
Fear in the basement

House and plot

During the construction of a house, a garage or any other business building, many homeowners prefer houses with the basement. It is extremely convenient, because there is an additional space for storing various beneficial things, and if you are lucky, here you can equip, for example, a workshop.

However, often construction is conducted on a "economical" project or with violation of technologies, as a result, a terrible and destructive enemy appears in the basement - moisture. It gradually pushes the design, and its unchanged satellite - mold fungus - spoils not only appearance and takes part in destruction, but also has a significant harm for human health. There is a question how to remove dampness in the basement?

Three reasons for dampness in the basement

Naturally, it is simply necessary to fight all this, and first need to find out the root of the problem. So, where water and condensate can appear in the basement, consider the main reasons for dampness in the basement:

  • capillary by wall, ceiling, floor;
  • directly through cracks;
  • condense from air due to lack (or deficiency) ventilation.

Now that the enemy is detected, you can proceed directly to the fight. Yes, before proceeding to work, water from the basement, of course, you need to pump out and well ventilate the room, and if possible, dry the heat pipe (fan, hairdryer).

Get rid of cracks and capillary water in the basement

Gaps and cracks - a source of moisture supply to the basement

To do this, carefully check all the surfaces for the presence of large and small cracks. Perhaps you will have to fully or partially dismantle the heat-insulating coating of the walls, the ceiling, remove the floor covering. Finding the place of integrity disorders, we close it carefully. After that we produce waterproofing work. These works are divided into: internal (floor, ceiling, walls) and external.

Outer waterproofing

First you need to check the entire building outside, because it is very often the reason that the basement floods or he just reuses, is that around the house it's just a stingy drainage system.

It includes:

    • sucks on the roof, windows, above the porch;
    • drainage pipes "aimed action", that is, melting water into the funnel of underground lavety or at least in an overhead chute;
    • drainage system around the walls of the house;

If all these components or at least some of them are missing, then this deficiency is necessary to eliminate. You should begin on top, that is, with slopes and drain pipes.

Now you can go to the next step: the protection of the underground part of the exterior walls. For this:

  1. Remove the old breakfast.
  2. Dig a pit The width of a little more than half a meter beyond the limits of the outer walls of the basement (so that you can get into it and carry out work).
  3. Thoroughly dried The outer wall of the house (natural or enforced way).
  4. We wash the wall Antifungal compositions (the choice in construction moves is simply infinite).
  5. Fracture the wall (can be clay, concrete based on liquid glass or with additives that reduce moisture absorption);
  6. Optional stage: we make underground breakfast From the head of the rubberoid. To do this, fix it on the wall of the house 0.5 meters above the level of the soil and take the basement over the edge of the outer wall.
  7. I fall asleep pit.
  8. We draw a breakfast (You can use any kind of soft roof).

If serious earthworks do not forces you, then you can do on the first time only the last item. At the same time, the sheet of soft roof must partially enter the wall of the building (somewhere 50-70 cm), and it is important for it to fasten well, for example, the same bitumen. The second edge must enter the edge of the underground basement on the same 50-70 cm.

Internal waterproofing basement

To get rid of dampness in the basement, it is necessary:

  1. First pretty.
  2. Get rid of scattering coatings.
  3. Clear slots.
  4. Separate them with cement mortar.
  5. Impregnate walls with antifungal drug;
  6. Mix all with waterproofing solution (simplest - bitumen mastic).

Pressure leaks, as well as their former places, need to close it very carefully, for example, alabaster.

To enhance the effect, you can fly the walls completely or only partially at 0.5-1 meters from the floor. But this stage is not mandatory.

You can also make new walls of material resistant to moisture, in large basements often build a new brickwork. Between the old and the new wall there must be a distance of at least 3 cm. It is important to drill holes between old and new walls so that the air from the basement goes into the outer ventilation holes, as well as in order for the moisture between the walls.

The dampness in the basement can provide an old floor, even if it is a concrete screed. To correct the situation, it is necessary to remove the decorative floor covering, close all the slots in the concrete, if any. Then wait until everything is dry, fall asleep with sand or clay - the layer should be about 5 cm, and after laying the runneroid or other waterproof durable material. After processing with bitumen mastic, you can make a new screed or put lagows, and on them - the boardwalk.


Internal ventilation in the basement is simply obligatory. At the same time, it must be a subtle-exhaust. The simplest scheme: two pipes, one of which goes almost from the very floor of the basement and goes out under the ceiling, the second is located under the ceiling and also leads out. The outdoor parts of the pipes need to be protected from melt and rainwater.

Fighting mold fungus

Two main enemies of mold are oxygen and dryness. The first we have already provided by arranging good ventilation. If this for some reason is impossible, then the basement must be aircraft as often as possible, but remember that the fungus will definitely return. The second can be provided by drying (industrial hairdryer, heat pipe, heater). After drying, you can move to the processing of walls, gender and ceiling by anti-grapple compositions.

If you have a rather old building, and in the basement, from time to time, the cracks appear (in the corners between the bricks), then as a temporary measure, you can shut down with a rag, with a bitumen mastic, and on top to attack.

In the basement, from where you need to pump water, it is worth organizing a veil - Waterproof "Glass" of metal, concrete with waterproofing or other similar material. From it we will already pump off the water with the pump.

The floor in the basement must be under the tilt, even even a small, directed one angle. In this corner - the pit. Then all the water will be collected where we can easily fight with it.

Express method for removing moisture and damp in the basement

To quickly get rid of moisture, it is necessary to organize the collection of moisture by a hydrophilic substance (perfectly absorbed). To do this, take the board, put it under the tilt in the bucket, sprinkle the board with a hydrophilic powder (lime, alum and so on). This method allows you to perfectly maintain dryness in the basement in the absence of owners.

Blitz for the fastest

Briefly all methods of combating dampness in the basement:

  1. We produce external waterproofing works (Livnevka, promissory of outer walls by bitumen, arrangement of the scene)
  2. Remove mold.
  3. We produce repair work on the elimination of cracks.
  4. We make new waterproofing.
  5. Configure ventilation.

After completing all the above, you can be sure that your home will be insured against the appearance of such an extremely undesirable phenomenon, like dampness and mold, which can hit not only the basement, but also residential premises.