
Eggplant care: top dressing in greenhouse conditions. How to properly care for eggplants in a greenhouse The first feeding of eggplant after planting in a greenhouse


Eggplants can often be found in the beds and greenhouses of many gardeners. The vegetable has become so widespread in our country that it is grown everywhere: from the south to the northern part.

Eggplants are a little capricious in their care, but if a certain growing technique is followed, there are no problems with them. The use of top dressing plays a big role in the life of the plant. Fertilizers are different in composition and are used in a certain period of time. In order for the additive to benefit and not harm the plants, it must be applied in the right way.

Mineral top dressing

Any soil contains mineral compounds, but their amount is always different. Eggplants react sharply to the lack of the following elements in the ground:

Due to the lack of these minerals, leaf fall and yellowness may occur, and the bushes themselves grow poorly and break. To avoid such consequences, use the mineral fertilizers indicated in the table.

Feeding schedule

Nitrogen is found in most mineral supplements and is considered a stimulator of green mass growth, as well as active root formation. It serves as the basis for the manufacture of ammonium nitrate, nitroammophoska, urea. Top dressing with ammonium nitrate is carried out 2 weeks after planting seedlings in the greenhouse. 20 grams of the additive is diluted in 10 liters of water and poured into the root zone of vegetables. The additive is applied to the soil only in liquid form, the dry powder contains a high concentration of nitrogen and can burn the vegetable. One or two top dressings are usually enough to replenish the balance of nitrogen in the soil.

Attention! Nitrogen fertilizers must not be used together with peat or straw, as when used together, a large amount of heat is released.

Fight after planting seedlings can be fed with nitroammophos. Nitrogen stern, it contains potassium and phosphorus. Due to the complex action of minerals, young plants are intensively gaining growth and blooming soon. To prepare the additive, you need to take 20-25 grams of nitroammophoska and dissolve them in a bucket of water. Water seedlings 1 time in 10 days.

When the plant turns green, they begin the second, important stage - the formation of ovaries. The fundamental substances that directly affect the shape, skin color and taste of the fruit are potassium, phosphorus. Potassium sulphate, superphosphate, potassium nitrate are faithful helpers for obtaining a bountiful harvest and high quality fruits.

Foliar top dressing

Of the foliar dressings, eggplant reacts positively to boric acid. Dilute a teaspoon of acid in 10 liters of water and spray the bushes. Boric acid can be used 2-3 weeks after plant transplantation. In addition to supplying plants with nutrients, acid significantly reduces the risk of fungal and viral infections. However, the additive can not always be used, but only on neutral or slightly alkalized soil. If the earth is initially slightly acidified, then the substance can provoke the death of a vegetable crop due to increased acidity.

Potassium permanganate is a source of potassium and magnesium. Its leaves are irrigated with a weak solution in late spring. Potassium permanganate protects eggplant from possible pests and fungi. For 100 milliliters of water, take 2-3 crystals of potassium permanganate and spray the seedlings with the resulting mixture. Top dressing with potassium permanganate is often combined with boric acid. Their combination has a powerful antibacterial effect, and will also eliminate the deficiency of trace elements in the earth.

After each watering of seedlings to maintain moisture in the ground, the soil must be mulched with peat or humus. They will reliably retain water and saturate the soil with useful compounds. With each new watering, the old layer of mulch is removed, and then fresh is applied.

Feeding with organic elements

In addition to mineral supplements, there are folk methods of feeding. Experienced gardeners know that, for example, from yeast, the crop grows quickly and ripens well, and the born eggplants will never be small. Ordinary dry yeast (bag) is dissolved in 2 liters of warm water with a spoonful of sugar and put in a warm place for 2 hours. Then dilute the resulting dough in a ratio of 1:5 and water the eggplants 1 time in 2 weeks. The number of necessary dressings - 2-3 times. The time of use is mid-June, when the fruit is laid. No need to abuse the supplement, an excess of yeast in the ground leads to the death of other beneficial substances.

Another fertilizer useful for eggplants can be made from freshly cut grass. Absolutely any herb will do: biting midge, dandelion, nettle. The bucket is filled to the top with greens and placed in a 100-liter barrel. Fill the barrel with water and leave to infuse for a week. A week later, when the grass ferments, its concentrated solution is diluted five times with water and the seedlings are watered. To the infusion, you can add 1-2 liters of diluted mullein or a glass of ash (per 100 liters). Watering with herbal infusion will be especially useful for a young culture at the initial stage of cultivation, since it contains nitrogen and phosphorus.

Ash and litter

Ash is considered a very valuable component in the manufacture of additives. Its natural composition nourishes the root system, ensuring rapid development. Ash can be used in combination with nettle tinctures or with mullein. It is well absorbed in the soil. It is almost always added to the planting holes at the initial stage of growing vegetables. Ash is diluted with water: 1 cup per bucket. Fertilizer is used for the entire growing period no more than 3-4 times. It has the greatest effect a few weeks after planting, so watering with an additive is carried out until mid-July, and the treatment is repeated at the end of July.

Fertilizer based on cow dung is used during the flowering of the crop and before fruiting. Mullein activates the protective function of plants, prevents infection with diseases. Moreover, it is absorbed by eggplants better than many other types of fertilizers. Cow dung contains calcium, potassium, phosphorus, and nitrogen. Manure must be diluted in water in a ratio of 1:10, then insist 5-6 days. After a while, fermentation occurs, during which small bubbles are released. The color of the fertilizer will noticeably brighten, the mullein is ready. Eggplants are watered with infusion 1 time in 14 days for a month. Wood ash (half a kilogram per 10 liters of additive) and superphosphate (100 grams per bucket of fertilizer) can be added to mullein.

Other means

If there is no time to take care of eggplants for a long time, there is a way out - to purchase a ready-made supplement in the store. Its composition is correctly selected and balanced, does not require the use of other ingredients and is very nutritious for vegetable soil. Most supplements are available in concentrated solutions, which are simply diluted with water in the ratio indicated on the label. Preparations can be used for most of the growing cycle, but only until fruiting.

Important! The use of any top dressing during the formation of fruits is undesirable.

Effecton-O is one of the means, after which the growth of seedlings is activated, and the ripening of fruits occurs 2 weeks earlier. The composition includes potassium chloride, phosphorus flour and ash with peat. All components have already been assembled in the required proportion and will bring nothing but benefits to the vegetable crop. Agricola has a similar effect. It is used in diluted solution. Agricola contains nitrogen components, minerals and some organic substances. Fertilizer quickly gives the desired result: the yield will please the high quality of the fruit.

The use of a variety of dressings greatly facilitates the cultivation of eggplant. The main goal is not to overdo it with them. It must be remembered that for the entire period of cultivation it is allowed to apply no more than four different fertilizers. In no case should you use supplements for several days in a row, there must be an interval between them. For fertile soil, the amount of fertilizer per season can be reduced to two. If you follow these conventions, then the additive will definitely work for the good, and eggplants will grow tasty and beautiful.

Eggplant, as one of the representatives of the nightshade, belongs to heat-loving and capricious plants. Selection has bred many varieties that differ in size and color, but most often purple fruits of medium size are found in household plots. They are planted both in the open area and in closed ground. To get a bountiful crop of eggplants in a greenhouse, top dressing is required, which saturate them with useful elements and increase the level of resistance to negative environmental factors.

Nutrient Requirements

In greenhouse cultivation, for feeding eggplant, it is enough to use the agronorm at the rate of 15 g per 1 sq. m. The plant does not need to make too large doses of fertilizer mixtures, an overabundance adversely affects its growth and development. But it is also impossible not to use agrochemicals, it is important to maintain a balance here. In the case of cultivation on depleted soils, the laying of nutrient mixtures is carried out every 14 days, alternating mineral complexes with organic compounds.

To grow a good crop in a greenhouse, the plant needs to be given phosphorus, potassium, and nitrogen in sufficient quantities. If the food is irregular, the size of the fruits will decrease significantly, they will become irregular in shape or not tied at all.

You can identify the lack of a particular chemical element in the soil by the following signs:

  • With a nitrogen deficiency, eggplant leaves become small, their color changes to a dull, light green. The ripening process is slow, the crop is deformed, small fruits crumble. You can support the plant by using fertilizer mixtures with a high concentration of nitrogen, for example, a solution of urea. Nitrogen-containing compounds should be applied according to the instructions for use, taking into account the characteristics of a particular crop, otherwise, with an excess amount, only green mass will develop, and the plant will not have the strength to form fruits.
  • With a lack of potassium, the growth of vegetable crops stops. Young seedlings after picking must be fertilized with nutrient compounds with this chemical element. It is at this stage of the growing season that eggplants begin to develop intensively. Mature plants react to the deficiency with a decrease in productivity indicators, leaves and crops are covered with brown spotting. The need for this chemical element increases in eggplant in cloudy weather. In this case, it is effective to use natural fertilizer - wood ash, it is applied at the rate of 1-1.5 tbsp. per 1 sq.m.
  • With a lack of phosphorus, green leaves become blue-lilac. If you do not take appropriate measures, they lose turgor, twist and fall off. There is a deterioration in the general condition of plant organisms grown in the greenhouse: the underground part develops slowly, few buds and ovaries are formed, the ripening period of eggplants increases. To replenish phosphorus, it is necessary to use complex mixtures, such as superphosphate.

Despite the fact that greenhouse eggplants do not experience an acute need for micronutrient supplements, with a lack of iron or manganese, chlorosis can develop in young leaves, and with magnesium deficiency, such manifestations can be observed on old leaves. In order for the root system to form normally and buds to form successfully, copper, boron, and molybdenum must be added. These elements are also necessary for high-quality fertilization. Experienced gardeners have noticed that useful components are best absorbed when sprayed on a leaf. It is not recommended to neglect foliar top dressing in the greenhouse.

Top dressing mode

Throughout the growing season, Solanaceae are fed 3-5 times. The first procedure is carried out 2-3 weeks after planting young seedlings in the greenhouse. It is undesirable to carry out processing at an earlier date, since fragile roots poorly absorb nutrient mixtures.

How to feed eggplant after planting in a greenhouse

In order for young plants to take root and take root faster, preparatory measures should be carried out even before planting. A handful of wood ash, previously mixed with fertile soil, is added to each well. Then watering is carried out at the rate of 1.5 liters per formed hole.

After planting seedlings, the earth is compacted and spilled with water. To avoid the formation of a dry earthen crust, the top layer is sprinkled with peat or humus.

2 weeks after transplanting the seedlings into the greenhouse, they are fertilized with a working solution based on mullein or bird droppings. Superphosphate (10 g) and wood ash (150 g) are added to it for greater effectiveness. A good effect is the use of azophoska, a liquid solution is prepared from 3 tbsp. l. agrochemical and 10 liters of water. For each bush use 0.5 liters of fertilizer mixture.

Top dressing during flowering and ovary formation

The second manipulation to saturate the nightshade with beneficial substances is carried out when they begin to bloom, micro and macro elements are introduced. Mortar has a beneficial effect on planting. To prepare a working solution, measure 1 tbsp. funds for 10 liters of water.

During the fruiting period, it is recommended to choose nutrient compositions containing phosphorus and nitrogen. For 10 liters of water, use 1 tbsp. l ammonium nitrate and 1 tbsp. l. superphosphate. It is not worth adding an excessive amount of these agrochemicals, otherwise there is a high probability of a detrimental effect on plant growth and fruit formation. It is effective to alternate organic top dressing with mineral. High results are obtained by the use of fermented green grass.

Top dressing during growth and ripening of fruits

For eggplant grown in a greenhouse, fertilizer is applied taking into account a double dosage. This also applies to crops cultivated in closed polycarbonate structures. To improve the development of fruits, the ridges in the greenhouse are treated with wood ash. Toward the end of this phase, potassium sulfate is bookmarked at the rate of 1 tsp. for 10 liters of liquid.

You can speed up the process of absorption of nutrients by plant organisms by watering clean warm water after fertilizing.

The arrangement of greenhouses for growing eggplant is a necessary measure if you want to get a quality crop in the northern regions, given the thermophilicity of the crop. Root and foliar top dressing in greenhouses can eliminate the lack of useful elements and increase yields. The main thing is to follow the manufacturer's instructions when using fertilizer mixtures and apply them according to the instructions for use.

Growing eggplant in a greenhouse or greenhouse is one of the main ways to get a guaranteed good, high and high-quality crop of this garden crop in most regions of our country. In greenhouse cultivation, such moments as a competent choice of variety, timely and correct planting, as well as compliance with agricultural practices are very important.

The best greenhouse varieties

When choosing an eggplant variety, it is necessary to take into account the botanical features of a thermophilic culture., as well as soil and climatic conditions in the growing region, the characteristics of the greenhouse design and what options for using the harvested crop are in the priority category.

Undoubtedly, the best varieties and hybrids are self-pollinated, with high rates of commercial and gustatory qualities of fruits, productive and undemanding to care. It is preferable to grow unpretentious zoned varieties with a high level of productivity, intended for cultivation in protected ground conditions.

Variety/hybrid Plant Fetus pulp Variety/hybrid value
Mid-early hybrid "Bard F1" Vigorous, semi-spreading, densely leafy Cylindrical, purple, weighing up to 0.85 kg Greenish color, not bitter Ecologically flexible with stable yield
Mid-early hybrid "Goliath F1" Pear-shaped, dark purple, weighing up to 0.95 kg Resistance to damage TDC
Mid-season hybrid "Bagheera F1" Semi standard and compact Oval, dark purple, weighing up to 350 g Suitable for use in low volume technology
Mid-early hybrid "Baikal F1" Pear-shaped, purple, weighing up to 350 g Greenish, not bitter, tender
Early ripe hybrid "Boyarin F1" Semi-spreading with medium foliage Pear-shaped, dark purple, weighing up to 250 g Greenish coloration, good density High fruit set
Early ripe variety "Vakula" Oval, purple, weighing up to 0.6 kg White, soft Early and friendly crop formation
Mid-early variety "Dolphin" Vigorous and leafy Saber-shaped, lilac-white, weighing 0.45 kg Greenish, good taste Extremely rarely affected by spider mites
Early ripe variety "Sperm Whale" Vigorous, semi-spreading, medium leafy and upright Elongated pear-shaped, purple, weighing up to 0.7 kg White coloring, tasty and tender Large-fruited with no thorns on the calyx
Mid-season variety "Lolita" Semi-spreading with medium-sized leaves Cylindrical, purple, weighing up to 320 g Medium density, greenish white color High level of productivity and marketability
Mid-season variety "Polundra" Semi-spreading with medium-sized leaves Pear-shaped, white, with lilac-pink strokes, weighing up to 250 g White coloring, tasty and very tender Excellent taste and high commercial quality
Early ripe hybrid "Ekavi F1" Medium to vigorous Pear-shaped, purple or dark purple, weighing up to 285 g Good density, good taste Stable yield, good keeping quality
Mid-season variety "Filimon" Vigorous and densely leafy Egg-shaped, dark purple, weighing up to 1 kg White, very dense, without bitterness Resistance to damage TDC
Early hybrid "Northern Blues F1" Closed type with medium foliage Oval, lilac, weighing up to 245 g Greenish, not bitter, very tasty and tender Excellent taste and high commercial quality

seed processing

Seeds sold by some growers have already been pre-treated and there is no need to further process them. If raw seed material is purchased, then you should know some secrets to increase germination rates and protection against pathogens:

  • sort out full-weight seeds, rejecting empty, damaged and having uncharacteristic staining;
  • disinfection of seed material in a 1% solution of potassium permanganate for a quarter of an hour;
  • rinse the seeds in water;
  • seed treatment in a solution with growth stimulants, which can be used as "Heteroauxin", "Kornevin", "Epin" or "Zircon";
  • carrying out hardening measures by alternating high and low temperature conditions.

Before sowing, it is allowed to treat the seed with a preparation of the Prestige type. It is important to remember that only fresh eggplant seeds can give good germination. After about four years of storage, the germination rates of the seed drop significantly.

Eggplant: variety selection (video)

Growing seedlings

To determine the optimal time for sowing prepared seed material for seedlings, the following parameters must be taken into account:

  • duration of the growing season;
  • culture requirements for heat;
  • conditions for subsequent cultivation;
  • seed germination time.

Experienced gardeners recommend planting seeds about a couple of months before the moment when it is supposed to plant seedlings in a permanent place. It should be remembered that the soil in the greenhouse bed by this time should be warmed up to temperatures of at least 18-20 ° C.

It is enough to adhere to the following recommendations for planting and caring for vegetable seedlings:
  • hatched seeds should be planted in individual seedling containers filled with a nutrient soil mixture based on 60% high-moor peat, 10% soddy soil, 20% humus, 5% coarse sand or sawdust and 5% biohumus;
  • eggplant seeds should be sown to a depth of one and a half centimeters, after having thoroughly moistened the soil mixture;
  • the temperature regime in the growing room should be at the level of 22-24 ° C in the presence of sufficient lighting;
  • until the first true leaf of seedlings, it is necessary to provide 1-2 waterings per week, and after the appearance, the number of waterings per week should be increased to three.

So that the seedlings can grow strong and healthy, you can once feed the young plants with complex fertilizers. About a couple of weeks before planting, be sure to start hardening seedlings.

Rules for landing in a permanent place

Planting seedlings in a permanent place is carried out according to the scheme:

  • 0.60-.65 m between rows;
  • 30-35 cm in rows between planted plants;
  • about five plants per square meter.

Too dense plantings cause a significant reduction in yield. On the ridges of heated greenhouses, no more than two bushes per square meter should be placed. When grown in unheated greenhouses - no more than three bushes per square meter.

Growing with other crops

It is possible to plant eggplants in a greenhouse with other crops, but a decrease in yield is often observed, since the plant consumes a lot of water, especially during flowering and fruiting, which is not very favorable for other crops.

When growing in the same greenhouse with tomatoes, you should especially carefully control the temperature and humidity levels. In addition to tomatoes, eggplants are not contraindicated in the neighborhood with such greenhouse crops as onions for greens and melons. Also in the same greenhouse with eggplant, beans grow very well.

Features of care

In this case, it is possible to provide the plants with a dosed supply of water and liquid fertilizers directly to the root system.

It should be remembered that in greenhouse conditions, eggplant bushes are taller, so they need proper formation and timely pruning:

  • spreading formation, in which plant stems spread along the ground, is obsolete and often accompanied by fruit rotting;
  • stake formation involves planting four plants in a square way with a high stake placed in the center with the attachment of a garter for plants;
  • single-stem formation involves the removal of all shoots, except for one, on which the crop will be formed;
  • two- and three-stem formation involves choosing a pair or three of the most developed shoots, followed by tying them to the trellis.

Among other things, in greenhouse conditions, the plant must be provided with manual pollination. As a rule, it is necessary to pollinate eggplant bushes manually if there are not enough pollinating insects. A good result is shaking flowering plantings and removing excess leaves covering them. To improve the pollination process, plants can also be treated with special preparations for fruit formation. Spraying bushes with boric acid is recommended for weak flowering.

Preventive actions

Preventive actions Features of the
Presowing treatment of seed material Disinfection of seeds in a solution of potassium permanganate or hydrogen peroxide
Timely and high-quality replacement of greenhouse soil, as well as disinfection of ridges after harvesting and before planting seedlings As a rule, depending on the area of ​​the greenhouse structure, 8-20 cm of the top layer of soil is replaced, with replacement with fresh soil from open ridges and subsequent steaming or spilling with a solution of potassium permanganate
Permanent control of microclimatic conditions in the greenhouse The most suitable temperature for growing should be between 25-28 o C with high humidity
Carrying out regular inspections of eggplant bushes for damage by diseases or pests At the first signs of damage, it will be necessary to use chemicals, since folk remedies can only be used for preventive treatment of eggplant bushes
Regular removal of weeds and crop residues Weeding is traditionally the main way to control weeds in a greenhouse, but their number can be reduced by using black film or agrofibre.
Carrying out preventive treatments of plants To protect plantings from slugs, the soil around the plants can be sprinkled with crushed eggshells with ash. In order to prevent the treatment of bushes, garlic, mustard and pepper infusions are used with the addition of liquid soap.

How to plant eggplant (video)

It is not easy to grow "blue ones" in a greenhouse. They are too demanding for everything. But if you still decide to try, then the article "Eggplant: growing and caring in a greenhouse" will be very useful.

How to grow eggplant in a greenhouse

Once upon a time, eggplant was considered an overseas delicacy, which everyone dreamed of tasting. Today the situation has changed - many grow brilliant nightshades in greenhouses. It’s worth mentioning right away that this is a difficult and troublesome business. But if you approach him armed with knowledge, then there will be no problems - very soon purple beauties will be on your table.

preparing the ground

Proper soil preparation is half the success in growing an "exotic" vegetable. Take it seriously. Clear the greenhouse beds of weeds, remnants of dry stems and debris. Water them thoroughly and proceed to disinfection. The easiest way to disinfect is with a solution of copper sulfate (2 tablespoons of vitriol per 10 liters of water). You can use dry bleach (100 grams per 1 m2) or formalin (dissolve 250 ml of a ready-made 40% solution in 10 liters of water).

The treated soil is covered for 24 hours with a film, and then carefully dug up. These events are held in the fall. In the spring, all that remains is to fertilize and you can start planting.

Preparing the garden for planting eggplant

Spring top dressing

Eggplants love fertile soil, so take care of the nutrition of the beds. For fertilizer, rotted manure or compost is suitable (2/3 buckets per 1m2) (See also:). You can add dolomite flour (2 tablespoons per 1 m2), sawdust and ash (1 cup per 1 m2), potassium sulfate (1 tablespoon per 1 m2), peat (half a bucket per 1 m2). Eggplants are not against the introduction of ready-made complex additives.

It is recommended to lay fertilizers at the level of the "arable layer" - as close as possible to the roots. To increase the effectiveness of top dressing, it is necessary to create favorable conditions for this. So, the temperature of the soil should be at least +13 degrees - cover it with plastic wrap.

How to plant seedlings?

The air temperature in the greenhouse should reach 17 degrees, the soil temperature - + 14-15 degrees. Level the surface of the soil and form holes so that the distance between the bushes is about 45 cm, between the rows - 60 cm. Pour 2 liters of water into each hole with the addition of a few grains of manganese. If there is no potassium permanganate, you can pour 1.5 liters of water into the hole and sprinkle the bottom with ash.

The roots of the seedlings are very fragile, try not to damage them. Please note that you need to plant seedlings 2 cm deeper than they grew before. Some do not release the sprouts from the peat pots in which the seeds were planted, and plant them directly in them. This cannot be done - the roots develop well only in a free state.

Transplanting eggplant seedlings into the ground

After planting seedlings, compact the soil, water and “powder” the top layer with humus or peat. This will prevent the formation of a dense earthen crust.

We care correctly

So, a start has been made, now it remains to properly care for the plants. The most important question that worries beginner gardeners is how to water? Watering should be regular. The lack of moisture leads to a change in the size and taste of the fruit - they become small and tasteless. Eggplants do not like cold water. The optimum water temperature for irrigation is +27 degrees. Keep the leaves dry - water under the root.

It is better to water in the morning. Water should penetrate the soil by 20 cm. After watering and ventilate the greenhouse. This is necessary to prevent an increase in air humidity. For mulching, you can use straw, fallen needles, old newspapers.

The first watering after planting seedlings is done on the 5th day. After 12 hours, loosen the soil to a depth of 3 cm. Then water it once every 7 days, during the fruiting period - 2 times a week.

The second rule of competent care is fertilization. Eggplant should be fed at least 3 times per season. The first time after planting the seedlings, fertilizers are applied on the 15-20th day. If supplements are added earlier, the plant simply will not absorb them, because. the root system will be too weak. Before the fruits appear, the bushes are pampered with complex fertilizers, for example, Mortar (1 tablespoon per bucket of water), during the fruiting period, nightshade needs nitrogen-phosphorus complexes (add a tablespoon of saltpeter and superphosphate to a bucket of water).

Organics in its pure form (manure, bird droppings) should not be abused - this will negatively affect the flowering and development of fruits. During the fruit set, sprinkle the beds with ashes or water with a solution of potassium sulfate (1 teaspoon per bucket of water).

Watch the temperature

Compliance with the temperature regime is another important point, without which it will not be possible to grow beautiful and tasty eggplants. The plant loves heat. At a temperature of +15 degrees, it simply stops developing, at +13 degrees it withers and turns yellow. Try to keep the temperature at around + 25-28 degrees.

Under optimal conditions, the first flowers should appear in June

Too high values ​​are also harmful. If in the summer the thermometer rises to + 35-40 degrees, and you do nothing about it, do not expect fruit. On hot days, ventilate the room more often and water the plantings. If the sunlight is too bright, shade the windows. At night (regardless of temperature), the door to the greenhouse is closed.

Bush shaping and garter

When the bushes reach a height of 25 cm, remove the top of the main stem. This will provoke intensive growth of side shoots. Choose the strongest of them (usually two or three), and delete the rest. These simple manipulations will allow you to get a strong and compact bush. Continue to monitor plantings - timely cut off withered leaves, "sick" shoots and fruits.

Garter when grown in greenhouse conditions of medium-sized varieties becomes mandatory. Tie to the support carefully - the plant is easily damaged. You can tie in several places. If you do not want to burden yourself with unnecessary troubles, then grow undersized varieties.

Garter of a tall eggplant variety

There are several proven secrets that facilitate the process of growing eggplants:

  • if it is not possible to fertilize regularly, then when planting seedlings, pour 1/3 tsp into each hole. complex top dressing of factory production - AVA. And then once every 7 days, water the bushes with fermented herbal infusion (1 liter per bucket);
  • with weak flowering, boric acid diluted in water (1 g / 5 liters) will help. Spray the plant with a spray bottle. If there is a poor growth of shoots, then the eggplant lacks nitrogen, if the bushes "leave" in the green mass - potassium;
  • try not to transplant the nightshade - they may not be able to tolerate it;
  • never water eggplants with cold water - heat it up to at least 25 degrees;
  • will accelerate the ripening of fruits by pinching the tops of the shoots, which slows down growth. Do this 3 weeks before the end of the growing season;
  • eggplants are often affected by mosaic and late blight. Fitosporin is called to fight the misfortune. Colorado beetles and whiteflies are best harvested by hand. Ventilate the greenhouse more often - this will reduce the possibility of infection to a minimum.

Here, perhaps, is all you need to know for the successful cultivation of eggplant in a greenhouse. The fruits are harvested approximately 30 days after the end of flowering in the phase of technical maturity. Ripe eggplant gives out a shiny surface and a beautiful purple color. Overripe nightshades have a matte surface and a brownish tint. Remember, eggplants don't last long. In a cool room - about 30 days. So try to find a worthy use for your delicious harvest!

Video: Growing eggplant seedlings and planting in the ground

Growing eggplant is not very easy, as evidenced by the reviews of experienced and novice gardeners. By analyzing the problems they had to face when growing a vegetable in a greenhouse, many cases can be avoided and even boast of a decent harvest, following the rules of care, watering and growing properly.

Growing eggplants in the open field or in a closed greenhouse becomes a real test for every gardener. Not everyone succeeds in passing it, especially when it comes to the cultivation of vegetables in the Urals or Siberia.

The harsher the climate, the more unprofitable agricultural technology, because the culture develops well only under a certain temperature regime. It will not work without a heating system in the greenhouse, which means that another expense item falls on the gardener.

There is no need to worry about the possibility of cultivating the southern fruit in the conditions of the middle zone and Siberia. Thanks to the painstaking and long-term work of breeders, it was possible to develop varieties that are resistant to cold and disease.

Among the popular hybrids: Matrosik, Robin Hood, Almaz, Albatross, etc.

Basic requirements for growing in a polycarbonate greenhouse

Eggplant farming is simple, but has some features.

The main secrets are:

  • correct selection of a variety (the assortment range for greenhouses includes more than 20 varieties of vegetables that are distinguished by cold resistance);
  • greenhouse construction must have vents for the ability to change the temperature regime and carry out ventilation;
  • to maintain the temperature, the greenhouse is equipped heating system(for regions with a harsh climate);
  • daylight hours for a plant should be within 12 hours, with a lack of lighting, it is recommended to install fluorescent lamps;
  • watering is carried out warm water(24 degrees), irrigation should begin from the 5th day after planting, try not to spray the foliage;
  • the soil must be fertilized, the structure is loose;
  • at the flowering stage, extra flowers are removed (rationing of the fruiting process);
  • as the culture develops, systematically introduce nutritious top dressings.

How to choose a greenhouse for planting outdoors

The best option is a greenhouse or greenhouse from polycarbonate, it is able to protect eggplant from freezing and provide enough light and is easy to make with your own hands. On sunny days, the material warms up well, which reduces heating costs.

Used as an additional insulating layer inner lining with anti-condensation film.

Eggplants do not differ in the high growth of bushes, so there is no need for a large structure, it is enough to choose an option convenient for maintenance with indicators from 1.8 to 2.5 m.

In regions with a harsh climate, a greenhouse is better set on a foundation, a fairly lightweight construction with a depth of 20 cm below the ground level. The frame can be made of both wood and metal profiles. The presence of vents for temperature regulation and ventilation is considered mandatory.

When calculating the profitability of a greenhouse, it should be taken into account that 3-4 plants are placed per 1 m2.

The yield indicated on the seed label is actually lower, so the figure is reduced by 20-30%. The number of planted bushes depends on the area of ​​the greenhouse where they will grow. If it is built specifically for planting vegetables, then both the parameters of the material for sheathing and the ability to create the optimal temperature (heating) are taken into account.

in the greenhouse 2x3m can be planted 18-24 seedlings eggplant.

Right time to drop off

Eggplant seedlings are planted in open ground only when when danger of frost has passed. This period in the middle lane falls for the second half of May - beginning of June.

In the greenhouse, work begins earlier, since the presence of shelter eliminates the freezing of young shoots at sub-zero temperatures, and the daytime sun will warm the walls of the structure and create the necessary conditions for the development of culture. When planning the timing of planting, the characteristics of the greenhouse and the climate of the region are taken into account.

If seedlings are grown on an industrial scale, then seeding is done from mid-February to the first decade of March. Until the transfer of seedlings to the garden, at least 65 days pass, which means that in early May you can plan a transplant. You can shift the timing of sowing and transplanting by 7-10 days, if there are certain conditions.

Eggplant can be planted in heated greenhouses in the second half of January. Transplant dates with this schedule are shifted to the beginning of April. This technology is not cheap, so for a start it is worth calculating the profitability.

In the Moscow region, blue seedlings are transferred to greenhouses until May 10-15. In the Krasnodar Territory and Siberia, these events are planned for the second half of May, and sometimes even the beginning of June.

How to plant seedlings

When planting seedlings, the main thing avoid overcrowded beds, this leads to a decrease in yield and an increase in the risk of infection with fungal diseases.

On 1 m2 is placed about five plants in heated greenhouses no more than three- in unheated structures. When forming beds in rows, adhere to the following intervals:

  • row spacing - 60-65 cm;
  • the distance between the holes in a row is 30-35 cm.

The depth of planting seedlings is 15-18 cm. Favorable temperature conditions for the adaptation of young shoots correspond to 18-20 degrees(on the ground at least 15 degrees).

For varieties with spreading bushes, a scheme with a checkerboard arrangement of holes (60 cm interval) is more suitable. Low-growing plants are planted in 2 rows with a row spacing of 65 cm, the distance between bushes in a row is 40-45 cm.

Care of the first shoots

After germination, seedlings need special conditions and temperature conditions. 18-20 degrees.


For the normal development of young shoots, a light day of at least 12 hours is required.

To ensure this condition, you will need to install indoors fluorescent lamps. Additional illumination should be evenly distributed over all containers with seedlings.


Excess moisture can lead to the death of the plant, so seedlings are watered sparingly. The frequency of procedures 1 time in 3-5 days. Water is introduced in small portions into the soil, not onto the sprouts.

Top dressing and fertilizers

The first top dressing is applied after the appearance of the first shoots. The choice of fertilizer is treated carefully, because the development of culture depends on its properties.

Some gardeners prefer liquid solutions, such as potassium nitrate (3 grams per 1 liter of water). When introducing a liquid, they try not to get on the greens so as not to burn it. An ash solution (a glass of ash per 7 liters of water) is considered no less useful. Kemira Lux fertilizer has proven itself well (2g per 1 liter of water).

The second feed is introduced after 3-4 weeks. Such means as have not lost their relevance: Biohumus, Healthy Garden, Bioton. They are absolutely safe for culture, but they do their job well.

Care for grown eggplants


In culture, the flowers are bisexual, the process of pollination occurs spontaneously. To enhance the effect in the morning, you can walk through the rows and lightly shake each bush. More drastic measures for pollination are not provided.

Features of the formation of bushes

To increase fruiting, eggplant bushes must be pinched.

You can create it in three ways: in one, two and three stems. The option of plant formation is chosen solely taking into account the characteristics of the variety. Extra ovaries pull forces on themselves, preventing the rest of the fruits from developing, so removing them is considered a necessity.

When cultivating vegetables in a greenhouse pruning is done 2 weeks after planting seedlings. To do this, all processes located below the first branch are removed. After the formation of 4-5 shoots, pinch the top.

You can also navigate during this procedure at the height of the bush, it should be in the range of 25-30 cm. For high varieties, you may need to tie up the bushes.

Watering and necessary feeding

5 days after planting seedlings on greenhouse beds, you need to moisten the plants warm water. Carry out further procedures at least once a week better in the morning. Water is introduced under the root of the plant so that the foliage remains dry.

To prevent the development of fungal diseases, you need to regularly ventilate the greenhouse.

During the growing season, eggplants are fed 3-5 times. When cultivating a vegetable in a greenhouse, it is preferable to use complex fertilizers: Mortar, Kemira wagon (1.5 tablespoons of the product per bucket of water). After the formation of the ovaries, nitrogen-phosphorus fertilizers are used (for a bucket of water, 1 tsp of ammonium nitrate, 1 tbsp of superphosphate).

Organic products are also used for top dressing, but they should not be abused, so as not to provoke an intensive growth of greenery. Biud is ideal for eggplant (dissolved with water in proportions of 1:20).

Possible Difficulties When Growing Eggplant

When cultivating eggplant in a greenhouse, the following problems may occur:

  • yellowing of the foliage (the reason often lies in the violation of the irrigation regime or the introduction of fertilizer, the disease is also not excluded);
  • falling ovaries (occurs as a result of a lack or excess of moisture);
  • the bush develops well, and the ovaries are poorly formed (the reason lies in excessive feeding with nitrogen fertilizers or lack of pruning);
  • the plant blooms, but does not bear fruit (better pollination is required);
  • leaves curl (possible causes: pests, excess moisture, lack of light);
  • spots on the leaves (more often the cause is direct sunlight);
  • weak growth of shoots after transplantation (slowdown in development is more likely associated with the root system, you need to feed it with Kornevin).

Harvest and storage

Harvesting is planned for the ripening period of the variety. Technical ripeness occurs 25-40 days after flowering seedlings.

You should not navigate by color, long before ripening, the skin of the fruit takes on a characteristic varietal color. The first clue would be the degree of firmness of the pulp. When you press the eggplant, a small dent will remain, which is very quickly restored.

Ripe fruits are cut with secateurs, leaving a 3-5 cm tail. Cool for storage. dark place(usually basement). Vegetables can be placed in boxes in 2 layers. To keep the crop longer, vegetables are shifted with straw or parchment paper. Every 2 weeks it is recommended to make an audit in order to remove deteriorating copies from the box.