
Stove from 2 x gas cylinders. How to make a stove from a gas cylinder with your own hands

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Furnaces such as bourgeois stoves are especially popular - users are captivated by their extreme simplicity. And for their self-production, it is enough to find a suitable case made of durable metal. A long-burning potbelly stove on wood from a gas cylinder has good technical characteristics - the same one that is used to store propane. To assemble it, you will need the simplest tools and a welding machine.

Let's see how to build a potbelly stove from a propane tank.

Why are potbelly stoves good

To begin with, it would be nice to understand the features and advantages of bourgeois stoves. The main plus is the extreme simplicity. If there is a gas cylinder available, then the assembly can be done in a matter of hours. The main thing is to have a welding machine available, which is impossible to do without. A cylinder, a door, a chimney - and an excellent handicraft heating unit is ready to take in the first portions of firewood to give its owners warmth.

Omnivorous - a gas cylinder stove is suitable for burning any type of fuel. It can be firewood, pressed eurofirewood, wood debris or pellets. Throw everything that can ignite and burn into it - a potbelly stove is undemanding to the quality of fuel. The main thing is to let her flare up, and only after that you can burn anything in her insides.

Availability - a potbelly stove from a cylinder is extremely cheap. You can use a new tank for it or get an old one from somewhere. If you live in a rural area where there is no gas main, then there will be no problems with the search. And if you can’t get a cylinder, fit sheet metal, an old barrel or any other suitable container for a potbelly stove.

Other features and advantages of potbelly stoves assembled from gas cylinders:

Any shabby life, but more or less a whole gas cylinder, can be adapted for a potbelly stove.

  • Versatility in use - if you need a stove for a bathhouse or a garage, use a potbelly stove. Its manufacture will not take much time, and you will have at your disposal an excellent heating unit;
  • A potbelly stove from a cylinder does not need special maintenance - it is only necessary to periodically clean the ash pan and check the condition of the chimney;
  • Easy to install - just mount the stove on any suitable base or weld metal legs to it;
  • Easy to upgrade - a cylinder stove can be made more efficient with some technical tricks;
  • Relatively high heat transfer - thermal power, depending on the volume of the stove, will be from 2 to 7 kW (heated area from 20 to 70 sq. M);
  • The cylinder stove is stable in all conditions - you just need to build a decent chimney with a height of at least 3-4 meters;
  • Easy self-assembly - if you know how to work with a tool, then after 2-3 hours of work you will have the most efficient potbelly stove from a gas cylinder at your disposal;
  • Several modifications for the choice of consumers - the body of the stove can be vertical or horizontal, large or small.

There are also some disadvantages. The first of them is an unsightly appearance. But if you make some effort, then you will be able to build a nice compact potbelly stove with good external data. The second drawback is not the highest efficiency. For such units, it is about 70%, but this figure can be improved by implementing the afterburning of combustion products with secondary air.

All the main ways to increase efficiency will be discussed in the corresponding section of our review.

Self assembly

Let's see how to make a potbelly stove from a gas cylinder. Our step-by-step instruction will tell you about all the stages of this simple process. First you need to decide on the design - the gas cylinder in the design of the potbelly stove can be located vertically or horizontally. It all depends on the amount of free space you have, but the horizontal arrangement is still more convenient in terms of loading extra-long firewood (and ensuring long-term burning).

Regardless of how the body will be located, the stove itself will consist of three parts:

  • The main body - it is also a combustion chamber and a container for ash (the ash pan will be located in the lower part);
  • Doors - firewood is loaded through one, and coals and ash are removed through the second;
  • Chimney - through it the products of combustion are removed.

Also inside there will be a grate.

A home-made long-burning stove from a gas cylinder is an increased-volume unit. Therefore, you have to find the largest balloon. If the volume is too small, you will have to constantly throw more and more new portions of firewood.

All sizes and indicators are given rather as an example. Depending on your needs, you can make the desired changes based on this drawing.

It is possible to make a potbelly stove from a gas cylinder without a drawing - we will use the illustration below as an example. The ash pan door will have dimensions of 20x10 cm, the loading door - 30x20 cm. In order to cut these holes, use an angle grinder (grinder). Cut carefully, as the cut pieces of metal will serve as doors.

Then we carefully cut off the upper part, where the faucet is located - from here the chimney of our potbelly stove will come out. We weld a pipe with a diameter of 70-90 mm and a height of 10 cm here, after which we proceed to weld the grate. The grate itself can be made from pieces of metal or reinforcement. After that, we fix it inside the gas cylinder by welding.

Since you will be working in a confined space inside the gas cylinder, be sure to take safety precautions.

The next step is preparing the legs. For them, the easiest way is to choose a piece of thick reinforcement. We cut the reinforcement into pieces of a suitable length, weld it to the bottom of our potbelly stove. Now we proceed to the installation of doors - for this, simple metal hinges are used. Try to weld the doors as carefully as possible to minimize the gaps between them and the body. If necessary, weld pieces of metal around the perimeter for maximum sealing.

Do not forget to weld metal locks to the doors of the potbelly stove from a gas cylinder - it will not be difficult to make them yourself from sheet iron.

Installation and first start

Our step-by-step instructions will help you quickly assemble a potbelly stove from a gas cylinder with your own hands. There is nothing complicated here, and all operations are divided into three main stages:

There is nothing difficult in working with a grinder. But if you doubt your abilities, then it is better to entrust this process to a person with experience.

  • Preparing a gas cylinder - it is necessary to unscrew the tap, drain the gas condensate from there, and then pour in water so that all the gas comes out from the inside. There is also a recommendation to let the water stand for a day. Another recommendation is to add potassium permanganate to the water. Then the liquid is drained, and the balloon can be safely cut. If you are unsure of the flushing results, consult knowledgeable people;
  • Cutting a gas cylinder - you need to cut the doors and a hole for the chimney. Here you can do more tricky - cut a hole for the chimney not in the upper end part, but in the back, closer to the top. A larger hole is cut out in place of the valve - a hob is welded here;
  • Installation of the grate and installation of legs - for this it is recommended to use fittings with a thickness of at least 12 mm.

The last step is installation and launch.

A potbelly stove from a gas cylinder must be installed on a non-combustible base - it can be a concrete or brick pedestal. It is highly desirable to lay a sheet of metal under it. This is necessary to ensure fire safety. Now you can start running - we mount and fix the chimney, we begin to chop wood.

We lay small chips on the grate, after which we proceed to more firewood. Do not try to kindle a potbelly stove from a gas cylinder with flammable liquids - an explosion or a powerful bang may occur. In the event of an explosion or pop, the gas cylinder will withstand, but people can be stunned.

If the firewood is too wet, use special products for lighting stoves. We set fire to small chips, observe the flame - the ash pan door (it also serves as a blower) is in the closed state. As soon as the flame covers all the firewood, close the firebox and slightly open the ash pan. There will be a draft that will make the fire burn more cheerfully. Wait until the room is warm, adjust the draft level according to your preferences.

Increasing efficiency

We pass to the last stage - the modernization of our potbelly stove, assembled from a gas cylinder. The simplicity of the design of this furnace leads to its not the highest efficiency. Our task is to prevent heat from escaping into the chimney or into the walls. So we will take some action.

heat reflection

To begin with, it would be nice to think about the installation site - there should not be windows and doors nearby, it is advisable to mount a potbelly stove from a gas cylinder somewhere in a corner that is not blown by all the winds. And then you need to take a sheet of galvanized iron and beat this very corner with it - the radiated heat will be almost completely directed into the room, and will not go into the walls. This is the easiest way to upgrade.

Create convection

A potbelly stove from a gas cylinder can be turned into some kind of convector. This is done in two ways:

An extended chimney will allow more heat to stay indoors rather than escaping outside.

  • Using a sheet of metal, we create a kind of shirt around the gas cylinder and attach it to the furnace body;
  • Using a U-shaped metal profile, we cut it into pieces and weld it vertically to the cylinder.

The essence of the procedure is simple - in the gap between the sheet and the balloon or in the gaps formed by the profile, cold air will be sucked in, which will heat up and go to the ceiling. Thus, natural convection will be formed in the room, which means that heat will be spent more efficiently.

Stone shirt

If there is a brick or stone available, you can create a kind of shirt around the potbelly stove from a gas cylinder. Materials are not laid close to the metal, but leaving a small air gap. Thermal radiation will warm up the stone (or brick), as a result of which it will begin to give off the accumulated heat. If the flame suddenly goes out, the masonry will retain the heat accumulated earlier. Also, convection is formed between the potbelly stove and masonry.

Some people cover potbelly stoves from gas cylinders with bricks or stones back to back. As a result, quite nice and efficient stoves are formed.

Horizontal pipe

Another way to prevent heat from escaping into the atmosphere is to keep it indoors. To do this, you need to upgrade the chimney a little. The essence of the procedure is to create a long horizontal section that will give off heat to the room. For example, in the case of a bathhouse, a small country house or a garage, its length can be 3-4 meters (in addition to the vertical section). Passing through the pipe, the heat will mostly pass into its metal, after which it will enter the room. The combustion products will enter the vertical section already noticeably cooled down.

Pyrolysis Supplement

The incoming secondary air helps to burn off the combustible gases when the furnace is properly heated.

If you pay attention to how much a cast-iron or steel wood-burning stove costs, you will quickly realize that buying it to heat a garage or a dacha with a greenhouse is not always justified. A more affordable option is a potbelly stove from a long-burning gas cylinder, made by hand or welded by a craftsman to order according to your drawings. Our goal is to help with the choice of design, describe the manufacturing technology of the potbelly stove and its installation, up to the chimney device.

We select the design of a wood stove

Outdated and inefficient heating equipment is gradually becoming a thing of the past, which also affects home-made stoves. Nowadays, no one needs primitive iron boxes with a pipe and doors, devouring firewood without good heat transfer. A modern potbelly stove should be economical and heat the room well. Therefore, advanced craftsmen are constantly working to improve steel furnaces.

To achieve the most efficient operation of a wood-burning heater, it is necessary to solve 2 questions: how to increase the efficiency of a potbelly stove and the duration of burning from one load, without increasing the amount and price of the materials used. We present 3 options for homemade products, where these tasks were successfully solved and implemented:

  • three-way oven from two propane cylinders;
  • pyrolysis potbelly stove with an air-fire-tube heat exchanger and a secondary chamber;
  • a very popular design is "Bubafonya" with top combustion of firewood from a gas cylinder.

For reference. The first 2 units are designed, made and tested by our expert, who kindly provided his photos and videos.

If you are friends with a welding machine and have the necessary tools, then there will be no technical problems with manufacturing. Below we will present the drawings and explain the technology of how to make a potbelly stove from a gas cylinder for all three options. But first, make your choice by reading the review of these stoves.

To make a stove, you need a welding machine, grinder, metalwork and measuring tools. Clamps will need several, at least 2 pieces

Three-way potbelly stove - the principle of operation and the pros and cons

The master assigned the playful name "Collider" to this home-made furnace because of the unusual appearance and good heat transfer. This wood burning potbelly stove is made from two standard propane tanks with a capacity of 50 liters, welded to each other at an angle of 90 °, as shown in the drawing. The principle of operation is this:

  1. The first tank, laid horizontally, plays the role of a firebox, respectively, equipped with doors and grates. An impressive portion of firewood is placed in it and set on fire.
  2. The second vessel is an air heat exchanger with internal baffles that slow down the flow of flue gases and force them to change direction three times and give off more heat. At the end, the combustion products leave the heater through the chimney.
  3. To increase the heating surface, both parts of the housing are equipped with additional ribs.
  4. At the bottom, an ash pan made of sheet metal is welded to the firebox, whose door regulates the air supply for combustion.
Sectional drawing of a homemade three-way wood-burning heater

Note. With the same success, instead of cylinders, you can use a steel pipe for a potbelly stove with a diameter of 300 mm and thin walls (4-5 mm).

The approximate power of the Collider is 10 kW with an efficiency of about 55%, which allows you to heat a room up to 100 m² - a summer house, a greenhouse or a large garage (box). Practical tests have shown that in the mode of maintaining heat in a heated room, 1 load of firewood is enough for 1.5-2 hours. If you use the heating unit in a house of a smaller area (25-50 m²), then the burning time will increase to 3-4 hours. Those who understand the topic will understand that for a home-made potbelly stove this is a good economy.

Photo of the finished Collider stove with heat exchange fins

There is only one minus for this long-burning stove - a strange appearance. But it is offset by numerous advantages:

  • ease of manufacture;
  • fast warm-up and decent duration of work from 1 bookmark of solid fuel;
  • cheap design, you only have to buy comfortable handles and even a pipe for a potbelly stove if there are no propane cylinders;
  • due to the size of the firebox, long (80 cm) and massive logs are placed in the stove, which contributes to the duration of burning;
  • the unit can be made with a hob, as shown in the photo.

The “collider”, like any do-it-yourself potbelly stove from a gas cylinder, can be supplemented by installing a water circuit that regulates the air damper in the ash pan door and an external blower fan. The dimensions of the stove are changed in any direction by selecting tanks of a smaller capacity or pipes of a different diameter.

The operation of the potbelly stove used to heat the 100 m² cafe is described in the video:

Overview of the pyrolysis oven for 2 chambers

This small wood-burning stove, made from a 24-liter gas cylinder, was named "Pyaterochka" after the number of air heat exchanger tubes. It works according to this principle:

  1. As in the previous case, the cylinder laid on its side serves as a combustion chamber, and an ash pan is attached to it from below. The role of the grate is played by slots cut in the wall of the vessel.
  2. An opening is made on top of the tank, where 5 vertical pipes of the heat exchanger adjoin. Hot flue gases move along them and thus give off part of the heat to the room.
  3. From the heat exchanger, the combustion products enter the secondary chamber, where heated air is separately supplied through a separate tube. Due to this, the combustible gases formed in the furnace are burned up and generate additional heat, after which they are sent to the chimney.

Drawing of a pyrolysis potbelly stove for long burning with a gas afterburner

The results of practical tests of the heater are as follows: a room of 30 m² is warmed up by 20 ° C for 1 hour, after which one laying of wood is enough for 1.5-2 hours, depending on the operating mode. Approximate power - 5 kW. As you can see, in this design, the burning time is reduced by reducing the firebox, but the stove is very compact and will fit in any room. And yes, it heats up pretty well.

Advice. Do you want to increase the burning time to an average of 4 hours? Then study the drawing of another option, which shows the same pyrolysis potbelly stove, made with your own hands from a 50-liter gas cylinder. The device of the heating units is identical, the difference is only in the volume of the tanks used as a firebox.

It looks like a two-chamber homemade oven. 2 rods are welded on top - you can put a pot or a kettle of water

Due to the efficient burning of firewood, the Pyaterochka stove is more economical than the Collider, although it is more difficult to assemble. In terms of the cost of materials, the difference between them is small - in the first there are 2 cylinders, in the second - 5 pipes with a diameter of 57 mm and a length of 40 cm. A separate advantage of the stove is the ability to burn wet wood and any debris after heating without losing the intensity of heating. The rest of the advantages are the same - cheapness, ease of use and the possibility of modernization.

Another good advice. It is quite natural if, after replacing a small cylinder with a standard one (50 l), you wish to increase the power of the heater and add 2-3 more pipes to the heat exchanger. Remember that the flow area and the draft of the chimney should increase accordingly. Otherwise, you will waste materials and time, because due to insufficient draft, the outer sections will remain cold and the power of the furnace will not increase.

Enlarged version of "Pyaterochka" from a large 50 l cylinder

Upper burning stove "Bubafonya"

By and large, "Bubafonya" cannot be categorized as a bourgeoisie, since it is fundamentally different in the principle of operation. But it is impossible to ignore this stove due to its wide popularity, due to the duration of burning from 1 load of firewood from 6 to 10 hours. However, the heater is famous for its numerous shortcomings, which we will discuss below.

The operation algorithm of the Bubafonya long-burning stove, shown in the drawing, is as follows:

  1. The firebox is a 50 liter propane tank standing upright. Through a hole in the top cover, an air supply pipe enters inside, ending with a thick metal disk. From below, steel strips are attached to it, distributing air in all directions.
  2. When the firebox is filled to the top with firewood, a heavy disc presses them down and makes them sag as they burn. Ignition is also carried out from above, and only then the pipe with the load is lowered.
  3. The combustion air supply is regulated by a damper mounted on the upper end of the pipe. The chimney pipe is cut into the side wall of the cylinder under the lid itself.
Drawing of the upper combustion furnace and the layout of the air distributors

Note. The place where the pipe passes through the cover is not sealed and secondary air is sucked in there, helping to burn the combustible gases above the disk when the furnace is properly heated.

The strengths of Bubafoni are a decent duration of work, simplicity and the possibility of converting it into an upper combustion boiler (a furnace is made with a water jacket, as described in). But the weaknesses have forced many garage owners to abandon such bourgeois:

  • the stove cannot be reloaded until all the fuel has burned out;
  • from closing the damper, the furnace will not go out and will smolder for a long time, because secondary air enters it;
  • without good draft, the heater smokes into the room;
  • in the slow burning mode, the stove heats up weakly, and the chimney is intensively clogged with soot;
  • to enter normal mode, the unit must warm up well, which consumes ¼ of fuel.

On the left in the photo - a close-up air damper, on the right - home-made heat exchange fins from profiles for mounting GKL

For reference. In order to burn out the soot in the chimney, it is necessary to drive the “Bubafonya” in the maximum mode with each kindling.

Finally, let's sweeten the pill a little. Despite all the shortcomings, a long-burning stove from a gas cylinder does not lose popularity, in addition, it successfully functions on sawdust and various combustible waste.

Instructions for making a potbelly stove with your own hands

Before you weld a long-burning wood-burning stove, you should prepare all the necessary power tools:

  • welding inverter;
  • grinder, she is also an angle grinder;
  • drill with a set of drills.

Note. We will not list hammers with pliers here, since a good owner will always have a complete set of tools in the house.

Of course, you will need an old propane tank, from which you need to twist the valve and be sure to fill it with water before cutting. The fact is that propane is heavier than air and its residues will not leave the tank on their own. To push them out of there, just water is used. The order of further work depends on the chosen design.

Assembling a three-way oven

In addition to cylinders, for the manufacture of this potbelly stove, it is necessary to prepare the following materials:

  • sheet metal 2 mm thick will go to the ash chamber and ribs, 3 mm - to the doors;
  • a piece of a round pipe with a diameter of 100 mm - on the chimney pipe;
  • corners or profile pipes for legs;
  • asbestos, and better - graphite-asbestos cord for sealing doors;
  • steel profile 20 x 20 mm or reinforcement of the same section - to reinforce the grate.

Docking of two cylinders (left) and welding of door frames (right)

Advice. Handles - constipation with beautiful ebonite overlays are easier to buy than to waste time on home-made ones. To give your stove a modern look, purchase heat-resistant paint (sold in aerosol cans).

To prevent the rods from bending from high temperature, they need to be reinforced with welded profiles.

First of all, cut the metal into blanks according to the dimensions indicated on the long-burning potbelly stove drawing presented in the previous section. The manufacturing technology of the furnace is as follows:

  1. At the end of the first cylinder, cut an opening for the door and a hole in the wall for the release of gases. At the second vessel, saw off the bottom, and at the end, make a hole for a 100 mm pipe. Make semicircular cutouts on the walls so that one cylinder sits tightly on the other.
  2. Cut through the slots in the grate. From the outside, weld reinforcements from a 20 mm profile to it.
  3. Make an ash pan and door frames, weld them to the body. Install the legs at the same time.
  4. Weld the doors and seal the joints to the frame. Install doors and handles.
  5. Use the cut-out walls of the cylinder as partitions by welding them inside the vertical tank.
  6. Connect the two vessels together by welding. Install the flue pipe and scald it.
  7. Attach heat exchanger fins to both housings. This completes the oven.

A few words about how to make tight doors for a potbelly stove for long burning. The technology is simple: a channel is formed from narrow steel strips welded to the inner surface of the sash, where a graphite-asbestos cord is subsequently stuffed. The main thing is to clearly determine the location of the groove. Upon completion, all metal must be degreased and painted in 3 layers with breaks for drying.

Advice. Before painting, it is advisable to heat the welded oven in order to burn out all the old paint.

Production of a pyrolysis two-chamber oven

The assembly scheme of this potbelly stove with high efficiency is in many ways similar to the Collider, only 1 gas cylinder is used, and pipes with a diameter of 57 and 20 mm are added from the materials (to the heat exchanger and secondary air supply, respectively). The order of work is as follows:

  1. Cut holes in the tank for the loading door and for the installation of a heat exchanger. The dimensions of the platform for it are 260 x 200 mm.
  2. Make an ash pan and place the doors as described above. Weld the supports.
  3. Make a heat exchanger by cutting pipes in a checkerboard pattern between two sheets of metal. Observe the center distances indicated on the drawing.
  4. Bend the 20 mm pipe at an angle of 90° and weld it to the heat exchanger. Attach the latter to the opening cut in the balloon.
  5. Weld the secondary chamber with the chimney. As a cover, use a semicircular blank, which used to be the wall of the cylinder. The heater is ready.

Stages of assembling the firebox door - a non-combustible insulation is laid in the center, a graphite cord is placed along the edges

Note. If you use a standard cylinder, then the work algorithm does not change, only the ash pan needs to be made larger (the size is shown in the drawing).

A little about how to properly supply air to the secondary chamber of a potbelly stove for long burning. Before installation, the end of the tube must be plugged, and 5-6 cuts in the form of a Latin V should be made on the sides. Then the pipe is inserted into the hole in the upper platform of the heat exchanger and scalded. If you make a potbelly stove with your own hands from a pipe taken instead of a cylinder, then you will need to weld the back wall and front panel of metal at least 4 mm thick.

Such slots must be made on the sides of the tube - air passes through them into the secondary chamber

Photo of the potbelly stove assembly process

We put the frame of the oven doors

Welding an ash pan from sheet metal

We cut through the grates and reinforce them with a welding profile

We weld the ash chamber to the cylinder

We put handles and locks on the doors

We cut holes for pipes in the flanges of the heat exchanger

Making a potbelly stove on video

Assembling the heater "Bubafonya"

The manufacturing technology of this stove is one of the simplest. Take a 50 l gas cylinder, cut off the upper part along the factory seam, and then perform the following steps:

  1. Weld a grate from a periodic profile reinforcement with a diameter of 20-24 mm and install it according to the drawing. Cut an opening below and place the door of the ash chamber.
  2. In the cut off cover, make a hole for the air pipe, and weld a steel strip to the outside of the cylinder for sealing.
  3. Attach a disk weight with welded air diffusers to one end of the 57 mm pipe by welding, and put an air damper on the other.
  4. Install the flue pipe.
  5. Insert the air pipe into the firebox and put on the lid.

In fact, 3 parts are the whole Bubafonya oven

For reference. Many home craftsmen do not put the grate and the ash pan door in the Bubafonya stove. This simplifies the work, but complicates the operation: after the firewood burns out, the body has to be turned over to shake out the ash.

Installation of a grate from reinforcing bars

How to properly install a potbelly stove and chimney

When placing wood-burning heaters, it is important to follow fire safety rules. This is especially true for the ovens of our expert, whose upper part can become red hot at maximum operation. Here the requirements are:

  1. In a garage or in a country house built of brick or other fireproof materials, the minimum distance to the walls of the room is not standardized. But any combustible objects or structures should be no closer than 50 cm from the furnace body.
  2. In a greenhouse, a potbelly stove should not be placed close to plants and external glass walls.
  3. In a wooden house, the floors under the stove are covered with a metal sheet protruding from the side of the firebox by 700 mm. The nearest walls are also sewn up with metal to prevent fire.

A separate question is what to make a chimney for a potbelly stove from. Aluminum corrugation is definitely not suitable, since the temperature of the gases at the outlet reaches 200-400 ° C, depending on the operating mode. What options are allowed:

  • ordinary steel pipe with thin walls;
  • flue made of roofing or stainless steel;
  • insulated sandwich chimney.

It is better to lay the chimney at an angle (left) than just vertically (right)

Advice. It is preferable to take the last version of the chimney - a double-walled pipe with basalt fiber insulation in the middle.

To create good traction, the top of the pipe is placed at a height of 4 m or more, as measured from the grate. The Bubafonya potbelly stove is especially demanding on traction; for it, the exhaust of gases should be made higher so that later there are no questions why the stove smokes into the room. Ideally, the vertical section of the chimney should end in a condensate collector, although many home craftsmen do not adhere to this rule.

By the way, the correct chimney allows you to increase the efficiency of the potbelly stove. This is achieved in two ways:

  1. In a garage or greenhouse, the chimney pipe is extended and laid at an angle, and at the other end of the room it goes to the roof, as shown in the photo above. So the hot products of combustion will give more heat to the internal air.
  2. A heat exchanger is installed on the vertical section of the chimney, connected to the water heating system of the house or cottage. Minus: soot will have to be removed more often from the chimney of a potbelly stove for long burning.

Wiring diagram for a water heat exchanger located on a chimney

A samovar-type heat exchanger, placed on the chimney of a potbelly stove, should not be directly connected to a water heating network. There is a danger that the coolant may boil and break the pipelines. It is better to use the connection scheme through a container with water - a heat accumulator, which can also be made with your own hands from a gas cylinder. For a description and drawings of its design, you can.

To heat a summer house, a garage, it is quite possible to make a stove from an ordinary gas cylinder.

The advantages of a gas cylinder as a material of manufacture are as follows:

  • optimal shape for high efficiency;
  • high-quality and durable material, designed for high pressure and temperature;
  • low price.

The most suitable shape for a furnace firebox is a sphere. The chamber of this shape is easy to clean, and the even distribution of heat increases the efficiency of the entire device. Taking into account the fact that there must be at least two opposite openings in the fuel chamber: for filling fuel and removing heat, the optimal shape of the furnace in the form of a sphere is somewhat extended and turns into a cylinder with rounded ends.

It is this form that a conventional gas cylinder, widely used in everyday life, has. Due to the fact that used products are made of durable and high-quality steel, they are often used on the farm as the basis for a variety of fixtures and devices. They make home-made barbecues, smokehouses, hand rollers, feeders and drinkers for livestock, and even home-made compressors and boilers.

Homemade fireboxes from gas cylinders are also on this list of examples of the appearance of a "second life" in a used product. The cylinder may end up in the household after its intended use, or you can purchase an empty container, the price for them is quite affordable.

Types of furnaces

The types of stoves that can be made from an empty gas cylinder are determined by its shape. Thus, the cylinder is suitable as a housing for the following heating devices:

  • . The main advantages of the potbelly stove are small size, mobility and safety, determined by the simplicity of the design. It is ideal for rooms in which heating communications have not yet been carried out and it is possible to bring the stove chimney to the street. The potbelly stove quickly kindles and heats up, and its small shape allows it to be used in many situations. Unfortunately, the design of the potbelly stove is such that with frequent and prolonged use, the body of the stove burns out, no matter how thick it is, therefore it is not recommended to operate the potbelly stove often;
  • . Somewhat more difficult to manufacture than a potbelly stove. Used oil is used as fuel in such a stove, which is very cheap. And, since the very idea of ​​obtaining a stove from a gas cylinder was caused by the desire to save financial resources through the alternative use of waste material, such a stove will not only save on the shell material, but also constantly save on fuel. Since not only oil is burned, but also its vapors, there is practically no waste from using the furnace. However, due to the high fire hazard and toxicity of the fuel itself, such a stove is not suitable for use in residential areas;
  • Rocket oven. Compared to other handicrafts, it is larger and more difficult to manufacture. The advantages include the continuity and duration of burning fuel in it. Does not suffer from long breaks in cold weather. The disadvantages include some inconvenience in regulating the air supply and the difficulty of controlling heat transfer when the furnace is fully heated. A certain complexity of manufacturing such a device can also be considered a disadvantage; in comparison with other home-made stoves, more materials and labor costs will be required here;
  • . Very simple in execution, in its classic design there are no doors . A certain disadvantage is that before the start of operation it is difficult to determine the optimal size of the gaps through which oxygen is involved in the combustion process, when using certain types of fuel, the pyrolysis gases do not have time to burn out and the stove can begin to smoke heavily. Also, this kind of furnaces, as a rule, have a low initial heat transfer, which is partially offset by the duration of heating after one bookmark.

Waste products are made of durable and high-quality steel, they are often used on the farm as the basis for a variety of fixtures and devices.

Preparation stage

To be used as a furnace body, the cylinder must be suitable for the following number of parameters:

  • The cylinder must be all-metal, composite materials are not suitable - they are not heat-resistant and quite explosive;
  • The volume of the gas cylinder must be at least 12 liters. Smaller cylinder stoves are not economical due to the low volume to surface area ratio. The fuel in such a furnace will not burn completely due to the high heat loss. Cylinders with a volume of 12 to 27 liters are suitable for the manufacture of small stoves for heating small rooms from time to time. The most suitable gas cylinder volume is 50 liters. Furnaces of this size are suitable for long-term operation, they efficiently use any fuel;

Industrial air springs (a common size is 40 liters, smaller sizes are used for helium) are not suitable for converting them into any heating devices using household tools at hand. They have very thick walls, and they themselves are heavy and bulky, their shape is not suitable for use as a firebox - they are too elongated in length.

Furnace manufacturing

To make a stove from a gas cylinder, it will have to be cut, and for this the product must first be prepared:

  1. Even if there is confidence that the cylinder is empty, it is necessary to fully open the valve or valve before starting any action;
  2. After the release of gas residues through the valve, it must be dismantled. This should be done only with the help of hand tools, it is not safe to cut the valve with cutters or grinders - gas residues can detonate. You can remove the valve by simply knocking it down with a sledgehammer or sawing it off with a hand saw. It is safest to unscrew the valve, but this is not always feasible at home;
  3. Water is poured into the hole formed after dismantling the valve in order to displace the remaining gas with its volume. This action is not very convenient, then it is required to drain water from a heavy cylinder. Therefore, before filling the container with water, it is worth considering the possibility of comfortable removal of water from the workplace. You can simply rinse the gas cylinder with water from the inside, but this does not always ensure complete disposal of the remaining gas. There were cases when, even after repeated washing with water, the remnants of combustible gas ignited when cutting metal;
  4. For the convenience of working with the cylinder, so that it does not roll, it is recommended to provide supports to keep it in a horizontal state. Or it simply digs into the ground to a certain depth, which fixes it in an upright position.

Further manipulations with the future furnace depend on the design of the furnace.

Potbelly stove from a balloon

For a potbelly stove, you can use products of a relatively small volume:

  1. Places for the cut are pre-marked with a marker. It is necessary to determine a place for laying fuel, holes for an air duct and a chimney;
  2. A hole is cut in the side of the cylinder, suitable in size for laying firewood in the future. The cut out part can be used as a door, having previously polished its edges;
  3. A frame for fixing the stove door is made of steel corners. This frame is welded to the gas cylinder wall;
  4. The door is screwed to the frame with screws., for a snug fit of the door, it is recommended to use hinges;
  5. Next to the door should be welded or bolt the device for closing the door (latches);
  6. A cast-iron grate (grate) is welded to the bottom of the firebox to support solid fuel. To hold the grating itself, steel corners can be welded from the inside;
  7. A hole is cut in the body below the bottom of the furnace for air duct and removal of ash from the stove;
  8. It is required to make a box from sheet steel without one wall and the top. This box is welded to the duct opening, with its help the ash will be removed;
  9. A damper is attached to the welded box with the possibility of regulating the air supply;
  10. On the side of the door or on the side opposite it, a hole is cut out for the chimney. The chimney pipe must be curved, elbow type, so that the heat does not leave too quickly;
  11. The pipe is attached to its hole in the cylinder or to a steel ring pre-welded to the neck;
  12. Legs are welded to the bottom of the gas cylinder.

The chimney pipe must be curved, elbow type, so that the heat does not leave too quickly

Bubafonya oven

The stove with the name bubafonya refers to stoves of long burning, which is provided by the pressure of a kind of piston on solid fuel, which increases the efficiency of the stove. With this method of combustion, the formation and combustion of pyrolysis gases occurs, which additionally heat the furnace.

Making a bubafon oven is no more difficult than a potbelly stove:

  1. From a cylinder with a capacity of 50 liters, the upper part (top) is cut off. Clamps are welded to the cover, which should hold it on the body;
  2. To make a piston, you need a metal disk with a diameter slightly smaller than the diameter of the inner circumference of the cylinder. It is required to ensure that the piston can move freely inside the housing, and the size of the side gap is sufficient for the release of warm gases;
  3. To ensure the supply of oxygen to the lower compartment of the furnace, you will need a pipe, the diameter of which must be sufficient for the passage of the air flow supporting the combustion process. The height of the pipe should be 8-12 cm more than the height of the body;
  4. There should be a hole in the center of the piston disc, whose diameter is equal to the diameter of the pipe;
  5. Steel segments are welded to the inside of the piston disc, converging in the center and diverging towards its edge (like flower petals). This will not allow the disk to come close to the fuel and thereby block the oxygen supply;
  6. A long pipe is inserted into the opening of the disk and hermetically welded. In order to prevent the disk from being deformed under the influence of high temperatures, it is recommended to make stiffeners on the outer side of the disk;
  7. In the center of the previously cut cylinder cap, a hole should be made with a diameter slightly larger than that of the piston pipe used. This is done in order to leave a gap between the cover and the pipe, allowing more oxygen to be drawn in for complete combustion of pyrolysis gases;
  8. A hole is made in the cylinder body itself just below the cover for the subsequent attachment of the chimney. The diameter of the pipe for the chimney must be at least 10 cm. The chimney must have at least one elbow, its length must be at least 2 meters, the longer the chimney, the better the draft.
The height of the pipe should be 8-12 cm more than the height of the body

Rocket oven

The so-called rocket stove represents the top of the hierarchy of heating devices made from empty gas cylinders. Its name reflects not only the characteristic sound when the furnace does not work quite correctly, but also the efficiency achieved by using the most complete use of the burned fuel.

High efficiency is ensured by burning both the fuel itself and the pyrolysis gases released during combustion. The fuel material is loaded into the furnace located at an angle and burns down, gradually falling down. The firebox is connected to the body. Through the blower, oxygen enters the combustion area in the furnace body, providing the process of additional combustion of pyrolysis gases.

The rocket furnace consists of two main parts: a body made of a cylinder and a loading box where fuel is loaded. For manufacturing, among other things, you will need a welding machine and, accordingly, the skills to work with it, since the manufacturing process of the furnace is completely welding.

Case manufacturing:

  1. The top is cut off to make a hole. about 250 mm in diameter;
  2. The resulting hole is closed metal disc up to 5 mm thick;
  3. The upper part of the balloon is cut off at a level of 5-6 cm below the previous cut, as a result we get a lid.
  4. A strip of sheet steel about 6 cm wide is welded to the resulting cover so that you get a kind of straight "skirt";
  5. Holes are drilled around the circumference of this skirt at the same distance from each other. Bolts will then be screwed into them;
  6. An insulating sealing gasket is glued to the lid, for example, from a high-quality asbestos cord, while completely impregnating this gasket with glue should be avoided so that it does not lose elasticity;
  7. After that, the cover with the gasket is put on the cylinder, is pressed down by the load and in the cylinder body, through the previously made holes in the skirt, holes are drilled through;
  8. The lower part of the balloon is cut off at a height of 8 cm from the ground, a hole is cut from the bottom of the cylinder to accommodate the inner part of the flame tube in the body.

The main elements of the firebox are made of a pipe with a square section of 15x15 cm:

  • a chamber for air intake and cleaning the furnace from ash (blower),
  • combustion chamber,
  • fire tube.

These elements are welded together so that the part into which the fuel will be loaded is located relative to the body at an acute angle of up to 60 °. The blower and the chimney are located approximately on the same line at the bottom of the structure, while the flame tube is inserted into the hole made in the lower part of the body.

A door with a latch is attached to the outer part of the blower for the possibility of regulating the air supply. For the upper part of the combustion chamber, a cover is also made, which fits snugly enough to the walls of the loading opening.

Two round pipes, 7 to 10 cm in diameter and 15 to 20 cm in diameter, are vertically placed in the center of the body, one inside the other. A flame tube is welded into a smaller diameter pipe. The space between the vertical pipes is filled with a non-combustible filler that has the ability to retain heat (expanded clay, vermiculite).

The blower and the chimney are located approximately on the same line at the bottom of the structure, while the flame tube is inserted into the hole made in the lower part of the body

Operating rules

Most used gas cylinder stoves are not suitable for permanent residential use. The level of their safety is not very consistent with fire safety requirements.

When placing such devices, it is important to try to place them on a flat surface to prevent the possibility of falling. If the stove is placed on a surface that can catch fire, then it should be placed on mineral cardboard or a sheet of roofing sheet.

When using products indoors, it must be taken into account that due to the fact that the body of the furnace is made of metal, the air in the room “burns out” rather quickly. Therefore, it is vital to ensure regular and sufficient ventilation of the premises.

  • If it is possible to choose which air spring will be converted into a stove, then it is recommended to choose a product not with a valve, but with a valve, which can then be used as an air supply regulator and thus control the power of the furnace.
  • For the convenience of subsequent cleaning of the chimney of the furnace, it is recommended to make it composite, and for better control of the state of the chimney, you can attach a “revision” to it - a component of the chimney system that allows you to quickly remove condensate.

When considering possible options for improvised material for home-made furnace designs, experts came to the conclusion that the most optimal is the used gas cylinder.

The use of almost waste material will significantly reduce the cost of the furnace, and the finished form will facilitate the work.

Cylinder furnaces: features of the choice of material and its capabilities

The operation of any heat engineering device depends on the design of the furnace. Practical data show that a spherical shape is preferable for it. This requirement is ideally met by the configuration of the internal space of the gas cylinder. Any furnace must have a place to supply the oxygen necessary to maintain combustion, and openings for the removal of combustion products. The elongated cylindrical shape of the cylinder in this case is optimal for the construction of a heater at minimal cost.

Thus, the shape of the cylinder and the characteristics of the material from which it is made make it possible to create designs for various furnaces, including models that are complex in execution. Depending on the purpose, home-made gas cylinder stoves can be used for:

  • heating and cooking in the house;
  • heating of premises not intended for habitation;
  • cooking in country conditions on;
  • universal purpose;
  • emergency heating.

Which balloon to look for?

Making a furnace from a gas cylinder requires a selective approach, since not every one of them is suitable for its properties. If the container consists of composite materials, then its use is dangerous due to the risk of explosion, and their heat resistance is not sufficient. The design of the workpiece must be all-metal and have a certain volume. A flask with a capacity of 5 liters cannot become an effective heating device; a volume of at least 12 or 27 liters is required.

To create a unit capable of high-quality heating of a small house, you will need a cylinder with a volume of 50 liters. The geometric dimensions and shape of such tanks make it possible to create heating systems with a minimum amount of waste during the combustion of fuel. All furnace designs described below are based on just such cylinders. Some of them can be equipped with a valve, others are equipped with a valve. It is preferable to use cylinders with a valve, since it can be used to regulate the air supply to the furnace.

Gas cylinders suitable for making a stove

In industry, cylinders are used, the volume of which is 40 liters. They have a considerable length with a relatively small diameter, and also have a large mass. These characteristics are far from those required for the manufacture of furnaces.

Types of furnaces from a cylinder

Wood burning stove from a gas cylinder

By design, it is the simplest heating device. It consists of the following main parts: a firebox, inside of which there is a grate, a blower and a chimney.

Potbelly stove

You can place such a structure anywhere you need it. In this case, a prerequisite is the output of the chimney to the outside. Potbelly stoves are characterized by a fairly compact size and safe operation, as well as the ability to warm up the room in a short time. It is possible to add a hob for cooking to the design.

The main disadvantage of such devices is the burning of the metal, regardless of its thickness, which is associated with the intensity of the combustion process. With regular use of this heat generator, the durability of the potbelly stove is significantly reduced. In connection with this circumstance, it is advisable to use such devices as an alternative or emergency source of heat.

Furnace in production

The principle of operation of this furnace from a gas cylinder is to burn in the furnace space under conditions of metered air supply using a throttle. Thermal energy is spent on the decomposition of the fuel, the vapors of which are transferred to the reactor. It has perforations on the walls, which is necessary for the free flow of air from the outside. This is made possible by the pressure difference.

The supply of oxygen with atmospheric air intensifies the combustion of oil in vapor form and leads to the occurrence of the phenomenon of pyrolysis. With the beginning of this process, the substances obtained in its course are connected to the combustion. As a result, the temperature of the middle part of the furnace is 1300 degrees Celsius, at which nitrogen oxides are formed. The presence of such compounds somewhat lowers the temperature, but helps to prevent the likelihood of an explosion.

Waste oil furnace

The combustion products, which have partially given up their energy, are not released into the chimney, but are sent to the chamber, where they are afterburned. The design of the afterburner provides for the division of its space using an incomplete partition. In the space in front of the baffle, the products of fuel decomposition burn out at a temperature that does not allow nitrogen oxides to stabilize, behind it there is an oxygen deficiency at a sufficiently high temperature (about 700 degrees Celsius). The presence of such conditions leads to the decomposition of nitrogen oxides with the release of energy, which is spent on the afterburning of combustion products. The energy balance of such processes makes it possible to maintain a stable temperature in the afterburner.

As a result of the pyrolysis process, the exhaust gases have a significant temperature, which is at the level of 400 degrees Celsius. Therefore, for safety reasons, it is necessary to place the chimney at some distance from the partitions.

The material for the mining furnace in most cases is fifty-liter gas cylinders. For the manufacture of a heating device, the cylinder is cut in a ratio of 2: 1. In this case, the part with smaller dimensions serves to create a reservoir, and the larger one is an afterburner.

Long burning furnaces

The process of burning wood in such heat engineering units has a long-term character, which is accompanied by the phenomenon of pyrolysis. A similar principle of operation of the unit allows you to achieve an increase in heat transfer and an increase in efficiency. The fuel in them does not burn in the form of a flame, but smolders on the surface.

Long-burning furnaces can be with:

  • separate combustion. Pyrolysis requires a limited volume and an afterburner;
  • combined combustion. The combustion products are sent to a heated buffer chamber to complete the pyrolysis.

Bubafonya oven

Bubafonya refers to long-burning furnaces in which separate combustion occurs. The place where the pyrolysis process takes place is located under oppression. As the energy carrier burns, the oppression gradually moves down, thereby increasing the volume of the duct. The design of such a furnace design from a gas cylinder and the requirements for its operation have some features:

  • Efficiency reaches 85%;
  • The burning of one batch of fuel can last up to a day;
  • The moisture content of the fuel must be within 12%;
  • Additional loading of the energy carrier during the combustion process is possible;
  • Maintenance and repair of the device while the furnace is running is not possible;

Such a stove is economical and quite suitable for heating household premises. In addition, power control can be carried out over a wide range using a throttle in manual mode.

Scheme of the furnace

Oven Slobozhanka

Slobozhanka comes to heating devices in which the combustion process occurs in combination. The design of the furnace is much simpler than Bubafonya, and the thermal performance is not inferior to it.

However, it is not worth doing the Slobozhanka stove from a gas cylinder. This is due to the fact that in order to achieve sufficient efficiency, it is required that the minimum diameter of the device is at least 500 mm. In addition to this limitation, there are a number of disadvantages:

  • During the operation of the device, toxic gases are generated, therefore, it is not allowed to open its cover on the go.
  • There is no way to stop the oven. Attempting to do so may result in the release of a toxic gas mixture into the room.
  • As a result of the operation of the furnace, a dense deposit is formed, which hardens over time, which greatly complicates the maintenance of the heating device.

rocket furnace

The most advanced design of a heating apparatus with a vertical arrangement is a rocket furnace. In fact, it is an improvement on the classic potbelly stove and has the following differences:

  • Increased efficiency due to the creation of a complex trajectory for the movement of heated air and combustion products. Moreover, the path of their movement became much longer, which made it possible to increase the heated area.
  • Additional details have been added to the design. A square-section pipe is mounted inside the cylinder, which has an outlet in the form of a metal container at the bottom.
  • The chimney is supplied from below, and not at the top of the device.

As a result of these improvements, a rocket furnace created from a gas cylinder has acquired a number of advantages:

  • the operation of the furnace differs not only in the duration of burning, but also in its continuity. That is, it is possible to carry out additional loading of fuel in the process of its operation;
  • it is possible to stop the furnace and ignition at the right time;
  • long breaks in work do not affect performance;
  • a significant area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe support of the structure removes the issue of building a foundation.

Rocket oven

The disadvantages include the presence of a peculiar sound during the operation of the furnace, as well as the inability to regulate its course.

Stove potbelly stove from a gas cylinder: manufacturing instructions

The simplest design of a do-it-yourself gas cylinder stove is a potbelly stove. If you follow the recommendations below, then the manufacture of this heating device is not difficult.

Balloon preparation

For safety reasons, the first step is to remove the gas from the tank. To do this, open the valve and release the remaining gas. After that, the cylinder must be turned over, which will allow the condensate to be removed.
After making sure that the work is not threatened by gas residues, you can start cutting out the top of the gas tank. Then proceed to the installation of the grate. For its manufacture, you can use fittings or wire of large diameter. The rod is bent so that it takes the form of a snake. Grids are welded to it.

Front end

It is necessary to cut a circle from a sheet of metal, the size of which must correspond to the diameter of the gas cylinder. It has two holes. One of them is necessary for loading fuel, and the second is required for organizing air supply.

oven door

Hinges are installed on the lid for hanging the door, which is desirable to purchase in the factory version. It is recommended to tighten around the perimeter with an asbestos-cement cord.

Rear end

To install a chimney in the back of the cylinder, it is necessary to cut a hole, the diameter of which is equal to the size of the chimney. After that, it should be welded to the furnace body.

To make a potbelly stove from a gas cylinder, you do not need to spend a lot of money An economical propane stove does not cost too much. The main thing is to make the right drawings. And the material for work will be improvised means. So an old cylinder, metal sheets, fittings and pipes - this is the whole set of necessary products.

    • Efficiency of using a furnace from a gas cylinder to a garage
    • The principle of operation of a stove from a gas cylinder on wood
    • Types of stoves from a gas cylinder on wood
    • Do-it-yourself gas cylinder stove: preparatory work
    • Do-it-yourself potbelly stove from a gas cylinder: installation technology
    • Chimney equipment for a boiler from a gas cylinder
    • How to make a stove from a gas cylinder (video)
    • Examples of potbelly stoves from gas cylinders (photo)

A potbelly stove from a gas boiler allows you to burn heat more slowly, processing all the fuel. In this case, it is possible to control the air supply and the combustion process using a special damper. This increases the efficiency and duration of burning. That is why home-made stoves are used in garages, greenhouses, baths, workshops.

With the help of a gas cylinder stove, you can easily heat a small garage

Furnace advantages:

  1. Easy assembly. Construction can be done quickly and easily.
  2. independent fuel. The boiler does not need electricity, only solid fuel. In this case, the type of solid fuel does not matter.
  3. The small size allows you to place the design in any corner of the house.
  4. Easy use. The mechanism is simple, firewood burns for a long time and does not require constant monitoring.

But for the operation of the furnace, good ventilation is required, otherwise there will be no need for traction. The heat capacity of the structure is also not encouraging. This is due to the small area of ​​the boiler.

You can increase the heat capacity by equipping a shirt.

Only dry logs should be used for the oven. Of the minuses, the difficulty of cleaning the structure from soot and ash is noted. But the disadvantages outweigh the advantages. At the same time, the equipment of the furnace will not be expensive.

The principle of operation of a stove from a gas cylinder on wood

The design of the gas cylinder is a system of long burning. It consists of three main elements: a furnace, a chimney and a blower. The latter is a special channel, which is located at the bottom of the stove. The blower supplies air to the furnace, controlling combustion. This part is equipped with a door to control the oxygen supply. In addition, soot accumulates in the blower.

There is a firebox above the blower. This element is used to burn fuel. Air enters the chamber through a grate, which is connected to the blower. The firebox is equipped with a door. So firewood is loaded into the stove.

The stove is ignited with the firebox doors open and the blower closed. Unburned parts fall through the grate or fly out through the chimney.

The chimney is an exhaust pipe through which the remains of combustion products exit. A special view is installed in the chimney - a damper. It is used to cover the chimney. Thanks to it, you can slow down the combustion process and increase efficiency.

The main principles of the potbelly stove:

  1. The blower transports air to the furnace;
  2. In the loading chamber, firewood or coal is burned;
  3. Combustion products are eliminated through the chimney;
  4. You can control the intensity of combustion using a damper;
  5. Firewood is placed in the furnace through a special door in the body of the furnace.

You can cut the necessary holes in the gas cylinder using a grinder

The blower and the firebox are considered the main elements and are mounted directly in the gas cylinder body. The chimney can be placed separately. The principle of operation is quite simple, it remains to figure out how to correctly design a potbelly stove.

Types of stoves from a gas cylinder on wood

Potbelly stoves are divided according to the method of installation into vertical and horizontal. Each type has its own installation features, advantages and disadvantages. It is important to study each option in detail.

The nuances of installing a horizontal furnace:

  1. The construction of such a potbelly stove takes less time;
  2. The stove is installed on a metal sheet so that there are no fire hazards.

The vertical design is compact. It can be placed in the corner, it does not take up much space. The cylinder is installed with the faucet down, so the design has its own differences. The door of the vertical potbelly stove is at the bottom. Less steel will be required for the substrate equipment.

Do-it-yourself gas cylinder stove: preparatory work

To create a stove from a metal cylinder on wood, you will need to use welding. That is why you should choose a room for work in advance. It should be a well-ventilated room with reliable wiring and constant access to electricity.

Immediately it is necessary to prepare all the tools for work. You will need a welding machine and grinder.

The stove from the gas cylinder should be installed in such a way that it does not come into contact with the interior of the room.

The process of performing a potbelly stove can last several days. It would be better if the room with a roof. Good sound insulation is welcome, because it can be noisy during work, and this will not please the neighbors.

Materials for creating a potbelly stove:

  1. Frame. Can be made from an old propane boiler. It is best to choose a large cylinder of 50 liters.
  2. In some cases, the oven may be equipped with legs. For this, sections of pipes, fittings, metal profiles are suitable.
  3. From scraps of fittings, you can make potbelly stove handles. A similar handle will be on the firebox lid.
  4. The door can be made by hand or bought ready-made from cast material. The stove will require 2 doors: for the firebox and the blower. The first one should be bigger.

Separately, it is worth taking the time to prepare the balloon. To begin with, you will need to bleed propane from the tank. The operation is carried out outdoors. Open the feed tap and wait for the hiss to stop.

Next, you need to flush the bottle. The main thing is to get rid of the unpleasant smell, which is used by the supplier to determine the leak. Bleach is used for washing, and then the structure is washed with water.

Do-it-yourself potbelly stove from a gas cylinder: installation technology

To begin with, a container for the oven is being prepared. You should take a cylinder of 50 liters. After that, you will need to decide on the design of the potbelly stove: vertical and horizontal.

How to make a horizontal type oven:

  1. First, the upper part with a faucet is cut off from the cylinder.
  2. 4 legs are welded onto the container. The body must be placed horizontally.
  3. A chimney hole is equipped in the upper part of the cylinder. A bent collar made of a 5 cm steel cord is welded onto a round hole.
  4. In the inner space, a grate is installed at a distance of a quarter of its diameter. To do this, holes are drilled in the wall of the cylinder.
  5. Next, a hole is made for the door and a nut with a ball valve is welded.

The finished furnace is mounted in a garage or other room on a special steel sheet. The material should be enough to take up a space of 50 cm more from the door. The vertical design has its own characteristics, but the preparatory work is the same.

Before you install a potbelly stove from a gas cylinder, you should watch the training video

The hole for the valve in vertical furnaces is made 10 cm larger. Next, a chimney collar is equipped. The blower is installed at a distance of 5-10 cm from the bottom. Equip a firebox above. Grids are installed between the loading hopper and the blower. At the end, install the handles on the doors.

Chimney equipment for a boiler from a gas cylinder

For the operation of the stove, you will need to equip good traction. To do this, the chimney is mounted at a certain height. This place is above the edge of the grate. You will also need to equip a place to collect moisture. You will also need to remove heat from the chimney.

Heat dissipation methods:

  1. Carry out the installation of a horizontal section, observing a slope of 35 degrees. Next, the chimney will need to be turned up and taken out to the street. A heat exchanger is installed on the channel.
  2. Warm air can be transferred by a pipe that exits the oven at an angle. This increases the efficiency and duration of burning.

By equipping a water jacket on the furnace, you can significantly increase the useful properties of the structure. All the features and nuances of installation can be considered on special drawings. In this case, the heat exchanger can also be equipped on the housing.

The circulation of water in the jacket occurs in a forced plan using a pump.

In this case, the diameter of the heat exchanger must be larger than the diameter of the chimney. The open ends of the pipes will have to be welded. When water passes through the shirt, it heats up and gives off heat to the room.

How to make a stove from a gas cylinder (video)

An oxygen or gas cylinder furnace is a fairly simple design. You can assemble such a potbelly stove on your own. The main thing is to stock up on a welding machine and a grinder. Installation should be carried out based on calculations and drawings.

Examples of potbelly stoves from gas cylinders (photo)