
Is it possible to connect the gas column yourself. Geyser: connection and installation

Secrets of preparation and storage

Installing a geyser in an apartment: 4 stages

For the correct installation of the geyser in the apartment, it is better to seek professional help from the masters Different devices are used to heat water in the apartment. It can be a boiler room, a boiler or a geyser. Installing the latter is a really dangerous and responsible task. The slightest inaccuracy can lead to a gas leak, or even an explosion in the apartment. That is why for the installation of this device there are a lot of rules and regulations, failure to comply with which is punishable by law. Today we will explain to you in detail all the stages of connecting a gas column, however, if you do not have the relevant knowledge, we advise you not to try to do this work yourself.

Rules for installing a geyser

As you probably understand, in order to install any gas appliance, you must comply with the relevant rules and regulations. If you neglect at least one of them, you risk not only getting into trouble with the law, but also causing the death of people close to you.

Connecting a speaker with your own hands is an unsafe occupation. According to state standards, only organizations with a special license have the right to carry out such installation.

If you already have an old speaker, then you can easily replace it with a new device yourself. However, do-it-yourself installation of the device from “a” to “z” is prohibited.

Before you start connecting the gas column, you should carefully read the rules for its installation.

If you decide to connect a gas water heater yourself, or entrust only part of the work to special services, then you need to familiarize yourself with the basic rules of SNiP for such installation. They are applicable both in the apartment and in a private house.

SNiP standards:

  • Installation of a gas type column is possible only in a room with a volume of at least 7 cubic meters. meters;
  • The wall you plan to hang your speaker on should be made of a non-combustible material such as brick or concrete.
  • In the room where the gas water heater will be installed, there must be a window and a good ventilation system;
  • In an apartment with a column, the ceilings must have a height of at least 2 meters;
  • In order to install a column, you need to find a chimney in the room;
  • For normal operation of the column, the water pressure in the system must be at least 1 atm.
  • You can not install a column in the bathroom and toilet, and the gas unit must be at least 10 cm away from the stove. At the same time, a column cannot be hung above the stove.

These are the new norms of SNiP regarding the installation of a geyser. The old norms were somewhat different, so if your old column is installed in the bathroom, you can put a new unit in its place, and this will not be a violation of the law.

We prepare documents before connecting the geyser

The first installation of a geyser requires a lot of fuss with documentation and rather high costs. However, this fact does not scare most apartment owners.

To install a column in an apartment where gas supply is not provided, you will have to conduct these lines yourself. Alone, such work will cost you quite a lot, so it is better to team up with neighbors who, like you, want to install a column.

Particular attention should be paid to the preparation of documents that are needed to connect the geyser

The first installation of a column includes the following "Paper" steps:

  1. You need to obtain consent to supply gas from distributors and conveyors and install a land allotment for the gas pipeline. You also need to make a calculation of consumption and get a list of technical conditions.
  2. Next, you need to design. This stage consists of concluding an agreement, collecting and examining documents, as well as obtaining permission in several instances.
  3. After the installation works, an agreement is concluded in GORGAZ and OBLGAZ.

To obtain all the necessary permits, you need to collect a whole list of documents. We will give you the most complete list, however, depending on the area in which you live and how many times you install a column, the list may decrease.

List of documentation required to obtain a permit:

  • A copy of the document confirming that you are the owner of the apartment;
  • Copy of pages 2, 3 and 5 of your passport;
  • A copy of your TIN;
  • Permission to process your data;
  • Document on the purchase of gas, as well as a letter indicating the conclusion of a work contract;
  • Gas equipment maintenance contract;
  • TU for connection to gas and documents on the implementation of TU;
  • Copies of gas equipment;
  • A copy of the act on the division of property between the owner of the apartment and the distributor;
  • Copies of technical passports of the gas meter and confirmation of their verification;
  • A copy of the draft gasification project and the stamp of the metrological department of Gazprom.

The prepared list of documents is referred to the appropriate authorities. After some time, you should receive a verdict from the gas services.

How to install a geyser

We have come directly to the stage of installation of the geyser. If you have gas lines installed, all the necessary documentation has been received and all specifications have been met, then it will not be difficult to install it yourself.

Before installing the geyser, you can additionally read the step-by-step instructions

How to install the column correctly:

  1. The front panel is removed from the column. According to the marking of the column mounts, mark the places for the installation of anchors. The correctness of the markup is checked using the building level. Now, according to the markup, you need to drill holes, insert dowels and anchors.
  2. Most modern speakers have a special fixing plate. It must be installed at the marked level, leveling with a building level.
  3. Install the column itself on the plate. Clicks indicate the correct installation.
  4. Lay a corrugated pipe from the outlet of the column to the common chimney. Treat the wall with a perforator and insert the chimney. The gap between the wall and the chimney must be filled with foam.

It's too early to install the front panel yet. First you need to connect to gas and water.

Scheme of connecting a geyser to water and gas

If you are installing a column for the first time, then you will have to run a gas pipe to it. To do this, you will need to invite craftsmen who will cut the tee in the gas pipe and mount the pipe on it.

You can sling the pipe directly to the connection point. This gas connection scheme eliminates the need for a gas hose. In this case, you must first install the column, and only then connect the gas pipe.

Experts recommend adhering to the scheme for connecting a geyser to water and gas

Another option is more practical, as it allows you to install a column at any time convenient for you. In this case, the pipe is led to the installation for only half a meter, and the remaining route is installed by installing a gas valve.

Ball valves are installed on the lines of cold and hot water. It is also desirable to install coarse and fine filters before the column. Such devices will allow you to increase the life of the heat exchanger.

It is very important to find a quality column, because your safety will depend on how good the unit you choose. We advise you to look at models from well-known manufacturers, for example, Bosch or Vaillant.

To connect water to the column, you can run a pipe for 30 cm and finish the rest of the distance with a flexible hose or connect pipes made of steel, metal-plastic or propylene directly to the column. To install pipes, you will need to mount a special tee in the water supply.

Starting and configuring the geyser

Before starting the column, it is necessary to check all the seams of the connection with the water supply and gas pipeline hoses. They must be sealed. There is a proven method by which you can check the tightness of gas connections.

After installation, you should check all the settings of the geyser and start it up

How to check the tightness of gas connections:

  • Lubricate all joints and fittings of the gas pipe with soapy water;
  • Open the gas valve;
  • Check connections for bubbles.

If there are no bubbles, then the connections are tight. Checking the connections to the water supply can be done without special accessories, just making sure that the joints are dry.

Next, you need to perform all the necessary steps to start the column according to the instructions. The setting is a very important step. It can only be done with a pressure gauge. The adjusting bolt sets the gas pressure, and the air supply with the shim.

Do-it-yourself geyser connection (video)

Installation of a gas type column is a very difficult and responsible task. You will add some of the actions to do it yourself, but some steps will have to be entrusted to special services. If you do everything right, then you will not need to repair your gas device for a long time.

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Installing a gas water heater allows you to forever forget about interruptions in hot water supply both in a private house and in an apartment building. This event is responsible, requiring the implementation of certain standards and coordination with regulatory authorities.

In the case when the installation of the geyser is carried out where it was not, in order to obtain permission for the installation, a communications supply project will be required, which is ordered from any company with the appropriate permit. The replacement of the old apparatus without changing the supply line is carried out after agreement and subsequent registration of the new device in the gas sector. Any actions related to the gas line (pipe routing, installation of a tap or tee) have the right to be carried out only by a specialized organization, which also issues a conclusion on putting the equipment into operation. On your own, you can fix the column, connect to the water supply and arrange the chimney.

In the process of work, all standards are met that determine the procedure for connecting a gas column, which are contained in SNiP42-01-2002, as well as in SP42-101-2003. There are also certain requirements for the premises:
  • Area - at least 7.5 m²;
  • Height - more than 2 m;
  • The presence of a chimney with a diameter of 120 mm;
  • The minimum pressure in the water supply system is 0.1 atm;
  • Availability of ventilation;
  • Sturdy walls lined with non-combustible material.

It is forbidden to install a column in residential premises and bathrooms.

First, the old heater is dismantled. The gas supply valve is closed and the hose is disconnected, the water lines are turned off and the chimney pipe is removed. Only after that the column itself is removed.

Before installation, the technical description attached to the device is carefully studied, then the installation is carried out in the following sequence:
  1. Mounting points are marked on the wall, which should securely hold the device filled with water, holes are drilled, dowels are driven in and a column is hung;
  2. Wiring is being laid, including water purification filters, Mayevsky taps, supply hoses or pipes;
  3. The tightness of the connections is controlled by a test run of water;
  4. The chimney draft is checked and the outlet pipe is installed;
  5. Next, you need to contact the specialists to connect to the gas main.

Even if all the work was done independently, in order to avoid a fine, it is necessary to invite gas service employees to check the equipment. Additionally, it is recommended to watch a video review showing the operation of the Neva-Lux geyser:

If you decide to put a geyser where it has never been, it is necessary to supply a gas pipe to the installation site of the water heater. To do this, you need to contact the gas service of your area or a company that has a license for this type of activity. You should not try to do it yourself, in this case you risk your life and the property of other people in an apartment building. All work related to gas supply, such as pipe supply, installation of stopcocks and tees on it, is carried out by organizations that have the appropriate license.

Installation of a gas column is carried out only after receiving an agreed project. Some of the work can be done independently, but all requirements must be strictly observed. If this is not done, the gas utility will not take your water heater into operation.

Gas column installation standards

The geyser is installed in a room with a ceiling height of at least 2 m, its volume must be at least 8 m3. The room needs ventilation, for example, a window or a window, as well as a chimney with a diameter of at least 120 mm. The so-called "dummies" are not considered a chimney. The pressure in the water supply must be at least 0.1 atmosphere. The wall on which the column will be located must be made of non-combustible materials. It is forbidden to install a water heater above a gas stove, while leaving a distance of at least 10 cm from it.

You will need the following documents: a certified act on the technical condition of the chimney, a technical passport for the column, an agreed installation project, as well as an application for the reconstruction of the apartment, signed by its copyright holder. The application is submitted to the city administration, the act on the technical condition of the chimney is drawn up by the control service for ventilation and smoke ducts. If you have not yet purchased a geyser, just indicate the selected model. These data are necessary for the preparation and approval of the project in GORGAZ.

Replacing an old geyser

If a new column is installed in the same place, it meets all the technical characteristics of the old one, it is necessary to submit an application to the city gas service with a request to allow the device to be replaced, provided that the original place is maintained.

After that, you can start dismantling. First, gas access is blocked and the pipe is removed from the point of entry into the water heater, then the water supply system is turned off. The connecting pipe is removed from the outlet of the column and removed from the chimney, after which new equipment is installed. When all work is completed, a signed act is issued stating that the column was installed in accordance with all standards and requirements.

If the installation of the geyser will be carried out in the same place, and the new device will correspond to its predecessor in terms of technical characteristics, you should not have any difficulties with the execution of work.

The main requirement: the column must be certified and must be approved for installation by regulatory authorities.

Before starting work, you need to contact the Housing Office for the provision of certified copies of the project of your home. More specifically: you need a plan for the installation of gas, water supply, as well as smoke removal, a plan indicating the installation locations of the geyser and its technical parameters.

After receiving the above information, it is necessary to write an application to the city gas service with a request for permission to replace the column, provided that the previous place of its installation is preserved, as well as an application for repair / replacement of gas and water mains of this section.

The technician must perform these works, after which you receive a signed act and, in fact, a column installed in accordance with all requirements and standards.

Another case is when the installation of a geyser in an apartment will be carried out in a new place.

Such an installation of gas water heaters will entail a change in the supply gas and water pipes, as well as a change in the chimney system. This, of course, is a more complex and painstaking process.

Figure 1 - Typical geyser device

Documents for installing a geyser

  • a certified act on the technical condition of the chimney (compiled by the control service for ventilation and smoke ducts);

IMPORTANT! It is the chimney, not the ventilation system!

  • data sheet of the purchased dispenser: in the case when you have decided on the choice of the device, but have not yet purchased it, it is enough to indicate the model of the dispenser (the data will be needed when drafting the project in GORGAZ);
  • a draft installation project with a clear indication of the technical specifications for changing the installation location of the dispenser (the project is also ordered from GORGAZ);
  • an application for its reconstruction drawn up and signed by the owner of the apartment (submitted to the city administration);

IMPORTANT! When submitting such an application, you will need to have in your hands a ready-made project for the reconstruction, documents for this apartment and documents confirming your ownership of these square meters.

  • application for the completion of work (submitted to GORGAZ, having an approved project in hand).

Gas workers after the approval of the plan of all work, if you still managed to get permission to install a column in a new place, they will have to:

  1. make a tie-in into the gas supply pipe;
  2. put a gas meter;
  3. hang a column
  4. paint the gas pipe yellow (accepted standard for marking gas pipes);
  5. line the wall behind the column with non-combustible materials.

In addition, plumbing must be installed separately.

When the work is completed, you will be required to call a specialist from the regional gas service. He will set up and run the column. After that, the gas meter is sealed.

And that is not all. You will also need to receive an act from the fire department, an act from technical supervision and an act of acceptance of the column into operation upon installation of the column. A new project must be necessarily listed in the BTI.

Figure 2 - Functional diagram of the geyser

When choosing a column, focus on:

  • columns Viessmann, Buderus, Bosch, Wolf and Vaillant;
  • circulation pumps for hot water systems from Grundfos or Wilo;
  • water treatment equipment from Grunbeck;
  • metal-plastic pipes, fittings for them, air vents and safety groups from the German company Oventrop.

Installing a geyser in an apartment: important to know

It is forbidden to use a ventilation corrugated aluminum pipe for a chimney flue device! The column installation standards prescribed in GSN V.2.5-20-2001 require the use of exclusively stainless or galvanized steel pipes to perform a chimney. In this case, the thickness of the pipe must be at least 1 mm.

Any decorative panels that many tenants use to cover gas appliances must be easily removable, i.e. nothing should interfere with access to the column, and panels or decorative boxes should be made exclusively from non-combustible materials (see SP 41-108-2004).

The gas shut-off valve installed on a new gas column must be mounted near the column and have a yellow handle (see SNiP 2.04.08-87).

In modern geysers, modulating burners may have some inertia. Therefore, in order to avoid emergency situations, the supply of cold water to the column is carried out exclusively through a mechanical filter with a separate pipe (3/4 ”size will be more than enough) directly from the riser. Also, another pipe is led from the riser to the faucets in the kitchen, as well as in the bathroom and to the drain tank.

IMPORTANT! Check valves should be installed in front of the mixers, each 0.5 atm.

To equip the outlet pipe of hot water heated by a column, it is best to use a meter-long tube made of tempered copper. The diameter of such a tube should be approximately 15 mm. Corrugated stainless steel can be used instead of copper.

Only by fulfilling all the installation conditions, you can be calm that in the next 10 years there will be no breakdowns in the water heating system, and also that you will not have to hide from regular gas inspections.

Figure 3 - The correct location of the geyser

Brief instructions for installing a geyser

This information should not be considered as a guide to action. Do-it-yourself column replacement, as well as work with any gas equipment, is prohibited not only by law, but also by common sense: such “amateur activity” in an apartment building can lead to disastrous consequences.

For work use:

  • certified geyser;
  • PVC water pipe;
  • fittings of the "American" type;
  • pipe cutters;
  • soldering iron;
  • metal-plastic pipe for gas supply;
  • fittings for metal-plastic;
  • gas taps;
  • salt and magnetic filter;
  • Mayevsky's crane;
  • ordinary water faucet;
  • proportional wrenches;
  • drill;
  • as well as dowels and screws.

The progress of work and the main requirements for them:

The choice of the installation location of the column should be based on the possibility of arranging the hood in accordance with all the rules and regulations, the convenience of the location of the column, as well as the possibility of supplying communications.

The volume of the room in which the column will be installed should be from 8 m³ or more.

Speakers are installed only on fireproof walls. In another case, the fire-resistant surface is lined with a galvanized sheet 0.8 to 1 mm thick, having previously fixed a sheet of basalt heat-insulating cardboard 3 to 5 mm thick on the wall.

IMPORTANT! Installing speakers on wooden walls is prohibited!

The column is hung on the wall, given that the installation height can be arbitrary, but do not contradict the rules for installing the air outlet. There should be at least 15 cm from the side panel of the speaker to the wall, and a space of at least 60 cm should be left in front of the front panel of the speaker.

Fastener points are marked at the installation site of the column, then drilling them with a drill. The column is attached to the screws.

The standards for installing the connection between the column and the water supply system provide for the use of metal pipes or flexible hoses with an internal diameter of at least 13 mm. In this case, the length of the hose or pipe must be no more than 2.5 m (similar parameters must be observed when arranging the connection to the gas supply system).

The installation of the gas connection to the column must be carried out only with the shut-off valve installed.

Before installing the chimney, check the draft. Under normal conditions, it should be approximately 1.96-29.40 Pa (depending on the type of room).

The exhaust pipe must be at least 110 mm in diameter, while its length cannot exceed 2 m, but cannot be less than 300 mm. The slope of the exhaust pipe must be at least 2° upwards.

IMPORTANT! It is also prohibited to independently carry out the first start-up of water through the column. All work related to testing the system, installing a new dispenser or dismantling an old one should be carried out only by qualified representatives of GORGAZ.

The installation diagram of the column should be included with the product. The manufacturer's instructions for installing this device are also given there.

For the installation of columns, only kitchens and non-residential premises intended for the placement of these heating devices are suitable.

However, in the bathroom, the installation rules prohibit mounting the column, because. this room does not meet the basic requirements (see SNiP 2.04.08-87 GAS SUPPLY).

In earlier regulations, the installation of speakers in bathrooms was allowed. But after the change of legislation, we can only talk about moving the column from the bathroom to the kitchen or any other non-residential premises, if necessary, replace the device with a new one.

Figure 4 - Scheme of installation of a geyser

The requirements for installing speakers also allow us to consider each individual case: for example, in a private house that does not belong to standard buildings, it may be possible to install a speaker in a wide corridor or a room without windows, but having access, however, to a spacious room with a window.

Figure 5 - Checking the draft before installing the geyser

Installation of a geyser: price

The cost of work will depend on the volume of the column, as well as on the manufacturer. For example, installation of a domestic column will cost about $40, and a foreign one - $60 or more. To install a column up to 15 liters in a house, you will have to pay a little more than $ 55, and from 15 liters - $ 70 or more.

How much does a chimney installation cost?

On average, from $ 15 to $ 20, taking into account the cost of the necessary materials.

Given the installation parameters, we get the price for installing the column

  • in Kyiv - from 350 to 600 UAH;
  • in Moscow - from 1,600 to 2,800 rubles.

It is possible to provide autonomous hot water supply in a private house using special gas equipment, which is a flowing water heater with a capacity of 2 to 17 liters per minute.

A practical and inexpensive device is more profitable to operate than connecting to a centralized hot water supply system.

However, before installing a gas water heater in a private house, you need to understand the features of its installation and placement.

Installation of a device for heating water in a private house

The most common place to install a water heater is the kitchen, this room ideally matches the characteristics required for the installation of speakers. This room is ventilated, has a fairly large area and allows you to arrange a chimney with access to the street. Although sometimes it is allowed to place the device in other rooms.

It is worth figuring out whether it is possible to install a gas water heater in the bathroom, knowing the size of this room.

The minimum size of the room where you can install a water heating system must be at least 15 cubic meters. m, and in most apartment buildings such installation is impossible without serious redevelopment.

In your home, the dimensions of the room where the bath is located can be almost any - and, therefore, you can install a water heater.

Most of the installation of new and dismantling of old equipment, if it was installed earlier, is allowed to be done independently. However, the connection of the device to the gas should be entrusted to a professional.

A performer who is not sufficiently qualified may violate one of the instructions or the connection rule, increasing the risk of an emergency during the operation of the dispenser.

We suggest that you familiarize yourself with information on how to produce as well. The article provides information on what type of heaters to choose and why, step-by-step instructions with diagrams and a video tutorial on do-it-yourself installation.

The process of dismantling old equipment

Before dismantling old speakers, prepare suitable tools and materials for this. These include an electric drill, wrenches (open-end and adjustable), fasteners, fittings and taps, hose, tape and sealant.

The same list includes a pipe for water supply. Its diameter is usually indicated by the instructions for the device. You should also prepare filters, tools for soldering and cutting plastic communications, Mayevsky taps and a corrugated pipe, which must match the size of the boiler inlet.

To remove the equipment, do the following:

  1. Close the valve on the hose that leads from the gas pipeline to the old column;
  2. Remove the hose fixing nut. You can avoid damage to the pipe by fixing it with a key;
  3. Separate the hose from the equipment;
  4. Close the valve on the supply water line.

The next stage of dismantling involves disconnecting the heater from the chimney. Now it is enough to remove the device from the fixture fixed on the wall. After that, proceed to the installation.

How to install a water heater in a private house

Regardless of whether a new column is being installed or an old one is being replaced, all work is performed only if several conditions are met. First, a new chimney is installed and the wiring is carried out. Then the efficiency of the hood is checked and the installation of the equipment begins.

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The stages of work will be as follows:

The last stage is performed only by a specialist. First you need to connect the corrugation to the water heater and the chimney, and the gas pipe to the tap.

The water heater is attached to the wall with dowels, screws or clips. Now you should connect the gas pipe to the water heater, seal the joints, checking their reliability with a soapy solution.

If the joint is not airtight, then by smearing it with soapy water, it immediately becomes visible due to the appearance of bubbles. Tightness is achieved by tightening the connecting nut. At the initial start of the entire system, a check is carried out tightness of the entire installation and her setup.


Even knowing how to properly install a water heater in the kitchen, connecting equipment to gas, its start-up and adjustment should be entrusted only specialists.

An attempt to independently install and start the water heater into operation is dangerous not only by creating an emergency, but also by the discrepancy between the performance of the device and the required values. The latter feature leads to an increase in gas consumption and a decrease in the operational life of the equipment.

Commissioning for a column is similar to similar actions for a gas boiler and consists of the following steps:

  1. Control of equipment installation and connections;
  2. Connection to the mains (if required by the design of the device);
  3. Checking the density of all elements of connection with gas communications at operating pressure;
  4. Putting the equipment into operation;
  5. Burner setting;
  6. Testing in various operating modes.

Commissioning by a specialist allows the equipment to work more efficiently. That is, to spend gas as economically as possible and make the column even more profitable in operation. In addition, a properly configured device works longer.

Installation Requirements

The installation location of the equipment should be chosen taking into account the possibility of installing an exhaust hood and removing gas combustion products to the outside. The second factor influencing the choice of a point for installation is the convenience of connecting communications. The third is the fire safety of the enclosing structures on which the water heater is installed.

If the wall is made of flammable materials such as wood or plastic, it is recommended that a metal sheet or any other thermal insulation material protruding 100 mm from each side of the device be installed between it and the appliance. On wooden structures, the installation of a gas water heater is not recommended.

For safe operation, it is desirable to comply with each requirement from the following list:

  • the room in which you need to install special equipment must be non-residential and have a volume of at least 15 cubic meters (at least 2 meters in height and an area of ​​​​7.5 square meters);
  • the room requires a window for ventilation;
  • should not be lower than 0.1 atm.;
  • the minimum distance from the side of the device to the wall is 150 mm, from the front panel to the nearest object - 600 mm, from any surface of the column to the gas stove - 100 mm;
  • water supply is provided by pipes or flexible hoses with a diameter of at least 13 mm and a length of not more than 2500 mm.

The minimum diameter of the intake channel of the smoke exhaust system is 12 cm. The same parameter of the pipe that removes gas from the column should not be less than 11 cm. The length of the same part is from 0.3 to 2.0 m, and the slope is greater than or equal to 2 degrees.

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Model selection

Regardless of whether the homeowner knows how to properly install a gas water heater, or is going to contact specialists for installation, an important step in preparing for installation is choosing the right model. First of all, they are determined with the manufacturer of the device.

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Among foreign brands, Zanussi, Hyundai and Mora Top brands are distinguished by build quality and affordable prices. The best domestic manufacturers include Ladogaz and Neva. And, if the main selection criterion is reliability (without taking into account the high price), you should give preference to models of the brands Ariston or Bosch.

Having decided on the manufacturer, pay attention to the following characteristics:

  • power on which the consumption of hot water depends;
  • the level of safety of using the device;
  • ignition method;
  • the column has additional functions.

The capacity of a gas water heater is measured in kW, and the flow rate dependent on it is measured in l/min. The choice of power is performed depending on the number of residents of a private house.

For 5–6 people, it is worth buying a 26–28 kW column. An even larger number of family members require the purchase of a 34-kilowatt device, and for a couple living in a small house, a 15-20 kW model is enough.

Assessing the degree of safety of using the installation, you should make sure that it has automatic shutdown functions in case of interruptions in water or energy, lack of draft, gas leakage or flame extinction. To do this, the device must have special devices that control all performance characteristics.

These include sensors for ionization, combustion, flow, thrust, overheating and low pressure. In the absence of at least one of them in the design of the column, the device cannot be considered safe.

According to the start-up method, gas equipment can be with piezo ignition (an option that requires connection to the mains), with a spark from batteries or from a small generator.

And among the additional functions it is worth noting automatic adjustment of flame power necessary to compensate for changing water pressure. An important option is the presence of an LCD display showing the operating parameters.

Obtaining permission to use a water heater in a private house

There are rules that you must follow if you decide to install a column in a private house. The first step is to obtain permission from the relevant service. The owner of his house will have to make a building project and check the chimney for operability (with obtaining an act).

The next step is to apply to Gorgaz for the conversion of a private house. Having received permission, you can call specialists to install the device.

Gas workers are required to first approve the work plan and perform the following actions:

  • make a cut into the gas pipe;
  • install a gas meter;
  • hang a column (if this work has not already been done by the owner of the house);
  • paint the gas pipe with yellow paint, adopted for designating gas communications.

After all the work is done, you need to call a specialist from the gas service to set up and start the water heating system. Then you need to seal the counters. The last stage is obtaining permits for the use of special equipment from the fire service and technical supervision. It is also necessary to transfer the project of the installed device to the BTI, in order to correct the documents if it is an apartment building.

Consequences of not having permission

Independent connection to gas without obtaining the appropriate permits and operation of the gas water heater will result in penalties in the form of a fine. The amount of payment depends on the connection method.

If illegally installed equipment works from a tie-in made after the meter, the degree of violation is less, and you will have to pay an amount in the range of 10-15 thousand rubles. When connecting a column to a measuring device, the size of payments will be even more serious.

If a tie-in is found in front of the meter, the gas supplier has the right to sue the consumer under the article “property damage”. The result of such a trial can be both a fine and criminal liability.

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If the illegal and improper damage results in material damage (from an explosion or leakage), the punishment for the violator can be up to 8 years in prison and include the payment of compensation to the victims.

All this leads to the following conclusion - geysers cannot be connected without permission. But, if there are problems with obtaining it, it is worth considering the possibility of heating water in other ways. For example, with the help of an electric water heater, which is much easier to install, and you do not need to coordinate anything with anyone.
