
How to use coconut charcoal to clean moonshine. How to use the carbon filter for water purification Coconut Charcoal Water Filters

vegetable crops

Kekwa Charcoal AK-47 Charcoal Carbon COC L900 Charcoal

We produce coconut activated carbons with specified physical and chemical characteristics and the required fraction.

General concepts of activated carbons

The most common filter material for water treatment of fats and alcohols is activated carbon. Activated carbons are carbon particles of fine fraction up to 5 mm with a developed system of internal pores and channels up to 20 angstroms in size. Granular activated carbons are made from the following bases:

  • wood base;
  • coal base;
  • Polymer artificial fibers;
  • Coconut shell.

The production process of any activated carbon consists in the pyrolysis of the base. Pyrolysis is the heating of a material at a high temperature up to 1000 degrees Celsius in the absence of oxygen. Coals from a wood base are activated - treated with hot steam. Charcoal is characterized by high capacity, but low mechanical strength. Coals based on coal have higher mechanical properties, but do not remove the entire range of organic compounds.

A special group is represented by granularcoconut activated carbons . From the name it is clear that they are made from coconut shells. Widely demanded in the food industry and in production, where clean water is required. Produced in India, Thailand and Germany, China. Coals from coconut shells are free from the disadvantages that charcoal and coal charcoal have.coconut activated charcoalhas low abrasion and grindability and high absorption capacity. The high strength of coals, that is, low abrasion and grindability, is the main parameter when choosing coals for water and alcohol purification.

Market Overview of Coconut Activated Carbons

The brightest representative coconut charcoal is coal NWC BLC L012x40 manufactured in India Sri Lanka. It is produced in a standard convenient package of 25 kg 50 l with a fraction of 0.5-1.7 mm. It has high mechanical strength. Coal of German production Carbo Tech DGK is widely demanded in the market. Its fraction is 0.5-1.7. Another brand of imported production is also known for Carbon COC L900 coal produced in Malaysia. Fractional composition 0.5-1.7. You can buy coconut activated carbon in Moscow from any of the listed brands. All three brands are always in stock. We also accept orders for the production of coal according to your physical and chemical characteristics and the required non-standard fraction.

Fractions of coals

Grade of coal Fraction, mm The basis Manufacturer
NWC BLC L012x40 0,5-1,6 coconut Sri Lanka
Extrasorb GAC 12x40 0,5-1,7 coconut Malaysia
Extrasorb GAC 4x8 2-5 coal Malaysia
Extrasorb GAC 6x12 1,7-3,35 coconut Malaysia
Extrasorb GAC 8x16 1,18-2,36 coconut Malaysia
Aqualat Hyperline 12x30 0,6-1,7 coconut Russia
Carbo Tech DGK 12x40 0,5-1,6 coconut Germany
Carbon COC L900 12x40 0,5-1,6 coconut Malaysia
Kekwa 0,65 - 2 coconut Malaysia
AK-47 0,45-1,7 coconut India
Aquacarb 207C 0,6-1,6 coconut Great Britain

Scope of activated carbons

Coconut activated carbons molecules of organic substances and residual chlorine are effectively removed from aqueous solutions. Suspended fine particles of any nature. Colloidal particles are removed due to dead-end internal pores, in contrast to aluminosilicate loadings, which have an inlet and outlet channel in the volume of the granule. Phenols, aromatic hydrocarbons, oil products, organophosphorus compounds, fusel oils, alcohols, chlorine, and surfactants are well removed. Coconut activated carbons decompose residual active chlorine and ozone. Widely used at the end of the water treatment chain with the use of chlorine and ozone as an oxidizing agent. Activated carbons, as a rule, do not regenerate due to dead-end channels, and after use they must be replaced after a year of operation. The ability to remove these chemical compounds allows the use of activated coconut charcoal in the following areas:

  • Cleaning of alcoholic beverages;
  • Clarification and deodorization of edible oils and fats;
  • Discoloration of sugar syrups;
  • Purification of drinking water;
  • Water treatment in food production;
  • Wastewater treatment of enterprises;
  • Destructors of ozone and chlorine after the introduction of an oxidizing agent;
  • Carbohydrate;
  • pharmaceuticals;
  • Gold mining.

Application for the supply of coconut activated carbon

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Carbon filters today can be found both in city apartments, and in summer cottages and in factories.

The activated carbon included in the filter equipment is nothing more than a mixture of charcoal and a number of other components that contain high concentrations of carbon.

Coal traps both large organic particles and small molecules. The use of coal devices in a private house allows you to purify water from rust, unpleasant odors and tastes, as well as various organic contaminants.

It should be borne in mind that coal cannot cope with metal ions, radioactive elements.

There are various carbon cartridge filters on the market today. Coal can be powdered, granulated or pressed.

  • Cartridges with granulated carbon are characterized by higher sorption properties.
  • Powder cartridges have a larger working area, so the liquid passes more slowly.
  • Carbon block is pressed from different types of coal. The porous structure eliminates the possibility of washing out small coal particles.

As a sorption material can be used:

  • granular aluminum silicate - characterized by fast filtration, absorbs suspended colloidal particles,
  • activated carbon - eliminates bacteria and the smell of chlorine,
  • coconut charcoal - effective in combating water color, odors, organic matter and chlorine,
  • coal - eliminates phenols, pesticides,
  • natural zeolite - removes heavy metals, heat-resistant,
  • copper zinc - filters out suspended particles, suitable for water purification of any temperature.

Methods for obtaining coal are different, but they all involve obtaining a filter material with a large number of pores. Coal production is carried out at high temperatures and with the use of various impregnating solutions.


The quality of a material is determined by its pore size:

  • micropores up to 2 nanometers (charcoal from coconut shells meets such requirements),
  • mesopores from 2 to 50 nanometers (obtained from coal),
  • macropores from 50 nanometers (produced from charcoal).

Large pores are optimal for removing large organic particles, while small pores are optimal for retaining chemicals. The iodine index and the hardness of the substance also help determine the activity of the coal. These data are included in the calculations when assessing the resistance of the material during the passage of the water flow. With insufficient hardness, coal particles will accumulate in water.

Operating principle

Let us consider in more detail the features of automatic equipment. Coconut charcoal is used as a filter element, which does not need additional bedding.

It is cleaned by reverse flow of liquid.

  1. The filter is a plastic housing with a compartment for the sorbent.
  2. Inside is a distribution tank.
  3. Water passes through the filter element from top to bottom, while all contaminants enter the drain during backwashing.
  4. To remove coal dust and air, the cylinder is filled with water. For washing do not use chemical reagents.

For effective water purification, the time of its contact with coal must be at least five minutes.

The advantages of this equipment include:

  • effective - up to 99% removal of organic compounds, including chlorine, benzene and phenol,
  • fast regeneration - about half an hour,
  • improving the taste and smell of water,
  • ease of operation.

Equipment disadvantages:

  • small resource of cartridges,
  • due to low wettability, there is a risk of bacterial growth.

How to change the carbon filter and how long is its service life

To replace the carbon cartridge, you must:

  1. Shut off the water supply.
  2. Unscrew the lower part of the filter using the tap supplied with the equipment (do not forget to relieve pressure, otherwise it will be difficult to unscrew).
  3. Remove the old cartridge, rinse or replace the sealing gum.
  4. Pour out the remaining water from the flask, if necessary, rinse it without detergents.
  5. Place a new cartridge into the flask.
  6. Tighten the flask with a wrench until it stops.
  7. Open the water supply and make sure everything is working properly.

The service life of a carbon filter depends on the quality of the water and usually ranges from three to six months. During this time, the filter is able to pass through itself up to 450 liters of water. A coconut cleaner will last up to 9 months, and automatic systems can even last up to two years.

How much does a good coal filter cost for purifying water from a well

Prices for carbon water filters vary significantly and depend on the complexity of the device and the popularity of the manufacturer.

On average, the cost of a quality device starts at 20,000 rubles. Equipment should be selected individually based on the characteristics of the water in a particular area. To do this, it is necessary to perform a water analysis in advance in order to choose the right filter elements.

In order for the equipment to last a long time, it is necessary to remember the following important points:

  • compliance of water pressure with what is indicated on the packaging by the manufacturer,
  • activated carbon cannot be used for hot water treatment,
  • the filter should be easily accessible for cartridge replacement,
  • it is important to consider draining to the drainage system so that contaminated water can pass without difficulty during the backwash procedure.

With proper maintenance and regular replacement of cartridges, the carbon filter will perform its functions properly for a long time.

When installing on the site of the drainage system, it is important that the filtering elements of the structure correspond to the conditions of their operation in a certain environment. For clay or loamy soil, drainage pipes in a coconut filter are considered an ideal option, which are characterized by high moisture permeability and at the same time are practically not subject to internal pollution. Thanks to high-quality protective material, the drainage will not need to be cleaned for a long time.

The main differences between drainage pipes with coconut filter from other products

Used as a filter for drainage, coconut coir, in comparison with thermally bonded geotextiles, has a number of significant advantages:

  • the unique 3D structure of the material virtually eliminates silting, as it prevents the penetration of soil particles of different sizes into the system;
  • during installation work, additional filling with crushed stone is not required;
  • drainage pipes with a coconut filter used for water drainage have increased resistance to chemicals and temperature extremes;
  • coconut fiber significantly improves the hydraulic properties of drainage;
  • material of natural origin, the density of which is 700 g/m², is absolutely safe from an environmental point of view.

Photos of drainage pipes in the coconut coir filter:

The filter element, which is equipped with drainage in coconut, is a dense fiber obtained by separating its bundles from coconut palm nuts, subsequently processed properly. The finished material has a porous structure and is able to withstand significant loads.

Some consumers among private developers mistakenly believe that the geotextile filter element used in drainage systems is an analogue of coconut drainage. However, it should be noted that the throughput of geotextiles starts from 450 microns, while for coconut coir this coefficient is 700 microns. This allows the use of such products on completely different types of soils.

Features of installing drainage pipes in a coconut filter

At the first stage of laying drainage pipes with a coconut filter, it is necessary to prepare a trench. In this case, the surface must be thoroughly cleaned of construction debris. Then a twenty-centimeter layer of coarse sand is poured. In order for the pipes to perform their main function without interruption, they should be laid below the freezing depth of the earth. The surface of the drainage elements with a coconut filter should also be covered with a layer of sand.

Please note: when preparing a trench, first of all, the outer diameter of the pipe is taken into account. However, experts recommend calculating the dimensions so that there is an indent of at least 20 cm on each side.

Drainage pipes with coconut filter at an affordable cost

In the range of products offered by our company, you will find products with various parameters. You can buy coconut drainage from us, the outer diameter of the pipes of which is 63, 90, 110 or 200 mm. At the same time, the corrugated surface of the products, as well as the dimensions of the water intake holes made at the factory, provide for the fastest removal of water accumulating in the area.

Since we are dealing with an established production, the price of coconut filter drainage pipes purchased at SDS is quite acceptable not only for construction organizations, but also for individuals. All products are delivered in complete form, which greatly facilitates the transportation of materials and saves time during the installation process.

Often, producers of coconut charcoal, in pursuit of profit, achieve a low cost of the cost of coal, entrust their production to small firms, where there is virtually no industrial, but exclusively manual labor. Unfortunately, this leads to the fact that the quality even in one batch of goods can radically differ from each other.

Premium coal is made in modern factories with a closed automated cycle, where manual labor is minimized and, accordingly, the human factor does not affect the quality of the product. Compliance with high technologies allows all subsequent batches of goods to be made with the same quality, so as not to lose the trust of their fans and regular customers.

Cocobrico charcoal is 100% natural charcoal made from coconut shells.

What is the difference between coconut charcoal for hookah and charcoal?

For true hookah makers, for those who work in hookah establishments and hookah connoisseurs, high-quality coal is always of great importance. It is no wonder that the characteristics of coal directly affect the ease of use, the duration of burning, heat transfer, the taste and smell of smoke emitted when igniting coal and the smell emitted when smoking hookah. Therefore, connoisseurs of hookah business always prefer natural coals, which include charcoal, and we especially pay attention to coconut charcoal for hookah. It is thanks to the quality of their wonderful qualities that a good hookah can be prepared. When using such a natural product as charcoal, you will never feel an unpleasant aftertaste. But he is far from the present coconut charcoal for hookah - the qualitative characteristics of the latter are much better than those of the wood counterpart.

What is coconut charcoal for hookah?

coconut charcoal is a real innovation. A special coconut shell processing technology allows achieving high heat transfer rates and long-term smoldering. coconut charcoal it is made in the form of a pillow, which is very practical - it does not roll off the cup and greatly facilitates the process of kindling. It also leaves little ash behind.

Only real coconut charcoal, made from exotic coconut flakes, is able to satisfy the high demands of avid hookah lovers. This type of coal is completely devoid of smoke and smell, and only in the process of smoking tobacco slightly noticeably adds an exotic flavor to it.

Separately, mention should be made of the significant cost-effectiveness of coconut charcoal - its burning lasts several times longer than that of other hookah charcoals. When ignited, it does not spark, which is important for enclosed spaces.

Coconut charcoal for hookah successfully increases the army of his fans. If you have not yet appreciated its wonderful qualities, hurry up to do it soon. Our store will help you fulfill your aesthetic and practical aspirations.

Varieties of coal for hookahs can be roughly divided into two groups. The first group includes natural charcoal for hookahs, which require heating on a flame or an electric stove. For a different kind of coals for hookahs, special turbo lighters or gas-burners

Main benefits of coconut charcoal:

  • burning time up to 1 hour 20 minutes;
  • a large amount of heat released;
  • a small amount of ash;
  • almost no smell when ignited;
  • quality compact packaging.

Cocobrico charcoal environmentally friendly coal, belonging to the premium class. Produced in Indonesia. Cocobrico at the moment in Russia it is the most popular hookah charcoal, both in hookah establishments and among private hookah lovers.

Coal is delivered to Russia in two packages - 1 kg and 250 gr. The package contains cubes of equal size (96 - in large, 108 - in large, 24 - in small). Thanks to this, Cocobrico does not need to be additionally "broken" before lighting, as it had to be done earlier with other brands of hookah coal. Coal cubes are very dense, they do not crumble when ignited and smoked. After a full warm-up, Cocobrico charcoal does not emit foreign odors, gives a uniform heat throughout the entire smoking time.rnrnThanks to a special production technology, Cocobrico leaves very little ash behind, which is especially convenient when using. For smoking on a standard, 16-gram cup, 2-3 cubes of coal are enough, and the 3rd cube should be used on such a cup only 20-25 minutes after the start of smoking. These 3 cubes will be enough to completely smoke a cup of reference Fakher hookah tobacco in 1 hour and 20 minutes.

Coconut charcoal has a large adsorption capacity and a narrow particle size distribution.

Of course, not the one that is intended for lighting a hookah, but all the same

coconut charcoal, is used in balloon-type sorption filters, as well as cartridge filters. Filters of this type are used for "finishing" water purification - improving the organoleptic qualities of water (reducing turbidity, odor), as well as "interceptors" of oxidizing agents used at earlier stages of water treatment.

Coal 207C is used:

  • for drinking water treatment
  • to remove organochlorines, ozone, trihalomethanes
  • for cleaning vodka
  • for water purification in technological processes
  • for industrial wastewater treatment
  • for air purification and ventilation emissions
  • for the recovery of low molecular weight solvents.

Production and composition of coal for hookah

The principle of making material for lighting up chilim is very simple: the raw material is ground until a homogeneous consistency is obtained, then it is dried in a special chamber, under the influence of high temperature. The resulting product is mixed with a binder and pressed. A part of saltpeter or dry alcohol is added to self-igniting coal. Charcoal is usually shaped into small cubes.

Raw materials used in production

The characteristics of the finished product largely depend on the quality of the raw materials. Hookah charcoal manufacturers can add the following ingredients to the product:

  • coconut shell;
  • Dried vine;
  • Olive fruit pits;
  • Walnut shell.

A separate variety is the so-called. "self-igniting" coal, which is given the form of tablets. In addition to the charcoal powder and binder, this product contains a flammable ingredient.

Self-igniting coal is often used when smoking hookah in nature. However, it should be noted that this material has significant drawbacks. First, sparks and smoke are generated during the initial ignition. Secondly, in the process of smoking, a distinct taste of saltpeter is felt, which spoils the aroma of the tobacco mixture.

Coal shape

Modern production of coal for hookah can offer the consumer products of various shapes - in the form of pyramids, bars, pieces of square section. Coal is produced in the form of tablets, and even triangular bars. There are silver-plated coals that allow the hookah worker not to get their hands dirty. The shape of the charcoal has no effect on the burn time or other characteristics of the material.

Cocobrico charcoal made from natural coconut shells, made in the form of cubes, enjoys stable consumer demand. It has the following benefits:

  • Relatively fast ignition time;
  • Absence of extraneous taste and smell;
  • Long burning;
  • Competitive cost.

To ignite a tobacco mixture in a large cup, 2-3 cubes of Cocobrico charcoal are enough. If you cover the coal with a cap, then the burning time reaches 50 minutes (without a cap - up to 1.5 hours).

Coal for hookah, Moscow, Hookah Mir.

What is coconut charcoal used for and how is it made?

Coal obtained from coconut shells is used in various branches of human activity due to its unique properties. Its production can be carried out in many ways, but the most popular for industrial use is the pyrolysis method - burning in special charcoal kilns at high temperatures (up to 1000 ° C) without air access.

If air access is not limited, oxygen can lead to the destruction of the shell. To obtain a high-quality sorbent, completely dried, clean and natural coconut shells are used.

After heat treatment, the material is subjected to grinding using special equipment to form various fractions. This method makes it possible to obtain an environmentally friendly microporous sorbent from sustainable natural resources that does not emit toxic gases during combustion, which makes it safe to use in various industries (in cooking, the metallurgical industry).

Areas of use

The drug is actively used for purification, separation and extraction of various substances in industry and medicine. Also, the material is needed as a fuel for cooking, as it is odorless and does not change the taste of food. It is also used to cleanse alcoholic beverages from fusel oils. Coconut-based charcoal makes these products safe by extracting harmful tannins, as well as completely transparent.

In addition, the use of a sorbent in the production of alcoholic beverages makes it possible to accelerate the oxidation process, thereby reducing the exposure time. Also, when reacting with alcohol, esters are formed, which improve the taste and aromatic characteristics of alcoholic products.

Activated charcoal is used in winemaking and brewing, as well as for the preparation of longer-aged strong drinks (whiskey, cognac, moonshine, etc.). It is used in the manufacture of tobacco products (cigarettes with a carbon filter) and as a load in household and industrial filters for water purification from chlorine, its compounds and residual oxidants. The activated material is not suitable for hookah; for this purpose, a sorbent that has not undergone activation should be used.

In addition, the drug is used for:

  • Water treatment (industrial water, municipal water supply, swimming pools).
  • Production of alcoholic beverages (beer, wine, spirits), their purification from fusel oils.
  • Extraction of gold and other metals from solutions and pulps.
  • Manufacture of tobacco products.
  • Correction of odors and tastes in the food industry.
  • Chemical industry, etc.

Moscow, coal, Hookah Mir.

Activated carbon is used for water purification, and in a variety of installations, in a variety of cases. The most primitive device based on it is a homemade filter. Hunters and fishermen often build a simple structure of coal, cotton wool, sand and a plastic bottle to purify moisture in field conditions.

Coal is used at water treatment plants to rid the liquid of impurities and improve its taste. These are places where a huge volume of water is purified, intended for supply to the population. Of course, there are large-scale, thoughtful and modern devices based on coal.

Also, activated carbon is used in the field of wastewater treatment, i.e. liquids from enterprises, settlements, or atmospheric precipitation. It is used as part of the physico-chemical purification step.

But we decided to devote this article to activated carbon, which was adopted by some manufacturers of household water filters, namely, coal obtained from coconut shells. Why did manufacturers like this material? For which filters can I buy water cartridges based on this substance? Read about this and much more in this article.

What is the difference between regular coal and coconut charcoal, and what is it used for in water treatment?

Ordinary activated carbon is most often obtained from oak, spruce, birch, and pine. It certainly has excellent sorption properties and is used for water purification, in the production of medicines, and for other purposes. However, coconut charcoal is more efficient, more environmentally friendly, safer.

Due to its structure, this material has improved sorption capabilities, i.e. provides much better water purification in comparison with conventional coal. This is due to the fact that the coconut version has a larger total area of ​​​​all filtering pores. This attracted manufacturers of water purification equipment. Activated coconut charcoal is used to:

  • reduce the concentration of chlorine and chloride compounds in water,
  • reduce the concentration of organic compounds in water,
  • improve the taste of water
  • remove foreign odors from the water.

Not surprisingly, most often the main filter material in household filters is coconut activated carbon. On its basis, cartridges for jug, flow devices are made, they are part of reverse osmosis systems. Coal can be in granular form and pressed (carbon block technology).

Aquaphor also developed and patented a fibrous material based on activated carbon - Aqualen.

What functions do activated carbon cartridges perform in filters?

If we talk about simpler household filters, for example, jug filters, then the task of the cartridge is very, very responsible - to remove the maximum amount of impurities from the water. After all, there are no other cleaning elements in the device. Flow systems, for example, Geyser filters, usually purify water with several cartridges. One, for example, is made of coal, and the other is based on an ion-exchange resin to soften moisture.

Also, cartridges, which include coal from coconut shells, are part of classic reverse osmosis systems. There they are needed in order to:

  • prevent damage to the reverse osmosis membrane by chlorine and its compounds,
  • improve the taste of water at the outlet of the system, after being in the storage tank.

Reverse osmosis filters Atoll, "Geyser", "Atlantic" are equipped with the most reliable and efficient cartridges based on high-quality, specially activated coconut charcoal. By purchasing products from these manufacturers, you can be sure that the device will work reliably.


Coal made from coconut allows you to achieve a high level of sorption purification of water. It is used in modern household filters for purification of life-giving moisture. Based on it, cartridges are produced for a variety of devices.