
Is it possible to place a TV next to a refrigerator? Is it possible to put a TV on the refrigerator in the kitchen?

Herbs in the garden

When a housewife is planning the design of her kitchen, she is often faced with the question of whether it is possible to put the TV on the refrigerator. The instructions for most freezers specifically state that the lid is not a shelf and is not intended to hold any items, especially appliances. Despite the ban, many families put a TV, microwave, or bread maker on the refrigerator. Let's figure out how to properly install kitchen equipment.

How electrical appliances affect each other

Some new generation refrigerators have a built-in TV, but in this case, the manufacturers calculated all the harmful effects of such a neighborhood and installed protection. Modern developers understand that the kitchen can be simply overcrowded with all kinds of electromagnetic fields, and create models taking such conditions into account.

If in your kitchen there is a refrigerator that is not the first one, and the TV is also old, the following troubles may occur:

  • when electromagnetic waves are superimposed, radiation increases;
  • an old refrigerator vibrates, this is not good for both the monitor and the eyes;
  • a heavy TV can deform the refrigerator lid.

The resource site found out from specialists that no breakdowns occurred due to this arrangement of devices. Indeed, on the day of installation and for a long time after it, nothing happens. The TV and refrigerator served their service life honestly and were sent for recycling. But no one knows how much longer they could have worked if they had stood far away from each other.

If you consider the refrigerator to be the best place for a TV in the kitchen, purchase a modern model of a freezing unit with a built-in plasma panel.

If you just can’t do without watching programs in the kitchen, you can put the TV on a special stand. Make a shelf for it or hang it on the wall using special brackets. Owners of flat, lightweight models sometimes want to hang the TV on the refrigerator. There is definitely no need to do this. There is a lot of movement around the freezer equipment, with all family members frequently opening and closing the door. In this case, there is a high probability of dropping and breaking the plasma panel.

Kitchen without TV

The question arises whether a TV is needed in the kitchen. This is a special room, where food is prepared, the family gathers around a common table. It is no secret that most programs do not contribute to a good mood: talk shows discuss the problems of dysfunctional families, the news is filled with chilling stories. Do you enjoy having lunch while your nail affected by fungus is shown on full screen?

Good housewives know that when cooking they need to focus only on this process and not be distracted by anything. At this time, they even turn off their phone. The quality of a dish largely depends on the mood in which you cook it. If you cry over the problems of the characters in a melodrama or get carried away by a crime series, don’t be surprised that the food turns out to be tasteless, and all family members will feel heaviness in their stomachs for a long time. If the TV is on the refrigerator, the temptation to turn it on is very great, and you are unlikely to prepare a tasty and healthy lunch.

If you are bored of working in silence in the kitchen, turn on the radio or player with your favorite tunes that will create a pleasant emotional atmosphere.

Doctors do not recommend watching TV shows, discussing serious issues, or talking on the phone while eating. Disconnect from all your problems, enjoy delicious food and don’t forget to praise the hostess. Share good news and make each other happy. You can then watch the missed episodes of an interesting detective story on the Internet.

Each person must decide for himself whether it is possible to place the TV on the refrigerator. If you think that it is impossible to think of a better place, take care of the safety of all family members. All devices must be installed firmly and stably. Place the electrical cord and antenna cable so that they cannot be accidentally touched or pulled. And yet, keep the screen off more often; communicating with family and friends is much more interesting than with characters in TV series.

Television occupies a special place in the Russian home. People often spend their leisure time watching TV series and programs. The TV in the kitchen has become a standard item; more and more often, space is left for it in the kitchen layout. While having breakfast you just want to flip through the channels and listen to the latest news. However, not everyone has a spacious kitchen with the ability to place a TV in front of the table. It happens that after purchasing a new plasma model or LCD screen for your home, the previous model is sent to the kitchen. But the previous option may turn out to be large and take up a lot of space. Here the question arises, where can I put it?

Can the refrigerator be used as a stand?

Undoubtedly, this is a very convenient place to place large objects and appliances. And if you put the TV on the refrigerator, you get an excellent view of the screen from almost anywhere in the kitchen. We often see this picture at the homes of relatives or friends. But we don’t think about whether it’s safe. What happens with this arrangement:

  • electromagnetic radiation increases;
  • vibrations from the refrigerator are transmitted to the TV;
  • a heavy appliance can push through the refrigerator.

Moreover, some instructions for refrigeration units explicitly state that placing objects and electrical appliances on the top cover is unacceptable.

On the other hand, service center specialists believe that such installation of the TV does not harm any device. Cases of breakdown of electrical appliances from such an arrangement have not yet been encountered. The main thing to consider is that the refrigerator radiator must be open to air access.

In any case, due to radiation, energy consumption may increase, and the electromagnetic fields of devices can negatively affect each other. To summarize, we can say that you need to decide whether to put a TV on the refrigerator or not. If the kitchen does not allow you to hang a bracket or stand at all, then there is no other choice. However, it is worth remembering that such a layout is undesirable.

There are models of refrigerators already with a built-in television panel. You can also find similar hybrids with a hood. Some craftsmen build a panel lift into the back wall of the upper cabinet, so the TV appears only when it is needed. There are design solutions with a niche for embedding a panel or rotating panels that save space. This layout should be taken care of in advance before renovation.

How to properly place a TV in the kitchen

It is important to know that you should not install a TV:

  • near the sink, it will simply be splashed with water;
  • in direct sunlight (window sill, table by the window);
  • on battery;
  • at the stove.

Before purchasing, you need to choose a convenient, compact model with a remote control. For a small kitchen (up to 9 m2), a diagonal of up to 20 inches is suitable. The distance to the eyes from the screen with such a diagonal should be approximately 1.5-2 m.

Pay attention to the viewing angle. If you place it too high, you will have to constantly lift your head when eating. And opposite the sun the screen will shine. Modern models show better pictures even in bright light.

It is better to place the TV on a wall mount or built into the wall; it can be mounted into a single surface for appliances (built-in oven, microwave, coffee maker). Can be installed on a pre-designed shelf in a kitchen unit.

Often the kitchen space is so small that it is simply impossible to place all the necessary household items in it. In this case, you have to be smart and use the available space more rationally. Owners of small apartments find a solution by placing the TV in the kitchen on the refrigerator. Is it possible to do this? And doesn’t one technique cause harm to another, in the case of such placement?

Negative consequences

Placing a TV on a refrigeration unit is not the best solution. The fact is that both devices have different ranges of electromagnetic radiation. Their interaction leads to the development of the following negative consequences:

  1. Increased electricity consumption.
  2. Rapid failure of both devices.
  3. Negative effects of two powerful electric fields on the human body.

Why can't this be done?

Experts do not recommend placing the TV on the refrigerator for several reasons:

  1. Increased load on the refrigeration unit.
  2. Increased vibration.
  3. Heavy weight of the TV.

For normal operation of the refrigerator, it is necessary to ensure air ventilation on all sides of the device. When the TV is placed on top of the structure, the air flow decreases, the airflow of the equipment decreases, which leads to increased engine operation. At first glance, the situation is not critical. But, if the refrigeration device is regularly overloaded, it may soon break down.

If the refrigerator is not new, vibration occurs during operation. This, in turn, negatively affects the TV and causes it to display poorly. New models of refrigeration devices operate somewhat differently, without vibration. And therefore they do not in any way affect the functionality of television monitors.

When a large, old TV is placed on top of a refrigerator, the lower unit experiences significant weight pressure. This leads to a decrease in the efficiency and performance of the refrigeration structure.

Many manufacturers of household appliances prohibit placing television monitors on top of refrigerators. Moreover, this situation automatically deprives users of the warranty on equipment from manufacturers.

Combining two devices

If you want to install a TV in the kitchen, it is recommended to follow several rules that will help maintain the functionality of any equipment.

  1. Purchase a refrigeration unit with a special opening for the TV.
  2. Order a cabinet or shelf that will be attached to the kitchen unit.
  3. Today, there are TV mounting brackets on sale that are fixed to the wall and are independent of other household appliances in the kitchen.

When buying a refrigerator with an opening for a TV, remember that the opening has certain dimensions for which you will have to select a TV monitor. It’s better to do this right away in the store. Sales consultants will help with the choice and tell you how to combine two devices in this case.

If renovation work in the kitchen has not been completed, it is recommended to order a kitchen set with a shelf to accommodate the TV. This will help to effectively solve the problem of combining the monitor with any other equipment in the kitchen. Ordering a bracket for mounting the TV will help in the same way.

Summing up

You can arrange all the necessary equipment in a small kitchen. When thinking about the placement of each device, do not forget to follow the rules of planning and arrangement of interior items in the room. If you want to place the TV on the refrigerator, use the advice of professionals. They will help you place the equipment correctly and extend the life of each device.

The kitchen is a special place. Here the hostess gets creative, creating delicious dishes for herself and her loved ones. Also, this room often serves as a living room, where the whole family gathers not only to have dinner, but also to have a good time watching their favorite films. Not everyone has large spacious rooms in their home. Therefore, to save space, the TV is often located on the refrigerator. It looks quite natural, so the question usually does not arise whether it is possible to put the TV on the refrigerator.

About the interaction of electronic devices

Manufacturers of new modern refrigerators have tried hard and invented models with a built-in TV. Such refrigerators have special protection that prevents the devices from having a negative impact on each other.

If the refrigerator belongs to the old generation, the consequences of being close to a TV can result in the following troubles:

  • increased electromagnetic radiation;
  • vibration of the refrigerator not only harms the operation of the screen, but also the health of the eyes;
  • electricity consumption increases.

For those who are deciding whether to put a TV on a microwave, this should not be done for almost the same reasons, especially due to the load and electromagnetic waves.

It would seem that few people had equipment that was in close interaction with each other fail. This inspires an optimistic mood. Yes, usually there are no significant breakdowns of electrical appliances, but their service life is reduced significantly.

Do you need a TV in the kitchen?

Of course, to the average family The decision to remove the TV from the kitchen will not be easy. But you can think about this, especially if a person lives alone. Daily news rarely inspires optimism, advertising is boring and gets on your nerves. It’s not always pleasant to enjoy beautiful, flavorful food when the effect of acne cream is being shown on the entire monitor.

Cooking is in some way a sacrament. The most delicious dinner is obtained when the hostess is focused on her work and full of positive emotions. It is emotions that are transmitted along with food. Paella from a chef's recipe may seem bland if it was prepared while crying under melodrama.

In addition, the TV simply distracts from household chores. Having turned it on, you may not even notice how an hour has already flown by, and the dough for pancakes has not yet been prepared.

If doing kitchen chores has become boring, you can simply turn on pleasant positive music or listen to audio lessons in English, which you haven’t had time for for a long time.

Psychologists do not recommend looking at a screen during a family dinner - and for good reason. This alienates family members from each other. During a meal, it is more useful to talk, share how your day went, and enjoy pleasant events together. And of course, thank the keeper of the hearth for a wonderful evening. Then the family will become stronger. And you can watch the missed episode of the Brazilian series on the Internet at a more appropriate time.

When is a blue screen needed?

If at the family council it was decided that you don’t want to give up the miracle of technology at all, it’s worth considering other options for its placement:

It is theoretically possible to place a TV device and a refrigerator together, but this should only be done as a last resort.

Placement errors

Under no circumstances should the TV be placed near the sink. If there is constant exposure to moisture, the equipment will quickly break down. Contact with the battery or exposure to the sun's rays is also undesirable. Heating leads to wear of parts.

If you are wondering whether it is possible to place a heavy TV on the refrigerator, the answer is no. If the appliance is heavy, the refrigerator lid may become deformed.

Saving space in the kitchen is important for technical and domestic reasons; the main task is to make the placement of necessary items as compact and practical as possible. However, not every Russian citizen follows fashion trends. Therefore, Russians often stack small household appliances in the kitchen onto larger ones. This article will tell you whether it is possible to place heavy objects on the refrigerator.


As a rule, a TV in the kitchen is an indispensable item and can be perfectly combined with furniture. However, you need to think about whether it can be placed on the refrigerator. Reasoning logically, we can give a positive answer to this question, because a TV on a refrigerator is a common phenomenon that is practiced in the families of our acquaintances, employees, relatives and friends. Modern brands, in turn, produce models equipped with a TV, guaranteeing safety and practicality. But still, placing the TV on the refrigerator:

  • Electromagnetic radiation doubles;
  • The load on the operation of the unit becomes greater, which in turn can contribute to its breakdown.

Whether to put the TV in this place or not is up to you. If you need a TV in the kitchen, it is recommended to install it on the wall or make a special shelf for the device. This will not only guarantee your safety, but also that of your equipment. Thanks to this solution, you can also save space.


When purchasing an additional refrigerator or freezer, the idea is often born of installing the unit on existing equipment. Thanks to this solution, many people want to save space and make the use of equipment convenient and simple.

However, placing it on the refrigerator is categorically unacceptable. This is explained by the operating characteristics of the unit and its location:

  • Even a small-sized device has a significant weight, and when fully loaded with products, it reaches up to fifty kilograms. Such a load on the lower unit is unacceptable;
  • Vibrations in the productivity of refrigerators can cause the top appliances to fall;
  • The influence of two compressors of the devices can lead to breakdown or reduce the life of its consumption;
  • If the top unit has the No Frost function, then water will flow directly along the wall of the refrigerator.


As you know, having a microwave in the house simplifies heating and cooking food. However, there is not always a place for this device in the kitchen, so many people have to place the microwave on other household appliances.

The microwave on the refrigerator takes second place in the ranking of the most common placement options after the TV.

Placing a microwave or multicooker in this place is absolutely unacceptable. Otherwise, this may become a solid argument for refusing service under warranty for both units.

However, in life you can encounter this phenomenon quite often. If there is no additional space for the oven in the kitchen, further measures should be taken to ensure the safety of the location:

  • Please note that for the oven to function properly, it requires free space on all sides. If the refrigerator’s dimensions allow for a distance of 20 cm and is not pressed tightly against the wall, then you can confidently place equipment on it;
  • Consider the ease of use of the stove. If the refrigerator is relatively short in height, then you can place a microwave on it. Ready-to-eat products can be easily obtained;
  • It is worth placing a board made of wood or cardboard between the two devices; this helps reduce the negative impact of both units. Accordingly, the level of radiation, heating and vibration will become lower;

  • It is worth taking care of the frequency of use. If the oven is used only a few times a day, the use of the oven will not result in significant radiation emissions. If the microwave will be used systematically, then placing the microwave is not acceptable.

Feng Shui in the kitchen

According to the eastern wisdom of Feng Shui, it is not recommended to place a refrigerator near the stove. According to Feng Shui, it is believed that the refrigerator is the element of water, and the stove belongs to the element of fire. These two elements are opposite, so their placement together is not acceptable. It is better to install them separately from each other and decorate the kitchen with flowers in pots.

Triangle rule

According to the “rule of the triangle”, the main units in the kitchen should be located at a certain distance from each other, ideally they should be located in three corners of the kitchen, opposite to each other.

Designers advise arranging the kitchen in such a way that there is free space next to each item. It is convenient to remove food from the refrigerator, placing it freely on the table. Cooking requires a separate table, and washing dishes, in turn, requires a tabletop for folding them.

Let's sum it up

If you are planning a kitchen renovation, take into account the rule described above. By acting on the triangle principle, you will make the kitchen comfortable and spacious, and the appliances will delight your family for many years.