
Vastu where to enter. How do I build my house according to Vastu?

House and plot

When designing a home, Vastu principles take into account the impact on human consciousness and physiology of such factors as the influence of the sun, the magnetic field of the Earth and planets. Therefore, much attention is paid to the orientation of the house to the cardinal points.

As scientific studies have shown, the work of neurons in our brain changes depending on the direction in which we look. There are "orientation" neurons in the brain that give signals about the location of the body in the room and space. Therefore, the direction in which we look has a direct impact on the functioning of our brain and body as a whole. When we live and work in buildings with the wrong orientation or distorted proportions, the work of brain neurons becomes abnormal, and this can cause anxiety, illness, loss of energy, trouble in family and professional life, antisocial behavior, and even criminal tendencies. When a dwelling is built in strict accordance with the principles of Vastu, a person becomes healthier, more harmonious, stronger, easier to cope with life's problems.

So, according to Vastu, of the eight directions, only two are considered auspicious - North And East. The principle of orienting buildings to the east reflects the natural inclination of our nervous system to tune in to the Cosmos. East- place, sunrise. The sun is the source of life on Earth, it has a beneficial effect on all aspects of life, gives vitality and energy. North is also the "roof of the world" and the magnetic pole. When a person sleeps, eats, cooks, or meditates, his face should face east.

The physical and emotional health of a person is strongly associated with the condition eastern and northeastern sectors in the house. With a good Vastu in the eastern sector, health normalizes, an influx of strength and energy is felt. A good Vastu in the north and northeast helps to increase the intellect and harmonize the spiritual state of a person.

The walls of the building must be parallel east, north, west and south directions. The entrance to the building should be from a favorable side - from the east or north. The interior space of the building should allow unhindered penetration of the light of the first rays of the sun from east to west and from north to south.

Buildings facing in any direction other than strictly Eastern or northern, are not favorable for life and do not protect their owners and inhabitants from negative external influences.

Analyzing your home

Take a compass and orient your apartment or house to the cardinal points. Then print the plan on a landscape sheet and mark all directions and the center there.

If there is no corner in your room or it has an irregular shape, complete it to a square or rectangle.

Print out a Vastu Purusha picture of about the same size (find it online).

Place the pictures on top of each other, aligning their centers and placing the Vastu Purusha strictly in the direction NE-SW. If you have a house, then Vastu Purusha is superimposed on each floor.

Vedic architecture says that the most important direction in the house is the line NE-SW. It is in the very NE point of the room that the head of Vastu Purusha is located, and on the SW - his legs.

Now you can see how Vastu Purusha fits into your apartment and whether it is "convenient" for him there:

  • Are all parts of the Vastu Purusha body in place?
  • What does he lack?
  • Is he comfortable?
  • What room is on his head?
  • What's in his heart?

Brihat Samhita says:
If Vastunara does not have a right hand, the owner of the house will lose wealth and be miserable because of women.
If there is no left hand, the owner will have a shortage of money and food.
If Vastunara is deprived of a head, the person will be deprived of all virtues.
If Vastunara has no legs, the sons of the owner will die, and the owner himself will become weak and will have difficulties because of women.
But if all the bodily members of Vastunara are properly shaped, the inhabitants of the house will be happy, rich and respected.

Place a square (or rectangle, depending on the shape of your home) on the plan of your apartment, divided into 9 equal parts, and see which room or room is in which sector.

Living room- should be on north or east but not in southeast corner.

Bedroom- can be located adjacent to the living room and be located in northwestern part of the north side of the house. West- this direction, symbolizing silence and sunset, is best suited for the bedrooms of children or adult men, so the bedroom of the head of the family should be in southwestern corner on the west side of the house. It is advisable to avoid the location of bedrooms on north and also sleep with your head to the north.

If there is more than one floor, then the master bedroom should be on the top floor in southwestern corner. This room is also suitable for an adult married child, but under no circumstances should it be the bedroom of younger children, otherwise there will be clashes and unnecessary quarrels in the house. It is permissible to have a bedroom in southern direction. Bedroom in Eastern parts can also be used for unmarried children or for guests. But in any case, a young couple should not be allowed to use this room.

Meditation room and altar- should be on east, north or in northeast corner. They shouldn't be in southern sector or in the bedroom.

Kitchen- should be located in southeast corner of a house or apartment, or on west. If the kitchen is on northeast, then mental tension increases and this can bring big problems. If the kitchen is on southwest, life at home becomes difficult due to collisions. There should not be a toilet next to the kitchen (as well as the dining table) or in front of it.

Dining room- better to do Western side of the house. If she is on east or north, then that's good too.

Store valuables always needed in northern side of the house.

Bathrooms- it is better to do adjacent with southeastern corner of the east side of the house.

toilets- should never be center, on northeast, southeast And southwest. Toilets must be built in western, northwestern or southern parts of the house.

Pantry room - must be in northwestern corner of the main building.

Lumber room should be in southwestern corner of the open area around the main building. If this is not possible, then it should be southwestern corner of the main building and have a minimum length and width.

Center- the main place in the house. This is the square or rectangular part in the middle of a house or apartment known as the Brahmastan. This is the place of the creator of the Universe, the demigod Brahma. A stream of cosmic energy passes through it. So that nothing interferes with this process, the center of the house must remain completely empty. The health of a person living or working in a room whose central part is open and not cluttered with furniture is noticeably improved. As a rule, there is a patio or hall.

southeastern part of a house or apartment is an ideal place for heating systems, fire and electrical appliances.

southwestern part of the house or apartment should be the most massive and closed. There must be heavy furniture, bookcases, flowers in massive tubs.

Northwestern part of the house is a great place for everything moving, mobile and changing - cars, bicycles, guests, animals, it would be nice to install an air conditioner or a fan here. This direction affects the relationship between people, patronizes changes.

Northeast is the direction of purity and spirituality. The northeastern part of the house and rooms should always remain clean, bright and tidy, free from furniture. Under no circumstances should there be a toilet! In the northeast, water must be present - an aquarium, a vase of flowers or just a glass of water. By the way, if you hold a glass of water in the northeast, then the water becomes “alive”, it is very useful to drink such water and water the flowers with it, they begin to grow much better, but the water in the glass must be changed daily.

According to the site

A lot depends on the location of the Main Entrance Door in the house, and from it you can judge how happy the person who lives behind this door is.

In continuation of our acquaintance with the Vedic architecture "Stapatya Veda", today we will analyze a very important aspect of the position of the main entrance door to a residential building or apartment.

In addition to the position of the door relative to the cardinal points, it takes into account in which part the door is located, what quality it is, whether the quality corresponds to one direction or another, and the state of the door itself, how it looks.

Let's analyze the main directions of the cardinal points and the position of the front door on these sides.

1. The east direction is one of the best directions, which brings very important vital energy to the house. And the door located in this direction brings comfort, wealth, health, good luck, prosperity and spiritual growth.

The ideal location of the East door is in the third and fourth parts (pada) from the NE corner. (By dividing the side into nine equal parts)

The door to the East should be made of light wood with gold handles and decorated with beautiful wood carvings or other sunny decor elements.

2. The next no less successful direction is the North direction, which also brings very important vital Energy to the house, and brings wealth, all material wealth, intellectual growth, health, prosperity to the house, both spiritually and materially.

The ideal location of the North entrance door is its location in the third, fourth and fifth parts from the NW corner. (By dividing the side into nine equal parts)

The door to the North should also be made of light woods, but it can also have olive, light green tones, or contain elements of decor in these colors.

3. The western direction is less fortunate, but it also brings prosperity to the house, but at some slow pace, i.e. people living with a westward door will have to work hard before getting the desired results. The results don't come right away, but they do.

Sometimes people do not understand the influence of the West Entrance on the house, and they begin to blame others or take offense at their own fate, and thus further delay the implementation of their plans.

The most favorable location of the Western Door is the third and fourth parts from the SW corner, which will bring abundant income and good qualities.

The door to the west should be made of dark wood, with steel handles or steel decor.

4. The southern direction is even less fortunate for the material aspects of life, but it is quite suitable for those who strive for spiritual growth, in this case this location of the door will bring spiritual liberation.

The most favorable location of the door in the south direction is the fourth and sixth part from the SE corner.

The door to the south should be made of mahogany, and have gold handles or gilded, red shades of decorative elements.

All doors must be in good condition. They should not creak, be damaged, scratched. The locks must be in good working order. The door should not close on its own following the incoming person.

It is good if the doors are decorated, well-groomed and correspond to one or another direction with their appearance.

By hanging a steel bell over the entrance, and entering the house to ring it, then negative energy will not enter your apartment.

But do not rush to get upset if your door is not located where you would like. It's not just that, and it's not a coincidence. We get the housing we deserve. And accepting the situation, we try to love the house or apartment in which we live, we begin to take care of it, in this way we rise above the situation and change our destiny.

And when the house is propitiated according to Vastu, then our situation changes for the better, or another dwelling comes to us, more in line with our inner state of consciousness.

When our Entrance Door is properly aspected (or maintained), it is 50% luck.

Additional material on the location of the front door.

Because as I already drew your attention earlier, a lot depends on the location of the Main Entrance Door in the house, and it can be judged from it how happy the person who lives behind this door is.

And today, we will get acquainted with the position of the doors in the so-called subdirections, i.e. when the doors are located on the NE, NW, SE, SW sides.

Because most buildings in the modern world have a diagonal direction in relation to the main cardinal points: North, South, East and West.

In fact, diagonal buildings, in which the main cardinal directions are located at the corners or offset by more than 20 degrees, are not an ideal structure, and are considered an improperly built structure, and in such a structure, whether it is a residential building or an office building, it is difficult to achieve 100% Vastu (correctly organized space).

But if you try, you can get close to 80% of a good result by applying the rules of Vastu Shastra, with which we will gradually get acquainted.

Let's analyze the subdirections of the cardinal directions and the position of the front door on these sides.

The NE direction is under the influence of Jupiter, which obliges a person to develop spiritually, and if people living in a house with such an entrance show a sincere interest in the deep, spiritual aspects of life, then this direction is considered very favorable for spiritual growth and only moving forward in life in this direction, the NE entrance brings peace, happiness and prosperity.

If someone’s door is located on the NE side, then without revealing a higher understanding of happiness in oneself, this direction will not bring material satisfaction, and in any case will lead a person to reveal spiritual qualities in himself and make him think about the meaning of life. And as soon as a person shows respect for the spiritual aspects of life, then from that very moment prosperity will begin to enter his house.

The door in the NE direction should be decorated with beautiful wood carvings or other decorative elements with ruling Jupiter symbols.

On Thursdays, it is necessary to pay special attention to this door and put it in order, wash it, wipe it.

2. The next direction - the NW direction, is under the control of the Moon, so this direction brings many changes in our lives, but not always positive ones and may be due to the inconsistency of our actions.

But the right door placement and color scheme can enhance our entrance and bring family growth, as well as happiness and success in social life.

The door in the NW direction should also be made of light wood, but have a white or milky color.

3. SE direction - is under the control of Venus, and to some extent supports the female half of the house and supports the internal energy of the inhabitants of the house, but since The SE-com is controlled by the fire element, therefore quarrels and the presence of some fear are not excluded, but in order to neutralize the negative influences of the entrance, it is necessary to take care of the harmony of family relations and respect both male and female energies.

It is very good when the Door is decorated with ornaments of floral coils, most importantly, it should look spectacular (luxurious), it can be. decorated with stained glass, this is d.b. expensive door and the richer it looks, the more favorable.

4. The southwest direction is even less fortunate, it brings illness, instability, quarrels, etc. into the house. This direction is ruled by Rahu (the shadow planet in Vedic astrology) and therefore it brings a lot of unnecessary talk into the house.

Those who live with such a door should try to neutralize the negative influence of Rahu and transform negative energy into positive, in such a house there must be an altar room or a place for the Deities, constant cleansing of space through mantras, spiritual music, incense, and protection of the door on both sides, symbols, icons, prayers (to whom, according to one's heart).

The main front door should be higher than all other doors in the house. The front door must necessarily have a threshold through which it is necessary to cross, it delays the passage of negative energy. The door in the subdirections always requires more attention than in the main directions.

The word "Vastu" in Sanskrit means "that which came from the earth." In other words, the house is built from the materials of the earth: sand, clay, stone, metal. All these materials are different types of earth. The science of Vastu dates back to Vedic times. In Sanskrit, the Sthapatya Veda, a canon of architecture, is part of the Yajurveda and was written about 3,000 years ago. Vastu experts were able to translate the wisdom of the ancients into modern language.

The purpose of Vastu is to organize the dwelling in such a way that it is harmoniously filled with energy, to protect a person from the aggressive effects of the environment.

Geographic location, landscape.
The house is built in such a way that life-giving energy is constantly released inside it. And this happens best on the border of the elements: on the seashore or when the landscape changes, when the mountains turn into hills, and the hills into plains. The house is built so that the area from the northeast of the building is free and somewhat lower than its southwestern part. In the conditions of the city, it’s great when there was a park, square, or green spaces with trees nearby.

Level mark of the first floor relative to the ground.
The first floor is three steps above the ground to allow the northeast energy to move upward unhindered. The floors in the apartment should be on the same level, without steps and differences. If, nevertheless, differences exist, then it is better when they are located in the southern and western parts of the house, apartment.

cardinal directions

Northeast - the zone of goodness (sattva) - creative positive energy, it requires free, uncluttered space,

Southwest - zone of ignorance (tamas) - gross negative energy - lethargy, darkness, inertia,

Northwest and southeast - the zone of passion (rajas) - the energies of change, activity, anxiety.

In the north and east directions there are energies of goodness and passion, in the south and west directions there are energies of passion and ignorance.

The location of the outer walls on the cardinal points.
Vastu recommends that the dwelling be rectangular or square in shape and located with its facades on the four cardinal points. We place the end of the residential building to the north so that the maximum number of rooms faces the sunlit sides. If the dwelling is rectangular in shape, then the energy will be evenly distributed in all directions, balancing the influence of all three zones.

Location of windows, doors, balconies.
If your apartment has a ledge, then it is better to place it, either in the north or in the east. The balcony should preferably be located in the northeast to enhance the influence of the most favorable direction. The location of balconies, windows in the southwestern corner is undesirable, since positive energy is blocked in this zone.

Housing center.
Cosmic energies are distributed (flow) in all directions from the center of the dwelling. How to determine the center of the apartment? If the dwelling is square, then the center is the point of intersection of the diagonals. If the dwelling is irregular in shape, then it is divided into rectangles and, as in geometry, the centers of each rectangle are found, straight lines are drawn between them. Having received a figure of a certain shape, find its center. This will be the center of the home. The center is, according to Vastu, the center of the Self, the zone of your Self, your health and appearance. It is better to keep this place free from furniture, pantries, so that the energy does not stagnate. And it is highly undesirable that a bathroom be located here, otherwise all health will go down the drain.

We breathe freely.
Here, the main thing is the correctly located entrance to the house, apartment. The best direction for the front door is north. It is like the nose of our dwelling, intended for breathing. It is better when there are as few obstacles as possible for entering and exiting the apartment, no piling up of objects on the way to the elevator - exit. A sufficient amount of light, good ventilation, rectangular corridor shapes, light finishing materials, even ceiling and floor surfaces, and cleanliness also work favorably. Let the hallway be bright, spacious, not cluttered.

The location of the rooms.
If you managed to locate the entrance hall in the northeastern part of the apartment, then the living room is favorably located either in the northern or eastern part of your home so that the sun arrives in it for at least two hours a day. The sun will maximize in your home if the rooms are located between the east and west directions. The master bedroom will be favorably located in the southwest, as this is the place of maximum concentration of energy. We will place the bedrooms of other family members to the left and right of the master bedroom.

Light and color for different types of people.
If the tenants of the house are quite active, easy-going, then they should choose warmer colors with soothing shades: gold, yellow, mint, blue, pink, rainbow pastel. Such owners and interior items will choose either square or with rounded corners.

For tenants with thin bones, thin, constantly freezing, with dry skin, cool softening colors are suitable: white, gray beige, all pastel softening colors. Interior items for these residents will choose rounded with soft outlines.

For people of cold, wet and heavy nature type, warm, dry, stimulating colors are suitable - orange, yellow, gold, red (bright colors). Dark and heavy tones are best avoided. Interior items suitable for them are pyramidal in shape, having angular outlines.

If the tenants are of a mixed type, then the problem can be solved with the help of textiles, changing blankets, pillows, tapestries and curtains in the image, depending on the preference of the season and the mood of the owners.
If people of different types live in the apartment, then it is better to avoid sharp contrasts and use white more often.

It is clear that there are no houses and apartments in the world that meet all the requirements of Vastu. But knowing the basic principles, we can endlessly experiment, striving for perfection.

The essence of the Vastu rules is that if the buildings are designed using certain dimensions and orientation to the cardinal points, then they will be in resonance with the cosmic energy matrix of the Universe. And if these Vastu rules are followed by a competent Vastu specialist, then the house will be filled with healing and nourishing energy. The life of a person and his destiny will change for the better. All dimensions of space are associated with the sacred Vastu Purusha Mandala, and must be calculated for the person's birth star in order to achieve all beneficial effects. The astrological information of the occupants is used to create an accurate measurement of the size and mandala of the house. As soon as the correct dimensions of the building are calculated, the house will sound with love for the residents.

Vastu basic rules

Vastu carries the basic rules on how to create a building that vibrates with the Universal Energy of the Universe. Vastu rules are scientific, they are not superstition. The basic rules of Vastu are the orientation of the building, a favorable entrance, the location of the rooms inside, the sacred center of Brahmastan, harmonious dimensions and sacred geometry.

One of the main rules of Vastu is the location of the main entrance. Every time you enter your home, you are activating the overriding energy in relation to the energy of the house at that moment. The main entrance to the house must be precisely located to activate more positive energy. The structure, size, and orientation of a building creates a vibration that can nourish, drain, or be neutral. Any building will have some effect, regardless of who owns it. If you are really interested in living in harmony with the subtle energy of the Universe, then it is necessary to build a “clean” Vastu building. Basic Rule of Vastu is to initially design a house, following the principles of Vastu. The placement of rooms and the correct entrance to the building are a small part of the extremely deep, complex and powerful science of Vastu.

The rule of orientation in the science of Vastu is of the utmost importance. The main idea of ​​Vastu science is to resonate with earthly and cosmic energies. The house should be located in a certain position in relation to the four cardinal points: north, east, south and west. According to Vastu, the house should have a strict orientation to the four cardinal points, deviations should be minimal, and if there are any, then only in the right direction. Buildings whose turn from the magnetic axes N-S, W-E is large, have less and less access to favorable energies. In such buildings, the possibility of connection with sacred geometry, which brings clarification of the heart and mind, is lost.

Vastu Purusha Mandala Rule

All Vastu structures are based on the Vastu Purusha Mandala. This Mandala is the pattern of energy for the form of all matter. It reflects the structure of the entire Universe from microcosm to macrocosm. When Vastu Purusha Mandala is applied to the structure of a building, and it has the correct orientation with respect to the cardinal directions, then its structure resonates with cosmic and earthly energies. Building structures made in accordance with Vastu offer a lot to a person: they tune in to cosmic energy and enhance the resonance of a person with this energy.

birth star is the combination at the moment of birth which determines the ruling nature of man. To determine the star of birth, you need to know the exact time and place of birth of a person. This birth star determines its frequency or vibration for everyone, and it is called Nakshatra. More about this is written in the article Vastu and Jyotish. When designing a house according to Vastu, the architect calculates the dimensions of the structure in such a way that the house vibrates harmoniously with the earthly and cosmic structure, as well as with the birth stars of the owners of the house. These calculations are called Ayadi calculations. Ayadi calculations must be carried out in the design of the house according to Vastu, so that the structure of the building has a nutritious effect on the residents. To maintain vitality and health, each person needs to be in resonance with the Universal Energy of the Universe. When the resonance is disturbed, a person is prone to diseases and stress. The structure of the house, made according to Vastu, creates conditions when a person is enveloped in nourishing positive vibrations. The house becomes eminently calm, it benefits the mind and heart.

The most important rule in the science of Vastu is the rule of the energy grid. A network of energy lines covers the globe. We know these lines as a magnetic grid on the surface of the Earth, latitude and longitude. The entire planet pulsates with life and radiates its energy through this grid system. The energy grid rule states that the house structure plan should also be divided into a grid of squares or rectangles. Then the plan of the house will be exactly above the earth's energy grid. This establishes a kind of geometric harmony with the earth grid. Then the constructed space and the space of the planet harmoniously resonate with each other. Vastu says that a person is constantly exposed to the energy of the Earth. And to be in harmony with the energy of the planet is the goal of Vastu science. In the human heart lives an atom of divine energy through which we can vibrate with life. The earth also vibrates from within, sending out energy waves. The Vastu designer creates harmony by implementing the energy grid rule and mathematically calculating the harmonious perimeter using Ayadi.

Favorable Entry Rule

The rule of favorable entry according to Vastu is important and essential, since the entrance to the house represents the entry of energy into space. Each place on the facade of the house has its own qualities for the location of the main door to the house, positive or negative. There are certain places to place the entrance so that it brings positive results. One has to be very careful in finding the right place for the main entrance. The specific site that will carry the positive effects should be provided through the consultation of a knowledgeable specialist. Read more about Vastu login in the article Vastu login.

The rule of the sacred center, which is called Brahmastan, must be very strictly observed when designing a harmonious house according to Vastu. The center of the house should always remain open and free from walls. Brahmasthan is the dwelling place of Brahma, the supreme God of creation. In the sacred center is the subtle energy, Akasha. The central place of the building is occupied by 1/9 of the structure. That is, if you divide the building into a grid of 9X9 = 81 squares, then the central 9 squares are Brahmastan. It is necessary to keep this place free and open as a sacred place. In the center of the house, as well as in the center of Brahmasthan, there is an energy point called Marma. The same points are present on the human body. If you click on Marma, then there will be a change in energy. Therefore, this critical point must be untouched in space. The sacred center is used in the house as an open hall for holidays and celebrations, it is not recommended for residential purposes.

Room layout rule

The rule for arranging rooms according to Vastu is based on several aspects, such as primary elements, planets, lords and others. These rules for the internal arrangement of rooms in a house must be observed in order to achieve cosmic order within space. Read more about the correct arrangement of spaces in the Vastu Karta article. The main rooms usually needed in a medium-sized house are briefly written below.


Pooja's room should be located in the northeast. When praying, a person faces east.

Cooking food

The correct location of the kitchen for cooking in the southeast of the house. The southeast is a fiery energy, so it's a good place to cook. Food cooked in the southeast of the house will receive the nourishing effect of fire energy. The cook should face east, this will enhance the health of the household. In addition, infrared energy, which is very beneficial for health, comes to the southeastern part of the house. Read more about different kitchen layouts and the effects of this in the Vastu Kitchen article.


Sleeping on Vastu is recommended with the head to the east or south. This is due to the influence of the Earth's magnetic field on the human body. Since the human body radiates magnetic energy in the same direction as the planet, when sleeping with the head to the north, the magnetic poles of the person and the planet do not coincide. At the same time, when a person sleeps with his head to the south, magnetic resonance occurs and sleep becomes stronger. The best place for a bedroom is southwest or south. However, just proper placement of the bedroom is not enough, as the whole house must be designed according to Vastu rules.


Students should face east or north while studying. The location of the study room can be in the northeast, north, east or west.


The location of the bathroom is best in the north, east or northeast. Since the bathroom is an auxiliary room, it is better to place it in the spans between the corner zones, since the corner zones of the house are more significant.


The best location of the toilet is outside the main geometry of the building, that is, that it is part of the house, but outside the mandala. This is the basic idea behind the location of the toilet, which protects the house from polluting influences.


The best location of the ladder is outside the main lattice structure. However, if this is not possible, then it is better to place the stairs in the spans between the corner zones. Stairs should not be in corners or in diagonal lines from the center of the house. You need to climb the stairs in a clockwise direction.

The rule of natural natural materials is recommended in the application of the science of Vastu. The use of natural materials in construction and interior design is encouraged by Vastu as they create an ecological atmosphere in the home and offer the greatest connection with nature. Natural materials such as wood, stone, cork and others are best combined with each other and create a unique atmosphere of warmth and comfort. In any case, when designing Vastu, it is necessary to carefully approach the selection of materials and textures in order to obtain the harmony of space at the level of tactile and visual perception.

In Vastu design, color combinations play an important role in the harmony of space. The colors in the interior according to Vastu should be matched by a professional specialist. The best Vastu colors that should be used indoors to create a favorable, peaceful space are those colors that are found in the natural environment, in conditions of clear skies and bright sun. You should not use dark, "dirty" colors in large quantities, because in conditions of limited illumination of the space, this can have the effect of "pressure" on the human psyche. Good colors to use on walls are creamy white, light yellow, light blue, light green and light pink. It is worth noting that the influence of color according to Vastu is mostly subtle. However, this is important when all the principles of Vastu are fully applied in the building.

A favorable land plot is the basis for a future harmonious house according to Vastu. The rule for selecting a favorable site is based on many components, such as slopes in the territory, nearby water bodies, the location of roads around the site, trees in and around the area, being near churches and other buildings, the quality of the soil on the site, and many others. Read more about the auspicious plot in the article Vastu plot. An important rule in creating harmony on the site is, in addition to its location in the environment, the orientation of the boundaries and the shape of the territory. Also an important factor is finding the entrance to the site. There are many factors for a favorable site according to Vastu for building a harmonious house on it, which will resonate with the environment and the subtle energy of the universe. It is desirable that a good building site be selected in advance before designing a Vastu house on it. In our studio there is a service for the selection of a harmonious site, in which the specialist will take into account all your requirements and the positive aspects of Vastu in order to select the right site for the construction of your ideal home.

Vastu Shastra golden rules

The golden rules of Vastu Shastra have been summarized above in this article. But it is worth remembering that this is only a small part of the overview of the golden rules of Vastu Shastra. In fact, Vastu is a very deep and complex science that requires a long, careful and painstaking study. Only a professional architect who has undergone due practice and applies the rules of Vastu will be able to create a space that has harmony according to Vastu Shastra. You should not turn to experts who have not gone through the classical school of architecture, as they are unlikely to be able to design a correct, comfortable and Vastu-friendly space.

However, it is worth noting that the most important golden rule of Vastu Shatra is to look within yourself. You should not look for a solution outside yourself in aspects of the world around you. It should be understood that the way of life, habits and directions of thought have a very strong influence on us. There is a Vedic science of Ayurveda for the health of the body. This medical discipline relies on the body's own healing resources to heal. Perhaps competent specialists will help solve existing health problems.

The golden rule of Vastu Shastra is also the preservation of family harmony. To do this, the family must have love, mutual respect and understanding, which are the basis of a harmonious and prosperous relationship. Vastu strives to create and maintain good relationships between people, saying that this is the basis for a healthy and happy society. The health and strength of a person begins with family relationships that take place in homes. And the primary source of relations is still not space, but man. Therefore, in the family, it is necessary to cultivate a spiritual environment in which everyone can progress. To achieve this, fights, arguments, and criticism must be avoided.

For a harmonious family life, it is important to make the house strong, a center of creativity and activity. The home must remain beautiful and clean, must be a "refuge" for every member. In an effort to increase wealth, wise families live within their means, being content with what they have. Family activities are designed to bring the family closer together through the exchange of experiences. A gentle but firm hierarchy of respect for elders must be maintained in the family. As a rule, the younger should humbly obey the older, leaving him the last word. The elder is also obliged not to abuse power. Older children are responsible and caring for their younger siblings. Disputes between children are resolved by their mother, but are not kept secret from their father. When disputes arise in a large family, the responsibility for resolving them and restoring harmony falls, first of all, on men. However, any interested participant can take the initiative to resolve them, if necessary.

It must be remembered that the science of Vastu is not a cure or a panacea for problems. Vastu knowledge is the science of designing and building harmonious structures from scratch. The origin of this ancient knowledge was not meant to be used to correct badly constructed buildings. To make a correction, one only needs to be a professional architect, fully trained in Vastu, to know how to apply the important principles in the most effective way. However, the correction of the existing structure is quite experimental, it is not mentioned in the ancient texts. Whenever a house is modified, it must be ensured that the house is respected and that the work is done with care and precision. The house is a living being and will be annoyed by rough and careless handling. To make the correct correction of the space, you will need a Vastu consultation.

If your house or apartment is not built according to Vastu, bless the house and treat it like a dear friend. This will serve you well. You are able to sanctify the house with your own energy. Clear the space, put good fragrances in the house, decorate with fresh flowers. Play sacred chants and mantras regularly in the house. Bring a priest to the house for a cleansing ritual. If in this way you manage to achieve peace with your home, then all will be well. However, if all of the above actions do not help you feel comfortable there, you can make an effort to move into a new home that you think will be better. Remember that your thoughts are very powerful. Even if the new home turns out to be small and simple, you can find long-awaited peace there. You need to stop looking for flaws in your current home and be grateful for it. Gratitude can, for the most part, heal all the negative effects of structure.

Man is the structure of Vastu. Every heart has the same vibrant energy that a Vastu architect creates in a building to resonate with Universal Energy. Thoughts are very powerful. If a person lives in fear, then in life there will be a result of fear: a loss of resonance and the acquisition of suffering. You need to work through your negative thoughts in order to begin to recognize fear, and eliminate it. The house cannot do this for you. The Vastu house is a cosmic order, not a means to an end. You live in a Vastu house because you observe the cosmic order, seek resonance with it and trust it as it is. You need to bless your home. Many do not have a roof over their heads, and many have houses destroyed by storms and wars. You have to be grateful for what you have.

New construction

If, nevertheless, you are very much concerned about the problems and incorrect Vastu rules that are present in your apartment or house, then you should find the strength and opportunities for new construction. If you can afford it, then embody for yourself the complex structure of Vastu for complete peace, harmony and prosperity in life. Only fully adhered to the rules of Vastu in designing a house will help bring peace, prosperity and happiness into your life. However, it is worth remembering that a Vastu house is only a place that has a harmonious resonance between the structure of the cosmos, the Earth and the human structure. This harmonious place can bring enlightenment to the heart and mind. But the main driving and changeable force is a person who is on the way to positive changes in his life. And the house according to Vastu can only help a person who follows the cosmic order and is tuned to resonance with harmonious vibrations.

Hire a Vastu Architect

If you are interested in Vastu knowledge and you are concerned about Vastu issues, then you really just need to build the perfect Vastu home. Make sure to do this and you will reap positive benefits. It is extremely important to hire an experienced professional architect with Vastu knowledge to design your home. But it cannot be argued that this is enough. Designing according to Vastu is not an easy job, it must be done by a professional and an expert, otherwise you are just wasting time and money. All rooms in the house should be associated with the sacred Vastu Purush Mandala and be calculated for your birth star for all beneficial effects. If you hire a Vastu architect to design your ideal Vastu home, you will prosper in every way. Order a Vastu house project >>

Mahadwara - the front door to the house - in the science of Vastu (and Feng Shui) plays a truly philosophical role. It is associated with any movement, whether it is the penetration of positive or negative energy, pleasant, long-awaited guests or enemies of the residents of the apartment / house. This is the way through which destructive forces can penetrate inside the room or the beneficial influence of Heaven can enter. Therefore, on the one hand, the door should serve as a reliable protection, and on the other hand, it should be located and decorated in such a way as to attract beneficial energy into the house, and with it happiness, longevity and prosperity. So the design of the entrance according to Vastu.

The door is the first contact with the house. The main entrance to a house or apartment is the “mouth” of your house, through which prana(or qi in Feng Shui), i.e. life energy, so never clutter up the space at the main entrance.

Where is the correct location of the door according to Vastu

Where are the doors located?

As recorded in the ancient texts of Vastu Shastra, it is especially favorable to make an entrance from the east or north side, but an entrance from the south is very undesirable.

The entrance to the house should be located with Eastern side, because it is at sunrise that the energy of the sun is most powerful and beneficial for life. The eastern entrance contributes to good health, energy, mental clarity and success of the inhabitants of the house. The door facing east brings glory, strength, helps dreams come true.

If the facade of your house faces northern side, then the main door must be placed on the north or northeast wall of the house. The door facing north guarantees fertility and good luck in everything.

Login with south It is considered unfavorable, since this is the zone of influence of the god of death, Yama. Such an entrance interferes with the maintenance of the laws of nature in people's lives and adversely affects health. Vastu recommends against using any kind of southern entrances in residential or business buildings. Many cases are known when positive changes occurred in people's lives as a result of the fact that they closed the southern entrances to their homes.

If, nevertheless, it is necessary to make the main entrance of the house from the south (if the facade faces south and this cannot be avoided, although this is strongly not recommended), the door should be placed exactly in the middle of the south side of the PLOT. Even with this arrangement of the main entrance, more open space should be left on the site from the north and east.

door on west admissible only if it cannot be done in favorable directions on east or north.

The most unfavorable position of the main entrance to the house is southwest, because it is from the southwest that the negative influence of the planet Rahu comes.

Balconies, verandas, terraces should be built only with north And east even if the main entrance of the house is on the other side. If in your house the balcony / veranda is on southwest, keep them closed and glazed. If the entrance of the house is in the south, there should be no balconies or verandas above the door.

favorable entry areas

How to position the doors correctly?

In order to determine correct position of the main entrance to the house, divide the length of each wall into nine sectors, as shown in the figure. Favorable sectors are colored green, and unfavorable and dangerous sectors are colored red. The numbers show the strength of the impact.

You should never place the front door in the middle of the building, as it breaks up the family.

The house can accommodate 4 doors on all sides in the correct zones.

If you have two front doors to a house or room, they should be placed on the east and west sides to maintain good balance, but the doors should not be in a straight line.

Door requirements. Entrance design

The front door should not face the cemetery.

The front door is the most massive of all doors. The height should be at least 2 times its width (ideally 3 times the width). The door frame is rectangular, and above the box there is an arch.

The front door should be attractive, strong and heavy, and reinforced with metal sheathing.

The front door should be brightly lit.

The peephole is unfavorable, it is better to use the intercom.

All doors must open inward in a clockwise direction and be made of the same material.

All doors in the house should not creak or make any sounds.

Doors are recommended to be made of wood, neither young nor old. The wood must be of good quality, without flaws, and the door itself must be of the correct dimensions: a door that is too small is as undesirable as one that is too large.

There should be no obstacles in front of the front door: large trees, stones, columns, lampposts, corners, elevators, stair railings.

Avoid placing two or three doors opposite each other, lined up in a straight line.

You should avoid placing front doors directly opposite the doors of the house opposite.

The top line of all doors and windows should be at the same level, except for the front door, which may be higher than others. The rest of the doors in the house should not be larger than the front door.

It is unfavorable when the doors open towards each other.

The total number of doors in the house must be even, but must not end in zero (10).

If the door is cracked or too old, hard times will come for the owner and difficulties in society.

The rear door is the smallest and should not be visible from the entrance door; it must always be kept closed.

If such conditions are not met, all is not lost. There are protective yantras (diagrams) attached to the door on either side.

Entrance door decoration.

The decoration of the entrance door to Vastu is very important. Doors with a flat surface bring bad luck, while images of leaves, flowers, birds carved on doors and jambs will have a beneficial effect on the whole house. Bringing the energies of sacred signs and symbols into your home, you can change the situation in it for the better.

  • It is allowed to decorate the door with floral ornaments, especially lotus flowers, the image of leaves and pairs of birds.
  • Images of wild animals, snakes, owls, elephants, eagles, pigs are not recommended.
  • For Russia, there are specific recommended images for door decoration.
  • It is not necessary to make your door a museum exhibit, a few carved elements are enough.
  • The color of the door should also be in harmony with the side of the world. For example, it is better to paint the “northern” door in one of the shades of blue, and the “eastern” door in yellow. If the outer side of the door is painted black, the owner will face difficulties.

To protect the house, a sacred basil, Tulasi, is often planted in front of the entrance. If it is impossible to grow it in open ground, you can take it out of the house to the street in the summer. Sometimes they do not plant him, but draw him on the walls next to the door or on the front door - the effect is the same. It is believed that the leaves and branches of the basil are completely spiritual energy, so it is able to fulfill the wishes of the residents and has the magical property to reflect negative energy, protect from ghosts, demonic creatures, grief and failure. And the wind passing through the basil leaves has a cleansing effect.

Entrance design. Entrance gate in the fence of the site.

The gate of the site and the door of the house are the first thing we see, and it is very important that the first impression is favorable.

The location of the front door of the house is connected with the gate and it is best if the gate to the site and the door to the house are located in the same direction.

The location of the main gates from the east and north leads to prosperity and fame.

If the gate is on the western side, business flourishes for some time and then drastically declines.

The entrance from the southeast side to the south is favorable to some extent only for women.

The gate should never be in the south - this leads to dangers and difficulties.

If we divide the sides into nine parts, then the gate should be in the east on the northeast side in 3 or 4 parts, on the north side in 4 and 5 parts, or in 5 and 6 parts from the northwest on the western side.

It is always better to have two gates in the fence. If evil enters through one gate, it could go through another gate.

I have been familiar with the principles of Vastu design for more than five years. I post all the collected material and my achievements in several blocks.

Harmonious interiors and life filled with love.