
Why pepper seedlings fall - causes and prevention. Seedlings of pepper stretched out, what to do? Seedlings of peppers stretched out and falling what to do

garden furniture

Often, planted in February-March, it grows very quickly and stretches. This happens not only to beginner gardeners, but also to more experienced ones. Obviously, the plants are experiencing a lack of light. There are other reasons that must be eliminated immediately, otherwise, you should not count on a good harvest.

Causes of stretched seedlings

  • Lack of lighting. Containers with seedlings are placed in a well-lit place, without direct sunlight. Be sure to turn the containers to the light source as needed. So they will develop evenly. If the seeds are sown early (January, early February), fluorescent or fitolamps.
  • High temperature seedlings, dry air. For the germination of pepper seeds, conditions of + 23 ... + 28 ° С are necessary. With the advent of the first "loops", the temperature is temporarily lowered to + 15 ... + 17 ° C during the day. Night up to + 10 ... 13 ° С. Further development occurs at +20…25°С. Lack of humidity in the room will weaken the sprouts and thin them. You can eliminate dry air by using a humidifier or by regularly ventilating the room. Water containers are also placed next to the landing boxes.

Attention! Temperature fluctuations inhibit excessive growth.

  • Crop density. Planting too densely, even under the right conditions, will result in thin, long stems. Plants will have to fight for light and nutrients.
  • Too nutritious soil, application of nitrogen fertilizers. For seedlings, specially designed mixtures are used. Additional top dressing is not applied, especially nitrogen, which promotes intensive growth.
  • Excessive soil moisture. First watering 2-3 days after germination. The water is warm, settled +25…30°С. High humidity will lead not only to stretching seedlings, but also to fungal diseases.

Control measures and prevention

Seeds are sown in containers no more often than at a distance of 5-6 cm. A denser planting must be thinned out. Watering should not be excessive, but the dryness of the soil should not be allowed. With the advent of the first true leaf, peppers dive.

Advice! Late picking after the appearance of several pairs of leaves will lead to a poorly developed root system.

To do this, select individual cups with a depth of 8-10 cm. It is desirable that the containers are dark. After picking, the plants are returned to their old place. In the new conditions, seedlings will hurt longer.

To increase the amount of light, you can install reflective surfaces on the side of the window. To do this, use foil, corrugated insulation or a plain white fabric. The rays, reflected from the material, illuminate the seedlings.

In the phase of 3-4 leaves, to stimulate uniform development, peppers are sprayed with growth regulator "Athlete". Dilute it according to the instructions: 1 ampoule per 1 liter of water. Processing is carried out 1 time.

Picked seedlings with 2-3 pairs of true leaves are fertilized with special growth biostimulants. Microbiological fertilizers increase the content of beneficial microflora in the soil. They are also useful for the development of the root system. The second top dressing is carried out after the appearance of 5-6 leaves. Usually it is a mixture of urea (5 g) and superphosphate (30 g) per 10 liters of water. Young plants will respond well to the introduction of ash or watering with nettle infusion.

Formation of pepper bushes and care in the greenhouse

When planting in the ground, the plants are not buried, since the pepper is not able to grow new roots from the stem. The procedure is performed by the transshipment method. Before planting, seedlings are watered and, if desired, sprayed with Epin. Observe the necessary distance between the bushes. The bed is mulched.

In the process of growth, it is necessary to tie up the plants. To prevent the peppers from stretching excessively in the greenhouse, they are formed with the advent of the 10th leaf. Leave a couple of the strongest side shoots, pinching the rest. If you ignore these activities, then excessive shading will lead to shedding of flowers. A circular garter will save branches after fruiting. Pinching off the tops a month before the end of the growing season will stop the overgrowth and put all the nutrition into increasing your yield.

The necessary conditions for planting and maintaining pepper seedlings will completely eliminate the need for the use of drugs and growth regulators. Extreme measures are permissible only in critical, neglected situations.

What to do if pepper seedlings stretched out: video

The appearance of the first shoots of pepper can be expected two to three weeks after sowing the seed. However, after a certain period of time, beginners and even experienced gardeners have problems. The seedlings become thin and stretch upwards. The most common problem for vegetable growers is pulling seedlings. To get healthy strong seedlings, it is necessary to grow it taking into account a number of features. Compliance with these requirements will allow you to get a bountiful harvest of peppers.

The main causes of bell pepper pulling and their treatment

Seedlings are stretched and thinned due to the following reasons.

On the video about the causes and how to fix them:


The main cause of the problem is the lack of lighting:

  • Seed material is sown for seedlings mainly in February-March. During this period, daylight hours have a short duration;
  • Pulling seedlings, after germination, as a result of insufficient lighting, occurs even at the stage of cotyledon leaves;
  • In order for seedlings of peppers to develop normally, it is necessary to provide 18-hour daylight hours;
  • To solve the problem, it is enough to install a reflective screen, as well as additionally illuminate the seedlings using fluorescent lamps or special phytolamps;
  • If the organization of additional lighting is not possible, it is worth sowing the seed material at a later date, when the duration of the light increases.


Violation of the temperature regime also leads to stretching of seedlings:

  • The optimal temperature regime for the germination of seed material is from +22 to +25 degrees;
  • It is possible to prevent stretching of seedlings, after spitting sprouts, by lowering the daytime temperature to +18 ... +20 degrees, and the night temperature to +16 degrees. For this purpose, containers with seedlings are taken out at night into the corridor or airing is organized.

The presence of dry indoor air also causes weakening and thinning of the sprouts. To eliminate the lack of humidity, use humidifiers or regularly ventilate the room. Also, containers filled with water are installed near the landing container.


Insufficient lighting and excessive watering only aggravates this problem:

  • After the appearance of the first sprouts, plantings are watered twice a week;
  • For irrigation, it is recommended to use warm, settled water (+25 ... +30 degrees);
  • Excessive soil moisture, dense plantings and dry air provoke the occurrence of such a disease as a black leg, which can destroy all seedlings.

top dressing

The purchased and self-prepared soil mixture in its composition should have all the substances necessary for the initial development of the culture:

How to grow correctly - prevention of stretching

As a preventive measure, you can use several reliable methods to prevent pulling seedlings:

  • Choose the right soil mixture for sowing seeds. It is not recommended to grow peppers in soil with a high nitrogen content. The seed material is sown in a universal substrate, which is designed specifically for growing peppers;

Transplanting into separate containers stops the pulling of seedlings.

  • Be sure to dive seedlings. It is optimal to carry out picking in the period from 20 to 25 days after spitting the seeds. The guideline for the procedure will be the number of full-fledged leaves. Basically, they start picking after the appearance of 1-2 well-developed leaves. When choosing containers for picking, it is advisable to give preference to opaque ones, since growing in an opaque container contributes to a better development of seedlings;
  • In the presence of insufficient lighting, seedlings are treated with retardants. Due to the suspension of growth, the seedlings grow stronger, and immunity to the black leg and other diseases of a fungal origin will also increase. The growth regulator "Athlete" is the most popular, it is added to water for irrigation and spraying of seedlings. The elongated seedlings are treated with the Athlete preparation three times with an interval of a week, since with a single treatment, growth is suspended for a short period. Further, the seedlings continue intensive growth, actively stretching;

The first time the plant is treated at the stage of cotyledon leaves.

  • When sowing seed material, do not allow thickening of plantings. Sowing seeds is carried out with an interval of 3 cm, which will prevent further stretching of the pepper. Also, do not place too many containers with seedlings on the windowsill, as they will deprive each other of the necessary sunlight as they grow. Seedlings left in the shade will certainly begin to reach for the light.

When growing seedlings of peppers, you should carefully monitor its condition, follow all agrotechnical recommendations. This contributes to obtaining high-quality seedlings, and will also prevent possible stretching of seedlings. However, if the problem does arise, it is necessary to take appropriate measures in a timely manner to correct it. Thanks to such actions, you can get a guaranteed bountiful harvest of peppers in the future.

We save seedlings of pepper from overgrowing:

Kira Stoletova

It often happens that due to improper care of seedlings, it is stretched, and the stems and leaves become small. Consider what to do if pepper seedlings have outgrown.

Why seedlings are stretched

The reasons why the sprouts have outgrown:

  1. If the seedlings have outgrown, one of the reasons for this may be insufficient lighting, lack of sunlight in the place where the seedlings germinate. Because seeds are planted at the end of February, then there are still few sunny days. In this case, it is necessary to equip the room with additional light sources. To do this, buy phytolamps, LED, fluorescent lamps.
  2. Too abundant and frequent watering. Pepper is a moisture-loving plant, but you should not water it very often. The optimal amount of watering is 2-3 times a week. Otherwise, the sprouts will become thin, long. Their immunity will decrease. They will easily succumb to the negative effects of pests.
  3. Untimely transplantation. As soon as 6-8 leaves are formed on the sprouts, they are transplanted into a greenhouse or open ground. If you do this later, the bush may not take root.
  4. Thick seeding. It is impossible to plant more than 4 seeds in one container. Because the root and leaf systems will intertwine, which will slow down the growth process. Another option is that the shoots will be strongly stretched immediately after germination in order to gain the right to exist. Therefore, it is important to observe the optimal distance between plantings - at least 3 cm between seeds.
  5. Wrong temperature setting. The normal daytime temperature in the room where the seedlings grow is 22-25 ° C. The temperature regime at night is 18-20 °C. If the sprouts are in an apartment or house, then at night they should be taken out to a cool place - a pantry, a cellar, a corridor.
  6. Poor soil. If there is a small amount of nutrients in the soil, the sprouts will become thin and long. Peppers need light soil with an acidity of 6-7.
  7. Late dive. When 2 leaves appear on the plant, it should be transplanted into larger containers. Because the root system during this period is actively formed and becomes larger, then it needs more space to grow. And when the sprouts cannot grow in width, they begin to stretch upwards.

What to do in such a case

You need to understand the cause of this problem. Further actions depend on this.

First, a pick is carried out. This must be done if the cause of overgrown sprouts is a dense planting. To do this, take small disposable cups or small pots. The main thing is that they are deep and high. Earth is poured onto 1/3 of the container, after which a sprout is placed inside. Then they continue to fill up the soil, gradually tamping it down. Leave about 1-2 cm from the edge.

Containers with sprouts must be placed in a box. It must be made of foam. The advantages of this material:

  • retains heat;
  • maintains an optimal level of humidity;
  • does not heat up;
  • lightweight and easy to transport.

Another way to help save plants that have outgrown is Athlete. It temporarily stops the growth of vegetable crops.

The drug is sold in ampoules of 1.5 ml. The liquid must be diluted in 1-2 liters of water. You can apply the product in 2 ways - under the root or on the whole plant. It is recommended to initially water the soil near the root. If after 3 days there is no change, spray the entire plant with drip irrigation. In both cases, the concentration of the solution does not change.

The consumption rate is 1 liter of Athlete per 1 m2 of land. For pepper, it is recommended to feed 3 times with a break of a week. 5 days after the last watering, the sprouts should immediately be transplanted into a greenhouse or open ground.

Other Methods

If, after picking and applying the Athlete, there were no positive changes, you can try the following:

  1. Move pots with sprouts to another place. It should be dark, with a temperature of 10-15 °C.
  2. Stop feeding. Usually they are needed to stimulate growth. Therefore, until the transplantation of pepper sprouts into open ground, you should forget about top dressing.
  3. Stop watering. Especially if the drug Athlete is used.
  4. Transplant plants into peat pots. The containers are pre-soaked in a solution with mineral fertilizers. Then they are dried and filled with earth.
  5. Pinch seedlings. In the process, the top is cut off, which is located between 4 and 6 internodes. You can also remove the 2 bottom leaves. This will help slow down the growth of the plant for a few days.

How to prevent pepper overgrowth

Initially, it is important to choose the right variety of pepper. Take into account the climatic features and weather conditions in the region. Pay attention to the temperature regime in the room where the plant will germinate. It is necessary to carefully read the conditions for planting a particular variety of pepper. Find out when to plant seeds, when to transplant into the ground and how much time should elapse between these 2 procedures.


It is also important to purchase good, high-quality soil. Pepper loves soft soil for vegetable crops. If it is not possible to purchase this and there is only very acidic soil, liming is carried out. Remember, peppers do not grow well in soil saturated with nitrogen.

Landing pattern

Seeds are planted at a distance of at least 3 cm from each other, and preferably 5 cm. If the seedlings grow at home on the windowsill, then the number of sprouts should not exceed 20 pieces. This will prevent forced overgrowth due to lack of light.


In order for the pepper to receive the necessary amount of light, you can periodically rearrange the sprouts from one window sill to another. Otherwise, they will not only outgrow, but also arch ugly.

  1. Carry out picking in a timely manner. Pepper should be dived 20-25 days after the appearance of the first shoots. The main sign of the readiness of the plant for this procedure is the presence of 1-2 true leaves.
  2. After the appearance of 2 leaves, phosphate top dressing is carried out. The second time fertilizer is applied a week later. This time they make potassium-phosphate bait. It is better to underfeed bushes than to overfeed.
  3. Hardening is carried out before planting in the ground. Then the sprouts will definitely not outgrow. To do this, the seedlings are taken out into the street, where the air temperature is 16-18 ° C, for 3-4 hours.
  4. Watering is carried out 2 times a week. Use warm, settled water with a temperature of up to 32 ° C. Containers for germination of bushes should be with holes through which excess moisture will exit.

Pepper begins to germinate in 14-21 days from the moment of sowing. It is during the period of active growth and development of plants that summer residents face various difficulties in growing these vegetables. Often, plant sprouts begin to become thin and strongly stretched.

This phenomenon is considered the most common problem arising from improper care and maintenance of this culture. What needs to be done to get a healthy and large harvest? What to do if the seedlings of peppers stretched out? You will learn the answers to these and other questions from this article.

Reasons for pulling pepper seedlings

People who do not know all the intricacies of growing peppers very often ask why seedlings are stretched? What to do if the pepper stretched out? Most often, the causes of the phenomenon of pulling up young shoots of plants are:

  1. Insufficient amount of solar energy. The main answer to the question - why did pepper seedlings stretch out so much? As a rule, planting seeds begins in the last days of February and ends in early March. However, during this time of year, sunny weather is rare. Therefore, for the normal development of plants, additional artificial lighting should be created using ordinary electric bulbs.
  2. Very frequent sowing and untimely thinning. This mistake is mainly found in those who are just starting to grow vegetables. The problem is that too many grains are sown in one pot or box. As a result, when the seedlings begin to grow, this is accompanied by a rapid stretching of the shoots, as if they were fighting among themselves. It becomes thin and long. In this situation, there is only one way out - to save the peppers, you need to thin out the seedlings so that the distance between the sprouts is at least three centimeters.
  3. Too frequent and abundant watering. Another important factor, due to which pepper seedlings are stretched. During times of solar power shortages, overwatering the soil can cause it to become thinner and longer. Therefore, before watering the seedlings a second time, it is advisable to wait at least three to four days.
  4. Non-observance of the correct temperature regime in the room. For fragile young seedlings, the temperature in the room is important. The most suitable for the normal growth of seedlings of any crop in the daytime is considered to be a temperature of about 24-25 degrees. At night, the temperature should be somewhat lower. But due attention to this factor is not always paid. While the heating season is not over yet, it is recommended to put seedling boxes in a less warm room closer to night (you can put it on the veranda). This will help her grow strong and healthy.
  5. Carrying out a late dive. During the appearance of a pair of first leaves on the sprouts, the active development and formation of the root system begins. Naturally, she begins to need more space. If you do not hold, being in a hopeless situation, they will begin to rapidly stretch to the top.

Fixing Growing Mistakes

What to do if the seedlings are still stretching? To prevent the rapid pulling of seedlings of peppers, it is necessary to adhere to some rules and recommendations even during sowing.


First of all, you must choose the most suitable soil. Therefore, before acquiring this or that finished land, you need to familiarize yourself well with its components.

Pepper seedlings really do not like the soil, which contains a variety of minerals, especially nitrogen. It is best to use universal soil for planting, which is designed for growing any vegetable.

Although many instructions advise to sow seeds at a distance of two centimeters, experienced gardeners recommend keeping a distance of at least three centimeters from each other. This must be done in order not to get stretched seedlings in the future.


In addition, it is also not advisable to put seedlings in large quantities in one place. For the reason that, having entered the germination phase, the plants will begin to interfere with each other, in an attempt to reach for the sun. For those of them who do not have enough lighting, forced stretching will begin.

In order to provide pepper seedlings with the amount of solar energy necessary for normal development, place a mirror opposite the window sill or attach a large foil. They, in turn, will play the role of reflectors.

If the sun shines from only one direction, the sprouted peppers begin to turn the leaves in the direction where the energy source comes from. As a result, a thin and fragile stem bends and stretches. In order not to stretch the seedlings, it is necessary from time to time to turn the boxes with seedlings towards the sun.


Carrying out timely picks in separate pots helps to suspend the growth of vegetables for a certain period. According to the instructions indicated on the seed packages, this event must be carried out after three to four weeks from the moment the sprouts appear.

Advice! In order not to harm the root system, I first water the soil so that it becomes soft, and then I stretch the plant.

If you sow seeds in purchased soil, you should pay attention to the fact that in this case, seedlings may appear a little earlier. Based on this, the correct transplanting time should be determined based on the formation of leaves. Peppers are considered ready for transplanting when one true leaf sprouts on them.

Experienced gardeners are engaged in growing peppers in a large container, and do not pick. And as soon as the plants become medium in size, they are planted in another larger container.

Fertilization and temperature

For the first time, top dressing of the crop can be done when a couple of first leaves are formed on the bushes. In this case, fertilizers containing superphosphate are used. The second time, the grown pepper is fed seven days after.

Then fertilizer is applied to the soil only after they have been transplanted into a greenhouse or open soil. Gardeners believe that you should not fertilize too often. And this is understandable, because because of frequent top dressing, nothing good will happen, you can only harm the plants.

If even after transplanting the seedlings, it still stretches up, this indicates that the conditions in which it is unfavorable.

In order not to stretch the seedlings, you can remove it to another place, keeping a small distance between the pots. In addition, it is desirable to temporarily reduce the amount of watering. Water once or twice a week.

The optimal temperature for this stage of vegetable growth is considered to be the range from sixteen to eighteen degrees Celsius.

So we figured out the question of what measures to take if the seedlings are stretched out. Now you know how to help stretched seedlings. Follow all the rules and advice and you won't have to deal with these kinds of problems.

Good day, dear readers!

Finally spring! The gardeners are already itching with might and main - the seeds have been bought, the land for seedlings has been prepared, fertilizers have been stocked. They sowed the seeds for growing seedlings, and here you are - the sprouted seedlings stretched out and died.

eternal questions,


There are many reasons why seedlings are stretched. Seedlings are stretched due to the fact that the proportion between lighting, heating, irrigation regime, frequency of sowing seeds and top dressing is violated.

  1. Insufficient lighting at elevated temperatures and dry air lead to the fact that the stem of the plant is stretched, becomes thin and weak.
  2. Too dense sowing of seeds causes seedlings to reach for the light, competing with each other.
  3. Excessive fertilization speeds up this process.

What conditions need to be created for seedlings so that it does not stretch?

For sowing, prepare the soil filled with complex fertilizers.

  • Nitrogen is essential for the growth and development of plants.
  • Phosphorus fertilizers will allow the root system to grow stronger and develop.
  • Potassium will strengthen the immunity of the plant.


Seeds are disinfected, germinated and hardened. Sowing containers are kept warm until germination. Most cultures germinate at a temperature of +20-25°C, lighting is not required.

But with the advent, not even shoots, but only the first loops, the seedling container is transferred to a place with good lighting and a lower temperature. With the appearance of 2-3 true leaves, the temperature around the seedlings is reduced to + 12-15 ° C. It will delay the growth of seedlings.


With the advent of 2-3 true leaves, young plants can be sprayed with Athlete-type preparations. But this drug does not just slow down the growth of the plant, it affects the cells - stopping their division. In the future, it is not known how this will affect the crop. Therefore, use these drugs with caution.


Another factor affecting the quality of the resulting seedlings is soil moisture. Even the presence of drainage holes in containers where seedlings are grown does not protect against excessive soil moisture. Definitely not recommended. But we can say that the seedlings need watering if the leaves begin to hang slightly.

Densely growing seedlings compete with each other for food, water, light, they grow long, pale and frail. Transplanted to the garden, such seedlings are sick for a long time and are not able to bring a full harvest.

In dense plantings, the likelihood of fungal diseases is high, and the close location of seedlings allows the infection to spread quickly among all plants.

"Ambulance" for seedlings

No matter for what reasons, the seedlings stretched out. What to do with her? The answer to this question depends on the type of plants that have outgrown. What is suitable for tomato seedlings should not be used for peppers or eggplants, the method of planting overgrown pumpkin seedlings is not applicable for cabbage. Let's start with tomatoes.

Tomato seedlings stretch out and fall - what to do?

There are two reasons why tomato seedlings can fall: the seedlings have overgrown or the seedlings are sick. Remedies depend on the cause.

If the tomato seedlings are very stretched There are several options for correcting overgrown tomato plants. A strongly stretched tomato bush can be cut into several parts and each segment rooted separately. Or just cut off the crown and put in water until the roots appear.

If the tomato stalk is not very long, it can be planted obliquely. Digging a hole too deep to plant an elongated bush is not worth it. It is enough to dig a trench when planting, shallow, but long. Place a tomato stalk horizontally in it to a well-developed leaf and cover it with earth. With this planting, the roots will be at the right depth, and the stem buried in the ground will give rise to the growth of additional roots, which will bring an additional crop.

Tomato plants can also fall due to the defeat of the "black leg" - an infectious disease that affects the seedlings of densely sown seeds. In this case, diseased seedlings are removed, the soil is shed with Fitosporin, a pink solution of potassium permanganate, or any fungicide.

Trimming and rooting the top or planting horizontally with an elongated stem is useless. You won’t wait for additional roots - this method is only suitable for tomatoes.

With a lack of lighting and heat, peppers stop their growth, while the growth of roots stops. At the same time, peppers are less likely to stretch and are more tolerant of growing conditions. A flower that has grown in a fork can delay the growth of a pepper seedling.

If this happens at a permanent place of growth, the flower is urgently removed, and at the seedling stage it will stop the stretching of the bush. Before planting in open ground, the flower or ovary is removed from the fork, and seedlings without a fork are pinched over 5-6 leaves.

The main crop is formed on the growing lateral branches. In addition, in a pinched plant, the stem does not grow in height within 2-3 weeks, but thickens and branches intensively.

If eggplant seedlings stretched out, how to help?

With them, too, everything is very simple. If, with the advent of seedlings, the ambient temperature is lowered, then the seedlings will not stretch. When picking seedlings into separate cups, it is very convenient to pour a layer of earth not to the top edge, but a little lower.

If the plant stretches out, there will be a place where it will be possible to pour the earth. If there is no such place left in the cup, a separate cup can be slightly increased. To do this, the top of the cup is wrapped with a tape made of dense polyethylene or a substrate for a parquet board. It is cut out 5-7 cm wide and wrapped around the upper edge of the glass in such a way that a free space is formed above the glass. It is convenient to fix the edges with a stapler or tape.

The earth is poured into this volume. Additional roots may not form, but the plant will stand straight and strong.

Cucumbers, zucchini, watermelons

All these plants, as well as pumpkin, melon and zucchini, belong to the gourd family. By nature, these are creepers. They have a very flexible stem. With their overgrown seedlings, they do this: the elongated stem is carefully folded into a ring, pressed to the ground and sprinkled with soil.


Growing cabbage often occurs through seedlings. It is not difficult to grow it, it is important to create the necessary conditions. The most important of these are temperature, lighting and watering.

Germination of seeds of any cabbage occurs at +20 degrees. With the advent of seedlings, seedlings should be moved to a colder room, where + 10-12 degrees is maintained.

Maintaining seedlings in such conditions with simultaneous sufficient lighting allows you to slow down its growth. Seedlings become rich green, undersized with a powerful root system.

If, for any reason, the seedlings of any cabbage are stretched out, they correct the mistakes made in the same way.

  1. They start with a pick. Each plant is planted in a separate cup.
  2. When transplanting, be sure to pinch the tip of the seedling root - this will slow down the growth of seedlings.
  3. When planting, the cabbage plant is buried to the cotyledon leaves.
  4. Elongated plants are provided with good lighting, if necessary, they are illuminated with fluorescent lamps, the air temperature is lowered to + 10-12C, nutrient soil is poured to the stems of elongated plants.
  5. After a week to ten days, the transplanted seedlings are fed with potash fertilizers or infusion of ash.


Ornamental plants planted on seedlings can also stretch out. The reasons for this phenomenon are the same as when growing vegetables: high temperature with insufficient lighting, too dense sowing, high humidity and too plentiful top dressing.

. At this time, the day is short, there is not enough light. Seeds are sown in a hot, dry apartment atmosphere. Seedlings are hot, dark, they stretch. It is possible to bring such seedlings to flowering.

To do this, when picking, it is necessary to plant young plants a little deeper, to the cotyledon leaves, pinch the tops, improve the lighting of the plantings and lower the ambient temperature. Heavily overgrown plants can be pruned, and the resulting cuttings root easily.

And sow seedlings very early. They have very small seeds and take a long time to germinate. The emerging seedlings suffer from excess heat and lack of sunlight, trying to compensate for the dryness of the air, flower growers fill the seedlings with water.

When sowing, small seeds are difficult to evenly scatter over the surface of the sowing container - seedlings appear thickened.

You can fight this problem by pinching the tops of the plants, shortening the roots, picking a sufficient distance into the seedling box, supplementing the seedlings with fluorescent lamps up to 14-16 hours of daylight, lowering the temperature of the plants.

Preferably. so that the seedlings were like that!

You can get viable schisanthus seedlings only by providing it with fertile soil, sufficient lighting, and moderate watering. With a lack of lighting and nutrition, the stem of the plant is stretched and there will be few flowers. For abundant flowering in spring, it is better to plant the seeds in the fall and cover the crops before frost.

Planted in January can stretch out a lot. Friendly shoots sometimes stretch out strongly even with additional lighting. After the seedlings are planted in separate cups, the elongated seedlings are pruned. The remaining plants are stretched less. Cut off parts can be rooted.

They germinate easily and are undemanding to growing conditions. Seeds sown for seedlings give friendly shoots, easily tolerate unfavorable growing conditions - high temperature, lack of lighting, uneven watering.

Even if the seedlings stretch out on the window, then after transplanting to a permanent place, the seedlings take on a normal shape and bloom well.

Weak, stretched, pale seedlings are bad. It is impossible to get a full-fledged harvest from such plants. Even ornamental plants from overgrown seedlings bloom weaker.

Simple rules for growing strong, healthy seedlings:

  1. For sowing, use full-weight, disinfected and germinated seeds.
  2. Fill the planting containers with disinfected, fertile, loose soil.
  3. Sow the seeds at a sufficient distance from each other.
  4. Place seedling boxes in a well-lit area with a moderate temperature.
  5. Water with warm water in moderation.
  6. Fertilize seedlings in a timely manner.
  7. Monitor daily and, if necessary, carry out the prevention of viral and fungal diseases.
  8. Gradually accustom the seedlings to the open air.

Try to keep the seedlings from pulling to get a rich harvest and beautiful flowers!

Sincerely, Sofia Guseva!