
L 410 technical specifications. How it's made, how it works, how it works

Paths and paving

In the Sverdlovsk region at the Uktus site of the special economic zone (SEZ) “Titanium Valley” a workshop for localizing the production of L-410 aircraft was opened, reported the regional information policy department.

On Ural soil it is just spreading its wings, but even standing in the factory hangar, the L-410 with its proud appearance shows that this iron bird is high-flying. The aircraft is intended primarily for emergency services.

Very soon, twin-engine L-410* aircraft will depart on their first flight. Representatives of the Russian Ministry of Defense, the State Aviation Administration, employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and disaster medicine will fly on them. Russian and foreign airlines have already shown interest in such technology.

The production of L-410 aircraft in the Urals should be a boost for Sverdlovsk industry. A production localization workshop was opened on the basis of the Ural Civil Aviation Plant. This is the site of the second stage of the Titanium Valley SEZ. One of the first to visit the aircraft, while there were no flights yet, was Deputy Russian Minister of Industry and Trade Oleg Bocharov.

The Ural enterprise will supply 20 L-410 aircraft to China >>

Oleg Bocharov, Deputy Minister of Industry and Trade of Russia: “ The plane is comfortable, reliable and made in cooperation with other enterprises. In fact, the Urals become the center for the integration of this aircraft, creating modern mobile aviation companies around it. And in the near future an aviation cluster will appear here».

The compact cabin can accommodate no more than 20 passengers. The flight range, by pilot standards, is small - only 1,500 kilometers. However, the aircraft is capable of taking off from airfields with short runways, only 550 meters, and landing on soil, water or a snow-covered area.

Evgeniy Sergeev, director of the Aircraft division of the Ural Civil Aviation Plant: “ The plane can land on soft ground; special landing gear is installed. To land on snow, airplanes are made with ski landing gear. This aircraft is designed to provide connections to remote areas that do not have high-quality runways.».

The regional authorities made the decision to establish production of twin-engine aircraft back in 2015. They are manufactured in the Czech Republic, but it is the Russian assembly that will give the car the characteristics that domestic customers need. The demand for a small-sized and inexpensive airliner for local airlines is already extremely high. So far they plan to produce 30 aircraft a year, but the queue for them is scheduled for years in advance. The new production complex will also produce Diamond DA 42 aircraft and Bell-407 helicopters.

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The workshop was erected in less than a year, which was facilitated by interaction with regional and federal authorities, noted UWCA General Director Vadim Badekha. " The main thing is that production and life are already in full swing here. Over the past three years, we have created more than 500 jobs at this site, and now the fact that we have received additional capacity will allow us to create at least 500 more jobs within two to three years. Well, and increase the volume of equipment produced and the level of localization", noted Badeja.

According to him, now the localization level reaches about 35%. " By the end of 2021, the localization level will reach 72%. We consider it ineffective to further deepen localization, because we are localizing the high-tech components of this aircraft - something that is truly technology-rich, cost-effective, and allows us to gain additional competence", he explained to reporters.

Alexey Orlov, First Deputy Governor of the Sverdlovsk Region: “ Aircraft manufacturing is a completely new industry, new competencies, and a personnel training system. We are working on these issues with our educational institutions. Small businesses will join aircraft manufacturers. Today we looked at seat manufacturers that have proven themselves in the foreign market».

Before the new year, the plant will put five L-410 aircraft on the wing. Each of them will go to customers to fulfill their mission and, perhaps, with their help, they will save someone’s life or quickly deliver important cargo to the impenetrable taiga.

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* Let L-410 “Turbolet” - a twenty-seat universal twin-engine aircraft for local airlines (AL). An aircraft with short takeoff and landing characteristics (UVP in the name of the version L-410UVP-E20 means “Short Takeoff and Landing” in Russian), developed by the design bureau of the Let plant. Designed for use on unprepared dirt, grass, and snow areas, as well as on airfields with short runways. Until now, it is produced at the Czech Let plant. Other names: L-410, Let, Let L-410, Turbolet, colloquial - Cheburashka, Elka, Ellie.

Modification….. L-410UVP-E20

Crew….. 2 pilots

Commercial load….. 20 passengers or 1,800 kg of cargo

Engine type….. 2 × HP GE H80-200 from GE Aviation Czech (the former Czech engine manufacturer Walter, acquired in 2008 by the American company GE Aviation, a division of General Electric Corporation)

Takeoff power, hp …..2 × 812

Propeller type….. 2 × AVIA AV-725

Number of blades on each propeller…..5

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Propeller diameter, m…..2,3

Wingspan, m…..19.98

Aircraft length, m…..14.42

Aircraft height, m…..5.83

Wing area, m²…..34.86

Empty aircraft weight, kg…..4 050

Maximum take-off weight, kg…..6 600

Fuel mass (main tanks), kg…..1 000

Fuel mass (end tanks), kg…..313.8

Maximum speed, km/h IS…..335

Practical range, km…..1 500

Practical ceiling, m…..4 200

The Russian Ural Mining and Metallurgical Company (UMMC) has decided to become the sole owner of the production of the small local aircraft Let L-410, also known as the “Turbolet”. To achieve this, UMMC is going to increase its own share in the stake in the Czech company Aircraft Industries from 51% to 100%, ITAR-TASS agency reports. The L-410 aircraft is considered by the Russian side as the main model for modernizing regional aviation fleets and restoring the network of local airlines. It is expected that leasing of new aircraft will be carried out with budget support. The heads of Russian regions are going to determine specific mechanisms for this support at a meeting in September 2013.

Currently, the main product of the Czech airline is the L-410UVP aircraft. This model is a short-haul aircraft with a short takeoff and landing distance for 19 passengers. The first modification of the Let L-410 aircraft took to the skies back in 1969. In the post-war years, the Czech “Turbolet” became the first foreign aircraft to fly on Soviet airlines. On the basis of this vehicle, a large number of different modifications for transport, military and special purposes were created. In particular, this aircraft is widely used in Russian military and civilian flight schools, where it serves to train future military transport and long-range aviation pilots.

After the transfer of 51% of the shares of the Czech enterprise into the hands of UMMC, the Czech aircraft manufacturer received additional orders for its main product - L-410 UVP-E20. In 2009, after a fairly long break, aircraft deliveries to Russian customers resumed - first to civilian companies, and later to the Russian Ministry of Defense. As of 2012, the Russian Air Force had 7 L-410 UVP-E20 aircraft in service, while the concluded contracts and option provide for increasing the fleet of these aircraft to 15 aircraft.

Today, Aircraft Industries supplies regions of Russia with a modernized version of the aircraft, which is equipped with H-80 turboprop engines, which are produced by a General Electric division in the Czech Republic. According to UMMC, the installation of these engines significantly improved the aircraft's operational characteristics, increasing, in particular, the flight range from 1,420 to 1,520 kilometers. Currently, the L-410 aircraft is listed in the fleets of the Russian companies KrasAero and Orenburg. The Buryat airline PANH and the government of the Khabarovsk Territory are ready to purchase several aircraft. Earlier, the Ministry of Transport and the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia stated that 9- and 19-seat aircraft are needed to develop the domestic air transportation market, but such modifications are not produced in Russia.

Let L-410 “Turbolet” is a Czechoslovakian, later Czech twin-engine universal aircraft intended for operation on local airlines. It is a twin-engine turboprop high-wing aircraft with a single-fin tail. Also known under the names: Let, Let L-410, L-410, Turbolet, Elka, Cheburashka. As of 2012, more than 400 aircraft of this type were in operation around the world.

The most common version of the aircraft was the L-410UVP modification; in this version, the takeoff and landing distance of the aircraft was reduced. The abbreviation UVP means “short takeoff and landing.” The aircraft of this modification first took to the skies back in 1976. Initially, the machine was equipped with a conventional set of Soviet-Czechoslovak-made aviation equipment. The model differed from its predecessors in the increased dimensions of the wing and vertical tail, an extended fuselage, the use of spoilers and more efficient engines.

It is worth noting that the design and production of small aircraft and air taxis in the countries of the Council for Mutual Economic Assistance (CMEA) bloc was the prerogative of the Czechoslovakian aviation industry. Czech-made aircraft flew not only in the countries of the socialist camp, but also in Switzerland, Italy, Great Britain, the USA, Australia and other countries of the world. The four-seat air taxis Aero-45, Super Aero-45S and Aero-145, as well as the L-200 Morava, were in particular demand. Therefore, it is not surprising that when the question arose of choosing a small short-haul aircraft for mass production, the choice fell on the Czech L-410, which most fully corresponded to most of the parameters announced in the terms of reference of the State Research Institute of Civil Aviation.

The small passenger aircraft L-410 “Turbolet” was designed by the designers of the Let company in 1966-1967, work on the project was headed by Ladislav Smrček. It was assumed that this aircraft could be used in a fairly wide temperature range from +50 to -40 degrees Celsius. Czech specialists were guided by Soviet technical specifications and took into account in advance the difficult climatic conditions of operating the aircraft in the USSR, which was to become the main customer of the aircraft.

In total, by the end of 1978, 100 L-410M/MU aircraft were purchased from the USSR for the Ministry of Civil Aviation. In the Soviet Union, “Turbolets” replaced the famous “corn trucks” of Antonov, which transported unpretentious Soviet passengers on the air pits of local air lines. It is worth noting that the pilots who were “transferred” from the An-2 to the L-410 perceived the newcomer in two ways. On the one hand, the Czech aircraft had many advantages. Firstly, it had 2 engines, it won 2 times in safety. The plane had a set of modern navigation and radio equipment, and a high level of comfort was provided for passengers... But, on the other hand, for pilots of the civil air fleet, the An-2 has always remained the free “gasoline breadwinner” of their personal “Zhiguli” and “Volga” , while the Czech plane was flying on kerosene. And the An-2 was a more unpretentious machine in operation. More precisely, the flight technical personnel treated the issues of operating the Soviet An-2 much more simply. In general, it was considered very prestigious to change from the An-2 to the Czech L-410.

In total, starting from 1969, 1104 L-410 of various models were produced in Czechoslovakia and the Czech Republic, of which 862 aircraft ended up in the USSR. It is interesting that the 1000th “Turbolet” was produced back in 1990 and transferred to Aeroflot, after which their production volumes were significantly reduced. With the collapse of the CMEA, and subsequently the Soviet Union, the demand for these aircraft decreased sharply. Despite this, Turbosts are still in use in more than 45 countries around the world.

Currently, a version of the L-410 UVP-E20 aircraft is being produced in the Czech Republic, which can be equipped with analogue or digital avionics (customer's choice), a TCAS mid-air collision avoidance system and an autopilot. The L-410 UVP-E20 aircraft received the IAC AR certificate.

Flight characteristics of L-410 UPV-E20:

Dimensions: wingspan – 19.48 m, length – 14.49 m, height – 5.83 m.
Wing area – 34.86 sq. m.
The maximum take-off weight of the aircraft is 6,600 kg, empty weight is 4,050 kg.
Engine type – 2 HP GE H80-200, power – 2x800 hp.
Maximum speed – 395 km/h.
Practical flight range – 1500 km.
Practical ceiling – 8,000 m.
Crew – 2 people.
Commercial load – 19 passengers or 1800 kg. cargo

Information sources:

The crew performed a custom flight at the request of the Polar Expeditionary Expedition (P. Kuiga) along the route Batagai – Magan – Lensk – Kirensk – Irkutsk. There were two service passengers on board. There was no cargo on board, except for the personal belongings of the crew and passengers with a total weight of about 400 kg.
After arriving at the Kirensk airport at 12:37 Moscow time, the crew’s working time was 11 hours 45 minutes, including 6 hours 17 minutes of flight time. The crew, in violation of the flight crew work hours established by the instructions, decided to proceed to Irkutsk. Then, upon receiving information about the closure of the Irkutsk airport due to runway repairs, the crew postponed the flight and was sent by the air traffic controller to the dispensary. The appearance of the crew at the dispensary was not recorded. After the opening of the Irkutsk airport, navigational control of the crew, in the absence of the duty navigator who was on vacation, was carried out by the air traffic controller, who was not trained for this control.
After undergoing a meteorological consultation at 14:50, at 15:06, in violation of working hours, the crew took off from Kirensk to Irkutsk.
When establishing contact with the approach controller at Irkutsk airport, the crew did not report receiving information from the air navigation service (ATIS), and the controller did not require the crew to listen to it and report it. The approach controller gave instructions to descend from 3000 m to 2100 m. After passing the DPRM, the board was transferred under the control of the circle controller, who also did not request a report on receiving ATIS information, and the crew did not report on receiving this information and on the selected approach system. The circle controller gave instructions to descend to a transition level of 1,800 m. The descent took place in normal weather conditions at night.
At the transition level, in violation of the requirements of NPP GA-85, the crew did not set the pressure on the barometric altimeters to the airfield pressure (710 mm Hg) and did not report the airfield pressure setting to the controller. In turn, the circle controller, having not received the report, did not require the crew to confirm the pressure setting.
As a result, the altimeter readings, which remained at a standard pressure of 760 mmHg, differed from the true altitude by 510 m. At the command of the circle controller, the crew continued to descend to 900 m (according to the altimeter readings, the true altitude was 390 m), and performed a third turn , took 700 m (190 m true altitude) and continued the flight to the fourth turn. After the crew reported “235, on the fourth, 700 m,” the dispatcher gave instructions to communicate with the landing controller. The crew did not have time to confirm the command and end of communication. After 2 seconds, at 17:18:10, the plane touched the tops of trees 25-35 m high, located at an elevation of 163 m with a relative elevation above the airfield of 190 m (the threshold of the airfield runway above sea level is 510 m). The crew set the engines to take-off mode, but after 114 m there was a head-on collision with a tree trunk with a diameter of 35 cm (at the point of impact). The plane, descending along a straight trajectory and continuing to collide with large trees (trunk diameters 85-90 cm at the butt, height up to 35 m), stopped 312 m from the place of the first collision with obstacles, collapsed and partially burned. The accident occurred 21 km from the airport with an azimuth of 122° in the area of ​​the fourth turn with MKpos = 297° (52°09’30” N, 104°39’40” E).
At the time of the disaster, the crew's work time was 15 hours 26 minutes, including 8 hours 30 minutes of flight time, which could have affected the safe outcome of the flight due to crew fatigue.
Actual weather at 17:27 – cloudiness 3 points cumulonimbus 1500 m, 10 points average, upper, wind 300° 9 m/s, visibility 10 km, lightning, tendency – hail, frontal thunderstorm, air temperature +21°С, pressure 711 mm Hg.

The cause of the disaster was a violation by the crew of flight rules, which resulted in failure to comply with the requirements of clause 7.6.9 of the NPP GA-85, regarding the installation of airfield pressure altimeters at the transition level, which led to a collision of the aircraft with the earth's surface.
The disaster was accompanied by the controller’s failure to comply with the operating technology, rules and phraseology of radio exchange in terms of failure to receive a message from the crew about receiving ATIS information, failure to issue them a command to listen to it and report on it, failure to receive from the crew the installation of altimeters at the level of transition to airfield pressure.

New L-410 aircraft for the Russian Aerospace Forces / Photo:

Deputy Minister of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation Andrei Boginsky held a regular meeting in Yekaterinburg on localizing the production of L-410 aircraft in the Sverdlovsk region, as well as on the creation of the second stage of the Titanium Valley special economic zone based on Uktus airport.

The event was attended by representatives of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation, the State Transport Leasing Company, Rosaviation, the Chairman of the Government and the Minister of Industry and Science of the Sverdlovsk Region, the General Director of the Ural Civil Aviation Plant and a representative of UMMC-Holding.

“The Sverdlovsk region has serious potential and enormous opportunities and has a strong partner in the person of the Ural Civil Aviation Plant, which, according to the concluded contracts, will deliver the first four L-410 aircraft this year, we have no doubt about it, and for our part we will do everything, to create conditions for starting production"

“Today we must finally determine the timing of the implementation of the second stage of the Titanium Valley project and the construction of L-410 aircraft. The second task that we have is to connect the L-410 project with the Il-114 project, the decision to finance which was made by the President of Russia,” said Deputy Minister of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation Andrei Boginsky in his opening remarks.

Andrey Boginsky / Photo:

It was noted that the resolution of land and property issues at the Uktus airport and adjacent areas, necessary for the creation of the second stage of the Titanium Valley SEZ, is proceeding according to the approved schedule. This year, in the reconstructed production buildings of the airport, the Ural Civil Aviation Plant should assemble the first four L-410 aircraft, and also create capacities for localizing production: by 2017 - at the level of partial replacement with its own avionics systems, by 2019 - complete replacement for our own equipment and modifications to the chassis, by 2020 - re-motorization, production of the aircraft engine in cooperation with factories in the Sverdlovsk region.

A. Boginsky instructed to formulate a concept for connecting the localization project for the L-410 aircraft and the production of the Il-114 aircraft within two weeks and drew attention to the need to take into account the long-term perspective. “I understand that the deadlines are very tight. It is necessary to look at the structure of support measures so that the project is effective not only at the stage of aircraft production, but also in further operation, and most importantly, so that flights on the L-410 are affordable for consumers. To support demand for L-410, the Ministry of Transport, together with the Ministry of Industry and Trade, has done a lot of work. We have received a request from the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, we understand that there is a potential order for about 80 aircraft,” he said.

Subsidies from the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation for the creation of production of L-410 aircraft in Yekaterinburg in 2016 could amount to up to 530 million rubles.

“The Sverdlovsk region has serious potential and enormous opportunities. We have a strong partner in the Ural Civil Aviation Plant, which, under the concluded contracts, will deliver the first four L-410 aircraft this year, we have no doubt about it. For our part, we will do everything to create conditions for the launch of production. At Innoprom, I think, we will discuss in detail the new tasks of connecting our L-410 project and the Il-114 project in order to fulfill the task set by the president and support the domestic aircraft industry and domestic air transportation with our aircraft while the Il-114 aircraft is being created “said the chairman of the regional government, Denis Pasler.

Denis Pasler / Photo:

The Deputy Minister of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation expressed the opinion that Titanium Valley is successful in terms of creating highly productive jobs and growing the gross regional product. The VSMPO-AVISMA company, the main resident of the Verkhny Salda site, is actively working. It is planned that the Yekaterinburg site will be no less effective, that a synergistic effect will be obtained in terms of support measures and the product that will be produced at the sites of the second stage of Titanium Valley.

Evgeny Kuyvashev / Photo:

Governor of the Sverdlovsk Region Evgeny Kuyvashev emphasized that Titanium Valley is unique in several respects. Firstly, this is the most important project for the country, because the specialization of the zone is associated with the production of titanium products, the production of modern equipment for metallurgy, mechanical engineering, the space and aviation industries - industries that have undergone rapid development. The industry focus of the zone is titanium production, which has no competitors in Russia. In terms of technology and specialization, Titanium Valley is focused on high-tech processing and the creation of world-class competitive products.

The second most important aspect of the project’s implementation, according to the head of the region, is the intensification of economic development of the two largest agglomerations of the Middle Urals: Nizhny Tagil, where the first stage of the “Titanium Valley” is located, and Yekaterinburg, where the second stage has been laid, the press service of the Ministry of Industry and Trade reported.

Technical information


Aerodynamic design

Classic. It is a twin-engine turboprop high-wing aircraft with a single-fin tail.


  • L-410UVP- a short-haul passenger aircraft, a modification of the L-410 aircraft, in which the takeoff and landing distance is reduced. The abbreviation “UVP” means “short takeoff and landing.” The first launch took place in 1976. The aircraft is equipped with a conventional avionics complex of joint Soviet-Czechoslovak production. This aircraft differs from previous versions by an elongated fuselage, increased wing and vertical tail dimensions, the use of spoilers and a more powerful engine.
  • L-410NG- further development of the L-410UVP-E20, characterized by the presence of integral wing tanks, which almost doubled the capacity of the fuel system and accordingly increased the flight range. More powerful engines were installed, the volume of the front luggage compartment was increased, and the cockpit was equipped with the most modern avionics. It is planned to launch serial production of the modification by 2017.

Passenger cabin / Photo:

Cockpit / Photo:









2 pilots

2 pilots

2 pilots

2 pilots

2 pilots

17 passengers or 1430 kg of cargo

15 passengers or 1300 kg of cargo

17-19 passengers or 1710 kg of cargo

19 passengers or 1800 kg of cargo

engine's type

2 × Walter M601A turboprop

2 × Walter M601D turboprop

2 × Walter M601E turboprop

2 × Walter M601E turboprop

2 × TVD GE H80-200

Takeoff power, hp

2 × 690


2 × 750

2 × 750

2 × 800

Propeller type

2 × AVIA V508B

2 × AVIA V508D

2 × AVIA V510

2 × AVIA V510

2 × AVIA AV-725

Number of blades on each propeller






Propeller diameter, m






Wingspan, m






Aircraft length, m






Aircraft height, m






Wing area, m²






Empty aircraft weight, kg






Maximum take-off weight, kg






Fuel mass (main tanks), kg






Fuel mass (end tanks), kg






Maximum speed, km/h IS






Practical range, km






Practical ceiling, m






The first L-410 aircraft was created in the 60s of the last century by Czechoslovak manufacturers commissioned by the USSR. It was the Soviet Union that was the main customer of this type of air transport, however, companies from other countries were also interested in this model:

  • Poland and Lithuania;
  • Bulgaria and Hungary;
  • Brazil.

After all, the advantages of the aircraft could be appreciated even with the naked eye:

  1. Lightweight and maneuverable.
  2. Ability to land on normal ground.
  3. Sufficient load capacity and comfort.

These are the characteristics that the new airliner had. Photos of the interior of the L-410 aircraft can be viewed on our Internet resource.

Airplane L-410

The first model of the L-410 aircraft, as previously noted, was created in the late 60s. The main goal of the new air transport is to carry out short flights. The cabin capacity had to be such that it could accommodate up to 20 people, and the plane had to serve airlines with a length of up to 650 km.

The Czechoslovakian manufacturer successfully completed the task assigned to it; the new model of the aircraft turned out to be not only reliable and unpretentious, but also multi-purpose, which, in fact, was what the customer required.

Having received a new type of air transport at their disposal, the airliner began to be used for:

  • passenger and freight transportation;
  • for transportation of correspondence;
  • for transporting patients;
  • for carrying out various scientific research.

The new model of air transport was valued not only for its maneuverability, but also for its ability to take off and land in places where there was no runway, which was extremely important when transporting patients or conducting scientific research.

The first model, called L-410, took to the skies in the late 60s, however, as the manufacturers noticed, the air transport engine was of insufficient power. Therefore, it was decided to make several changes to the production process, in particular they affected the engine. Thus, by the mid-70s, modernized L-410s with a more powerful engine were put into production, 5 of which were transferred to the Soviet Union.

The main customer was satisfied with his order and continued cooperation with the manufacturer, and the first air transport was purchased by the most famous company at that time, Aeroflot. You can see photos of the Let L-410 aircraft on the website. By the early 80s, the Soviet Union had acquired more than 100 models of L-410 aircraft, and had no intention of stopping cooperation.

The interior of the L-410 aircraft

Variety of L-410 aircraft models

The Czechoslovakian manufacturer did not stop on its achievements, constantly creating more and more advanced aircraft models. Production of the following models was launched:

  • L 410 UVP;
  • L 410 A;
  • L 410 AS;
  • L 410 M.

The L 410 UVP model was also developed at the request of a Soviet customer; the aircraft differed from its analogues in its increased wing length and fuselage, as well as its vertical tail structure. This modernization allowed the airliner to take off and land at an even shorter distance, which was the main requirement of the customer.

The demand for air transport from the Czechoslovak manufacturer, of course, subsided after the collapse of the USSR, but the Ural Mining and Metallurgical Company, which 8 years ago bought out more than 50% of the shares from the first manufacturer, helped save the situation. Currently, the partners are planning to increase the production of aircraft, improve the production process, and purchase new modern equipment.

Characteristics of air transport

Technical characteristics of the L-410 aircraft:

  • up to 14.42 m – length of air transport;
  • up to 20 m – aircraft wingspan;
  • 35 m 2 – occupies the wing area;
  • 5.83 m – aircraft height;
  • 4 tons – weight of empty transport;
  • up to 6.6 tons – maximum weight allowed during takeoff;
  • 750 hp on 2 – engine power;
  • 335 km/h – maximum speed;
  • up to 1500 km is the flight range of air transport.

The capacity of the fuel tanks is 1680 liters, the maximum fuel supply is 1300 kg. If the plane is maximally loaded, it will be able to cover a distance of 1000 km, and for the maximum takeoff it will need only 850 meters.

There are two seats for the crew, there are 19 passenger seats in the cabin, the width is 1.9 meters. A photo of the L-410 aircraft will help you get a more detailed look at the interior of the aircraft.

Airplane L-410 in the sky

What else do you need to know?

To summarize, we can say that the L-410 airliner is a reliable, unpretentious and maneuverable type of air vehicle, which has a reduced distance for both takeoff and landing. It is convenient to operate vehicles in conditions where it is difficult to take off and land vehicles. Thanks to the sufficient safety margin that was invested by the manufacturers, the aircraft can easily land and take off from unprepared and even unpaved sites. The spacious cabin, equipped with large windows, has good sound insulation, the seats for passengers are located in the 1+2.

This model is capable of covering about 1,300 km while carrying 19 passengers., and high-quality landing gear, manufactured using a special method, allows the aircraft to land even on wet grassy ground. The airliner performed well when operating in harsh climatic conditions; the excellent traction characteristics of the engine allow the aircraft to be used both at high temperatures and at very low atmospheric pressure.

Excellent safety parameters allow you to safely transport passengers and deliver cargo intact and without damage. Throughout the history of its existence, the airliner has been constantly modernized by the manufacturer, and currently production of aircraft continues.

By joint efforts, manufacturers plan to create more advanced models in the coming years, the engines of which will have increased power, the luggage compartment area will increase, and the cockpit will be equipped with the latest equipment, including avionics.

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