
Why not blooms hydrangea?


Hydrangea is a magnificent shrub in its beauty. In gardening, it is valued for the variety of inflorescence forms, a variety of color palette, as well as very simple care. Often, it turns out that a person buys a blooming Hortensia from hands, transplants it, but the inflorescences are gradually starting to fade, and over time it dries completely. So why doesn't hydrangea bloom? In this article we will try to understand this issue.


Hydrangea belongs to the Hydrangea family, in which there are about 70-80 species of plants. Most species are shrubs with a height of 1-3 m, some species are small trees, the rest are Liana. Most plants are deciduous. Flower hydrangea from spring to late autumn. Flowers are collected at the end of the stem in beautiful large inflorescences.

The form of inflorescence can be:

  • Oval;
  • Spherical;
  • In the form of panicles;
  • In the form of a bump.

Collecting color:

  • White;
  • Blue;
  • Pink;
  • Purple;
  • Crimson;
  • Red;
  • Lilac;
  • Cream.

There are varieties that are simultaneously combining several colors in the color. The acidity of soil has a direct impact on the color of the inflorescence.

The fruit of hydrangea is 2-5 - a separate box with numerous small seeds.

The birthplace of this shrub is North America, East and South Asia.


A large number of types of hydrangeas are known - these are shrubs, trees and lianas. Increasingly and more often they can be found in garden sites in Russia. The most common are:

  • Miscellaneous hydrangea;
  • Hydrangea hydrangea (or garden);
  • Hydrangea;
  • Hydrangea is cherry (Lye);
  • Dorbal hydrangea;
  • Hydrangea radiant;
  • Hortensia ash (gray);
  • Hydrangea Pillya;
  • Hydrangea Sarzhena.

In addition to the above species, there are others, but they are rarely seen in our gardens.

For room growing, one type of hydrangea is used - this is hydrangea hydrangea. This species was brought over 200 years ago from China. This plant blooms from spring and to late autumn.

Causes of lack of flowering

Many who grow this plant are often wondering why hydrangea does not bloom?

The reasons, in fact, a lot:

  1. Incorrect trimming shrub in spring.
  2. Insufficient watering.
  3. Not developed root system.
  4. Using a "growth stimulator".
  5. Poorly lit place.
  6. Plant freezing in winter.

The flowering of hydrangea can be easily restored. You just need to follow all the rules of care, including, do not forget to periodically make fertilizers.

Landing and care rules

Hydrangea is a light-affilome plant. But bright sunlight and strong wind can harm her. Great grows in shady places. Hydrangea loves fertile, acidic, loose soils.

Landing Rules:

  • It is necessary to plant in the spring when the soil warms up and passes the threat of night frosts.
  • Before planting, the plant must be confused, and root to root.
  • A landing hole should be spacious 50 * 50 or 80 * 80 cm, which depends on the size of the plant.
  • The soil must necessarily easily - make organic and mineral fertilizers.
  • The landed bush should be abundantly pouring and hiding with fallen leaves. For watering, water is better to defend that the plant saves from chlorosis of the leaves. Watering is better to spend in the morning and in the evening when there is no roast sun.
  • Some species and varieties must be cut every year during the appearance of the kidneys to prevent the strong pulling of bushes in length.

Quickly learn to care for this plant, even newcomer in gardening can even. It is only necessary to irrigate it in a timely manner, loosen the land and prepare the plant to wintering. You also need to know the measure of fertilizer. If their quantity is too big, too voluminous inflorescences are formed, and under their weight, the branches can simply break.


The reproduction of hydrangea is carried out in the following ways:

  • Grains;
  • Seeds;
  • Cuttings.

The most productive and easy way is the reproduction of hydrangea with cuttings.

Diseases and pests

The main diseases that affect this luxury plant:

  1. Chlorosis at which the yellow appears on the leaves.
  1. Gray rot, leading to the appearance of brown fallen spots on the leaves.
  1. The septoria causing the appearance of brown spots on the leaves with a diameter of about 5 mm. At the same time, the infected sheet with time darkens the whole and completely disappears.
  1. Rust for which a rusty color is characteristic of the leaves.

But besides diseases, hydrangea may vary various pests and insects:

  1. Aphid. It can be detected on the back of the leaves. The flower affected by this pest is growing very bad.
  1. Cobbled tick. Detect this pest will not be much difficulty, as the branches are covered with web.
  1. Slug. They eat foliage.

For the prevention and control of pests and insects, the soil should be treated with various chemicals: insecticides, antifungal drugs, pesticides, folk remedies.

Use in landscaping, combination with other plants

Hydrangea today is at the peak of popularity. It is used to create different flower ensembles and garden styles.

With the help of hydrangea, unique compositions are created in the garden. It can be used in a pair with lilac, spirits and the canbushnik. You can also combine this plant with other garden flowers that have a similar shape. This creates an amazing effect during flowering period.

If hydrangea is planted near the reservoir, it can be combined with plants that love wet soil, for example, host, anstic, bada.

Medicinal properties and application

Hydrangea can be not only the decoration of the garden. From a long time, the Indians of the Cherokee tribe used the root of hydrangea for kidney disease.

It has the following medicinal properties:

  • Soothing;
  • Diuretic;
  • Prevents stone formation in the kidneys;
  • Anesthetic;
  • Bactericidal.

Apply hydrangea for treatment:

Angina. Flowers and leaves are used. 1/10 tbsp. Mix pour boiling water and bring to a boil. Insist 1 hour, then strain. Take 100 ml 3 times a day in warm form 30 minutes before meals.

Diarrhea. Fresh crushed leaves are used. 2 tsp Leaves for 1 glass of boiling water. Insist for about an hour, then strain. Take 2 tbsp. 3 times a day before meals.

Cystitis. Fresh leaves or branches are used. Cooking: crushed leaflets or branches pour alcohol in proportion 1: 1. Give it to launch. Take on ½ tsp 2 times a day.