
Why stopped blooming hydrangea largest


When reproducing colors in the garden, the rules for the care of them should be followed. If somewhere the slightest error is allowed, then the plants are either faded, or do not bloom for a long time. This happens with a whimsical hydrangea is a classic note of landscape alpinarias. This flower shrub originally from Japan has taken root in Russia, but the distinctive climatic conditions of the domestic regions make their own adjustments to its cultivation.

Causes of why does not bloom in hydrangea

Each gardener almost always expects the appearance of flowering from hydrangea a year of planting. After all, according to the descriptions of the care of floral shrubs, it lasts from the middle of the spring to late autumn. The plant, depending on the species, ejects beautiful bunny inflorescences of purple, pink, white, lilac, red.

Hortensia is a gentle decoration of gardens and flower. However, it is not always possible to achieve this effect. Why? The response of specialists to this question is simple - the main cause of an undesirable phenomenon is a violation of agrotechnology. During the period of growing hydrangea, misses are allowed - the needs of the plant itself are not taken into account.
So what is so demanding Hydrangea? It turns out that the needs of the flower shrub is not so much, and there is always a chance to fix everything for the better.

Hydrangea flower and causes of lack of flowers:

  • Hydrangea hardly copes with climatic changes. Especially often it is manifested in cases where the flower is grown in greenhouse conditions, after which it is planted in open soil.
  • The defective development of the root system of seedlings can affect the amount of inflorescences and determine their complete absence. This is observed if the hydrangea of \u200b\u200bthe first year landing.
  • Perennial hortensian shrubs in early spring or late autumn are cut off. If the trimming is made incorrectly - the flowering is not expected to expect.
  • Hydrangea is a thermal-loving plant, so poorly tolerates cold and low temperatures.
  • Therefore, if the conditions of wintering conditions are inconsistent with the requirements of the shrub, it loses strong shoots, which, simply, move, move and become non-visual.
  • Hydrangea loves water, even its name Hydrangea in ancient Greek means a vessel with water. The irrigation of watering also affects the number of inflorescences, and on their magnitude, and in their absence.
  • The cultivation of any flower in climatic conditions, distinctive on the conditions of weather in the country of origin, requires constant fantastic plants with balanced fertilizers. If no appropriate is compiled - hydrangea does not bloom.
  • Flower shrub is very whims to the type of soil. If the soil is not acidic and poor on iron - Hydrangea not only does not bloom, but also loses the green color of foliage.
  • Despite the fact that hydrangea is sustainable to many diseases, it is not insured against the defeat of ticks, aphids, weevils, which also negatively affects the flowering of the plant.
  • The fully developed Hydrangea bush blooms for four or five years in the so-called youth period. If the hydrangea ceased to delight with bright inflorescences - she needs a transplant.

Home Hydrangea and Basic Factors of Blossom

Growing a flower shrub in the house requires a little more attention. This is due to the fact that he needs to provide the same growth conditions as on the street. Consequently, room hydrangea with improper care can bloom with a delay or do not form inflorescences at all.

Magnificent hydrangea in the house do not bloom if:

  • for a pot, a failed place in terms of lighting is chosen, the flower shrub loves the sun, but it is impossible to allow a direct hit of ultraviolet on it;
  • the regularity and moderation of watering is not observed;
  • the favorable temperature regime is not supported + 18-22 ° C and air humidity 75-80% indoors where the flower grows;
  • improperly completed pruning before preparation of the plant to wintering.

Here, perhaps, all the whims that should be considered in the reproduction of hydrangeas in their homestead and in the house. Moreover, it should be noted that there is no difference in the requirements of the shrub and tree type Hydrangea.
Now it is clear why the hydrangea does not bloom. How to achieve the opposite effect and create favorable conditions for its rouse flowering.

Correct plant care in domestic and garden conditions

Knowing what to do in the absence of air hydrangea colors is easier to help her break in all its glory. Long blooming Hydrangea can be grown:

  • and on the flowerbed,
  • and in the shady garden;
  • and on the windowsill in flower pots.

Care for hydrangeas in the garden and in the house has some differences. If it does not manage to grow a shrub fragrant inflorescences, then following the tips below, you can still achieve the desired one season.

In order to admire the long-awaited blossom of a magnificent hydrangea, the plant should be put correctly. To do this, first of all, it should be declared where it will grow: in room conditions or street.

Landing on flower

There are some nuances.

They are as follows:

  • In the soil, hydrangea seedlings are recommended to plant either late autumn, or in early spring until the appearance of the kidneys on the trees.
  • Flower shrub is best shot in a half and moderately lit areas.
  • The landing notch should not exceed 50 cm in diameter and 50 cm in depth. For the full development of the root system of plants such parameters is sufficient.
  • It is advisable to plant hydrangea to the drifting soils enriched with peat.
  • When landing a perennial bush, its roots are cut, when planting young seedlings, this procedure is not required.
  • In the cooked well made of the prepared soil form a small hill to which the cooked seedlock is placed and the roots are rooted in such a way that they fall out. Next, the land is tamped and irrigated.
  • If the Hydrangea is planted late in the fall, then the soil is under the shrub hide under mulch. This is done to ensure favorable conditions for wintering plants.

If the chipseed seedlings are grown in a greenhouse and planted in the spring, plants should be supported during the adaptation period to natural conditions, namely - to provide watering, protection against drafts, soil fertilizer for one and a half months with special complex fertilizers of factory production.

Landing in a pot

Planting a hydrangea seedling in a pot is performed in compliance with the following conditions.

  • Room Hydrangea prefers Derne, leafy land and sand in proportion 3/3/1.
  • If, when growing a shrub on the street, you can provide the root system will, the roots of horizontal branching in the usual flower pot feel cowardly. Therefore, during the cultivation of hydrangea at home, it is necessary to prefer tanks with a broad bottom.
  • Drainage stacked on the bottom of the pot (crushed stone, crumbs, pebbles, brick crumb). The second layer - prepared soil from which the hill is formed. On it and have a seedlove with neatly straightened roots. Next, the pot is filled with the remains of the soil, while it is important not to fall asleep the root neck - leave it at the level of the last soil layer.
  • The last touch when landing hydrangea in a pot - watering and laying a peat mulch layer in order to prevent the rapid evaporation of moisture.

At home in the pot, not only hydrangea seedlings can be planted, but also to sow seeds:

  • For sowing should use humid, derm and leafy land in proportion 1/1/1.
  • For landing of hydrangea, the seed method choose a low container with a broad bottom.
  • Sowing is performed at the end of winter. Its feature is the lack of seed seed into the ground.
  • Capacity with seeds on the upper ground layer is covered with a film and put into a warm light.
  • Before the appearance of shoots, the seeds are ventilated and moderately moistened with a pulverizer.
  • After the appearance on the shoots of two leaves, they are priced - planted in separate pots.


And the flower, and home Hydrangea requires trimming.

This happens like this:

  • Late in the spring (at the end of April - early May), it is necessary to remove non-visual and weak shoots, while only dry inflorescences are cut late in the fall.
  • When performing trimming, it should be aware that inflorescences appear only on last year's shoots.


Proper feeding of hydrangea is to comply with the dosage and time of fertilizer.

Flumbing Hydrangea will throw large inflorescences if it is in the spring to be presented with nitrate fertilizers:

  • The urea and potassium sulfate solution. At ten liters of water are divorced at one art pack. Spoon fertilizer. The need for one fully developed bush is five liters of the solution.
  • Survival, divorced in water in a ratio of 1/10. Watering is performed during the week.
  • A weak solution of manganesev, which is performed and watering plants, and spraying the crown of the shrub.

Also abundant flowering of hydrangea can be achieved when entering the soil during the formation of inflorescences of potash and phosphoric mineral additives.
To ensure long blossom in the summer period, the flower hindsya fertilize with potash fertilizers, which also allow to keep the plant moisture. In addition, in the summer it is recommended to oxidate the soil of risks or cheese.

During the autumn hydrangea period, potash-phosphoric fertilizers are necessary.

When the shrub is preparing for the winter peace, to ensure its frost resistance and endurance into the soil, potassium sulfate and superphosphate are introduced in the proportion of one art pack. A spoon for ten liters of water.
Room Hydrangea should be fed throughout the summer. No more than two times a week, it is necessary to carry out a flower with a solution of mineral fertilizers containing in the composition of water (one bucket), superphosphate (40g), ammonium salter (30g), potassium sulfate (30g).

Preparation for winter

Abundant blooms outdoor Hydrangea in the event that her wintering was properly organized.
Club hydrangea bushes after trimming and fertilizer bind to twine.
Roots are covered with foliage, sweetheart and coniferous branches. The mulch layer must be at least 10 cm.
In the regions with the harsh natural climatic conditions, the hydrangee bushes are covered with additional film.
Preparing the pot hydrangea to wintering implies:

  • removal of dry inflorescences and leaves;
  • placing the pots in a dark cool place (+ 8-10 ° C);
  • minimum soil irrigation.


Potion hydrangea is demanding of watering. Moisture must be moderate so that the roots do not start and do not hurt. It is necessary to water the flower of indentioned water temperature. Watering is performed only when the top layer of the soil fits well. Additives into water for watering citric acid or vinegar cause abundant bloom.

Flumbing hydrangea requires more moisture, so watering it is performed regularly twice a week at the heat and once if it was rained during the week. One adult hortensia bush requires 30 to 50 liters of warm water.

Select variety

Hydrangea may not blossom and because of the rapidness of the variety. Not all kinds of flower shrub even with caring care quickly adapt to a new climate. Sometimes from planting a seedling until the moment of flowering takes place from five to seven years.

Choosing a grade of hydrangea, should study the requirements for its care. For example, in cooler regions survives Hydrangea paniculata (Hydrangea paniculata, Unique, Kyushu, Grandiflora, Brussels Lace, Limelight) and arborea (Annabelle, Hydrangea arborescens), whereas macrophylla (Hydrangea acrophyla, Blauer Zwerg, Gerda Steiniger, Ever Peppermint, Endless Summer) and Doliste (Hayes Starburst, Incrediball, White Dome) is more suitable for a moderate climate.