
Top universities in switzerland Features of studying at Swiss universities

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The main task of local universities is to produce a ready-made professional who understands innovation and is able to independently analyze information. But the higher education curriculum in Switzerland does not only consist of couples: it includes hours for outdoor activities. In their free time, students can practice horse riding, mountaineering and other sports.

In addition, the cost of higher education in Switzerland is one of the most affordable in Europe; this is true for both local and Russian applicants. On average, prices start at CHF 1,000 per year.

Another important advantage for Russian students: almost all universities in Switzerland conduct classes in English, German, Italian and French.

Anyone who decides to get a higher education abroad should remember about the possible difficulties. Studying at Swiss universities puts forward equally high requirements for foreigners, and for local, and for Russian students. In addition, each university has the right to conduct its own entrance tests, further increasing the competition.

All this is due to the fact that Switzerland is a country with high-tech production, where only first-class specialists are needed. This level of training will allow you to easily find a job in the world's leading companies, and the starting salary will be one and a half to two times higher than that of your colleagues.

How to apply to universities in Switzerland

The history of higher education in Switzerland begins in the 15th century with the formation of the University in Basel. Today, there are 12 universities, eight schools of applied sciences, two dozen pedagogical educational institutions and about 120 colleges in the country. A distinctive feature of Swiss higher education is its inextricable link with the practical application of knowledge, in particular - with the active conduct of scientific and research work. Every year for these purposes the government of the country allocates about 2.6% of GDP and 5.2% for education. This is one of the highest rates in the world. It is this close attention to the cultivation and development of scientific personnel that allowed a small European country to perform an economic miracle and enter the high-tech development market on a par with countries such as the United States, China and Japan.

Like most European countries, Switzerland has signed the Bologna Agreement, and the higher education system today follows this model. The first stage is a bachelor's degree, which involves training for 3-4 years, depending on the specialty, the second is a master's degree (1 or 2 years of study). Postgraduate education - doctoral studies - lasts 2-3 years. More than 50% of students are involved in research work.

Swiss Universities

Despite the fact that the universities in Switzerland are funded by the state, the administration is in the hands of the cantons, on the territory of which the educational institution is located. This also determines the language of instruction (recall that Switzerland is a multilingual country). At the University of Basel, University of Bern, University of St Gallen, University of Zurich and ETH Zurich, teaching is conducted in German. University of Geneva, University of Lausanne, École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, University of Neuchâtel are French-speaking universities. The University of Friborg is bilingual, while Università della Svizzera italiana studies in Italian.

Traditionally, it is believed that economics is best studied at the University of St. Gallen, philology and humanities are strong at the University of Geneva, and those who are interested in natural sciences, technical specialties and architecture - the road to the University of Zurich and Lausanne.

Switzerland University Ranking

All universities in the country are distinguished by the highest level of teaching. This is confirmed by international ratings. According to the Times Higher Education World University Rankings for 2017-2018, 10 out of 12 Swiss universities are among the top 500 in the world.

The university Position in 2016-2017 Position in 2017-2018
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich (ETH Zurich - Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich) 9 10
Federal Polytechnic School of Lausanne (École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne) 30 38
University of Basel 98 95
University of Zurich 106 136
University of Bern 110 105
University of Geneva 137 130
University of Lausanne 151 152
University of Friborg 251-300 201-250
University of St Gallen 401-500 401-500
University of Neuchâtel 401-500 401-500

Hospitality management schools in Switzerland

Switzerland has 25 private schools focused on training specialists in the field of tourism and hospitality. Education in this area, received in Switzerland, can be considered a benchmark. After all, it was in this country that it originated. The first such school in the world - Ecole Hoteliere de Lausanne - opened in Switzerland in 1899. Today, Swiss hospitality schools offer many specialties - from restaurant business to event management, and a lot of different training programs.

You can view a list of Swiss schools providing education in the hospitality and hospitality industry, as well as learn more about educational programs and educational features, on this page.

Cost of higher education in Switzerland

Education in the state. universities in Switzerland is very inexpensive and practically free for both citizens of the country and for students from abroad. Students pay about 1-1.5 thousand francs per year, which attracts a large number of foreign applicants to the country and makes it difficult for the Swiss to obtain higher education. In this regard, in 2011, a number of universities introduced restrictions, for example, the University of St. Gallen set quotas for non-citizens of the country in the amount of 25% of the total number of applicants.

Hospitality schools are private establishments, so their prices are different. Hotel management training in Switzerland will cost from 25,000 francs per year. The cost varies depending on the specific institution and course. “Basic” education has traditionally been cheaper than, for example, an MBA in hospitality, which can cost up to 60,000 francs.

Students will need 15-25 thousand francs per year for accommodation. This amount includes rent or dormitory fees, meals, travel and incidentals.

How to enter a Swiss university for Russian applicants?

Admission to a state Swiss university is rather difficult for Russians. As in many foreign countries, secondary education in Switzerland takes 13 years. That is, a Russian applicant will need to somehow reduce the differences in educational systems: after 2 years of study at a domestic university or on preparatory courses (foundation) in Switzerland. In addition, you will need a good knowledge of the language in which the training will take place. Entrance exams (and their necessity) are determined by each university itself. Some universities carry out enrollment without those, but then carry out strict screening out at the end of 1 course of study. Others may be asked to take up to 5 exams in specialized subjects.

Admission to a hospitality school in Switzerland is much easier. All that is required of a student is a desire to study, good knowledge of English (from 550 TOEFL or 5.5-6.0 IELTS points), age from 18 years and the presence of completed secondary education. Many hospitality schools enroll students several times a year. It is necessary to submit documents 3-4 months before the start of training.

According to research by many reputable agencies, the workforce in Switzerland is the most skilled in the world... Largely thanks to this, the country managed to achieve incredible success in the economy and social sphere, moreover, with a significant shortage of natural resources. The nucleus for the production of top-class specialists are the universities of Switzerland.

Higher education in Switzerland is considered one of the highest quality in the world. The country's universities occupy top positions in various rankings, and the relatively inexpensive tuition fees attract a huge number of foreign students. A prestigious diploma opens up broad prospects for immigration to Europe for permanent residence, for decent employment in Switzerland and the opportunity to open your own Swiss company.

A feature of the Swiss higher education system is the possibility of training in 4 foreign languages... In addition to English courses, mainly for master's programs, students can choose a university teaching in one of the 3 official languages ​​of the country. For example, in Zurich and Bern, you can study at german, in Geneva and Lausanne on French, and in Lugano on italian.

Thereby about a third of students in Switzerland are foreigners representing over 100 nationalities. The quality of Swiss education is annually confirmed by reputable rating agencies QS World University Rankings and The Times Higher Education.

So, in 2019, according to both editions TOP-200 includes 7 Swiss universities... In addition, the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology was ranked 10th and 11th. Despite the fact that the country's area is relatively small, and the population is just over 8.6 million people.

The Swiss higher education system is represented by the following categories of educational institutions:

  1. Cantonal universities - 10.
  2. Federal Technological Institutes - 2.
  3. Universities of Applied Sciences - 8.
  4. Universities of teacher education - 20.

Most of the universities are public, with the exception of a few independent pedagogical universities and one university of applied sciences. In addition, Switzerland has a wide network of private educational institutions, especially business schools. However, many of them do not have government accreditation, and the cost of training is incredibly high.

Study programs in Switzerland are based on the Bologna process, based on a cumulative credit system.

  1. Undergraduate... Training period 3 years(180 credits).
  2. Master's degree... Training period 1.5-2 years, after bachelor's degree (90–120).
  3. Doctorate... Training period 3-5 years, after the magistracy.

The academic year lasts from September to July and is divided into two semesters:

  • autumn ( September-February);
  • spring ( March-July).

Almost every institution of higher education in Switzerland adheres to the rule of providing quality education. Therefore, many universities deliberately reduce the number of disciplines in order to concentrate on specialized areas. All educational programs are available for foreign students, except medical... With rare exceptions, these places are completely occupied by the Swiss.

Scholarship programs for foreigners are usually based on interuniversity agreements. Due to the migration crisis of recent years, Switzerland does not actively participate in international student exchange programs, for example, Erasmus... On the other hand, the government proposes internal scholarships for talented scientists and artists from abroad.

Admission of foreign students to different universities in Switzerland has a similar procedure, however, the final decision is made by the specific university. Therefore, for accurate information, it is definitely necessary to contact the official website of the educational institution, where the corresponding application is actually submitted. In addition, the requirements may differ from country to country. Let's outline the basic conditions for foreigners from the CIS countries, including Russians and Ukrainians, when enrolling in a Swiss university.

Requirements for international students for admission to a university in Switzerland

    Age at least 18 years old.

    Certificate of complete secondary education... Also, for example, citizens of Russia or Ukraine, you must have 2 years of study at a domestic university behind your back... This requirement does not apply to the two federal institutions. Here you will need a certificate and passing entrance exams.

    Language... Virtually all universities in Switzerland require language proficiency ( French, German, Italian) at a level sufficient for study ( B1, B2). This must be confirmed by a certificate or passing special exams. Many universities offer inexpensive language courses during the summer and during the academic year. Master's programs are widely presented in English.

    Additional Information... Detailed autobiography, cover letter with areas of interest, copies of diplomas and certificates from other higher educational institutions.

The deadline for submission of documents to the vast majority of universities in Switzerland ends on April 30.

Despite the fact that most universities are funded by the state, education in Switzerland is paid... Moreover, an increased rate may apply to foreign students. Nevertheless, the cost of studying is still much lower, for example, than in the UK. On average, one year of study at a Swiss university will cost from 450 to 4000 euros per semester.

The next item of expenses is living in Switzerland. According to some reports, such large cities as Zurich and Geneva are among the most expensive in the world.

Help in finding a student room on preferential terms can be provided directly by the university. Otherwise, you will have to look for housing on your own. Renting a studio apartment starts from 1 thousand euros per month.

Other related costs, such as study materials, food, excursions, health insurance, and so on, will have to be spent at least 1-1.5 thousand euros per month... Public transport costs 2.5 euros, a cinema ticket 15 euros, bread 2 euros, a pack of cigarettes 7 euros.

In total for living in Switzerland, in addition to tuition fees, a foreigner will need about 2 thousand euros per month... Students from countries outside the European Union can start looking for work (no more than 15 hours per week) no earlier than 6 months after the start of the school year.

Top Universities in Switzerland

The educational institution, located in the large Swiss city of Zurich, was founded in 1855. Today it is one of the most prestigious and demanded universities not only in Switzerland, but also in the world. This is evidenced by a stable position in the first ten of the best universities according to various rating agencies.

The university is a real leader in the training of qualified specialists in technical professions. The reputation of the university is confirmed by 21 Nobel laureates who, in one way or another, were associated with the institute. Among them are such outstanding personalities as Albert Einstein and Wilhelm Konrad Roentgen.

Currently, over 18.6 thousand students study at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, of which about 35% are foreigners, representing more than 110 countries. The training process is provided by 8,500 employees, including 500 professors and over 5,000 scientific workers.

Educational programs include areas such as architecture and construction, mathematics, natural and social sciences, and management. Education is conducted in German, but some programs provide for the second and third years of study in English. Submission of documents starts from November 1st and ends on April 30th. The tuition fee for one semester is 649 Swiss francs (about 575 euros).

Official website of the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology -

It is Switzerland's second federal institution. The university was founded in 1853. The Lausanne school is at least slightly inferior to the more reputable Institute of Technology Zurich, but nevertheless also holds the top positions in the world rankings. For example, according to the version QS World University Rankings 2019 the university occupies the 22nd position.

The infrastructure of the university includes 5 schools, 2 colleges, 28 institutes and 354 laboratories. About 5,800 employees of the university provide training for over 10 thousand students representing more than 112 nationalities.

The Lausanne School offers training in areas such as architecture and civil engineering, computers and communications, science and humanities, engineering and management.

The main language of instruction is French, but there are also English programs. The deadline for submission of documents is from September to April 30. Tuition per semester is CHF 633 (approx. EUR 560), including fees for the use of sports facilities and insurance funds.

Official website of the Federal Polytechnic School of Lausanne -

University of Geneva (Université de Genève)

The oldest university in Switzerland, founded in 1559, is located in the second largest city in the country after Zurich, Geneva. It belongs to the category of cantonal universities and offers a wide range of educational areas. For example, in the field of economics, law, psychology, theology, medicine, pedagogical and social sciences.

About 16 thousand students study at the university. The infrastructure consists of 9 faculties and 15 research centers and institutes. Tuition is offered mainly in French, with a small proportion of courses in English. For international students who require a visa, the application deadline ends on February 28th. Tuition fees are 500 Swiss francs per semester (445 euros).

Official website of the University of Geneva -

Switzerland is authoritative for Russians as a neutral, civilized country with the highest standard of living, beautiful nature, a developed educational system, and low tuition fees. But studying in Switzerland is fraught with a number of language difficulties, the specifics of the region, the difficulty of admission to Swiss higher schools.

10 Swiss cantonal (state) universities have no restrictions on the admission of foreigners, except for the level of knowledge. At the University of Geneva, foreign students - up to 33%. When choosing a university, you need to take into account the language of instruction (language tests depend on it). The prevailing languages ​​are German (Basel, Zurich, Lucerne), French (Geneva, Lausanne, Neuchâtel). In Lugano, students are taught in Italian.

The Geneva Academy is the country's main university. Seven faculties, the Institute of Architecture - teach legal disciplines, economics, medicine, psychology, humanities, theology. The university has over 13,000 students. Modest tuition fees (500 CHF per year), a high level of teaching attract foreigners, who study up to four thousand.

In economic disciplines, the University of St. Gallen is considered the best, which is called the "business academy". There are four faculties here, five thousand students study, the annual tuition fee is higher - 3126 CHF.

The best technical universities are the higher polytechnic schools of Lausanne, Zurich. Of these, 20 Nobel laureates came out. The hospitality business is taught at private universities. An example of this is the Hotel Institute Montreux, which teaches in English and has two thousand students. The fees in a private higher school are much higher - 14,250 francs per semester.

Restrictions, entrance exams, study

Restrictions for foreigners in specialties relate to medicine (including dentistry, veterinary medicine, pharmacology, physiology). Specialties are in demand, there are not enough educational places for the Swiss, there is a great competition in universities.

Admission requirements in Switzerland are the highest in Europe. School graduates from the CIS are practically not accepted. The minimum requirements are four semesters of a Russian university (with full-time study, excellent grades, a good reputation of the state university).

For such applicants, in addition to the usual documents, a copy of the language certificate, academic transcript (including a list of courses with the number of hours, grades) are required. Even if all conditions are met, an on-site entrance exam is possible.

There are no additional tuition fees, as well as admission quotas. Overpopulation problems are solved by holding a special exam after the first year (about half of the students are eliminated). The high cost of living in Switzerland leads to the same living expenses, which can hardly be lower than 16,000 francs (regardless of region) per year.

The work of students is limited (15 weekly hours). You can work after 6 months of study. Hospitality specialties include paid internships in Swiss enterprises (in some schools - half a year of study, half a year of an internship). There are no general curricula, all universities teach according to their own plans.

Work, continuing education

For work in Switzerland, the most promising are technical specialties, chemistry, food industry. Excellent academic performance, knowledge of the language - make it possible to continue education. Technical schools that combine study with research are promising for doctoral studies.

More than one and a half million foreigners work in Switzerland (up to 20% of the population), salaries are among the highest in the world. The highest reputation for training in the hospitality business allows you to work in hotels, travel agencies, casinos, airlines, cruise ships of any country.

Employers in Russia know little about the benefits, except for the hotel business. A Swiss diploma, knowledge of languages ​​- will be an advantage for working in foreign missions.

The education system in Switzerland is as sophisticated and reliable as the Swiss banks. Diplomas from Swiss universities are valued all over the world, with more than 1 million students and schoolchildren per 7 million of the country's population. Studying in Switzerland is not a cheap pleasure, which is why the majority of students and schoolchildren from abroad are the children of officials and big businessmen. At the same time, the rules here are very strict, and the requirements for entering the university are high, but it's worth it: more than a dozen Nobel laureates have graduated from Swiss universities.

Education system in Switzerland

There is no unified national education system in Switzerland. The general structure is approximately the same: kindergarten, primary school, secondary school and university (the terms of study coincide with the Russian ones). The main advantage of the educational system in Switzerland is its flexibility and multilingualism: depending on the specific educational institution, the education system can be English-American, French, German, Swiss or Italian.

Primary school and the first stage of secondary education (from 6 to 15 years old) are compulsory and free in the country, after graduation, students go to continue their education in high school (another 3-4 years) or receive secondary vocational education and applied profession - Maturité professionnelle. Professional education does not mean that the road to the university is closed. As a rule, graduates of vocational schools are sent to applied universities. Those who graduate from high school receive a maturity certificate - Maturité gymnasiale and go to universities.

Schools in Switzerland

The quality of education in Swiss schools is at a height, both in private and public, Swiss certificates are accepted by universities around the world without question.

Public schools are free for citizens of the country. They are also open to children of foreigners living in Switzerland for a long time (diplomats and employees of international organizations). It is extremely difficult for foreigners to get there "from the outside".

In addition to state-owned, there are more than 260 boarding schools in Switzerland. Almost all of them are focused on foreign students. Children of bankers, politicians, Arab sheikhs and other respected citizens study there. The best teachers and educators work in these schools, and the boarding schools themselves are more like elite sanatoriums than educational institutions. They are located outside the city, in very picturesque places, in addition to studying, children go in for horse riding, tennis, skiing and mountain hiking. All this, of course, is not cheap: full-time education will cost from 25,000 CHF per semester, and a boarding house with accommodation - from 60,000 CHF per semester.

There are many programs in Swiss schools, but the most popular and at the same time difficult is Swiss Federal Maturite (Matura). It is divided into five thematic areas: ancient languages, mathematics and natural sciences, modern languages ​​and Latin, modern foreign languages ​​and economics. As you can see, the main emphasis in education is placed on the study of foreign languages, in Swiss schools this is extremely important, also because most of the schools are international. In each of the directions there are 2 specialized subjects, several secondary ones and, without fail, sports, art history and etiquette. For foreigners, many schools have programs in different languages.

The requirements for applicants to Swiss universities are very high, and the cost of education is even higher, but it's worth it: more than a dozen Nobel laureates have graduated from Swiss universities.

Colleges in Switzerland

High school students have the opportunity to go to colleges in Switzerland - from the age of 15. After three years of college, it will be much easier to enter a Swiss university than coming here after grade 11 in your home country. Colleges teach accounting, information technology, hotel management, and other professions. The term of study is 3-4 years, and the cost is about 3-4 times lower than in universities.

Higher education in Switzerland

The largest university in Switzerland is the University of Zurich. It is followed by the Zurich Polytechnic School. Other universities and institutes (a total of 12 state universities in the country, of which 7 are classical, and 5 are specialized) are significantly smaller, but the quality of education does not suffer from this.

If you plan to study economics, you should pay attention to the universities of St. Gallen, legal specialties - to universities in Friborg, Lausanne and Neuchatel, exact sciences - to universities in Zurich, but philology is best taught in Geneva. Universities that train specialists in the field of international tourism and hotel business are also popular.

The most popular specialties in Switzerland are medical, it is very difficult to enter there, since there is no end of local school graduates, and there are also restrictions on the enrollment of foreign students.

How to apply to a Swiss university

For foreign applicants at the University of Friborg, at the beginning of autumn, a single exam is held, which consists of five disciplines: language, mathematics, history and two specialized ones. Many universities have preparatory departments for foreigners, which begin their work in 2-3 months

The Russian certificate is not quoted in all Swiss universities. The admissions office reserves the right to schedule additional exams in the event that the applicant's certificate does not correspond to the Swiss school curriculum.

In private universities, everything is simpler: you only need a certificate, a test confirming knowledge of the language, and an interview.

Higher education in public universities in Switzerland is paid, including for citizens of the country. However, the cost can be considered symbolic: from 1000 to 2000 CHF per year. It is noteworthy that for both local and foreign students, the price is almost the same. The exception is the University of Italian Switzerland - 4000 CHF per year and 8000 CHF per year for foreigners. In private universities it will, of course, be much more expensive. Prices on the page are for September 2018.

Required documents

  • a certificate of secondary education (it is desirable that the grades were not lower than "fours" in all subjects)
  • a certificate confirming knowledge of the language (the one that the program requires)
  • a certificate confirming knowledge of the English language (mandatory for everyone, at least 500-550 TOEFL points or 5.5-6.0 IELTS)
  • the most stringent requirements are made by the German cantons - you need a certificate stating that you have studied at a Russian university for at least four semesters

The package of documents should be sent 5-12 months before the start of training.

Language schools in Switzerland

Switzerland is a multinational and multilingual country, here you can pick up almost any European language. The most popular courses of the international networks Eurocentres (French) and Inlingua (German, French, Italian, English and Spanish. Swiss language has been successfully taught for many years at the C&L Study Center and Oekos Schule).

The cost of training, depending on the duration and program, is from 200 to 1000 CHF per course. For foreign applicants in the summer, universities open language preparation courses for admission.

Education systems in different countries

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Top universities in the world

  • Universities of Great Britain: Eton, Cambridge, London and others
  • Universities in Germany: Berlin im. Humboldt, Dusseldorf Academy of Arts and others
  • Universities in Ireland: Dublin, National University of Galway, University of Limerick
  • Universities in Italy: Beau, Bologna, Pisa, University for Foreigners in Perugia
  • Universities in China: Peking, Beida, Zhejiang University and others
  • Lithuania: University of Vilnius
  • US Universities: Harvard, Yale, Princeton and others