
Lunar calendar garden vegetable garden June. Safe protection of plants from diseases and pests in July and August


The first month of summer does not indulge in opportunities for recreation. Gardeners and gardeners are forced to devote every free minute to caring for plants and regular work. And to the troubles of May, there is also the care of pots and tubs. But the lunar calendar provides many chances for planting and for other work. Yes, and all the worries are more than paid off by the beauty of the first summer flowers, and the delicious first harvests.

Detailed lunar calendar for a gardener-gardener for June 2016

June 1, Wednesday

On the first day of the month, according to the lunar cycles, only plants that are intended for immediate consumption in food - fast-growing greens can be sown and planted. But it is better to devote this day to the full care of the garden, working with soil and weeds, pruning and digging early bulbs.

  • planting fast-growing plants, salads and greens;
  • loosening and mulching the soil;
  • weed control;
  • care for raspberries and currants;
  • trimming and shaping lawns, hedges and topiaries;
  • digging bulbs and laying them for storage (from hyacinths to tulips);
  • harvesting and drying herbs.
  • sowing and planting seedlings of the main vegetables;
  • planting ornamental plants, shrubs and trees.

June 2-3, Thursday-Friday

The favorable combination of the phase of the moon and the sign of the zodiac allows you to plant almost any plant during these two days, except for those from which you want to collect seeds. But at the beginning of the first week of June, do not forget about other aspects of garden care: this is a very favorable period for any undertakings.

Garden work that is favorable to perform these days:

  • planting any garden plants - from vegetable to ornamental;
  • planting plants intended for long-term storage (including root crops);
  • transplanting seedlings and thinning seedlings;
  • watering any plants;
  • lawn mowing;
  • pruning and shaping hedges, trees and shrubs;
  • pest and disease control;
  • harvesting fruits and vegetables for winter stocks.

Jobs to avoid:

  • planting vegetables to get their seeds;
  • collection of seeds of ornamental plants.

June 4, Saturday

The day before the full moon is best spent cleaning up, weed control and basic care for the main garden and ornamental plants.

Garden work that is favorable to perform these days:

  • care for climbing crops (garter, shaping);
  • work with strawberries and wild strawberries;
  • thinning seedlings and removing shoots;
  • weeding and working with the soil;
  • lawn mowing;
  • prevention and treatment of diseases;
  • pest control;
  • collection of herbs, fruits, first root crops and berries.

Jobs to avoid:

  • sowing and planting any plants, especially herbaceous ones;
  • watering for any plants;
  • division and other types of propagation of horticultural crops.

June 5, Sunday

It is favorable to carry out active work on this day except with the soil. But the time of a short respite during the planting period can also be used to collect seeds and bulbs.

Garden work that is favorable to perform these days:

  • loosening the soil;
  • garden cleaning;
  • weeding and weed control;
  • collection of own seeds;
  • digging, drying and storage of small-bulbous, tulips and hyacinths.

Jobs to avoid:

  • pruning, grafting, budding, pinching for any plants;
  • sowing and planting of all forms;
  • propagation of ornamental plants by vegetative methods;
  • watering ornamental and vegetable plants.

June 6-7, Monday-Tuesday

In these two days, it is better to devote time to low-growing plants, tomatoes, potatoes and melons. This is a favorable time for planting and careful care of the inhabitants of the beds.

Garden work that is favorable to perform these days:

  • planting low-growing plants, ground covers and green manure;
  • planting roses;
  • work with tomatoes, cucumbers, pumpkins, radishes, gourds from planting to care (including pinching and garter);
  • sowing annual herbs - dill, cilantro, as well as spicy types of lettuce (mustard, watercress and arugula);
  • hilling potatoes;
  • seedling transfer;
  • lawn mowing.

Jobs to avoid:

  • harvesting;
  • vegetative methods of plant propagation;
  • pruning on shrubs and trees in any form.

June 8-9, Wednesday-Thursday

Dedicate these two days to ornamental plants and tub crops, remembering to remove shoots, flower shoots in a timely manner and give crops the thorough care that is so necessary at the beginning of summer.

Garden work that is favorable to perform these days:

  • planting tub exotics (especially citrus fruits);
  • planting shrubs, trees, annuals and perennials;
  • irrigation and fertilizers for fruit and berry shrubs and trees;
  • removal of mustaches, watering and fertilizing garden strawberries;
  • removal of flowering arrows on garlic and onions;
  • collection of spices and herbs for drying and harvesting;
  • collection of fruits and root crops, seeds;
  • drying herbs;
  • grafting on tree crops;
  • watering plants in the garden;
  • sowing new lawns.

Jobs to avoid:

  • sowing and planting vegetables;
  • propagation of ornamental crops.

June 10, Friday

A favorable period for planting ornamental plants continues, during which in the garden and orchard it is necessary to pay increased attention to care and prevention.

Garden work that is favorable to perform in the morning:

  • planting ornamental plants, shrubs, trees, annuals (roses and clematis - only with a closed root system);
  • plant cuttings;
  • sowing lawns and clearings from ground covers;
  • caring for ornamental plants;
  • watering and fertilizers for fruit and berry trees (in the morning you can pay attention to raspberries, gooseberries, currants, etc.);
  • pest and disease control (in the morning);
  • work with garden strawberries;
  • removal of flower arrows;
  • digging and storage of bulbous bulbs (in the evening or in the afternoon);
  • grass mowing.

Jobs to avoid:

  • planting and transplanting fruit trees or vegetables;
  • planting on own seeds.

June 11-12, Saturday-Sunday

During these two days, take the chance to prepare free soil and plant ornamental crops from both annuals and perennials.

Garden work that is favorable to perform these days:

  • planting flowering and decorative leafy plants (especially those obtained by seedlings);
  • planting bulbous;
  • separation of ornamental perennials.
  • digging, drying and storage of bulbous;
  • soil improvement, work with vacant soil areas;
  • plant cuttings;
  • collection of medicinal herbs.

Jobs to avoid:

  • dry top dressing;
  • planting and transplanting vegetables, fruit trees;
  • sowing and planting seeds.

June 13-15, Monday-Wednesday

These three days provide a rare opportunity to create new flower beds and mixborders. But in addition to decorative ensembles, you will have something to do: in mid-June, you need to have time to thin out seedlings, take care of garden plants, and do not forget about dozens of other works.

Garden work that is favorable to perform these days:

  • planting and caring for legumes, legumes, root plants (in the afternoon of the 15th, other vegetables can also be planted);
  • thinning seedlings of vegetables and herbs;
  • work on the care of grapes, strawberries;
  • picking early berries;
  • preventive treatments of garden strawberries;
  • collection of seeds from early flowering perennials;
  • cuttings on ornamental plants;
  • planting berry and fruit crops (especially stone fruits, but except for the afternoon of June 15);
  • planting seedlings of flyers;
  • separation and transplantation of perennials (before noon June 15);
  • creation of flower beds and rabatok, patterned mixborders and lawn ornaments;
  • laying tubers or seeds for storage;
  • houseplant care.

Jobs to avoid:

  • fertilizer for ornamental crops.

June 16-17, Thursday-Friday

The focus these days should be on non-cold-tolerant southern vegetables. But both herbs and houseplants will require increased attention. Moreover, there is a good chance to start cutting summer cuttings.

Garden work that is favorable to perform these days:

  • planting and working with the main "southern" vegetables - tomatoes, peppers, eggplants, cucumbers, melons (including pinching, garter);
  • hilling potatoes;
  • planting and pruning herbs;
  • transplanting or propagating indoor plants;
  • cuttings of indoor crops, balcony flowers and garden letniki;
  • harvesting;
  • grafting and pruning on trees and shrubs, including the removal of overgrowth;
  • watering and fertilizing.

Jobs to avoid:

  • reproduction by root processes;
  • collection of spicy and medicinal herbs;
  • planting trees and shrubs.

June 18-19, Saturday-Sunday

In these two days, you can do almost anything - from active planting to the prevention and control of diseases and pests or the basic components of care.

Garden work that is favorable to perform these days:

  • planting fast-growing plants for seeds and sowing hay grasses;
  • planting rose hips, honeysuckle, strawberries, spinach and plums;
  • transplantation of plants and seedlings of shrubs and trees obtained from cuttings;
  • pruning and trimming ornamental plants;
  • top dressing of indoor and potted plants;
  • prevention and control of pests and diseases;
  • planting high varieties of vegetables, vines and tall perennials;
  • planting flyers for balconies and potted gardens;
  • planting flowering indoor plants;
  • collection of fruits, vegetables and berries;
  • collection of seeds.

Jobs to avoid:

  • digging bulbous and bulbous crops.

June 20, Monday

On this day, it is best to devote yourself to cleaning, putting in order the soil and decorative compositions, long-delayed thinning or collecting and preserving the first harvest.

Garden work that is favorable to perform these days:

  • seedling thinning;
  • prevention of the spread of fungal diseases;
  • early harvest;
  • cleaning on the site, in the greenhouse;
  • putting equipment and tools in order;
  • canning and salting for the winter.

Jobs to avoid:

  • any sowing, planting and propagation of plants, regardless of the method.

June 21-22, Tuesday-Wednesday

One of the best days this month for planting root crops is not worth spending on root crops alone, because these two days can be planted both ornamental and useful plants of all kinds.

Garden work that is favorable to perform these days:

  • planting root crops intended for long-term storage;
  • planting plants on seeds or greens;
  • planting ornamental plants, trees and shrubs;
  • propagation of indoor crops and potted summers;
  • grafting, cuttings of fruit and ornamental plants (in particular, these are good days for cuttings of roses);
  • digging, drying or laying onion bulbs for storage;
  • loosening the soil and top dressing.

Jobs to avoid:

  • transplanting any crops

June 23-24, Thursday-Friday

Instead of the usual active planting this month, it is better to focus on caring for existing beds and flower beds, paying attention to both the needs of the plants themselves and the condition of the soil.

Garden work that is favorable to perform these days:

  • working with soil, loosening and mulching plantings;
  • control of diseases and pests;
  • preventive spraying in the garden and ornamental garden;
  • irrigation of vegetable, berry and fruit crops;
  • top dressing of berry plants and fruit trees;
  • removal of flower arrows on vegetables and mustaches on garden strawberries;
  • pinching, grafting and pruning on fruit trees;
  • collection of herbs and flowers.

Jobs to avoid:

  • sowing and planting any plants;
  • transplantation of ornamental crops;
  • any vegetative propagation, especially the division of sods.

June 25-26, Saturday-Sunday

In these two days, you can only plant vegetables and herbs intended exclusively for the table. But on the other hand, this period is perfect for working with the soil, pest control and top dressing.

Garden work that is favorable to perform these days:

  • planting green vegetables, radishes, celery, greens not intended for storing "juicy" vegetables;
  • fertilization in the garden and ornamental garden;
  • loosening, aeration and mulching of the soil in the garden and flower beds;
  • work with free soil areas;
  • pest control and treatment;
  • digging and planting bulbous plants;
  • lawn mowing;
  • collection of medicinal herbs.

Jobs to avoid:

  • sowing and planting ornamental plants and vegetables intended for storage in any form;
  • watering for both garden and ornamental plants;
  • pruning plants and forming hedges.

June 27, Monday

In the last days of June, it is worth starting to tie up plants, continue shaping and pruning. Like almost the whole of June, you can continue to improve the soil and maintain its optimal water and air permeability. But on this day it is worth planting only “fast” vegetables and herbs for your table.

  • watering and fertilizing;
  • installation of supports for tall plants;
  • work on loosening the soil and mulching (in the morning);
  • shaping and trimming hedges (afternoon);
  • mowing the lawn and trimming clearings from ground covers (in the afternoon);
  • digging bulbous (in the evening);
  • harvesting and drying herbs, fruits, vegetables, herbs.

Jobs to avoid:

  • sowing and planting of the main vegetable crops intended for storage

June 28, Tuesday

On this day, you should devote yourself to the three main "whales" of caring for garden and garden plants - watering, fertilizing and pest and disease control.

Garden work that is favorable to perform these days:

  • watering and fertilizing for vegetable, leafy, ornamental plants;
  • shaping and pruning of any type (from lawn mowing to hedges and berry and fruit crops);
  • digging and drying bulbous;
  • installation of supports for plants and their garter;
  • prevention of pests and diseases;
  • harvesting and drying herbs, berries, fruits.

Jobs to avoid:

  • sowing and planting vegetables with a long growing season.

June 29, Wednesday

The combination of two signs of the zodiac in one day allows you to distribute work more efficiently. In the first half of the day, it is better to do only planting greens and fast-growing vegetables, digging up bulbs, but in the evening there will be time for proper care, and for planting root crops and other vegetables intended for storage.

Garden work that is favorable to perform on this day:

  • planting fast-growing vegetables and herbs intended for immediate consumption of vegetables (in the morning)
  • planting vegetables intended for storage (after lunch);
  • planting ornamental and fruit crops (after lunch and in the evening);
  • formation and pruning of ornamental plants;
  • lawn mowing;
  • digging and drying bulbs or harvesting bulbs for storage (in the morning);
  • loosening the soil (in the evening);
  • harvesting for winter supplies (afternoon).

Jobs to avoid:

  • watering plants;

June 30, Thursday

On the last day of the month, it is better to focus on planting, basic care and pruning of both overgrown or fast growing lawn, and the formation of tree and shrub ornamental types.

Garden work that is favorable to perform these days:

  • planting any garden and garden plants, including those intended for the winter or long-term storage;
  • the formation of hedges and ornamental trees and shrubs;
  • removal of shoots and pinching;
  • lawn mowing;
  • watering ornamental and garden plants;
  • fertilization in any form;
  • harvesting for winter storage and canning.

Jobs to avoid:

  • plant reproduction;
  • pest and disease control.

Professional gardeners and gardeners have noticed that the moon significantly affects the quality and quantity of the crop. Thanks to this knowledge, the gardener's lunar calendar was compiled.

June 1st: Aries is an infertile sign. Astrologers advise to abandon crops and plantings. It is better to pay attention to the processing of plants from all kinds of pests or to engage in loosening the earth. Also, this day will not be reflected in the best way on the transplantation of indoor plants, for which there is a special care calendar.

June 2 and 3: The Moon will move into the Zodiac Sign Taurus, which has a very beneficial effect on the development of all vegetable crops, herbs and fruit and berry plants. The harvest will be rich. You can soak the seeds on these lunar days.

June 4 and 5: under the influence of the constellation Gemini, plants such as melons, strawberries and strawberries, peas, beans and bindweeds develop best. It is recommended not to affect the roots of plants: they are extremely vulnerable during this period.

June 6 and 7: The moon will move into the constellation of Cancer, the influence of which is extremely favorable for sowing and planting annual plants, as well as abundant watering and loosening the soil. This period is especially positive for planting undersized plants.

June 8,9 and 10: the influence of Leo will increase. On this day, it is best to give yourself a rest and not disturb the plants. Crops planted during this period will not produce rich fruits.

June 11 and 12: The Virgo sign is infertile. It is suitable for planting annual plants and flowers, suitable for strawberries. The emphasis these days is desirable to make on pruning and picking.

June 13, 14 and 15: under the influence of Libra, flowers develop well, especially roses. Potatoes, cereals and legumes planted during this period will give a good harvest. Suitable for pinching and shaping the crown.

June 16 and 17: The moon will move into the constellation Scorpio. Solanaceae planted on this day will give a very tasty and rich harvest, and the fruits will be stored for a long time. Root crops and cucurbits also develop well due to its influence.

June 18, 19 and 20: these days it is best to plant not for harvest, but for seeds. When the Moon is in the constellation of Sagittarius, the harvest is not very rich, but ornamental plants grow especially beautiful. You can also independently determine how fruitful this period will be, knowing how the phases of the moon affect plant development.

June 21 and 22: a fairly favorable period for planting, as the harvest is always worthy. The moon will move into the constellation Capricorn, so take time for the earth: fertilize the soil and start hilling the beds.

June 23 and 24: in these days the barren sign Aquarius will rule. But when sown during its influence, extremely curious specimens can be bred. Pinching and pinching will have a positive effect.

June 25 and 26: Pisces is a very productive sign, thanks to which the harvest is sure to be very plentiful. It is best to plant pumpkin and nightshade plants during this period; any vegetable crops develop well.

June 27,28 and 29: The moon will again be in the unfertile constellation of Aries. Refrain from diving and pinching. Landings on these days are not recommended by astrologers.

30 June: if you plant plants during the influence of Taurus, then they will certainly give a good harvest. On this day, it is good to plant root crops.

To be confident in your actions and know what surprises this day will bring, take a look at. Have a rich harvest and don't forget to press the buttons and

28.05.2016 06:14

The lunar calendar of the gardener and gardener reflects the most successful days for caring for plants, and ...

At the beginning of summer, gardeners and gardeners reap the first fruits.

On the other hand, June has come - colorful - there is no end to work. Gardening chores are added exponentially.

The sowing of vegetables and flower crops is nearing completion, so be sure to look into the gardener's lunar calendar for June 2016, find out the favorable planting days so as not to waste time.

Lunar calendar for June 2016 gardener and gardener

June 1 corresponds to the 26th lunar day. The night star is located in the unproductive constellation of Aries and continues to decline. Now just enjoy and admire your work. Dream, plan, study new breeders and put them into practice.

June 2 and 3 (27th and 28th lunar days). The waning moon moves into one of the highly productive signs - Taurus. All earthworks will be successful - transplanting, transshipment, sowing. But because of the waning moon, plants will take root in a new place for a long time. Gardeners are advised to abandon pruning, crown formation.

June 4 and 5 (27, 28, 29, 30 and 1st lunar days). The moon wanes in Gemini and then moves into the New Moon. This is one of the unfavorable moments for all garden work. Cultures freeze and become very susceptible to any influences.

But the fight against weeds and pests will be successful, only near the roots of cultivated plants it is necessary to act carefully so as not to injure them.

June 6, 7 (2nd and 3rd lunar day). In the planting calendar for June 2016, the gardener and gardener is a good period for any agricultural work, because the Moon not only adds, but also moved to the fertile Cancer. Planting, mineral dressing, grafting, tillage will be successful.

June 8, 9, 10 (4, 5, and 6th lunar day). The moon grows in the infertile Leo, which makes an exception for the garden. And while vegetable growers are resting, gardeners are busy in full - planting seedlings, grafting or regrafting, feeding bushes and trees. Only pruning is contraindicated.

June 11 and 12 (7th and 8th lunar day). The growing Moon passes into the infertile Virgo. A good period for the care and planting of flower crops. Flowers planted today will please with beautiful flowers.

They also continue to cultivate the garden. It's time for gardeners to start transplanting crops planted in the sign of Scorpio, Pisces, Cancer. On the 12th, the Moon enters its ¼ phase, which is called "harvest time", as the juices rise, pouring out the fruits. They become juicier and more useful.

June 13, 14 and 15 (9, 10, 11 lunar days). The moon is gaining in the constellation Libra. Good luck will be on the side of gardeners and flower growers. We continue to plant the garden and flower beds. On the 14th and 15th, gardeners join them, planting crops that bear fruit in the ground part. It is not recommended to prune shrubs and trees, this will adversely affect their health.

June 16 and 17 (12th and 13th day according to the lunar calendar). The moon continues to grow in the sign of Scorpio. Another fertile sign. All your work will be completed successfully. The root system is actively developing, becoming powerful and stable.

Good time for harvesting, but not for winter. Fruits, berries, vegetables filled with nutritious juice. Indeed, during the growing phase, the juice moves from the roots to the stems. Therefore, do not rush to trim trees, wait for a more favorable moment.

June 18 and 19 (14th and 15th lunar day). The Moon is growing in Sagittarius, which is an infertile sign. If you want to collect your own seeds, then sow crops for this purpose now. Seeds will please with high quality. The 19th day before the full moon is considered negative for agricultural work, direct all your energy to fighting wild grass or harvesting any crops.

June 20 (16th lunar day). The Moon remains in Sagittarius, but in full phase. It is good to start harvesting, because the fruits have absorbed most of the nutrients by this point.

June 21 and 22 (17th and 18th lunar day). After the Full Moon, the Moon begins to wane while in Capricorn. If on the 21st, gardeners and gardeners rest from active work, then on the 22nd they annoy that they did not have time to annoy, and also remove excess plants - they thin out, harvest, plant capricious and whimsical crops.

June 23 and 24 (19th and 20th lunar day).The moon continues to wane in barren Aquarius. If you not breeder, it is better not to sow anything today, since only various mutations will succeed. In the gardener's lunar calendar for June 2016, favorable days for pruning begin.

June 25 and 26 (20th and 21st day according to the lunar calendar). The night luminary decreases in the constellation Pisces. Juices move from top to bottom. Therefore, they only care for the above-ground parts, trying not to touch the roots.

It's time to harvest the root crops. They will keep well. They continue to care for the grown "pets" - loosening, top dressing, do not forget to reduce watering. Gardeners continue pruning fruit crops.

June 27 or the 22nd day of the lunar calendar. ¾ of the Moon moves into Aries. Since the sign itself is infertile, it is not necessary to expect a harvest from planted plants. Care for crops will be successful - removing strawberry whiskers, thinning, cleaning the garden, harvesting for future use (boiling jam, compotes).

June 28 and 29 (23rd and 24th lunar day). The moon is located there, but continues to decrease. The time of active garden work - pruning, root dressing. They continue to replenish stocks for the winter, dig out bulbs and tubers for storage.

June 30 (25th lunar day). The Moon is waning in productive Taurus. A period of passive activity and contemplation. Spray plants from harmful insects, there are more and more of them every day. Pay attention to the fruits, if they began to fall off, then the codling moth may be to blame. Remove fallen fruits immediately, do not leave overnight. Dilute bird-scaring nets, garlands to preserve the cherry harvest.

Lunar sowing calendar for June 2016 gardener and gardener

Most of the crops are planted in June. Seedlings of tomatoes, cucumbers, zucchini, peppers take their places on the street, their planting will be successful - 6, 7, 11, 12, 16, 17, 25.

The most favorable days for sowing any crops are the 6th, 7th, 16th, 17th.

Greens and lettuce, peas can also be planted 16-20; root crops and potatoes - 22, 25, pumpkin - on the 25th.

1, 4, 5, 21, 23, 24 and 27 are extremely unfavorable days for sowing.

In June, most vegetable crops grow intensively. Planting and sowing by the beginning of summer has basically been completed, and if not everything has been planted yet, it is advisable to have time to do this before June 15. The soil loses moisture very quickly, so the survival rate of plants is sharply reduced.

The exception is radish, lettuce, dill and other crops that can be sown several times per season.

By the middle of the month, the sowing season ends, and the gardener's everyday life begins: thinning, weeding, loosening, disease and pest control, watering, top dressing. The lunar calendar of work for gardeners, gardeners and flower growers will help you choose the most suitable days for different jobs. A pleasant reward for work will be the collection of early vegetables and herbs.

Together with cultivated plants, weeds are also rapidly gaining strength, the fight against which is desirable to start as early as possible, while their roots have not yet gained strength to flood the entire garden. Weeds must be removed before flowering to prevent self-seeding.

Weeds promote the spread of slugs throughout the garden, so weeding is an important part of pest control. Weeding should be carried out regularly throughout the season. Light loosening of the soil can replace the first weeding when weeds have just appeared: this method allows you to destroy about 80% of the plants.

First of all, it is necessary to get rid of weeds in beds with carrots, dill, parsley, and onions. And vegetables such as pumpkin and zucchini can quite stand up for themselves and successfully compete with weeds, they can be weeded less often.

Weeded plants should be immediately put into a compost heap so that the weeds rot as quickly as possible. Left on the paths, many of them can both take root and produce seeds.

If June is dry, the garden needs regular watering. First of all, plants with large leaves and a weak root system need it - cabbage and cucumbers. Slightly less whimsical to moisture crops with weak roots and thin leaves - onions and garlic. Beets, potatoes, and squash have strong roots but large leaves, so they can tolerate some drought. But tomatoes, peppers and eggplants evaporate little moisture through the leaves and have a strong root system, so they need watering the least.

Potatoes and tomatoes in June are necessarily sprayed from phytophthora - the entire future harvest may depend on this treatment.

Lunar calendar of work in the garden and garden for June 2019

The calendar shows Moscow time.

Favorable days for sowing, planting and transplanting

Unfavorable days for sowing, planting and transplanting

June 1st 2019, Sat, Waning Moon in Taurus, IV quarter Root Days. Fertile day of the calendar. Carry out all planned sowing and planting of vegetables, especially root crops, as well as flowers. Plant seedlings in open ground. Favorable watering and organic top dressing, weeding, crumbling and mulching of beds and tree and shrub circles. You can start digging bulbs.
2 June 2019, sun, New Moon day, Moon in Gemini from 14:44 Flower Days. The lunar calendar does not recommend sowing, planting and transplanting. Only simple work on the care of crops in the garden, vegetable garden and flower garden is possible, which will not injure the plants.
June 3 2019, mon, New Moon at 13:00, Moon in Gemini
June 4 2019, tue, New Moon day, Moon in Cancer from 19:16
June 5 2019, Wed, Waxing Moon in Cancer, I quarter Leaf Days. The most fertile days of the calendar. Sow and plant all planned crops except tall plants. Especially favorable is the sowing of all types of legumes, cabbage, green, leafy, medicinal plants. Repeated sowing for seedlings of cucumbers, which will yield a crop before autumn frosts. High-rise in the open ground of flower and vegetable seedlings. Propagation of plants by layering, mustache and green cuttings. Mineral and organic top dressing, watering. Any kind of planting care in the greenhouse and open ground.
June 6 2019, Thu, Waxing Moon, I quarter, in Leo from 22:16
June 7 2019, Fri, Waxing Moon in Leo, I quarter Fetal Days. The gardener's calendar recommends taking a break from plants on these two days. You can organize the collection and preparation of ground parts of medicinal herbs, the collection of seeds of fruits and flowers, strawberries, wild strawberries, honeysuckle and other plants that have already ripened in your region. Pinching tomatoes, pinching cucumbers. Putting things in order on the site, laying compost and a new lawn.
June 8 2019, Sat, Growing Moon in Leo, I quarter
the 9th of June 2019, Sun, Waxing Moon, I quarter, in Virgo from 0:45 Root Days. Medium fertile days, suitable for sowing annual flowers and other ornamental crops, shrubs with a closed root system. You can sow spicy, medicinal plants. Transplantation and division of perennials, strawberry mustache transplantation. Cuttings and pruning of ornamental ornamental trees and shrubs after flowering. Standard care of plants in the garden and vegetable garden, soil cultivation, mulching with mowed grass. Collection and preparation of medicinal roots. Fruit picking is not recommended.
June 10th 2019, Mon, Growing Moon in Virgo, II quarter from 9:00 On the day when the Moon changes its quarter, it is better not to disturb the plants and postpone sowing and planting. But if you need to work in the garden and garden today, then see the previous day.
June 11 2019, Tue, Waxing Moon, II quarter, in Libra from 3:30 Flower Days. Sign of average fertility. Scales will provide plants planted these days with tasty and fragrant fruits that will be stored for a long time and will give excellent seeds. But don't expect a super harvest. The same with ornamental crops - large beautiful flowers will be quite rare. Plants will tolerate transplanting well.
Sowing early cabbage, pumpkin, zucchini, leafy and climbing plants, carrots for winter storage, green manure. Planting clematis, roses, grapes.
Watering is not desirable these days. Cuttings of currants, gooseberries and ornamental shrubs. Spraying against diseases and pests. Planting and transplanting container plants. Harvesting and processing of crops.
12 June 2019, wed, Waxing Moon in Libra, II quarter
June 13 2019, Thu, Waxing Moon, II quarter, in Scorpio from 7:05 Leaf Days. Scorpio is a very fertile sign that will endow planted plants with a strong root system, strong stems, abundant and tasty fruits suitable for food, seed and storage. But try not to hurt the plants, otherwise do not leave them open. Pruning is prohibited.
The lunar calendar recommends planting, sowing and planting all planned crops, including tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, melons, pumpkins, herbs, spices, and others. Plant biennials for seedlings. Good days for watering and fertilizing. You can lay a new lawn. Refrain from using chemicals in the garden. You can continue to work the next day until 12 o'clock, until the Earth's satellite has passed into Sagittarius.
14 June 2019, Fri, Waxing Moon in Scorpio, II quarter
June 15 2019, Sat, Waxing Moon, II quarter, in Sagittarius from 12:07 Fetus Days. Unfertile days, but favorable for plants planted on greenery. Plant spicy, green, medicinal and ornamental crops. It is possible to carry out all types of work on caring for plants both in the open field and in the greenhouse. Collection of seeds and harvest.
June 16 2019, sun, Full Moon days, Moon in Sagittarius Root Days. On the days of the Full Moon, work with plants is not recommended. Especially refrain from sowing, planting and transplanting. If necessary, then water the plants, weed the beds and tree trunks, treat the garden and vegetable garden against diseases and pests. Tie climbing plants and vines to the trellis.
June 17 2019, mon, Full moon at 11:32, Moon in Capricorn from 19:16
June 18 2019, Tue, Full Moon days, Moon in Capricorn
June 19 2019, Wed, Waning Moon in Capricorn, III quarter Root Days. Capricorn is an average fertility sign, but the plants planted these days have a good root system and will produce seeds of excellent quality. The gardener's lunar calendar advises planting potatoes for a late harvest and other root crops, planting seedlings of vegetables and flowers in open ground. You can re-sow cucumbers for seedlings for a late harvest in the greenhouse.
Dig up bulbous flowers and identify them for storage. In the garden, flower garden and garden - watering, weeding, fertilizing, pest control. Refrain from transplanting plants. Preparation of the roots of medicinal plants.
June 20 2019, Thu, Waning Moon, III quarter, in Aquarius from 5:02 Flower Days. The days of Aquarius are barren. Plants grow frail and poorly adapted, almost do not give a crop. However, those cultures that survive will be able to please breeders. Collection and preparation of ground parts of medicinal plants. Watering, thinning, weeding, fertilizing, hilling, mulching, loosening the soil. Grass cutting, overgrowth cutting. Treatment of the garden and vegetable garden against diseases and pests, especially against ticks. Pinching cucumbers, pinching tomatoes.
On the 22nd, after 5 p.m., the fertile time begins when the Earth's satellite enters the sign of Pisces.
21st of June 2019, Fri, Waning Moon in Aquarius, III quarter
22nd of June 2019, Sat, Waning Moon, III quarter, in Pisces from 17:02
June 23 2019, Sun, Waning Moon in Pisces, III quarter Leaf Days. Fish is a fertile sign, plants will give you tasty and juicy fruits, but not suitable for storage or seeds. Plant and sow all the planned crops that you are going to quickly eat, especially root vegetables, vegetables, nightshades, pumpkins, herbs, peas, radishes. Refrain from watering and fertilizing plants. Especially on the days of water signs, the use of any chemistry is prohibited. It is not advisable to dig up bulbous, root crops, collect underground parts of medicinal plants. Compost laying.
June 24 2019, Mon, Waning Moon in Pisces, III quarter
June 25 2019, Tue, Old Moon, IV quarter from 12:48, in Aries from 5:36 Fetal Days. Aries is a barren sign, you should not expect a harvest from planted plants. But good days for collecting it, weeding, thinning seedlings, pruning stepchildren, extra and weak shoots and overgrowth. Favorable measures to combat pests in the garden and vegetable garden. Formative pruning of greenhouse crops, pinching. Lawn mowing. Dig up the bulbs after flowering. In the days of Aries, the Lunar calendar advises to start harvesting and processing crops. If you have honeysuckle, strawberries or other crops ripened, then the collected berries will be stored for a long time and are good for harvesting for the winter.
June 26 2019, wed, waning moon in Aries, fourth quarter
27th of June 2019, Thu, Waning Moon, IV quarter, in Taurus from 16:28 The day is divided into 2 parts: until 16:28 - an infertile time, but good for harvesting and harvesting. Then, when Taurus gains strength, we advise you to pay attention to the garden, vegetable garden and flower garden, focusing on the work plan for the next day.
June 28 2019, Fri, Waning Moon in Taurus, IV quarter Root Days. Very productive days of the lunar sowing calendar. Especially good for short and stocky plants. Planted crops will give an excellent harvest that can be stored for a long time, but it will not be suitable for seeds. Planting and sowing of all types of root crops, vegetable, pumpkin, green, spicy, medicinal plants. Sowing radishes and carrots, planting late potatoes for winter storage. All types of work with plants in the garden, vegetable garden and flower garden are favorable, but you should be careful with the roots. Planting container plants. Watering, organic top dressing. Collection of root crops and roots of medicinal plants. Digging up flower bulbs for storage.
June 29 2019, Sat, Waning Moon in Taurus, IV quarter
30 June 2019, sun, waning moon, IV quarter, in Gemini from 0:09 Flower Days. A sign of medium fertility, suitable for planting strawberries, vines, ampelous and climbing plants that require support. Formation and pinching of greenhouse crops - tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, eggplants, pinching pumpkin lashes. Weeding, thinning, disease and pest control. You can plant in the vacant place after digging up the onion dill, parsley, lettuce.

The beginning of summer is a period of active growth of plants that need constant care. Therefore, in June, gardeners need to monitor timely watering, plant nutrition, treatment against pests and diseases, weed control, adding organic fertilizers, loosening the soil. A good time to apply nitrogen fertilizers and use weed infusions, flower perennials will require top dressing with ash.

In hot weather, do not forget about the additional watering of sea buckthorn, raspberries, currants, strawberries and other plants. Inspect gooseberry and currant bushes for the presence of sawfly larvae, damaged berries must be removed. At the beginning of the month, it is recommended to plant heat-loving plants: beans, pumpkins, beets, squash, zucchini, tomatoes and cucumbers for open ground. Additionally, you can plant greens and radishes.

Onion and garlic need to pluck the arrows. Keep an eye on the potatoes, remove the larvae of the Colorado potato beetle during the time and spud the seedlings. Plantings need to be thinned out and picked in the beds. At the end of the month, tomatoes are treated with critostorosis.

In Aries 06/01 - 06/02 (05:46) waning

These days it is better to devote time to caring for plants and soil, it is recommended loosening dry land, thinning and weeding of seedlings, treatment for diseases and pests, sanitary pruning, removal of shoots from trees. Do not plant and sow plants, there is a risk of developing a weak root system.

In Taurus 02.06 (5:46) - 04.06 (6:01) waning

A good period for planting seedlings in open ground, sowing greens, carrots, turnips and radishes for winter storage. These days, it is worth doing plant propagation by layering or pinning to the ground, fertilizing with organic fertilizers and watering is recommended. Do not plant plants for seeds, they will not be of the best quality.

In Gemini 06/04 (06:01) - 06/06 (06:41). New moon 05.06 (5:59)

The optimal time for caring for plants and soil, you can weed and thin out seedlings, carry out treatment against diseases and pests, sanitary pruning, remove shoots from shrubs and trees and mustaches from strawberries. These days are well suited for pinching tomatoes and pinching cucumber plants. On June 5, it is better not to disturb the plants.

In Cancer 06.06 (6:41) - 06.08 (9:47) growing

These days should be devoted to sowing greens, carrots, turnips and radishes for winter storage. You can also propagate shrubs and herbaceous perennials with cuttings and layering. A good time for sowing and mowing the lawn. When sowing perennial plants, their winter hardiness will be reduced.

In Leo 08.06 (9:47) – 10.06 (16:45) growing

The optimal period for caring for plants and soil: we loosen the soil, weed and thin out seedlings, we treat plants from diseases and pests. It is recommended these days to carry out sanitary pruning of trees and shrubs, remove shoots. A good time to remove mustaches and strawberries, pinch cucumber plants and pinch tomatoes, as well as lay a new lawn. Plants and soil need rest these days.

In Virgo 10.06 (16:45) - 13.06 (3:33) growing

The period when it is better to take up cuttings of ornamental shrubs and herbaceous perennials, rooting strawberry whiskers, pinching cucumber plants and pinching tomatoes. Planting vegetable crops is not recommended.

In Libra 13.05 (3:33) - 15.06 (16:18) growing

Excellent days for sowing radishes, turnips, greens, ornamental herbaceous perennials and vegetables. It is recommended planting flower and vegetable seedlings, planting container plants, cuttings of ornamental shrubs and herbaceous perennials. It is worth doing the rooting of strawberry whiskers, feeding plants using mineral fertilizers. These days, watering should be moderate.

In Scorpio 15.06 (16:18) - 18.06 (4:34) growing

A good time for sowing radishes, turnips, greens, ornamental herbaceous perennials and vegetable crops. Rooting strawberry whiskers, mowing and sowing the lawn for the rapid growth of grass, fertilizing with the use of mineral fertilizers, and watering are recommended. These days, you should not plant, cut and transplant plants with bare roots, there is a risk of infection.

In Sagittarius 18.06 (4:34) - 20.06 (14:55). Full moon 20.06 (14:02)

The period that is best devoted to caring for plants and soil: we loosen the ground, thin out and weed seedlings, process plantings against diseases and pests, see sanitary pruning, remove growth from shrubs and trees, strawberry mustaches. It is recommended to pinch cucumber plants and pinch tomatoes. On the day of the new moon on June 20, it is better not to disturb the plants.

In Capricorn 20.06 (14:55) - 22.06 (23:08) waning

A good time for sowing perennial vegetable seedlings: lovage, onion, sorrel and rhubarb. Planting radishes, turnips and carrots for winter storage is also recommended. These days, to obtain seedlings, rooting of strawberry whiskers is carried out. Feed your plants with organic fertilizers. Soil moisture during this period should be above normal - do not spare water when watering.

In Aquarius 22.06 (23:08) - 25.06 (5:30) waning

These days it is better to devote time to caring for plants and soil. Weeding and thinning of plantings, loosening of the earth, treatment of plants from diseases and pests, sanitary pruning, removal of overgrowth from shrubs and trees, mustaches from strawberries are recommended. A good period for pinching cucumber plants and pinching tomatoes.

It's time to dig up decorative bulbs. When planting flower perennials and vegetable crops for seedlings, germination may be low, but surviving plants will please with a good harvest. At this time, it is better to refrain from feeding and watering plants.

In Pisces 06/25 (5:30) – 06/27 (10:08) waning

The optimal time for sowing greens, pruning spring-flowering ornamental shrubs, feeding and watering plants using organic fertilizers. Not the best period for planting perennials, their winter hardiness will be reduced.

In Aries 06/27 (10:08) – 06/29 (13:03) waning

These days are best for taking care of plants and soil. Carry out the processing of trees and shrubs from diseases and pests, engage in weeding and thinning of plantings, loosen the ground. A good time for sanitary pruning, removing mustaches from strawberries and overgrowth from shrubs and trees, pinching tomatoes and pinching cucumber plants. It is recommended to dig decorative bulbs. Do not sow plants, there is a risk of developing a weak root system.

In Taurus 29.06 (13:03) - 30.06 waning

At the end of the month, it is recommended to sow vegetable, green and ornamental herbaceous perennials for seedlings, plant container shrubs and trees. A good time for planting, transplanting, dividing vegetables and flowers, including irises after flowering and strawberries. Do not plant plants for seeds, they will be of poor quality.