
How to grow callas at home. Recommendations for growing calla lilies at home

Garden landscaping

Callas, or Zantedeschia (Zantedeschia) are one of the most popular and beautiful houseplants of the Aroid family. You can also find the names calla, aronnik. Under natural conditions, callas grow in South Africa.


There are 8 species of this flower in total.

In addition to the type of root system, plants differ in size and color - tuberous ones can have a variety of colors, and rhizomatous callas, photos of which can be found most often, are white.

Interesting signs are associated with this type of plant. So, sometimes you can find the phrase "calls are the flowers of death." Where did such an unusual name come from? In the Catholic tradition, calla houseplants, like garden plants, are strongly associated with funeral traditions, so their presence in the house was sometimes considered to portend the death of one of the residents. But this is not the only meaning - it also symbolizes purity and purity.

Home care

Of the various types of diseases of indoor plants, calla lilies most often encounter rot - brown, gray and bacterial. Fungal infections are much less common.

Indoor callas do not require special care, but the basic principles should be observed:
- Callas are better to be transplanted into new soil once a year, otherwise the plant may develop diseases - the soil is depleted, there is not enough space in the pot for new bulbs, and the level of fertilizer content reaches a life-threatening flower.
- Zantedexias are shown heat and light, especially in the afternoon.
- It is necessary to water the plant regularly, especially during the growing season. It should be remembered that multi-colored santedexia are more moisture-loving than white ones.
- for normal growth and flowering of callas, it is necessary to maintain a sufficiently high humidity, regularly spray its leaves from a spray bottle.
- For these indoor flowers, drafts can be fatal, so during the dormant period, the flower should be monitored especially carefully.
- The topsoil should be renewed approximately once every three to four months.

Landing and transplant

How to transplant callas? This can be done every year at the end of the dormant period, in the spring. Simultaneously with transplanting into the ground, it is possible to divide the tubers of the Zantedexia flower or other species. It is better to use shallow wide pots.

The bottom of the container should be laid out with a layer of drainage about 5 cm in height.

Before planting colored callas, you need to assess the condition of the tubers - you should choose elastic, with smooth skin. You can withstand them before planting in a solution of potassium permanganate or treat them with a fungicide.

To avoid rotting, parts of tubers or rhizomes planted in the ground are best sprayed with a spray gun, and only after two weeks they can be actively watered.


An important component of caring for santedexia at home is the right lighting. These flowers love diffused light.

In the autumn-winter period, additional lighting with an intensity of 700-800 Lux should be arranged. Otherwise, the color of the callas turns pale, the cuttings stretch out, and in general the flower becomes less aesthetic.

In summer, it is better to arrange a home garden with these plants on the windowsill on the west or east side of the window, in winter - on the south.

There is a little trick to making the colors more intense. At night, you need to lower the temperature for callas to +16 C, and during the daytime provide bright lighting, avoiding direct sunlight.

In winter, fluorescent lamps can be used.


Callas develop most actively at a temperature of about + 15-20 C (during the daytime). At night, this value can drop to +13-15 C. For species with multi-colored flowers, the preferred temperature is from +20 to +24 C and up to +25-28 C during the dormant period.


The temperature and humidity required for the growth of callas vary depending on the type of flower. So, for rhizomatous types, the temperature from +17 to +21 C is favorable during the growing season, and from +10 to +13 C during the dormant period.

Zantedexia "loves" air with high humidity, about 70-80%, so you need to spray the leaves with soft water and put the pots on pallets filled with moss or expanded clay. Tuberous callas should wipe the leaves daily with a sponge soaked in water.


Like almost any other plant, calla lilies need to be fed. If flowers are planted in open ground, mineral fertilizer should be applied in the amount of 30-40 g per 1 square meter. To care for santedexia at home, liquid balanced substances are used, for example, Kemira-Lux. It is applied to the soil with water during every fourth or fifth irrigation. Organic fertilizers are more often used for callas growing in the garden.


During the flowering period, callas of any variety require regular watering, it is necessary to constantly maintain soil moisture. However, you need to make sure that the water in the pan does not stagnate, and drain it as the container fills.

At the end of the growing season, it is better to reduce the number of waterings to 3 times a week. In some periods, the soil in which santedexia flowers grow can not be moistened at all. Even if the leaves wither, with proper care, the plant will recover over time.


As a rule, calla lilies reproduce vegetatively, for example, in zantedeschia, the rhizome is divided into parts. This procedure is carried out at least once every four years. After dividing, parts of the tuber should be planted in separate containers. For reproduction of colored children, it is necessary to separate the daughter tubers from the mother.

The use of seeds is less preferred due to the low percentage of germinating shoots. Ripened seeds should be soaked in a growth stimulant solution before planting and placed in a warm place on moistened material. When the first shoots appear, they are planted in the ground. So that the planting material does not rot, it is better to moisten the sprouts with a wick. After two months, the seedlings can dive.


The following species are grown at home:

Ethiopian calla (Calla aethiopica) has the largest size. Its wide leaves are heart-shaped, funnel-shaped white flowers are painted white. This is the most popular species in the indoor plant market. The most common varieties are Childsiana and Green Goddess.

Calla Elliot grows up to about 50 cm. Large wide leaves are variegated in color, flowers are yellow. The bedspread is quite long, reaches 15 cm in length. Often these plants are used to make compositions and bouquets. Elliot callas reproduce by tubers.

Calla Remani is a compact rather small species, it grows up to 70 cm in height). Flowers can be dyed pink, dark purple, red, or black, making them especially popular with houseplant fans.

Marsh calla (Calla palustris)
In accordance with the name, it grows in the swamps of Asia, North America and Europe.

Medicinal properties

The leaves and roots of plants of the Calla family contain a significant amount of ascorbic acid, as well as starch, organic flavonoids, saponins, etc. Any parts of the plant are used in folk medicine, for example, the rhizome is used for treatment, bleeding, shortness of breath and influenza, as well as snake bites . The roots are a good remedy for rheumatism, swelling of varying degrees of intensity and origin, dropsy. Leaves boiled in milk are helpful in the treatment of felons, problems with gastrointestinal motility.

Calla is a herbaceous perennial plant that belongs to the aroid family. There are other names: calla and aronnik. This plant is native to the African continent. In such a climate, calla lilies can grow up to two and a half meters in height. The plant has rather large, heart-shaped, arrow-shaped leaves. Calla blooms with small flowers, neatly wrapped in a large "veil", which creates something like a funnel. This makes the flower attractive to many gardeners.

Homemade calla lilies in a pot, which everyone can care for, usually do not smell. But those plants that grow in the garden exude a pleasant and delicate aroma in warm weather, reminiscent of pineapple combined with vanilla. So, callas in pots: how to care?

Is it easy to grow callas?

Many people think that growing these plants at home is very difficult, as they require careful care. However, this is not at all the case. According to experts, potted callas, whose photos prove their beauty, are unpretentious, and no special tricks are needed to grow them. The main thing is to create optimal conditions that will be as close as possible to natural ones for this plant. In fact, growing callas is not so difficult. To make the plant feel comfortable, you just need to follow a few rules.


So, calla in a pot, home care for which does not require much effort, is very demanding on light. In addition, it is a heat-loving plant. These two facts should be taken into account when choosing a place. This is one of the basic rules for success. Callas grow well in places where there is diffused sunlight or partial shade. There is one more feature. Callas in the evening need a small portion of direct sunlight. For the formation of flower stalks, these plants need daylight hours lasting more than 12 hours. This is one of the important conditions. After flowering, daylight hours should be at least 8 hours and no more than 10.

Watering and humidity

Calla is a moisture-loving plant. This should not be forgotten. This is especially important when growing Ethiopian calla lilies. After all, this plant grows almost in a swamp, where there is a very high humidity not only in the air, but also in the soil.

Calla flowers in pots can have bedspreads of different tones. This makes them popular among flower growers. Plants with colored bedspreads are not so demanding on moisture. However, do not forget about regular watering. The amount of water depends on the period. For example, during flowering, watering should be more abundant, and during dormancy - moderate. Overdrying the soil in a pot is not recommended.

The room should have high humidity. Of course, this is very difficult to achieve. To make the plant feel comfortable, you can spray it more often.

Room temperature

Growing calla lilies in a pot is an easy process. Of course, if you follow certain rules. Do not forget that callas usually grow in southern latitudes, where temperatures are constantly high. These plants are very difficult to tolerate when this figure drops to 8 ° C. Therefore, keeping callas on the balcony is only in warm weather. In winter, the plant should be transferred to a room where heating appliances are installed. The most favorable temperature for calla growth is from 20 to 25 ° C.

The pot must be chosen correctly

Not the last role in cultivation is played by the capacity in which callas will grow. For the Ethiopian, it is best to use a pot or a container of a sufficiently large size. If the container is small in volume, then the calla simply will not bloom. Even with the application of fertilizers, the plant will develop only the green part and new leaves will appear. But the calla will not bloom in a pot. Home care for this plant consists not only in timely watering, but also in the correct selection of temperature conditions, planting containers and soil. It is worth noting that the Ethiopian calla prefers to grow in splendid isolation.

For one plant, it is worth choosing a pot with a diameter of more than 20 centimeters. As for the material from which the container is made, it is better to give preference to porous ones. This will allow the plant to breathe, and excess moisture will leave faster.

You don't have to be an inventor to grow red callas in a pot. In terms of free space, these plants are not particularly capricious. For them, a capacity of three liters is quite suitable.

Soil composition

How is calla grown in a pot? Home care for this plant must be carried out throughout the year. Do not plant callas in ordinary soil. They grow best in a mixture that consists of sand, rotted manure, peat and garden soil. It is worth noting that the acidity of the soil should not exceed 6.


Planting callas in a pot is another crucial moment. Do not transplant a weak plant or damaged sprouts. In order for the calla to quickly get used to its new place, you should not use ordinary earth, but soil, which is as close as possible to natural in composition.

Before transplanting a plant, it is necessary to wash the roots. This must be done with extreme caution. Otherwise, you can infect the flower with a new disease or introduce bacteria into the wounds. As a result, in a new place, calla lilies will suffer from a new ailment.

After that, a little soil should be poured into the pot and the plant should be placed. This transfer is not over yet. The roots should be carefully sprinkled with soil, and then watered. Calla is a plant that requires a lot of water. Therefore, transplanted sprouts should be watered abundantly. Of course, you should not be too zealous in this regard.


Let's figure out how to plant a calla in a pot and grow it from a bulb. First of all, the use of such material is the simplest method of growing such plants. Callas are very easy to propagate by roots and bulbs. The main thing is to create optimal conditions for their growth.

For those who don't know what a bulb is, it's where the new plant starts to grow. It's not really a root. But in its structure, the calla bulb is very similar to it. To be more precise, it is a thick and rather large process of the main root, from which young shoots subsequently appear.

As soon as the calla bulb accumulates a sufficient amount of moisture and useful components, it begins to produce new sprouts. In the process of photosynthesis, the bulb will supply all the necessary substances to the plant.

Planting a calla in a pot is a simple process. So that the bulb does not start to deteriorate in the pot, it is recommended to make holes for drainage. After that, a hole is made in the container with a depth of at least 10 centimeters. You can plant a bulb in the resulting hole. You need to place it so that the sprouted tips look up and are placed strictly horizontally. After that, the roots can be sprinkled with earth and watered with calla.

How to feed?

So, how to properly grow calla in a pot? Home care for this plant consists not only in timely watering, but also in high-quality feeding.

If the climate in your country is mild and the temperature never drops below zero, then you have the opportunity to have blooming callas in your garden throughout the year. Of course, this requires a lot of effort and time. It is necessary to feed the plant once a year. However, this is not enough for calla lilies to bloom all year round. To achieve the desired, it is worth fertilizing more often. You should do this regularly, about twice a month. Fertilizer can be added to the compost in the ground, or you can mix the liquid solution with water intended for irrigation. Care for callas in pots is within the power of even a beginner. By resorting to various tricks, you can grow charming flowers that will delight not only the eyes, but also the soul.

However, when applying fertilizer, you should be careful. After all, the plant can be overfed. In this case, the calla may die. Signs of excessive fertilizer application are burnt leaf edges. This indicates that the plant has received a lot of nitrogen.

In addition, there is another rule, without which the cultivation of calla lilies in a pot is not possible. So, the less the plant receives solar heat and light, the more fertilizer needs to be applied to the soil. This has a positive effect on the flowering of callas. Therefore, it is very important to correctly place the pot with the plant and calculate the required amount of fertilizer.


Calla is an elegant and very beautiful flower. Caring for this plant is not that difficult. The main thing is to follow all the rules and carefully care for the calla. This is the only way to achieve abundant flowering, which will delight any gardener. It is worth noting that callas can be grown not only in pots, but also in the garden. These plants will perfectly decorate the site and the house. In addition, they simply look amazing in bouquets.

Not all city dwellers can go to the country in the summer, and in order not to break away from nature, they arrange a flower garden on the windowsill. Planting calla lilies at home will add solemnity and style to the room. That part of the plant, which is usually called a flower, is actually a spathe, a large bract enveloping an ear, on the stem of which there are many small flowers. You can also grow callas outdoors, in regions where the temperature does not drop below 0⁰, they can even bloom all year round if you provide the right care. The flower is good both at home in a pot, and in a flower bed, and in bouquets.

How calla breeds

Calla tuber quickly overgrows with children. If at home you do not replant a flower every year, soon the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe pot will be covered with new young shoots, and caring for the plant will become impossible. When transplanting from one copy, you can get a lot of planting material. When you remove the bulb from the ground, carefully separate each fragment with a kidney with your hands. It can be planted at home in a new container or in a flower bed. If you are a little late and the babies do not separate from the mother tuber, just break the rhizome into pieces. Sprinkle the wounds with crushed coal.

It is possible to plant flowers with seeds. There are not always pollinating insects indoors, sometimes at home you will have to arm yourself with a brush and start transferring pollen from flower to flower. Do not store the grains: the fresher they are, the better they will germinate. Immediately after collection, place them in a damp cloth and keep at home in a warm place. Usually after 2 days the seeds begin to hatch. Sow swollen specimens in a pot with seedling soil. Until shoots appear, plantings easily rot. The best care is not to water them from above, but to fill the pan with water so that the soil is moistened through the drainage holes. Spray the dry surface of the earth with a spray bottle.

When sprouts appear, put the container in the light and keep at home at a temperature of about + 22⁰. After 2 months, pick the seedlings into separate pots, and after a year, plant them in a permanent place. Some flower growers prefer not to engage in picking, but immediately plant 2 swollen seeds in a glass. After germination, the strongest plant is left, and the second copy is removed or transferred to another container. All care for young plants comes down to watering as the soil dries.

Usually, planting and growing from seeds at home allows you to get a new look that does not look like parent plants. There are different colors of bedspreads:

  • white;
  • yellow;
  • pink;
  • red;
  • blue;
  • purple;
  • black.

Perhaps the seeds you received in 2 years will give an unexpected result and at home on the windowsill there will be a flower of a completely unusual shade. Try transferring pollen from a black to a white or red flower and see what happens. On a warm day, you can take the pots outside and entrust the breeding work to insects. If you do not like surprises, buy seeds of the desired variety in the store.

Planting a calla in a pot

In order for calla lilies to develop well at home and give large inflorescences, you need to properly equip the place where the cultivation will take place and provide the plant with good care. The roots should be spacious, so choose a pot no lower than 0.5 m with a diameter of 0.4 m or more. Check the drainage - although this plant lives in swamps in its homeland, stagnant water is harmful to it. Cover the bottom with expanded clay or pebbles for drainage. You can buy a special soil for callas, or you can independently prepare a composition from equal parts of leafy soil, turf and compost.

Bulbs can be taken from friends when they transplant their flower. When buying planting material, pay attention to its appearance.

A quality bulb has certain features:

  • large, even, firm;
  • have a peel of uniform color without wounds and damaged areas;
  • have a healthy kidney.

At home, calla planted in March takes root well. Before planting, soak the tubers in a pale pink solution of potassium permanganate, and then inspect each specimen. Remove all sore spots, growths and other defects, and treat the wounds with a disinfectant solution. It is a good idea to hold the bulbs in a growth stimulator solution, then planting and growing will give the best results.

Indoor calla produces large leaves, a long stem and a heavy inflorescence. To keep the rhizome firmly attached to the ground, when planting at home, bury it to a depth of 6 to 12 cm. Until a sprout appears from the ground, keep the pot under the film so that it is warm and humid inside. At this time, care is not required, just open the container every day for airing and make sure that the soil does not dry out. After the appearance of the shoot, the pot must be placed in a place with a temperature of + 15⁰ to + 18⁰, where the maximum illumination occurs in the afternoon. The southwestern window of the house is very well suited, only the cracks must first be sealed so that the plant does not suffer from drafts.

If you purchased bulbs of a rare variety, carefully read the instructions. They may need shallower landings or special care.

Calla care at home

These plants are accustomed to the conditions of African swamps, so care for callas at home should be special. When the plant is actively developing, it needs constantly moist soil. In order not to walk every day with a watering can, install a watering system for indoor flowers. Flowering will end, and the great need for liquid will disappear, water only when the top layer of the earth is dry.

The aerial part of the flower also needs moisture during cultivation. If the air is dry at home, place a tray of wet pebbles next to the pot. In warm weather, spray the leaves with a spray bottle.

Callas will warn you of weather changes better than meteorologists with accurate instruments. When dewdrops appear on the leaves and bedspreads, wait for the rain.

You need to feed the plant with a special fertilizer for callas. During the period of growth and flowering, more careful care is required, the flower must be fertilized every 2 weeks. If using other preparations, choose a composition with a reduced nitrogen content. From an excess of nitrates, the flower can get sick. If you notice that dry patches have appeared on the edges of the leaves, completely exclude nitrogen from top dressing.

Of the pests, aphids and spider mites can attack callas at home. You can simply wash the leaves with soapy water, and if these measures do not help, treat them with insecticides.

At high humidity, the flower is sometimes affected by fungal infections.

  • Gray rot. A grayish coating appears on the leaves and flowers. The bush must be treated with fungicides.
  • Brown rot. Leaves and flower stalks dry up. Stop watering, add hydrogel to the soil, and treat the plant with fungicides.
  • Bacterial rot. Peduncles and base of leaves darken. Gradually, the entire aerial part turns yellow and fades. The disease is almost untreatable, affected specimens must be destroyed.
  • Anthracnose. Brown spots appear on the leaves, which gradually increase and turn into a reddish circle with a light center. Cut off the damaged parts, and treat the entire flower with fungicides.

Seed ripening weakens the tuber of the plant. If you are not going to harvest seed at home, cut off the peduncle when the bedspread begins to take on a green tint. After that, in some varieties the leaves wither and fall off, and in some remain green. Usually they keep the above-ground part of the calla with a white veil, and the colored ones shed the greens and plunge into a dormant period. At this time, the plant needs to be transplanted, and the bulb should be freed from small children. When transplanting, remember that the tubers are poisonous. Keep children away from them and wash your hands thoroughly after handling.


Capricious African callas can bloom at home on the windowsill, even in the far north, if the plant is properly cared for. A large bush needs a lot of nutrients, do not forget to feed and water the flower in time. You need to be especially careful about humidity: a marsh plant does not tolerate dry air and soil, but it can get sick from excess water.

If the leaves do not wither on their own, some flower growers cut them off and let the bulb rest until the next growing season. Other indoor flower lovers have been growing callas at home for years as evergreens. You can choose this option, just carefully observe your pet. If you notice that, despite good care, the plant has become oppressed, the flowers are small, then do not torment it, cut off the leaves and let it rest.

At home, it is difficult to grow callas for bouquets: each plant produces one flower. To collect several compositions for a wedding or anniversary, you need to make all the window sills potted. Planting and growing flowers in greenhouses or winter gardens will help plant cut flowers, and at home several beautiful flowerpots will decorate the interior, create a good mood for the inhabitants of the home and guests. Do not chase quantity, 2-3 pots with colorful huge petals will create a cozy atmosphere even in the darkest room.

Calla is an exquisite and incredibly beautiful flower. Most often it can be seen in the house of a refined and romantic nature. This flower is a representative of the aroid family, which came to us from distant South Africa.

The main feature of calla lilies is its unpretentious attitude to the place of its growth. She feels equally good in the wild and at home.

Flowers of death

Very often you can hear that callas are the flowers of death. The sources of this opinion are unknown. According to one version of its origin, callas are very often brought to funerals in some countries. Therefore, they began to be called the flowers of death.

But in real life they have nothing to do with death. In many states, these flowers are a symbol of love. They are often used in the preparation of wedding bouquets in European countries.

Calla varieties

In the modern world, there are more than a hundred varieties of callas, which differ from each other in the color of the buds and their shape. All these flowers were divided by professional florists into two types: terrestrial and wetland.

The care that callas require at home (photos of the plant are posted in this article) is not particularly difficult. It should be planted in a wide container of a small size. In order for it to grow well, it is necessary to build drainage in a pot, provide the plant with regular watering and timely fertilization.

Reproduction features

Reproduction of calla lilies at home can be carried out in three ways:

  • tuberous;
  • processes;
  • seeds.

The first method of how to grow callas at home and propagate them involves separating minor tubers from the mother root. This planting material can be seen in almost every flower shop. Daughter nodules are small in size (5-15 millimeters), so they should be grown before planting. To do this, they must be buried in nutrient soil.

To carry out reproduction using processes, it is required to separate them from the main stem and root them in nutrient soil. And only after that they are transplanted into a pot filled with fertile and drained soil.

Reproduction by seeds

The most troublesome is the propagation of calla lilies from seeds at home. This is due to the low level of their germination. Therefore, sprouts very rarely appear even among experienced professionals.

Before propagating callas at home by planting seeds in the soil, they must be kept for about six hours in a growth stimulant solution. After that, they are placed on a damp cloth in a warm place for about seven days. After this period, the seeds should sprout. Only after that they can be planted in the ground.

Outdoor soil is not the best option for growing calla flowers at home, as they most often die in it. To prevent rotting of planting material, watering should be reduced to a minimum. Moisturizing calla seeds is best done through a small hole at the bottom of the pot.

Growing callas at home, you need to pay attention to some of the characteristic features of this process. This flower is a light-loving plant, so it is necessary to provide a place for its growth with good lighting both in summer and in the winter season. In addition, in the spring, it is necessary to gradually accustom the plant to the fact that the duration of daylight hours increases.

These flowers are heat lovers. Therefore, they develop very poorly in cold conditions. The temperature in the room where they grow should be between 18-23 degrees Celsius. Airing the room should be carried out very carefully, excluding the formation of drafts.

The air in the room should be humid. To do this, you can plant plants in pots with pallets, which will ultimately serve as water reservoirs. Evaporating, moisture will saturate the air, while increasing the humidity in the room.

How to transplant calla at home?

The first transplant should be done only after the seedlings have strengthened. For this, a tall and wide pot is suitable. Sand drainage is placed at its bottom and filled with nutrient soil. After that, it is necessary to make holes in the soil into which sprouts with roots fit.

During this operation, it is desirable to treat the seedling roots with a biogrowth stimulator. But this must be done very carefully in order to avoid harming the immature flower sprouts. After transplantation, the plant is carefully watered with distilled water.

If the calla was purchased in a store, it should be immediately transplanted into a larger pot at home. The most optimal for this flower is slightly acidic soil. You can make it yourself using hardwood, peat, and a small amount of sand. Mature plants are best transplanted in late autumn, in November.

Watering and spraying

Calla has fairly wide leaves that require regular care. From them it is necessary to carefully remove dust with a damp soft piece of cloth. In addition, they need to be sprayed regularly.

An important condition for good growth and development of calla lilies at home is watering. It has already been mentioned above that these flowers love moisture. Therefore, they must be watered regularly and often. If the soil dries out in their pot, a variety of diseases can develop, which often lead to the death of the plant. Particular attention should be paid to watering during the hot summer months.

It is especially important to maintain soil moisture in the container at the right level during the growing season of the plant. After the flowers ripen, watering can be reduced. They should be carried out only after the top layer of soil has dried.

Top dressing and fertilizer

Many people are interested in how to make calla flowers bloom at home. When growing these flowers, one should not forget about periodic top dressing. In order for these plants to delight you with their flowering all year round, it is necessary to significantly increase the amount of top dressing. But the excess will not bring him any benefit. For example, nitrogen in large quantities can cause blackening on the edges of the leaves.

The most optimal time for feeding calla lilies at home is January - March. In order to ensure full flowering, fertilizer should be carried out once every 5-7 days.

For these plants, those types of fertilizers that stimulate growth and flowering are suitable. These include superphosphate and potassium nitrate. In the assortment of flower shops there are a large number of special dressings containing the optimal amount of trace elements and nutrients.

Also, at least once a year, callas should be fed with organic fertilizers.

Indoor plant diseases

The main causative agents of domestic calla diseases are fungi and bacteria. However, you will never encounter them if you know how to care for calla lilies at home. The best way to fight disease is prevention.

It is necessary to carefully control the condition of the soil in the pot, excluding its drying out or waterlogging. You also need to protect the flower from direct sunlight and drafts.

The key to a successful fight against emerging ailments is the knowledge of their features and symptoms. The most common diseases of this indoor flower include:

  • anthracnose, accompanied by the appearance of brown spots on the leaves. Over time, they crack and dry out;
  • gray rot, which forms on all parts of the plant due to improper care, high humidity or soil;
  • bacterial rot, which is very difficult to treat and often requires the immediate destruction of the infected flower to prevent spread to other plants;
  • root rot, which contributes to the gradual withering of the plant and appears as a result of abundant watering and waterlogging of the soil;
  • lack of flowering as a result of frequent rearrangements or transplants of callas, poor lighting or insufficient fertilizer, and so on.

How to care for callas at home is not a very difficult process. But we must not forget that the varieties of these plants require different care. For example, white callas at home require more moisture. But at the same time, they do not stop growing during dormancy or lack of flowering.

Callas "mix" at home are unpretentious to the humidity of the air and soil. But at the same time, good lighting is required for their good development. In addition, during the dormant period, such a flower sheds its foliage. Therefore, you should not panic - the plant is just sleeping. And with the onset of summer, its leaves will grow back.

Calla is one of the most elegant plants from the Aroid family that blooms indoors.

Its "folk" names: calla, aronnik. It comes from the marshy forests of South Africa.

In nature, there are 8 types of callas, which are divided into 2 groups: tuberous and rhizome.

In addition to the type of root system, they differ in the size and color of the bedspread (varieties of tuberous callas have different colors, and rhizomatous ones bloom mainly with white flowers).

Of these, suitable for growing at home:

Ethiopian calla (Zantedeschia)- the largest species cultivated in indoor floriculture. The large leaves are heart-shaped. It blooms with funnel-shaped white flowers. Unlike colored callas, during the dormant period it retains leaves and remains green. The most popular varieties are: Green Goddess, Zhemchug, Nikolay, Childsiana; Albomaculata.

Calla Eliot reaches a height of up to 50cm. It has large variegated leaves, a yellow flower cover. Known varieties: Black-eyed beauty, Yellow corner, Vermeer, Black Beauty, Captain Chelse.

Calla Remani- compact tuberous species (up to 70 cm high). On its basis, varieties with red, pink, purple, black shades of the bedspread are bred. Popular varieties: Chameleon, Evening, Indian summer. Anneke, Black Forest, Bolero.

Callas in pots, home care, which are not as difficult as it seems at first glance, still need a special approach. In order for them not only to grow, but also to bloom in room conditions, the grower is required to create the optimal combination of conditions that are most similar to natural ones.

Calla: home care - reproduction, transplant


At home, callas are propagated mainly vegetatively. In zantedeschia, the rhizome is divided into parts. Each of them must have at least one kidney. The sections are dried and dusted with charcoal powder or disinfected with brilliant green. The division of rhizomes must be carried out at least once every 4 years. Otherwise, lateral small shoots are formed around the mother bush, which will not bloom. After that, the delenki are planted in a separate pot.

In colored callas, the daughter nodules are separated from the parent.

An overgrown calla tuber is ready for division

Propagation by seeds is the most difficult way. This is due to the low percentage of their germination. If you managed to get ripe seeds, then before planting they must be soaked in a growth stimulator (Kornevin, Epin, Heteroauxin, Etamon, Zircon), and then left for germination in a warm place on a damp sponge or gauze. After the seeds have hatched, they can be planted in the ground. However, another difficulty arises here: planting material often rots. To reduce losses to a minimum, it is better to moisten the sprouts not from above, but through the wick. Plantings are grown at a temperature of + 22ºС. Seedlings dive 2 months after sowing.


Calla lilies are transplanted annually in the spring after the end of the dormant period. At the same time, you can divide the rhizomes or tubers. Pots use wide, not too deep. Drainage up to 5 cm thick is required at the bottom. Callas are planted in pots no deeper than 5-10 cm.

In colored callas, the selected tubers should be elastic, lively, with a smooth yellowish skin. Before planting, it is recommended to keep them in a weak solution of potassium permanganate or treat them with a fungicide.

Delenki of white callas are planted at a depth equal to their 3-fold diameter of their rhizomes.

At first, you should not water the planting heavily - there is a high probability of decay (it is better to spray from a spray bottle). After the appearance of sprouts (about 14 days after transplantation), active watering and top dressing begin.

Callas in pots: home care - soil, lighting, temperature and humidity, conditions for flowering

The soil

For tuberous varieties of calla lilies, the suitable composition of the soil would be: leafy, soddy soil, humus, coarse sand in a ratio of 1:2:1:0.5. For rhizomatous varieties, you can use a universal soil for flowering plants or replace it with this mixture: equal parts of humus, leafy soil, coarse sand, 2 parts of soddy soil, ¼ of clay. In both cases, 1 tablespoon of superphosphate is added to 3 liters of the total volume of the substrate.

Lighting and location

Callas need bright diffused light. Daylight hours should be 10-12 hours. In autumn-winter, it is necessary to provide additional lighting with an intensity of at least 700-800 Lux. The lack of light leads to a loss of decorativeness of the plant: the petioles of the leaves are stretched, there is no flowering, in tuberous callas, the color of the bracts is blanching.

In summer, the best location for the zantedeschia will be the west and east windows. In winter, on the contrary, to get additional sunlight, it is better to rearrange it to the south side.

Temperature and humidity

For different types of callas, the temperature and humidity in the room has some differences.

Rhizome plants during the period of active vegetation feel good at + 17-21ºС. After flowering during the dormant period, they are kept at + 10-13ºС for at least 2 months.

"White" callas need high humidity (70-80%). To do this, their leaves are sprayed with soft water, the pots are placed on pallets with wet moss, expanded clay. It is even better to use special humidifiers.

The optimum temperature for the development of "colored" callas will be + 20-24ºС. During the "rest" of plants, it is increased to + 25-28ºС so that the tubers ripen and flower buds form. For tuberous callas, moderate air humidity (50-60%) is sufficient. Every day they wipe the leaves with a damp sponge.

Conditions for flowering: why does not calla bloom?

It often happens that a calla bought in a store does not bloom at home. One of the reasons for this behavior is that the “vegetation-rest” regime is violated. Plants that have gone on sale are “pumped up” with phytohormones to maintain a presentable appearance. To send the aronnik into "hibernation", you need to reduce watering and put the pot in a cool room.

Wrong irrigation mode also "slows down" the beginning of flowering. Calla as a tropical plant likes to actively "quench its thirst" during the growing season. This is especially true for the Ethiopian calla. It is important to remember that these “green Africans” cannot be watered with cold water - the roots are likely to rot. It is better to use soft warm (+ 20-25 ° C) settled water for this.

Inappropriate pot size is another likely reason for the lack of flowering in calla lilies. This Tropican is growing quite fast. When it becomes crowded in a pot, she stops growing and is in no hurry to please with her elegant flowers. After a dormant period in the overgrown "family", it is necessary to separate the "children" that weaken the mother plant and transplant them into separate pots. At the same time, the soil is changed to fresh.

Incorrect feeding regime negatively affects the calla's ability to bloom. With an excess of nitrogen, the plant "fattens" - it develops deciduous mass to the detriment of flowering. Therefore, it is necessary to apply phosphorus-potassium fertilizers, "responsible" for flowering.

With insufficient planting depth of a tuber or rhizome, an active growth of lateral shoots occurs in the soil. If they are not separated and replanted, then there will be no flowering.

Calla: home care - feeding and watering


In watering, callas also have different requirements. So, "colored" callas are watered sparingly: stagnation of moisture in the soil can be fatal for them (rots form on the tubers). Excess water is drained from the tray. The next watering is carried out when the top layer of soil dries 2-3 cm deep.

"White" callas love abundant watering, especially during the period of active growth. The soil in the pot should always be moist.

After flowering, in all species of this plant, watering is reduced to 1 time per week, and after 1-2 months of this regime, tuberous specimens stop watering altogether.

top dressing

With the release of the calla from the dormant period, it is fed every 2 weeks, alternating mineral and organic fertilizers. When carrying out foliar dressings, the plants are sprayed so that the liquid does not get on the bracts (ugly spots form on them and the flower loses its decorative effect).

Calla lilies in pots: home care - why do they die?

Callas in pots at home most often die with improper care, as a result of which weakened plants are affected by pests and diseases.

The most malicious "lovers" of calla are spider mite, whitefly and aphids. For their destruction, acaricides (Aktelik, Sunmayt, Vertimek) and insecticides (Fitoverm, Biotlin, Aktara, Akarin) are used.

With improper watering and temperature conditions, callas are often affected by various bacterial and fungal infections. root rot can be recognized by such signs: mass wilting of leaves and peduncles, necrotization of the root system. Its occurrence is facilitated by increased humidity and air temperature, an excess of nitrogen in the soil. To help the plant in this case, it is necessary to temporarily stop watering it, partially replace the wet soil with dry soil, treat the plant with a fungicide solution (Fundazol, Previkur, Rovral).

Gray rot, caused by the pathogenic fungus Botrytis cinerea, spreads through contaminated soil, water, and wind. Its characteristic feature is a gray coating on the plant.

When defeated bacterial rot flower stalks, roots, leaf bases darken, over time the plant dies. Sick callas should be destroyed.

If rounded brown spots appear on the leaves, gradually merging, this means the plant is sick with anthracnose. The damaged parts of the calla are removed, the plant itself is treated with fungicidal preparations.

Why do calla lilies turn yellow at home?

Calla leaves turn yellow when kept at home for 2 reasons: preparation for a dormant period and care errors.

After the plant has faded, it begins to prepare for a “well-deserved rest”: in “colored” callas, all the leaves turn yellow and die off, while the “white” zantedescias retain green foliage.

Improper care of callas affects the appearance of the plant. As a tropical plant, it needs high air humidity, which is difficult to maintain at the proper level in living quarters (especially during the heating season). Therefore, callas should often be sprayed with settled water, rearranged away from heating appliances.

Waterlogging or overdrying of the substrate also leads to a change in the color of the leaves and their wilting.

Although feces require a long daylight hours (10-12 hours), too bright lighting depresses her. Therefore, if the plant is on the south window, it must be shaded or rearranged to another place.

Burn on calla leaf

Long-term cultivation of calla lilies in one pot without transplanting and replacing the soil leads to its depletion and, as a result, to yellowing of the leaves. Nutrient deficiency also causes increased fragility of leaf petioles. With a lack of nitrogen, the leaves lose their glossiness, their ends droop, and with a grip of potassium, they rise up.

Calla fascinates many people at first sight. Shiny green waxy leaves, long tubular stem, delicate flower with a slight curve. Calla flower - a clear illustration of natural quilling. The bedspread gracefully wraps around the pedicel, forming a piquant curve.

It comes not only in various sizes from dwarf mini bushes to large and lush, reaching a height of one and a half meters, but also with a huge variety of colors and shades. Harsh black, intriguing burgundy, noble lilac, flirtatious pink, juicy mango color - all this is far from a complete palette of colors.

Despite their exoticism, calla elliots, or as they are also called calla, are quite unpretentious, easily adapt to new living conditions, but have a number of special care features:

  1. Moisture-loving. Water soil is the natural habitat of the wild species.
  2. Cannot tolerate direct sunlight.
  3. They need constant feeding.
  4. They prefer acidic soils.

Where and how to grow callas, in a garden or a flowerpot - you decide. Types and varieties of callas amaze with their diversity. Colored and white, large and small - all this is a characteristic of an exotic beauty, which cannot be said about other southern plants. Let's figure out how to care for calla lilies at home. Planting a calla tuber in open ground is the same as that of other bulbs.

If you do not have the opportunity to grow calla in the fresh air, then by taking care of the indoor flower, you can enjoy abundant flowering several times a year and at home. Let's dwell on the rules for caring for calla lilies at home.

Planting and caring for callas

Proper care of callas should begin with the choice of a pot. Which pot is suitable for calla lilies? It should be spacious, about 50 centimeters deep, with a radius of 20-25 cm. With good care, the flower grows rapidly.

Soil selection

Proper selection of land for planting callas is of great importance. The soil for calla lilies can be made independently from garden and swamp soil. It should consist of a mix of soddy soil, humus, sand, peat and clay.

Growing and gardening

How to plant zantedeschia? Cultivation of callas and care in the garden, similar to indoor care. Choose shaded landing sites.

Growing garden callas on the site is remarkable in that you can make flower arrangements in a flower bed. White zantedeschia pairs well with yellow gerberas and purple hydrangeas.

How to grow varietal callas? The tuber must be without damage and decay, have live buds, no less than five centimeters in size. The time for planting tubers is the beginning of spring.

Planting calla lilies in open ground is not much different from planting other tuberous plants. Before planting, soak the tubers for half an hour in a weak solution of potassium permanganate, this will prevent your plant from possible diseases and help identify bulb defects. If there are traces of dry rot on the tuber, then remove them with a knife, treat the cut with brilliant green. Plant out to a depth of 6-7 centimeters, kidney up, pour the soil with fungicides. Growing callas in pots requires an air temperature of at least 18 degrees, this will ensure the rapid germination of the tuber.

Planting and care in the open field

Planting of prepared calla tubers (tuber preparation for planting in the ground is the same as for indoor cultivation) is carried out in early May. Tubers are planted to a depth of 7-10 centimeters, at a distance of 25-30 cm from each other, after planting, water the soil abundantly. The first shoots appear 2-3 weeks after planting. All this time, the earth can not be watered, enough moisture introduced into the soil during planting.

Planting callas and care is impossible without the main components:

  • Lighting. Zantedeschia in nature grows in marshy shady places, with well-fertilized soil. In the garden, choose darkened areas for planting, if we are talking about an indoor flower, then the northwest windows will be an ideal place.
  • Moisture. Plants require good soil moisture, frequent spraying.
  • Top dressing. Regular fertilization. Zantedeschia loves well-fertilized soils. Fertilize every 2-3 weeks, this will provide you with a beautiful and abundant flowering, no worse than in the beds of Dutch flower growers.
  • Warm. Do not forget that the "African" loves heat, so the air temperature should be at least 14 degrees, and daylight hours should be at least 10 hours.

To grow beautiful calla lilies at home, it is not necessary to be a professional florist, despite its exotic nature, this flower is not too demanding to care for. Caring for rhizomatous callas is not difficult.

How to grow beautiful callas in a pot? Remember, calla remann loves spacious pots, as soon as calla leaves turn yellow - this is a sign for an early transplant. The calla rhizome grows rapidly.

Indoor calla plants bloom, like orchids, several times a year in autumn and spring. The intense flowering period of a potted garden calla lily can last from November to May, provided you have the right calla fertilizer. Top dressing of the calla plant should be done every 5-6 waterings. If the earth in the flowerpot is not acidic enough, you can slightly acidify it by watering the flower with a weak solution of vinegar or water with the addition of lemon juice.

Growing large callas as houseplants or outdoors? Calla is an amazing home flower! It is a symbol of happiness, symbolizes peace and sophistication. It is believed that it is chosen by original and sophisticated natures.

Callas grown in a pot during the warm season will thrive in the open field. Plant callas, like other plants, in prepared soil. Often, after landing in the open air, zantedeschias begin to turn green and grow profusely. In autumn, calla lilies must be dug up before the onset of cold weather.

calla fertilizer

Remember, you need to apply fertilizers in a balanced way, alternate mineral fertilizers with organic ones. As an organic fertilizer, peelings from vegetables and fruits, tea leaves, mullein diluted with water in a ratio of 1:10 can be used. Callas will have good and strong sprouts if calcium is added to the soil. To do this, simply fill the eggshell with warm water and insist for several days, the fertilizer is ready to use.

During the vegetative period of leaf growth, fertilizers with a predominance of nitrogen are best suited. When you realize that the bush is well enough formed and overgrown with large green leaves and is strong enough to force flower stalks, start fertilizing with potassium and phosphorus in its composition.


How to water callas correctly? This question is asked by many beginner flower growers. The answer is simple - plentifully, but in moderation. The soil should be moistened as it dries. This exotic flower loves high humidity and well-moistened soil. For these purposes, a pan with water is perfect, in which we put a flower pot. As the soil dries out, it will absorb the amount of liquid it needs, and the evaporating water from the pan will provide sufficient air humidity.

Calla reproduction

How should calla be propagated? Zantedeschia indoor reproduces in the same way as the garden one, by seeds and children, the only exception is the Ethiopian and varieties derived from this species - it reproduces by dividing the calla rhizome. In the hottest summer period, the leaves of the plant begin to turn yellow and wither. At this time, a dormant period begins, watering should be stopped. The foliage turned yellow - we begin the collection of bulbs and rhizomes. Dig up the rhizomes and put them in a cool dark place along with clods of earth. After 7-10 days, the leaves must be cut off. Plant the root in a new fertile soil, start with moderate watering, gradually increasing its intensity.

Rarely propagated by seeds - this is a long and not always effective process. It is better to germinate calla seeds in the spring. The collected calla seeds should be placed in a growth-stimulating solution for several hours, put the seeds on gauze soaked in water, cover with the other end on top. Germination of seeds takes a week, it is important to ensure that the gauze does not dry out. After a week, small shoots should appear, which must be placed in the ground. Place the seed pot on a well-lit window sill and cover with glass on top to create a greenhouse effect. Planting a plant after the appearance of the first shoots in open ground is not recommended.

The most common method of reproduction is by tubers. The tubers are dug up in autumn and stored in a dark and well-ventilated place, the optimum storage temperature is 5-7 degrees. Adult faded tubers give young shoots, from which, subsequently, a new young flower grows.

How can callas be stored if you purchased tubers earlier? You can save tubers by ensuring proper storage. The place should be chosen well-ventilated, cool dark. You can store ripe onions in the vegetable drawer of the refrigerator, wrapped in a paper towel. Nodules need to be periodically aired and turned over, this will prevent them from possible damage. Planting calla lilies in open ground should take place no earlier than May.

How to transplant calla

Transplantation should occur without injury to the plant. To exclude possible damage to the root system and leaves, water the flower in a pot with plenty of water and leave for 5-10 minutes to soak the soil. After this time, the plant will easily come out of the pot along with an earthy clod. For transplanting, choose a pot 3-4 liters larger in volume. Place a bush with an earthy clod in a flowerpot with a drainage layer, fill the voids with a substrate.

Types of calla diseases

With improper care, zantedeschias can be affected by fungal diseases. One of the most common is gray mold. This is a fungal disease that can manifest itself as a result of improper care of your "green pet" and lead to the death of the plant.

The leaves lost their attractiveness and began to fade dramatically, the same process occurs with flower stalks - we can talk about root rot. When dug up, the affected bulb has a thin brownish putrid coating. The cause of occurrence, most often, is waterlogging of the soil and the active use of nitrogen-containing fertilizers, with this disease the substrate is also affected, its further use is strictly prohibited.

To eliminate diseases, you need to get rid of the affected parts of the plant and treat with special fungicides. The earth in a pot or in a garden plot is subject to mandatory replacement, if it is impossible to completely replace it, the soil must be treated with a solution of potassium permanganate or antifungal drugs.

Often pests do not disdain potted plants. Leaves and flower bedspreads are curling up, starting to turn yellow - this is a sure sign of aphids. Both tuberous varieties and varieties with rhizomes are susceptible to aphids. Leaves affected by the disease should be treated with soapy water - this can make the aphids retreat. If the leaves are very twisted and sticky pests are visible on the calla, then this is a severe defeat - you need to use special chemicals to combat aphids.

Calla flowers photos of which can be found on the Internet are fascinating. The variety of flowers of this amazing plant, brought to us from South Africa, the birthplace of calla, is striking. There are several types of this plant: snow-white with large flowers and dense rhizomes, reaching a height of up to one and a half meters, and another species that strikes with its variety of shades, from pale pink to black. The rhizome of this species is a tuber. Caring for calla flowers does not require botanical education, everything is simple.

Varieties and types

  • Picasso. In height, about half a meter, the bowl was covered with a deep purple color with a hailstone effect, the color saturation smoothly changes, and becomes white at the very edge.
  • Black magic (Black Magic) blooms in summer, large yellow bedspreads with a black center are good in the morning, when the stems and flowers create golden overflows. Yellow calla does not mean separation, but speaks of the approach of happiness.
  • Red alert (Red Alert and Red Sox (Red Sox) refers to ornamental varieties. Transplanting red calla lilies to a garden plot is a real pleasure.
  • Captain Rosette (Captain Rosetti) and Samur (Samur) are the true embodiment of sophistication. Pink flower look very gentle. Pink varietal callas are a symbol of peace and grace - this is how these varieties can be described.
  • Paco (Paco) colored undersized varieties of lilac color. These outdoor flowers grow well in pots. In autumn, calla flowers bloom, even when the leaves on the bushes are already drying.
  • Purple Sensation (Purple Sensation) Plant height 40-50 cm. Bright purple color will be saturated with regular feeding.
  • Capitan romance (Captain Romance) grow colored bedspreads from 50-60 cm. Light cream color is intertwined with raspberry. Romance seeds are sold from mid-autumn to spring.
  • Eyed Beauty (Aid Beauty). Descriptions of the flower will not be able to convey the beauty of this species. Height 35-40 cm, champagne-colored bedspread, speckled calla leaves, a deep blue spot inside the bowl. It seems that the flower is made of foamiran.
  • Florex gold (Florex Gold). Golden with large veils. In winter, the leaves fall off - this is a sign that the calla bulb is ready for wintering.
  • Garnet Glow (Garnet Glow) bright fuchsia color makes the plant just the queen of the site.
  • Ascary (Askari) dark red with a delicate champagne border.
  • Chameleon is a soft cream flower with coral veins.
  • Crystal Blush (Blush) pale pink color, turning into white. Looks great at weddings.
  • Cristal Beauty (Crystal Beauty) and Mint Julep. Crystal in your flower bed! Blooms snow white.
  • Flame (flame) coral-yellow bedspreads up to 10 cm in size.
  • Sunshine (Sunshine) and Mango. Where, if not on a safari, will you see such shades of yellow and coral? Varieties of medium length will bloom from July to October.
  • Schwarzwalder (Schwarzwalder) and Captain Prado (Prado) are truly male flowers of a deep purple color. With them, any bouquet looks solemn.

If you have not yet decided on the choice of species, then videos and photos of these flowers will come to your aid.

Today, mysticism and esotericism are so closely intertwined with everyday life that it is already difficult to imagine our life without horoscopes and dream books, and our house without amulets and talismans. Why will calla bloom in a dream? Dream Interpretations predict positive changes in a woman's life.

Esotericists claim that each plant has a certain set of magical qualities and is able to bring health, good luck, protection from evil spirits into our lives, or vice versa - bring trouble. Zantedeschia (another name), is considered a flower that brings good luck in women's affairs. The flower has a special power during the flowering period. The white flowers of the Albomaculata variety look like delicate bridesmaid dresses. Surrounded by an intangible aura of calmness and tenderness, they have a beneficial effect on the female energy in the apartment, only good signs are associated with them. And in the language of flowers, the meaning of calla is admiration.

Calla flower, whose photo can often be seen on the pages of magazines covering interior design and architecture, is not accidental. Masters of the science of feng shui, which studies the harmonious arrangement of the house and objects in it, argue that it is better to place zantedeschia in the bedroom in the area where sharp corners and lines intersect. So, the flower will smooth out the influence of negative energy, which in turn will improve sleep and bring peace and tranquility to your home.

Growing a beautiful and well-groomed flower that will please the eye is not at all difficult, the main thing is to follow all the recommendations for care and cultivation.

Fans who grow plants at home consider indoor callas the most beautiful indoor flower. It is hard not to agree with them, a huge single-leaved flower with a bright cob attracts attention, and the flower itself pleases for a whole month.

The homeland of callas is South Africa, but the modern range of this plant has spread far beyond the continent. Relatively recently, it was possible to meet such a flower in our latitudes only in swampy areas, but thanks to the work of botanists, growing calla lilies at home today is quite an ordinary event. The house calla plant appears in people's homes, by no means only for its appearance. This flower is an accurate barometer, drops form on the leaves right before the rain. Let's take a closer look at how to care for home calla lilies.

Thanks to the hard work of botanists in the selection of this plant, today we have the opportunity to cultivate a large number of different types of domestic calla.

Calla elliotta (Calla elliottiana)- a profusely flowering flower variety, characterized by a special love for lit places and regular watering. The flower is painted in very contrasting colors: its outer part is yellow-green, and the inner part is bright yellow.

Ethiopian Calla (Calla aethiopica)- By right, this variety takes first place in popularity. Calla flowers are white with a yellow core, the only leaf of the flower is folded into a funnel and has an extension to the top. The dense leaves of this species can be up to 45 centimeters long, and the stem grows up to 1 meter.

Remanna (Calla rehmannii)- a miniature variety (up to 50 cm in height), distinguished by a bright flower color from pink to deep red. Red calla flowers served as the starting point for breeding varieties with a variegated color.

Amethyst- the choice of sophisticated people. Delicate shades of inflorescences are intertwined with the aromas of sea air, creating an atmosphere of comfort and luxury. This variety of flower has become an integral element of women of royal blood.

These are far from all types of indoor callas; thanks to selection, new varieties appear on the market every year. Bred indoor calla lilies are distinguished by more and more colorful and sophisticated colors.

Features of caring for domestic callas

The plants of this culture are in many ways different from other indoor inhabitants, this makes a certain imprint on the care of callas. Caring for calla lilies at home is not difficult, but you need to be attentive to all the requirements.


The basis for the full growth of the plant is watering. The nature of this plant implies the presence of a large amount of water in the soil, as well as high humidity. Lack of regular watering will lead to stunted growth. Most of all, the white indoor calla loves water, whose homeland is the swampy area.

Home calla flower, watered when the top layer of soil dries out by 1 centimeter for white callas and when the top layer dries out by 2-3 centimeters for colored varieties. Colored callas also like regular watering, but to a lesser extent than white ones. The remaining water in both cases is drained after 15 minutes. Water for irrigation should be at room temperature. Best of all, flower growth occurs at high humidity, by about 80%. The flower leaves are sprayed twice a day or wiped twice with a damp cloth. It is also worth putting moss or expanded clay on the pallet.

After the end of flowering, the frequency of watering is significantly reduced, and after a couple of months, watering should be completely stopped. It is impossible to immediately transfer your flower to a state of rest, it is necessary to give it time for the root to reach the desired state. The dormant period of the flower is up to three months, but this value may shift based on the conditions of the plant.


Growing calla lilies at home should be done with sufficient lighting for the plant. Callas are very fond of light, especially in winter. With poor or incorrect lighting, the plant may not bloom, only stems may grow, colored varieties may lose their bright color. Indirect sunlight and direct morning and afternoon sun are best. The direct sunlight of the summer sun can harm the flower.


Regardless of the species, domestic calla lilies in a pot require maintaining the temperature within the normal range, as well as the absence of sudden changes. White varieties during the vegetative period require maintaining a temperature of + 18 ... + 20 degrees, colored varieties + 20 ... + 24. After flowering, the tubers stop watering and are kept at a temperature of 25 to 27 degrees for about 30 days, then the temperature is slowly reduced to 10 - 12 degrees. Ready tubers are placed for the winter, shifting with sawdust.

Note. A slight difference in temperature during the day and at night has a positive effect on the growth of tubers and leaves of the plant.

The soil

Calla lilies need acidified soil, approximately pH 6-6, it is very useful to add peat with sawdust to it. The following mixture is best for planting callas:

  • sod land (2 parts);
  • leaf ground (1 part);
  • peat (1 part);
  • sand (1 part).

Often, for the full growth and development of a flower, properly selected soil is not enough. Therefore, in the summer, home care involves planting a flower in open soil. An alternative to this method can be every two weeks. Before flowering, you should not overdo it with nitrogenous mixtures, when peduncles appear, urea is added, and with the beginning of flowering, eggshells are added.

Transplant and reproduction

Proper planting of callas is the key to success. Tubers are sold from January to April, when buying them, you should pay attention to elasticity, the skin should be light. Before planting, the tubers are dipped for half an hour in a weak solution of potassium permanganate. This procedure helps to protect the tuber at an early stage from diseases and to identify damaged areas. If, after dipping into potassium permanganate, defects appear, they can be carefully removed with a knife, and then treated with brilliant green.

Growing callas at home will go without a hitch if you choose a wide pot, because this houseplant loves the space provided by the root system. Planting and transplanting occurs as follows: first, a hole is made, up to 5 cm deep, then a tuber is placed in it no deeper than 10 cm. Watering during this period should be treated carefully to prevent the bulb from rotting.

Experienced flower growers know how to grow callas from seeds at home. To do this, the seeds are germinated on a paper towel and, after showing signs of growth, they are planted in pots, no more than 2 seeds per pot. The soil should be chosen as normal for seedlings, watering should be done through the bottom of the pot, if the topsoil has dried out more than necessary, then you can lightly irrigate it with water from the sprayer. The appearance of shoots is a signal to transplant callas, but existing roots should be thoroughly washed before being placed in a new pot. The further life of calla lilies in pots follows the rules and subtleties described above.

Note. After planting, indoor calla lilies may not show up from the pot until they form a root system, so don't be discouraged if home flowers don't show up within a month.

You can propagate your homemade calla flower with seeds yourself, moreover, this process can bring unexpected results. This is due to the fact that you will have to pollinate the flower yourself and it is almost impossible to predict the final result.

A more stable method of reproduction is the division of the tuber; for this, the tubers are separated during transplantation. Given the fact that a potted flower is such a sissy and needs to be transplanted after flowering, you do not need to guess and wait for the moment when it will be necessary to get the plant and separate the tubers.

Home calla diseases and care during this period

Even with proper care, callas are susceptible to various diseases.

    1. If your indoor calla has been attacked by aphids, it is often enough to wipe the leaves with a solution of soapy water. With a strong attack, you can use Aktellik or Bison.
    2. Gray rot, which affects all parts of the plant, is of a fungal nature, so the flower must be treated with various fungicides (Vitarox, Rovral).

On a note. If your calla does not bloom at home, then with a high probability you made a mistake at the transplant stage. For example, they placed too large a tuber in a pot or do not follow the temperature regime.

  1. Another popular problem is the difficulty with why calla leaves turn yellow. This event can be preceded by both calla disease and lack of soil nutrition, poor watering or excessive direct sunlight.
  2. If previous calla diseases had a certain treatment, then bacterial rot, alas, cannot be treated with anything and such a flower must be disposed of.
  3. Callas affected by anthracnose are distinguished by damaged brown leaves that must be removed and the plant treated with fungicides.

Knowing how to care for callas at home, you can enrich any window sill with a beautiful blooming flower bed of delicate flowers.

A small amount of soil is poured into a new pot, on which a flower is placed. But that doesn't mean the end. The roots of this plant are sprinkled with the substrate as carefully as possible. After that, callas are produced. This plant is quite demanding for abundant watering. Also it is necessary to apply this procedure to the sprouts. These measures should be applied without overzealousness.

Most often, the cultivation of this plant is carried out using bulbs. For this:

  • It is necessary to choose only high-quality sprouts, which are characterized by the presence of the strongest possible root system.
  • They must be initially placed in a pot and covered with a small amount of earth.
  • The soil layer should not exceed 5 centimeters.
  • If the plant is planted in winter, then it needs to provide a temperature of 8-14 degrees.
  • When transplanting calla lilies in the summer, the temperature in the room or on the street is 22-25 degrees.

In order to provide the plant with early flowering and saturation of the shade of the bedspread that encircles the plant, it must be placed on a windowsill, characterized by a large amount of light. At the same time, at night, a temperature of +16 degrees should be provided. If this plant is planted in winter, then it is necessary to provide it with additional lighting to extend daylight hours to 10-11 hours.

After planting an indoor flower, he needs to provide appropriate care:

  • Calle need to provide moderate and frequent watering. At the same time, they are guided by the level of humidity of the earthen coma. It should always be moderately moist.
  • This plant needs to be fed twice a month. For this purpose, liquid fertilizers are most often used in the form of water-soluble fertilizers for indoor flowers.

When growing callas from bulbs in the summer, it is produced. To do this, the indoor flower is dug out of the pot, old offspring and leaves are removed from it. Next, you need to transplant this plant into a new pot.

To perform reproduction, it is necessary to carefully separate its offspring before transplanting an indoor flower. Its landing is carried out in a separate pot. Transplantation of this plant and its reproduction is carried out in the winter. When calla lilies are propagated by offspring or mother bushes, they are separated from the bush in the spring.

Reproduction of this plant in a variety of ways is a fairly simple procedure. To do this, it is necessary to correctly select the pot and material for transplantation.

of this plant, they are soaked. For this purpose, cotton pads or paper napkins are most often used, between which the seeds of an indoor flower are placed.

  • Next, the material is wetted with ordinary water. in this form, it is necessary to place in a warm place for three days.
  • After the seeds are pierced, it is necessary to plant them in a container. In this case, they must be sprinkled with a thin layer of soil.
  • After the emergence of seedlings in the pot, the strongest of them are left, and the rest are pulled out in the simplest way.
  • At the end of a month after the appearance of the sprouts, they are picked and planted in separate bowls.
  • With a dense planting, their cultivation can be carried out until the end of spring without thinning.
  • In May, calla lilies are planted in a permanent place. In this case, it is necessary to plant one plant per pot. If it is too long, then a distance of 40 centimeters is maintained between individual indoor flowers. Care for this plant is carried out in exactly the same way as with any other method of reproduction.

    Reproduction of this plant by seeds is a rather long, but not difficult process.

    If you like to take care of house plants and you have enough patience, then you can easily use this method, especially since feces have a high percentage of similarity.

    It is necessary to care for callas, which were planted from tubers and rhizomes, in different ways. If you have a rhizomatous Ethiopian calla, then you need to know that in the summer it has a dormant period. At this time, there is a slowdown and cessation of growth. This plant is starting to turn yellow. During this period, the watering of this plant is reduced. Calla must be taken out to the balcony or to another place that is characterized by good lighting.

    In early June, the indoor flower must be removed from the container, all yellowed leaves and offspring are removed from it.

    Next, this plant is produced in a pot, which is filled with new soil, characterized by the presence of a large amount of nutrients. Next, this plant is placed in a bright place and provided with abundant watering. Also during this period, feces need fertilizer. It is this cycle that has a rhizomatous indoor flower.

    Tuberous callas during the dormant period are characterized by gradual greening. During this period, yellowing and drying of the leaves is observed. Careful digging of garden tuberous callas is also carried out at the end of September. This procedure must be carried out as carefully as possible so as not to damage the tubers. Next, you need to free the tubers from the soil and rinse under running water. They are kept for 14 days so that the beneficial substances from the ground part of the plant pass into the tubers. Next, the dead leaves are removed.

    Caring for callas during the dormant period is a fairly simple procedure.

    Despite this, it is mandatory. Otherwise, it may negatively affect the period. Callas are characterized by ease of care. That is why it is within the power of any grower. To do this, you just need to follow a few simple rules.

    More information can be found in the video.