
Copyten - Useful properties, Application from alcoholism and cancer, contraindications


The article discusses the hooven - its kind of cooled European, description, the place where the hoofer is growing, the chemical composition and therapeutic properties. You will learn how to use a decoction of a coat from alcoholism if it will help with oncological disease and what attracts landscape designers is a plant.

Kopten (Asarum) - a grassy flowering evergreen plant of the Kirkazone family (Aristolochiaceae). In Russia, the most common appearance is a European or European hoofer (ASARUM EUROPAEUM).

Self-synonyms - vomiting root, wild pepper, rhotnik, earthen incense, hare root, core, jester, feverish grass, blaver, wine root, hoof, chicken paw, undergrowth, turpentine root, black buttercup, dry aquarius.

What looks like

Appearance (PHOTO) The coolen coil is an european is a herbian perennial plant with a branched cord-shaped rhizome. The smoke height is from 10 to 15 cm. Short creeping plants stems ends with two hoof-like leaf sheets that cover the ground with a solid glossy dark green carpet.

On the tops of each stem, every spring bell flowers with a diameter of less than 10 mm are formed. Because of its size, they are rarely visible on the coolest of the European photo. The coolet flowers have an original colors - brown-green outside and reddish brown inside, as well as a unique vanilla smell. It is he who attracts the main pollinkers of the plant - ants.

After pollining the grass, the hoofer appears fruit - a hexagon box with a huge number of small wrinkled seeds.

Where it grows

EUROPEAN'S HOFT - a challenge plant, which prefers clay and luggy soils rich in humus. Where the European hoofer is growing:

  • wide and spruce forests;
  • overgrown with flavory;
  • elanniki, Osinniki and Bereznyaki in the north.

The coolest of the European Distribution Area is the European part of Russia, the south of Western Siberia, Ukraine, Belarus and Altai.

Hoof root

In medicine, the root and the leaves of the coolest plant are almost completely considered medicinal raw materials, but the coolest root and its leaves are used in folk medicine.

Chemical composition

The roots of the hoof therapeutic properties and contraindications are due to a unique chemical composition:

  • glycosides of the heart group;
  • alkaloid Azarin;
  • tannins;
  • resinous substances;
  • mucus and resin;
  • starch;
  • organic acids;
  • essential oils;
  • flavonoids;
  • phenolcarboxylic acids.

Medical properties

The coolest of the European root has a wide pharmacological effect:

  • expectorant;
  • emetic;
  • hemostatic;
  • soothing;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • laxative;
  • antipyretic;
  • diuretic;
  • anticerotic.

The root of the waters is used to treat scabies, purulent ulcers and wounds. It regulates the activity of the stomach and menstrual cycle, helps with cystitis, jade, radiculitis, jaundice, hypotension, water, migraine, heart failure, malaria, eye diseases, epilepsy, neurosis and hysteria.

The root of the coolery from alcoholism got great fame - reviews of those who passed the course of treatment with a decoction of the welfare, they talk about its high efficiency.

How to Collect

In the recipes of drugs based on the coolery of the European instruction, only dried raw materials includes. The plant includes a dangerous organic compound of terpenoid azaron. In large quantities, it causes human death. The drying of the root of the coolant significantly reduces the amount of azaron.

If you want to put the plant yourself, follow the recommendations:

  1. Start the harvesting roots in autumn or early spring.
  2. Bry the raw material, rinse thoroughly and cut the pieces.
  3. Spread the roots on a clean litter under a canopy or indoors, which is well ventilated, and where the rain moisture does not fall.
  4. After drying, store raw materials in paper bags or glass jars with tightly closing covers.
  5. If there is no possibility to dry the roots in the open air, lay them on the tray and dry in the oven at temperatures up to 50 ° C.

Some recipes require the grass hooven, or rather leaves and flowers. Collect them in May during flowering until mid-June. Take the leaves, remove the damaged and dry in the shade as well as the roots. Store separately from the roots.

How to apply

Most often, the European cooler is used to treat alcoholism. The effect of therapy resembles the effect of drugs - alkoblocators. When a person simultaneously uses alcohol at the same time, he begins a strong vomit. After a few such techniques, an alcoholic is created persistent reflex - it feels indisposition due to the taste and smell of alcohol.

If you are able to prepare and use the European coil from alcoholism, the reviews say that the resistant disgust for alcoholic beverage occurs in a couple of days. Although the timing of the appearance of this effect is individual in each case.

Also, the decoction or tincture of the welfare is popular in the treatment of oncological diseases. In this case, it is necessarily combined with the reception of the broth of the taste and do not begin treatment without prior consultation of the doctor.

Decoration with alcoholism

The white decoction causes a persistent disgust for the alcohol, the most popular prescription medication is a decoction of the coolest European from alcoholism based on the dried root. It has the greatest amount of bitter essential oil, which causes a vomit reflex.

Before brewing a hooven with alcoholism, make sure that children and other family members do not have access to the brave. Add fluid to drinks or food in a strictly specified dosage. Do not make too much bursting plants HOWEFER from alcohol and do not keep it for a long time.

Keep in mind that vomiting will start only when a person takes alcohol. It does not matter where you mix the root - in brandy, wine, vodka, coffee, soup, porridge or roast. If the same day alcoholic will drink even a glass of alcohol, it will become bad. If he just drinks tea with hoofs, it will feel good all day.


  1. Root hooven - 1 tbsp.
  2. Water (boiling water) - 220 ml.

How to cook: Grind the roots of the plant, pour boiling water, put the dishes on weak fire and boil 5-7 minutes. Remove the dishes from the plate, cover the lid and insist 60 minutes, after which the drink through the gauze.

How to use: Add 2 tbsp. on 500 ml of liquid or 500 g of food.

Result: The root of the coolant from alcoholism when mixing with an alcohol-containing drink will cause nausea and vomiting. A few days later the constant vomit reflex causes persistent disgust for alcohol.

The grass hooven from drunkenness is also effective and helps a person quickly quitting drinking. Try to make a wink tincture of the coolest from alcoholism.


  1. Grass hooven - 1 tsp.
  2. Walnut fruit skins - 2 tsp.
  3. Wine - 4 liters.

How to cook: Grind the grass of plants and the skin of the fruit of walnut. Mix the ingredients and fill 1 tsp. Mixtures wine. Insist on 21 days.

How to use: Let's 1 cup 60 minutes before meals 1-2 times a day.

Result: The grass hooven from alcoholism weakens the man's thrust to alcohol, reduces its alcohol addiction and heals the body.

Decoction at oncology (from cancer)

In the 4 stages of the oncological disease, helps the infusion of the HOHE HOUSE, if combined with the decoction of the taste. Keep such a tool no more than 2 days. Be careful with the dosage and preparation scheme, since the plant is poisonous.


  1. Human coil - 1 tbsp.
  2. Water is 1 cup.

How to cook: Grind grass in a coffee grinder, fill with water and put on a water bath for 30 minutes. Insstru the decoction of 30-60 minutes. Do not flash.

How to use: Take 1 tbsp. 4 times a day before meals. The course of treatment lasts 3 months, then take a break for 3-4 weeks.

Result: Infusion on the grass of the hoof increases the body's tone, has a positive effect on the heart, returns to a patient with energy and vigor.

Hoping in landscape design

The hoofer is used in landscape design. Hofty in landscape design is in great demand because of its decorative leaves, which form a beautiful low carpet in the garden. It complements other plants well and serves as a spectacular background for ferns, bought and other brake plants with matte blond leaves.

European hoofer successfully looks next to the winds and prolesk. It is used for monoposoda, planting in the form of a flower around the trees.


It is forbidden to use the root or the grass of the coat in the following cases:

  • pregnancy and lactation period;
  • age more than 65 years;
  • any form of hypertension;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • nervous or physical exhaustion.

Do not let the wilts and the coolet tincture in a double dose. Otherwise, you will seriously harm the health of a person and may cause his death.




Common types of welfare, in addition to the European variety:

  • Asarum Asaroides - hoofer hoofed;
  • ASARUM CAMPANIFLORUM - hoofed bellolcotcho-flowered;
  • Asarum Balansae - hoof balance;
  • Asarum Canadense - Copyten Canadian;
  • Asarum Macranthum - Smoothie large-flowered;
  • Asarum Blumei - Spiken Blumes;
  • Asarum Himalaicum - Himalayan coil.

Read more about hoofs. Watch in video:

Hoofing infographics

Photo of the hoof, its useful properties and application
Infographics by hoofs

What to remember

  1. The hooven is a herbaceous plant with small hoof-like leaves, which is sprinkled on the ground with a solid dark green carpet.
  2. The chemical composition of the plant includes poisonous substances, the concentration of which decreases if the hoofer is dried.
  3. How to apply hoofing from alcoholism - add decoction of plants into alcohol or in coffee, porridge, roasting on that day when an alcoholic will gather drinking.
  4. When oncology, make a decoction from the grass's coil and take 3 months.

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