
Where can I put a gas boiler. Basic requirements for a room for installing gas boilers: dimensions, ventilation and safety measures

Fundamentals of garden composition

Gas is considered the most profitable type of fuel in terms of economy. Even if a branch of the gas main is not connected to the holiday village, many owners of country houses use gas tanks, which, from the point of view of efficiency, is most often more profitable than using other types of fuel. In any case, you need to know the rules for connecting a gas boiler in a private house, which strictly regulate all the nuances of installation and operation of equipment.

A modern gas boiler with automation is a rather complex system, the installation and debugging of which requires specialized knowledge

Can I install the equipment myself?

In short, the installation of a gas boiler in a private house can be carried out by any person, but putting the equipment into operation - acceptance and testing should be carried out by specialists from the gas service, connecting a gas boiler in a private house and operating it without their permission is impossible.

It is most reliable to entrust the installation of gas equipment to qualified representatives of a specialized organization. Only they will be able to carry out the necessary work competently, in accordance with the requirements of SNiP, and ensure the safe operation of the equipment. In addition, a competent specialist always works under a contract, which indicates who, when and what kind of work was done.

The main types of gas boilers

Manufacturers of gas equipment offer customers different types of heating boilers operating on blue fuel. They are designed for heating any area and by type of installation are divided into floor and wall.

The first of these are powerful, reliable and durable "flagship models" designed for installation in homes with above-average footage. There is only one common drawback of such models - they will have to equip a separate room.

Wall-mounted gas boilers are an excellent alternative for a small private house: they do not need a separate room - such devices are compact and versatile. In addition, their installation does not impose increased conditions on the bearing capacity of the wall - only a layer of non-combustible material is required between the boiler and the base.

Requirements for the boiler room in the house

If the boiler capacity is more than 30 kW, then it must be installed in a separate room. All information on how to install a gas boiler in a private house is given in the SNiP standards, where there are clear requirements for arranging a boiler room for heating equipment powered by fuel combustion.

You can place the boiler room in the attic, in the basement (basement) or simply in a separate room of the house. In this case, a mandatory requirement is free access to the room, sufficient illumination and the arrangement of a rigid base.

In addition, the installation of a gas boiler in a private house has the following requirements for a boiler room:

    volume at least 13.5 m³ for boilers with a capacity of 30-60 kW and over 15 m³ for models with a higher capacity;

    comfortable access to the equipment.

Properly designed boiler room for a private house

    In one hour ventilation should provide three-time air exchange;

    walls and floors are made of non-combustible material;

Important! Heating boilers are located at a distance of at least 0.5 m from combustible surfaces. And partitions meet the fire resistance standard RE1 45, that is, they must resist open fire for 45 minutes.

Requirements for a boiler room in a separate building

The advantages of a separate boiler house are increased security, reduced noise level and the possibility of using the vacated area for other purposes. The disadvantage will be an increase in the cost of the heating system device, since it will be necessary to pull an additional heat-insulated pipeline branch.

At the same time, such requirements for such boilers are the following:

    separate foundation;

    concreted base for the boiler;

    forced ventilation, which should provide three air exchanges for an hour;

    meeting the requirements for sizes boiler room;

    installation is allowed in one room no more than two heating devices;

    doors to the street should open outward;

SNiP requirements for an external boiler room of a private house

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    wall surfaces and ceilings are made of non-combustible material;

    Availability windows with transom for daylight and emergency ventilation - the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe window opening should be suitable for the volume of the room (0.03 m 2 per 1 m³);

    Availability chimney if it is needed for the installed device (for wall-mounted devices with a capacity of less than 30 kW, it is allowed to lead the coaxial pipe through the wall).

A sewer pipe is also connected to the boiler so that water can be drained from the system when it is replaced.

Basic requirements for chimney and ventilation ducts

The room where the gas boiler is located must meet the necessary requirements, while not only the width and length of the room are regulated according to the power of the equipment, but also the size to the ceiling, which must be at least 2 m.

A ventilation duct must be installed in the boiler room; for this, an opening with a cross section of at least 0.02 m 2 is provided.

The location of gas boilers is related to the installation conditions of the chimney. At the same time, the parameters of the latter (height, channel area) relative to the installed gas equipment must be strictly observed.

The size of the internal section of the smoke outlet pipe is made the same or slightly larger than that of the device. According to NPB-98, inside the chimney opening, the air flow speed should be 15-20 m / s, and such draft can be provided with a chimney pipe height of about 5 meters.

Important! Smoke must not be discharged into the duct provided for ventilation. In boiler rooms that have a standard exhaust, air exchange must take place due to the incoming flow from outside the room and, in part, as a result of its penetration from adjacent rooms.

Gas appliance in a private house: requirements and basic installation steps

For proper installation of the unit, you first need to study the regulatory documentation and the rules for performing these works. They talk about the features of installing gas appliances for the installation of a heating system.

What type of boiler would not have to be installed, it is imperative to comply with the requirements of certain norms and rules, such as:

    SNiP 41-01-2003 on heating, ventilation and air conditioning.

    SNiP 42-01-2002 about the gas distribution system.

    SNiP 21-01-97 about fire safety.

    SNiP 2.04.08-87 about the arrangement of boiler rooms.

The provisions of SNiP contain all the necessary information for the installation and start-up of a gas boiler

With regard to these conditions, in order to install a gas boiler in a house, you must first obtain a regulatory act that gives permission to carry out work on connecting gas appliances. And in order to purchase technical specifications, it is necessary to submit an application to the local gas service, which must be answered within a month.

It is important to know! Technical conditions are official permission to carry out work on the installation of a gas appliance. Unauthorized installation of a gas heater without specifications is illegal and unsafe for the homeowner.

Boiler installation

After the development of project documentation and receipt of an act with permission to install a gas boiler, it is installed, which is carried out in several stages:

    Preparing a solid foundation. A concrete screed is poured onto the floor, or a sheet of metal is placed. The boiler must be installed strictly parallel to the floor.

    Chimney connection and traction test.

    Accession heating system pipes. In this case, a fine filter must be installed, which is usually placed in the return pipeline before the boiler. And on both sides of the filter element put ball valves.

    When installing a double-circuit gas boiler in a private house, it is necessary connect it to the plumbing. It is desirable to insert the supply pipe from above, and the outgoing line - from below.

    Connection to the gas pipeline. This can only be done by a gas service specialist.

Video description

The installation of a gas boiler is clearly shown in the video:

On this, the most necessary work is completed. Boilers with a closed combustion chamber are an exception. These devices are electronically controlled, and they are launched simultaneously with the filling of the system, since without creating a certain pressure in the expansion tank, the boiler will not work.

Operating rules

For the safe use of gas, the connection scheme for a gas boiler in a private house must be observed. In addition, the following must be conditions:

    Behindstart operation of the boiler only at normal humidity.

    Technical condition control by gas service specialists at least once a year.

    Filter installation fine cleaning on the return pipeline of the heating system.

    natural or artificial ventilation in the boiler room.

    Correspondence thrust in the chimney pipe requirements (10-20 m/s).

In the event of a leak, notify the emergency gas service promptly.

Video description

About the features of the operation of gas boilers, see the video:


Preventive measures for routine inspection of gas boilers include the following types of jobs:

    Faucet testing external and internal gas pipeline (disassembly, lubrication).

    Inspection of thermostats on floor boilers.

    Flushing or replacement filter elements.

    Injector revision, checking the tightness of the door, the operation of the igniter on floor-standing appliances.

    Traction control in the chimney.

    Checking in winter ice at the coaxial pipe of wall-mounted boilers.

All components that have been worn out during operation must be replaced.

On a note! After the repair is completed and before starting the heating system, the gas service worker checks the tightness of all connections in the line. Usually a soapy solution is used for this.

A competent preventive inspection will not only increase the life of the equipment in operation, but also reduce gas consumption.


At first glance, the installation of gas boilers in a private house is not the most difficult, the requirements for compliance with standards and safety are high. Installation of a heating system with a gas boiler requires knowledge of the relevant rules and regulations, and the final check and connection should be carried out exclusively by gas service specialists. Trust the professionals and then the gas boiler will serve you faithfully and provide warmth and comfort in your home.

After conducting gas supply to a private house, the next task, as a rule, is the installation of gas equipment.

Many apartment owners also refuse central heating and prefer an autonomous option to it, wanting to save money and turn on/off space heating when they see fit. But in order for such heating to be safe and efficient, it is necessary to comply with the requirements for installing a gas boiler.

In the organizations controlling gas supply, the necessary documents are drawn up and coordinated and By for leading the gas pipeline to the house, and for installing heating units.

One of the rather unpleasant procedures when installing a gas-fired heating boiler is the collection and execution of a voluminous package of documents. Many, faced with this process, soon rush to abandon this idea.

The main requirements and norms can be found in the document “Gas distribution systems”, which is part of SNiP 42-01-2002. In addition to it, it would be nice to study an already non-working document, but containing a large amount of information that will also be useful - this is “Gas supply” SNiP 2.04. 08 - 87. Additionally, you will have to familiarize yourself with the standards given in related documents that tell about boiler installations, ventilation systems, heating, sewerage, plumbing, safety during construction, sound insulation, fire safety, etc.

Boiler installation approval

You need to go through several instances to get approval for the installation of a gas-fired boiler. Independently, without approvals, the installation process will be illegal and unsafe, and not only for the owner of the home, but also for the rest of the residents of the house, if the boiler is installed in a high-rise building.

1. Technical conditions

For connection to the gas supply of a private house or apartment have to obtain technical conditions from the gas supply organization that allow this procedure. For this, an application is written to the controlling organization. It must indicate the approximate demand for the volume of gas per hour. The registration process takes seven - fourteen days. Upon successful completion of this event, a document will be issued - the technical conditions for the installation of gas-fired equipment. This is the permit for preparatory construction and installation work.

2. Project

Having the technical conditions in hand, you can proceed to the second step by step - development project documentation. The gas supply project includes schemes for laying a gas supply pipe from the boiler installation site to the central gas pipeline.

The project will also indicate sections of the gas pipeline crossing the section

If the dwelling is located in the private sector, and the pipeline must cross the land, then a diagram of the gas pipe is also drawn up on the site, which indicates the place of its entry into the wall of the house. The project is developed by engineers licensed for such activities, based on the provisions of the GOS.

3. Coordination with the gas supply organization

The finished project is submitted for approval to the organization that controls the gas supply in the applicant's area of ​​residence. Project approval takes from seven to one hundred days - it depends on the volume and complexity of the document. The following materials regarding the heating device are attached to the project:

  • examination of the compliance of the boiler with all the requirements that are necessary to ensure normal operation and safety;
  • technical passport of the device;
  • certificates of compliance with technical and sanitary requirements;
  • operating instructions.

All documents specified in the list are drawn up by the manufacturer and must accompany any product of this type without fail. They are transferred by the seller to the buyer at at acquiring the device - you should pay special attention to this.

If the project was rejected for the first time, the applicant is issued a document that indicates the reasons for the rejection and a list with a detailed listing of all project problems that need to be corrected.

If the project is approved, it is certified by the signature and seal of the responsible person. This document is the final approval for the installation of the heater.

Installation Prohibitions

For safety reasons, gas-fired appliances must not be installed in the following rooms:

  • in which there are no ventilation systems;
  • in hostels (rooms);
  • in bathrooms;
  • in the corridors and on the balcony;
  • in basements;
  • on the ground floor;
  • on combustible wall surfaces.

One important clarification on installation on the basement and basement: installation is only allowed in a private single-family house, i.e. if the house is not divided into several owners.

Unit installation requirements

When installing a gas boiler, the homeowner must strictly comply with a number of regulatory rules:

  • the boiler is installed in such a way that it has a free approach from any side;
  • the size of the entrance door to the boiler room where the device is installed cannot have a width of less than 80 centimeters;
  • the area of ​​​​the boiler room or other room cannot be less than four square meters;
  • the boiler room must have a window with an area of ​​at least 30 cm² per 10 m³ of volume - to ensure lighting in any situation;
  • the ceiling in this room must have a height of at least two and a half meters;
  • water must be supplied to the boiler room;
  • the ground loop is mandatory if the operation of the boiler is connected with the consumption of electricity;
  • the walls of the boiler room must be plastered;
  • the chimney must have a section corresponding to the power of the unit.

Having considered the requirements, we can conclude that a kitchen can become a good enough room for installing a hinged boiler, if it is not possible to arrange a boiler room. There it can be placed next to the gas stove.

An additional advantage of installing a boiler in the kitchen is that it provides for all the above requirements - ventilation, gas supply, proper area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room, cold water supply. In addition, by installing a boiler there, you can save a lot on pipes and keep more than one wall intact.

Floor boiler, having a massive size and power of 150 kW, must be installed in a separate room - the boiler room. At the same time, it should be taken into account that a device with a power of up to 60 kW can be installed in a room with a volume of at least 27 m³, which means that it can be installed in the kitchen.

But you need to be aware that floor-standing boilers are quite noisy, so if you plan to install the unit in an apartment, then it is better to choose a wall-mounted option.

If the boiler is hung or installed against a wall made of combustible material, it must be protected with a heat-resistant insulator, for example, a special drywall or asbestos sheet will do.

Boiler installation

Installation of any gas equipment is carried out by a gas master, its independent installation is strictly prohibited. The manufacturer attaches the boiler installation diagram to the documentation of the heater, and it will be useful to the installation master.

  1. When installing the unit in the boiler room, the floors must be properly arranged. They must be made of non-combustible material and have a drain for water. It is necessary for the selection of the coolant from the heating circuit in case of an emergency.
  2. Installation of gas equipment is not carried out at sub-zero temperatures, it must be at least five degrees Celsius. But even at too high a temperature, it is unsafe to install equipment, so it should not exceed 35 degrees.
  3. A mark is made on the wall according to the level for the bracket, on which the boiler will then be hung.
  4. If a double-circuit gas appliance is installed, then a strainer is placed on the return pipe. It is necessary to keep the heat exchanger clean for a long time. Ball valves are placed on both sides of the filter and on the boiler nozzles.
  5. When connecting the boiler to the gas supply line, a gas meter, a special gas valve, a gas alarm and a thermal shut-off valve are installed in front of it.
  6. The socket into which the boiler will be connected, if it is volatile, must be grounded.
  7. When the boiler pipes are connected to the water supply and gas supply, the system must be filled with water. This is done slowly so that air does not stagnate in the future coolant - it will have the opportunity to leave the circuit along air outlet fixtures. For the period of filling the system, the boiler must be disconnected from the power supply.
  8. Before starting the boiler, be sure to check the gas pipe connections for gas leaks. This is very simple to do - you need to knock down a thick foam from any detergent and apply it to the connecting elements with a sponge. If there is a leak, then a soap bubble will surely inflate, and if the pipe is tightly connected, the foam will gradually settle. Only after all these manipulations can the system be started by connecting it to the power supply.


It is very important to provide the room where the gas appliance is installed with good ventilation.

Supply and exhaust ventilation is a prerequisite for any boiler room

  1. The kitchen in a multi-storey building is equipped with a common house ventilation system, so there will be no problems with it. When installing the device in a boiler room, the ventilation duct is arranged in the ceiling of the room and led out.
  2. Supply ventilation can be arranged in the door by making a hole and installing a ventilation grill.
  3. Special norms are defined for ventilation inlet openings. So, for one kW of power of the device, the lattice should have a size of at least 8-10 cm² (air intake from outside the house) and at least 30 square meters. cm (air intake from the inside - from other rooms).


Particular attention - the correct organization of the chimney

Proper installation of the chimney is just as important as the ventilation system. The chimney can be made of a metal sandwich pipe that exits through the roof of the boiler room (or through the wall) and rises along the wall from the outside to the roof.

Or maybe coaxial, coming out through the wall and having a small size. Each of them is set according to certain rules.

  1. Combustion products should not get inside the room, which means that the chimney channel must be gas-tight.
  2. The diameter of the chimney must not be less than the diameter of the pipe coming out of the boiler. The ratios for the power of the boiler have been established - the homeowner will definitely be acquainted with these figures when drawing up project documentation.
  3. The head of the metal pipe should rise above the roof not lower than its ridge - this will ensure the normal removal of gas combustion products and prevent reverse draft.
  4. When the chimney is led through the wall, a hole is made for it, the pipe is connected to the boiler and taken out into the street. If gaps have formed in the hole between the wall and the chimney, they must be hermetically sealed. Such a coaxial type chimney is suitable for a boiler with a small or medium power, and is usually used for mounted models.

The head of a coaxial chimney in a wooden house


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Requirements for premises with gas equipment

Where to install a gas boiler

Boiler selection and installation standards

Before purchasing a boiler, you need to familiarize yourself with all the nuances of its installation and approval of permits and design and installation documentation. Only by reliably knowing all these rules for gas mounted and floor boilers, it will be possible to determine exactly which one is suitable for a particular apartment or house.

The problem associated with the lack of central heating and hot water supply, as well as the poor quality of these services, can be solved today by installing a gas boiler.

Boiler selection

To do this, you can choose single-circuit or double-circuit equipment. The first option is able to provide only one process, which can be, for example, heating. Whereas dual-circuit equipment guarantees two processes, namely heating and water heating. Installation of a gas boiler in a private house is quite troublesome and time-consuming, this is largely due to the fact that the master will have to follow all the rules and regulations. It is also worth remembering that the operation of such equipment is always associated with some risks, which is why it is necessary to comply with fire safety rules.

Basic rules for the installation of gas equipment

If you decide to install a gas boiler in a private house, then you will need to prepare documents and carry out certain actions. A contract for the supply of gas to an individual consumer will be needed. The installation project, as well as all technical conditions, must be agreed with the city representative of the gas service. The heating system must be pressurized to 1.8 atm.

It will be important to deaerate the heating system. The master will have to analyze the connections for leaks. A voltage stabilizer is mounted for the boiler, it is important to take care of the availability of an uninterruptible power supply. It is unacceptable to supplement the heating water with antifreeze. This can damage the gaskets, leading to leaks in the heating system.

Requirements for the premises

If you decide to install a gas boiler in a private house, it is important to check how the room complies with the standards. We are talking about the room in which the boiler is supposed to be placed. in a single-family house, it may involve the arrangement of a furnace or boiler room at any level, it can be a roof, attic, basement or basement. Living quarters, as well as a bathroom and a bathroom, act as a restriction. To determine the volume of the room, which will play the role of a boiler room, it is necessary to take into account the total thermal power of the equipment, storage or instantaneous water heaters. When installing a gas boiler in a private house, it is recommended to take into account that there are some exceptions. Thus, if the boiler has a closed-type combustion chamber, then the volume of the boiler room is not standardized, and a window with access to the outside may also not be installed.

Air supply

For the removal and supply of air, it is important to organize the inflow of the required volume. In order to provide equipment power of 23.3 kW, about 2.5 meters of cubic gas must be burned per hour. In order for this volume to completely burn out, it will take 30 cubic meters of air for an hour. If an insufficient amount of oxygen is supplied, the gas will not burn out completely, eventually a harmful substance will begin to accumulate, while its inhalation will adversely affect human health.

If it is carried out in a private house with your own hands, then it is especially important to ensure that air flow is ensured not only from the outside, but also from other rooms of the house. This can be achieved by creating a gap between the floor and the door. It is necessary to mount the boiler on the floor with a step of 10 cm from the wall, which is important to cover with non-combustible material.

Features of work on the installation of gas equipment

Installation of a gas boiler in a private house, the price of which should interest you at the first stage, involves compliance with the rules and regulations. When planning the room in which you intend to place the boiler, you need to make it so that the area is 4 square meters or more. Ceilings must be 2.5 meters high or more. It is important to pay attention to the width of the door that goes into the room, it should be 80 cm. The installation of a wall-mounted gas boiler in a private house is done in such a way that the equipment is naturally lit through the window opening.

It is important to consider that for every 10 square meters there should be 0.3 square meters of a window. Be sure to provide intensive ventilation, since the combustion of gas is carried out due to the flow of air. The area of ​​the opening for the intake of outside air should be 8 centimeters square per 1 kW of equipment power.

When installing a floor-standing gas boiler in a private house, it is important to take into account the fact that the gas pipeline pipes must be made exclusively of metal. It is important to remember that flexible hoses can only be used to connect consumers.

What you need to know about the cross section of the chimney

Do not neglect the cross section of the chimney, which must correspond to the available power of the boiler. In the event that the power of the equipment is 30 kW, then the diameter of the chimney should be equivalent to 130 millimeters. When installing gas boilers, the rules and installation features require the use of a chimney with a diameter of 170 millimeters with an equipment power of 40 kW. It is unacceptable that the cross-sectional area of ​​the chimney is smaller than the cross-sectional area of ​​the opening for connecting the chimney. The upper end of the chimney should be 0.5 meters or more above the roof ridge. In the electrical power supply system of the equipment, there must be an automatic machine that is equipped with thermal and current protection.

Features of installation of boiler equipment

If you are installing, a gas boiler for heating a private house must work in conjunction with a gas analyzer that will be able to warn of a possible gas leak. Among other things, it is necessary to take care of the presence of an electric valve that shuts off the fuel supply. If you have to work in an apartment building, installing gas equipment in the basement is unacceptable. Each device must be supplemented with gas meters. As for ventilation, it should be in the upper part of the room.

Features of installing wall equipment

When gas boilers are installed in a private house, the scheme of work allows you to eliminate errors. Wall-mounted equipment is mounted in cases where the power requirements are not too strict. Among other things, such an arrangement of equipment can be chosen when there is not too much free space. Most often, such boilers are used in multi-storey buildings. Installation of wall-mounted equipment makes it possible to provide an independent additional heating system, which can be installed even in houses with central heating. Do-it-yourself installation of a gas boiler in a private house can be carried out above other appliances that are installed on the floor, this is due to the fact that the boilers are not too demanding on free space. It is permissible to mount wall-mounted equipment in a cascade. This is useful if there is a need for significant power.

Installation of indirect heating can be carried out at a distance of 20 centimeters from other gas appliances, as well as materials that are flammable. Depending on the model of equipment and power, the distance between the boiler and the wall can vary from 30 to 50 centimeters. It is not recommended to place the boiler near a window or in an opening between walls. The power supply should be located as close as possible. Before the boiler is installed in its place, all pipes of equipment and systems must be flushed with water. This will get rid of foreign particles that may have been in the system during the assembly process.

The nuances of the work

The planks that are used to fix the boiler must be installed in increments of 0.8 meters, as for the maximum distance, it is 1.6 meters from the floor surface. It is necessary to analyze the wall for evenness and strength, it must withstand the weight of the boiler itself and related appliances. When produced in a private house, the wall is supplied with a gasket made of non-combustible material, the thickness of which should be equal to 3 millimeters. The boiler in this case is fixed at a distance that is equal to 4.5 cm from the wall surface.

Before the equipment is connected to the pipes, it is necessary to get rid of the plug that is installed on the nozzles. In order to prevent clogging of the heat exchanger, it is recommended to install an angle strainer at the water inlet. It is important to install ball valves on both sides of it, this should greatly simplify further maintenance and repair. After that, it is important to check how evenly the equipment is installed. Skewed to one side can lead to negative consequences. The connection of gas pipes to the equipment should be carried out using a steel pipe through special bends, it is important to ensure a rigid connection. It is important to apply On this, we can assume that the installation of a gas boiler in a private house, the price of which starts from 5,000 rubles, is completed.

Chimney requirements

It is important to choose the right material for the chimney, which will depend on the type of equipment and the fuel used. For a gas boiler, it is necessary to use pipes that have a cylindrical shape and are made of metal, it is preferable to use stainless steel. Such products will be the safest, most reliable and durable. It is important to install a hatch to clean the chimney. In order to make it convenient to collect soot during the cleaning process, it is necessary to leave an empty space under the chimney inlet. When installing this part of the boiler equipment, you should not make turns and knees in an amount of more than three pieces.

The pipe that connects the chimney to the boiler should be as short as possible, its length should not exceed 25 cm. The vertical section at the outlet of the equipment should be equal to 2 diameters or more. Behind this section, the pipe must be brought to the connecting section, and after it it must be turned upwards with a slight slope towards the equipment. Smoke removal in this case will be carried out due to natural draft.


The cost of installing a gas boiler in a private house will be less if you install all the equipment yourself. However, it is necessary to take into account the fact that the connection of the system is still carried out by a professional team of craftsmen. This is necessary in order to strictly comply with all fire safety rules and regulations. After all, this is the only way to protect yourself and your home from a fire that can occur due to improperly installed heating equipment.

The use of household boilers as the basis of an autonomous heating system is a modern approach to saving and energy saving.

However, all the advantages - ease of operation and management - are "compensated" by great difficulties in formalizing the installed equipment in state organizations.

Below is a "step by step" guide on this topic.

Collection, execution and approval of documents

The list of documents, the presence of which is mandatory when purchasing boiler equipment:

  1. Technical certificate in Russian with attached warranty card.
  2. Instruction manual in Russian.
  3. Certificate compliance with technical regulations and GOST R standards.
  4. Sanitary and hygienic certificate(for boiler equipment providing hot water supply).

To connect to a gas distribution pipeline, a “connection agreement” is drawn up with the owner of this network - a local gas distribution organization (GDO).

To do this, the regulations propose the following algorithm:

  1. Request for the issuance of specifications(TU) for connection.
  2. Issuance of technical specifications from GRO.
  3. Application to the GRO for connection.
  4. extradition to the applicant for consideration of the draft connection agreement.
  5. Signing an agreement about connection.

To obtain a technical specification, in the request you will need to specify and provide:

  1. FULL NAME. applicant, postal address.
  2. The amount of the planned gas consumption per hour(maximum).
  3. Copies of documents establishing the ownership of real estate (land and house).
  4. Location plan of the site linked to the general building plan.
  5. Calculation of the value of the maximum hourly gas flow(with a planned maximum consumption of more than 4 cubic meters of gas per hour).

The term for the provision of technical specifications is no later than 14 calendar days from the date of receipt of the request.

If the maximum gas consumption per hour is less than 300 cubic meters (which is realistic for household gas equipment), then the procedure is simplified. An application for connection is immediately submitted. GRO issues specifications and a draft connection agreement in one package.

The list of information and documents provided when applying for a connection is similar to the list for applying for a technical specification. The deadline for submitting the draft contract (and, importantly, the technical specifications) in this case is no later than 30 calendar days from the date of receipt of the application.

After the stage of obtaining technical specifications for connection, the stage of design work begins. The main document at this stage is the contract.

Gas equipment and its installation are the object of close attention of supervisory organizations, so it is better to entrust the design to specialists. Regulatory documents indicate that the design organization must have a certificate of admission to the design of gas supply systems issued to it by a self-regulatory organization (SRO), of which it is a member.

Documents required to conclude a design contract:

  • TU for connection;
  • copies of title documents for the land and the house;
  • topographic plan of the site (1:500) with all utilities;
  • technical passport for the house;
  • information about existing ventilation and chimneys and channels;
  • a plan indicating the exact location of the heat generator (planned or already installed);

To reduce the "headache", it is imperative to include in the contract for the design of the requirements for the design organization:

  1. About project support during all approvals and examinations.
  2. About copyright supervision during construction.

After the project has passed all approvals and examinations, construction and installation works (CEW) begin, which are also carried out on the basis of a contractor agreement.

To reduce time and save money, it is desirable that these works be carried out by the same organization that did the project. But in any case, the organization must have permission from the SRO.

Before starting work, you need to get act on checking the condition of existing ventilation and chimney pipes and channels from the fire department.

To conclude a contract for construction and installation work, you must provide:

  • title documents for the land and the house;
  • agreed project documentation;
  • documents for the installed gas equipment, including the gas meter;
  • documents for equipment under paragraph 1;
  • act on checking the condition of existing ventilation and chimney pipes and channels;

After the completion of construction and installation works, the final executive and technical documents are drawn up:

  • application to the GRO on readiness to verify the fulfillment of TS;
  • boiler service contract;
  • act of acceptance of the gas pipeline (signed by: the customer, contractor, representative of the GDO);
  • an act on the division of responsibility between the GDO and the owner of the land plot;
  • agreement on gas supply, maintenance of equipment and gas pipeline (executor - GRO);

The tie-in is carried out only after the signing of the act of acceptance of the gas pipeline. Start-up of gas occurs on a specially agreed date. The fact of gas start-up is documented by the act of connection.

Installation rules

Placement of thermal units according to the value of thermal power and requirements for premises:

  1. Analysis of accommodation requirements depending on the thermal power revealed that thermal units can be placed:
    • in the kitchen (with power up to 0.060 MW);
    • in a separate room: any floor (with power up to 0.150 MW); not higher than the first floor or in a separate attached room (with a capacity of up to 0.350 MW);
  2. The area of ​​the boiler equipment to be installed- not less than 6 square meters, height - not less than 2.5 meters.
  3. Fire resistance limit of enclosing structures- 0.75 hours. The requirement does not apply to the kitchen.
  4. Size of window openings for natural- 0.03 square meters. for every cubic meter.
  5. Room located in the house, should have a separate exit to the local area.

Installation of gas pipelines

Requirements for the installation of gas pipelines are taken into account in the design and implemented during the construction and installation works. It is not recommended to independently install gas pipelines., since these works, according to the requirements of regulatory documents, are carried out by specialized organizations.

The GDO inspector, when checking the readiness of the gas pipeline, will identify this violation, impose a fine, and specialists will have to be invited.

Installation of boiler equipment

Installation of the boiler is something that can really be done on your own.

If the boiler is already installed, this reduces the amount of construction and installation works, and, consequently, reduces the cost of their implementation.

Equipment-specific settings are set out in the operating instructions. However, you need to know the regulations for the placement and installation of boilers. This may affect the choice of design of a heat generator when buying, and, possibly, determine its place on the territory of the house.

Installation of floor heat generators

  1. Heat generator installed as far as possible from sources of open fire.
  2. Distance from projecting parts fuel generator or burner to the wall - 1 meter, no less.
  3. A free approach is provided.
  4. Distance from walls made of combustible materials and covered with non-combustible or low-combustible materials - at least 3 centimeters.
  5. Floor covering directly below the heat generator, must be made of non-combustible materials and be, for example, concrete blocks covered with a sheet of metal.
  6. Floor protrusion outside the base of the heat generator - 10 centimeters.

Installation of wall heat generators:

  1. Distance from wall, intended for installation, made of combustible material, and covered with non-combustible or slightly combustible material - at least 3 centimeters.
  2. Distance from the top surface of the heat source to the ceiling and from the side surfaces to the nearest walls - 1 meter at least.
  3. It is forbidden to place the heat generator above the sink or gas stove.

Ensuring ventilation

Requirements for ventilation in rooms with gas-fired boilers: ensuring three-time exchange per hour + inflow of air for combustion in volume.

Ventilation can be natural or artificial. A combination of these systems is also possible.

Structurally, ventilation is carried out in various ways and depends on the volume of the room:

  1. tributary- through the barred hole at the bottom of the kitchen door, the hood - through the window.
  2. tributary- through a diffraction grating in the wall, the hood - through the deflector on the roof.
  3. tributary- natural, exhaust - through the fan directly to the street, etc.

When it comes to installing a boiler in a separate room or building, it is better to entrust the calculation and development of the ventilation system to specialists. The development of a ventilation system is a mandatory section of project documentation.

Important! In a room with gas equipment, it is necessary to install a gas control system (methane, carbon monoxide). The system alarm must cut off the gas supply to the room.


As a rule, together with the boiler, assembly elements are sold, and this part of the installation work can be done independently. In doing so, the requirements below must be met.


  1. Chimney must be made of non-combustible material, with a fire resistance value of 1 hour.
  2. materials used to seal the joints of the chimney elements must be fire resistant without loss of insulating properties.


  1. More often, the cross section of the chimney is provided for round, although a rectangular section is also possible.
  2. Internal cavity has a smooth surface, without local protrusions, dents and kinks.
  3. Pipe size– greater than or equal to the size of the boiler flue outlet.
  4. Diameter change not allowed along the entire length of the pipe.
  5. External end of the chimney in height- above the top point of the adjacent roof by half a meter and 1.5 meters above the roof on which it is installed.
  6. The number of turns of the chimney over the entire length e - no more than 3.
  7. Drainage must be provided condensate on the chimney turns up.


  1. Mounting direction of elements- down up.
  2. Non-standard elements made of steel and fastened by welding.
  3. Horizontal sections mounted with a slope of 0.01 from the boiler.
  4. When the chimney crosses a wooden wall, the pipe must be wrapped with asbestos.
  5. All leaks when crossing the outer walls with a chimney, it is recommended to fill it with "winter" mounting foam.

Installation of a gas boiler is prohibited:

  • in living rooms;
  • in bathrooms;
  • on external architectural elements of buildings (loggias, balconies);
  • in rooms not equipped with ventilation;
  • at emergency exits, corridors;
  • on surfaces made of combustible materials or lined with combustible materials;

  1. All "reputable" firms, copies of certificates for equipment are posted on official websites. That is, it became possible to check the availability of these documents in advance.
  2. For up-to-date information, taking into account the local bureaucratic "specifics", it is advisable to contact the GDO for advice even before the start of all work.
  3. If only the boiler is the consumer of gas, the calculation of the flow rate, apparently, is not difficult. However, in the presence of other gas appliances, it is more rational to entrust the calculation to the employees of the same GRO. The service is paid, but, as practice shows, this is not the case when you need to save.
  4. Now there are many offers on the market for design services, and it is not easy to make a choice. Therefore, perhaps the right approach to solving this problem would be a personal informal appeal to the GDO with a request to advise a local reliable design organization. As practice shows, this approach has a significant effect in reducing the time for passing approvals.
  5. In order to avoid the problems of a "bureaucratic" nature in the future, you need to pay attention that the room with the boiler is called the "furnace" or "boiler room". It is this name that should be recorded in the technical passport after the acceptance of gas equipment.
  6. Need to understand that the hand-made connection of the equipment, in addition to the imposition of penalties, will lead to the cancellation of the manufacturer's warranty.

Despite the growing popularity of solid fuels, mains gas remains the main energy carrier consumed for space heating. Accordingly, homeowners continue to purchase gas-using equipment. The next step is the installation of a gas boiler, which is carried out in an apartment or a private house in accordance with regulatory and technical requirements. We offer to go through this procedure virtually, starting with the choice of the heating unit.

Homeowner Procedure

The device or replacement of gas heating in country cottages or premises of an apartment building is carried out with the permission of the relevant service. Moreover, you can install the boiler and make the strapping with your own hands, subject to current building codes. Employees of the gas supply organization perform 3 types of work: project development (with approval), gas connection and start of the heat generator.

Reference. Design and installation are usually ordered by the fuel supplier company, although the law does not prohibit hiring third-party companies. The issue is the cost of services and the duration of the approval procedure.

How to proceed correctly in order to install a gas boiler in your home:

  1. Allocate a room for the installation of a heat source.
  2. Buy a heat generator of the required power, compatible with the heating system.
  3. Apply to the gas supply organization with a package of documents. Obtain technical specifications (TU) for the connection of a gas-using installation.
  4. Based on the specifications, order the production of project documentation and coordinate it with the relevant service of the gas supplier company.
  5. Following all the rules and requirements set forth in the project, mount and connect the boiler to the heating.
  6. Call Gorgaz specialists who will connect to the fuel line and start the heat source for the first time.

In general, the specified procedure for installing and connecting boilers is valid in all countries of the former USSR. In any case, the homeowner receives a technical specification that lists the requirements of the regulations in force in the state. Let's consider each stage separately.

Installation room

According to the requirements of SNiP and other sets of rules, the installation of gas-using heaters is allowed in the following rooms:

In most cases, gas heating boilers are placed in a separate furnace room. In apartments and small country houses, heating units are located in the kitchen, less often in the passage corridor (applies to wall-mounted versions of heat generators).

Placement of the heat generator in a separate room

What are the requirements for the premises:

It is difficult for an ordinary homeowner to calculate ventilation by air flow in 1 hour. Hence the advice: arrange an exhaust through a channel with a minimum section of 14 x 14 cm, the optimal size is 28 x 14 cm. A detailed description of the premises of the gas boiler house is described in the video:

Selection of a heating unit

The first criterion for choosing a gas boiler is the heat output required for heating. Depending on the operating conditions, the performance of the heat generator is calculated as follows:

  1. In a temperate zone, the power is calculated by multiplying the heated area by 100 watts. A multiplying safety factor of 1.2 (+20%) is applied to the resulting figure.
  2. With a ceiling height of 3 m or more, the performance is calculated by the volume of the building - the cubic capacity is multiplied by an average value of 40 watts.
  3. In the southern regions, the area is multiplied by 80, in the northern - by 200 watts. The safety factor is maintained.
  4. The calculated output of double-circuit versions and conventional boilers working together with an indirect boiler is multiplied by a safety factor of 1.5 (+50%) instead of 1.2.
  5. If the heat generator is connected according to the scheme with a buffer tank - a heat accumulator, the power reserve is doubled (+ 100%).

The type of unit depends on . Self-flowing open systems are suitable for non-volatile models of gas boilers - floor and parapet. Closed circuits operating under pressure are best connected to wall-mounted heaters equipped with their own circulation pump and expansion tank.

In apartments and private houses, where for various reasons it is impossible to remove flue gases in the traditional way, it is recommended to install a gas boiler with a closed combustion chamber and forced air. Such heat generators are equipped with a coaxial chimney laid out through the wall. The principle of operation is as follows: air is drawn in by the turbine through the outer channel of the double-walled pipe, and combustion products are ejected through the inner passage.

Registration of permits

Let's clarify the sequence of actions a little: first you need to contact the gas workers for permission to install the boiler, then buy a heating unit, and then request technical conditions and order a project. To obtain technical specifications and contact the designers, prepare a package of documents:

  • ownership of a dwelling - an apartment or a private house;
  • the current layout of the building;
  • passport and instruction manual for the gas heat generator;
  • product certificate.

Note. The certificate and documentation of the heater is provided by the equipment manufacturer.

Boiler project example

Having received the technical conditions, pass them on to the design engineers, supporting them with the drawings of the building and your own wishes regarding the installation site of the boiler. In the absence of layouts, you will have to pay extra for an on-site examination - the technician will draw up a drawing after the fact.

Advice. Scrupulously discuss with the designers the main points - the exact location of the heating unit and the design of the chimney. This will save time and start installation work without waiting for the approval of the project.

Ready project documentation (at least 3 copies) is endorsed by the responsible persons of the gas supply organization. At this stage, it is worth ordering the laying of external and internal gas pipelines. Contact the same office or another licensed company.

Furnace room requirements

Installation Requirements

When installing a floor-standing boiler that burns natural gas, it is recommended to observe the minimum distances to walls and other building structures:

  • the width of the free area in front of the frontal part of the heater - 1250 mm;
  • side passages for maintenance and troubleshooting - 700 mm;
  • the minimum clearance at the rear of the unit is 50 cm.

For hinged gas boilers, the requirements are softer - you need to leave at least 1 m of free space in front, 20 cm on the sides, and 300 mm on the bottom. The structure overhanging the heat generator must be no closer than 45 cm, as shown in the diagram.

Before installing a stationary boiler on wooden floors, be sure to place a fireproof gasket made of basalt cardboard and roofing steel, protruding 100 mm beyond the body dimensions, 70 cm in front. If, for various reasons, the heater is close to the walls of a wooden house, they should be sheathe with non-combustible materials:

Similar precautions are taken when mounting a suspended heat generator on a wooden wall. The simplest fire-fighting measure is to place galvanized metal under the body, protruding 10 cm (down - 70 cm), as shown in the photo.

Chimney and heating connection

Gas heating units with an open combustion chamber require connection to a chimney with good natural draft. Its head should not fall into the zone of wind backwater, otherwise the traction force will drop to zero. The minimum height of the chimney is 5 m (counting from the burner), the optimal one depends on the location and distance from the ridge of the pitched roof (shown in the diagram below).

An important point. It is strictly forbidden to connect a gas boiler pipe to brick ventilation ducts made in the wall of an apartment or a country house.

General requirements for chimneys and connection of gas boilers look like this:

  1. The diameter of the pipe is not less than the size of the branch pipe of the unit, intended for the removal of combustion products.
  2. The material of the chimney channel is galvanized steel, stainless steel, brick or ceramic. No aluminum corrugations.
  3. The total length of a horizontal section cutting into a vertical pipe is no more than 3 m; An inspection hatch is arranged below the insertion point with a minimum indent of 25 cm.
  4. The distance from the metal smoke channel to the wooden structures is 0.5 m. If the combustible material is covered with asbestos or roofing iron, the indentation can be reduced to 100 mm.
  5. The maximum number of chimney turns of 90° must not exceed 3. This does not include 30° and 45° bends used to bypass the roof overhang.

The requirements for the installation of coaxial pipes of turbocharged boilers are simpler: the channel is made with a slight slope to the street, plus compliance with fire safety measures when passing through wooden walls. The arrangement of chimney pipes is described in detail.

The piping of the boiler is carried out according to the following recommendations:

  • the wall-mounted heat generator is simply connected to the heating system through shut-off taps with American women;
  • install strainers at the gas and coolant inlet;
  • for a floor heater, it is required to assemble a circuit corresponding to the heating system: install a circulation pump, an expansion tank and a safety group;
  • connect the make-up from the water supply network to the return pipeline with the coolant;
  • when working with a wood or electric boiler, provide for the installation of check valves.

Under a turbocharged heater with high efficiency, equipped with a fan and automation, install a socket with a supply voltage of 220 volts and a ground wire. Make sure that in case of an accident it is not flooded with water. When connecting through a stabilizer or uninterruptible power supply, organize a special shelf or cabinet for these devices.


Upon completion of the work, the gas service personnel will check the correct installation and compliance with the project. If there are critical comments, the shortcomings will have to be eliminated - without this, the company will not allow commissioning and gas supply to the facility. If there are no complaints, the specialists will connect the gas pipe, set up and start the equipment. It remains to take the last step - to conclude a contract for the supply of fuel.

Structural engineer with over 8 years experience in construction.
Graduated from East Ukrainian National University. Vladimir Dal with a degree in Electronic Industry Equipment in 2011.