
Installation of aluminum windows. Do-it-yourself installation of sliding windows made of aluminum profiles Installation of windows from aluminum profiles

All about roses

Many people cannot understand why aluminum should be used as a material for making a frame. To be honest, this question is not so simple, at the same time, dealers even cite many disadvantages, including the unsightly appearance of some models. Nevertheless, the Finns, where, as is known, the winter is no warmer than ours, make the outer window frame from aluminum. And this is worth a lot, because they will not neglect their well-being during the cold season. We propose to consider all the advantages, disadvantages, design and installation of aluminum windows with your own hands.

Advantages and disadvantages of aluminum windows

All the disadvantages of aluminum windows stem from the excellent conductivity of this metal. Cold bridges easily arise, which negate the entire insulation effect. To somehow smooth out this factor, hollow aluminum profiles are separated by polyamide bridges. Plastic conducts heat to a much lesser extent, which allows cold bridges to be destroyed. And the thicker and more complex in structure the polyamide layer in the aluminum window profile, the more favorable the effect as a whole.

Aluminum window

That is, unlike traditional wooden frames and plastic, aluminum is a sandwich structure of several layers:

  1. Aluminum profile.
  2. Hollow polyamide bridge.
  3. Aluminum profile.
  4. Optionally, there is a decorative wood trim on the inside.

Why do you need a trim on an aluminum window frame? This not only improves decorative properties, but also creates a feeling of comfort. In physics class at school, people often ask the question: why does steel feel colder than plastic to the touch at the same temperature? The answer is simple - metal has good thermal conductivity, so it absorbs the heat of the hand with its entire mass. In plastic, only the surface layer heats up. In this case, the thermal conductivity coefficient of wood is also low, so cladding from it allows you not to feel such cold from an aluminum window. In addition, in this case, the window frames at least do not cry, and this is a separate problem.

If we take balcony options for aluminum glazing, then there must be a drainage gutter from which moisture flows drop by drop directly onto the heads of passers-by. Whether this is good or bad is question ten, but the very fact of the problem is confirmed by the availability of technologies to solve it. Find at least one wooden frame with a gutter. But if there are disadvantages, then there are probably also advantages of aluminum windows?

Window design features

Yes, here they are:

We did not give any nonsense about the strength of aluminum, because its profile is not as dense as solid wood, and obviously will not stand up to the tests of some Werzalit window sills. And not only in our opinion this metal is fragile. So, let's move on to the installation process.

Window installation

Methods for installing aluminum windows

You probably won’t be very surprised, but the installation method is essentially no different from installing plastic or wooden windows. And this is your choice:

  1. Anchors (pins), hammered and twisted around the perimeter of the frame.
  2. Anchor plates.

What should you base your choice on here? Fragility and lack of elasticity of the metal. If the coefficient of thermal expansion of concrete exceeds that of aluminum, then deformations will occur that will be repeated cyclically from year to year according to the seasons. It is clear that this is not very good. To put it simply, we do not consider attaching an aluminum frame rigidly to the wall the best solution for every option. If we are talking about a house made of dried wood, then this method would be quite suitable, but when it comes to concrete, then you need to know the shrinkage of the house. Again, if the building is old, then this factor does not play a role.

Is it necessary to take into account the value of the coefficient of thermal expansion, which for concrete is usually somewhere in the range from 10 to 15 x 10-6 ºC-1? Much depends on the length of the wall (and in both directions, vertically and horizontally). Let's say the difference in size due to thermal expansion is equal to 10-5 of the total length. With a concrete wall length of 10 meters, 0.1 mm of deformation will appear for every degree. If the difference in conditions in winter and summer is 70 ºС, the final annual increase will be 7 mm. This is not much, but it can easily loosen the fastening points over the years.

As a result, it is better to follow the example of the GLOSSA company and install aluminum windows on anchor plates, which will serve as a kind of springs for this breathing mechanism. We are aware that it was this method that Zemskov criticized in his videos, but there they were talking about elastic plastic for which such vibrations are not so terrible.

So, installation is carried out as follows:

  1. The wall opening for installation is cleaned, the place of the future seam is isolated with mastic or primer from the penetration of moisture from the side of the concrete base.
  2. A heat-insulating film with sound insulating properties is laid on top. The first is needed to block the freezing of the wall from the aluminum in case of accidental contact, and the second protects against the speaker effect. What is this? Let's say a jeep with a HiFi acoustic system drives into the yard and starts showing off. As a result, the entire frame begins to beat in time with the subwoofer. When it enters resonance, it begins to intensify vibrations. Soundproofing film largely reduces the occurrence of this effect by eliminating the connection with the wall.
  3. The frame is covered on both sides with a vapor barrier membrane, which will cover the seam. This is a standard measure. It is supplemented with your own hands.
  4. The window with attached anchor plates is placed on spacers made of a special material. This is not wood. Spacers are shaped like wedges and are sold in hardware stores.
  5. Now is the time to secure the anchor plates to the dowel nails.
  6. Installation is carried out with foam. The wedges usually stay inside. If there are doubts about them, then it is necessary to remove the parts after the foam has dried.
  7. The vapor barrier membrane on both sides (outdoor and indoor) is glued to the concrete base. Cladding work is being carried out and window sills are being installed.

The vapor barrier membrane protects the mounting foam from sunlight and allows moisture to evaporate from the thickness of the material. Both of these factors, in conditions of frost and seasonal weather changes, would cause destruction of the installation seam of the aluminum window. This is all about the stated topic. You can read more about the cladding process and some other aspects in our reviews on plastic windows. The purpose of this was to show the features of operation and work with an aluminum profile.

Surely, many have heard about cold and warm glazing. So, installing windows made of aluminum profiles in the first case will only provide protection from bad weather, wind and dust, but the temperature on the balcony will be only a few degrees higher than the street temperature. As for the second option, you get a full-fledged room that can be used for permanent residence, which allows you to significantly expand the useful area of ​​​​the apartment. This is achieved as follows:

  • multi-chamber double-glazed windows and profiles with thermal bridges and additional insulation systems are used;
  • seals are used throughout the entire circuit, which help retain heat and also protect against the penetration of dust and extraneous sounds;
  • installation of aluminum windows of this type also involves additional insulation of the remaining parts of the fence;
  • craftsmen use special materials and technologies to ensure maximum thermal insulation and create a microclimate acceptable for human life.

Installation of aluminum windows on the balcony is carried out using high-quality products. We guarantee that our products will last for many decades without loss of primary performance characteristics and attractive appearance. Our windows transmit light well, are not subject to aggressive environmental influences, are very durable and resistant to wear. They are distinguished by excellent sound and heat insulation, and will give you comfort.

Price for installation of aluminum windows

The cost of work depends on the level of complexity and duration. The price for installing aluminum windows on a balcony can vary quite widely. Everything here is extremely individual, but we assure you that our pricing solutions will allow you to save a lot of money. Our specialists will come to you, take the necessary measurements, determine the necessary types of work and draw up a cost estimate, so you will immediately know about the upcoming costs.

The price for installing aluminum windows also depends on the type of opening chosen. There are tilt-and-turn, swing and sliding systems - the latter are the most popular. This is due to the saving of space, which can be used more rationally. This is especially beneficial on small balconies, although the benefits of their use will be on any area. In any case, the choice is yours. Contact us and you will be satisfied - we guarantee!

Installation of aluminum windows is not much different from installation of windows made of other materials. However, there are some features in assembling the frame and adjusting the finished structure that must be taken into account when working with aluminum profiles.

Compliance with installation technology will ensure reliable, durable and uninterrupted operation of aluminum windows. Let's look at how to correctly install the main types of aluminum structures: tilt-and-turn and sliding windows.

Aluminum window construction

Recently, the demand for aluminum windows has increased significantly. This is due to a significant expansion of their production and the advantages inherent in this type of glazing.

Aluminum structures are durable (service life is more than 50 years), lightweight, reliable and have an unlimited scope of application. Such high performance indicators are largely due to the design of the windows.

In the production of aluminum window frames, a complex of window profiles is used, which includes:

  • frame profile;
  • glazing bead;
  • profile for sashes;
  • shulpovy profile;
  • impost profile.

This set allows you to produce windows of various configurations and any opening method.

  1. Tilt windows - the window sash tilts back, revealing the top of the window. Suitable for creating a window opening on landings, in storage rooms and places where the window does not need to be fully opened.
  2. Pivot windows - window sashes open in a single plane, often towards the inside of the room.
  3. Tilt and turn windows are the most common and convenient option. Most often used for glazing residential buildings and apartments.
  4. Fixed windows - without the ability to open the window. They only perform the function of lighting the room. Popular for arranging facades of retail and office premises, as well as for glazing shop windows.
  5. Multi-leaf windows - suitable for glazing loggias. It is possible to combine sashes of different types of opening.
  6. Sliding systems are convenient to use when space is limited, for example for glazing a balcony. Window sashes move along profiles.

All aluminum window profiles are available in two types.

  1. “Warm profile” with a thermal insulating insert. Used in the manufacture of doors and windows for heated non-residential and residential premises.
  2. “Cold profile” without insulating insert. Windows and doors made of this profile can be installed in unheated buildings, or for arranging partitions inside heated rooms.

Do-it-yourself aluminum window installation technology

Preparatory stage

Before proceeding directly to installing a new aluminum window, it is necessary to carefully dismantle the old structure and prepare the window opening.

For work you will need the following tools and materials:

You can dismantle the old wooden frame as follows:

After complete dismantling of the old structure, it is necessary to prepare the window opening:

  1. Remove concrete fragments and fasteners remaining from the old frame.
  2. If the window opening is significantly damaged or distorted, it must be leveled with cement-concrete mortar. In this case, the installation of the aluminum window must be postponed for 1-2 days - until the solution has completely hardened.
  3. Before installing a new window, it is advisable to spray the opening with water and prime it.

In order to avoid damaging the window opening during dismantling, forces must be applied in the plane of the window, and not in the perpendicular direction. With this effect, fasteners (nails) will be easily removed from concrete

Installation of aluminum frame

The aluminum window structure arrives in a partially disassembled state - the frame with fittings and the double-glazed window - separately.

Let's look at how to install an aluminum window. Let's start with installing the window frame:

The optimal distance from the side walls of the opening to the window frame is 5 mm. If this distance increases, additional plates must be used to level the frame.

Installation of ebb and window sill

The sequence of work to install the ebb and window sill:

The window sill can be installed with a slight slope - this will additionally protect the window unit from moisture penetration

Installation of double-glazed windows and adjustment of fittings

The final stage of installing an aluminum window is installing double-glazed windows, hanging the sashes and adjusting the window fittings.

When installing a double-glazed window, it is better to enlist the support of at least one more person. Depending on the manufacturer of the window structure, different liners may be used. Their shape and quantity depend on the type of window profile (“warm” or “cold”), as well as on the type of opening of the sashes.

Algorithm for installing a double-glazed window:

Double-glazed window installation technology is a labor-intensive and “delicate” process that is best left to professionals

Before hanging the sash on the window frame, you need to check the presence of all the fittings and set the handle on the sash horizontally (open position of the window).

  1. Place the sash on the bottom hinge.
  2. Insert a hinge corner of the sash into the top hinge of the frame.
  3. Secure them with a pin and push them upward until the latch engages.

In order for the pin to easily fit into the hinge and not jam, the window sash must be pressed against the frame

After hanging the sash, you need to make final adjustments to the fittings - tighten or loosen the fastening screws.

Features of assembly and installation of sliding aluminum structures

The design of sliding aluminum windows includes: guide rails, rollers and double-glazed windows.

Let's look at how to install aluminum sliding windows step by step:

  1. Install the frame (installation technology is similar to installing a regular profile frame).
  2. Installation of guides:
    • use a tape measure to measure the length of the horizontal sides of the window frame;
    • apply markings on the guides and cut into pieces of the required length;
    • smooth the sides of the cut with a file;
    • drill holes every 30 cm on the bottom and top of the frame;
    • Attach the guides with screws to the frame.
  3. Insert the glass unit into the sash.
  4. Attach a pair of rollers to the bottom of the sash on both sides. The distance from the rollers to the edge of the sash is about 5 cm.
  5. Attach a brush seal - Schlegel - to the horizontal and vertical sides of the sash.
  6. The sash is installed first in the upper guide, and then in the lower one.
  7. The movement of the shutters must be adjusted using the adjusting screw (usually located at the bottom of the shutter).

How to install aluminum windows: video

The distance from the guide to the outer edge of the window frame should be no more than 5 cm, otherwise the wall will freeze in winter

In order for the window to last a long time and remain strong and reliable, when installing it you must adhere to some basic technological rules:

Caring for aluminum windows is quite simple and consists of periodically wiping them from dirt and dust. In addition, to maintain windows in an aesthetically attractive appearance, you can use silicone-based correctors and “aluminum resin”. These products effectively “mask” scratches and other imperfections that appear on the aluminum profile.

It is advisable to lubricate window fittings once a year. To do this, you need to use oils that do not contain resin and acid.

The technology for installing aluminum windows is not complicated, and is not much different from installing wooden or plastic windows. However, some aspects, for example, installing a double-glazed window into a sash and final adjustment of fittings, are best left to experienced specialists who can guarantee the strength of the finished structure.

Old windows have been replaced with new and modern designs for many years. Now more and more people prefer aluminum systems. Compared to earlier versions, they are distinguished by high quality characteristics and have many advantages. Installation of the profile is possible both in new buildings and to replace old wooden or other windows. There are a lot of color options available, such as opening.

Manufacturing aluminum to new standards has made it popular and more affordable. These systems combine a high degree of strength with reliability. The material is environmentally friendly; the positive qualities of such structures made them attractive for apartments, houses, offices, public and other types of buildings.

A wide selection of colors, installation options and parameters of aluminum windows allows you to achieve an attractive appearance and high quality characteristics, but for this it is important to take care of the correct installation, taking into account all the requirements and nuances.

How to install aluminum windows step by step

When installing aluminum windows,preparatory work. This process involves removing anything that has fallen into disrepair or needs replacement, and then preparing everything for installation to begin. Removal requires tools and effort.

Performing a withdrawal

Most often, old wooden window blocks have to be dismantled; they are sawed into separate sections, pryed with a crowbar and removed. You should start at the window area, at the bottom of the structure, and then at the top. Once the window is removed, remove the window sill using a hammer and chisel.

  • remove fasteners;
  • remove concrete fragments;
  • if necessary, the opening is leveled using a standard solution.

After leveling, you need to wait for it to dry (usually this takes 2 days).

Frame installation

Aluminum windows are created using the latest technologies, making them reliable, but this requires proper installation. The systems are sold in a partially assembled state; even if the delivery is completed assembled, the sashes and double-glazed windows must be removed.

The frame is mounted first, the alignment is performed (wedges are used for this), focusing on the building level. Recesses for fastenings are made along the entire length of the wall opening and frame. Thanks to the use of dowel-nails, the anchor plates are strengthened. The first self-tapping screw helps mount the system relative to the wall (through the holes in the plate), and the second helps secure the frame.

The entire perimeter is treated with foam, and after 2 hours, the wedges are removed and the remaining areas are filled. Excess is removed after the foam has hardened. From the frame to the walls on the sides there is a distance of 5 millimeters. If the alignment gap is larger, plates are required.

Steel opening protection

A vapor-permeable film is fixed in the frame area (bottom). The ebb is fixed to the lower area of ​​the frame from the outside, and the gaps are hidden using mounting foam. After removing the excess, apply a sealant. The window sill is placed under the frame area and inserted into a special groove. Fastening is done using polyurethane foam, the window sill is leveled, and sealant is used in the area where it interfaces with the frame.

Double-glazed windows and fittings

The final stage is the installation of double-glazed windows and sashes; the fittings are also adjusted. The liners are placed around the perimeter, double-glazed windows are mounted, secured with glazing beads. This requires a rubber hammer. Double-glazed windows are not easy to install, so it is better to use professional services. The fittings are checked, the handle is placed horizontally, and the sash is placed on the bottom hinge.

A corner loop is inserted into the loop from above and secured with a pin. Pushing is done until it clicks into place. Proper adjustment of fittings (tightening, loosening fastener screws) will help avoid the need for premature repairs.

Installation of sliding structures

  1. After removing the old window, attach the frame (without double-glazed windows), leveling is done with wedges and using a level.
  2. Recesses for fasteners are drilled along the frame and wall structure.
  3. If necessary, plates are used.
  4. The frame is fixed to the wall.
  5. The placed frame is covered with foam, starting from the bottom section and moving up along the perimeter. Remove the wedges and fill the voids.

Sliding systems are a system of guides with sashes, they move thanks to rollers, and, at the request of the customer, can be combined with blind sashes.

After installing the main structure, they begin to install the sashes, as well as fittings:

  • Rollers are attached to the bottom of the sashes, usually 2-3 pieces;
  • a brush type of seal is attached to the ends (it helps reduce the penetration of noise into the room, as well as avoid dust from the street);
  • The upper part of the sash is first placed in the runners, and then lowered onto the lower part of the structure;
  • at the end, a window sill is installed, if it is provided for according to the plan.

When installing sliding-type systems, it is important to adjust the height of the rollers after the system is fully assembled. For this purpose, an adjusting screw is located at the bottom of the sashes.

Installation of a mosquito net is possible; there is a separate guide for this purpose, and the net can also be moved using rollers.

Modern aluminum alloy window frames are becoming increasingly popular. They are reliable, durable and aesthetically pleasing, meeting the strictest sanitary standards. Most often, their installation is trusted to professionals, but independent installation is not so difficult. Let's look at how to properly assemble aluminum sliding windows with your own hands.

Sliding structures are used in limited space. This is the best model for installation on balconies or loggias. The frame opens according to the “compartment” principle, which is very convenient for these rooms.

In apartments, a “warm” type of aluminum profile is used, equipped with inserts made of heat-insulating material inside.

Operating principle and advantages of sliding windows

Such systems are sometimes called sliding windows. Their opening is carried out by moving the shutters on rollers along guides. Several guides can be placed on one profile at once, which makes it possible to install up to 5 sashes.

When choosing such a window, close attention should be paid to the roller mechanism: the most durable are equipped with a shell made of polymer materials.

The sliding window system has a number of advantages:

  • Due to the use of aluminum from which the frames are made, the structure weighs little.
  • The strength of the material allows the window sashes to be narrow, so they let in more light.
  • Double-glazed windows and hollow profiles improve the thermal and sound insulation of windows.
  • Aluminum's resistance to the external environment makes the window durable.
  • The roller system does not require any free space in the room for the window to fully function. At the same time, it becomes possible to combine blind and opening window openings.
  • A special coating makes the appearance of the window aesthetic and attractive.
  • The simple design is convenient to use and easy to repair.
  • When using shut-off valves, such as latches, latches or even locks, such windows will ensure the safety of your home.

Dismantling the old frame, preparing the opening

Before installing the window, you need to remove the old frame and prepare the window opening.

Wooden frames are sawn in several places. For this, it is most convenient to use an electric jigsaw, but an ordinary carpenter's saw will also work. The frame elements are removed using a small crowbar. Using a chisel and hammer, remove the window sill slab.

The opening must be cleared of concrete fragments and old fasteners. If it is severely damaged or distorted, leveling with cement mortar will be required. You can proceed to the next stage only after the leveling mixture has completely hardened.

Before installation, carefully check the completeness of the product and carefully read the attached instructions. In most cases, frames, double-glazed windows and fittings are included separately in the delivery package.

Frame installation process

The installation diagram for sliding windows is as follows:

  • If the windows are already assembled, double-glazed windows are taken out of them and the sashes are removed.
  • In order to subsequently attach the frame to the wall, holes are drilled into which screws are screwed. It is recommended to mark the glazing beads that are being removed. This will help you install them back and not mix them up.
  • In the window opening, using wedges, the frame is leveled. Adjustment of its position and preliminary fixation is carried out using wedges. In this case, bending of the frame structure should not be allowed.
  • Having secured the anchor plates to the wall with dowels, screw the frame to them using self-tapping screws: one of them is screwed into the wall, and the other into the window profile. The cracks are sealed with polyurethane foam. You can use anchor bolts for fastening. But there is a risk of damaging the profile surface.

If the gap between the frame and the wall exceeds 5 mm, then additional plates are used. In this case, foam alone will not be enough.

  • After the foam has hardened (usually it takes about two hours), its excess is cut off and the wedges are removed. The holes from them are foamed, after drying the excess foam is removed.

The window sill and ebb are being installed:

  • The outer perimeter of the frame is covered with a special tape. It is impermeable to water, but breathable.
  • The ebb is attached to the bottom edge of the frame. All gaps are filled with foam. A pause is taken while it hardens. After this, cut off the excess with a painting knife.
  • There is a special groove at the bottom of the frame. The window sill is inserted there and leveled using a building level.
  • The gap between the window sill and the wall is filled with foam, and the gaps between it and the window frame are sealed with silicone sealant.
  • After the foam has dried, its protruding excess is removed.

Installation and adjustment of sashes

We proceed to installing guides and sashes with glass.

  • Prepare the guides: measure the frame horizontally and saw off profiles of the required length. The cut areas are cleaned of roughness using sandpaper or a file.
  • The guides are fixed with self-tapping screws on the upper and lower edges of the frame. The fastening step is 30 cm.
  • The sashes are being assembled: double-glazed windows are inserted into them.

The easiest way is to assemble the three parts of the sash in the form of the letter “P” lying on its side. The glass is pre-glued with a rubber seal, which is cut at the corners. After inserting the double-glazed window, the second side post is carefully screwed on.

  • The rollers are fixed in its lower part, at a distance of at least 5 cm from the edge of the sash. It is better to use a screwdriver for this operation rather than a screwdriver, so as not to crush them.
  • Along the entire perimeter of the sash, a special brush seal - Schlegel - is attached to the grooves, the bristles of which should be turned towards each other. The schlegel itself should protrude 2–3 mm beyond the boundaries of the sash.

The screw is turned using a hex key. To raise the sashes, it is rotated clockwise, to lower it - counterclockwise.

  • They adjust all the fittings to ensure their flawless operation.

The process of glazing a balcony with sliding aluminum windows is shown in the video.

Sliding aluminum windows are easy to install yourself. Strict adherence to instructions and installation rules guarantee long and trouble-free operation.