
Basic rules for pruning remontant raspberries in the fall. Secrets of a big harvest: proper pruning of raspberries in the fall for beginners (in pictures) How to prune remontant raspberries in the fall

Preparing plants for winter

Remontant raspberries are a favorite of many gardeners, because this berry crop is hardy, disease-resistant, does not require special care, and its fruits have high taste. Proper handling of this plant will allow you to harvest abundant harvests during the “extended” season. The main conditions for raspberries to delight us with their berries for as long as possible are the correct selection of varieties, taking into account zoning, and the correct cultivation of horticultural crops, taking into account the local conditions of specific regions.

The reason that remontant raspberries are pruned in a special way is that the bulk of the berry crop is harvested from young summer shoots (in more southern regions with longer summers and warm early springs, raspberries produce two full harvests, and the second in the fall).

In one season, gardeners collect two harvests from one plant, and the first harvest is the one produced by last year’s woody stems, and the second is the fruit-bearing young green shoots. This feature of remontant varieties determines the technique and time of pruning.

If you do not prune such a raspberry, then next year it will begin to bear fruit on both parts of the stem - both woody and young. This will deplete the plant, the berries will be smaller and of lower quality (in particular, the taste will deteriorate and the size of the berries will decrease compared to last year).

Whether to prune in spring or in autumn depends entirely on what the garden owner wants to achieve and what kind of harvest. In addition, there is a dependence on the region and specific climatic conditions:

  • duration of winter;
  • temperature;
  • presence or absence of precipitation in winter, etc.

In most of our regions, autumn root pruning is preferred, since it would be naive to expect two full harvests of berries in temperate latitudes. When pruning in autumn, you get one abundant, full-fledged harvest, but if you don’t do this, you’ll get two harvests, but the total result will be the same, you’ll just have to bother with the harvest twice. Moreover, small berries will not be able to compete with more “prominent” representatives of raspberries on the market, and this must be taken into account by farmers who grow berries for sale.

Experts say that pruning remontant raspberries in the spring makes sense in the southern regions when, under conditions of mild winters and early thaws, there is a high probability of root buds awakening. If frost occurs after this, the buds will die. In these regions, the growing season of raspberry shoots continues long after fruiting has ended, and at this time nutrients accumulate that will be used by the plant for the berries of the new harvest.

In the northern regions, pruning in the spring is dictated by winters with little snow. The shoots that have not been cut in the fall will make an excellent barrier for retaining snow from unremoved fruit-bearing shoots.

And in the spring, circumcision is done as soon as the buds begin to bloom. The fact is that the raspberry will wake up very quickly and the juices will begin to sparkle in it, since the buds and blossoming leaves contain bioactive substances (they are called growth substances) that stimulate the development of the plant. In the North, this is necessary in order to obtain a bountiful harvest: it will be greater the faster the raspberry shoots begin to develop and grow.

Plant scientists have found that the optimal time for pruning is on average a month before frost begins on the soil. If you prune remontant raspberries earlier, root buds will begin to sprout ahead of time. This will affect the harvest after winter; it will worsen.

In the Moscow region, Central zone

In the Moscow region, as in the entire central zone, pruning of remontant raspberries usually occurs in late August - early September. This is the time when the plant loses its leaves. Some gardeners advise cutting off the stems altogether after the first frost, in November, but this time is suitable for processing raspberries only in the southern regions (Rostov region, Kuban, etc.).

In the Urals, remontant raspberries are pruned in August, and it is recommended to completely cut off the stems at the end of fruiting. The peculiarities of the Ural climate (lack of moisture in the soil in autumn and lack of snow cover in November-early January) are an obstacle to bending shoots: due to dryness they break, and severe frosts, up to 31°C, in the absence of snow lead to the death of the plant.

In Siberia

In Siberia, the last days of summer are the best time to prune remontant raspberry varieties. At this time, it has already borne fruit and the leaves are already falling. If the autumn turned out to be very warm, you can slightly shift the dates to the beginning of September, but be sure to make it before the first ground frosts. Since the Siberian winter is harsh, even winter-hardy varieties can suffer (rhizomes).

  • 1, 6-7, 15–16, 26–28 September,
  • October 2–5, 8, 12–13, 25, 29–31,
  • November 4–5, 9–10, 25–28.

It is worth remembering that these are general recommended numbers, but each gardener needs to look at their own calendar and take into account regional dates for pruning remontant raspberries. That is, it is clear that November 28, no matter how favorable the day according to the lunar calendar, is not suitable for raspberries - it is too late.

Autumn pruning consists of completely cutting off all shoots. The correct pruning is directly to the root, so that no stumps remain on the surface. If remontant raspberries are pruned in the fall directly at ground level, then next fall an even larger harvest will be harvested from this shoot.

Some people prefer two harvests per season instead of one abundant autumn harvest, then they leave annual shoots. But it is advisable to do this in more southern regions, since the middle zone does not allow remontant raspberries to bear fruit twice due to an earlier winter. Therefore, here the pruning is carried out completely.

Treatment of remontant raspberries differs for two-year and one-year growing cycles.

In order to get two harvests, the classic method is used: after the first harvest, you need to cut off all the old stems without exception at the root, leaving only young, non-lignified green shoots in the bushes. In the fall, after harvesting the second harvest, the tops of the already grown young growth are cut off, after which they bend down to the ground for wintering. In the spring they will begin to vegetate, in the summer they will bear fruit, again produce young shoots and a second harvest will be harvested from them.

This is a two-year cycle, which is more suitable for the south of Russia, but you can risk trying this technique further north if you choose the earliest remontant varieties and plant them in the warmest place. Next, you need to pick the ripe berries more often, and feed the bush itself well. For the winter, the plant is covered with non-woven sheets and mulched.

The one-year cycle involves complete cutting at ground level, at the root, of all growth without stumps. This technique has significant advantages: there is no need to garter and bend the bush for the winter, there are no old shoots in spring and summer. In addition, pruning and burning all growth before winter is an effective control of resistant pests and plant diseases.

Several rules, the observance of which will ensure proper pruning and successful fruiting subsequently:

  1. For trimming you only need very sharp equipment, so you need to take care and sharpen it. Cutting surfaces that are not sharp enough will cause “burrs” above the root.
  2. Raspberry stems can be of varying thickness and density. Some can be cut with pruning shears or a sharp knife, but for some stems you will need a lopper or garden saw.
  3. When pruning, the cuts are made obliquely towards the outer bud.
  4. When pruning thin shoots, the cutting surface does not need to be lubricated, but thick stems are covered. To do this, it is best to use oil paint or garden varnish.

Pruning remontant raspberries for the winter: video

How to prune raspberries planted in autumn

If seedlings of remontant raspberry varieties were planted in the fall, there is no need to cut them off at the root, they are very weak, both stem and root. It is optimal to leave about 20 cm of the seedling above the surface. This height will be enough for the stem to provide nutrition to the entire plant until the cold snaps. By the way, regular, non-remontant raspberries are pruned in exactly the same way after autumn planting.

Lubricating the cuts with garden varnish or oil paint is advisable if thick, woody stems from last year are being trimmed. For thin green shoots, you can do without covering the cut.

An obligatory part of care after pruning is mulching the plantings. For this use:

  • grass;
  • hay;
  • straw;
  • sawdust (rotted);
  • rotted manure.

Not only raspberry rhizomes, but also cut parts need special treatment. They should be burned along with the foliage to reduce the risk of plant diseases and damage by pests in the spring. For the winter you need to insulate the planting; for this you use agrofibre. They sweep snow over the raspberries so that the snow feather blanket covers the plant in winter and supplies it with moisture in spring.

Remontant raspberries will bear fruit abundantly with proper care, an obligatory part of which is autumn (spring, summer) pruning. The selection of raspberry varieties of zonal selection also plays an important role. If the gardener follows all the rules, raspberry bushes will give a good harvest of berries.

Raspberries are famous not only for their taste, but also for their medicinal properties. Varieties of remontant raspberries are in great demand among professional gardeners. This choice is not accidental, because shrubs of this variety allow you to harvest several times a season. But before you grow remontant varieties, you need to know some features in order to get a good result.

Rules for planting and caring for remontant raspberries

Remontant raspberry bushes are in many ways similar to conventional varieties. They are also perennials.

Remontant raspberries should be planted in a sunny area.

If you decide to grow remontant varieties of berries, it is important to remember that the soil for planting must be prepared in advance. The plant loves light soil, but fertilized with useful minerals. In addition, it is recommended to choose a site that is sunny and protected from drafts.

Seedlings can be planted both in spring and autumn. If we talk about the spring period, it is important to remember that the soil will have to be prepared in the fall. To do this, you need to dig up a bed, enrich it with compost and mineral fertilizers. In spring, planting begins from March to April, depending on the region and climatic conditions.

In the prepared area, dig holes with a depth of shovel bayonet at a distance of 70 cm , it is recommended to leave at least 1.5 m between the rows. The thing is that the bushes will grow over time, the rhizomes need enough space. Seedlings of future shrubs are checked before planting, making sure that the root system is well developed, and that the stem itself is green and has healthy buds.

Disembarkation rules

The plantings are immersed in the prepared hole and sprinkled with fertile soil, while it is important to pay attention to how the roots are located.

Before planting, you need to prepare a hole for raspberries.

They shouldn't be too deep. But it is also recommended to trample the ground a little so that the rhizomes fit tightly to the ground. After this, you need to water the future bushes abundantly.

If you decide to plant remontant raspberries in the fall, you should remember that this should be done at the end of September or beginning of October. In this case, the meteorological features of the region should be taken into account, since the first frosts may begin during this period. As for soil preparation, the site is prepared in the spring by digging it up and adding, depending on the composition of the soil.

Experienced gardeners say that to get a good harvest, you need to start in early spring.

In March, when the ground is still frozen, the first inspection of the bushes is carried out. If the soil is poor, then you can feed the plants with a complex of mineral fertilizers. In April, when the first leaves begin to appear, all the stems are carefully examined. During this period, dried or diseased branches that need to be removed are clearly visible.

  1. Remove weeds from the garden in a timely and correct manner . It is important to remember that the root system of raspberry bushes is shallow, so it is not advisable to loosen the soil with a hoe, as the rhizomes can be damaged. It is best to remove weeds by hand during the entire period of plant activity. If the distance between the rows allows you to loosen the soil, then this should be done in the spring, before the bushes have grown.
  2. Carry out timely feeding . In spring it is better to use complex fertilizers, and during the flowering period - potassium sulfate and superphosphate.
  3. Provide abundant watering , especially during the flowering and fruiting period.
  4. Monitor for pests and various diseases . If they appear, try to destroy them immediately. In addition, it is necessary to carry out preventive measures that will protect plants from unwanted consequences.

Of course, remontant raspberries require more care than regular varieties, but the result justifies all the effort. If you learn to follow all the recommendations, you can get a good harvest.

What you need to know about pruning a plant

Bushes need to be pruned twice a year.

After the winter period, pruning shrubs is mandatory, because this procedure not only allows you to identify damage to the branches, but also makes it possible to improve the area. It is best to prune the bush when the buds are swollen and it is clearly visible how suitable the stem is for further cultivation.

Trimming algorithm

The stem is shortened by 10–15 cm from above, leaving 3–4 healthy buds below. You should also remember that in each bush it is necessary to remove weak shoots, leaving only 5-6 large shoots. It is important to use garden pruning shears for pruning, which leaves a neat cut without damaging the branch.

Garden pruning shears do not damage the branch when used.

Step by step pruning

Many experts, in order to ensure constant ripening of the berries, carry out phased pruning of the raspberry tree. To do this, you need to divide the shoots into 3 groups:

  1. for large shoots, shorten the tops by 10-15 cm;
  2. the second group of shoots is shortened by half;
  3. the third is cut off almost at the root, leaving 10-15 cm from the ground.

Thus, the raspberry bush forms a gradual growth of the bush throughout the entire fruiting period. This allows you to harvest until the coldest weather, with virtually no interruptions.

Gradual pruning will extend the harvest period until cold weather.

Pruning in autumn

According to experts, autumn pruning of remontant raspberries is simply necessary.

In autumn, raspberries are cut at the root, leaving 5-7 centimeters.

It is important to know that it is carried out only when the bushes reach two years of age. After harvesting the last harvest, when the cold weather begins and the leaves fall, you can carry out autumn cleaning of the area. To do this, all large stems are cut off almost at the root, leaving 5–7 cm from the ground, and young shoots are removed completely. If you do not prune raspberries in the fall, then in the spring the new bushes will grow short, and the raspberry tree itself may lose its ability to maintain itself.


Note! Correct and timely pruning of raspberries guarantees active growth of young shoots and increases the yield of the bush.

Remontant raspberries are very popular among gardeners.

Remontant raspberry varieties are in great demand among gardeners due to their advantages. In addition to high and long-term fruiting of berries, shrubs of this variety are resistant to various pests and diseases. The main rule for getting a good result is This means careful care of the bushes, timely pruning and cleaning of the area .

Video about pruning remontant raspberries

After reading articles about delicious huge berries that abundantly cover raspberries even in autumn, everyone wants to get themselves remontant raspberry varieties. Indeed, why not harvest several times when others no longer have it? However, you need to know how to prune remontant raspberries in the fall, because pruning remontant raspberries is an important process. How to care for such raspberries, how to make sure that your raspberries bear fruit as long and efficiently as possible, we will discuss in this article!

Secrets of proper preparation

Many gardeners really like remontant raspberries. This is due to the fact that pruning raspberries in the fall is quite easy to master even for novice gardeners. Of course, it won't be easy, but you can try. But you shouldn’t rejoice ahead of time, thinking that everything will be easy and simple. Growing raspberries like this has its drawbacks. Growing and caring for it is quite specific; not every beginner can handle it.

In the first year after planting raspberries, young shoots grow on the seedlings, which are covered with flowers in July and berries in August. There is no need to leave annual shoots for next year. They need to be trimmed to three-centimeter stumps. Don't feel sorry and leave them. This is necessary for future fruiting and harvesting a good harvest. As a rule, pruning should be done in October or November. That is, at a time when the entire harvest has already been harvested.

Autumn pruning of remontant raspberries not only affects the future harvest from a positive point of view, but also protects the bushes from various diseases, pests, and viruses, which can easily overwinter on the shoots.

In spring, the so-called sanitary treatment of bushes is enough. That is, trim those shoots that either dried out in winter or froze to the first healthy bud. As a rule, April is chosen for this procedure. This happens because it is easier to determine which of the buds is healthy by looking at the swelling buds.

Do not loosen the roots of the plant! This cannot be done due to the fact that the roots are close to the surface of the earth. To prevent weeds from appearing, mulch the soil. Raspberries need to be watered from March to November.

In order for the harvest to be large, the bushes need to be fed with complex fertilizers in the spring, and treated with phosphate and potassium fertilizers before flowering and at the end of autumn.

To prevent fungi, raspberries can be treated with Bordeaux mixture in mid-spring.

As you can see, caring for remontant raspberries in autumn and spring is quite simple. However, the question on everyone's mind is whether raspberries should be pruned, and what pruning pattern can produce the greatest effect.

Video “How to prune raspberries correctly”

In this video you will see how to properly prune raspberries.

Trimming Features

Fruiting occurs on 2-year-old and 1-year-old shoots - growths. But since the remontant spends a lot of effort on ripening summer fruits and on forming shoots for autumn, we need proper pruning of such raspberries in spring and autumn.

When to prune?

Initially, weak shoots grow on the seedlings, which will be covered with flowers at first, and with fruits at the end of summer. They don't need to be left, they need to be cut out. Because the cut shoot will not freeze and will not infect the raspberries. Remontant raspberries must finally be pruned in the fall, because then the harvest is over. Autumn pruning has a great effect on the harvest and protects the bushes from diseases that can survive the winter. If there are no snowdrifts in winter, then it is much easier to insulate the stumps so that the plant does not freeze. In spring, you only need to do sanitation of the bushes.

Only those shoots that are frozen are pruned to the first healthy bud. April is best for this, because by the swelling of the buds it is easiest to determine which bud is healthy.

Pruning technique

Not everyone knows how to properly prune raspberries. So we'll explain it to you now.

Pruning remontant raspberries in the fall is done like this: leave a short stem 10-15 cm long. The roots are still frail and the stem will be able to provide food until the big cold weather. It needs to be done for all raspberries. But you also need to remove flower stalks on overwintered and young shoots.

Initially, all efforts should be aimed at developing the roots and the bush itself. But in the second year, actively prune the shoots. In the spring, strong roots will throw out stems, where a double harvest will ripen. Many gardeners do not trim the stems completely.

But this is a matter of taste. The Yellow Giant variety, although it shows its remontability, produces most of the harvest on old stems. Therefore, it is not cut off, but the shoots are simply tied up. In summer, this variety ripens very early and is almost disease free.

Fighting sprawl

Autumn pruning will be useful only in regions with mild winters, because there tomatoes can grow remontantly for a long time. If after autumn thinning the soil does not freeze for 2 months, then there may be premature bud germination, which will have a very bad effect on the yield. Spring pruning is more suitable for areas with harsh winters.
If you wait until the buds open and then prune, the raspberries will have the necessary substances that can only appear in new leaves and are needed by the plant for accelerated growth. For the north, this is vitally important, because the sooner the plant awakens, the more abundant the harvest the gardener can count on.

Video “How to care for raspberries”

In this video you will see how to properly care for raspberries.

The ability of a plant to bear fruit continuously throughout the growing season is called remontancy. Remontant raspberries are capable of producing a consistently good harvest of berries on two-year and one-year-old shoots.

Remontant raspberries differ from ordinary varieties in their ability to produce two harvests in one season: first on last year’s shoots, and then on young ones that grew during the summer period. Some gardeners try to avoid such varieties, because the berries of the second harvest may not have time to ripen before the first frost.

Comparative characteristics of raspberry varieties

Qualities and propertiesRegularRemontantnaya
CareMore difficultEasier
Winter hardinessSome varieties are not resistant to frostDoesn't freeze
Susceptibility to diseases and pestsAlways gets damagedRarely gets sick and is damaged by pests
Harvest qualityExcellent and good fruitsGood berries
The appearance of the first fruitsIn the second yearIn the year of landing
Illumination requirementsAverageHigh
Nutrition and moisture requirementsAverageHigh

If a gardener does not have the necessary experience in caring for and growing remontant raspberries, it is better to gain first experience on varieties that are unpretentious to foliar feeding and pruning and do not have thorns on the trunks.

Important information about landing

The size of the future berry harvest largely depends on the selected remontant variety. More than two hundred types of remontant varieties are known, of which eighty are successfully grown in Russian climatic conditions. Our gardeners most often choose remontant varieties with telling names “Yellow Giant”, “Apricot”, “Atlant”, “Bryanskoe Miracle” and “Indian Summer”.

When planting remontant raspberries, you cannot use conventional technologies, because if special care rules are not followed, the bushes will develop much more slowly and will not live up to the hopes placed on them. The planting process must be carried out according to special, but very simple rules.

  1. Depth. Raspberry bushes grow up to 2.5 meters in height, have thick stems and a root system that does not have a main root. In this case, the lateral roots take nutrients at a depth accessible to them, that is, each stem must be planted at a depth of 35-50 cm, unlike conventional varieties, which require a depth of 20-25 cm. By increasing the volume of land for collecting the necessary substances, the durability and productivity of each bush of the remontant variety significantly increases.

  2. Deadlines. The time for planting seedlings in the soil begins a week before the onset of frost, since the movement of juices in these varieties is active even at fairly low temperatures. Therefore, the fruits ripen even during the first frosty days, but planting new bushes in the soil becomes significantly more difficult. Sometimes they choose the beginning of April or a week after the final frost for planting, then the results are better than with autumn plantings. A significant disadvantage is the fact that after four months the seedlings do not reach generative development and after planting they produce a very small harvest. They begin to bear fruit normally only in the second year.
  3. Planting density should not exceed two bushes per meter of bed so that the bushes develop strong. We must not forget that planting of material is done once for a period of 7 to 15 years; for this, you need to properly plan the free space so that the plants can be fully cared for.

Caring for remontant varieties of raspberries requires well-planned steps. Within a month after planting, you need to fertilize the soil of the bushes twice as much, which require large amounts of potassium and nitrogen to ensure good growth of additional shoots.

Before planting a cutting with buds in a hole, you need to add compost and cover it with soil about ten centimeters high, since the grown roots should not come into direct contact with the fertilizer. If the weather is hot, the roots may burn.

To prevent the root system from starting to rot and to gain full strength in the first year, good soil drainage must be ensured before planting remontant varieties. At the bottom of a deep hole you need to pour a 10-centimeter layer of coarse crushed stone, which is covered with fertile soil. In addition to fertilizers, stones and a layer of soil, you need to leave an additional at least thirty centimeters for the seedling of the future bush.

Feeding the shoots with special fertilizers begins in the spring and continues until the end of summer, finishing fertilizing the soil three weeks before the start of picking the first berries, so that the crop is not saturated with chemicals.

The remaining rules for planting and care are exactly the same as for ordinary berry varieties. To plant remontant bushes, choose turf or loamy soil, having previously filled it with organic fertilizers and compost.

Video - Planting remontant raspberries

Video - How to get a large harvest of remontant raspberries

Video - Planting raspberries. Summer and remontant, spring and autumn

Autumn care measures

In order for the bushes to be able to survive the winter without loss and in the spring to fully stock up on the necessary vitality, it is necessary to fulfill the following points:

Careful implementation of all points will double the resistance of raspberry bushes to frost. Then in the spring the plants will develop much faster and will certainly bring a good harvest to the caring owner.

Pest control of remontant raspberries

Raspberry bushes are damaged by fungi, insects and viruses.

The most common diseases of remontant raspberries and measures to combat them

Pests and diseasesImageSigns of defeatTreatment measures
Powdery mildew occurs when there is high humidity Leaves, flowers and tips of young shoots are affected. A gray-white coating is visible, leaves curl and fall offWatering at the root, pruning and burning shoots in spring and summer. Before and after flowering, spray with a 0.3 percent solution of calcium polysulfate, a one percent suspension of colloidal sulfur
Apple codling moth caterpillar gets into raspberries from fallen apples Damages raspberry fruitsSpraying with 0.3 percent karbofos emulsion, 0.6 percent fozalon emulsion two weeks after flowering
Rough skeletonization of leavesSpraying before flowering with 0.6 percent fozalon emulsion
Spotty darkening and deformation of the leaf blade along the edgeRemoving infected branches or the entire plant
Affects most fruitsTransplantation to other parts of the site and treatment with Gardon and Vofatox

And yet, remontant species, in comparison with conventional varieties, behave much more resistant to pests and diseases. Control and protection measures are:

  • planting bushes remote from other plantings to prevent infection with the raspberry beetle;
  • in the use of tinctures of onion and garlic peels and sulfur solution in the fight against spider mites;
  • in protecting leaves from caterpillars by feeding with preparations with a high content of phosphorus and potassium.

We must not forget that during flowering it is forbidden to treat the plantings with chemicals so that they do not get into the berries.

The main pest control is carried out with the help of beneficial insects, such as the hoverfly larva, ladybug, dragonfly, lacewing, apanteles and other biological species that are best not destroyed.

A correctly chosen place for planting cuttings, proper pruning and good care allow you to harvest at least two excellent raspberry harvests in one season.

After reading the reviews and seeing the abundant harvest of large raspberries in the neighboring plots, completely covering the bushes from early summer to late autumn, every gardener has a desire to plant the plot with remontant species. Then it will be possible to collect two harvests of delicious berries every year until late autumn.

Video - Remontant and regular raspberries

Video - Sheltering raspberries for the winter

Varieties of remontant raspberries are very popular among owners of personal plots. Following the advice of agronomists, these varieties are harvested twice a year. It’s hard to believe that summer in northern latitudes is short and sometimes cold. Sometimes you won’t even get one harvest. Any plant requires care, but raspberries have been loved and grown in Rus' for a long time. A special variety of raspberries requires special care. The main thing is to prune the plant correctly. There is a special technology for how to prune remontant raspberries in the fall.

Remontant raspberry varieties purchased by summer residents often disappoint. The bushes grow thick and tall, and the fruits are inferior in quality to ordinary raspberries. Was it worth pursuing such varieties? The point is the wrong agricultural technology; before purchasing a new type of raspberry, you should first study the necessary literature on caring for it. Conventional raspberry varieties have a 2-year cycle of fruiting shoot development, so raspberries are cut in autumn and spring. Remontant varieties undergo development in 1 year. There is dissatisfaction among gardeners with the resulting harvest.

For such raspberries, the entire above-ground part of the bush is cut out, freeing you from the problem of frost resistance, pests and the purchase of trellises. This type of raspberry has a high requirement for soil fertility and area illumination. It stops bearing fruit even in slight partial shade. Write this fact down to your experience. Ordinary raspberries can be harvested even in a shady area.

Be carefull! It happens that with proper pruning and care of a remontant variety, you are not lucky enough to wait for the harvest. What is the reason? They simply sold you the wrong variety of raspberries, but ordinary raspberries.

When pruning raspberries, you should not leave stumps higher than 2 cm above the ground. Don't be afraid, this is the right agricultural technique. By leaving tall stumps, you kill the remontant effect in the seedling and end up with an ordinary raspberry.

The first frost will tell you the right time for autumn pruning. As soon as the first one passes, start trimming the raspberries. Pruning is also carried out in the spring, but imagine how many nutrients will be spent on feeding unnecessary shoots. The spring pruning method is suitable only in the southern regions of the country, where there are short, warm winters. Spring work is carried out when, after autumn pruning, the buds begin to grow in this region.

When to prune remontant raspberries in the fall

Common raspberry plants have given up their rich harvest and have begun to prepare for winter hibernation. The leaves lost their amazing color, drooped and shrank. It's time to prune the bushes.

Remontant varieties still stand in their magnificent attire and do not even think about the harsh winter time. The varieties are prepared for winter much later. Remontant varieties of raspberries are pruned differently than ordinary shrubs. Cut out remontant bushes, completely removing shoots; under no circumstances should any stumps remain above the ground. They will destroy the sign of repairability, and you will be left with nothing.

It's time! The time has come, the first frost has struck. Take the pruning shears in your hands and start pruning the bush. To harvest one crop per plant per season, cut the bush completely at the root, leaving no stumps sticking out of the ground.

If you plan to harvest 2 crops per season, then leave healthy annual shoots. Cut off the tops and bend them to the ground so that they don’t freeze or break under the weight of the snow. Do not forget to remove underdeveloped and broken branches from the bush.

There are no contraindications for spring pruning of raspberries done at normal times; in this case, you will only get 1 harvest of berries per season.

How to properly prune remontant raspberries

Not all varieties of newly growing raspberries have an annual biological cycle. Varieties such as:

  • Hercules;
  • Indian summer;
  • Indian summer 2.

They manage to complete the restoration of the bush in one year. For such varieties, after picking the berries, you need to completely cut out the entire bush; do not leave shoots. In the spring the bush will sprout shoots, among them, of course, there will be weak specimens. Leave 7-10 shoots in the bush; it should not be dense.

Cut them out a little, and they will use up the nutrients. So it’s better to let the nutrition go to the development of full-fledged branches than to stunted ones. It is not advisable to thicken the plantings; this will negatively affect the taste and size of the berries.

When forming a bush of a remontant raspberry variety, when pruning, under no circumstances are stumps higher than 5 cm above the ground allowed. Otherwise, you will lose all the varietal characteristics of the plant.

Although varieties with signs of remontance do not produce many shoots. In this regard, reproduction takes much longer than with ordinary raspberries.

It's important to decide! By cutting the bush down to the ground in the fall, after fruiting, you get a bush with an annual cycle. Don't be discouraged that you have the opportunity to get two harvests per season. In the southern regions there are all conditions for obtaining two harvests per season, so this method justifies itself there.

Closer to the Urals and beyond, you can harvest two crops if you need fresh berries for a long time for some purpose. The berries, when harvested from two harvests, do not differ in size or taste. The total mass of collected fruits will not exceed what you collect at one time. And the second harvest in this region often goes away without fully ripening, under the snow, or it will be killed by frost.

By forming bushes with a one-year cycle, you benefit in the taste and size of the fruit. If you want to get a double harvest per season, cut out the bushes, alternating them 1 through 1, or 1 through 2, then you won’t lose the quality of berries, and you can enjoy the berries for a long time.

How to prune for a good harvest

The property of remontant raspberries is that they can produce crops on both one-year and two-year-old shoots. Proper pruning of shoots plays one of the leading roles here.

In this case, the implementation of recommended agrotechnical practices is mandatory. How to prune depends on what exactly you want to get out of the plant. If you plan to get tasty, large fruits and in sufficient quantities, then you will be quite satisfied with raspberries that bear fruit once per season, that is, with a one-year growing season.

So tasty! If you want to enjoy your favorite berries for as long as possible, then a two-year cycle is for you. The first harvest is slightly earlier than with conventional raspberry varieties, the second will last almost until the first frost.

Need a rich harvest? Then cut off the entire bush completely, leaving no stumps above the ground. A good harvest of high-quality fruits is harvested from one-year growth, but only once per season. If you want to have fresh raspberries on the table for a long time, plant the harvest in advance.

When pruning bushes, leave part of the growth uncut, shaping the bush so that it is well ventilated and illuminated. The tops of the branches need to be trimmed a little and bent to the ground for the wintering period.

Pruning is important for harvesting. We must not forget that the nutritional value of the soil is the main indicator for obtaining a good harvest for any plant. On poor soils, little grows, and there is nothing to dream of a good harvest. Fertilize the rows of plants with humus or high peat, about half a bucket per bush.

Be careful not to cover the raspberry base. Distribute the humus around the tree trunk. You can also carry out liquid feeding, mullein 1:10, chicken droppings 1:20, please note, these are aqueous solutions. Under each plant you need to pour 3 to 5 liters of solution. Fertilizing should be done 2-3 times per season; the plant consumes a lot of nutrients during the growing season.

Remontant raspberries need to be loosened. This must be done carefully, since the roots of raspberries are located close to the surface. Deep loosening is contraindicated; they are easily damaged. The need for such an operation is to ensure the supply of oxygen to the roots. It also helps retain moisture in the soil.

Be sure to water! Plants are watered until the soil is wet to a depth of 30-40 cm. This should be done as often as precipitation requires. If the summer is dry, then once every 2-3 days; if rainy weather has arrived, then there is no need to water.

At the end of the season, the root zone is mulched. So much mulch must be poured so that after shrinkage the layer thickness is at least 5 cm. This procedure is done to better preserve the plantings from freezing.

How to prune raspberries in the fall after planting

Remontant planting is carried out mostly in the fall. You may ask, why only in the fall? You can plant in both spring and summer, but experienced gardeners prefer autumn planting. At this time, seedlings take root more easily, and in the spring they begin to grow quickly.

The optimal time for planting seedlings in the ground is early autumn. The seedlings will take root in the new place without any problems. With the onset of the first frost, they can be pruned without fear of harming the plant. Because pruning during planting is generally undesirable. The plant is young, fragile, and can easily be damaged.

Gardeners recommend planting in early spring, and after 2 months doing regular pruning. Remove the entire above-ground part of the plant, leaving a stump no higher than 2-3 cm. Then mulch the area around the seedling with peat or humus. Sprinkle each planting hole with a bucket of high-moor peat.

The main thing is to follow the norms of the bush space between them. Densified plantings will not benefit the plant. Remontant varieties are generally very demanding of care and the surrounding space.

When to prune in the Moscow region

There is a choice! The difficult climate of the Moscow region requires the selection of special varieties of remontant raspberries. A short summer cuts short all the good endeavors of gardeners. With the advent of early raspberry varieties, it was finally possible to provide the family with fresh berries almost all summer.

The raspberry varieties “Inaccessible” and “Kalashnik” fully satisfied the requirements of gardeners for the remontability of raspberries. Now both varieties have time to produce a ripe harvest. Since these are early ripening varieties.

The Kalashnik variety is quite tall, growing up to two meters in height, its berries are aromatic and regular in shape. Since the autumn harvest begins to ripen in early August, fruiting is already over by mid-September. The shoots of the first year are elastic and strong. They don't freeze. Pruning begins after the first frost.

In many areas the variety “Unreachable” is grown. Its berries are in the form of a blunt cone, the seeds in the fruit are small, and the density is average. Bright red berries are ready for harvest from August 5 to September 10. The time for pruning is the end of September, mid-October, it all depends on what kind of autumn it is.

How to prepare remontant raspberries for winter

Raspberries of remontant varieties are quite easy to care for. Due to the fact that it finishes bearing fruit quite late. There are almost no pests on it. When preparing the plant for winter, all the green mass is cut out, and with it all pests are removed from the area. Of course, this variety of shrub implies a double harvest period. But 100% ripening can be obtained in the southern regions or in the Moscow region, and then only with varieties created for it.

The solution has been found! In the Urals and beyond, getting two harvests is simply not profitable. The bulk of the autumn harvest dies from the cold, never having time to ripen. From 30% to 50% of fruits that do not even have time to reach milky ripeness go under the snow.

Therefore, in the rest of the country I grow one crop of such raspberries. You will not lose any amount of harvest.

Look, by cutting out all the shoots, you get a lot of benefits:

  • fight pests and diseases;
  • do not be afraid of plants freezing;
  • carry out sanitary cleaning of the area;
  • do not waste money on covering material and trellises.

Carry out pre-winter feeding of plants by mulching the root system with humus or dry high peat. You can add an additional layer of straw to the mulch, this will serve as additional snow retention.


Remontant raspberries are unpretentious in care. To get a good harvest, you need to strictly follow the instructions of agronomists and know how to prune remontant raspberries in the fall.