
Greenhouse farm. Industrial and farm greenhouses

Culinary recipes for summer cottages and at home

Antropov's trench greenhouses, Ivanov's vegetable garden, eco-greenhouse, solar greenhouses with heat accumulators. In this article, we will consider the features of the device and the advantages of these unique structures.

Greenhouses are structures that significantly extend the time of growing various crops. They are needed everywhere. In the northern regions, it is important not to miss a single warm day, and each saved degree of heat is of the utmost importance - after all, when growing vegetables, it is necessary to meet a very short time. In the southern regions, the greenhouse will help cultivate plants almost all year round.

Unfortunately, traditional structures that can be found on almost every household plot have three main drawbacks:

  1. At the time of the low standing of the sun, and it happens in the morning and evening in spring, autumn and winter, its rays are reflected at sharp angles very strongly, as a result of which only 25-30 percent of solar energy can penetrate into the greenhouse.
  2. In the cold season, it is quite difficult to store and save heat due to large losses through the greenhouse cover, which leads to huge fluctuations in day and night temperatures - and this has an extremely negative effect on the development and fruiting of crops.
  3. Traditional greenhouses have direct ventilation in the form of all kinds of vents, doors and the like. And it is through it that all that is so necessary for plants for normal growth, carbon dioxide, nitrogen and almost all the moisture evaporated by crops, leaves. That is why greenhouse beds need constant watering and fertilizing.

The unique principles of greenhouse construction discussed below help to solve all these problems.

Trench greenhouses by Vladimir Antropov

The name speaks for itself. The basis of such a heifer is a trench with a depth of one and a half meters or more (it all depends on how deep the groundwater is located on the site), the length is arbitrary, the width is from two meters. Brick retaining walls are built on the sides of the trench, which serve as a wonderful heat accumulator. For growing plants, high beds made of bricks are used here - a detailed description of their construction can be found in the article “Organic farming. How to lay smart beds ". Their main advantage in this case is that they actively accumulate heat during the day and gradually release it at night.

From above, the trench greenhouse is covered with a simple arched structure made of plastic pipes bent in an arc. Pipes are located at intervals of 1.2 meters and are fastened together by crossbars. The polyethylene film is stretched as follows: one edge of the strip is attached to the rail and dragged with two ropes to the other side. After that, the edges of the film are pressed against the base of the greenhouse with wooden slats using dowels. In order for the film to hold better, it is pressed against the structure with ropes thrown and well stretched between the pipes of the frame.

Doors located almost under the ceiling from both ends act as vents in Antropov's trench greenhouses. Brick beds are made of such a height that their surface is located under the ridge of the greenhouse - this is the place that is the zone of stable accumulation of warm air. With this arrangement, there is no negative effect of cold air on plants - it flows smoothly down to the floor.

The advantages of a trench greenhouse of a similar design are obvious. Firstly, in Antropov's greenhouses, heat losses are significantly reduced, the high temperature remains here for a long time. This is due to the fact that brick supports and high beds quickly warm up and accumulate a large amount of heat. In addition, in winter, the deep horizon of the soil gives off heat by itself. A relatively small volume and a minimum area of ​​wind blowing contribute to instantaneous warming of the air. As a result, the night air temperature in such a greenhouse in winter is 8-12 degrees higher than in a normal one. I would like to note that heating is not used here at all. And on the coldest nights, to protect the plants from frost, just cover the beds with a non-woven covering material.

Another important advantage of Antropov's trench greenhouses is that the air temperature here changes smoothly. The surface of heat exchange through the walls of the beds is three times larger than through the soil. Considering that the brick perfectly retains heat, a kind of thermal flywheel is obtained, that is, excess heat is absorbed for a long time, and its deficiency is compensated for a long time. The air in such structures does not overheat until mid-June.


The author of the idea is an American farmer Anna Edei. When organizing the eco-greenhouse, Anna used the ideas of the founders of the permaculture movement, based on the mutual adaptation of all members of a certain ecosystem to each other. We talked in detail about permaculture in the article “Organic farming. Permaculture - living in harmony with nature.

The area of ​​the eco-greenhouse built by Anna Edei is 300 sq. m. The structure is stretched in the direction from east to west. The vertical north wall is covered with white plastic and acts as a sun reflector. The roof is flat, inclined to the south. The side walls are made of fiberglass, and the roof is covered with a sangaine (a reliable transparent heat insulator), special attention is paid to tightness - all this ensures minimal heat loss.

But the main highlight of the eco-greenhouse is symbiosis with animals. On both ends of the structure, premises for their maintenance are attached - on the one hand, a rabbitry in which 30-40 rabbits live, on the other, a chicken coop - for 60-70 chickens. These rooms are also very light and airtight. The eco-greenhouse has a special system of perforated pipes laid underground, through which warm air from the menageries is pumped into the greenhouse with the help of a fan. And along with this air - heat, ammonia, carbon dioxide and moisture. As a result, it’s good for everyone - the air in the chicken coop and rabbitry is cleaned, feeding and heating the plants in the greenhouse.

The composition of the soil in the eco-greenhouse is as follows: sod land, sand, compost prepared from chicken and rabbit droppings, ash. A well-organized subsoil drip irrigation system creates ideal conditions for plants, all waste after collection of which goes to animals living nearby.

Anna Edei calculated that each "animal" gives as much heat per year as can be obtained from 10 liters of oil - heating savings reach up to 7 thousand dollars a year.

Among other things, a large amount of heat in the eco-greenhouse is accumulated in the water. The total volume of installed water tanks is about 16 tons, and special fans are mounted under the ceiling, powered by solar panels and automatically turning on in sunny weather. They distill hot air down to the water containers, fenced off from the beds with plants during the day with a curtain. During the day, these so-called radiators absorb a huge amount of heat, which they give off at night. All water tanks are interconnected by pipes so that with the help of a pump, warm water is distilled from above downwards - thus the entire volume is heated evenly.

In the summer heat, specially thought-out ventilation saves the plant from overheating in the eco-greenhouse. On the south side, the transoms are located near the ground, and on the north side, almost under the ceiling. This allows hot air to slide up the ramp and quickly exit. Water containers effectively smooth out temperature differences, at night they give off daytime heat, and during the day - night coolness, so ventilation is used only on very hot days.

Vegetarian Ivanova

This unique principle of the greenhouse was developed and patented by the Kyiv teacher of physics Alexander Vasilyevich Ivanov back in the 50s of the last century. The design of the vegetarium is thought out to the smallest detail and eliminates all three of the main problems of traditional greenhouses that we talked about at the very beginning - lack of sunlight, heat loss through the cover, loss of carbon dioxide, moisture and nitrogen as a result of direct ventilation. Let's talk about everything in order.

It is necessary to build a vegetarian on a slope (15-20 degrees). The slope can be natural or bulk, but always slope to the southeast or south side. Approximate size of the building: length 5 m, width 4 m, height 1.7-2 m. The flat roof and three walls are made of glass or cellular polycarbonate, the latter being almost ideal for this design.

The back wall is capital. It can be a suitable wall of the house or any utility room, whitewashed, painted with white paint, and ideally pasted over with a mirror film. It acts as a reflector, doubling the amount of sunlight hitting the ground.

Thus, a slope of 15-20 degrees, a flat roof and a reflective wall in winter significantly increase the penetration of sunlight, and the lower the sun, the more powerful the effect.

The problems of heat loss, carbon dioxide and nitrogen are solved thanks to an interesting invention, which is a closed cycle of heat and air exchange. Plastic pipes are buried in the ground to a depth of 35-40 cmlocated at a distance of 60-65 cm from each other over the entire area of ​​the greenhouse. Their lower (southern) ends are taken out of the soil and covered with a fine mesh (so that debris does not get in). The upper (northern) ones are connected to a transverse collector, from which a riser (vertical pipe) is laid out in the main wall. The riser does not go out directly, but through a special adjustment chamber, which opens into the vegetation at a height of about one and a half meters. Both above and below this chamber is limited by shutters, and an ordinary household fan with a power of 15-20 watts is mounted at the outlet to the greenhouse. This power is enough for 3-4 pipes, the diameter of which is 7-10 cm. If there are more pipes, then it is necessary to mount another riser with a fan.

During the day in sunny weather, the temperature inside the greenhouse is 30-35 degrees (even in winter). The upper damper of the adjustment chamber closes, the fan turns on and sucks in warm air, driving it through the pipes into the soil. At the same time, the soil warms up, and the cooled air is blown back and heated again. As a result, during the whole day the earth warms up to a temperature of 30 degrees and becomes a natural heat accumulator, which is enough for the whole night. At night, a fan drives heat from the soil into the air.

A similar system is widely used in many European countries, especially in Scandinavia, where heat accumulators are not only soil, but also stone walls, collectors inside pools, and stone floors.

Practice shows that if everything is in order with tightness, such a closed heat exchange cycle gives excellent performance in winter without any heating. If it is minus 10 during the day in winter, plus 18 in the vegetation, and plus 12 at night temperatures of minus 15 in the vegetation. In the case of very severe frosts, an ordinary, not very powerful heater (1-1. warm air is blown in.

In spring and cool summer, a closed cycle in the same mode protects the greenhouse from overheating - at night it is no longer heat that accumulates in the soil, but coolness, which cools the air during the day.

In hot summer time, this heat exchange system perfectly removes excess heat to the outside. The lower damper of the chamber closes, and the upper one opens - the fan simply expels hot air from the vegetation to the outside, but carbon dioxide is also lost, so it is recommended to use such ventilation only in case of emergency. It is the closed system of heat and air exchange that accumulates inside the greenhouse the amount of CO 2 and nitrogen necessary for normal growth and development.

The system of perforated pipes buried in the soil of the vegetation, in a closed cycle, allows solving the problem of loss of air and soil moisture. Such a system is itself an effective condensate collector.

When warm air passes through cool pipes, it gives off a lot of water, which condenses on the walls. The pipes are perforated (pencil-sized holes are punched every 20 centimeters along their entire bottom part), laid on a thin layer of crushed stone or expanded clay, which allows water to pass freely into the soil.

So, with the closed system of heat and air exchange turned on, the water that evaporates from plants and soil is forcibly returned back to the roots. Warm soil is moistened with warm water - you can’t think of anything better for plants. In the hot season, when it becomes necessary to use open ventilation, and there is a lack of moisture, a drip irrigation system is used in the vegetation.

Another very important point is that the fan mounted in the control chamber is equipped with the simplest temperature sensors. The entire system switches off automatically when the air temperature in the underground pipes and in the general array of the greenhouse equalizes.

Vegetarian Ivanova is not just a greenhouse. This capital unique structure is considered an example of the technology of rational use of solar energy. If the temperature outside does not drop below 10 degrees below zero, no heating other than sunlight will be required. Agronomists who have learned the effectiveness of such a greenhouse in practice say that the cost of maintaining the necessary microclimate in the vegetation is 60-80 times less than in a conventional traditional greenhouse. Vegetarian pays off already in the first year, despite the need for capital construction.

You can save on heating by using the design of the so-called solar greenhouse (solar greenhouse), equipped with reliable heat accumulators. The design of such greenhouses resembles the Ivanov vegetarian described above. That is, one main wall, covered with reflective material, the roof and walls are made of reliable material (cellular polycarbonate or double glazing is best), effectively reducing heat loss.

The main highlight of solar greenhouses is a subsoil heat accumulator, organized as follows. Based on the area of ​​​​the greenhouse in 100 square meters. m, in the middle a hole is dug 1 meter wide, 15 meters long and 1.2-1.4 meters deep, which is filled with pieces of granite or broken brick with a fraction of 150-200 mm. Along the entire length, brick channels are made that go out through plastic pipes with a diameter of 350 mm. On the one hand, a fan with a power of 0.1 kW is installed in the brick channel. During the day, the battery is charged with heat, which serves as heating at night.

So, we have considered the unique principles of greenhouse construction, which help to maintain an optimal microclimate for growing plants at no extra cost. Having built such structures, you will be able to grow vegetables almost all year round, which will provide your family not only with fresh vegetables and herbs, but also get the opportunity to organize an additional or main very profitable business, especially in winter.

Turishcheva Olga,

Farm industrial greenhouses are designed for growing vegetables, fruits, herbs in large volumes. These designs differ from country greenhouses in larger size and good functionality. Farm greenhouses are suitable for agriculture and the agricultural industry. They are distinguished by multifunctionality, versatility and excellent technical parameters. They are used for the development of the greenhouse business, and not for use in summer cottages.

Farm industrial greenhouses: features

The farm greenhouse is a capital structure, which can be of two types: semi-industrial and industrial. These are convenient collapsible structures that have clear advantages over other structures. Consider the features of farm greenhouses:
      1. The presence of a foundation, tape or tile. The base can withstand heavy loads, ensuring the strength and reliability of the entire structure.
      2. The reliable frame is made of steel profiles, additionally treated with a zinc solution. Suitable pipes with a rectangular and round cross section.
      3. Polycarbonate with a thickness of 8 mm is used as a coating. It has high thermal insulation, flexibility, is able to withstand strong gusts of wind, snowfall.

Winter farm greenhouses

Greenhouse complexes for industrial use can be used both year-round and seasonally. For example, winter farm greenhouses are only suitable for the winter period. They are equipped with powerful high-tech systems that allow crops to be grown at negative ambient temperatures. Advantages of winter greenhouses:
      1. A high-quality steel frame, impact-resistant polycarbonate can withstand even severe frosts and can be used in the North. Full tightness, which creates an optimal microclimate for the growth of crops even in winter.
      2. Good light transmission. Polycarbonate has excellent solar transmittance. This allows you to significantly reduce the cost of lighting.
      3. Additional equipment for manual lighting control. Allows you to increase the light inside the greenhouse if it is not enough in winter. Low thermal conductivity provides a more uniform distribution of heat within the complex. Heat is equally preserved in all parts of the structures.

Turnkey farm greenhouses

Impotek Corporation designs, manufactures and installs turnkey farm greenhouses. We use modern proven technological solutions that allow us to produce high-quality products. Advantages of greenhouse facilities from the company "Impotek"
      1. The modern greenhouse complex is designed taking into account climatic conditions and is designed for year-round cultivation of crops.
      2. The presence of ventilation, heating and lighting systems creates optimal conditions for growing and increases yields by 30%.
      3. The high quality of the greenhouse film with the presence of light filters makes it possible to produce structures at competitive prices.
      4. Payback of all expenses for the acquisition of the complex within one year.

Construction of farm greenhouses

The construction of greenhouse complexes for farms can be divided into several stages:
      1. Choosing a place to build a building.
      2. The choice of a finished project or the development of an individual one.
      3. Choice of materials.
      4. Installation of additional equipment.
The site for the construction of the greenhouse complex should be as flat as possible. When building in harsh climatic conditions, care should be taken in advance to install fences that can protect against wind and snow loads. The future farmer should decide what crops he will grow during the year. Depending on this, a drawing is made or an option is selected from ready-made projects. The foundation is an important part of the greenhouse structure, it helps protect it from flooding, weeds. For small structures, any type of foundation is suitable, but for large structures it is better to choose tape or concrete. Most often, for the installation of structures, a galvanized steel profile is chosen as a frame. It is durable, reliable, does not deform under the influence of precipitation. For a covering use two-layer cellular polycarbonate. As additional equipment, heating, lighting, and ventilation systems are installed, which contribute to the creation of optimal conditions for year-round cultivation of crops.

Covering material for greenhouse complexes

As a covering material use:
      1. Glass.
      2. Cellular carbonate.
      3. Polyethylene.
Cellular polycarbonate is the most common material. It is durable and reliable, withstands heavy loads, it is easy to install. For small structures, carbonate up to 6 mm thick is suitable, for large structures - from 8 mm. The light transmission of this material depends on the thickness of the sheet and can reach 83%. For glazing greenhouse structures, both greenhouse and window glass are suitable. The light transmission rate of glasses is higher and reaches 92%. Film polyethylene is a fairly common material for greenhouses, but it has several significant drawbacks. It is difficult to mount it without damage, strong winds can damage the material.

Heating of industrial greenhouse complexes

To heat industrial greenhouse complexes in the cold season, gas, electric boilers, boilers with solid or liquid fuels are used. The latter heat the water that passes through pipes installed around the perimeter of the structure and under its floor. Thus, it is possible to heat the air and the ground. Another option for heating industrial greenhouses is special electric heaters. The room warms up very quickly, but after turning off the appliance, it cools down almost instantly. It should be noted that the heating of the soil does not occur. For farm greenhouses, infrared heaters can be used. They are mounted under the ceiling, from their work the soil, plants are heated, but the air is not. These devices work on the principle of sunlight. Infrared heaters are the most expensive among such equipment, but at the same time the most effective. They have a positive effect on plants, increasing productivity.

Buy farm greenhouses

Corporation "Impotek" offers to buy a farm greenhouse that meets state standards. You can choose a ready-made design in our catalog or order the design of a unique greenhouse model. We sell a wide range of products:
      1. Block farm greenhouse. Suitable for use in all climatic conditions, can be used throughout the year. The block structure consists of a number of tunnel greenhouses.
      2. Tunnel greenhouse. Designed for farms and households, it allows you to attach additional sections to achieve the required construction area.
      3. Multi-row greenhouse. It is a tunnel greenhouse with a gable roof, which are interconnected.
      4. Arched farm greenhouse. Suitable for year round use. It has a special design in the form of an arch, due to which it transmits light well.
Greenhouse structures from "Impotek" are equipped with everything necessary for functioning during all seasons:
      1. Systems of ventilation, heating, lighting.
      2. System for blowing air into the interfilm space.
      3. Technologies: climate control, irrigation equipment, water treatment.
      4. Quality coating: durable two-layer film with reflective filters.
The Impotek company has its own production, thanks to which you can profitably buy farm greenhouses. Our prices are lower than those of our competitors. We offer you agricultural consulting services - assistance in running a greenhouse business, as well as further maintenance of greenhouse complexes and work on their reconstruction.

They differ from the usual large sizes, they use heating systems, which allows you to get multiple harvests in year. Greenhouse buildings occupy a significant area and, as a rule, have a large height.

Such structures can be multi-tiered and multi-storey. For conditions Far North greenhouse buildings are being built with walls made of capital building materials, in which only artificial lighting is used.

Large, maximally equipped with electronic tracking systems and equipment, greenhouse buildings are built in Holland.

The usable area of ​​such facilities is several thousand square meters.

These are real covered plantations.

The cultivation of vegetables, berries and flowers is carried out here not only in the soil, but by methods hydroponics.

Then the plants are planted in a synthetic porous material resembling glass wool.

This material is supplied with minerals and water, selected individually for each crop. This technology allows you to get very high yields.

For Dutch greenhouse complexes produced special equipment for heating, watering, irrigation, fertilization.

In such buildings, a multi-tiered heating system and a heated floor are made, the heating system provides for the production and supply to the premises carbon dioxide, which is needed for the metabolic processes of plants in the daytime. supplied to customers worldwide.

Russian enterprises mastered Western technologies for the production of industrial greenhouses.

Russian products cost farmers and individual customers much cheaper imported, besides, local enterprises that produce farm greenhouses make them adapted to the weather conditions of the regions.

Large volume industrial greenhouses allows you to grow plants on racks, hanging pallets, using several tiers. The number of "floors" depends on the height of the plants. In greenhouse buildings artificial lighting, which allows plants to receive more light in early spring and late autumn, as well as in winter.

REFERENCE: Industrial greenhouses have a large area, large volume, various types of heating and lighting.

Industrial greenhouses - photo:

Mass-produced models

Large enterprises in all regions Russia develop standard designs for conventional and industrial greenhouses. They have created a series of projects and offer the buyer a wide range of products.

REFERENCE: in the design of industrial greenhouses are used SNiP 2.10.04-85

What are industrial greenhouses? There are several types of professional greenhouses for the farmer:

  • tunnel;
  • multi-tunnel with a gallery;
  • block multispan;
  • garden centers.

Among farmers and homeowners, the most popular are farming tunnel greenhouses. The series are developed by manufacturers, based on building codes and regulations existing in Russia.

Industrial-scale greenhouses are produced under film and under polycarbonate; different types of frame are used in the design. The section of greenhouses can be arched, "Gothic", "with straight frames" and with "straight reinforced walls". The width of the greenhouse building varies within 3.5-12 meters.

Series "Farmer"

Industrial greenhouses "Farmer" designed in compliance with SNiP 2.10.04-85, they are intended for industrial cultivation of vegetables, berries and seedlings. The frame of the farm greenhouse is assembled from a galvanized profile with bolts.

Arc-shaped trusses are pulled together by straight beams. The section of greenhouse buildings is semicircular (arched) or lancet ("Gothic").

Dimensions of industrial greenhouses "Farmer":

Height in various models of the series is 3-4 meters. This allows you to grow both tall and short crops by placing seedlings on racks.

Greenhouses of this series are mounted on any foundation or on the ground in which the racks are dug. The width of the building is 3.5 to 7.7 meters. The basic kit includes double-leaf gates, which are mounted at the ends of the greenhouse building. At the request of the buyer, vents for ventilation can be additionally mounted.

Greenhouses covered transparent cellular polycarbonate. The customer can choose the thickness of polycarbonate - 6 mm (recommended), 8 mm or 10 mm. Polycarbonate is fastened with special fasteners "polyskrep", the covering material is attached to the end walls with corner brackets. in the greenhouse "Farmer" vegetables can be grown all year round.

Where to start building?

  1. Choice of location.
  2. Selection and drafting of the project.
  3. Materials.
  4. Greenhouse heating.

Location selection

To get the most out of your investment, you need to orient the building.

IMPORTANT: The best orientation of a long greenhouse building for areas located south of the latitude 60°- from North to South. In the northern regions of the country, it is recommended to orient greenhouse buildings from west to east.

The construction of industrial greenhouses begins with the selection of a site. It should be maximum even(a slight slope of 0.04% is allowed). If hurricane-force winds occur in the region, the construction of additional shields and fences should be provided, which will reduce the wind speed. They will also protect the building from inflatable snowdrifts.

During the melting of snow and heavy rains, water should not accumulate on the site, which will melt greenhouse and destroy the foundation. Before starting the construction of industrial greenhouses, you should think about supplying it with water. The soil must be fertile, moreover, to obtain good yields, it is necessary to provide for the use of soil mixtures, natural and artificial fertilizers.

Selecting and drafting a project

Before building a greenhouse, the farmer and the owner of the private farmstead need to decide what he will grow in the summer and winter seasons. As a result, there will be farmhouse blueprint and a list of requirements.

Experience shows that when building a critical structure that will serve for years, it is better to rely on specialists. In specialized firms, the customer is given a choice of dozens of ready-made projects that meet his wishes. Here you can buy a finished greenhouse in disassembled form and mount it on the foundation. Typically, businesses offer installation services.

Projects and drawings of industrial greenhouses:


How to build industrial greenhouse? In order for the greenhouse to serve for many years, it must be mounted on foundation. The foundation allows you to securely fix the structure, prevents the penetration of atmospheric water from the outside, protects the sown area from weeds.

Any type is suitable for small industrial greenhouses foundation- on piles, block, point, slab, brick. For large greenhouses, a concrete foundation is usually made, less often timber is used.


For farm and industrial greenhouses use strong frame arched or gable shape. The frame is assembled from a hat profile, from a profile pipe or from a corner.

The frame of the hat profile is mounted quickly and easily, but this design can't stand weight of heavy snow. If you decide to build farm greenhouses from a profile pipe, then here the frame can be welded. The pipe has a round or square section. This design also cannot withstand the heavy weight of the snow.

The frame is the best from the corner(corner profile). It is assembled on bolts, without welding, the profile is galvanized and can serve for many years. This design can withstand the weight of snow up to 100 kg per square meter.

The frame is fixed on the foundation. For strength, use anchor bolts or pre-fixed studs. This fastening will provide sufficient rigidity And strength, while the difference in the heat capacity of building materials will not contribute to the loosening of the structure in extreme heat and frost.

The frame may be aluminum. But aluminum construction will be can deform under the influence of winds and heavy snow.

Winter industrial greenhouse - project:

Covering material

As a covering material are used:

  • cellular polycarbonate;
  • glass;
  • polyethylene film.

Cellular polycarbonate

Currently, the most popular covering material is cellular polycarbonate. It is easy to mount, it is reliable during operation, it does not collapse from accidental sharp blows. This material will not be broken even by strong hail.

Foreign industry produces cellular polycarbonate different thickness (from 3.2 to 25mm) and structure. For small winter professional polycarbonate greenhouses, material with a thickness of 3.2 to 6 mm is used. For greenhouse buildings and greenhouses, transparent polycarbonate is usually used. The light transmission coefficient depends on the thickness of the sheet and ranges from 62% before 83% .


The light transmission coefficient of the glass is high ( 88-92% for glasses of various thicknesses). Greenhouse structures can be glazed with both window and greenhouse glass, which is much stronger. Dutch industrial glass greenhouses are covered with a special look float. This glass is cast into ready-made molds, which increases its strength.

Polyethylene film

Film industrial greenhouses have been used for a long time, but this material has a number of disadvantages. The film is difficult to fix without damaging. The winds stretch the film, it begins to inflate and tear, which is why it has to be changed. Arched greenhouses for farmers under the film, which are located in areas of strong winds, have to be covered annually.

Film farm greenhouses - photo:


For heating industrial greenhouses in winter install solid fuel, electric, gas boilers and boilers for liquid fuel. They heat the water, which circulates through pipes drawn along the contour of the building and under its floor, fills the radiators. Thus, both the air and the ground are heated.

Industrial greenhouses can be heated by supplying warm air from heating appliances. The room heats up very quickly, but after the equipment is turned off, the temperature drops quickly. In this case, the heating of the soil does not occur.

For heating farm greenhouses can be used infrared heaters PLEN. The heater panels are mounted under the ceiling; during their operation, the soil, plants and structural elements are heated mainly, but not the air.

Infrared radiation works just like the rays of the sun. Excess heat is released into the air. This type of industrial greenhouse heating Expensive but very effective, plants feel great in infrared rays and give large yields.

IMPORTANT: In industrial greenhouses with heating, the temperature must be the same at all points in the room.


Industrial greenhouses allow you to get high yields in a small area. The quality and quantity of grown products are little dependent on the weather, which makes agricultural technologies for greenhouses more and more popular.

Useful video

Watch a very interesting video about the manufacture of industrial greenhouses:

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Farm greenhouses of our production are arched structures up to 3.2 meters high from a metal frame (from a double pipe 40x20 mm) and a transparent coating (cellular polycarbonate). The height of the straight wall is from 1.9 m to 2 m. The width and length of the products are variable, they are selected individually by each customer.

As a coating, we use cellular polycarbonate with a thickness of 4–10 mm, which has the following characteristics:

  1. Transparency. Excellent light transmission regardless of color.
  2. Strength. The honeycomb structure allows it to withstand a significant snow load.
  3. Flexibility and ease of processing. The material is easily mounted on a frame of a non-linear configuration.
  4. The ability to maintain properties over a wide temperature range.
  5. Ease. Provides simplification of installation and dismantling, reduces the load on the frame.
  6. The presence of a protective layer against ultraviolet radiation. The light transmitted by the material is sufficient for the full photosynthesis of plants without the danger of burning the leaves in any season.

The frame consists of arcs that are located at a meter distance and are interconnected by ties. Mounted on a pre-installed foundation. The material of manufacture is coated steel pipe, which has excellent strength and resistance to any weather conditions. Spiders (special fastening system with 4 bolts) provide maximum rigidity in the load nodes. All models are equipped with two doors and vents. It is easiest to buy an industrial greenhouse of the required dimensions directly on this site.

Product Advantages

The profitability of greenhouse cultivation of plants on a commercial scale is largely dependent on the price and performance of the greenhouse. The lower its cost and maintenance costs, the shorter the payback period. We offer to buy year-round industrial polycarbonate greenhouses of our production, which are distinguished by a lot of advantages and a long service life (guarantee - 10 years).

Our industrial greenhouses are known throughout the Moscow region and have stood the test of practice. The use of double arcs for frames allows, if necessary, to cover the product with a second layer of polycarbonate or film (for year-round growing plants). The arched design provides natural self-cleaning from precipitation, easy to maintain. Our original fasteners (spiders) exclude polycarbonate deflection.

When buying farm greenhouses directly from the manufacturer, it is easy to order additional accessories from us - air vents and machines for ventilation, a coated partition or a drip irrigation system.

Do you want to engage in industrial cultivation of plants in the suburbs? With our greenhouses, the enterprise will pay off quickly!

In megacities, large and small cities, a lot of goods are bought in supermarkets. Customers are primarily interested in the presence of fresh and high-quality goods on the shelves. Those who are close to agriculture understand that growing such an abundance of fruits, vegetables, flowers and other useful vegetation in the middle of winter requires a lot of effort and the availability of high-quality specialized equipment.

Features of polycarbonate farm greenhouses

Farm greenhouses differ in size and characteristics. It is these parameters that are variable depending on the conditions in which greenhouses will be used, and on the goals and objectives set. Seasonal cultivation of one or two plants will require a smaller greenhouse than for industrial year-round production of a variety of crops. Similarly, with the design features and the necessary equipment inside - the requirements will be different in each region of the country.

Features of polycarbonate greenhouses are as follows:

  • Polycarbonate plates are very light - the same glass panels will be significantly heavier;
  • They have high strength and resistance to aggressive external and internal conditions;
  • The low thermal conductivity of finishing materials helps to maintain a constant temperature and humidity inside the greenhouse;
  • Environmental friendliness - this material does not disintegrate from time or moisture;
  • Reliability and simplicity of design makes it possible, if necessary, to disassemble and reassemble the greenhouse in a new place;
  • Thermoplasticity - this means that at high temperatures this polymer slowly melts, and when it hardens, it restores its properties;
  • High impact resistance - withstand greater weight loads than glass;
  • They have a high degree of light transmission.

All this indicates that these greenhouses are a special design that meets fairly strict standards.

Farm greenhouse 8 meters by 20: the beginning of the journey

Many summer residents would like to grow various crops for sale, and do this all the time: growing and selling products on an industrial scale. But in order to succeed in this trading niche, you need to have experience, money, as well as a lot of knowledge.

Knowledge can be obtained:

  • Communicate with professionals;
  • Take classes;
  • Read specialized literature;
  • Look for up-to-date information on the Internet.

A few years ago, a new nonwoven material appeared on the market - spunbond. He found application in construction, medicine, furniture production and other areas.

In agriculture, it is used as a covering sheet or as a material for greenhouses. Crops covered with spunbond are reliably protected from frost, precipitation and pests.

The knowledge required for growing plants in a greenhouse in a summer cottage and in industrial production is different. Most will have to be relearned. The main similarity, perhaps, will be the following - the presence of fertile soil. The substrate and fertilizers cannot replace the fertile soil and then it will have to be brought from somewhere.

If you see yourself as a farmer in the future and are eager to try your hand at this field, it is not at all necessary to immediately start building a huge greenhouse - a small farm greenhouse of 8 meters by 20 may well be suitable. It is better to entrust the development of such projects to professionals in order to avoid disappointment in the future - here it is necessary to take into account a lot of factors that you may not know about without proper education. At the initial stages of this business, it is a mistake to count on a quick payback - in one season. With the right approach, it occurs in a few seasons. But later they begin to work in a net plus.

We make large winter farm greenhouses: device

Large winter farm year-round greenhouses look impressive, but differ from household ones only in size. Of course, the process of manufacturing the necessary materials for the greenhouse should be entrusted to professionals. What is hidden under this promise - we make large winter farm greenhouses? The answer is quite simple - all the necessary materials for assembling the greenhouse will be provided.

An example list looks like this:

  1. Polycarbonate sheets.
  2. Steel frame. The main structure is made of hollow tubes. The advantage is maximum strength at minimum cost. Open profiles are used to fasten polycarbonate sheets.
  3. Foundation. Carries out fastening of a design to the earth and provides its stability. Foundation options can be: wooden beam, concrete strip foundation - used for stationary greenhouses, the role of the foundation can be played by a massive metal structure that is buried in the ground. This option is more expensive, but if necessary, there is the possibility of transportation.
  4. Accessories.

All necessary materials and drawings for assembly and operation are supplied with the greenhouse.

Special skills or tools for assembly are not needed - everything can be assembled by hand.

The frame is fastened with self-tapping screws. The hollow tubes of the frame are put on rods driven in along the outer perimeter of the foundation. Polycarbonate sheets are attached to the frame.

Why a large farm greenhouse is versatile

A large farm greenhouse is a beautiful and amazing structure. Within one room, you can see the entire cycle that the plants go through - from the appearance of a small sprout from the ground to the ripening of fruits or the flowering of buds. There is a place to experiment, explore and achieve the desired harvest results.

To achieve them and fulfill the greenhouse of all its functions, it is necessary:

  1. Good ventilation;
  2. Horizontal curtain;
  3. Artificial additional lighting, it is especially important to install it in the seedling section in the northern regions;
  4. Automatic irrigation system, rain and drip;
  5. A well-thought-out heating system, which is laid in several levels and lines, allows the fruits to ripen even in severe frosts;
  6. Automatic control of microclimate and plant nutrition.

Farm greenhouses made of polycarbonate belong to the type of greenhouse type greenhouses and are universal.

They can be used not only for their intended purpose, but also for other purposes. For example, to arrange a warehouse, storage, garage, workshops inside or use it as a canopy for a pool - there are enough options.

Overview of farm greenhouses (video)

The world is changing rapidly, and agriculture has also changed. Industrial production of diverse crops provides a diverse selection of fruits and vegetables in modern hypermarkets. Probably, the further development of agriculture will be able to pleasantly surprise us in the near future.