Sand m 3 44 15 660
Plaster fiberglass mesh m 2 100 0,5 50
Basalt rods (flexible connections) PC. 2300 0,26 598
insulation m 3 32 40 1280
Armature 6 mm kg 70 0,4 28
Edged lumber m 3 9 120 1080
Plastic window blocks (two-chamber double-glazed window) m 2 23 240 5520
TOTAL 10 620
Installation of the truss structure m 2 105 10 1050
Vapor barrier device m 2 105 3 315
Metal coating device m 2 105 12 1260
TOTAL 2625
Applied materials by section
Profiled metal sheet m 2 105 12 1260
Edged lumber m 3 4 120 480
Vapor, wind and waterproof films m 2 105 2 210
TOTAL 1950
TOTAL cost of work 15 460
TOTAL cost of materials 13 620
TOTAL 29 080

Many people dream of building their own house on their own, and today even a person who does not have much experience in construction can do it. Of course, the foundation of any building is the foundation. It is on the chosen method, and then on the process of laying the foundation, that the success of construction will depend. Even beginners will be able to use TISE technology - a relatively recent technique for building load-bearing structures for a house.

Foundation technology TISE

The foundation according to TISE technology is the best option for those who choose to build on their own.

TISE foundation - what is it? In fact, this is a pile-tape structure. It is erected with the help of a special folding plow. In this case, it must be hung above the ground. This is done in order to avoid the pressure of frozen soil on the building in the future.

TISE is one of the varieties of the columnar foundation. The main difference between the TISE design and the classical one is the presence of broadening at the base.

The TISE foundation is the least expensive and most affordable option for do-it-yourself construction

Pros and cons of the TISE foundation

Building a foundation using TISE technology has its advantages and disadvantages.


  • availability;
  • labor savings;
  • a small amount of building materials;
  • almost complete autonomy of construction work;
  • reliability.


  • it is impossible to make a basement the size of the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe house;
  • it is necessary to equip a large blind area;
  • since the work is carried out manually, drilling in hard or rocky soils can cause certain difficulties;
  • muddy, waterlogged soils and swampy areas are not suitable for this type of construction.

Despite the existing shortcomings, this construction technology is by far the most economical and progressive.

Used as seismic isolation in seismically active areas

Foundation construction using TISE technology

Before laying the foundation for TISE technology with your own hands, it is necessary to collect preliminary data, that is:

  • evaluate the type of soil;
  • determine the height of the water horizons;
  • find out the degree of mobility of individual layers.

If there are difficulties with the collection of preliminary data, it is recommended to contact a specialist.

The TISE foundation device consists of the following steps:

  • Stage I. Preparation of the site for construction work. They remove the top, fertile soil layer, bring sand. Install a cast-off, mark the position of the pillars.
  • Stage II. Construction of a cast-off. The foundation of TISE is calculated, the site is marked according to the calculations.
  • Stage III. Drilling of the wells. Wells are drilled 3-5 times, then they are expanded.
  • Stage IV. Extension. Up to three extensions are made per day, since pouring takes a long time.
  • Stage V. Reinforcement.
  • Stage VI. Waterproofing, concreting. Wells are concreted as quickly as possible, 3-5 wells each.
  • Stage VII. The manufacture of grillage.

As you can see, the TISE construction technology does not look complicated, and may well be suitable for those people who do not have much experience in construction.

The foundation of TISE, due to its design, practically eliminates the vibration effect on the house

Calculation of the foundation contour

Before building a structure, regardless of its type, it is necessary to calculate the parameters of the supports, which in the future will become the basis for the foundation using TISE technology.

The calculation will include determining:

  • drilling depth;
  • the number of supports;
  • step (? between supports, pillars).

The essence of the simplest way to calculate the contour of the foundation is to calculate the bearing capacity of the soil.

The purpose of these calculations is to determine the total area of ​​​​the foundation supports that can withstand the future construction, as well as the load on the soil.

First of all, the total weight of the future building is calculated. To do this, you need to know the mass of all components of the building - walls, floors, ceilings, roofs, etc.

Then it is necessary to calculate the operational load, i.e. the weight of furniture, equipment, people. In no case should you neglect the operational load.

Another mandatory indicator is the load of snow cover. It will be different for different regions of the country.

The bearing capacity of the soil and piles depends on the type of soil, the magnitude of its resistance. This information can be obtained from regulatory building documents.

Suitable for almost all types of soil - from fine sand to heavy clay

The last step in calculating the foundation is determining the required number of pillars, as well as the step between them.

Drilling of the wells

Building a foundation is a rather lengthy process that requires attention and effort. To optimize your strength, it is recommended to drill several wells (max. depth - 3 m), and then expand them. This can save time on re-equipment of the drill.

If the soil is hard to drill, then this indicates that there is not enough sand in its composition. This situation can be corrected with water. It is necessary to pour 5 buckets of water into each well overnight. Drilling wells will be much easier the next morning.

Pile reinforcement

This procedure is necessary in order to:

  • during frost heaving of the soil, the wide part of the TISE-pile did not break off;
  • the shearing of the pile under pressure did not occur.

Reinforcement of the TISE pile is carried out using reinforcement 10–12 mm. Usually two rods are used, bent in the form of staples. You can also use four rods tied with wire at the top.

For reinforcement, the use of metal rods, corners or strips is allowed. It is not recommended to use pipes - if groundwater enters the cavity and freezes, there is a high risk of destruction of the column. The fittings should be located at a distance of at least 4 cm from the edge of the well.

Filling the grillage

The grillage is a tape with which all piles are connected into a system, it gives strength to the structure. The grillage is made of metal, wood, or poured from concrete. Consider a grillage poured from concrete.

First of all, formwork is being built. To do this, use plywood or boards. The material must be strong enough for the formwork to support the weight of the concrete. Under the lower part of the formwork, it is necessary to fill in the soil (later it is removed). The height of the grillage must be at least 30 cm, while reinforcement is mandatory. When the structure is ready, in order for the cement not to seep, polyethylene or other similar material is underlain. Then a bunch of reinforcement is carried out. After that, you can start pouring the structure with concrete.

The concrete is covered with polyethylene and moistened regularly. A month later, the supporting structure according to TISE technology is ready for the construction of walls.

Using this technology, you can install a foundation with your own hands for a garage, a foundation for a fence, as well as a foundation for a bathhouse.

People who have already appreciated all the pros and cons of building on their own, most often single out one type of foundation - this is a supporting structure using TISE technology. Deciphering the abbreviation TISE means - technology of individual construction and ecology. With it, you can create a foundation for building a house, without having any special skills.

The construction of a support structure using TISE technology will make it possible to reduce the costs of construction and operation by almost half in the future. Building a foundation using this technology does not harm the environment, because the work performed is carried out with a common material.

Using new construction methods, TISE technology, some tasks are solved:

  • The premises are isolated from contact with materials. Efficient ventilation can be used, which makes it possible to implement displacement ventilation systems. Thus, there will be no stagnant zones in the house.
  • It is possible to create a useful electromagnetic field.
  • The supporting structure does not give a high radiation background.
  • Buildings are well insulated from radiation.
  • The new energy saving system reduces energy consumption from heating systems by several times.
  • Increasing environmental safety.
  • Saving money.

It is quite profitable to install a strip foundation on columns using TISE technology, especially if you correctly calculate and mark the future foundation of the house. Creating this type of support does not require a lot of excavation, in addition, less concrete is needed.

The creation of the TISE foundation makes it possible to reduce costs and make a support in a short time; it does not require the involvement of additional workers for its construction.

A typical view of TISE.

Advantages and disadvantages of the foundation using TISE technology

TISE is a pile-tape structure, the construction of the supporting structure is carried out in the form of a square or rectangle on piles.

The concrete grillage that connects the piles does not touch the ground. This position of the foundation does not allow the soil to put pressure on itself at any time of the year.

Advantages of the TISE foundation

  • Economically advantageous part of the building;
  • Reliable design;
  • Fast erection;
  • Easy installation;
  • Can be built in winter;
  • Environmentally friendly design;
  • It is possible to build on seismically unstable soil;
  • It is possible to build a support at different levels of groundwater.

Components of the foundation of TISE:

  • grillage made of reinforced concrete;
  • Reinforced piles.

The lower part of the foundation pile has the shape of a hemisphere - this is a big plus, because. this design helps to increase the footprint and increase the load-bearing properties. This support design is used in the construction of different types of houses. Such a foundation does not shrink and is suitable for frame-based houses, as well as for the construction of stone houses.

The lower part of the pile in the form of a hemisphere has the property of resisting extrusion from the ground, which can be in heaving soils.

The downside of the TISE foundation is the mandatory purchase of special equipment: drills and motorized drills.

The tape part of the TISE foundation is called a grillage - it is made of reinforced concrete. The pouring of this part of the support is carried out at a certain distance above ground level. Due to the gap from the ground to the structure, heaving does not act on the supporting structure.

Foundation construction using TISE technology

The construction of a support using TISE technology does not require the calculation of piles and the exact installation location under the grillage.

Foundation construction using TISE technology.

The technology consists of several stages:

  1. First of all, the contour is marked.
  2. Then wells are drilled and expanded.
  3. The next step is to reinforce the piles.
  4. Then a grillage is made.
  5. For residential buildings, calculations are made by special organizations involved in projects, because it is necessary to examine the soil, make calculations and design.
  6. Without preliminary calculations, it is possible to erect a TISE strip foundation for such buildings as a fence, a bathhouse, a veranda and a garage.

In order to properly perform the work on the manufacture of the TISE pile foundation, several conditions must be met:

  • The base of the piles must be below the freezing point.
  • The base of the pile is made taking into account building standards for a full opposition to heaving of the soil.
  • A strong recommendation for strip foundations, pile reinforcement and concrete compaction.
  • The grillage should be located at a distance of 10 to 15 cm from the ground.
  • The width of the grillage should be less than the height.
  • The grillage must be reinforced.

The disadvantages of this type of foundation lie in the large amount of work that needs to be done not only at the stage of calculation and marking, but also at the construction stage. This is true if the work is performed by several people. Also, the disadvantages include the purchase or leasing of special equipment, such as drills and motorized drills.

Calculation of the foundation contour

Before starting the foundation, it is necessary to make markings and calculations. Markup is done using; peg, slats, fishing line, tape measure and water level.

First of all, slats are hammered in place of the future wall, with a margin of 2 meters, and a fishing line is attached to them.

To determine the first angle, 1 m retreats from the rail and a peg is hammered, a second peg is hammered from it to the length of the wall. Rails are installed for the zero point of the TISE support structure to determine the upper point of the grillage, a water level is used.

In order to mark the second wall, you need to mark a right angle. The third and fourth walls are marked along the right angle, then the edges 3 and 4 are simply connected, a parallel wall 2 is obtained. Marking and calculation play an important role here!

The inner perimeter of the grillage is determined by the tape measure, the width of the grillage from the outer edge is clogged with the inner perimeter connected by a fishing line. Then the marking for the wells is made. You can determine the middle between the edges of the grillage and pull the fishing line, and mark the places for the wells along it.

In places where the marks are located, they dig holes on the floor of the bayonet and drill wells. Drilling is carried out with a special tool foundation drill TISE. This tool is manual and consists of a handle, a rod of two sections, a drill, a soil accumulator and a folding shovel. The depth is adjusted with a rod, the soil is taken and loosened by a soil receiver, and the base of the well is expanded with a folding shovel.

The downside in drilling wells is that after drilling the well, you need to expand its base, and for this you have to rebuild the drill. To optimize drilling, according to the advice of experts, several wells should be drilled and then expanded, this will take less time than rebuilding the drill.

During drilling, the drill with the rod rotates, a folding blade is put on the rod and attached with a pin to the soil receiver. The scapula is lifted with a cord, and lowered under the pressure of its own weight. After the expansion of the wells, reinforcement and filling are carried out.

Pile reinforcement

  • Piles are reinforced in order to increase their strength. After the reinforcing bars of the pile are poured with concrete, it turns out to be reinforced concrete.
  • To reinforce the piles, reinforcement with a diameter of 10-12 mm is used; thinner reinforcement is used for the grillage.
  • Reinforcement and pouring of piles is done separately, since it is necessary to connect the grillage frame with the pile frame.
  • The piles are poured in parts, after each part of the concrete, a vibrator is lowered into the well and compacted.

Filling the grillage

  • With the help of the grillage, the piles are connected. Thus, the load on the piles is distributed evenly.
  • The formwork is mounted using TISE technology. Waterproofing is fixed inside the formwork - this is necessary to keep the cement laitance in the solution.
  • Sand is poured at the bottom of the formwork and a reinforcement frame is installed, fixed with a distance of 5-7 cm from the walls.
  • The poured foundation remains to harden, after which the formwork is removed and sand is removed.

    Still living...

    My construction: walls according to TISE

    Construction Notes: TISE Walls - Poor

    In our region, the main wall material is expanded clay (or with other filler) low-cement blocks 0.2x0.4x0.2m in size. They mold everything from them: from sheds to cottages. Actually, the project of my house was designed for the construction of these blocks.

    But, fate ... When we were still pouring the foundation, my father gave me this name - "TISE". One of his work colleagues built either a garage or a barn for himself, and even corresponded with the author of this technology.

    The Internet was at hand, Google immediately gave the necessary links. I read it, I downloaded the book, I read it, I became interested.

    I must say, at that time I took a lot of information from the Internet, construction is a vast area. I remember the phrase, I'm sorry, I don't remember the author, - "You can see, you don't have to buy ...". Here I looked, but did not buy.

    For several reasons, I did not buy. The first, of course, is money. We practically carry out construction, as they say, “for one salary”. Financial injections are barely enough only for materials, there is no talk of hired labor at all. I am not a businessman by nature - I cannot earn enough money to hire people and build a house in a short time. At the same time, sitting around with folded hands, accumulating a crumbly patch, which, by the way, for wage labor in our region is much higher than the average, is not in character. Constantly internal kick pushes to some activity, not always useful. Therefore, having studied the main advantages of TISE, I realized that this technology is for me. As in the famous joke: "... and I'm in business, and my profit."

    Well, and the second ... At that time, there were many articles on the Internet on the topic of TISE, including "TISE technology - a skeptic's point of view." A non-standard solution is always fraught with the danger of the unknown. And I got it right. Moreover, the project was designed for blocks of a different size, to buy ready-made TISE formwork for 3.5 thousand rubles. did not.

    Instead, I bought a hot-rolled sheet 2 mm thick for 750 rubles. By that time, the welding inverter was already available, at the very least I learned how to cook - the wing on the Niva was successfully replaced. I threw in the drawings of the formwork of the TISE block with dimensions of 0.39x0.39x0.2, and within a few weeks, at lunchtime, the formwork was ready in the garage.

    In August 2009, we filled in the last part of the ceiling. I began to prepare for the production of blocks. There were no problems with cement - there are a lot of cement plants nearby. But with coarse sand there was a problem. In the vicinity there is neither coarse nor fine, there is no sand - mountainous terrain. They bring sand to Novorossiysk from afar - and the price of it bites - 1 m3 was given for 750 rubles. True, I bought it without much regret - this sand could be useful for other concrete work - stairs, columns, lintels ...

    At the end of August, the first block was made. The batch was made in an old trough, manually with a trowel. I liked the result. And black days went...

    On weekends, I kneaded sand-cement mortar in the trough, my father helped, and occasionally my brother. The result was not bad, but the productivity left much to be desired - 6-12 blocks were produced per day, moreover, 1600 units were needed for the first floor. Father, moreover, was nervous that a lot of cement was being spent on the block. He proposed to lay the battle of rubble stone, which was purchased for the foundation. Cement consumption decreased slightly - but productivity fell - it took time to collect the right size of stones, the placement of the mixture slowed down.

    The tamping of the sand-cement mixture was done with a wooden stick. However, with the introduction of rubble stone, the wooden rammer quickly broke down. Instead of wood, iron came - a massive metal rammer was welded, which became much more convenient to work with.

    While the construction took place on weekends, however, even then, mixing the mixture in the trough with a trowel was very annoying. A vacation was planned ahead - and something had to be improved in the kneading technology. A sheet was purchased at the metal base, on which it was supposed to knead the mixture with a shovel. Trial batches showed a high speed - if earlier mixing took longer compared to laying, now it has become the other way around - the process began to slow down the laying of the mixture into a mold.

    Vacation. The beginning was promising - in a day alone it was possible to lay 12 blocks. However, after a week, the forces ran out, and productivity dropped to 8-10 blocks.

    By the end of 2009, 256 blocks had been produced. This year, another improvement has been made to the ease of laying the mixture. To pour the mixture into a form of metal strips, a removable funnel was welded, which made it possible to pour the mixture “without looking” even when the form was almost full.

    In winter, of course, work was stopped. The blocks were covered with roofing material to prevent rainwater from entering the internal voids.

    It became possible to resume work at the end of March 2010. The productivity was as follows: on weekends alone - 8-10 blocks, with the help of my father, brother - 12-16 blocks, plus with an increase in daylight hours, it was possible to lay another 2-4 blocks on weekdays after work.

    In this mode, we worked until September.

    During this time, the following nuances of the technology “came out”. Weekend work has worked out well for me. The main income-generating work is associated with mental labor. Having plowed on the weekend, for a week, sitting in an armchair, it was possible to restore strength by the next weekend. Thus, a certain balance was established between mental and physical labor.

    The rubble stone was over, there was no desire to buy a new one - too much fuss. We decided to add crushed stone to the mixture when kneading. Crushed stone of hard rocks was purchased (with the availability and cost of which, it must be said, is also a problem) also without regret, since window lintels were soon to be filled. The result pleased - with the same mixing time, the mixture came out by 1.5-2 blocks against 1.25 blocks earlier. I added two parts of crushed stone to the batch, theoretically more is possible (and later I increased it to 4 parts, and even 4.5), but then such a hard mixture cannot be manually rammed. However, there was also a fly in the ointment, or rather clay. With the next delivery of crushed stone, I wentof off - it turned out to be not washed, mixed with clay - I had to wash the crushed stone first by hand. As a result, crushed stone, and even sand, was ordered only after a visual inspection.

    As a filler, instead of crushed stone, a variant with expanded clay was considered. But expanded clay was more expensive. In addition, at that time I studied the issue of insulation in detail. A lot of articles were read, calculations were made ... and I was imbued with the idea of ​​​​a heat-intensive house.

    Problems were added with the onset of heat 28-35 degrees. Fresh blocks could dry out quickly without gaining the necessary strength - they had to be watered and covered. They covered them with wet bags of cement, on top - with plastic wrap. In calm weather, this design worked perfectly - the blocks remained wet for 1-2 days at a temperature of 30-40 degrees. But windless days were not enough, and when our famous "north-east" blew ... We had to moisten the blocks and bags twice a day. In order to prevent the wind from lifting the film, boards were used. An interesting design for this was suggested by the father. Two long boards at the ends were tied with ropes of sufficient length so that the boards thrown over the top of the wall on both sides pressed the film against the wall with their own weight.

    With an increase in the height of the wall, we had to make goats first, then scaffolding, which also took 1-2 blocks from productivity.

    September was approaching, and with it another vacation. By this time, we had practically erected walls around the perimeter of 10x13 meters, 14 rows high, which was about 1000 blocks. Stable thoughts appeared in my head about how to automate the process of making blocks.

    On the Internet, on the Okolotok forum, I came across a message from Dmitry Kostylev, who reported on the use of a perforator to compact the sand-cement mixture. I quote: “I tried (for the sake of experiment) to compact the mixture with a perforator. The compaction is of course achieved good, but terribly inconvenient. Thought earned in this direction. The main difficulty is the lack of electricity. However, the issue of electricity also had to be resolved - concrete work lay ahead - lintels, columns, stairs, and kneading by hand would be madness. I do have a wide back, but not that wide. There were two options, three to be exact. The first is to connect legally from the power grid of NESK-Electricity OJSC, the second is a gas generator, the third is to throw a carrier to a neighbor who has just connected. According to the first option, people “close” to the power grids (and not to say that they are completely unfamiliar) told me the amount of 26 thousand rubles / kW only for the permit, plus the construction of the line at my expense. Now I am “competent” in this matter, but then I took people’s word for it (since everyone connected in this way) and ... sent them through the forest - I didn’t have that kind of money. And with electricity, the issue was resolved in a different way.

    The conceived idea with a perforator required verification before making expensive purchases: a perforator, a gas generator ... The perforator was borrowed from my mother-in-law. Ramming ... the first option was primitive. I bought a pick for a puncher and welded a record to it. The perforator is switched to impact mode, and ... the result pleased me. The block is filled with a rigid concrete mix without tangible effort in less time.

    Last edit by moderator: 11/21/17

  1. Registration: 23.08.11 Messages: 580 Acknowledgments: 183

    Still living...

    Registration: 23.08.11 Messages: 580 Acknowledgments: 183 Address: Novorossiysk

    So, the decision was made - Boshik was purchased for 6.5 thousand rubles, plus a concrete mixer for 12 thousand rubles. We went on vacation technically armed.

    But, but, but ... hand-to-hand fuss with the blocks made itself felt - my father and I were very tired. Despite the technical equipment, productivity has not risen significantly - 14-20 blocks per day. In addition, the weather let us down - it rained in the first days of September, then the "north-east" blew.

    But most importantly, we had to refine the perforator technology along the way, and the invention of new technical solutions and their implementation greatly slowed down the process.

    The first version of the tamper became obsolete after 15-20 blocks, that is, on the very first day. The rigid welded joint could not withstand vibration and fell apart, especially due to distortions.

    Then it was decided not to connect the plate and the pike rigidly, so that the pike could hit the plate at any (within reasonable limits) angle. To do this, ears with holes were welded onto the peak, coaxially with which the same holes were made in the plate, the connection of the plate and peaks was made on two bolts. Thus, the plate could be located at a slight angle to the direction of impact, which was determined by the free play of the bolts and the gap in the hole. This design lived for a long time - withstood 150-200 blocks. In it, the degree of survivability was determined by this free play of the bolts, and at the same time, it also determined the ease of use - there was a certain golden mean. The lower the degree of freedom of the plate, the more convenient it is to ram, but the more the load on the ears, which actually fall off most often. With a high degree of freedom of the plate during ramming, it strives to “leave” the line of impact of the peak, such work is very unnerving. In addition, welding a hardened peak weakens it at the welding point - individual rammers broke in this very place. However, there were also instances with a well-chosen bolt stroke, which lasted until abrasion and breakage of the bolt heads, which are in contact on a par with the mixture plate.

    For the inner walls, from the remnants of the original sheet, I made a second TISE formwork with smaller dimensions: 0.3x0.39x0.2.

    The formwork itself was also slightly modernized. At the ends, I welded two triangular profiles, which formed grooves in the finished block. The need for such grooves arises during the construction of the extreme blocks, which harden by the time the rest of the row is laid. When sealing the gap between the new and hardened block with a groove, a kind of pin connection is formed. However, later I abandoned this refinement - the side wall is already narrow, the profile narrows it even more, because of this it becomes inconvenient to ram. In addition, any corner eventually becomes clogged with cement, which creates difficulties when removing the mold - often my blocks fell apart in the corners. This, of course, does not matter - when closing the gap, the destroyed corner is closed - but this is all wasted time and additional materials. To make the grooves, I made a fixture: I welded a corner to the fragment of the SDS-peak, with this fixture, using a perforator, after stuffing the mold, I make grooves in the right places.

    As recommended somewhere, at first I closed the gap between the blocks at the end of the work. However, then it turned out to be faster and more convenient to seal it right away, while the blocks are still moving - the mixture, especially with crushed stone, is easier to fill into the gap.

    By the way, a few words about washing the form. After work, the form should be cleaned. The hardened layer of cement mortar the next day creates difficulties in removing the formwork, up to the destruction of the corners and the block itself. First, I thoroughly washed the mold with water. However, then he became lazy and simply wiped dry with scraps of cement paper bags - the result is the same, but his hands are dry.

    And a few words about health. I read in the manual for the IV vibrator that contact with the vibrator for an 8-hour shift should not exceed 70 minutes. There is nothing of the kind in the manual for the puncher, but the vibration on the hands does not affect the hand weakly. At the end of the vacation, when work was carried out daily, pain was felt in the wrist, elbow and shoulder joints of the right hand. Here, of course, the fact that my hands caught a cold from washing rubble in cold water played an important role, and that I “tumbled” from the 1.5-meter scaffolding onto my right hand with all my 90-kilogram weight. However, from this point of view, the "weekend" mode is more preferable.

  2. Registration: 23.08.11 Messages: 580 Acknowledgments: 183

    Still living...

    Registration: 23.08.11 Messages: 580 Acknowledgments: 183 Address: Novorossiysk

    Thus, by the end of the vacation, we reached 1367 blocks without finishing the laying of the part of the inner walls, which was hampered by the need to build stairs.

    Continuing to make blocks on weekends, we simultaneously started pouring window lintels and corner columns. The presence of a frame of columns and beams is another element of reinsurance against possibly fragile walls according to TISE.

    By the end of 2010, we had erected 1440 blocks, 160 remained. The results were summed up over the winter. The difference in rubles between my TISE block, reduced to a standard size of 0.2x0.4x0.2, and the purchased one was 7-9 rubles per piece, excluding masonry mortar, for the entire volume of the first floor, the savings amounted to about 10-15 thousand rubles.

    At the beginning of 2011, columns, stairs, part of the ceiling were poured in parallel with the laying of blocks. The laying of the first floor blocks was completed in June. Total spent on blocks: August-December 2009, April-November 2010, June 2011, a total of 19 months, of which 2 full months, the rest in the "on weekends" mode.

    By September 2011, the formwork for pouring the second half of the ceiling was prepared, and we started laying the second floor. All the time up to this point, I was surveying whether to make TISE blocks or buy ready-made ones, my parents and wife carefully offered to make masonry ready-made blocks. But the financial situation did not improve. There was an idea to buy some of the blocks - into "halves", which caused especially a lot of trouble when laying. However, having passed through the construction markets, the hand did not rise to purchase the proposed blocks.

    The main advantage in TISE blocks that flattered me is the presence of voids in them. I intend to use them for two purposes. First and foremost is the wiring. Already in the manufacture of blocks, I formed holes for future sockets, switches, switchboards. boxes. When pouring the ceiling into the channels, I started a corrugation with a broach - it remains to stretch the wire and install sockets and switches. The second is the idea "Stone hut - 1" proposed by the author of TISE for ventilation. Unfortunately, I have not yet found people on the Internet who have shared positive operating experience, but it is never too late to abandon this idea. In addition, the holes remaining in the blocks from the pins turned out to be useful. When pouring columns and armored belts, the formwork installed on both sides of the wall was pulled together with 4 mm wire through these holes. This is especially true on the second floor, where formwork cannot be supported from the ground.

    Therefore, having evaluated all the components visible at that time, in September 2011 we began laying TISE blocks on the second floor. By this time, a new design of the rammer for the perforator had also matured. The ramming plate was welded to the end of a pipe 10-12 cm long with an internal diameter suitable for inserting a round spike with a small gap. The ears were welded to the opposite end of the pipe. The peak for a perforator with an SDS+ tip thickens in the transition from the tip to the working part. This allows you to put an 8mm washer on it. The washer is used thickened, a hole is made in it for connection with the tube into a single structure. Thus, the peak is not subjected to welding at all, and, therefore, remains strong. The connection between the washer and the pipe was supposed to be made from a spring. Appropriate size car springs were purchased. However, the spring had to be abandoned after the spring, under vibration, jumped out of the hole and flew away in an unknown direction. Instead of a spring, a knitting wire is used. This design has shown another ease of use. The ramming plate itself has dimensions of 2cmx5cm in plan - so that it can be rammed in the narrowest places of the form. In the first two versions, the orientation of the plate with respect to the handle of the perforator was rigid. Because of this, the hand during tamping always occupied two fixed (and also uncomfortable) positions perpendicular to each other. In the new design, the handle can rotate 360 ​​degrees relative to the plate, which allows the hand to always occupy the same, most comfortable position.

    Two copies were made, of which basically the same one was used on the second floor, it broke twice: during running-in at the very beginning and in the middle of the work, part of the plate was worn out and broken off.

    By the end of 2011, during the actual period of operation in September-October in the “weekend” mode, 336 blocks were made - apparently the fact that over the summer the body's strength was restored has an effect. Productivity per day was 20-26 blocks.

    At the end of March 2012, work began again. My wife's stepfather joined us, and we were able to make over 30 blocks a day. In April alone, 286 blocks were manufactured in the "weekend" mode.

    Since May, the number of workers has decreased, mostly I worked alone (20 blocks) or with my father (26-29 blocks). In addition, another nuisance happened - the puncher ordered to live long. It started with a cord (it broke), then a gear (he was greedy - he replaced it), then another one - he didn’t repair it further. My father says that, according to the experience of his colleagues who work professionally (that is, often), the hammer drill has not lived for more than two years, it is not advisable to repair, and we are also constantly on the beat. Thus, the perforator was enough for about 1300 blocks. Reluctantly, I bought a cheaper option - Makita. On the day of the breakdown, I appreciated how much the hammer made my life easier: in order to lay the mixture remaining on two blocks, I had to get an old manual rammer. The contrast was very great - it was a wonder how I managed to build the walls of the first floor with this stick!

    The unbearable heat began in July. It was possible to work only in the mornings and evenings, and in the morning I really wanted to sleep ... And in August it was so hot that in the evening it was hot, humid and stuffy until dark - I had to postpone the laying of blocks and start preparing formwork and reinforcement for pouring lintels and columns . Now 160 blocks remain until completion, which will be completed in September.

    Thus, September-October 2011, April-September 2012 were actually spent on the second floor, for a total of 9 months in the "weekend" mode. The amount of savings according to preliminary estimates is the same, maybe a little more (due to an increase in the share of crushed stone) - 8-10 rubles per standard block 0.2x0.4x0.2, excluding the cost of masonry mortar.

    The final version of the batch (1 bucket - 9 liters): 1 bucket of cement, 3.5-4 buckets of sand (3 buckets with a slide), 4 buckets of crushed stone, 5-7 liters of water, depending on the moisture content of the sand.

    At the same time, my wife was constantly in the wretched atmosphere of the apartment, I had neither the strength, nor the money, nor the desire to update something. All the money we earned, I "clamped" on the construction site. This state of affairs greatly depresses her. At the beginning of the construction, she had ideas for a new house in terms of decoration, decoration, furnishings ... But when it dragged on for years, the ideas slowly faded away. I hope that they will return when there is a field for her activities.

    Sketches for technical solutions:

    PS. Thanks to everyone who read to the end. I will be glad to answer any constructive questions.

  3. Registration: 29.08.12 Messages: 2.786 Acknowledgments: 1.512

    real builder

    Registration: 29.08.12 Messages: 2.786 Acknowledgments: 1.512 Address: Russia, Rostov region, Taganrog

  4. Registration: 20.08.10 Messages: 841 Acknowledgments: 526

    Can you tell me which puncher is better to choose for tamping blocks according to TISE-3?
    Looked in the Internet. perforator store. Impact force from 1.5 J to 6 J. The number of strokes is from 3000 beats / min to 7500 beats / min. Weight from 2kg to 5kg.
    It seems that, so that the hands do not beat off, it is necessary to take heavier. Adaptation to the peak will weigh somewhere between 600 - 800 grams, it turns out that the frequency of impacts should be taken less. So?
    What drills did you have?
  5. Registration: 23.08.11 Messages: 580 Acknowledgments: 183

    Still living...

    Registration: 23.08.11 Messages: 580 Acknowledgments: 183 Address: Novorossiysk

    First I had a Bosh GBH 2-24 DSR (now out of production), now a Makita HR2450. The puncher must have a swotting mode.

    The choice of impact force depends on what mixture you will be ramming. The impact force of these models, in my opinion, is about 2.5J. That's enough to ram down not too hard concrete(sand+cement+ rubble). If you intend to make an exclusively sand-cement mixture, then such an impact force is even a bit too much. I rammed such a mixture several times, the puncher enters it in a moment, and this creates inconvenience in work. But on the other hand, for such a mixture, the rammer platform can be made larger.

    The weight of the puncher itself is better to choose less - the hand gets tired of lifting / putting it down. But, as far as I noticed, their weight is almost directly related to the impact force: 3kg ~ 3J, 2.5kg ~ 2.5J, 2kg ~ 2J. I did not make significant efforts when ramming - it practically rams under its own weight.

    At the expense of the frequency of impact, I did not analyze. Theoretically, the higher the frequency, the higher the ramming speed.

    I took branded rotary hammers for reasons of reliability of parts and their durability. Bosh worked for 2.5 years, mostly of course on a rammer, but not only. Although, in this regard, I may be wrong.

    Respectfully, Ivan.

Building a house using TISE technology attracts with a huge number of advantages, among which the most important are the costs of work. Although there are opponents of this technology, who argue about its shortcomings. We will talk about the features of the TISE technology and the expediency of its application further.

TISE technology - general information and origin

The process of building your own home is best entrusted to professionals, because in this case, the duration of the operation of the home will be increased, and the quality of work will be high. However, a lot of money should be spent to hire a specialized team, so if this side of the issue is quite important for you, then check out the TISE technology.

The indisputable advantage of this technology for building houses is the fact that it suits almost everyone: both experienced professionals and people who do not have skills in construction.

The abbreviation TISE stands for “Technology of individual construction and ecology. It was invented by Rashid Nikolaevich Yakovlev. It was with his help that people who did not have much income were able to build their homes for little money.

The cost-effectiveness of using TISE technology requires a lot of time and physical effort from its user. Using this technology, not only buildings are being built, but also foundations, various kinds of buildings in the form of garages, pens for livestock, and outbuildings are being equipped.

When arranging the foundation, the presence of such equipment as a drill is required, with the help of which wells are made for piles installed in the ground. The foundation, made according to the TISE technology, requires only a drill, piles and cement mortar.

We recommend, before using this technology, to study two books by Yakovlev, in which he describes in detail all the stages and subtleties of construction. The first book is devoted to the arrangement of the foundation - "Universal foundation - TISE technology". And the second book tells about the latest methods for building using this technology.

Among the advantages of using this technology should be noted:

  • arrangement of the foundation is possible on almost any type of soil;
  • the total cost of all construction work is affordable, and the design is durable;
  • no need for electricity at the facility;
  • no need to have certain skills in working with special tools or materials;
  • the possibility of carrying out construction work even with little money;
  • the possibility of changing the terms of work, the termination of construction and its planning for its mode;
  • carrying out construction with the help of their own forces;
  • the use of the simplest equipment, which is distinguished by reliable operation;
  • no need to purchase, store and transport a large amount of building materials;
  • the possibility of combining with other technologies for building houses.

Among the disadvantages of using this technology are:

  • the need to invest in the construction of a large amount of time and physical effort;
  • the presence of cavities in the walls of the house, they require filling with foam;
  • a high level of heat loss in the house, during operation requires large investments in its heating.

TISE foundation construction technology

This type of foundation is considered universal, as it is suitable for almost all, without exception, types of soil. With its help, it turns out to build any building on all foundations, except for rock foundations. The foundation of TISE is an excellent zero level, which is located on soils with high antinode.

The foundation of TISE is indispensable in the territory located near the railway or a heavily loaded highway. Even strong vibrations are not able to destroy this type of foundation.

In addition, the arrangement of the TISE foundation will be several times cheaper than usual. Since for its construction it will not be necessary to carry out lengthy earthworks, the pouring of which requires a lot of concrete.

Among the main stages of foundation construction using TISE technology, it should be noted:

1. Preparation of the site for work.

2. The procedure for building a cast-off.

3. Well construction.

4. Their expansion.

5. Strengthening.

6. Mounting the grid and pouring.

7. Rostverk.

At the initial stage of construction, the top layer is removed from the ground, and sand is brought to the site. Next, the installation of the cast-off and marking the future location of the foundation is carried out.

The process of removing fertile soil from the soil should not be neglected, since in this way it is possible to prevent contact between the floor and the soil. Further, based on the characteristics of the site, the option of leveling the entire surface or installing a grillage having a variable section is chosen.

One of the most crucial moments of construction is the calculation of the foundation and the marking. If a professional water level is not available, use a hose filled with water.

Mark the zero level, which should be at a distance of about 40 cm from the ground. When the zero level is marked, file the pegs, hammer in the nails, with the ropes stretched over them. You can replace the rope with a fishing line, its use is more practical, since it is not capable of sagging.

After installing the corner stakes, you should mark the location of all internal walls and partitions that are load-bearing.

First, the cast-off frame is installed; this will require the presence of round timber and a drill. The cast-off should be semi-solid, this option is practical and cheap. With the help of thick boards, formwork is mounted, and it already marks the border of the zero level.

Next, bars with a smooth section are nailed to the surface of the boards. They, the upper part, form the zero level. On the surface of the bars, a position is established in which there will be a cord denoting the outer and inner perimeter of the walls, the future pillars of the foundation.

Follow the control not only of the perimeter, but also of the diagonals. To calculate their size, use the Pythagorean theorem. Next, nails are driven in, and a fishing line or cord is pulled over them. This cast-off is a control and subsequently removed.

At the intersection of cords with poles, poles will be located. To make a plumb line, it is enough to use a pan without a bottom, on which there is a load in the form of a stone. A hole is dug in relation to this circle, and drilling begins.

To build this type of foundation, great physical effort should be invested in it, since it is necessary to use a hand drill to drill wells. For its manufacture, you should have only initial experience with welding.

First, about four wells are drilled, and after that expansions are made in them. If there is a small amount of sand in the soil, the complexity of drilling increases. In order to facilitate the work, water is poured into the well during the drilling process. This must be done in the evening, on the eve of the work. The minimum amount of water is 50 liters. The number of wells for the construction of a small bath is at least 40 pieces, so you will have to work hard.

Expansion drilling is a rather complicated process, they require enormous efforts, since during the day, it turns out to build no more than four extensions. With a structure diameter of 25 cm and an expansion of 50 cm, about 25 kg of cement will be required to fill each pillar. The density of concrete should be optimal, not so thick as to be taken with a shovel, but not liquid, in order to avoid spreading.

The next step in the work is to strengthen the walls of the foundation. It is a procedure for bending reinforcement. In order to avoid injury during work, in some areas it is allowed to use pieces of metal pipes. To calculate the length of one bar, one should proceed from the total length of the foundation, to which about 16 cm is added for the air gap. To equip one pole, you will need two rods, each about 150 cm long.

The armature should rise slightly above the post. Subsequently, it is used as a compactor for the concrete mix.

To carry out waterproofing of this type of foundation, the use of roofing material is best suited. It is easy to install and is cut directly next to the pole, rolled up and mounted on the surface. A stapler is suitable for fixing pieces of roofing material. After filling the expansion at the installation of fittings, waterproofing is installed.

This is followed by the concreting process, which must be carried out immediately after the installation of the waterproofing. It is better to concrete on several pillars, after pouring the pillars and backfilling them, the grillage is arranged.

The final stage in the construction of piles according to TISE technology is the construction of a grillage. To do this, the shields are exposed and upholstered with a dense plastic film. Studs are used to strengthen the formwork. Reinforcement is laid on them, which is fixed with plastic ties.

Tip: Arranging the foundation is a rather time-consuming and physically demanding process. However, in order to save money, it is not recommended to buy a drill from companies engaged in construction using TISE technology. Making a drilling rig at home will be much cheaper and more practical. In addition, care should be taken to have two drills that will not only make a well, but also expand it.

New construction methods TISE technology

The essence of the TISE methodology is simple, but at the same time original. For the construction of walls, a special formwork is required, which is moved from one place to another. In addition, an underlying layer of concrete mix is ​​required. Thus, ready-made concrete blocks form the frame structure of the walls.

As part of the wall blocks there are walls and air sinuses, with the help of which thermal insulation takes place. The thickness of the wall correlates with the air gap approximately one to four.

Many years of experience of builders have proven that it is the accumulation of air that provides maximum thermal insulation, therefore, the use of this TISE construction technology allows organizing high-quality heat transfer. The walls of the building are one of the most costly and important parts of it. For their construction, a large amount of mortar is required, which is laid using a special technology.

Advantages of building walls using TISE:

  • obtaining a monolithic structure, the blocks of which are created directly at the construction site;
  • ease and simplicity of installation work;
  • since the wall has three sinuses, which are filled with expanded clay or penoizol, its thermal insulation is at the proper level;
  • the use of materials of different composition;
  • no need for professional skills in working with certain equipment.

Do-it-yourself TISE technology - building walls

The development of molds for the construction of blocks was invented with the aim of increasing the speed of work and simplifying the process of building walls. Since the formation, installation and solidification of the block takes place in one position, time is saved three times more.

To make a mold, you will need the simplest parts, such as metal corners and plates. It is adjusted in accordance with the individual parameters of each building being erected.

It is possible to purchase this formwork from firms involved in the construction of TISE, although the process of its manufacture is quite simple, and, if desired, quite feasible. This process does not require a vibration motor, so electricity is not required to build walls.

With the help of this formwork, separate cinder blocks for private construction are made from materials in the form of:

  • sawdust with concrete;
  • slag compositions;
  • concrete with crushed stone;
  • cement mortar;
  • clay with cement mortar.

The walls of the block are not connected by a transverse rib, so there are no cold bridges in the interior of the room, and heat losses are minimized.

To make a house using TISE technology, any of the previously listed types of solutions are used. We offer you to read the instructions that will help you do this:

1. Moisten the formwork surface with water.

2. Install the formwork at the location of the block.

3. Install the cross bars.

4. Install the cubes.

5. Install the longitudinal bars.

6. Take care of laying the mortar in several stages, while each of the layers requires careful tamping.

7. Install a damper or cover that additionally tamps the composition.

8. Take care to remove the rod.

9. Use a special lever to remove the limiters.

12. Every four rows of paving, a plastic road mesh is installed.

Some types of formwork require reinforcement with basalt rods. The procedure for manufacturing one block takes from five to eight minutes of time. For grouting vertical joints between blocks, a wet mortar is used.

Foundation TISE video: