
How to arrange flower beds near the house. How to arrange a flower bed in front of the house - a technique for making the right decisions

Herbs in the garden

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For owners of country houses, spring is a favorite time, when at their summer cottage they can design and create the most creative and original ideas and turn the local area into a colorful flower garden or a luxurious park. Flower beds in the courtyard of a private house bring great joy, photos of which can be seen in this review. Flowers are the most important element when creating landscape design, so before planting trees and various vegetables on the site, it is worth considering where to leave space for creating a flower garden.

Free-form flower garden

Front gardens and various flower beds bring vitality to the area. You should not immediately take on complex compositions. Using the advice of professionals, you can create interesting landscape solutions.

The first time you can choose the appropriate option and complete everything step by step. Flower beds can be vertical, horizontal, and also in the form of rockeries and alpine slides.

Flower beds in the courtyard of a private house, photos of which you can see, come in various shapes:

  • The most common geometries are circle and oval. They create beautiful compositions, starting from the outline of the structure and gaining strength towards the central part.

  • In a flower garden with a square configuration, bright and rich ornaments are created. The simplicity of this geometry allows you to create beautiful patterns.

  • Flower beds in the shape of a triangle or star look impressive.

  • Landscape design can be decorated with structures of irregular configuration. Such elements fit perfectly into awkward areas.

Expert's point of view

Oksana Borisova

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Types of flower beds

You can examine and select flower beds in the courtyard of a private house based on the photo. There are several original types of flower beds. They mainly differ in materials and purpose.

The following options are worth considering:


  • A ridge is a flat structure that consists of various plants. It can be on one side.

  • The front garden is the space in front of the house, which may border the road.

  • Arabesques will appeal to lovers of non-standard solutions. In this case, low-growing crops are used, which are planted in the form of geometric shapes. In addition, stones, lawn grass and fine gravel are used.

  • A rock garden is a hill of stones on the surface of which shrubs and plants are planted.

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  • A tapeworm is a flower garden planted with flowers that have a common characteristic.

Stylish solution - solitaire

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  • The rockery consists of a mixture of stones and plants.

Stages of creating a flower bed

The creation and design of flower beds in the courtyard of a private house photo is characterized by strict consistency. It is necessary to properly cultivate the soil and select and plant flowers.

Choosing a suitable location

Before you start making flower arrangements, it is recommended to draw and mark the project on paper. The shape of the structure is selected depending on the style of construction and the surrounding landscape. The site is selected so that the plants receive lighting for at least five hours a day. It is better to choose a sunny place without drafts. Lawn grass and weeds are removed from the selected area.

Aster Seeds

Expert's point of view

Oksana Borisova

Leading landscape engineer "SpetsParkDesign"

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“In the planned project, it is necessary to take into account the flowering periods of the selected crops. In order for flowering to occur throughout the year, in addition to flowers, it is worth using various crops with evergreen cover.”

How to determine the type of soil?

A flower garden can be planted in an area with any type of soil. If the soil is clayey, you can add sand. Poor soil can be fertilized with compost. It increases soil fertility and also improves air exchange. Peat is used as fertilizer. You can choose suitable plants for any soil.

Methods for preparing soil loosening

Before you start arranging flower beds in the courtyard of a private house, photos of which are given in the article, you need to prepare the soil. To saturate the soil with oxygen and distribute fertilizers, the soil is dug up using a garden fork or shovel. First, the perimeter is marked and the soil is prepared for planting. The base is prepared as follows:

  • The markings are applied using pegs and a cord.
  • The turf is removed.
  • Drainage is made from pebbles and sand.
  • The fertile layer is filled up.

Then the relief is created. Levels are made from large stones and pebbles, which are then filled with earth. The soil for flowers should be sifted, cleared of rhizomes and enriched with fertilizers. The ornament is marked using tape. And the plants are placed from the center to the perimeter.

Helpful advice! The best time to carry out all planting work is spring.

Flowerbed design options: how to decorate correctly

The design of a flower bed in the courtyard of a private house, the photo suggests the use of certain types of crops. Plants must have the following properties:

  • Long flowering period.
  • Decorative during growth.
  • Weather resistant.
  • Good ability to adapt after transplantation.

Some simple plants look great in a border or in small clumps. These are begonia, marine alyssum or ageratum. Crops of purple, brown-reddish and silver colors are often successfully used to decorate a flower garden. These are coleus, heuchera, silver cineraria and irezine.

The best option for flower designs are long-flowering and short plants. These include marigolds, pansies, salvias and daisies.

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Seedlings are planted as follows:

  • Before planting, seedlings are watered.
  • The plant is removed from the pot along with the soil.
  • The roots with a lump of earth are placed in the hole.
  • All free space around the roots is sprinkled with earth and compacted.

Pansy seeds

Helpful advice! Plants that grow quickly are not suitable for flower arrangements. They remain decorative for several weeks and then grow rapidly. These include rudbeckia and dicentra. They can be planted in groups rather than in a flower garden.

Flower garden care

In order for the structure to remain decorative for a long time, it must be constantly looked after. When caring for a flower garden, the following procedures are performed:

  1. For better gas exchange, regular loosening is recommended. Bark or sawdust are used for mulching.
  2. The flower garden needs to be weeded regularly to remove weeds.
  3. Tall plants need to be supported with supports.
Helpful information! Weeds are easier to remove from wet soil. Therefore, the flower garden needs to be watered before weeding.

Creating a flower bed provides limitless scope for design ideas. Any original ideas can be used. Original designs are made from the following materials:

  • Flower beds made of stones look original and natural. Similar stones are selected in size and color. The slate design in several layers looks stylish.

Related article:

Step-by-step manufacturing instructions, types of forms, materials, decoration techniques and many photo examples in a special publication in our online magazine.
  • A beautiful flower garden is made of logs. To do this, a piece of log is cleared of bark. Using an electric saw, a niche is cut out where drainage is laid and soil is filled. The surface of the log can be varnished.

Decorating a flower garden in front of your house with your own hands is not as simple a task as it seems at first glance. To decorate the front area with a magnificent flower bed, you need to take into account all the little things and study the rules for arranging a flower garden. One mistake can ruin all your efforts.

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    Choosing a suitable location

    In local areas there is not always a wide choice of places for flowers. Paths, outbuildings, a playground and parking space take up space. However, from the remaining plots it is necessary to choose the most suitable one.

    The best place for a flower garden will be the area located in front of the southern wall of the house. The construction will protect the plants from cold northern winds. The flowerbed should not be in a draft - most plants cannot tolerate it.

    It is advisable that the selected area does not receive direct sunlight all day. It is better not to choose a place in a low area, as moisture will accumulate in the soil. Rainwater from the roof of the house should not pour onto the flower garden. In the roots of perennial plants, when there is an excess of water, putrefactive processes develop. In such conditions, root nutrition is disrupted.

    Lighting and soil

    Before choosing plants for decorating a flower garden, you need to determine the type of light in the selected area.

    1. 1 If during the day direct rays fall on the place where the flower bed will be located for at least 7 hours, you can safely plant light-loving plants.
    2. 2 When direct sunlight illuminates the area only for 2-3 hours in the morning and the same amount in the evening, and the rest of the time there is shadow from the trees, the lighting of the flower bed in front of the house is considered diffused.
    3. 3 Plants that prefer partial shade should be planted if direct rays do not fall on the flower garden in front of the house, but the lighting of the area is bright enough.

    On unsuitable soil, the flowers will be weak and unattractive, and they may even die. To find out the type of soil, you need to slightly moisten it to the consistency of plasticine. From wet soil you should try to roll a sausage with a diameter of 0.5 cm and roll it into a bagel. If the donut is rolled up, the soil is classified as heavy clay soil. If the donut has fallen apart, it means there is loam in the area. Light sandy and super-sandy soil cannot be rolled into a sausage.

    Heavy soil can be made lighter by periodically adding sand or sawdust. Rotted manure or compost will perfectly “weight” the soil.

    To determine the acidity of the soil, you need to look at the wild flora of the selected area.

    1. 1 If nettle, clover and coltsfoot grow on it, then the soil has a neutral or slightly alkaline reaction. This is an ideal soil for planting asters, tulips and carnations.
    2. 2 Horsetail, moss and sorrel thrive in acidic soils. In their place, lily of the valley and rhododendron grow well.
    3. 3 You can safely plant roses and gladioli on neutral and slightly acidic soil.

    Most plants prefer neutral soils. You can make the soil neutral with your own hands by acidifying or alkalizing it artificially. Wood ash, chalk or lime should be added to acidic soil; pine needles or peat should be added to alkaline soil.

    You can prepare the soil for a flower garden in a more radical way by completely replacing the top layer.

    Determining the shape and size of the flower bed

    At this stage, you need to determine the shape of the flowerbed and its dimensions. One large flower bed looks more advantageous compared to several small flower beds. But small areas are easier to care for. Flowers can be planted throughout the selected area, following its natural contours, or you can choose the appropriate shape of the flower bed. The design of the flower bed depends on the illumination of the area.

    Good lighting

    In such conditions, you can arrange a traditional flowerbed. It changes its “composition” 2-3 times a year. The first to bloom are tulips, daffodils and crocuses. After them, peonies and cornflowers bloom. Closer to autumn, the flower garden is covered with magnificent asters, dahlias and gladioli.

    Irregular flower beds look more natural, in which flowering plants change constantly; they are placed in groups in the flower garden.

    If there is a shortage of space, vertical flower beds are an excellent option. They are created from pots with flowers mounted on a special frame made with your own hands from scrap materials.

    Scattered light

    For less bright lighting, a chameleon flower bed is suitable. It will surprise you with a sharp change in flowering plants of the most unexpected colors. This is a variation of the traditional flower bed, from which the chameleon differs in its faster changes. Violets, irises, delphiniums, and bush asters continuously replace each other from spring to autumn.

    Carpet flower beds are decorated in the form of an ornament. Low-growing flowers coexist with decorative foliage plants, covering the flower garden with a bright and fragrant carpet with a pattern.

    A ring flower bed can surround a sculpture, tree, gazebo, lantern or fountain. Tall flowers are planted on the inner ring, and shorter flowers are planted on the outer ring. A large ring flowerbed can contain several tiers of flowers: from the highest to the lowest, representing a truncated cone.


    In poor lighting conditions, it is better to arrange a flower garden of plants blooming at the same time, planted in groups at a distance from each other. A large monoflower bed of one type of plant looks good.

    Landscaping of the greenhouse

    You can draw a plan of the site and see how the chosen shape of the flowerbed will look on it, how the colors of the plants will combine and how they will look from every corner of the territory.

    When choosing flowers, you should give preference to species that bloom for a long time or repeatedly.

    If flowers quickly lose their attractive appearance, they should be placed in small groups among varieties of tall flowers that bloom later. In this case, fading plants will not spoil the overall appearance.

    Tall plants should not obscure shorter species. Flowers need to be planted in a cascade. Closer to the edge of the flower garden, the plants should not only be lower, but also smaller.

    A bright, large, luxurious flower - the pride of the owner - can be planted separately, at some distance from other plants. So that it can be seen from everywhere. Instead, you can place the tallest flower in the center: a large gladiolus or rose bush.

    You should also thoroughly study the properties and characteristics of the selected plants before determining their place in the flowerbed. Some species do not get along well together.

    There is no need to try to plant the front area with rare and difficult to care for flowers. Between perennial plants it is recommended to place unpretentious annual flowers that reproduce by self-seeding (marigolds, calendula, petunias). They bloom luxuriantly and fill the entire space, leaving no bald spots.

    The effect of less capricious plants will be no less if the color scheme is chosen correctly.

    Color palette

    It is necessary to select plants not only depending on the size and time of flowering, but also on color. The color scheme of simultaneously flowering plants should look harmonious, as a single whole, like a painting.

    When choosing a color, it is recommended to use a color wheel, dividing shades into warm, cool and neutral. The passive half of the circle contains only cold tones: purple, blue, green. Flowers with cool colors of petals and leaves decorate the background of the flower bed or its edges. Blue color is considered to be the coldest, iciest.

    The active half includes warm colors: red, yellow, beige, cream. The “hottest” color is orange. Active tones decorate the central elements of the design.

    Black and white colors are considered neutral. They are used to smooth out shades that do not match each other, placing them between them.

    Designers recognize the pairs red-green and blue-orange as the most harmonious combinations. The combination of purple and yellow shades also looks beautiful.

    One type of flower can be planted in different colors. For example, the yellow and purple violet called Vitrocca. Both flowers will benefit if the combination is complemented with a plant with orange petals.

    It is not necessary to adhere to existing rules on your site. Sometimes new combinations look so exotic and bright that they attract attention to a much greater extent than familiar combinations. You should not be afraid to experiment and look for new design solutions.

    Flowerbed design

    How to arrange a flower bed?

    Any item will be suitable as a border for a flower bed. You can use leftover building material or a car tire. By cutting tires, you can create different shapes of flower beds. One whole tire is placed in the middle of the flower bed and flowers are planted inside. The halves of the tires are located around it, forming petals around the central circle-middle.

    The border can be planted with green dwarf plants or pruned bushes. From a large bush you can build a basket with a handle with your own hands. The middle of the plant is removed along with the root. A handle is formed from the crown in the form of an arc hanging over the flowerbed. Small bright flowers are planted inside. Red-pink cornflowers, white zinnia and poppies, blooming alternately, will look great in a “basket.” This flowerbed design will cause surprise and admiration among guests and passers-by.

    For every gardener, a flower bed or flower garden takes first place. Having a summer cottage, plant flowering plants; they will not only decorate the area, but also bring a lot of aromatic pleasure.

    In our article, everyone will find new ideas on how to make a beautiful flower bed.

    Flower bed design options

    The beauty of a flower bed depends on the types of plants planted, but do not forget about ideas. Choose a site organization design to suit your tastes and wishes.

    Multiflowers are flower beds in which flowers of the same type are planted.

    Vertical flower beds are created in the form of a column or screen.

    The irregular type is a conventionally shaped dug-up area in which frost-resistant, perennial plants are planted.

    A multi-level flower bed has tiers, and different types of flowers grow on them.

    The border-edge is a lawn, inside of which grow decorative and flowering plants, which are sure to be combined.

    Rabatka is an elongated flower bed. In most cases, it decorates one of the walls of the house.

    Plants planted in it should not be close to each other; maintain a distance between flowers.

    A flower garden in which constant flowering occurs is called a mixborder. It is usually decorated with perennial ornamental shrubs. The buds of plants never cease to please; if some have faded, then new varieties bloom to replace them.

    This type of arabesque allows you to plant flowers with inscriptions or patterns.

    A rock garden is a flower bed for which stones are used.

    Basic rules for gardeners when organizing a flower bed

    Thanks to expert advice, you can create a beautiful flowerbed with your own hands.

    Choosing a place

    The area for the flower garden is selected depending on what types of plants you will plant; some like the sun's rays, while others prefer shade.

    Incorrectly planted flowers may die. Try to find suitable locations for each seedling.

    Make the markings

    Stretch a thick thread or cord to create the boundaries of the flower bed. If you have already dug up the ground and it is soft, draw a marking of any shape you like.

    Prepare holes in the ground

    It is necessary to make holes up to 30 cm deep. Place stones at the bottom of the hole for drainage.

    Experienced experts cover the surface of the pit with film if they are sure that groundwater is close and can damage the plant.

    Border the flowerbed

    The flower garden is fenced using wooden, stone or specially designed fences. You can distinguish yourself and make borders with glass or plastic bottles.

    Even inexperienced gardeners can create beautiful flower beds. The main thing is to understand what kind of flower bed is needed and what should happen as a result. This will make it easier for you to select and place colors.

    Select varieties of plants that do not require care.

    If the plot of land has not been planted, then it is better to feed it.

    An ordinary flowerbed should have high, medium and low growing flowers. Place tall plants of several types in the center, plant low ones in front.

    Do not buy a lot of seedlings, especially different varieties. Don't make the flower bed too bright. Don't forget about the flowering periods of plants.

    At the edge, plant low-growing species that creep along the surface of the soil.

    Create a harmonious juxtaposition of flowers in your flowerbed with the help of flowering sprouts and plants with unusual leaves without inflorescence buds.

    If you plant perennials between them, it is better to leave free space. They will sprout every spring in the same place, but with children; after a few seasons the plant grows. You can plant the empty space with annual flowers for the first year.

    So we figured out how to beautifully decorate a flowerbed. You already understand that doing this is not difficult and interesting.

    Use your imagination and take into account your own desires, with their help you will have an incredibly beautiful flower garden.

    Come up with new ideas and bring them to life. Only you can create beauty in your dacha with your own hands.

    Photo of a beautiful flower bed

    It’s not for nothing that they say that the appearance of a house is the face of its owner. However, the garden area also creates its own impression of the residents. A well-kept yard, a beautiful garden or flower beds with a gazebo will leave a good opinion of their owners. In this article we will tell you original ideas for decorating flower beds with your own hands. You will also see what flower beds at home can look like, photos of which are shown in the gallery.

    • 1 Optimal place
    • 2 Creation rules
    • 3 Design
    • 4 Main types
      • 4.1 Round shape
      • 4.2 Landscape option
      • 4.3 Vertical design
      • 4.4 Monoclumba
      • 4.5 Curb
      • 4.6 Arabesque
    • 5 Selecting plants
    • 6 Continuous flowering
    • 7 Decor options
    • 8 Photo gallery

    Optimal place

    Any undertaking, any business must begin with a project - this equally applies to both building a house and landscape design. Most often, beautiful flower beds decorate the facade of the house - if you want to use this option, then it is best to set up small nurseries up to 2.5 m long. This size will allow you to reach any flower and not trample the plants.

    If your territory has a large area or a garden, then you have a wonderful opportunity to make several flower beds. Decorating your garden with flowers will add zest to your landscape design and allow you to create bright accents. In this unobtrusive and original way, you will dilute the greenery of trees and shrubs, while at the same time delineating certain zones.

    By the way, arranging flower beds along the paths will allow you to stay on track even in the dark.

    Contrary to the general opinion that all elements of landscape design should be harmoniously combined with each other, we suggest you design your flower garden in two ways:

    1. It is traditional to design a flower garden in front of the house, the photo of which you will see below, in the same style as the entire exterior of the territory.
    2. Boldly and extraordinarily highlight a separate area of ​​the garden or local area with the help of flowers, playing on contrasts in color and style.

    In addition to planning your placement, you should also have a clear idea of ​​what plants you want to see blooming at which times of the year. To do this, you need to select a certain soil, fertilizers, feeding - individually for each flower. Of course, it is advisable to plant plants nearby that have the same flowering time and care requirements. You can even arrange a flower garden in front of your house with your own hands in such a way that it creates a play and play of shades that pleases the eye and lifts your spirits.

    Last but not least, consider lighting for plants - this applies to sunlight and artificial light; air temperature at different times of the year and even humidity. Failure to comply with basic flower care requirements can result in your flower bed in front of the house or in the garden looking poor.

    Creation Rules

    So, you have chosen the optimal place for future planting and are now ready to get to work. First, decide for yourself whether you want to have a flower garden or flowerbed in the end. What is the difference? The design of flower beds is based on the creation of clear geometric lines, and flower beds are based on a chaotic arrangement of flowers. We offer you to see what the design of flower beds and flower beds in front of the house might look like, photos of which we have posted below.

    Before planting, remove all weeds and unnecessary plants from the plot of land. It will be useful if you remove the top layer of soil and fill it with black soil, sand, or simply add fertilizer. Drainage in the soil will not allow moisture to linger, which will protect the root system of your plants from rotting and disease.

    The design of flower beds at the dacha also depends on the area of ​​the territory. If you have a large plot, then the most logical thing to do would be to create a large flower bed with an original and complex design.

    If you have a small area, you can lay out a small flower garden. You can see how to arrange a flower garden in front of the house, the photo of which is located below.

    Still, designers advise setting aside as much space as possible for flower beds and flowerbeds, because individual islands of lonely growing flowers get lost among the surrounding plants and objects.


    As we said earlier, it is best to design flower beds over a large area. When creating a flower arrangement design, adhere to the following recommendations:

    1. Draw a rough layout of all the plants on a piece of paper with colored pencils. A beautiful flowerbed in front of the house with your own hands can be made either in the form of a flat composition covering the ground, or in the form of waves that smoothly go from top to bottom.
    2. Plant plants so that the tallest species are in the background and the shortest species are in the foreground. Between them, bright, medium-sized species with decorative leaves or fluffy inflorescences will look great.
    3. Remember the combination of colors - in this case, all hot shades are dominant. For the background, as a rule, green and deep shades of blue are used. If you need to slightly dilute bright colors and avoid color overload, you should use white and other light shades of cool colors.
    4. Consider the density of the plantings - each plant has its own optimal density. Dense planting makes the design of the front flower bed more cohesive, but do not forget that plants may suffer from a lack of air and sunlight.
    5. Any planting will have a complete look if the design includes an edging. We will talk more about ways to limit flower beds with borders later in the article.

    Main types

    If you don’t yet know how to design a flowerbed at your dacha, we suggest you familiarize yourself with their main types, which are common among gardeners.

    Round form

    This is a standard and traditional way to design a flower bed. Most often found in city parks and squares, as well as in private plots. The basis is a circle, in the center of which there can be a statue, a fountain or a central composition of tall plants. This option is great for beginner gardeners. We invite you to see what a round flowerbed in front of the house looks like, the photo of which is posted below.

    Landscape option

    It often looks like a chaotic planting, but at the same time the order of arrangement of plants is still respected. Decorating a flower garden in front of the house with your own hands using the landscape method will also not be too difficult for novice and amateur gardeners.

    Vertical design

    This is a real salvation for owners of too small a plot. Vertical planting allows you to experiment with shapes, colors, design - and this will practically not depend on the size of the available area. A beautiful vertical flowerbed in front of the house with your own hands gives free rein to even the wildest imagination of the designer.


    It is notable for the fact that it consists exclusively of plants of one species. Don’t rush to conclusions that such a composition will look monotonous and boring. Consider the possibility of using different colors. If you clearly know how to design a flowerbed in this way, you will definitely not be disappointed with the result.


    In this case, the emphasis is on the design of the paths - the edging with flowering plants looks very beautiful


    A very complex and original way to decorate the territory. It is a convex figure of flowers in the form of an insect, animal, ornament and other elements. If you don’t know how to decorate a flowerbed so that it evokes enthusiastic exclamations from everyone, then an arabesque is just your option.

    We have listed only the most common types, but we hope that with the help of our ideas you will decide how to beautifully design a flowerbed on your site.

    Selecting plants

    First of all, when choosing planting material, you need to take into account the location of the future seedlings, the climatic conditions in this zone, as well as the proximity to other plants. Watering is also of great importance, so take this factor into account as well.

    If you are an experienced gardener, then it will not be difficult for you to create complex compositions from capricious and delicate plants. For beginners and amateurs, unpretentious varieties of flowers that require minimal care are more suitable.

    Select plants according to the following parameters:

    1. Flowering period - you can choose a composition in such a way that its flowering will decorate your area all year round.
    2. It is better to take perennial crops that will not need to be planted annually. However, annual species are better suited for experiments.
    3. Bright colors create an invigorating atmosphere, cool colors create peace. Take this into account when decorating a flower bed near your house with your own hands.

    Continuous flowering

    For those who want to constantly contemplate the splendor of a flower arrangement, we offer a beautiful design of a flowerbed near the house with your own hands in the form of continuous flowering.

    Here are some basic rules for creating it:

    1. Plant annual and perennial flowers and shrubs together.
    2. All plants must be optimally suited to each other in terms of watering, air temperature and light requirements.
    3. Avoid invasive plants and flowers that reproduce quickly.
    4. Arrange plants based on the time of year they bloom to create a year-round experience.

    Decor options

    Now let's talk about decorating the flower arrangement. We offer you the following options:

    1. Lighting plays a big role. Illuminating the flower bed at night with multi-colored light bulbs will give a truly breathtaking look to the entire composition. The lighting of the border flower bed looks especially beautiful.
    2. It would not be superfluous to use various figurines and shapes in the decor. Even the flower arrangement itself can be made using improvised means - garden wheelbarrows, tires, benches, flowerpots and other items.
    3. The edging of a flower bed can be decorated in various ways - lay out smooth stones along the diameter, border it with logs, bottles or any other objects. The main thing is that it is in harmony with the flower garden itself.

    Options for how to beautifully make a flowerbed with your own hands, photos can be viewed in our gallery.

    Photo gallery

    We bring to your attention 35 more original photo ideas for decorating a flowerbed with your own hands.

    Owners of suburban areas do not count on the help of landscape designers, but prefer to independently create a creative fairy-tale garden, which is unthinkable without flowers. If you are planning to build flower beds with your own hands in the courtyard of a private house, photos and descriptions will help you choose the type, shape, material, place for picturesque flower beds, and give you ideas for their design. Take ready-made solutions as a basis, add your own ideas and create an oasis that blooms all summer.

    Choosing a place for a flower bed in the yard

    When planning to plant a flower garden in front of the house or a flower bed in the garden, you need to carefully choose the place where the planned flower arrangement will be located.

    Floral yard design

    What influences the choice of location for a flower garden

    When choosing a place for a garden masterpiece in a private yard, you need to consider the following factors:

    • Microclimate - the amount of sunlight, humidity or dryness of the soil, its acidity, fertility. This will help you outline the idea of ​​a flower garden and choose the right plants for it.
    • The presence of a background for the composition, its material, color, texture. Based on the characteristics of the background, you can choose the color palette of the plants to be planted, mentally mark the border, consider whether it is worth making it rigid, and decide on the type of fencing.
    • Viewpoint. This is the place from which you will most often glance at your property. This could be an entrance gate or a seating area.

    Choosing a suitable location is very important

    Considering that giving people beauty and pleasant emotions is the main purpose of any flower garden, you should start choosing a location based on the vantage point. To do this, you need to analyze which places in your yard you visit most often, and place the blooming decor opposite such places. If you prefer to spend most of your time in the house, sitting with a book by the window, a flower bed under the window is the most acceptable option.

    Island of waters window

    The best places for a flower garden in the local area

    It’s good when space for a flower garden is left at the stage of building a house. But in a private yard the choice is limited: paths, buildings, a platform or a garage for a car occupy a significant area. However, you can almost always find a piece of free land to plant ornamental plants. When deciding how best to place a flower bed in front of the house, you need to remember the following:

    1. Most flowers are sun-loving - the best area for such will be the area in front of the southern wall of the building. However, some of them cannot tolerate prolonged insolation, then areas near the western or eastern wall of the house will be more suitable.
    2. Flowers for the most part do not like wind or drafts - flower beds should be located on the leeward side of the building if possible.
    3. Many flowers do not tolerate stagnant moisture in the soil - low areas near the house are not for them.
    4. Excess moisture, dangerous for the root system, can also form if rainwater flowing from the roof falls in the immediate vicinity of the flower garden. Needless to say, it is completely unacceptable if it pours onto the plantings.

    Location in front of the house

    Returning to the concept of a viewpoint, we can conclude that a good place and a wonderful backdrop for an elegant flower bed at the front of the house is the green lawn in the front garden.

    No one coming to the house or passing by the yard will be left indifferent by the modest fence of the front garden, along which climbing roses are planted.

    The location of the flower bed near the porch of the house can be called successful. A virtuoso gardener will be able to create a creative carpet composition here, where the flowers will form the inscription: “Welcome.” But for your first experiments, you can choose simpler options by looking at the photo below.

    If paving slabs or concrete reign in the garden, and there is no free land left for a flower bed near the entrance to the house, containers will help out.

    Successful areas for flower beds on a personal plot

    For flower beds in the courtyard of a private house, you can find many suitable places, based on the above requirements, taking into account the viewpoint. The main role of the flower garden here remains to decorate the landscape and create a positive mood for the owners. Thus, flower beds near the gazebo or in the recreation area will provide an opportunity to enjoy the beauty and aroma of flowers while drinking tea or having fun outdoor gatherings with guests.

    Other options for placing flower beds are also good. A flower bed along a garden path made of any material will enliven, decorate it, and make a walk through the garden extremely pleasant. A blooming oasis at the intersection of paths in the garden will certainly make you pause and admire the natural harmony.

    An alpine hill will perfectly complement a landscape with a boring slope, on which it is difficult to place your favorite beds.

    However, in the courtyard of a private house, another purpose of a flower garden also appears: it can level out or hide some defects in the area, buildings, and emphasize the functionality of a particular area. For example, a flowerbed in front of a fence will distract attention from an unassuming fence, while climbing or tall plants in the form of a hedge can completely hide it from view. But if the fence is beautiful in itself, flowers will add grace to it.

    Living plants look expressive against the background of buildings - it’s a good idea to designate any building in the courtyard of a private house with at least a small flowering composition. For example, an esthete car owner will be pleased to take his “iron horse” out to a tidy area near the garage, decorated with a bright flower bed, and a mini-flower bed in a tire hanging on the wall of the building will be evidence that a car lives in it.

    Many private yards have a structure called a septic tank. A small flower bed in a container, which can be rearranged if necessary, will help decorate its nondescript lid.

    What kind of flower beds can there be?

    Having figured out which places in the courtyard of a private house are suitable for creating flower beds, you need to decide on the type, shape, and materials for their arrangement.

    Type and shape of flower beds on the site

    Flowerbeds can be very different in appearance and shape. It is worth mentioning here what is the difference between the first and the second: novice “garden designers” often do not imagine this, considering these terms to be synonyms. In fact, a flowerbed is usually called a flowering composition that has rigid boundaries of a regular geometric shape, slightly raised above the level of the surrounding ground.

    A regular flower bed requires constant care

    Experts distinguish two types:

    • Regular. They are characterized by a selection of low specimens that bloom at the same time, strict, clear lines of the floral design. To ensure this, careful constant care of the plantings is required, which is beyond the capabilities of a novice gardener.
    • Irregular. They are more often found on individual farmsteads and dachas. They are usually filled with long-flowering plants of the same variety, or various species with staggered flowering periods, thereby ensuring a decorative composition throughout the season.

    Similar scales are good for a spacious yard

    There are many varieties of flower beds, differing in size and shape. When choosing the parameters of a blooming island, you should focus on the general style and size of your property. Obviously, in a yard with a small area, an excessively large flower bed will look out of place.

    As for the shape, it is better for beginners to opt for simple geometry. After looking at a few photos, you can make sure that flower beds are round, square, rectangular, and indeed any simple configuration can look great.

    Corner flower beds deserve special attention, as they fit perfectly into the space between the house and the garage, between the porch and the wall of the building, and so on.

    High flower beds allow you to successfully decorate your yard while occupying a small area. The highlight of the garden or local area can be a structure made of gabions.

    Common types of flower beds

    A flower garden is a more general concept that also includes other types:

    • mixborders,
    • discounts,
    • flower borders,
    • rockeries,
    • alpine slides.

    Compositions with shrubs

    Mixborders. These are compositions of arbitrary shape, which can contain any types of plants, including trees, shrubs, vines, annuals, perennials with different flowering periods and colors. They can decorate almost any corner of the yard, the main thing is to choose the right composition of species.

    Discounts. Long flower beds in the form of a strip from half to one and a half meters wide, where up to 3-4 types of ornamental plants are planted in even rows. In fact, they are not much different from regular rectangular flower beds; they look good in spacious areas among green lawns.

    Flower borders. Narrow (up to half a meter) ribbons of low-growing flowers, often of one type. They are usually used as edging of other flower beds, and as a frame for paths in the garden.

    Rockeries, alpine slides. These spectacular free-form rocky gardens, recreating a mesmerizing mountain landscape in miniature, can be laid out where capricious specimens will not take root. When decorating private homes, undemanding conifers, annuals and perennials, and ground covers are used.

    When you start landscaping your yard for the first time, you should practice creating flower beds of simple geometric shapes and borders from unpretentious plants with your own hands. Having mastered the skills and having artistic inclinations, you can, if desired, move on to creating magnificent, fancy flower beds, like the masters make.

    Material for making impressive flower beds

    Even in private courtyards, flower beds that do not have a fence, or are fenced in with whatever is at hand, can look too unassuming and unfinished. Having chosen the look and shape for your creation, you should think about a worthy frame for it. Perhaps it will be the already mentioned flower border or specially made flower bed structures made of stone, brick, and other materials.

    With even a little construction skills, making such structures is quite simple. But for some, a simpler task will be to arrange wooden flower beds in the yard. Depending on the style, this option can be very practical. The charming compositions in the photo below convince of this.

    Stone border

    If wicker weaving is your favorite hobby, making such a cute “basket” will not be difficult.

    It is not difficult to build a structure from concrete blocks, turning the gray, dull material into an elegant flower garden near the house in a private yard.

    Often, owners of dachas and garden plots use strips of old slate. This approach can also be welcomed, but it should be remembered that cuts of sheets of this material are quite dangerous, so it is better to build slate side walls into a wooden frame, as in the photo below.

    If we are talking about available materials, we cannot ignore flower beds made from tires, which at one time became popular due to their cheap cost and the ability to use scraps. It cannot be said that a tire painted in a flashy bright color, laid on a lawn and filled with flowers, looks aesthetically pleasing. But if you use your imagination, you can make quite decent and original frames for flowers from waste material.

    Another example of using scrap materials for a creative flower garden is old barrels. The cost is zero, and the view is inimitable.

    Making flower beds and flower beds near the house with your own hands

    Having decided on the type, shape and size of the future blooming oasis, all that remains is to properly arrange the flower bed in the place chosen for this. However, it is too early to rush there with a shovel and rake. There is still some preparatory work to be done: design development, selection of planting material, soil preparation.

    The beginning of the beginning - planning

    Any gardener, looking at the luxurious flowering islands in the parks in the photo or in reality, “tryes” them on for his own home. But thoughtlessly transferring landscaping elements into a private yard can result in disappointment if you don’t know how to plan a flower garden in front of the house or in another suitable place. To begin with, this should be done on paper approximately in this order:

    1. Draw a scale sketch of the location where the colorful island will be located.
    2. Draw contours on the sketch, also observing the scale.
    3. Determine which buildings or plantings will become the background, what their color and texture are.
    4. Indicate the areas where soloist plants and complementary specimens will be planted.
    5. Outline the color scheme of these zones, taking into account the compatibility of colors.

    This is how a plan is drawn

    In order for a composition created with your own hands to look harmonious and surprise everyone with its perfection, it is useful to familiarize yourself with the basics of color. Colors and their combinations not only satisfy people’s aesthetic needs, but also have a psycho-emotional, even therapeutic effect on others. They can invigorate, calm, give a state of serenity or cause unconscious irritation and aggressiveness.

    Combination and proximity of colors

    Nature itself suggests good combinations of shades: if you grow pansies, take a closer look at them - this is where the color scheme is clearly presented!

    For the first experiments, it is worth remembering the following:

    • Cool shades (green, purple, dark blue) are good for creating a general background.
    • Dominant plants should be distinguished by warm tones (red, yellow, orange), which attract the eye.
    • Contrasting combinations evoke a surge of strength, and smooth play of tones calms you down.
    • Monotony, dullness, as well as excessive variegation, do not suit a flower garden.

    Pansies - color in nature

    Miscalculations when planning flower beds

    When thinking about the design of a flowerbed in the courtyard of a private house for decoration with your own hands, you need to try to avoid common mistakes. The main mistakes when planning plantings:

    • The choice of location for a flower garden is based only on the consideration that it should cover an unsightly area, without taking into account the nature of the soil and microclimate in this area.
    • Excessively large flower bed sizes. This makes it out of place in a small yard and makes it much more difficult to care for the plantings located in the center of the composition.
    • Forming a flower bed in the tree trunk. This is the sin of owners of small areas who strive to make maximum use of space. The soil under fruit trees is practically unsuitable for beautifully flowering plants. As an option, you can consider building a small rock garden in such a place.
    • Too crowded plantings, without taking into account the upcoming growth. When placing your green friends, you need to focus on the size of adult plants. This is doubly important for perennials: they grow over two or even three seasons.
    • A thoughtless, impulsive approach to the selection of seedlings. It is unwise to purchase copies that simply attracted attention. When deciding what to plant in a flowerbed, it is necessary to evaluate whether the “new residents” will combine with the plants already established in the courtyard of a private house, and whether the growing conditions here are suitable for newcomers. You also need to remember that there are antagonistic plants. For example, a rose with its wonderful aroma will not please a carnation as its neighbor.

    Video: Mistakes when designing flower beds with your own hands

    The nuances of selecting and planting plants in a flower garden

    It is better to make the basis of the flower arrangement in a flower bed from beautiful perennials, placing the tallest or most beautiful specimens in the center (in the background in a one-way view) - they are called dominant or soloists. Annuals planted annually will make an effective addition. When selecting and planting flowers, you should adhere to the intended plan, diagram and follow a few more rules:

    1. When forming a flower bed in the yard, plant the plants in increasing order from the perimeter to the center.
    2. Choose species and varieties that match in color, have similar requirements for growing conditions, and get along well with each other.
    3. Consider the decorative period so that when some specimens fade, the buds of their neighbors begin to open. In this way, continuous flowering is organized. Another option would be to plant plants that bloom all summer.
    4. Pay attention to the decorative qualities of the leaves so that they continue to decorate your creation after flowering has finished.
    5. If possible, do not include varieties that require staking or support.
    6. Maintain optimal planting density. If plants are planted densely around the perimeter and sparsely planted in the center, this adds to the attractiveness.

    Central flower bed

    It is impossible to immediately master all the subtleties of composing flowering compositions. For example, developing the correct patterns for flower beds near the house and on the plot requires knowledge and certain experience. If you don’t have any, you shouldn’t be sad: you can see some options for simple schemes in the photo.

    Composition of annuals

    Do flower gardens need decorations?

    Admiring the blooming result of their labors, some people think about how to further decorate the flowerbed and make it even more beautiful. It's important not to overdo it here. If you make the right flower arrangement, build a beautiful fence in harmony with it from natural or improvised materials, this will be enough. You can also install garden lanterns so that the flowers are mysteriously illuminated in the evening, decorating the yard.

    In some cases, if there are free areas of soil between the plants, it is a good idea to fill them with wood chips, screenings, and fine gravel. But it’s worth arguing about garden figurines. They can be very different, but try not to offend your green friends by being next to colorful bad taste.

    From all that has been said, the obvious conclusion is that amateur garden design is not an easy task. And yet, beautifully decorating a flower bed near the house with your own hands is within the power of almost everyone. Show enthusiasm, charge yourself with positivity, turn on your imagination, punctually follow the necessary recommendations - the result will be a unique flowering island in your yard.

    And if you cannot rely on your own knowledge, creativity, sense of proportion, then the best way out is to entrust your yard to specialists.