
Drawing of an alcohol distillation column. How the moonshine column works


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At the next stage, you can deal with the heating element of the entire apparatus. To do this, you can use a conventional boiler. Having retreated some distance from the end of the wire, so that it is enough to reach the device, you need to cut off a part, you will have to screw everything back after. The ends of the cord from the boiler must be threaded in such a way that when the lid is closed, the element is inside the body. After stripping the wires, they need to be connected back.

It is important to take care of high-quality insulation.

The boiler should not touch the bottom, it is desirable that it be completely covered with liquid during operation. In the same hole through which the boiler cord passes, you need to insert the long end of the coil for the apparatus. The remaining gaps between the tube and the cord must be filled with pieces of cotton wool, making it tight enough. It is important to achieve the best sealing.

The resulting construction of cotton wool must be filled with superglue, which is made on a cyanoacrylic basis. This will allow you to get the most tight connection using composite materials. After the glue has hardened, you will be able to get a tight, strong connection. It remains to do something like a casing for a fan, so that the air washes the fins of the heat exchanger, represented by a coil.

Tetra-pak packaging can be used to make the casing. If you will be making a moonshine still, then you can use the technology presented in the article. From the package you need to cut a rectangle, the width of which will correspond to the dimensions of the fan. These elements will be used to glue the fan on 3 sides. On the fourth side, you need to bring the end of the coil to carry out the withdrawal of moonshine. In the remaining side wall, you need to make a hole for this part of the tube and glue it with the superglue used earlier. The walls can be glued together with adhesive tape. When it is made to ensure maximum safety, it should be covered with a transparent protective screen.

On this we can assume that the mash column is ready. You can use a computer power supply as a power source for the fan. To turn it on without using the motherboard, you need to close the black wire with the green one. Specialists use more compact 12 volt sources that you can find on your own.

Calculation of parameters and selection of materials

Before proceeding with the assembly of the column, it is necessary to determine the dimensions and other characteristics of the apparatus.

  1. Height of the drawer If earlier distillation columns were multi-meter structures, today home distillers use compact options - about 1.5 meters long. The main principle that should be followed when calculating the dimensions is as follows: the height of the pipe should be approximately 50 times its diameter. Small deviations in one direction or another are allowed. However, the length of the tsarga cannot be less than 1 meter. Otherwise, part of the fusel oils will fall into the selection, and there will be difficulties with the separation of fractions. An increase in the height of the column over 1.5 meters does not significantly affect the quality of the product, but lengthens the distillation time. In addition, it will be problematic to place such a design at home. The optimal dimensions of the pipe: length - 1.3-1.4 m, diameter - 3-5 cm.
  2. Material and wall thickness Food grade stainless steel is an ideal option for the drawstring: it does not affect the composition of drinks in any way. Copper will also work. The optimal wall thickness is in the range of 1–2 mm. More is possible, but this will make the structure heavier and increase costs without bringing much benefit. In addition, it is worth remembering that holes will have to be made in the walls.
  3. Type and parameters of nozzles As a contact element, it is easiest to use household stainless steel washcloths, which are used to clean dishes. To check the quality of the metal, you can soak the product in a salt solution and leave it for a day: a good product will not rust. Alternative options are glass beads, stones of certain breeds, metal shavings. The packing density is 250–270 g of the contact element per 1 liter of the column volume.
  4. The volume of the cube The capacity for distillation is filled to 2/3, while the amount of alcohol-containing liquid should correspond to 10–20 volumes of the nozzle. For a column with a diameter of 5 cm, it is optimal to use a tank of 40-80 liters, for a width of 4 cm - 30-50 liters.
  5. Heating source Gas, electric or induction cookers are not recommended. The first option is dangerous, the rest do not allow for a uniform supply of heat. The best option is electric heating with the help of heating elements, which can be built into the cube yourself. The power of the elements depends on the volume of the cube: at least 4 kW is required for 50 liters, at least 3 kW for 40 liters, etc.
  6. Type of heat-insulating materialIt must withstand high temperatures, be chemically inert. Usually they use foam rubber 3-5 mm thick, fluoroplastic or silicone (but not rubber!) Gaskets.
  7. Mating Option If threaded connections are used, a sealant may be required. It is better to give preference to putting the elements on top of each other.

Design choice

The size and design of the apparatus depends on a number of factors:

  1. Required performance. with greater productivity, the side with stuffing will be higher and wider - the pair passes more. The cooler and extraction unit must also provide sufficient efficiency. The minimum length of the tsarga is 1.5 meters, it is better to make it collapsible from three knees - 1 meter, 0.2 meters, 0.5 meters. this will allow the device to be used for both distillation and rectification.
  2. Possible sizes. Often home distillation columns are limited in size due to the height of the ceiling. To save space will help shifting the dimroth refrigerator in the upper part of the apparatus, or placing it perpendicular to the side (Thor's hammer).
  3. Access to metalworking technologies. A stainless steel apparatus will last a long time and will not oxidize alcohol, but argon welding or stainless steel electrodes will be required to connect the parts. Cooking stainless steel is difficult. If possible, laboratory heat-resistant glass can be used, but it is too fragile. A great option for a do-it-yourselfer is copper. It is easily soldered with a gas burner, there are a large number of
  4. The volume of fueled raw materials. The larger the applied cube, the higher the performance should be. Evaporation of alcohol occurs at 75 - 80 ° C, lowering the temperature will reduce the speed of the process.
  5. Budget. With a minimum budget, a simple but effective design with mechanical adjustments should be considered. If the budget is not constrained, the device is complemented by precise needle cranes, additional nodes and automatic control.

Sooner or later, almost every homemade alcohol lover thinks about purchasing or manufacturing a distillation column (RK) - a device for obtaining pure alcohol. You need to start with a comprehensive calculation of the basic parameters: power, height, drawer diameter, cube volume, etc. This information will be useful both for those who want to make all the elements with their own hands, and for those who are going to buy a ready-made distillation column (it will help you make a choice and check the seller). Without affecting the design features of individual nodes, we will consider the general principles for building a balanced system for rectification at home.

Column operation scheme

Characteristics of the pipe (tsargi) and nozzles

Material. The pipe largely determines the parameters of the distillation column and the requirements for all units of the apparatus. The material for the manufacture of the side is chromium-nickel stainless steel - "food" stainless steel.

Due to chemical neutrality, food grade stainless steel does not affect the composition of the product, which is required. Raw sugar mash or distillation waste (“heads” and “tails”) are distilled into alcohol, so the main goal of rectification is to maximize the purification of the output from impurities, and not change the organoleptic properties of alcohol in one direction or another. It is inappropriate to use copper in classic distillation columns, since this material slightly changes the chemical composition of the drink and is suitable for the production of a distiller (ordinary moonshine still) or a beer column (a special case of rectification).

A disassembled column pipe with a nozzle installed in one of the drawers

Thickness. The drawer side is made of stainless steel pipe with a wall thickness of 1-1.5 mm. A thicker wall is not needed, as this will increase the cost and weight of the structure without obtaining any advantages.

Nozzle options. It is not correct to talk about the characteristics of the column without reference to the packing. When rectifying at home, nozzles with a contact surface area of ​​1.5 to 4 square meters are used. m/liter. With an increase in the area of ​​the contact surface, the separating ability also increases, but the productivity decreases. Reducing the area leads to a decrease in the separating and strengthening ability.

The productivity of the column initially increases, but then, to maintain the strength of the output, the operator is forced to lower the selection rate. This means that there is a certain optimal size of the packing, which depends on the diameter of the column and will allow you to achieve the best combination of parameters.

The dimensions of the spiral prismatic packing (SPN) should be less than the inner diameter of the column by about 12-15 times. For a pipe diameter of 50 mm - 3.5x3.5x0.25 mm, for 40 - 3x3x0.25 mm, and for 32 and 28 - 2x2x0.25 mm.

Depending on the tasks, it is advisable to use different nozzles. For example, when obtaining fortified distillates, copper rings with a diameter and height of 10 mm are often used. It is clear that in this case the goal is not the separating and strengthening ability of the system, but a completely different criterion - the catalytic ability of copper to eliminate sulfur compounds from alcohol.

Variants of spiral prismatic nozzles

You should not limit your arsenal to one, even the best nozzle, there are simply no such ones. There are the most suitable for each specific task.

Even a small change in the column diameter seriously affects the parameters. To evaluate, it is enough to remember that the nominal power (W) and productivity (ml / h) are numerically equal to the cross-sectional area of ​​​​the column (sq. mm), and therefore are proportional to the square of the diameter. Pay attention to this when choosing a drawer, always consider the inner diameter and compare options using it.

Dependence of power on pipe diameter

Pipe height. To ensure good holding and separation capacity, regardless of the diameter, the height of the distillation column should be from 1 to 1.5 m. If it is less, there will not be enough space for the fusel oils accumulated during operation, as a result, the fusel oil will begin to break into the selection. Another drawback is that the heads will not be clearly divided into fractions. If the pipe height is greater, this will not lead to a significant improvement in the separating and holding capacity of the system, but will increase the driving time, as well as the number of "heads" and "headrests". In other words, with increasing pipe height, the increase in the separating capacity of the distillation column for each additional centimeter decreases. The effect of increasing the pipe from 50 cm to 60 cm is an order of magnitude higher than from 140 cm to 150 cm.

The volume of the cube for the distillation column

In order to increase the yield of high-quality alcohol, but to prevent overfilling of the fusel column, the bulk (filling) of raw alcohol in the cube is limited in the range of 10-20 packing volumes. For columns 1.5 m high and 50 mm in diameter - 30-60 l, 40 mm - 17-34 l, 32 mm - 10-20 l, 28 mm - 7-14 l.

Taking into account the filling of the cube by 2/3 of the volume, a 40-80 liter container is suitable for a column with an internal diameter of a tsarga of 50 mm, a 30-50 liter container for 40 mm, a 20-30 liter cube for 32 mm, and a pressure cooker for 28 mm.

When using a cube with a volume closer to the lower limit of the recommended range, you can safely remove one side and reduce the height to 1-1.2 meters. As a result, there will be relatively little fuselage for a breakthrough in the selection, but the volume of “head restraints” will noticeably decrease.

Source and power of column heating

Plate type. The moonshine past haunts many beginners who believe that if they previously used a gas, induction or conventional electric stove to heat the moonshine, then you can leave this source for the column.

The rectification process is significantly different from distillation, everything is much more complicated and the fire will not work. It is necessary to ensure smooth adjustment and stability of the supplied heating power.

Electric stoves operating on a thermostat in start-stop mode are not used, because as soon as a short-term power outage occurs, the steam will stop going into the column, and the phlegm will collapse into a cube. In this case, you will have to start rectification again - with the work of the column for yourself and the selection of "heads".

An induction cooker is an extremely rough apparatus with a step change in power of 100-200 W, and during rectification, you need to change the power smoothly, literally by 5-10 W. Yes, and it is unlikely that it will be possible to stabilize the heating, regardless of the voltage fluctuation at the input.

A gas stove with 40% raw alcohol poured into a cube and a 96-degree product at the outlet is a mortal danger, not to mention fluctuations in the heating temperature.

The optimal solution is to embed a heating element of the required power into the cube, and for adjustment use a relay with output voltage stabilization, for example, RM-2 16A. You can take analogs. The main thing is to get a stabilized voltage at the output and the ability to smoothly change the heating temperature by 5-10 watts.

Power supplied. In order to heat the cube in an acceptable time, one must proceed from a power of 1 kW per 10 liters of raw alcohol. This means that for a 50 l cube filled with 40 liters, a minimum of 4 kW is required, 40 l - 3 kW, 30 l - 2-2.5 kW, 20 l - 1.5 kW.

With the same volume, cubes can be low and wide, narrow and high. When choosing a suitable container, it must be taken into account that the cube is often used not only for rectification, but also for distillation, therefore, they proceed from the most severe conditions so that the input power does not lead to rapid foaming with splashes from the cube into the steam pipeline.

It has been experimentally established that at a heating element placement depth of about 40-50 cm, normal boiling occurs if per 1 sq. cm bulk mirrors account for no more than 4-5 watts of power. With a decrease in depth, the allowable power increases, and with an increase, it decreases.

There are other factors that affect the nature of boiling: the density, viscosity and surface tension of the liquid. It happens that emissions occur at the end of the mash distillation, when the density increases. Therefore, conducting the rectification process at the border of the permitted range is always fraught with trouble.

Common cylindrical cubes have a diameter of 26, 32, 40 cm. Based on the allowable power for the surface area of ​​​​the cube bulk mirror of 26 cm, the cube will work normally with a heating power of up to 2.5 kW, for 30 cm - 3.5 kW, 40 cm - 5 kW .

The third factor that determines the heating power is the use of one of the tsarg columns without a nozzle as a dry steamer to combat splashing. To do this, it is necessary that the steam velocity in the pipe does not exceed 1 m/s, at 2-3 m/s the protective effect weakens, and at high values, the steam will drive the phlegm up the pipe and throw it into the selection.

Formula for calculating steam speed:

V \u003d N * 750 / S (m / s),

  • N – power, kW;
  • 750 - vaporization (cub. cm / sec kW);
  • S is the cross-sectional area of ​​the column (sq. mm).

A pipe with a diameter of 50 mm will cope with spray when heated up to 4 kW, 40-42 mm - up to 3 kW, 38 - up to 2 kW, 32 - up to 1.5 kW.

Based on the above considerations, we select the volume, cube dimensions, heating and distillation power. All these parameters are coordinated with the diameter and height of the column.

Calculation of the parameters of the dephlegmator of the distillation column

The power of the reflux condenser is determined depending on the type of distillation column. If we are building a column with liquid extraction or steam below the reflux condenser, then the required power must not be less than the rated power of the column. Usually in these cases, a Dimroth refrigerator with a utilization power of 4-5 watts per 1 sq. see surface.

If the steam extraction column is higher than the reflux condenser, then the calculated capacity is 2/3 of the nominal one. In this case, you can use Dimroth or "shirt". The utilization power of the shirt is lower than that of the dimroth and is about 2 watts per square centimeter.

An example of a Dimroth cooler for a column

Further, everything is simple: we divide the rated power by the utilization one. For example, for a column with an inner diameter of 50 mm: 1950/5= 390 sq. cm area of ​​Dimroth or 975 sq. see shirt. This means that the Dimrot refrigerator can be made from a 6x1 mm tube 487 / (0.6 * 3.14) = 2.58 cm long for the first option, taking into account the safety factor of 3 meters. For the second option, we multiply by two thirds: 258 * 2/3 = 172 cm, taking into account the safety factor of 2 meters.

Column shirt 52 x 1 - 975 / 5.2 / 3.14 \u003d 59 cm * 2/3 \u003d 39 cm. But this is for rooms with high ceilings.


Calculation of a once-through refrigerator

If the straight-through is used as an aftercooler in a distillation column with liquid withdrawal, then choose the smallest and most compact option. Enough power is 30-40% of the nominal power of the column.

A once-through cooler is made without a spiral in the gap between the jacket and the inner pipe, then the selection is started into the jacket, and the cooling water is supplied through the central pipe. In this case, the shirt is welded onto the water supply pipe to the dephlegmator. This is a small "pencil" about 30 cm long.

But if the same straight-through is used both for distillation and for rectification, being a universal unit, they do not proceed from the need of the Republic of Kazakhstan, but from the maximum heating power during distillation.

To create a turbulent steam flow in the refrigerator, which makes it possible to ensure a heat transfer rate of at least 10 watts / sq. cm, it is necessary to provide a steam speed of about 10-20 m / s.

The range of possible diameters is quite wide. The minimum diameter is determined from the conditions of not creating a large overpressure in the cube (no more than 50 mm of water column), and the maximum by calculating the Reynolds number, based on the minimum speed and maximum coefficient of kinematic viscosity of vapors.

Possible design of a once-through refrigerator

In order not to go into unnecessary details, we will give the most common definition: “In order for the turbulent mode of steam movement to be maintained in the pipe, it is sufficient that the inner diameter (in millimeters) be no more than 6 times the heating power (in kilowatts).”

To prevent the water jacket from airing, it is necessary to maintain a linear water velocity of at least 11 cm / s, but an excessive increase in speed will require high pressure in the water supply. Therefore, the range from 12 to 20 cm/s is considered optimal.

To condense the steam and cool the condensate to an acceptable temperature, water must be supplied at 20°C at a rate of about 4.8 cc/s (17 liters per hour) for every kilowatt of power input. In this case, the water will heat up by 50 degrees - up to 70 ° C. Naturally, less water will be needed in winter, and when using autonomous cooling systems, about one and a half times more.

Based on the previous data, the annulus cross-sectional area and the inside diameter of the jacket can be calculated. It is necessary to take into account the available assortment of pipes. Calculations and practice have shown that a gap of 1-1.5 mm is quite sufficient to meet all the necessary conditions. This corresponds to pairs of pipes: 10x1 - 14x1, 12x1 - 16x1, 14x1 - 18x1, 16x1 - 20x1 and 20x1 - 25x1.5, which cover the entire power range used at home.

There is another important detail of the straight-through - a spiral wound on a steam pipe. Such a spiral is made of wire with a diameter that provides a gap of 0.2-0.3 mm to the inner surface of the shirt. It is wound with a step equal to 2-3 diameters of the steam pipe. The main purpose is to center the steam pipe, in which, during operation, the temperature is higher than in the jacket pipe. This means that as a result of thermal expansion, the steam pipe lengthens and bends, leaning against the jacket, dead zones appear that are not washed by cooling water, as a result, the efficiency of the refrigerator drops sharply. Additional advantages of spiral winding are the lengthening of the path and the creation of turbulence in the cooling water flow.

A well-made straight-through can utilize up to 15 watts / sq. cm of the heat exchange area, which is confirmed empirically. To determine the length of the cooled part of the direct flow, we use a rated power of 10 W / sq. cm (100 sq. cm / kW).

The required heat exchange area is equal to the heating power in kilowatts multiplied by 100:

S = P * 100 (sq. cm).

Steam pipe outer circumference:

Locr = 3.14 * D.

Cooling jacket height:

H = S / Len.

General calculation formula:

H = 3183 * P / D (power in kW, height and outer diameter of the steam pipe in millimeters).

An example of the calculation of a straight pipe

Heating power - 2 kW.

It is possible to use pipes 12x1 and 14x1.

Sectional areas - 78.5 and 113 square meters. mm.

Steam volume - 750 * 2 \u003d 1500 cubic meters. cm / s.

Steam velocities in pipes: 19.1 and 13.2 m/s.

The 14x1 pipe looks preferable, as it allows you to have a power margin, while remaining in the recommended steam speed range.

The steam pipe for the shirt is 18x1, the annular gap will be 1 mm.

Water supply rate: 4.8 * 2= 9.6 cm3/s.

Annular gap area - 3.14 / 4 * (16 * 16 - 14 * 14) \u003d 47.1 square meters. mm = 0.471 sq. cm.

Linear speed - 9.6 / 0.471 = 20 cm/s - the value remains within the recommended limits.

If the annular gap were 1.5 mm - 13 cm / s. If 2 mm, then the linear speed would drop to 9.6 cm / s and water would have to be supplied above the nominal volume, solely so that the refrigerator does not air in - a waste of money.

Shirt height - 3183 * 2 / 14 = 454 mm or 45 cm. The safety factor is not needed, everything is taken into account.

Result: 14x1-18x1 with a height of the cooled part 45 cm, nominal water flow - 9.6 cubic meters. cm/s or 34.5 liters per hour.

With a rated heating power of 2 kW, the refrigerator will produce 4 liters of alcohol per hour with a good margin.

An efficient and balanced straight-through distillation should have a ratio of extraction rate to heating power and water consumption for cooling 1 liter / hour - 0.5 kW - 10 liters / hour. If the power is higher, there will be large heat losses, if it is small, the useful heating power will decrease. If the water flow is higher, the direct flow is inefficiently designed.

The distillation column can be used as a wash column. The equipment for the beer columns has its own characteristics, but the second distillation differs mainly in technology. For the first distillation, there are more features and individual nodes may not be applicable, but this is a topic for a separate discussion.

Based on real household needs and the existing range of pipes, we will calculate typical options for a distillation column using the above method.

P.S. We express our gratitude for the systematization of the material and assistance in preparing the article to the user of our forum.

The question often arises, which is better distillation column or moonshine still. There are many supporters of each device, but definitely having a RK you can get good moonshine, but vice versa it will not work. Rectification allows you to get pure alcohol with a strength of 96-98 ° from raw alcohol (moonshine). Good alcohol has practically no organoleptics, there is no smell of raw materials, you can use a pure product for the production of homemade vodkas and all sorts of liqueurs and tinctures. At home, you can get such a product using a mini-distillery. A home mini-distillery today is quite easy to purchase in specialized stores. It is also realistic to make your own real distillation column with your own hands.

In addition to technical skills, you must know the principle of operation of this device, how a distillation column works. To obtain alcohol, packed columns are used, they have small dimensions, they easily fit in height in an ordinary apartment. The performance of such a device reaches 300-1000 ml per hour, which is quite enough for household needs.

Distillation column - the principle of operation. As a packing for the column, various materials are used that are neutral to the action of alcohol - glass, stainless steel, ceramics. The main property of all nozzles is wetting and holding phlegm on its surface. That is, vapors of alcohol from the distillation cube, rushing up the column, condense at the top and return down, flowing down the nozzle. There is an exchange of components, alcohols rise up the column, and water and heavier impurities flow back into the still. When a stable distillation column enters the operating mode, a balance occurs between the supply of steam and the withdrawal of alcohol. The temperature stabilizes in the column and during the entire process of distillation it stays at the same level, not exceeding 0.1-0.3 degrees. It is possible to maintain such a regime by good insulation of the column, supplying a certain power for each column and maintaining the necessary pressure in the system.

Distillation column device

How to make a distillation column worries many home distillers. But you can make a small mini-distillery for the home yourself, saving a lot when buying a ready-made kit. The amount will be 2-3 times less if you decide to make a self-made distillation column. All the details of how the distillation column and the drawing are arranged are described in detail below.

Each home mini-distillery consists of:

  1. distillation cube;
  2. Tsarga;
  3. Nozzle;
  4. Selection node;
  5. Dephlegmator;
  6. Fridge;
  7. Pasteurization drawer (optional);
  8. Automation.

Drawing diagram of a distillation column

Distillation cube. In another way, the evaporation cube, raw (moonshine) is poured into it for rectification. The cube is also a solid base for the column, the weight of the column with the packing is quite large. For domestic use, a capacity of 15-50 liters is usually used. The cube can be universal suitable for distillation of mash and alcohol, in this case it is advisable to use a large capacity of 30-50 liters. In the manufacture of the cube, stainless steel beer kegs of 30 and 50 liters or food boilers are often used. The container must be equipped with a heating element, which is a heating element or two heating elements with a power of 1-3 kW. As a heating source, you can use an electric or induction hob with the ability to adjust the heating power. A thermometer is installed on the cube for internal control of the bottom liquid. To reduce heat loss, it is recommended to insulate the cube from the outside.

Tsarga. The main, main part of any distillation column. All processes take place in it. A column for a home mini-distillery can be assembled from several connected parts (tsarg). Connections of all drawers are best done using milk couplings or clamp connections. Such a system will turn out to be universal and can be used as a beer column for moonshine and a mini-distillery. For the tsarga, a pipe made of food grade stainless steel with an inner diameter of 25-60 mm is used.

The distillation column for moonshine, which produces NDRF alcohol (under-rectified with a strength of 94-95 °) can be made of copper. The diameter of the column must be selected approximately 25mm - 0.5kW, 32mm - 1kW, 38mm-1.5kW, 50mm - 2.5kW. The length of the packed part of the distillation column should be 30-50 diameters, i.e. if the inner diameter of the pipe is 50 mm, then the height should be 1500 - 2500 mm. The higher the column, the better the exchange of vapor and liquid occurs in it, and as a result, the purer the alcohol. The wall thickness is preferably not more than 1 mm.

The column needs careful thermal insulation. The insulation for pipes has proven itself well, and the drawer can also be insulated by other methods by winding the twine around the pipe, wrapping it with foil tape on top. The better the thermal insulation is, the more stable the column will work. At 20-30 cm from the bottom of the nozzle, you need to make a seat for the thermometer.

This can be done by soldering a tube of the required diameter to the side. Or weld a sleeve under the sensor or thermometer. It is not always possible to find stainless steel and a high-quality argon welder, so a distillation column for alcohol can be soldered from copper fittings. Do-it-yourself distillation column from plumbing fittings is soldered very simply, it is easy to pick them up in specialized stores.

Nozzle. Today, SPN (spiral-prismatic nozzle) is considered the highest quality nozzle. It is made of stainless or nichrome wire, which should not react with alcohol and other distillation products.
The price of the nozzle is high, but if desired, it is easy to wind it yourself. In order for the nozzle to stay in the pipe, a crosspiece made of a stainless electrode for welding is soldered at the bottom of the drawer, 2-3 cm of wire (nichrome) tangle is placed on it. The SPN nozzle is not tightly filled from above and another wire wad is inserted on top.

The second most effective nozzle can be called an on-load tap-changer - a Panchenkov nozzle, it is a mesh of wire wound into wads with the diameter of your pipe. There are also ceramic rashig rings, glass balls. The simplest nozzle is stainless steel washcloths, but the effectiveness of such a filler is very low. For a pipe 1.3 meters long with a diameter of 35 mm, 16-18 pieces will be needed. washcloths.

Dephlegmator with RK selection unit. The reflux condenser crowns the upper part of the river column. Alcohol vapor enters it and condenses, turning into liquid phlegm. Part of the liquid phlegm returns down the nozzle, and the part is brought out through the selection unit. The design of the dephlegmator may be different. The simplest to manufacture is considered to be a shirt or direct-flow dephlegmator. It is made of two pipes of different diameters, between which water circulates for cooling. Water is supplied from below, warm water comes out from above. The outer case of such a reflux condenser can be made from a conventional thermos. The diameter of the inner pipe is usually made the same as the packed column. At the top of any dephlegmator is TCA - a tube for communication with the atmosphere.

Another option is a dimroth dephlegmator. It is a piece of pipe (continuation of the tsarga) in the middle of which there is a spiral made of a thin tube with a diameter of 6-10 mm through which the coolant circulates. For a column with a diameter of 50 mm, the dimroth is wound from a 6 mm tube 3 meters long. The reflux condenser is obtained with a length of 25-35 cm. This design has a large area of ​​\u200b\u200bcontact between vapor and liquid and is considered more efficient.

And the third option is a shell-and-tube dephlegmator. Several thin tubes are welded into a large-diameter pipe in which vapors condense. The advantage of such a device is its versatility, it can also work as a refrigerator distiller. The second advantage of this type is low water consumption and large cooling area. The shell and tube can be made inclined, which reduces the height of the column, which is important for a home mini-distillery in apartments with low ceilings.

Under the reflux condenser, above the packed part, there is a distillate selection unit in the distillation column. Usually its design consists of one or two partitions and an alcohol sampling tube. Partitions at an angle are welded or soldered into the drawer side. A needle valve with fine adjustment or a Hoffmann clamp is installed on the sampling tube to limit or increase the selection of fractions.

King of pasteurization. Pasteurization drawer allows you to better clean commercial alcohol from head fractions. Which are formed in the upper part of the distillation column and dephlegmator throughout the entire process of rectification. The alcohol pasteurization drawer complicates the design of the distillation column and may not be installed as a separate element, but it can significantly improve the quality of alcohol. A slow selection of heads is also carried out in time for the selection of rectified alcohol from the pasteurization box.

Fridge. The alcohol at the outlet flows hot and in order to cool it, an additional refrigerator is installed after the selection unit and the tap (before the cooler). You can buy a ready-made glass refrigerator in the "med tekhnika" stores.
Or make a homemade refrigerator from tubes like a shirt reflux condenser, but with smaller dimensions. The length of the refrigerator is approximately equal to the length of the reflux condenser or slightly longer. Water first enters the lower inlet of the refrigerator, then from the upper goes to the dephlegmator. By adjusting the flow of water with a tap, the desired indicators are achieved.

Automation for distillation column. The complex rectification process requires constant presence and supervision.
Good automation makes it possible to produce rectification, without the constant participation of a person in the process. It does not allow "tails" to get into commercial alcohol, allows you to select the head fractions in a separate container. The rectification control unit, abbreviated (BUR), will turn on the water for cooling at the desired temperature, reduce the power during extraction and automatically reduce the extraction at the end. After the selection of tailings, turn off the heating and water. The simplest automation option is a start-stop installation with a valve that stops the extraction when the temperature in the column rises, after the temperature stabilizes, the extraction resumes. It is cheaper to assemble automation for a home mini-distillery from Chinese components or purchase it on specialized forums.

The distillation column, which 20 years ago was only at distilleries, is now also used in everyday life for the production of high-quality rectified alcohol, which is an impossible task for a conventional moonshine still.

And in order to better understand what it is, what is the device and principle of operation of the distillation column, as well as how to make the unit with your own hands, you should familiarize yourself with the issue in more detail.

A distillation column is a complex device, consisting of several units: —sides—, a selection unit and a —thermometer—, which are necessary for a full-fledged rectification to proceed. This process makes it possible to separate a multicomponent mixture consisting of substances with similar boiling/evaporation points.

The main difference between rectification and conventional distillation is that, with it, the evaporation and condensation of substances is not a single phenomenon, but a constant cyclical process. As a result, a column-type moonshine still produces alcohol of the highest quality - rectified.

The device and principle of operation of the distillation column


It is located at the base of the column and is one of its main parts. Inside it, gas-liquid mass transfer occurs - one of the main phenomena in the process of rectification. It happens like this:

  • The liquid, boiling in the "distillation cube", evaporates and passes through the drawer in gaseous form.
  • Steam, having reached the dephlegmator, cools and condenses on its walls.
  • The condensate flows first along the walls of the reflux condenser, and then along the walls of the tsargi back into the cube.
  • At this moment, gas-liquid mass transfer occurs between the flowing condensate and the ascending vapor. It consists in the transfer of heat and a certain amount of evaporated substances from steam to condensate. Under such influence, part of the phlegm is its light-boiling components: alcohol and a small proportion of water evaporate again, not reaching the distillation cube, and more difficult-boiling ones: fusel oils and other impurities continue to drain into the distillation cube.

Thus, in the upper part of the column, mainly alcohol accumulates, and impurities mainly circulate in the lower part of the unit. As a result, the output is rectified with a strength of about 95%.

In a distillation column there can be either one tsarga or several. At the same time, the higher the column, the larger the area on which mass transfer takes place between phlegm and steam, which in turn improves the quality of the resulting product.

Inside the tsargi there are nozzles, on the surface of which the main mass transfer takes place. Stainless steel products are well suited for sugar and grain, and copper - for fruit mash.

In addition to nozzles, plates can be placed inside the drawers, which further increase the area on which gas-liquid mass transfer takes place, which affects the quality of the obtained rectified product.

The walls of the tsarga can have additional heating, which enhances the evaporation of phlegm that has not fallen on nozzles and plates. This addition also improves the quality of the final product.


The upper part of the distillation column, which is responsible for collecting and cooling the ascending vapors to reflux. From here, the condensed liquid flows down into the drawer.

The reflux condenser can be made according to several concepts, the simplest is the film version, and one of the most popular is the Dimroth refrigerator,

Selection node

Responsible for collecting part of the condensed phlegm and bringing it outside to the collection container. Depending on the settings of the extraction unit, the amount of condensate withdrawn also varies. The smaller its selection, the higher the quality of rectified.


In a distillation column, unlike a standard moonshine still, it is an obligatory part of the system. The fact is that rectification is a very delicate process, highly dependent on maintaining the correct temperature.

Alembic with heating elements

Although the distillation column can also be used with a conventional gas, electric or gas cube, it is much better to equip it with a heating element.

Such a feature, like a thermometer, is associated with the need for precise and fine regulation of the temperature inside the system, and hence with the regulation of the power of the device that heats the mash.

Gas valves require great skill, induction cookers have a fixed step from 100 to 300 watts, but heating element regulators allow you to change the power by 3-5 watts.

What is better, a classic moonshine still or a distillation column?

To understand the advantages of rectification over distillation, it is worth making a visual comparison of these technologies.




Taste and aromatic qualities of the final product

The taste and smell correspond to the raw materials of the mash.

Very pure alcohol without taste and smell.

Drink strength

Depending on the design of the apparatus and the number of distillations, from 40 to 65%.

up to 97, on average 93-95%.

Degree of separation of substances with different boiling/evaporation points

Low, even substances with a large difference in evaporation temperature remain together after condensation.

Very high, if necessary, you can not only separate alcohol, but also separate fusel oils into components.

The degree of separation of harmful substances from alcohol

Low to medium. The separation quality can only be improved by increasing the number of distillations.

Loss of alcohol

Large, at best, it will be possible to collect up to 80% of the product contained in the mash.

Small, losses in practice range from 1 to 3%, although under ideal conditions they may not be.

The complexity of creating and using a unit based on technology

Low to medium, primitive models do not have strict sizing criteria, equipment improvement potential is limited. Handling technology is easy and simple.

High. To create, you will need specialized equipment and a strict list of materials. For effective use, theoretical knowledge is needed.

In order to obtain a product of the same quality by distillation as in rectification, it is necessary to carry out about 10 successive distillations. It should be borne in mind that distilling an alcohol-containing product stronger than 20-30% is explosive (home-brewing is explosive by default, but in this case the risk increases significantly).

How to make a distillation column with your own hands according to a detailed diagram

The unit is made according to a simple design.

Do-it-yourself calculation and assembly of a distillation column are carried out as follows:

Instead of an afterword

Alcohol obtained through rectification is much better than distillate from a classic moonshine still.

But along with the positives come flaws: the requirements for equipment are much higher, and its manufacture is more expensive, in addition, operation also requires high skill.

Therefore, it is not so easy to unambiguously determine which is better, a good moonshine still or a distillation column, but, of course, there is an intermediate solution - a mash column. It gives a distillate, but not rectified, of very high quality, and it is easier to use it, it's all about priorities.

In the 80s of the XIX century, when moonshine began to gain popularity among alcohol lovers, no one could have imagined that distillation columns, which brought a huge amount of pure alcohol, at low cost, would become available to an ordinary amateur at a reasonable price.

To obtain moonshine, clean mash, distillation, apply distillation column. However, the design of this device is simple and can be made by hand, thereby reducing the cost of equipment to a minimum.

Let's consider how to make it with your own hands, what materials can be used, how to design individual elements and integrate it into a moonshine still.

To begin with, let's figure out what is rectification:

  • This is a process when one component is released from a mixture under the influence of pressure and temperature.
  • The heating element evaporates the mash, which passes through the filters.
  • Part of it goes back, and part goes on.
  • This is due to the fluid that enters at the bend of the tube.
  • It condenses part of the solution and returns it back.
  • The lighter volatile part goes further, to the last segment, where the water flow is.

The final product is deposited in the vessel.


Standard structure, which assumes a copper structure as a base. A material such as copper has excellent thermal conductivity, compression-expansion characteristics.

Attention! Copper does not add harmful impurities and sediments to the solution, which makes it a reference material.

However, copper has one significant disadvantage - like any metal, it oxidizes and becomes greenish in color.

Corrosion processes negatively affect the quality and purity of the product. The metal filters inside the tube are also oxidized and the whole structure becomes unusable.

Made of polypropylene

Also a common choice.

Polypropylene material used in plumbing:

  1. It is cheaper and available at any hardware store.
  2. It does not deteriorate during many heating-cooling cycles and does not crack from temperature changes.
  3. Due to the large number of forms, it is possible to build a structure with any bend.

The downside is the ingress of impurities into the solution, since part of the polypropylene evaporates during heating.

From plumbing fittings

Budget option for design lovers.

Fitting- these are metal screw-in adapters for connecting pipes and hoses.

Of these, you can build a column by twisting in a certain order. Any metal can be used for such elements (including stainless steel). There are practically no disadvantages to this design, except that it will take more time to collect and switch.

Reference! A good column will consist of all the materials described above, combining the pros and leveling the cons.

How to do it yourself?

At first, when the moonshine business was just beginning to develop, the devices were made from everything that was underfoot, so the quality of the moonshine was appropriate.

With the development of the industry, amateurs have learned to make better and better quality products, modernizing installations and supplementing standard designs with new elements.


In order to design a cube with your own hands, you will need to weld on a sheet of stainless steel, having previously bent it into a cylinder.

The bottom can also be made by welding the sheet, drained and cut with scissors for metal (you can leave the sheet uncut for greater stability). Tin will serve as solder.

You can build a sealed lid with your own hands by pasting the joint with rubber, or use a lid from a pan.

Reference! The cube can be completely made from a pan or a metal can, if the lid provides for the possibility of connection with the rest of the structure.

How to make a distillation cube with your own hands is described in the video:


The drawer is a conventional filter, which can be built from an ordinary water mixer or a plastic cup, into which a metal sponge for washing dishes will be rammed.

A few criteria that are important for a good tsarga:

  • presence of entrance and exit,
  • the ability to detach it to change the filter,
  • the ability to easily replace the body of the structure in case of breakage (therefore, it is recommended to use plastic cups).

Even a small change in the column diameter seriously affects the parameters. To evaluate, it is enough to remember that the nominal power (W) and productivity (ml / h) are numerically equal to the cross-sectional area of ​​​​the column (sq. mm), and therefore are proportional to the square of the diameter.


Used as a bait regular wire copper nozzle, nevertheless you can use a regular metal sponge.

The purity of the final product and the duration of the rectification process will depend on the packing material. You can build a multi-layer nozzle by combining several elements and materials.

Selection node

The selection unit is located on a bend in which there is no separation of the initial mixture, incoming water, and the final product.

It is desirable to perform it from copper, since plastic structures tend to expand under the influence of temperature, and changing the trajectory of the solution can delay the rectification process, or even stop it.

Reference! For example, pressure and temperature are not enough for the volatile part of the liquid to overcome the bend and be deposited in the vessel. However, a gentler curve will allow it to pass through and build up easily.

The ideal material for the sampling unit is copper or stainless steel.

Elements of construction can be purchased at thematic specialty stores, or in the plumbing department, choosing what is right for your particular design.

The video shows how to make a do-it-yourself selection node:


The dephlegmator is a kind of advanced filter:

  • It is installed in close proximity to the selection unit and serves to return part of the solution back.
  • Water entering inside condenses the heavy elements of the solution and separates unnecessary parts from the right ones.

The reflux condenser can be made of metal, iron, steel, or glass, as it gives off heat well and will contribute to the rapid condensation of steam.


Most often, refrigeration units of the class are used in moonshine stills. “refrigerator coil”. It received such a name because there is a metal spiral inside, which serves to circulate the liquid. To the naked eye, it resembles a snake that has curled up into a ball diagonally.

The work of the refrigerator is to pass the liquid through itself and transfer it into the moonshine still. Based on this, it is desirable to make the material of the walls non-metallic, since the metal cools for a long time and transfers heat worse.

The best material would be:

  • plastic,
  • glass,
  • polymer.

The refrigerator should contain only two openings - the inlet and outlet of the liquid.

Between the metal spiral and the walls of the refrigerator, there must be water or another liquid that passes the temperature well, since it is this configuration that allows you to absorb heat as quickly as possible and lower the temperature.

How to make a simple refrigerator for a moonshine is described in the video:

Pasteurization drawer (optional)

Pasteurization drawer- this is the final element of the moonshine still, which serves to precipitate and filter the final liquid:

  • It is a pipe covered with heat-insulating material, at the outlet of which there is a filter.
  • It is from there, drop by drop, that the liquid will enter the vessel.

The design of such a drawer is simple - a pipe made of polypropylene or PVC, sheathed with any heat-insulating material, at the end of which you can install a standard drawer.


Perhaps the most complex structural element that can increase efficiency and increase the overall performance of a home-made device.

Automatic control system can independently control the processes occurring in the device, turn it on and off, signal readiness.

The elements of automatic control also include touch analyzers:

  • pressure meter;
  • temperature sensor;
  • indicators of electricity and liquid consumption;
  • other.

There is no one universal scheme, since all home-made devices have a different design, length, height, volume and other characteristics.

Important! Automation can only be installed by experienced users who have an understanding of electronic circuits, the design of a microcircuit, the process of soldering and switching automatic elements. It is much easier to purchase ready-made automation for a moonshine still, and then connect it to the structure.

The upside is that it saves time. He just needs to describe the design of his device to the seller, who will select the optimal automatic control panel for him.

The device of a home-made moonshine still

Usually a home-made moonshine still consists of:

  1. a source of fire that heats a vessel with mash;
  2. after passing the boiling point, the steam enters the coil, which is filled with coolant;
  3. the temperature in the coil is maintained by the refrigerator;
  4. after exiting the coil, moonshine enters the drawer, where it is filtered and poured into a vessel.

Important! Don't skimp on filters! The more there are, the better. Some raw materials are not as good and pure as manufacturers describe them, and the result is a product of terrible quality.

To compensate for the loss from the dirtiest source, it is recommended to set filters at the input and output of each element.

How to make and assemble the simplest moonshine at home is described in the video:

Let's summarize briefly: you can make a design with your own hands.

There are no complex engineering structures in it, which means that a home-made column will practically not differ in any way from a purchased one, the materials for the columns and you can choose any of the material of the outer wall will depend on the heat transfer parameters, expansion and narrowing of the throughput channel due to thermal drops.

Attention! The source of heating and accessories can be any, however, the purity and strength of the final product will depend on the quality of all the details.

We hope that our article has helped you understand what a distillation column is, what structure it has, what processes take place in it and what materials it is made of.