
How to grow tomatoes under covering material? Growing seedlings in open ground under a film How to grow tomatoes under a film.

All about the lawn

To strengthen the film on an open field, wire with a diameter of 6 mm, wooden slats (40 × 40 mm), thin wooden planks from waste wood, wide-headed nails, twine are required.

The wire is cut into equal rods 1.8 m long and bent into an arc so that the distance between the ends is 90 cm. These wire arcs are installed in a row at a distance of 1 meter from each other, plunging their ends into the soil by 15 cm.

A film is stretched onto such a frame. It is advisable to place shelters along the length from north to south, across the prevailing winds.

To give the frame stability, the arcs are tied up at the top, connecting with each other with twine. At the ends of the shelter (from the ends), the twine is strengthened to the peg. The height of the frame depends on the width of the polyethylene film. The film is cut into pieces along the length of the rails, and from the ends one meter longer than the rail. The end of the film is straightened along the rail and pressed with a bar, which is nailed.

Planting tomato seedlings

Seedlings are placed in the middle of the frame in 2 rows with a distance between them of 30 cm, and between plants - in a row - 40 cm. Thus, the location of plants on the field area will be two-line tapes with a distance of 160 cm between the tapes.

After stretching the film on the frame, the width of the path between two parallel shelters will be 100 cm. On such a wide path, it is convenient to carry out work on caring for plants and harvesting fruits. However, this distance between the tapes can be reduced if desired.

Seedlings are planted in spreading, placing the stem along the length of the row. After planting and watering, the film is stretched, covering with soil for the purpose of warming, both the slats and the end ends.

Caring for a tomato under a film

Caring for a tomato under a film is almost no different from caring for plants in the open field. In warm weather, the frame is opened by twisting the film onto a rail. Film shelters serve as a reliable protection for plants at night, when there is a danger of frost, in spring and autumn, as well as during prolonged cold snaps during the summer.

In sunny weather, it is necessary to carefully monitor the air temperature under the film. It can rise to 50-60 degrees, and this will lead to plant burns.

The use of film shelters allows you to plant seedlings earlier than usual, that is, around May 10-15.

The gardener's labor costs for growing tomatoes under the film increase significantly, but the costs are more than 2 times paid off by the early harvest of ripe fruits.

Planting a tomato in a greenhouse is used to obtain strong seedlings. Some start growing tomatoes by choosing seeds. This is an important and responsible moment. Not only the taste and appearance of vegetables, but also their viability depend on the quality of the planting material. It would be superfluous to explain in detail why seeds should be bought only from trusted sellers who have the appropriate licenses and quality certificates for the product.

There is another important nuance - the right choice of variety. It must have qualities that allow it to grow seedlings in a greenhouse precisely in the climatic conditions to which the region belongs.

Tomatoes are nightshade crops. These are quite sensitive plants, for which proper care is very important. Therefore, before planting tomatoes, you should carefully study the requirements for choosing a place, temperature, watering and fertilizing.

Planting tomato seedlings in a greenhouse always requires a certain procedure:

  1. Seed treatment to improve their viability.
  2. Growing seedlings of vegetables in a greenhouse or at home.
  3. Preparation of beds in the greenhouse.
  4. Planting tomato seedlings in a greenhouse.

It is necessary to take care of plants at all stages of their development. It is worth starting with the processing of seed. Tomato seedlings grow well in a warm and fairly bright room. If it is planned to leave it on the balcony, then it should be well insulated.

Seeds of vegetables must be wrapped in damp gauze. It is placed in hot water and kept in it for about 2 hours. After that, an antiseptic treatment is carried out: the tissue with the seed is placed in a weak solution of potassium permanganate for 15 minutes.

The next step is feeding. A solution of wood ash has proven itself well. It is very easy to prepare it. You need to take 1 tbsp. substances and stir in 1 liter of warm water. Gauze with seeds should remain in this solution for 2 days.

The hardening procedure allows vegetables to become more resistant to diseases and weather conditions. To do this, they are placed in the refrigerator for 48 hours. Immediately before planting, they are heated for 5-6 hours in a warm place.

Tomatoes in a greenhouse (video)

Planting seeds

Tomato seedlings are grown in special boxes filled with high-quality soil intended for garden crops. If it is decided to leave containers with seeds in a greenhouse, it is better to cover them with a film. This will protect weak young roots from possible temperature changes during the day and at night.

The ground should be warm and moist. It is allowed to use humus and complex mineral fertilizers that promote the development of the root system and the growth of green shoots. Seeds are placed in grooves to a depth of no more than 1 cm. The distance between future shoots should be 2 cm.

The first 5-7 days the boxes are kept in a dark place. As soon as shoots appear, the container should be moved to where the young plants will receive a lot of sunlight. Seedlings can be watered once a week with an ash solution or liquid complex top dressing.

After 14 days, when the stems are well strengthened, it is recommended to pick the plants. Tomatoes need to be planted 50 days after the start of growth. By this time, the greenhouse should be completely ready.

Planting a tomato in a greenhouse (video)

Tomatoes in the greenhouse: the secrets of a good harvest

Growing tomatoes in the open field is not very different from the rules for caring for vegetables cultivated in greenhouses. Many people wonder how to properly plant vegetables in order to guarantee a rich and high-quality harvest. To do this, you need to observe a few simple conditions that are necessary for the growth and development of seedlings in a greenhouse:

  1. Planting a tomato should be carried out when the soil is warm enough. This refers to ground temperatures above 10°C. You can wait until mid-May, when warm weather sets in, or put a heater in the greenhouse, artificially creating optimal conditions for planting vegetables.
  2. 7-10 days before transferring seedlings to open ground, beds are made in a greenhouse. They should be about 40 cm high and 70-80 cm wide. The distance between the rows is 60 cm. The earth is fertilized with humus and dug up, then lightly watered.

It is strongly not recommended to add fresh manure to the soil. It overheats slowly, while releasing a lot of heat. This can damage weak roots. A large amount of nitrogen, which is contained in fresh organic fertilizer, will cause rapid growth of green mass and slow down the formation of fruits.

Processing seedlings before transfer to open ground

Some gardeners know a special secret on how to grow a rich crop of vegetables in a greenhouse without fear of changeable spring weather and various diseases that affect cultivated plants. It consists in preparing seedlings before transferring them to the beds.

After the shoots appear, the boxes with plants are periodically exposed to the open air or the room in which they are located is well ventilated. By additionally hardening the crop, it is possible to ensure its resistance to diseases and low soil temperatures, which is not excluded even in a greenhouse.

A week before planting tomatoes in a greenhouse, seedlings are sprayed with a solution of boric acid. To prepare it, it is enough to take 1 g of the substance per 1 liter of water. This will save the formed buds and increase the yield of the plant.

About half an hour before the start of work on the transfer of young shoots to a permanent place, they are recommended to be watered abundantly.

Transplanting tomatoes from a container to a greenhouse

Planting tomato seedlings is done carefully so as not to damage the roots. Cotyledon leaves are best cut off immediately. If the shoots have grown too large, then the lower branches are also removed. Otherwise, they will end up in the ground.

Holes are made in the garden with a depth of no more than 25 cm. The distance between them is 40-50 cm. This is necessary so that the grown bushes are not crowded. Seedlings are placed in the hole at a slight angle and its roots are lightly covered with earth. Then watered and covered with soil again. After that, the surface of the earth in the root region is rammed.

If the shoots are too large, then experienced gardeners recommend making not holes, but trenches. In them, the plant should be laid almost horizontally, leaving a small above-ground part. This allows the seedlings to develop additional roots and take root faster in new conditions.

During planting, the use of complex mineral fertilizers is allowed, subject to the instructions for use. Next to each bush, it is better to immediately build a support for plants.

Growing tomatoes is a rather laborious process. But following the basic rules for caring for a crop allows you to get a great harvest of tasty and healthy vegetables.

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Tomato is one of the most popular vegetable crops due to its nutritional and dietary properties. It is distinguished by a huge variety of varieties and easy care. Tomatoes can be grown both in open ground and under a film, in a greenhouse, even on a balcony or windowsill.

In late March - early April, you need to plant seedlings in a box with soil. Caring for her is simple: watering with settled water, fertilizing with fertilizers. It is also necessary to “harden” the seedlings: bring them out into the light (for example, onto a balcony) during the daytime. After the seedlings grow, they must be transplanted into the ground. Under the film, tomatoes are planted in mid-May, and in open ground - in June (to avoid the threat of frost). The landing time depends on the specific climatic conditions. The defining sign of planting seedlings are blooming flowers on the first brush. When buying tomatoes, you should pay attention to the height of the stem and its color: it should be approximately 20 cm with dark green leaves. It is better to purchase seedlings grown in peat pots. In the fall, it is necessary to prepare a place for future tomatoes: dig up the ground, add peat and compost. Close up complex fertilizer shortly before planting. Before dropping off tomatoes, they need to be watered abundantly. It is better to choose a place for growing on the south side, protected from the winds. Tomatoes are best planted either in the early morning or in the evening, when the sun is already at its zenith. At the very moment of planting, you first need to dig holes about 30 cm deep and half fill them with rotted manure, leave a distance of about 45 cm between the holes. If the weather is dry, then the earth must be abundantly moistened. The plant must be removed from the pot, being careful not to break the stem or damage the roots. Then put a tomato bush and sprinkle it with earth so that the first leaf is immediately above the ground. All planted tomatoes should be watered again. Place a stake near each bush and tie the stem to it with twine, making a knot in the form of a figure eight, so that the rope does not dig into it. As the stem grows, the rope must be tied up. After planting, the soil can be mulched.

Techniques for growing tomato seedlings, feeding and caring for it

In the Krasnodar Territory, tomatoes are one of the leading vegetable crops. No wonder. Cultivation of tomatoes is one of the main directions of development of the Kuban agriculture. No private garden is complete without tomatoes. They are grown by planting seeds in open ground or through seedlings. Growing seedlings of tomatoes in peat tablets, in home-made containers, in "diapers", in sawdust - that's what gardeners do as soon as the "spring smells". But before planting the seeds for seedlings, it is necessary to accurately calculate the date of sowing if possible. This is what our next conversation is about.

By the amount of vitamins, mineral salts, tomatoes are superior to oranges, cherries, strawberries, peaches. Tomato fruits contain up to 12% sugars, citric, malic acids. The more sugar with a sufficient amount of acid, the more pleasant the taste of tomatoes. The best combination of sugar-acid is 8:1. The fruits of tomatoes grown in the Krasnodar Territory are among the best in the world.

Preparing tomato seeds

In order to get good seedlings, it is necessary to prepare the seeds for sowing. For this purpose, the required number of seeds is immersed in water or a 3-5% solution of table salt, kept there for 3-5 minutes to separate by specific gravity. All this time they must be constantly stirred so that they are completely moistened. The most full-bodied will sink down, they must be used for sowing.

After separating the seeds in a salt solution, they must be thoroughly washed with running water. Then the seeds are treated with a 1% solution of potassium permanganate (1 g of potassium permanganate crystals: 100 ml of water) for 30 minutes. Instead of potassium permanganate, you can use a 2-3% solution of hydrogen peroxide - soak the seeds for 7-8 minutes, a solution of boric acid (1/2 teaspoon of boric acid powder: 1 glass of water) - soak the seeds for 2-3 hours. Then be sure to rinse them under running water.

If possible, they can be enriched with oxygen (sparging), which accelerates the emergence of seedlings. This technique is especially necessary for hard-to-sprout vegetable seeds (pepper, eggplant, parsley, celery, carrots, etc.). You can use a compressor or a sprayer used for aquariums for this purpose. Instead of a compressor, an air-filled chamber is used. Tomato seeds are bubbling for 10-12 hours.

Before sowing, they are slightly dried, sown to obtain seedlings. For 1 sq. meter sown no more than 10-12 g of seeds. To do this, grooves are made every 4-5 cm with a depth of 1-1.5 cm, in which seeds are sown in rows.

When calculating the time for sowing tomato seeds to obtain seedlings, you need to know the timing of the onset of flowering and fruit ripening. With optimal soil temperature (24-26 degrees) and sufficient moisture, good seeds germinate in 4-5 days. From germination to flowering usually takes 50-60 days.

How to accurately calculate the date of sowing tomato seeds for seedlings?

If you plan to plant seedlings on May 7-9, then from this date you need to count back 55-60 days according to the calendar. 55-60 days is the age of seedlings releasing buds. And we add 5 days - so much time it takes the shoots to appear from the ground. We get the date March 3-8. So, during this period of time you need to sow the seeds. And if you live in the south and want to plant seedlings, for example, in open ground on April 20-25, then counting back 60-65 days, we get the dates - February 19-24.

Tomato seedlings for growing under film cover

For the central zone of the Krasnodar Territory, the best time for sowing tomato seeds for growing seedlings is the first decade of February. For the northern, northeastern regions - 10-15 days later, that is, mid-February-early March. After sowing, boxes, cassettes with sown tomato seeds are installed in a room with a temperature of 22-25 degrees. As soon as single shoots have appeared, the boxes are taken out to a cool, bright room (glazed balcony, veranda, the most well-lit window) with a temperature of 8-12 degrees. A decrease in temperature during the emergence of seedlings prevents the elongation of tomato seedlings.

After the emergence of shoots, the temperature regime should be as follows: during the day in sunny weather - 18-20 degrees, when cloudy - 16-18, at night - 8-10 degrees. Watering is not worth it. Tomatoes do not tolerate waterlogging of the soil. Tomato seedlings are rarely watered, before you see that the plants are about to begin to wilt. The water temperature is 25-28 degrees.

In the second decade of March, it is necessary to start preparing a place for a pick. For this purpose, the brightest place is chosen, protected from the north, northeast by buildings, trees from cold winds. A trench is dug 18-20 cm deep (on a shovel bayonet) 70-90 cm wide or along the width of the film that will be used to cover the seedlings. The bottom of the trench for insulation from cold soil is covered with a heat-insulating layer 10-12 cm thick. Straw, sawdust, old leaves, and other waste are excellent material for thermal insulation. Nutrient soil is poured on top, the same as was used for growing seedlings. In its absence, you can use the soil taken out when digging a trench.

In order for the soil to warm up, it is covered with a film 5-7 days before picking. For this purpose, through 60-70 cm from each other, arcs of 6-8 mm wire, willow twigs are installed. After the soil warms up well, tomato seedlings are planted, which have one or two true leaves.

A few years ago, I experimented with the timing of planting seedlings: the first planting is the beginning of the third decade of March (March 20-23), the second is the end of this decade (March 26-30). Experience has shown that tomatoes planted under film cover in the last days of March give an earlier, higher yield. I think that this is due to more favorable temperature and light conditions.

Seedlings grown under film cover, under film, are more adapted to endure adverse climatic conditions when transplanted into open ground than those grown under glass.

In some years, when growing tomato seedlings under a film, there is a danger of freezing it from low night temperatures. Now polyethylene film is being produced, which saves 1.5-2.5 degrees from frost. In order to reduce heat loss, you can cover with a second layer of film. To do this, install the second row of arcs in such a way that between the first and second layers there is a space 5-8 cm wide. And as you know, air is a poor conductor of heat. With such a shelter, seedlings can withstand frosts down to minus 7-8 degrees.

Method for increasing and maintaining the temperature under the film

The Sochi Institute of Mountain Horticulture and Floriculture proposed an original method for increasing the heat-retaining capacity of film shelters. Its essence is that during the friction of two polymeric materials with different dielectric constants, an electric field is formed, which constantly keeps air directly at the surface of the film. This layer of air retains the heat emitted by the soil, which increases the temperature difference between the air under the film and the surrounding air by 5-8 degrees, thus protecting plants from death at low temperatures.

To do this, a mesh of another polymeric material, such as nylon, is superimposed on top of the film shelter (greenhouses, tunnels). When the film and nylon mesh vibrate from the wind, an electric field is created that holds the air.

The amount of charge depends on atmospheric conditions, the size of the grid cells. The finer the mesh, the stronger the vibrations of the film or mesh from the wind, the greater the amount of charge, and, consequently, the heat-retaining properties of the film increase.

Growing seedlings of tomatoes on sawdust

It is known that the cultivation of any seedlings in peat tablets, cups reduces the loss of the root system when transplanted into open ground. And transportation of plants in pots increases its volume and weight. In addition, it is necessary to specially prepare or buy soil mixtures for peat or plastic cups.

In this regard, an original method was proposed for growing tomato seedlings on a sawdust substrate, which is devoid of the above disadvantages. The technology of growing tomatoes on sawdust is simple. Here is her description.

In a seedling greenhouse, greenhouse, tunnel shelters, sawdust is poured on the leveled surface of the nutrient soil with a layer of 6-8 cm, pre-fermented and seasoned with complete mineral fertilizer. Fermentation is necessary for fresh softwood sawdust containing resinous substances that adversely affect tomato seedlings and other plants too. During fermentation, sawdust is moistened with a 2% solution of ammonium nitrate, kept wet for 10-12 days until the resinous smell disappears. Old, stale sawdust does not require fermentation.

Before laying on the ground, every 100 kg of sawdust is filled with fertilizers: 250-300 g of superphosphate, 180-200 g of ammonium nitrate, 150-200 g of potassium salt or 500-600 g of wood ash (better ash from burning stems, sunflower baskets), which replaces potash fertilizers, at the same time neutralizes the acid reaction of sawdust. It is better to apply liquid nitrogen fertilizers, as it is difficult to evenly mix them with sawdust.

Then, on the leveled layer of sawdust, the soil nutrient mixture is evenly poured with a layer of 4-5 cm, consisting of soddy soil and humus, the ratio is 1:1. In this layer of soil, tomato seeds are sown or 20-25-day-old tomato seedlings are picked. The soil poured on top of the sawdust, as a result of biological combustion, is 1-2 degrees warmer than the soil without sawdust.

Initially, plants develop due to the nutrients contained in bulk soil, and then the root system penetrates into the fertilized layer of sawdust and develops freely there. Tomato seedlings ready for planting, when selected from a greenhouse or greenhouse, almost do not lose their root system. Therefore, it is almost as good as grown in pots or peat tablets, and even surpasses it in terms of yield in the early stages. Experience has shown that seedlings grown on sawdust on July 10 gave a harvest of ripe fruits 1.7 times more than on ordinary soil.

Seedlings "in a film-diaper"

This is a very simple, uncomplicated method of growing seedlings. You need to cut the plastic film, for example, from the bags with which you come from the supermarket, into ribbons, strips. The width is about 10 cm, and the length depends on the number of seeds of a particular variety. Top the film with a strip of toilet paper of the same width and length. Spray the paper with water to evenly soak it. On wet toilet paper, you need to carefully spread the tomato seeds after 2-3 cm, and retreat 1 cm from above. Then, place another ribbon of toilet paper on top of the spread seeds. The last layer is again film. The seeds are between two layers of toilet paper and between two pieces of film - this is our "diaper".

Then you roll the resulting tape like a roll, and place it in some container so that the edge with the seeds is at the top, for example, in a plastic cup, into which you pour a little water to the bottom. Water is needed to keep the paper moist. Put an impromptu greenhouse on a windowsill or other, not necessarily bright, place. It is advisable to change the water periodically. You can add a plant growth stimulator to the water (Heteroauxin, Kornevin, Epin, Zircon, others). Do not add it to a glass with seedlings, but first prepare the solution according to the instructions. I added a solution of HB-101 (1-2 drops per 1 liter of water). After 5-7 days, the first sprouts will appear. Now for your "diaper" you need to choose a bright place.

After the appearance of two or three true leaves, you can dive into pots with soil. How to do it? We need to unroll our roll. Then remove the top strip of film. You will see that the germinated tomato seeds lie in diapers with roots 5-7 cm long. You can visually see which plants have strong stems and which ones have weak ones. The paper is so wet that it won't interfere. So dive with her

This method of growing seedlings "in diapers" is attractive because it does not take up much space. No dirt when picking.

Just don't twist the rolls too tight. If oxygen is not supplied to the seeds, they may not sprout. In addition, water will stagnate in heavily twisted rolls - the seeds may rot.

Hardening method for growing tomato seedlings

For extra early planting of tomatoes, seedlings are needed that can withstand the adverse conditions of early spring. When growing it, the use of triple hardening is of great importance. This is a 5-6 day hardening of seeds according to the Voronova method. For this purpose, tomato seeds are soaked in warm water (25-28 degrees) for 6-8 hours. Then they are placed in a damp cloth in a warm place until a single pecking of seeds.

From this period, the actual hardening process begins. The seeds that have hatched are placed in a refrigerator for 16-18 hours at a temperature close to zero. After this time, they are taken out of the refrigerator, kept for 6-8 hours at a temperature of 18-20 degrees. So the seeds are hardened for no more than 5-6 days.

Then the hardened seeds are sown in prepared boxes with sod-humus soil. After sowing, the box is placed in a warm room with a temperature of 22-25 degrees. With the advent of mass shoots, boxes with plants must be taken out to a bright room (greenhouse, greenhouse, balcony, put on a window facing south), the night temperature must be reduced to 6-10 degrees, and the daytime temperature should be maintained at 18-20 degrees.

This mode is maintained for 2 weeks, that is, until the first true leaf appears. Plants need to get plenty of light. There is a temperature-light hardening of seedlings.

Two weeks after germination, the temperature at night is increased to 10-16 degrees until the plants form a second true leaf, that is, it will be ready for picking.

Then the tomato seedlings are dived into the soil of the greenhouse, greenhouse, tunnel shelter according to the scheme 7x7, 8x8 cm, closing it up to the very cotyledon leaves, watered with warm water, shaded from the sun. After picking, especially after picking under a film shelter, the row-spacings are mulched with humus, peat with the addition of fungicides Maxim, TMTD (tetramethylthiuram disulfide), or other fungicides-protectants for disinfecting seeds or plants of agricultural crops. crops, or 3-5% wood ash, lime, which increases the resistance of tomato seedlings to black leg damage and other diseases.

After picking, when the seedlings take root, the temperature must be maintained during the day in cloudy weather 18-20 degrees, in sunny weather - 22-25 degrees, and at night - 10-12 degrees. When the seedlings have 3-4 true leaves, they are again hardened with low positive temperatures: at night - 8-10, during the day - 18-20 degrees for 2-2.5 weeks. After that, the temperature is maintained at night - 14-16, during the day 20-22 degrees.

10-12 days before planting, the last hardening is carried out. The temperature is reduced, if possible, to 2-5 degrees. First, the film is slightly opened or tucked up, and after 2-3 days it is removed first during the day, and then completely for the entire time until disembarkation. Plants with such upbringing grow stocky, strong, with short internodes.

The temperature regime created during hardening is close to temperature fluctuations in open ground in early spring. Therefore, such seedlings of tomatoes tolerate transplantation well, and established plants withstand cold snaps, even short-term frosts down to minus 1 degree in the air and minus 1.5-2 degrees on the soil. It can be planted in open ground 7-10 days earlier than the generally accepted dates.

But here it should be especially noted that lighting when growing seedlings is important, it greatly affects the early harvest. The most favorable light regime develops under film shelters, better than glass, which transmit ultraviolet rays.

Hardened seedlings are recommended to be grown with active ventilation and moderate water supply, that is, no more than 2-3 waterings should be carried out during the entire growing period. With frequent, abundant watering (5-6), it is more prone to black leg disease, quickly outgrows, fruit yield decreases by almost 20%.

Feeding tomato seedlings, caring for her

While the plants are growing, they are fed 2-3 times. The number of feedings depends on their condition. It is best to carry out top dressing, timed to watering.

The first feeding is carried out after the tomato seedlings take root after picking. For 10 liters of water, take 8-12 g of ammonium nitrate, 40 g of superphosphate, 7-10 g of potassium salt. A bucket of solution is consumed for 2-3 square meters. meters.

The second feeding is carried out 8-10 days after the first. It is better to carry it out with fermented chicken manure or slurry, diluted 10-12 times, with the addition of 60 g of superphosphate to a bucket of water or mineral fertilizers alone per 10 liters of water - 15-18 g of ammonium nitrate, 70-80 g of superphosphate, 20 -25 g of potassium chloride or potassium salt.

The third top dressing is carried out 3-4 days before the seedlings are sampled (for 10 liters of water - 10 g of ammonium nitrate, 40 g of superphosphate, 60 g of potassium chloride. It must be borne in mind that superphosphate is very poorly soluble, so 2-3 days before top dressing they do extract from it, that is, dissolve separately.

If during feeding the solution gets on the leaves, it must be washed off the leaves with clean water. When growing tomato seedlings under a film, as a rule, the air humidity is higher than under glass, so more attention should be paid to carrying out preventive treatments against diseases, and more often to ventilate.

To prevent seedlings from pulling out if it is impossible to plant them in the ground in time due to adverse weather conditions (rain, snow, late cold spring, etc.), they are treated with a 0.1-0.2% solution in the 4-5 leaf phase preparation TUR (chlorcholine chloride) - 10 g per 10 l of water, or 0.07% hydrol solution - 7 g per 10 l of water, any plant growth regulator, for example, Athlete, HB-101, Epin Extra. If necessary, spraying can be repeated after a week.

To prevent fungal and bacterial diseases, tomato seedlings are sprayed with a 1% solution of Bordeaux liquid with the addition of 2 g of potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate) per 10 l of solution or any copper-containing preparation, for example, Oksikhom, Tsineb. For better fertilization of flowers, it is also useful to add 1-2 g of boric acid there.

A day before sampling, tomato seedlings are plentifully watered, sorted during sampling, and underdeveloped, diseased plants are rejected. The root system is dipped in a solution of Heteroauxin, Kornevin.

When and how to plant tomatoes for seedlings. Secrets of growing tomato seedlings.

February and March are the months when we are actively starting to deal with tomatoes. We choose the best tomato seeds, stock up on land and pots for seedlings. Let's see what kind of work real gardeners do, and most importantly, how and when to plant tomatoes for seedlings.

February- the right time to purchase soil and prepare boxes for seedlings of pepper, tomato and eggplant. The entire future harvest is laid in the seedling period. By the way, it will be said that plant transplantation is a forced measure that summer residents are forced to resort to for earlier plant development and accelerated fruit ripening.

When to plant tomatoes for seedlings in 2016

  • Tall tomatoes, as well as peppers and eggplant, are sown for seedlings at the end of February from the 20th to March 10th.
  • Tomatoes that are planned to be transplanted into a greenhouse in April are planted for seedlings in February on planting days. These are February 13, 14.15 and 18, 2016.
  • Early and mid-ripening tomato varieties are sown for seedlings in March, on favorable planting days. In 2016, tomato seedlings are planted on March 13 and 16. It is possible to plant tomatoes during the Waxing Moon period, which in 2016 lasts from March 10 to 22.
  • In April, there are several favorable days when you can plant tomatoes for seedlings, if you have not already done so. In this case, choose seedlings for seedlings of superdeterminate undersized varieties and hybrids for open ground, ultra varieties or cherry tomatoes. The best days for planting a tomato in April are the 8th, 9th and 14th.

When to plant seeds of large-fruited tomatoes and tomatoes.

Large, strongly growing varieties of tomatoes, such as Russian Size, Pink Giant, Bullish Heart, are usually late-ripening, so they need to be planted in the third decade of February.

How to plant tomatoes for seedlings with seeds.

Preparing tomato seeds for planting according to the grandmother's proven method:

  • To plant tomatoes for seedlings at home, soak tomato seeds in advance. Wrap the seeds in a cloth or bandage and moisten with warm water. Let the days lie like this.
  • Stock up on fertile land, you can buy it, or you can dig it up in the garden in the fall. Pour the earth into a fairly large container - for example, a cake lid.
  • Water the prepared soil a little so that it becomes moist. Lightly press the ground with the palm of your hand.
  • At a distance of 3 cm from each other, put the seeds on the ground, sprinkle with earth on top quite lightly. And again pat the landings with your palm.
  • Now water well. And cover the top of the box with seedlings with glass or just a bag to create the effect of a greenhouse.
  • Place the box in a warm, dark place.
  • After a couple of days, when tomato sprouts appear, remove the film and put the box in a bright place.

Many gardeners follow the same method and sow tomato seeds exactly 4 by 4 in a box of humus soil. After planting the seeds, cover the container with foil or glass and place in a warm place. With the advent of sprouts, after 3-4 days, the film is removed and the seedlings are placed on a bright windowsill. If the window on which the seedling box stands is not south, then a fluorescent lamp is placed so that the tomato seedlings receive enough light for development.

How to grow tomato seedlings.

As soon as you have the first shoots of tomato seedlings, do not forget to feed them. Top dressing should be started as soon as the cotyledon leaves unfold and the plant switches to root nutrition; you should not wait for the appearance of real leaves. Combine top dressing with watering, that is, use a weak fertilizer solution instead of water for irrigation. For this, “Uniflor-buton” is suitable, if you do not find such top dressing, then you can use “Kemira-Lux” or top dressing for flowers. It is enough to dilute 1 teaspoon in 3-5 liters of water.

It should be noted that these solutions are worth an unlimited time. Seedlings should be watered moderately, the soil should be slightly moist. When growing in a greenhouse, use an automatic watering system. A common mistake gardeners make is over-watering. It leads to:

  • root death due to lack of oxygen
  • acidification of the soil,
  • the appearance of the black fruit fly, drosdophila, feeding on plant rot.

Transplant seedlings to a larger place after 20 days, so that each plant has a place measuring 12 x 12 cm. This space will last for another 20 days. 45 day old seedlings are planted in the soil under a film or in a polycarbonate greenhouse. When transplanting tomato seedlings, take the plant along with soil cubes so as not to damage the roots.

When growing seedlings in a winter greenhouse, install LED grow lights.

At the same time, do not forget that seedlings are already a plant. And you need to treat it like an adult plant, if you give it little light or space, then the tomato seedlings will grow bad. A bad plant will not make a good plant. He will not catch up and will not replenish, he will only pretend, but in fact he will not give half of the harvest.

A good seedling of a tomato is when the plant grows without interference, in an open sunny place, with enough heat, nutrition and moisture. The main rule of seedlings: space and light for each plant! Good seedlings grow more in breadth than in height. After a month, the stem of the tomato seedling should be as thick as a pencil. This is where LED lighting comes in handy.

How, when to plant tomato seedlings, and most importantly, grow seedlings of large-fruited tomato varieties for planting in a greenhouse:

When and how to plant tomatoes

When to plant tomatoes

The timing of planting tomatoes for seedlings is individual for each gardener. It is taken into account where (in a greenhouse or in open ground) and when they will be planted. Optimally, seedlings before planting in a permanent place should spend about 45-55 days on the window, no more. They start from this in choosing the day of landing and look at the lunar calendar. For late and tall varieties, this is usually the end of February, for early and undersized tomatoes - the beginning of March.

Preparing tomato seeds for sowing

Before sowing seeds for seedlings, they need to be prepared. First, the seeds must be disinfected, for example, with a 1% solution of potassium permanganate for 15 minutes. Then soak in Epin's solution (2 drops per 100 ml of water) at room temperature for 18 hours. Instead of Epin, you can use aloe juice or the Zircon preparation (1 drop per 250 ml of water). After that, the swollen tomato seeds can be sown.

For sowing seeds, it is better to use ready-made soil (sold in stores), since the development of the root system depends on its quality.

Sowing tomato seeds for seedlings

To begin with, we level the ground, moderately moisten and slightly compact it. You can spread the swollen seeds on the soil surface in rows without making any grooves, and then gently press them, for example, with a pencil to a depth of 1 cm, large-fruited varieties, and to a depth of 0.5 cm, medium and small-fruited varieties, then cover with earth. The distance between the seeds should be about 2 cm, and between the rows - 3-4 cm. If the plantings thicken, then the "black leg" disease may appear, the plants at the base of the stem become thinner and fall, and then the seedlings can no longer be saved.

After sowing the seeds, the boxes with them must be covered with foil or glass and placed in a warm place where the temperature is 22-28 degrees. Once a day, you need to open this mini greenhouse and wipe the condensate from the film, at which time the seedlings are airing.

People often ask what day the tomato seedlings appear.

Under normal conditions, tomato seedlings appear on the 4-9th day.

After the appearance of sprout loops, seedling boxes are placed in the sunniest place, the plants need a lot of light, otherwise they will stretch. The film is removed. They begin to water when the plants grow a little, to a height of about 2 cm. They do this as the soil dries up. It is necessary to water very carefully, trying not to fall on the leaves.

Picking tomatoes

When the plants have two true leaves (usually on the 20th day, if there is enough light), the seedlings are watered abundantly and swooped into separate cups or pots, covered with soil to the cotyledon leaves. Tomatoes, unlike peppers, easily tolerate transplants at any age. Do not use bags and jars of lactic acid products for planting tomatoes, as there may be lactic acid bacteria that cause root disease. Immediately after transplanting, the seedlings are removed from a sunny place, and after a couple of days they are returned back to the windowsill.

Seedling feeding

When the plants have their third true leaf, they are especially in need of light, as the first inflorescence begins to form. Ten days after transplanting, a new root system is formed and the seedlings noticeably increase in growth. At this time, you need to pour a little earth. If you planted seeds in a purchased soil mixture for tomatoes, then you can not feed the seedlings. Usually, when growing tomato seedlings, two top dressings are made. The first feeding is carried out 10 days after picking with the following solution: 5 g of urea, 35 g of superphosphate, 15 g of potassium sulfate per 10 liters of water. The second feeding is carried out after another two weeks: 10 g of urea, 60 g of superphosphate, 20 g of potassium sulfate. You can also carry out top dressing with ready-made complex fertilizers with trace elements.

If tomato seedlings are grown correctly, then by the time they are planted in the ground, these are plants with a stem thickness of about 1 cm and a height of 30-35 cm. They should have 8-9 leaves and the first flower brush. Seedlings are planted in a permanent place in calm cloudy weather.

Who tried to plant tomatoes on a black film?


And I got wonderful tomatoes under the black material, the neighbors were envious. For the whole summer I watered 2 times, although the summer was not rainy. Once every 2 weeks I sprayed with metranidazole, and pinching. Not a single bush fell ill and did not disappear. And there were 150 of them.


After all, their roots are very superficial and they like to be sprinkled with earth, and it will be hot under lutrasil.


This is how I grow strawberries, zucchini, watermelons and roses And under my tomatoes I have basil And they grow quickly and block the light for weeds But try to cover the entire garden with black film in the fall

Alexandra Omelchenko

I don't grow

Ptisa Fyva

I covered it with dry grass this year. Tormented. Don't spud. I won't tape.

Tatiana Pavlova

If there is dampness in the air and a decrease in temperature, then there will be phytophthora anyway.
From weeds, this method does not suit me - in the heat, the roots will get very hot and burn out completely, it's better to just mulch.

Adelaide Markoffeva

Tomatoes need to be constantly spudded, almost every 2 weeks, and the film will interfere. From phytophthora, whey will help you, and adult tomatoes are not afraid of weeds. But cucumbers on a warm ridge under the film, I think, will be delighted. I will be doing this this summer.

Mityai Bukhankin

somehow I tried it, but it’s very hot here and while the seedlings grow, the sun can simply cook it. it turns out clean and beautiful, but heat is heat.

New day

The roots will suffer from the heat. To avoid phytophthora - any mulch, even newspapers in several layers.
I mulch with mowed lawn grass, if there is enough compost, I mulch with it.
By the way, if the tomatoes are planted obliquely, almost horizontally, then no hilling is required.


one of our gardeners posted a good link - I liked it;action=forum


I developed a huge number of slugs under the black film, which crawled out at night and destroyed my tomatoes

When in the suburbs in May can I plant tomatoes under a film?


To grow a good crop of tomatoes, you need to know at what temperature the plants grow.

Tomato seeds begin to germinate at a temperature of + 13- + 15 degrees, if the tomato variety is cold-resistant, then the seedlings germinate at + 10 degrees, the hardened seeds can sprout at +8 degrees. But the most favorable temperature lies within + 20 - + 25 degrees, seeds germinate on the sixth day

Below + 10 degrees - tomatoes stop growing, if this temperature lasts for a long time, then flowers begin to fall off, and the appearance of fruits is delayed for ten to twelve days.

Under the film, the temperature should not be higher than +30 degrees, pollen dies, the future crop disappears.

Watch a video on how to plant tomatoes in the Moscow region in open ground and the second video of growing tomatoes in a greenhouse and in open ground

But in the Moscow region, you can plant tomatoes in a greenhouse as early as mid-May

Growing seedlings of tomatoes - that's what gardeners do as soon as "spring smells". In what only seedlings are not grown - in peat tablets, in home-made containers, in "diapers", in sawdust. In the Krasnodar Territory, tomatoes are one of the leading vegetable crops. No wonder. Cultivation of tomatoes is one of the main directions of development of Kuban agriculture. No private garden is complete without tomatoes.

By the amount of vitamins, mineral salts, tomatoes are superior to oranges, cherries, strawberries, peaches. Tomato fruits contain up to 12% sugars, citric, malic acids. The more sugar with a sufficient amount of acid, the more pleasant the taste of tomatoes. The best combination of sugar-acid is 8:1.

The fruits of tomatoes grown in the Krasnodar Territory are among the best in the world.

Tomatoes - growing seedlings from seeds

In order to get a good one, you need to prepare the seeds for sowing. For this purpose, the required number of seeds is immersed in water or a 3-5% solution of table salt, kept there for 3-5 minutes to separate by specific gravity. All this time they must be constantly stirred so that they are completely moistened. The most full-bodied will sink down, and they must be used for sowing.

After separating the seeds in a salt solution, they must be thoroughly washed with running water. Then the seeds are treated with a 1% solution of potassium permanganate (1 g of potassium permanganate crystals: 100 ml of water) for 30 minutes. Instead of potassium permanganate, you can use a 2-3% solution of hydrogen peroxide - soak the seeds for 7-8 minutes, a solution of boric acid (1/2 teaspoon of boric acid powder: 1 glass of water) - soak the seeds for 2-3 hours. Then be sure to rinse them under running water.

If possible, they can be enriched with oxygen (sparging), which accelerates the emergence of seedlings. This technique is especially necessary for hard-to-sprout vegetable seeds (pepper, eggplant, parsley, celery, carrots, etc.). You can use a compressor or a sprayer used for aquariums for this purpose. Instead of a compressor, an air-filled chamber is used. Tomato seeds are bubbling for 10-12 hours.

Before sowing, they are slightly dried and sown to obtain seedlings. For 1 sq. meter sown no more than 10-12 g of seeds. To do this, grooves are made every 4-5 cm with a depth of 1-1.5 cm, in which seeds are sown in rows.

When calculating the time for sowing tomato seeds to obtain seedlings, you need to know the timing of the onset of flowering and fruit ripening. With optimal soil temperature (24-26 degrees) and sufficient moisture, good seeds germinate in 4-5 days. From germination to flowering usually takes 50-60 days.

When to sow or how to accurately calculate the date of sowing tomato seeds for seedlings?

If you plan to plant seedlings on May 7-9, then from this date you need to count back 55-60 days according to the calendar. 55-60 days is the age of seedlings releasing buds. And we add 5 days - so much time it takes the shoots to appear from the ground. We get the date March 3-8. So, during this period of time you need to sow the seeds. And if you live in the south and want to plant seedlings, for example, in open ground on April 20-25, then counting back 60-65 days, we get the dates - February 19-24.

Growing tomato seedlings in a greenhouse or under film cover

For the central zone of the Krasnodar Territory, the best time for sowing tomato seeds for growing seedlings is the first decade of February. For the northern, northeastern regions - 10-15 days later, that is, mid-February-early March. After sowing, boxes, cassettes with sown tomato seeds are installed in a room with a temperature of 22-25 degrees. As soon as single shoots have appeared, the boxes are taken out to a cool, bright room (glazed balcony, veranda, the most well-lit window) with a temperature of 8-12 degrees. A decrease in temperature during the emergence of seedlings prevents the elongation of tomato seedlings.

After the emergence of shoots, the temperature regime should be as follows: during the day in sunny weather - 18-20 degrees, when cloudy - 16-18, at night - 8-10 degrees. Watering is not worth it. Tomatoes do not tolerate waterlogging of the soil. Tomato seedlings are rarely watered, before you see that the plants are about to begin to wilt. The water temperature is 25-28 degrees.

If you do not have a greenhouse, but want to grow strong seedlings of tomatoes, then in the second decade of March you need to start preparing a place for picking. For this purpose, the brightest place is chosen, protected from the north, northeast by buildings, trees from cold winds. A trench is dug 18-20 cm deep (on a shovel bayonet) 70-90 cm wide or along the width of the film that will be used to cover the seedlings. The bottom of the trench for insulation from cold soil is covered with a heat-insulating layer 10-12 cm thick. Straw, sawdust, old leaves, and other waste are excellent material for thermal insulation. Nutrient soil is poured on top, the same as was used for growing seedlings. In its absence, you can use the soil taken out when digging a trench.

In order for the soil to warm up, it is covered with a film 5-7 days before picking. For this purpose, through 60-70 cm from each other, arcs of 6-8 mm wire, willow twigs are installed. After the soil warms up well, tomato seedlings are planted, which have one or two true leaves.

A few years ago, I experimented with the timing of planting seedlings: the first planting is the beginning of the third decade of March (March 20-23), the second is the end of this decade (March 26-30). Experience has shown that tomatoes planted under film cover in the last days of March give an earlier, higher yield. I think that this is due to more favorable temperature and light conditions.

Seedlings grown under film cover or in a greenhouse are more adapted to endure adverse climatic conditions when transplanted into open ground than those grown under glass.

In some years, when growing tomato seedlings under a film, there is a danger of freezing it from low night temperatures. Now polyethylene film is being produced, which saves 1.5-2.5 degrees from frost. In order to reduce heat loss, you can cover with a second layer of film. To do this, install the second row of arcs in such a way that between the first and second layers there is a space 5-8 cm wide. And as you know, air is a poor conductor of heat. With such a shelter, seedlings can withstand frosts down to minus 7-8 degrees.

A method of raising and maintaining the temperature in a greenhouse or under a film

The Sochi Institute of Mountain Horticulture and Floriculture proposed an original method for increasing the heat-retaining capacity of film shelters. Its essence is that during the friction of two polymeric materials with different dielectric constants, an electric field is formed, which constantly keeps air directly at the surface of the film. This layer of air retains the heat emitted by the soil, which increases the temperature difference between the air under the film and the surrounding air by 5-8 degrees, thus protecting plants from death at low temperatures.

To do this, a mesh of another polymeric material, such as nylon, is superimposed on top of the film shelter (greenhouses, tunnels). When the film and nylon mesh vibrate from the wind, an electric field is created that holds the air.

The amount of charge depends on atmospheric conditions, the size of the grid cells. The finer the mesh, the stronger the vibrations of the film or mesh from the wind, the greater the amount of charge, and, consequently, the heat-retaining properties of the film increase.

Growing seedlings of tomatoes on sawdust

It is known that the cultivation of any seedlings in peat tablets, cups reduces the loss of the root system when transplanted into open ground. And transportation of plants in pots increases its volume and weight. In addition, it is necessary to specially prepare or buy soil mixtures for peat or plastic cups.

In this regard, an original method was proposed for growing tomato seedlings on a sawdust substrate, which is devoid of the above disadvantages. The technology of growing tomatoes on sawdust is simple. Here is her description.

In a seedling greenhouse, greenhouse, tunnel shelters, sawdust is poured on the leveled surface of the nutrient soil with a layer of 6-8 cm, pre-fermented and seasoned with complete mineral fertilizer. Fermentation is necessary for fresh softwood sawdust containing resinous substances that adversely affect tomato seedlings and other plants too. During fermentation, sawdust is moistened with a 2% solution of ammonium nitrate, kept wet for 10-12 days until the resinous smell disappears. Old, stale sawdust does not require fermentation.

Before laying on the ground, every 100 kg of sawdust is filled with fertilizers: 250-300 g of superphosphate, 180-200 g of ammonium nitrate, 150-200 g of potassium salt or 500-600 g of wood ash (better ash from burning stems, sunflower baskets), which replaces potash fertilizers, at the same time neutralizes the acid reaction of sawdust. It is better to apply liquid nitrogen fertilizers, as it is difficult to evenly mix them with sawdust.

Then, on the leveled layer of sawdust, the soil nutrient mixture is evenly poured with a layer of 4-5 cm, consisting of soddy soil and humus, the ratio is 1:1. In this layer of soil, tomato seeds are sown or 20-25-day-old tomato seedlings are picked. The soil poured on top of the sawdust, as a result of biological combustion, is 1-2 degrees warmer than the soil without sawdust.

Initially, plants develop due to the nutrients contained in bulk soil, and then the root system penetrates into the fertilized layer of sawdust and develops freely there. Tomato seedlings ready for planting, when selected from a greenhouse or greenhouse, almost do not lose their root system. Therefore, it is almost as good as grown in pots or peat tablets, and even surpasses it in terms of yield in the early stages. Experience has shown that seedlings grown on sawdust on July 10 gave a harvest of ripe fruits 1.7 times more than on ordinary soil.

Seedlings "in a film-diaper"

This is a very simple, uncomplicated method of growing seedlings. You need to cut the plastic film, for example, from the bags with which you come from the supermarket, into ribbons, strips. The width is about 10 cm, and the length depends on the number of seeds of a particular variety. Top the film with a strip of toilet paper of the same width and length. Spray the paper with water to evenly soak it. On wet toilet paper, you need to carefully spread the tomato seeds after 2-3 cm, and retreat 1 cm from above. Then, place another ribbon of toilet paper on top of the spread seeds. The last layer is again film. The seeds are between two layers of toilet paper and between two pieces of film - this is our "diaper".

Then you roll the resulting tape like a roll, and place it in some container so that the edge with the seeds is at the top, for example, in a plastic cup, into which you pour a little water to the bottom. Water is needed to keep the paper moist. Put an impromptu greenhouse on a windowsill or other, not necessarily bright, place. It is advisable to change the water periodically. You can add a plant growth stimulator to the water (Heteroauxin, Kornevin, Epin, Zircon, others). Do not add it to a glass with seedlings, but first prepare the solution according to the instructions. I added a solution of HB-101 (1-2 drops per 1 liter of water). After 5-7 days, the first sprouts will appear. Now for your "diaper" you need to choose a bright place.

After the appearance of two or three true leaves, you can dive into pots with soil. How to do it? We need to unroll our roll. Then remove the top strip of film. You will see that the germinated tomato seeds lie in diapers with roots 5-7 cm long. You can visually see which plants have strong stems and which ones have weak ones. The paper is so wet that it won't interfere. So dive with her

This method of growing seedlings "in diapers" is attractive because it does not take up much space. No dirt when picking.

Just don't twist the rolls too tight. If oxygen is not supplied to the seeds, they may not sprout. In addition, water will stagnate in heavily twisted rolls - the seeds may rot.

Hardening method for growing tomato seedlings

For extra early planting of tomatoes, seedlings are needed that can withstand the adverse conditions of early spring.

When growing it, the use of triple hardening is of great importance. This is a 5-6 day hardening of seeds according to the Voronova method. For this purpose, tomato seeds are soaked in warm water (25-28 degrees) for 6-8 hours. Then they are placed in a damp cloth in a warm place until a single pecking of seeds.

From this period, the actual hardening process begins. The seeds that have hatched are placed in a refrigerator for 16-18 hours at a temperature close to zero. After this time, they are taken out of the refrigerator, kept for 6-8 hours at a temperature of 18-20 degrees. So the seeds are hardened for no more than 5-6 days.

Then the hardened seeds are sown in prepared boxes with sod-humus soil. After sowing, the box is placed in a warm room with a temperature of 22-25 degrees. With the advent of mass shoots, boxes with plants must be taken out to a bright room (greenhouse, greenhouse, balcony, put on a window facing south), the night temperature must be reduced to 6-10 degrees, and the daytime temperature should be maintained at 18-20 degrees.

This mode is maintained for 2 weeks, that is, until the first true leaf appears. Plants need to get plenty of light. There is a temperature-light hardening of seedlings.

Two weeks after germination, the temperature at night is increased to 10-16 degrees until the plants form a second true leaf, that is, it will be ready for picking.

Then the tomato seedlings are dived into the soil of the greenhouse, greenhouse, tunnel shelter according to the scheme 7x7, 8x8 cm, closing it up to the very cotyledon leaves, watered with warm water, shaded from the sun. After picking, especially after picking under a film shelter, the row-spacings are mulched with humus, peat with the addition of fungicides Maxim, TMTD (tetramethylthiuram disulfide), or other fungicides-protectants for disinfecting seeds or plants of agricultural crops. crops, or 3-5% wood ash, lime, which increases the resistance of tomato seedlings to black leg damage and other diseases.

After picking, when the seedlings take root, the temperature must be maintained during the day in cloudy weather 18-20 degrees, in sunny weather - 22-25 degrees, and at night - 10-12 degrees. When the seedlings have 3-4 true leaves, they are again hardened with low positive temperatures: at night - 8-10, during the day - 18-20 degrees for 2-2.5 weeks. After that, the temperature is maintained at night - 14-16, during the day 20-22 degrees.

10-12 days before planting, the last hardening is carried out. The temperature is reduced, if possible, to 2-5 degrees. First, the film is slightly opened or tucked up, and after 2-3 days it is removed first during the day, and then completely for the entire time until disembarkation. Plants with such upbringing grow stocky, strong, with short internodes.

The temperature regime created during hardening is close to temperature fluctuations in open ground in early spring. Therefore, such seedlings of tomatoes tolerate transplantation well, and established plants withstand cold snaps, even short-term frosts down to minus 1 degree in the air and minus 1.5-2 degrees on the soil. It can be planted in open ground 7-10 days earlier than the generally accepted dates.

But here it should be especially noted that lighting when growing seedlings is important, it greatly affects the early harvest. The most favorable light regime develops under film shelters, better than glass, which transmit ultraviolet rays.

Hardened seedlings are recommended to be grown with active ventilation and moderate water supply, that is, no more than 2-3 waterings should be carried out during the entire growing period. With frequent, abundant watering (5-6), it is more prone to black leg disease, quickly outgrows, fruit yield decreases by almost 20%.

Feeding tomato seedlings, caring for her

While the plants are growing, they are fed 2-3 times. The number of feedings depends on their condition. It is best to carry out top dressing, timed to watering.

The first feeding is carried out after the tomato seedlings take root after picking. For 10 liters of water, take 8-12 g of ammonium nitrate, 40 g of superphosphate, 7-10 g of potassium salt. A bucket of solution is consumed for 2-3 square meters. meters.

The second feeding is carried out 8-10 days after the first. It is better to carry it out with fermented chicken manure or slurry, diluted 10-12 times, with the addition of 60 g of superphosphate to a bucket of water or mineral fertilizers alone per 10 liters of water - 15-18 g of ammonium nitrate, 70-80 g of superphosphate, 20 -25 g of potassium chloride or potassium salt.

The third top dressing is carried out 3-4 days before the seedlings are sampled (for 10 liters of water - 10 g of ammonium nitrate, 40 g of superphosphate, 60 g of potassium chloride. It must be borne in mind that superphosphate is very poorly soluble, so 2-3 days before top dressing they do extract from it, that is, dissolve separately.

If during feeding the solution gets on the leaves, it must be washed off the leaves with clean water. When growing tomato seedlings under a film, as a rule, the air humidity is higher than under glass, so more attention should be paid to carrying out preventive treatments against diseases, and more often to ventilate.

To prevent seedlings from pulling out if it is impossible to plant them in the ground in time due to adverse weather conditions (rain, snow, late cold spring, etc.), they are treated with a 0.1-0.2% solution in the 4-5 leaf phase preparation TUR (chlorcholine chloride) - 10 g per 10 l of water, or 0.07% hydrol solution - 7 g per 10 l of water, any plant growth regulator, for example, Athlete, HB-101, Epin Extra. If necessary, spraying can be repeated after a week.

To prevent fungal and bacterial diseases, tomato seedlings are sprayed with a 1% solution of Bordeaux liquid with the addition of 2 g of potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate) per 10 l of solution or any copper-containing preparation, for example, Oksikhom, Tsineb. For better fertilization of flowers, it is also useful to add 1-2 g of boric acid there.

A day before sampling, tomato seedlings are plentifully watered, sorted during sampling, and underdeveloped, diseased plants are rejected. The root system is dipped in a solution of Heteroauxin, Kornevin.

Planting is done in a greenhouse, earlier than the main planting dates in the open field.

Advantages: the possibility of using varieties with a long growing season in cold summer conditions.

Disadvantages: not everyone has the opportunity to put a greenhouse.

You can plant seedlings as soon as the required temperature comes.

Thickened - dense or compact

The essence of the method is a more dense planting of seeds or seedlings(as the name implies), reducing the space between plants is often seen as a mistake, because. with insufficient moisture (which should be more intense, because the number of plants per unit area is greater), the fertilizer yield will be less.

Advantages: allows you to get more yield per unit area.


  • laboriousness in organizing ventilation (especially in a greenhouse) and care, because plants are located close to each other;
  • a greater likelihood of developing diseases, compared with more rare plantings.

How to plant compactly? This method is no different from the usual planting of tomatoes, the only caveat is to plant seeds or seedlings denser to each other (more than 5 plants per sq.m.).

Sowing with dry seeds

Planting tomatoes for seedlings is carried out by seeds without pre-soaking.

Advantages: simplicity of the method, suitable even for beginners.

Flaws: seedlings will appear later than when using germinated seeds.

To accelerate seed germination, watering should be done immediately after planting.

Plant the seeds shallow, 1-2 cm, and lightly sprinkle them with soil so that the seeds receive enough sunlight, so they will germinate faster. Under these conditions, you can expect sprouts in 5-10 days.

The video shows the method of sowing tomatoes with dry seeds:

Double plants - 2 pieces in one hole

Planting two plants in one hole.


  • more plants and more yield per unit area;
  • on twin plants, the fruits usually grow larger.

Flaws: more time-consuming pruning of excess green mass.

We offer you to watch a video about what planting tomatoes gives 2 pieces in one hole:

How to plant under the film in a "warm bed"?

The so-called "warm bed" - a greenhouse made of a film stretched over a frame, favorably affects the growth of tomatoes.


  • harvesting earlier than in the open field;
  • the greenhouse effect under the film allows the heat-loving crop to withstand even slight frosts.

Flaws: good ventilation is necessary, otherwise the plants attack pathogens.

It is undesirable to plant tomatoes several times in the same place - this increases the risk of developing late blight.

Planting agrotechnics:

  1. Weekly seedlings are planted in holes in the garden, previously watered.
  2. Then fertilizers (ash) are poured right under the root.
  3. Next, the film is stretched.

In green manure

Siderates are plants that will act as a natural organic fertilizer for tomatoes and enrich the soil with organic matter.


  • siderates allow you to build up green mass much faster, because. accumulate nitrogen necessary for tomatoes;
  • green manure have a stronger effect than chemical fertilizers;
  • green manure roots drown out weeds.

Flaws: the lack of a unified system for the selection of green manure for each variety of tomatoes.

The best green manures are white mustard, vetch, phacelia, alfalfa, lupine.

Attention. Planting several crops at the same time will increase their effectiveness.

Siderates are planted throughout the season, but mowed before they bloom.(at this time they have the maximum concentration of nutrients) to make room for tomatoes.

On the video you can see the method of planting tomatoes in green manure:

With digging a trench in the ground

Agronomists recommend planting tomatoes in trenches so that the plants get enough moisture and develop better.


  • the maximum yield that a plant can give;
  • low probability of drying out of the soil.

Flaws: the complexity of digging a trench.

Trenches about 25 cm deep are watered and seedlings are planted in moist soil at a shallow depth. After filling the entire trench, it is covered to the top with mowed grass.

into the substrate

Landing between layers of flexible material twisted into a spiral is otherwise called a “snail” or “shell”.


  • saving space, which makes it easy to grow tomatoes at home;
  • no need for a large amount of land;
  • the possibility of reusing the material from under the "snail".

Flaws: the need for particularly careful selection of planting material.

For shells, a laminate substrate is most often used, but cellophane can also be used.

  1. A strip 15 cm wide is placed on a flat surface, and toilet paper is laid out on it, and the earth is about 1 cm thick on top.
  2. It is moistened with a spray bottle, and prepared seeds are laid at a distance of 10-15 cm, and the strip is gradually twisted into a spiral.
  3. The spiral is fastened with elastic bands, and a plastic bag is put on top to create a greenhouse effect.
  4. Then the snail is placed in a container, where water is poured at the bottom with a thin layer.


The method brings plants as close as possible to natural conditions and, as a result, requires minimal labor costs from a person.


  • seedlings appear at the optimal time for plants;
  • all winter, the seeds are "hardened", staying in sufficient moisture;
  • the opportunity to do without picks.

Flaws: quite difficult to predict the time for landing.

Since autumn, several strong tomatoes are selected and placed in a compost heap, lightly sprinkled with earth on top and covered with branches. In the spring, as soon as the snow melts, they start growing.

We offer you to watch a video on how to plant tomatoes before winter:

The way into cans from under the water

An easy way for those who do not want to plant plants in open ground.


  • a more abundant harvest;
  • faster harvest.

Flaws: the impossibility of good drainage in a glass container, so it is better to use plastic bottles.

The jar is filled with soil and humus (it is better to make holes in the lower part to let out excess moisture), seedlings sit there, then care is no different from caring for tomatoes on the open field or in a greenhouse.

In beveled mustard

It is similar to the method of landing in green manure.


  • cheapness;
  • no chemical fertilizers.

Flaws: it is undesirable to combine with some varieties of tomatoes.

Mustard is sown in early spring and mowed before planting tomatoes. The green mass of green manure can be used as a fertilizer directly for planted tomatoes.


Growing tomatoes upside down is a rather unusual original way of planting.


  • saving space;
  • no need to strengthen the plants in an upright position and tie them up;
  • ease of watering;
  • plants receive more light and produce more.


  • plants will still tend to grow upward;
  • not suitable for all varieties.

In a hanging container with a hole in the bottom, fix the plant with the roots up, sprinkle with earth and pour abundantly so that water seeps through the entire structure.

From the video you will learn how to plant tomatoes in a vertical way:

with wick

A method that does not require classic watering, all moisture is delivered from the wick.

Advantages: optimal amount of water required by plants.

Disadvantages: Cotton wick can rot, so it is better to use a synthetic one.

  1. There should be a hole in the landing container through which the cord is threaded.
  2. Drainage is poured from above.
  3. A layer of soil is poured on it.
  4. Several turns of the wick are laid on top.
  5. Next, the plant is planted.
  6. The protruding part of the wick is lowered into the water.

soaked in vermiculite

Soaking seeds in vermiculite is gaining popularity. This drug is known as "Vermisil".

Advantages: seeds germinate faster by 3-4 days than dry ones.

Flaws: when using hard water, there is a high probability of shifting the pH to the alkaline side.

Vermiculite is saturated with warm water and the seeds are soaked in it, and then they are planted as usual.

Sowing tomato seeds using hydrogen peroxide

Soaking seeds in hydrogen peroxide before planting has a medical justification - the seeds are disinfected, their immunity increases.


  • disinfection;
  • germination improves.

Flaws: when used with other chemicals, unwanted reactions are possible.

Seeds are soaked in peroxide-impregnated gauze or fabric for a day, after which they are washed, dried and planted.

In rolls of paper

See landing in the snail, everything is done in the same way, only the land is not used, the seeds are laid directly on the toilet paper.

Advantages: Cleaner method compared to snail due to lack of soil.

Disadvantages: weak root system in developed plants.

When choosing any method, remember that the best predecessors for tomatoes are carrots and onions.

There are many ways to grow tomatoes, and everyone can choose what they like and treat themselves and their loved ones to their own grown vegetables.

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