
The thermostat for a heat-insulated floor will provide comfortable conditions and will reduce costs of the electric power. Installing a floor heating thermostat - connection diagram, tips Floor heating thermostat in the bathroom


Equipping the underfloor heating system, you need to pay due attention to all its components. At what height should the floor heating thermostat be installed so that there are no inconveniences with its use, reading readings and carrying out repairs if necessary?

Features of installing thermostats

  • Possibility of installation in a frame with switches or sockets. Some models of temperature controllers can be located in a frame with sockets and switches. If this nuance is important, it is advisable to check with the seller with which fittings for electrical wiring this or that regulator is compatible.
  • Close proximity to heated area. Install the device closer to the place of heating. Thus, the length of the sensor cable, which can fail, is reduced. At what height should the floor heating thermostat be placed in this case? Ideally, if it is 30-40 cm from the floor. This placement is not as convenient as what the manufacturer recommends (90 cm), but it significantly reduces the length of the wire. If children live in the apartment, the device must be installed higher. When air sensors are used, the advice of the supplier regarding the height and location of the thermostat should be taken into account. It is desirable that the device is located close to the place where the cable layout begins. In this case, you can draw up a laying scheme in advance.
  • Possibility of installation in rooms with high humidity. Experts do not recommend installing thermostats in the bathroom, as there is a risk of water getting inside the device. If no other option is possible, you can opt for devices that are protected from moisture. Such models have a protection class of at least IP21. The second indicator shows the presence and degree of protection of the device from water.
  • Connection to the electrical panel via a separate line Sensors for underfloor heating systems with a power of 200-300 W can be powered from a socket that is located nearby and is protected by an RCD. For floors with high power, a separate line is required, so it is better to install devices for them closer to the electrical panel.
  • Installing a temperature controller on the loggia. When you plan to install a thermostat on a loggia, you need to take into account the rated power of the device, which is indicated in the instructions. In this case, it is advisable to choose an installation location closer to the doorway, since the temperature in winter will be higher in this place. When the temperature sensor for the loggia is located indoors, it is important that it be accessible when it is necessary to replace the sensor.
  • Installation of the thermostat in a mounting box, on a wall or in an electrical panel. Almost all thermostats require installation in a socket. It itself can be located in the wall or mounted on its surface. External installation, as a rule, is resorted to when arranging the system on balconies and loggias.

At what height should the floor heating thermostat be installed and how to connect it to the system? If such questions arise, in order to be sure that the place for the location of the temperature controller is chosen well, you can consult with a specialist.

The floor heating system allows you to maintain a comfortable microclimate in the room, giving the owner the opportunity to independently determine the required temperature. To control the intensity of heating of this kind, systems are equipped with a device known as a thermostat.

If desired, the installation of the said device can be handled on its own. The contractor must initially tune in to the seriousness and responsibility of the upcoming event, not forgetting, at the same time, the safety provisions.

In addition to the temperature controller itself, the system includes a special temperature sensor. The installation of the second device is carried out using a corrugated plastic tube. This product is located in the floor screed.

Modern thermostats are programmable, which is very convenient. For example, the owner can set up the device in such a way that, in the absence of owners, the warm floor will operate in energy saving mode, and some time before people arrive home, it will switch to full heating mode, providing the desired temperature in the served room.

Regulators with a programming function are somewhat more expensive compared to their "brothers" without such an opportunity, however, due to savings on the consumption of a heat source, the difference in price is compensated on average for 1-3 seasons.

Preparation for work

Before proceeding with the installation of the temperature controller, carefully read the instructions supplied by the manufacturer. The section devoted directly to the installation of the device deserves special attention, because. The procedure for performing this event is different for different models.

Thermoregulator TI-200. Instruction

Thermostat UTH-150 Euro type. Passport and installation instructions

Remove the front panel of the regulator by carefully removing the control wheel. To do this, gently pry the element with a screwdriver, and then unscrew the fixing screw. If the model of the regulator you have chosen is equipped with latches, simply press them with a screwdriver and the panel will be removed.

Important! If the cover is not removed, do not try to solve the problem by exerting mechanical action. So you risk breaking the fasteners. As a result, you will have to buy a new regulator. It is better to carefully read the manufacturer's manual and disassemble the device in accordance with the sequence given.

Prepare the following fixtures for mounting the instrument:

  • corrugated tube. In most situations, this product is present at the factory. If specifically in your case, the manufacturer did not complete its product with a corrugated mounting pipe, buy it separately. A tube with a 16 mm diameter is optimally suited. To determine the required length, measure the space between the mounting locations of the heating controller and the temperature sensor;
  • screwdriver
  • fixing screws;
  • mounting box;
  • level;
  • indicator screwdriver. Designed to determine the voltage in the network. Can be replaced by another device with similar functions.

The nuances of installing different types of thermostats

When studying the instructions for the selected thermostat, pay attention to the indicator of the service area declared by the manufacturer. If you plan to install the appliance in a large room, it would be advisable to divide the space into several areas and install a separate temperature controller for each of them. Otherwise, the device may simply not withstand the applied load and there will be no point in using it.

Regulators can have a different design and functionality. Depending on this, the installation order of the device will vary slightly. Information about this is given in the table.

Table. Differences in the main parameters of thermostats

Thermostat designOn sale are built-in and overhead devices. Installation of a built-in regulator implies the need to create a technological hole in the selected wall. In the case of an overhead device, you do not have to make a hole.
Control FeaturesManufacturers offer devices with remote and built-in temperature sensors. Combined models equipped with both types of sensors are also available.
FunctionalityIt was previously noted that the controller may have programming functions or be without them. Experts recommend using customizable devices whenever possible, because. they provide more comfortable, economical and generally effective conditions for using a warm floor.

Useful information about electrical wires

Several wires are introduced into the box, the insulation of which has a different color. In accordance with generally accepted provisions, a blue wire goes to zero, the phase is connected to a wire in black insulation, and grounding is provided by a wire in a yellow-green sheath.

You can find the phase using a special network indicator. Also in preparation, you must measure the voltage level created between zero and phase. The normal value is 220 V.

You must cut the wires of the main heating cable as well as the power supply. This can be done with a sharp knife or special nippers. The cables must be cut so that they protrude from the junction box by about 5 cm. The wires must be stripped. If a device is being installed with a screwless connection, information about the recommended length of this stripping will be given on the body of the device. Make sure that the stripped ends of the cables do not touch. To connect the ground wire to the braid of the heating cable, use soldering or a terminal.

Next, you need to connect the power wire to the thermostat to be installed. The system connection diagram is given in the manufacturer's manual or on the device case. For different devices, it will be different, so check this moment on an individual basis.

Lead the phase wire to the corresponding contact of the device to be installed. You can find out the contact you need by marking it with the Latin letter L. Connect the zero cable to the terminal marked with the letter N. Be careful: there are systems on sale in which the main heating cable of the system being equipped is connected to the N-terminal. Check this information in the manufacturer's manual before starting work.

Connect the temperature sensor to the sensor terminals. As noted, this sensor is located in a corrugated pipe. If it is not initially inserted into the tube, you need to do it yourself.

Key safety points

Any electrical work must be carried out in strict accordance with safety regulations. Neglect of these provisions threatens the most adverse consequences. The key recommendations are:

  • before starting work, de-energize the entire apartment / house or directly the line allocated for connecting the thermostat, if such a possibility exists;
  • do not plug the disassembled device into the mains;
  • do not use the regulator at temperatures above +40 and below -5;
  • do not allow the thermostat to become dusty;
  • Do not use a variety of solvents to clean the device. The use of benzene for these purposes is also unacceptable;
  • do not repair the regulator without having the appropriate skills;
  • do not exceed the values ​​of power and current above those specified in the manufacturer's instructions.

Step-by-step instructions for installing the regulator

The event under consideration consists of several main technological stages. Follow the given sequence, and everything will definitely work out.

First stage. Armed with a hammer drill, drill or other suitable tool, prepare a hole in the wall for the connected device. Its size should allow you to install the box. At the same stage, arrange channels for laying cables and arranging the sensor. Place the installation box in the previously prepared mounting hole.

Scheme of laying wires in the corrugation

Third stage. Install a temperature controller. Your task is to simply fix the device in the box.

Fourth stage. Connect the main nodes of the system. At this stage, you must strictly follow the manufacturer's instructions, because. the sequence of actions is somewhat different for different device models.

Fifth stage. Install the front panel. Use the supplied mounting screws to secure. Check the evenness of the installation of the regulator using a level. Then close the thermostat cover and turn on the power. If everything is in order, you will understand this by the underfloor heating indicator lit up or the controller screen turning on. You can start setting up your device.

Important! Experts recommend taking the underfloor heating system into permanent operation at least 3-4 weeks after pouring the screed and laying the tiles, if it was chosen as the finishing decorative coating. Under the influence of heat, the filling can simply crack.

The performer is only allowed to measure the resistance created between the heating conductors, using a tool specially designed for this. The obtained measurements are compared with the optimal values ​​given in the manufacturer's manual. If everything is in order, it remains only to wait for the screed to dry completely and gain strength, after which the system, equipped with a thermostat and an associated sensor, can be put into full operation.

Successful work!

Video - Installing a floor heating thermostat

Underfloor heating is a rather complex, well-functioning system consisting of a heating element, the coolant in which, depending on the type, can be electric current or hot water. Electric underfloor heating is the most popular. Installation of this type of system involves the installation of not only wires that will give off heat, but also a thermostat. An underfloor heating sensor is also installed.

The temperature sensor is one of the most important elements that make up the floor heating system. This is a conductor made of copper, covered with an insulating material, the end of the sensor is closed with a special cone in order to protect it from various external influences. The principle of operation of the device is simple: the sensor independently determines the temperature of the floor (when heated, the resistance of the device decreases) and then reports the information received to the thermostat.

Further, the thermostat, depending on the received data - high or low temperature - automatically turns on / off the floor heating system. Typically, the device is triggered if the temperature drops below the set mark by only 0.5 degrees. In general, the frequency of the “on-off” cycle depends on several factors - this is the thickness, type of coating, the temperature of the heating of the air in the room, the presence or absence of insulation.

On a note! The temperature sensor can be located at different distances to the temperature controller. Its informativeness in this case practically does not change.

Thus, these devices - both the sensor and the regulator - help to create a favorable microclimate in the room, controlling the entire underfloor heating system.

Features and benefits of use

The installation of a temperature sensor and thermostat in the underfloor heating system is optional. But experts strongly recommend not to neglect them. The presence of these small but important devices is necessary for the correct operation of the heating. The fact is that the absence of a temperature sensor will not allow you to control the temperature of floor heating, which can adversely affect the condition of the floor covering as a result of violation of operating conditions.

For example, laminate and carpet should not be used at high temperatures - the permissible heating rate for coatings is only +30 degrees. When exceeded, both laminate and carpet begin to release compounds into the atmosphere, which can have a negative impact on human health. Also, the laminate is prone to deformation with significant overheating of the lamellae. If a temperature sensor is installed in the system, then when a certain temperature is reached, the floor heating is turned off, and nothing threatens the coatings.

Also, the device helps to control the cost of electricity, which means it saves a lot of money that goes to pay utility bills.

Types of temperature sensors for underfloor heating

The choice of a temperature sensor that is suitable in a particular situation must be approached with all responsibility. And first you need to study what types of these devices exist.

On a note! In most cases, sensors for underfloor heating come with thermostats, which facilitates their installation and configuration.

Table. Types of sensors for underfloor heating.


Such a sensor is installed where there is no wind and draft, and also where it will not be exposed to sunlight. Otherwise, the instrument readings will be inaccurate. This type measures the temperature of the air around it.

Mounted directly on the surface to be heated.

On a note! There are types of thermostats that are immediately equipped with two temperature sensors. It is believed that such a system is much more reliable in operation than a conventional one.

Functions and choice of thermostat

The thermostat is also a very important device that is used when installing a floor heating system. It will process the indicators that the temperature sensor transmits to it, and, depending on them, control the system.

Thermostat functions:

  • heating system control;
  • control and maintenance of optimal floor temperature;
  • process of control of the spent electric power;
  • optimization and improvement of floor heating.

On a note! The energy consumption of the entire system usually corresponds to ½ of its capacity. Thus, it is possible to calculate the approximate costs.

Table. Types of thermostats.


The simplest type of device and affordable. Its main working element is a special metal plate, it reacts to temperature changes. When the system cools down, as soon as the curvature of the plate becomes such that it touches the second contact, the system is turned on. The specific value of the floor heating temperature will not allow you to set the device.

The device works like this: it is equipped with a special element that generates a special signal. Power directly depends on the ambient temperature. Such thermostats allow you to set the exact heating temperature, sometimes even to fractions of a degree. The device is controlled using buttons and a small display. More expensive and more difficult to manage than the previous ones.

The most expensive type of temperature sensor, but it allows you to set certain parameters, upon reaching which the thermostat will turn the entire system on or off. Such a device will allow you to create a microclimate in the apartment that is suitable for a particular person. At the same time, the programmable thermostat can be configured in such a way that it starts the system at a strictly allotted time. That is, it can heat the floors immediately before the owner arrives at home, without wasting electricity during his absence from the room. However, it is not advisable to use it in the bathroom.

Experienced craftsmen recommend installing a programmable thermostat during installation. The cost of it will quickly pay off during the heating season, when electricity bills will increase several times compared to the warm season.

There are also temperature controllers with a limiter. This type of device is triggered depending on the maximum / minimum allowable temperature. Its main function is to prevent the floor from overheating or getting too cold.

There are regulators and alarms. If the sensor detects overheating of the coating, the device will report the violation to the owner of the house using a special signal.

Pros and cons of thermostats

Undoubtedly, the use of a temperature sensor and a thermostat is in itself a big plus for the operation of the entire underfloor heating system.

However, each type of device has its own advantages and disadvantages.

  1. Advantages electromechanical devices- versatility, ease of use, high reliability and low cost. In addition, if necessary, this type of device is easy to repair or replace on your own. The main disadvantage is the need to manage the system manually. It does not react to the ambient temperature.
  2. Electric thermostat(together with the sensor) is equipped with a display showing the performance. Also, its advantage is the ability to set accurate temperature values.
  3. Flaws programmable thermostat– high price, difficulty in operation. But on the other hand, you can even control some models using your phone or computer.

In each individual case, the most convenient thermostat can be used. For example, in order to save money, electromechanical devices can be used in a bathroom, toilet and other small rooms and where a person is not located for a long time. But programmable ones are the best option for living rooms, children's rooms, bedrooms.

Floor temperature sensor and controller - how to choose and install

The choice of temperature sensor and thermostat for installation in the underfloor heating system should be done correctly. Here it is important to evaluate the main indicators and requirements for operation.

On a note! There are types of thermostats that can record data from sensors located in two zones (rooms) at once. Sometimes it is advisable to purchase just such devices.

Choosing a floor heating sensor depending on the floor covering

Depending on the type of floor covering, certain types of sensors should be used. There are the following types of device.

  1. Fits under soft cover(carpet, linoleum, parquet, laminate). The sensor in this case is a small cylinder attached to the end of a special cable. It is mounted only after the concrete screed has completely dried, in which a small groove is then made specifically for the device.
  2. Installed under hard floor. A larger element has a special gel shell that protects the device from shock and mechanical damage.

Mounting the thermostat and sensor

The installation of these two devices is quite simple and, as a rule, even beginners do not have any problems if they act in accordance with the instructions. There are two ways to connect the temperature sensor.

  1. Directly. In this case, the heating cable itself is combined in one bundle with a thermostat.
  2. Using a junction box. In this case, one cable is laid from the thermostat to the junction box, and then another cable is laid to the heating element.

To connect the temperature control system, you should organize a separate line from the electrical panel. For this, copper wiring with a cross section of 2.5 mm 2 is perfect. Further, a groove is cut in the wall, into which the corrugations with the wire from the temperature sensor and the heating cable will be laid.

Step 1. The wire, at the end of which a temperature sensor is installed, is pushed into a corrugated tube of a suitable diameter.

Step 2 The sensor wire also exits from the other end of the corrugation.

Step 3 The end of the tube, where the sensor itself is located, is closed with a special plastic plug. This is necessary so that nothing gets there, including the building mixture with which the system will be poured.

Step 4 The end of the tube with the sensor is fixed between the two heating circuits right in the middle. It is fixed with a plastic clamp or a special tape. In this case, the installation location of the sensor is chosen so that it is relatively close to the temperature controller itself, it is desirable that there is a possibility of relatively easy access to the sensor. The optimal distance from the device to the wall is 50-60 cm.

Attention! The temperature sensor should not be located close to heating appliances or fireplaces, stoves. Otherwise, there will be errors in the readings.

Step 5 The tube from the location of the regulator is led to the floor in a special grooved groove. Its bend at the floor should not be sharp - at least 5 cm.

Step 6 The groove in the wall after laying all the wires and the corrugated tube in it is sealed with cement mortar.

Step 7 The wires need to be tinned.

Step 8 After that, the wires are connected to the thermostat. The regulator is installed in its place - a hole in the wall above the groove for the wires.

Step 9 All electrical connections are checked and then the underfloor heating system is turned on for one minute. This will allow you to check its performance.

Step 10 If everything works, then the signal light on the thermostat panel will light up, and the floor system will also heat up. On the sketched diagram of the warm floor, the installation location of the temperature sensor is indicated.

Video - How to connect the floor system to the thermostat

Video - Installing a temperature sensor

Temperature sensor replacement

If the floor heating temperature sensor is out of order, then it will have to be replaced. Otherwise, the thermostat will not be able to control the heating system. The cause of the breakdown will help to find out the diagnosis by the tester. As a rule, it identifies two causes of a malfunction - both of them are associated with contacts (either it is where it is not needed, or it is absent where it is needed).

The first step is to test the input wires - for this you will have to disassemble the regulator housing. When the power is on, the tester checks for voltage in the wires. If there is no power, then one of the switches does not work - then the operability of the devices in the network is checked up to the place where the regulator is installed. If there is voltage at the input contacts, then the test continues at the output. The wires of the thermal circuit are disconnected from the regulator when the current is off. If in this case, when the energy is turned on, there is no voltage on the output wires, then the breakdown is hidden in the control unit or in the sensor itself. The resistance of the sensor is checked with an ohmmeter. If the sensor does not work, it must be dismantled if possible and a new one installed.

Attention! The sensor cannot be repaired, it can only be replaced with a new one. In this case, you will have to buy a new regulator.

What to do if the sensor is not installed

It is risky to use a floor heating system without a temperature sensor - you can ruin the floor covering. There are several ways to solve the problem.

  1. Equipping the system with an air sensor (installation is possible only for a cable heating system. The power of the heating circuit must be equal to 170 W / m 2).
  2. Installation of the sensor in the screed (it is necessary to grind the floor with high precision in order not to damage the heating system).

During the installation of the underfloor heating system, installing both the temperature sensor and the regulator is quite simple. It is more difficult to carry out work if the devices were neglected at one time, and then they realized that they were still necessary. Fortunately, everything is fixable.

An important role in the construction and design of a warm floor is played by a thermostat - a control unit that processes information from temperature sensors. Depending on the selected operating mode, it turns on or off the heating mode.

The mandatory installation of a thermostat depends on the modification of your underfloor heating. If heating is carried out by electricity, then the thermostat is an indispensable element of the design, but in a warm water field it can not be installed. However, to save the coolant and regulate the heating of the room with several heat sources, the thermostat can also be installed in systems with a warm water floor.

What are thermostats?

Depending on the internal electronic filling, thermostats can be divided into complex ones with programmable control and simple ones, in which only one parameter is set - temperature. In complex devices, there is an electronic unit and a display; in simple ones, the desired temperature is set mechanically.

You can also divide thermostats into types according to the way they are installed. Like conventional wall switches, they can be built-in and recessed into walls and overhead.

Temperature sensors

In order for the temperature controller to perform its work efficiently, information collected by temperature sensors must be supplied to it. The sensor consists of two wires connected by a thermocouple, which changes resistance depending on the degree of heating.

Temperature sensors can take information both directly from the heating element and measure the air temperature in the room. As a rule, air temperature sensors are mounted directly in the thermostat housing and do not require separate installation. There are thermostats that receive information simultaneously from two types of temperature sensors.

It is best to measure the temperature of the floor heating element itself or the floor itself in rooms with additional heat sources, such as kitchens and bathrooms.

Connecting an electric underfloor heating to a thermostat

Heating electric elements of underfloor heating systems are made of infrared film or heating cable. The installation of such systems is quite simple - they fit either into the thickness of the screed, or on the screed directly under the finish flooring.

The thermostat is connected to such floors as follows:

Then test the thermostat:

  1. Set the minimum temperature value on the regulator,
  2. Feed him
  3. Turn on the heating switch
  4. Gradually change the temperature value, when the heating elements are turned on, a slight click should be heard.
  5. Visually check floor heating.

Connecting a warm water floor to a thermostat

In water heating systems, the thermostat controls a special servo drive that regulates the flow of coolant in the system. So intended for electric floors, they can be programmable and mechanical. Temperature sensors in such systems, as a rule, measure air heating, since the heat transfer fluid gives off heat to the atmosphere with some delay.

This is how the simplest mechanical thermostat looks like for a water-heated floor system.

  1. When creating a warm water floor, the temperature sensor is usually installed at a height of about a meter, you can place it in close proximity to the thermostat. Please note that there are no additional heat sources near the sensor.
  2. After installing the sensor, run the wires from it to the thermostat. There are sensors with information transmission over a radio channel - in this case, it is necessary to achieve a stable signal transmission.
  3. After starting the system, place an ordinary thermometer next to the temperature sensor and set a certain heating temperature on the thermostat. Within a few hours, the system should maintain the temperature in a stable state.

Remember that the installation of electrical circuits in the house must be carried out with the protective circuit breaker turned off.

In order to learn more about the procedure for connecting a warm floor to a thermostat, watch the video tutorial presented on our website.

Video instruction - do-it-yourself thermostat installation

The underfloor heating system consists of two elements: a heating circuit and a temperature controller. Moreover, the regulators of underfloor heating can have several more names: thermostats and thermostats, since they are responsible for maintaining the same (static) temperature.

Functions and Benefits

The main function of a thermostat for underfloor heating is to maintain the set temperature. This is achieved by turning the heating elements on/off. It turns out that the underfloor heating controller saves electricity, because the system turns on only periodically when the controlled temperature drops. Therefore, in the presence of such a device, heating is more economical, and, despite the fact that the device is not cheap, it pays off in a period of several months to one year (depending on the cost of the chosen model).

Infrared warm floor under the laminate was laid by many. According to reviews - it warms perfectly

There is one more plus of this solution - if the sensor is working properly, the heating elements will not overheat, which will increase their service life and prevent the failure of the heaters due to excess temperature.

The system can also work without a thermostat. But then the functions of this device will have to be performed by a person: turn on / off the heating as needed. With such a device, comfort will be lower, and there will be no savings. In addition, there is a risk of burning the heating cables if you forget or do not turn off the system in time.

Types of thermostats

The floor temperature controller can be of three types:

It is clear that the more functions and capabilities the underfloor heating controller has, the more expensive the device. And how much you need these functions is up to you. But we can definitely say that it is not advisable to use floor programmers for a bathroom or kitchen, because they are visited regardless of the time. Therefore, the ideal way out here is mechanical or digital devices. Moreover, when installing the system in a bathroom or pool, the thermostat is placed outside it: they do not tolerate high humidity, in the kitchen, pool, etc. splashes must not reach the device.

What you don't have to do is to use one control device for two different rooms. For example, it is undesirable to combine a bathroom and a kitchen, although usually the capacities allow this. Simply in this case, you will have to set the general temperature for the two rooms. And if you set the one that will be comfortable in the bathroom, then it will be clearly hot in the kitchen. If you put "in the kitchen", then you will freeze in the bathroom. And so with almost any room. If, nevertheless, there is a desire to use one thermostat for underfloor heating for two rooms or two circuits, then you need to use two-channel models that allow you to control both circuits independently.

Types of floor heating sensors

Different models of thermostats can control the temperature of the floor or air. It depends on the type of sensor that is compatible with the device. The choice of sensor type depends on the function of the heating. If the system is additional and its task is to increase comfort, a floor temperature sensor is used. After all, another system is responsible for air heating in this case, and the task of water or electric heating is to create and maintain a comfortable temperature only under your feet. This floor thermostat sensor is remote. It is connected to special terminals on the case. The control element itself is located at the end of the electric cable; when laying, it is located in the middle between the turns of the heating element on the floor at a distance of at least 50 cm from the wall.

Underfloor heating sensors are a small device at the end of a long cable. It is wound into a piece of pipe fixed to the floor, which is located between the heating elements

If the heating elements are installed in, then the floor heating sensor is placed in a solution, but only in a pipe or corrugated hose. Then, in the event of a breakdown, it will be easy to replace it by simply disconnecting it from the terminals and pulling the wires, then you will need to insert a serviceable one and connect it. When installing a sensor for film underfloor heating, it is not necessary to place it in a pipe. Since with this type of heating there is no screed and, if necessary, it can be replaced by disassembling part of the floor covering. Although, it is still more expedient to spend a little more time during installation and make a strobe under the pipe for the sensor than to disassemble / assemble the entire structure for each replacement.

In the event that a warm floor is the main heating system, a sensor is required that monitors the state of the air. Most often, these sensors are built into the body of the thermostat for underfloor heating. There are also models that work with two sensors at the same time. In both cases, when choosing a place for installation, it is necessary to take into account that it is this device that determines the air temperature. Therefore, it must be positioned so that the sun's rays do not fall on it (they will heat the case, and the temperature will be determined incorrectly). It is worth avoiding those places where there are drafts. They will also affect the measurements of the state of the air, but in the other direction - underestimate the real indicator. Also, devices and devices that actively generate heat should not be nearby.

Installing a thermostat

Installation of equipment should take place at air temperatures from 0 o C to +45 o C. The floor temperature controller is located on one of the walls at a height of 0.4 m to 1.7 m. It must be placed so that direct sunlight, splashes and drafts do not fall on it. When choosing a height, please note that if there are small children in the family, then it is advisable to place the device at a height where it will not be accessible to children: they are very attracted to the buttons / screens / wheels. Therefore, it is better to install in a place inaccessible to children.

According to the installation method, there are two types of thermostats for underfloor heating: overhead and mortise. Under the mortise, you need to make a hole in the wall and install a standard mounting box there - most models fit perfectly in it. Overhead are attached directly to the wall surface and do not require additional work, but they do not have the most attractive appearance.

To provide protection against short circuits and to prevent electric shock, an RCD and / or a circuit breaker is installed in front of the floor thermostat. See the diagram, the dotted line indicates the neutral connection for a two-wire network. RCDs can not be installed everywhere, but in rooms with high humidity, their installation is mandatory. Since in this case there is a lot of equipment, it makes sense to hide everything in a wiring closet. Please note that only people with appropriate training may work on the power supply. Therefore, if you install a thermostat for a warm floor with your own hands, but there is no appropriate preparation, then be sure to invite an electrician for this part.

After installing the mounting box in the wall towards the floor, it is necessary to make strobes for laying the leads of the heating elements (cables, mats or films). A pipe / corrugated hose is placed under the floor temperature sensor in the same groove or in a strobe nearby. There may be only one groove. Then it is made wide enough so that you can easily place all the wires and the pipe. It is possible to make a separate channel for the wires of each heating circuit, and sometimes they are also laid in pipes / corrugated hoses. In this case, the repair will be easier - pull out the wires from the non-working circuits, after disconnecting them from the thermostat, and insert others from the working circuit in their place. And you don't have to hit the wall.

Installing a floor heating sensor

The gate for the sensor goes along the wall to the floor level, and then along the floor at a distance of at least 50 cm from the wall. Moreover, in order for the measurements to be correct, it is desirable to place the control element in the middle between the heating elements, and not near one of them. Lay a pipe or hose in the groove (as recommended by the manufacturer). Lead one end into the mounting box, and securely isolate the second one, the one that will be in the floor, so that the solution does not get into it. You can use electrical tape by winding it in several layers, make a foam plug, etc. After fixing the hose / pipe, insert the floor temperature sensor into it: just lower it into the corresponding hole.


After the heating elements (, mats,) are laid, the wires from them are brought into the mounting box, where the thermostat for the warm floor is installed. Then, according to the scheme that is on the case on the back of the device, all the wires are connected. Only after that is the food supplied.

Now it is possible to carry out a test run (before pouring the screed or laying the flooring) to make sure that the system works. To do this, after checking the correct connection of the wires and the reliability of their fastening, set the lowest temperature, turn on the RCD. Then set the thermostat to 30 ° C (maximum temperature according to SNiP). If the system is operational, a click is heard - the relay has connected the circuit to work. After a few minutes, all parts of the heating elements should be warm. Now, if the temperature is again set to the minimum, you should again hear the click of the power off. After this check, we can assume that the installation of the floor heating thermostat is completed and you can start pouring the screed or laying it.

If the system does not turn on, the problem is most likely with the sensor. This is generally a fairly common phenomenon - its failure. So don't be scared. They cost a little, they change easily. To check the serviceability, measure the resistance of the floor heating sensor. The received data is compared with the passport data. There is a difference - the sensor is faulty. You take out the broken one, insert a new one, test everything again. Should earn.


Installing a thermostat and a floor heating sensor is not the most difficult task, it is quite possible for self-assembly. The only difficulty is connecting the power supply and grounding / grounding. For these works, it is advisable to invite an electrician. You can do the rest of the installation steps yourself.