
Actinidia arguta: cultivation and care. Actinidia arguta Issei 'Issai' Actinidia waiki variety description



Actinidia arguta - valuable fruit plants-lianas with tasty, delicate, fragrant fruits. Motherland-south of the Ussuri Territory, Japan, Korea, China.
Life expectancy is 100 years or more.
Creepers of this species are distinguished by their power - the length of the stem reaches 25 m, the thickness is 12 cm. When grown in gardens, they especially need strong supports.
The stem has a light gray color characteristic of the species. The annual shoot can be very long (up to 2 m or more), smooth to the touch, with elongated light lenticels, the core is cloisonne. The leaves are large, dense, almost leathery, shiny, dark green on top and dull, light green on the underside of the leaf blade. Unlike other species, during the summer the leaves do not change their color. In autumn they turn bright yellow.
Flowering begins in late June - early July. Male flowers are smaller, in loose semi-umbels, female flowers are single or three (up to 2 cm in diameter), greenish-white, almost odorless. As a rule, male plants form inflorescences of three flowers, and female plants differ from them in single flowering. And only in arguta, anthers and pollen in flowers are dark gray, almost black.

The fruits of actinidia arguta are larger than those of actinidia kolomikta!!!

On average, their weight is 5-10 g, but sometimes it reaches 18 g. With good care, fruiting is plentiful, 10 kg or more per vine. Depending on the variety, the crop ripens in late August - September. Large fruits, without falling off, can be on the plant until frost.

Popular varieties of 2013-2014 actinidia argut:
Actinidia arguta "Ananasnaya/PINEAPPLE` Female NEW 2014
Actinidia arguta `Geneva` Female
Actinidia arguta "Issai" self-fertile
Actinidia arguta "Jumbo/JUMBO` Femle
Actinidia arguta `Ken`s Red/KENS RED` Female
Actinidia arguta `Kokuwa` self-fertile
Actinidia arguta `Purpurna Sadowa` Female
Actinidia arguta "Rogów/ROGOV" Female
Actinidia arguta VITIKIWI self-fertile (fruits with out seeds!)
Actinidia arguta `Weiki` Male
Actinidia arguta `Weiki` Female

1. Actinidia has a very vulnerable root system. Plants left with bare roots in the wind or heat for even 5-10 minutes can die, and survivors are difficult to adapt after planting, stunting for a long time. Therefore, you need to purchase seedlings with a closed root system: with a clod of earth, in a container or securely packed in bags, and not older than three years.

2. Since actinidia is a dioecious culture, both female and male plants must be purchased. Otherwise, you will not wait for fruiting.
It is recommended to plant 2 male plants for 5 female plants!!!
It should be borne in mind that the pollination of actinidia kolomikta, argut and polygam occurs only by plants of their own species. Mutual cross-pollination is possible only between male and female plants of actinidia arguta, giralda and purple.

Choice of location.

Since actinidia grow in their natural habitats in the openwork penumbra of sparse forests, it is advisable to choose a place with similar conditions. But on a garden plot, as a rule, small, at first glance, it is not easy to find such a place. First of all, it is worth remembering that climbing plants need supports on which they will grow in a vertical plane. This means that they will not take away a lot of garden space. Actinidia can be placed on trellises around the perimeter of the garden and along the walls of the house or other outbuildings. It is also suitable for creating gazebos, green sheds and hedges.
We should not forget about the decorative actinidia. Lianas are attractive all year round: in winter, with a bizarre interweaving of branches against a background of snow, in spring with bright greenery of young foliage, during flowering, with a delicate aroma of flowers. To constantly admire this beauty, it makes sense to plant a few actinidia in plain sight - at the entrance to the house, near the window or near the path.

The question is often asked: “Is it possible to plant actinidia on the north or south side of the buildings?” The answer is ambiguous. These plants are shade-tolerant, but they can bear fruit well only with sufficient illumination. Therefore, it is preferable to place creepers against a wall facing east or west, in partial shade or where direct sunlight falls for at least half a day.

Actinidia planted on the north side of the building can grow and develop well too. Since the snow does not melt longer here in the spring, this somewhat slows down the opening of the buds and the growth of young shoots, which protects them from freezing during late spring frosts. However, such plants come into fruition later - when their shoots reach a height where nothing blocks the sunlight for them.

When growing actinidia south of the building or in open space, as long-term observations have shown, plants do not experience sunburn of leaves, shoots or fruits. However, with this placement, it is important to prevent overheating and drying of the upper root layer of the soil. This is quite achievable by timely mulching of the soil and watering, regular spraying of foliage in the morning and evening hours.

What neighbors do actinidia like? For plants, especially young and growing in the sun, the neighborhood of annual legumes is very beneficial: beans, peas, and even better - beans. Sown in the immediate vicinity of the vines, they improve the soil, at the same time preventing it from drying out, and create a suitable microclimate.

Flowers planted nearby as a living backdrop are only welcome. You can create a bright mixborder from annuals: petunias, asters, vervain, ageratum, matthiola, calendula, godetia, clarkia, antirrinum, tagetes and other flowering plants that are powerful enough, but do not dry out the soil.

As a rule, near the wall of a residential building, actinidia tolerates harsh winters better and rarely freezes during frosts in late spring and early summer. However, when landing near buildings, it is necessary to take into account where drops of water from the roof fall so that they do not damage young plants.

Like many plants, actinidia grows well in places protected from the prevailing winds in the area. Again, buildings or high dense plantings can be used as protection.

When placing a large number of plants, they are planted in rows with row spacing of 3-4 m and at a distance of 1.5-2 m between seedlings. The rows are placed in the north-south direction, which contributes to a longer preservation of snow and moisture near the vines in the spring, and uniform illumination and successful shading in the hottest hours of the root collar and the zone of the greatest distribution of roots in the summer.

Actinidia is undemanding to soil fertility. In nature, it grows normally on lands with a low content of nitrogen and phosphorus. However, it should be borne in mind that alkaline soils are not suitable for it. Slightly acidic and acidic are optimal, although neutral ones are also acceptable. Therefore, before planting actinidia, the soil is not limed. Otherwise, the vines will suffer, develop worse and may even die. Also undesirable are heavy, floating, clay soils with a close standing of groundwater.

When choosing a site for actinidia, it should also be borne in mind that she does not like places where melt and rain water stagnates for a long time, as well as planting fruit crops in tree trunks. In the first case, the plants get wet and die, in the second, they suffer from the drying up of the soil by powerful tree roots and from damage to the surface root system during deep tillage in the orchard. The close proximity of an apple tree is especially undesirable for actinidia. If, however, a young fruit tree is used as a support, then it often dies, strangled by a liana.

For actinidia, the neighborhood of hazel, currant is desirable. The latter is also good as a previous culture.

The best planting time is spring or early summer. But you can plant in the fall, 2-3 weeks before the onset of the first frost. 1-3-year-old vines are planted in a permanent place, because older plants do not tolerate transplantation very well.

Having chosen a place suitable for actinidia, 2 weeks before planting, planting pits are prepared with a depth and diameter of 50-70 cm, or they dig a trench 50-60 cm deep, 40-50 cm wide. Drainage from pebbles, gravel is laid on the bottom with a layer of 10-15 cm , broken brick or expanded clay, but it is best to use coal slag for this purpose.

Fertile garden soil is poured on top, mixed with mineral fertilizers and humus. In each planting pit, add: 8-10 kg of humus, 200 g of superphosphate, 50 g of ammonium nitrate, 70-80 g of potassium salt. Instead of potassium salt, if possible, it is better to use the same amount of potassium sulfate or 2-3 cups of wood ash. We remind you once again that lime, like fresh manure, cannot be brought into the planting pit.

When the ground settles, start landing. 5 cm of fertile soil without fertilizers is poured over the filling mixture (to avoid burning the tender young roots), a mound is made and a seedling is placed on it without destroying the clod of earth around its root system.

After planting, actinidia is watered, carefully tamped around the soil, making sure that the root neck is not buried, but is at ground level. They do not make a hole around so that rainwater does not accumulate there. After watering, the soil is carefully mulched. Actinidia seedlings are not pruned either before or after planting, as is often done with other fruit plants. For a while, until the plants take root (5-10 days), they are covered from direct sunlight, rays with a light cloth or paper.

In dry weather, new plants are mulched several times during the summer in order to keep a loose, moist surface layer of soil around them, spray the foliage in the morning and evening, and if necessary shade with gauze from hot sunlight, especially the first 2 years of life on the site. Remove weeds regularly. The soil around is loosened carefully, given that the densely branched root system of actinidia lies at a depth of up to 30 cm. For the winter, seedlings are covered with fallen leaves (layer 10-15 cm) and protected from rodents with spruce branches.

Caring for fruiting vines

Mulching and loosening. Every year in the spring, immediately after the snowmelt, the soil around the actinidia is loosened and covered with humus, compost, straw or sawdust, which have lain in the open air for at least a year. Several times during the summer, earth is added to the stems to prevent the root collar from being exposed. In autumn, the soil around the plants is not dug up, but carefully loosened to a depth of 3-7 cm.

Watering and feeding. Actinidia need to be watered frequently because the soil around the root collar needs to be constantly moist. The leaves also need a lot of moisture. The fact is that for the growth and normal development of vines, high humidity is necessary. Therefore, in dry weather, actinidia are sprayed. It is advisable to do this in the morning and evening.

In the first half of summer, 1-2 liquid top dressings are carried out with mullein infusion, diluted 1:10, with green fertilizer from weeds flooded with water and fermented in a barrel, or with a solution of chlorine-free mineral fertilizers (for example, 30 g of azofoska per 10 liters of water).

Cutting and shaping. In early spring and during the period of active spring sap flow, pruning of actinidia cannot be carried out. Plants weaken due to the expiration of juice and may die. Actinidia are not pruned at the end of summer either. At this time, pruning, pinching and mechanical damage to the shoots cause the awakening of buds on the shoots of the current year. The resulting young branches do not have time to mature and become woody, therefore they die after the first frost. When can pruning be done? During flowering, immediately after it and in late autumn after leaf fall. During this period, plants are formed and thinned out, weakened or drying branches are cut out. Frozen ends are removed on the shoots, which, by the way, are better seen not in spring, but in early summer.

The formation of actinidia depends on the region of cultivation, the place of planting and the type of supports. In the middle lane, they are usually grown in the form of a bush on a vertical flat trellis, using a fan shape.

After planting actinidia in a permanent place, 2-4 vertically growing long shoots are chosen, these will be sleeves - the main branches of the fan. The rest are cut to the ground. After leaf fall, the top of the left shoots is removed to the level of mature wood (or the apical bud, if it has formed).

In the next season, side shoots grow from the main shoots. In the summer, the most powerful ones are chosen and tied horizontally to the trellis, pointing in different directions. Pruning and pinching at this time is used to maintain optimal thickening and the desired length of the branches.

In the spring of the following year, shortened fruit-bearing and mixed-type shoots are formed. They are tied vertically to the trellis. The following year, the strongest shoots growing on them are again selected and tied horizontally to the second wire, directed in different directions. Fruiting shoots are shortened every year, leaving 4-5 buds above the topmost berry. Slices are covered with garden pitch.

In the future, pruning is reduced to thinning and removal of dead branches. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the specific features of actinidia. In kolomikty and polygamy, fruiting buds of the next season are laid both on shortened and long shoots. If they are cut off, next year's harvest will be significantly reduced. In arguta, fruiting occurs mainly on shortened shoots. Therefore, more intensive thinning is applied to it in combination with pinching and short pruning.
In actinidia argut, the main vine usually serves throughout the life of the plant, replacing it only in case of mechanical damage or freezing.

Supports and garter.

In amateur gardens, for the convenience of caring for plants and picking fruits, they do not allow vines to climb too high. The recommended height of the trellis is 3.5 m.

With continuous growth, powerful and durable actinidia vines in one place can produce crops for 50 years or more. Therefore, they need a strong and stable support made of metal or reinforced concrete pillars. Between them, 4 rows of galvanized wire are pulled: the first is 50 cm from the ground, the rest are 100 cm later.

In the process of growth, the shoots are tied up on one side of the trellis. Twine is used for garter. Shoots are tied with a figure eight. By the time the vines grow and, intertwining, wrap around the wire, the twine will disintegrate under the action of the sun's rays and will not prevent the stems from thickening.

The described trellis is well suited for growing actinidia in areas of the middle zone with a temperate climate. Its advantages are in the uniform illumination of the branches, the convenience of caring for vines and cultivating the soil. Where winters are very cold, a trellis is better suited, which can be laid on the ground in autumn. Such a trellis is constructed from a metal corner or pipes that are inserted into cut pipes of a larger diameter buried in the ground. 2-3 through holes are cut through and fixed with bolts or cotter pins. In late autumn, such a support, together with the plants placed on it, is laid on the ground, and the vines hibernate under the snow.

In the south, for tall species of actinidia (argut and purple), more voluminous T, G and U-shaped trellises are used.

Harvesting. Fruit ripening of actinidia kolomikta occurs unevenly, from the end of July and during August. Ripe berries often fall off. Therefore, it is better to remove the entire crop at a time, when the first fruits ripen, put them in boxes and transfer them to a room for ripening. Usually they ripen in 3-5 days, their quality does not deteriorate.

Following the kolomikta in late August - early September, the fruits of giralda and arguta ripen. They acquire a rich green color and, gradually softening, become tender, melting in the mouth, with a characteristic taste and aroma for each variety.

In September, the fruits of actinidia polygama and purple ripen. Polygamy berries first turn yellowish, then various shades of orange. Actinidia purpurea, which has bright purple fruits, ripens later than other species.

Unlike kolomikta, the crop of these species almost does not crumble. Therefore, their fruits, as a rule, do not ripen, but are harvested as they ripen. But if the threat of early autumn frosts looms, it is better to immediately remove the entire crop. In the room, the fruits will ripen, become soft and fragrant.

The exotic plant actinidia has recently become increasingly popular. Culture is a woody vine. It grows strongly, wrapping around any obstacles. Summer residents grow shrubs as a decorative element. The plant can wrap around a gazebo, arch, wall of the house. Another great advantage of the vine is that it bears fruit. Actinidia berries have a rich sweet-sour taste, reminiscent of a mixture of kiwi, apple, strawberries. Growing a plant does not cause much trouble to gardeners.

Actinidia comes from warm places, but now the plant is grown without problems in a variety of climatic zones. There are frost-resistant species that are not afraid of cold winters. In our country, the most popular types of culture are: actinidia Arguta, actinidia Kolomikt, actinidia Polygama, etc. Each species has a large number of varieties. The most powerful and largest liana of all those listed is a variety of actinidia Argut.

Features of actinidia Arguta

Another name for Arguta is Sharp. This vine has a powerful trunk that grows up to 25-30 meters. The stem is woody. The color is grey-brown. The stem wraps around any support it meets in its path. The plant looks unusual, decorative. In the gazebo, which is braided with actinidia, it is cool and fresh even on the hottest day. A summer resident who decides to plant an exotic shrub should immediately think about a support. Without objects to cling to, the vine will not be able to develop normally. It will just lie on the ground, and curl, forming a circle.

The shrub is frost-resistant. It can endure harsh winters when the air temperature drops to -30 ... -40 degrees.

The leaves of Arguta, like those of Kolomikta, change color, depending on the month. In the spring they have a dark emerald color. When the plant blooms, and it blooms with white flowers, the leaves also turn white. In autumn, the foliage becomes yellowish-light green in color, then pale purple. Leaves fall in October.

The plant begins to bloom in early June. The process takes about 13-18 days. At this time, the garden plot is filled with a wonderful delicate floral aroma. You can catch notes of tropical fruits, lily of the valley.

fruit in the garden

It is during flowering that the sex of the plant can be determined. Actinidia Arguta, like Kolomikt and other varieties, is a dioecious culture. There are female and male specimens. In order for the bush to bear fruit, heterosexual varieties must be planted on the site. You can plant 4-6 female plants per male plant. Only then will cross-pollination occur, and fruits will be tied. In male specimens, the flowers are collected in inflorescences. They have many stamens, but no pistil. The female flowers are larger. They almost always grow singly. They have stamens and a pistil.

Another nice feature of Actinidia Acute is that tasty fruits do not crumble. Even fully ripe berries are firmly attached to the twigs. The fruits, depending on the variety, are quite large, 2-4 cm each. The approximate weight is 5-7 grams. The crop can be harvested in September. Some varieties in October. The fruits are fragrant. They smell of pineapple, apples, flowers. The taste is reminiscent of a mixture of strawberries, kiwi, gooseberries. The color of the fruit, depending on the variety, is green, light-pinkish, purple.

note! Actinidia Arguta is considered a long-liver. With proper care, it can bear fruit and continue to grow for almost a hundred years.

Actinidia Arguta: varieties

This variety of actinidia has several dozen varieties. All of them differ from each other in fruits, a little appearance, gender. Each one is easy to grow. Maintenance is pretty simple. However, this does not mean that after planting the plant can be forgotten. In order for the culture to develop well, decorate the site and bear fruit, it needs to be given enough time. Each of the varieties has its own characteristics in terms of planting site, bush formation, reproduction, which must be taken into account.

Among the most common varieties of actinidiaArguts are as follows:

  • Geneva;
  • Issei;
  • Jumbo;
  • Kens Red;
  • Kokuwa;
  • purple garden;
  • Viti kiwi;
  • Wakey;
  • Pineapple.


Many gardeners who grow this varietal actinidia claim that its pinkish-burgundy fruits are the most delicious of all varieties. They are honey. A long fruity aftertaste remains in the mouth after the berry. An ideal variety for making wine.

A place for Geneva should be chosen so that the sun shines there during the day. At the same time, the wind should not blow on the bed. Like other varieties of culture, Geneva does not like and is afraid of drafts.

Important. The soil should be neutral, drained, fertile.

The landing pit should be 60 by 70 cm. Drainage is laid out in the form of pebbles and stones at the bottom. Next, a layer of fertilized garden soil with peat, humus. It is necessary to add ash, fertilizers containing nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium. It is not allowed to use preparations containing chlorine, lime. The culture doesn't like them. A mound is made from ordinary garden soil on a laid fertile layer. On it, the gardener places the roots of the seedling. The root neck should be deepened underground to a distance of 1-2 cm. The pit is covered with earth. It spills well. The root circle is mulched with straw, grass. You can use peat.

The bush must be tied to a support. The formation of the bush is due to the removal of broken, frail, old branches and shoots, which greatly thicken the crown. All varieties of Actinidia Arguta bear fruit on short branches. Therefore, it is necessary to cut the branches quite short, do not forget about pinching. Lianas do not need to be replaced during life. Unlike actinidia Kolomikta, they constantly bear fruit in Arguta.


This is a self-fertile variety. However, despite the efforts of breeders, the crop yields the best crop only if the male variety is still growing on the site. The first crop is harvested within one or two years after being placed in a permanent place.

Planting takes place similarly to the Geneva variety. The place also needs to be sunny, without strong winds. Can be grown in neutral, slightly acidic soils. The earth must be loose. Do not plant in places where groundwater accumulates.

Issei is one of the smallest actinidia. It is recommended to plant it in small areas. The culture of this variety needs timely watering.

Interesting. The formation of the bush takes place in the same way as in other varieties of Arguta. All frail, broken, old branches are removed. The bush is well thinned out. Branches are shortened. Pruning is carried out in the fall a few weeks before the onset of a cold snap. The shrub at this time should no longer have a single leaf.

Reproduction is standard. You can plant a seed, you can use cuttings, layering. The easiest way to propagate is by cuttings. They are taken from mixed shoots. The cuttings are cut from the top. Each stick should have 2-4 live buds. Harvesting cuttings takes place in June, July. The sticks are planted in a calm place, where there is a shadow. You can identify them in a greenhouse. It is not allowed to find cuttings under the scorching sun. Suitable soil is peat mixed with sand. In a month, the cuttings should take root. Branches will appear in a month. The characteristic of the Issei variety reports the rapid growth of the plant.


The plant needs pollinators. The berries ripen in October. They are very large. The weight of one fruit is about 20-30 gr. The first crop is harvested 3-5 years after planting. Feature of the variety in a short flowering period. Flowers on Actinidia Argute Jumbo can be observed for only a week. Fruits have high keeping quality and transportability.

On a note. Planting, bush formation similar to other species. Planting material in the form of a seedling is transferred to a permanent place only when it is 2-3 years old. Before being placed in an earthen hole, the roots should not be removed from the shelter. Roots are very tender. Any damage to the roots can disrupt the growth of the crop.

Jumbo also needs drainage. The variety does not tolerate acidic, alkaline soils. Reproduction is allowed both by cuttings and layering, seeds. If the root layering method is chosen, then an adult strong shoot is bent to the surface of the earth. It is fixed to the ground. Next, the soil mixture is placed on the stem. A year later, the new plant is separated from the parent.

Kens Red

The berries of the variety have a greenish-purple color. They have no aroma, but a wonderful sweet taste. The variety is planted on loose, drainage, not acidic soils. Peat, humus, leaf humus are used for fertilizer.

Kens Red ripens in the last decade of September. Until this time, it needs to be watered, but not waterlogged. Fruits are characterized by keeping quality. Well transported. Therefore, the variety can be seen on industrial plantings.


The fruits of actinidia arguta Kokuva resemble small kiwis. But they can be eaten right with the juicy soft skin. They don't spoil for a long time. They have a sweet taste with a spicy sour note. You can feel the lemon aftertaste. Positioned as self-fertile. But to get a good harvest, you need to plant a pollinator nearby.

For the variety you need to perform good soil drainage. He does not tolerate stagnation or souring.

This variety requires careful pruning. The bush is formed in such a way that the crown is not thickened. The variety needs air. As soon as all the fruits have been removed and the leaves have fallen off, the gardener should start pruning. In central Russia, the procedure is carried out in October. Secateurs remove old branches, shoots with damage, healthy branches are significantly shortened.

Variety Kokuva needs additional shelter before winter. Its frost resistance is only -22 degrees.

Additional Information. Kiwi fruits are the fruits of the world-famous actinidia, which grows in hot countries. The name of the species is Chinese actinidia.

purple garden

This variety can be distinguished by the color of the fruit. They are purple in color. Used together with the peel. The peel is thin, moderately sour. The color of the pulp and skin is the same. The flesh is brighter, purple-scarlet. It has excellent taste characteristics. Berries are large and sweet. Grow up to 4 centimeters in length.

Note. The first harvest ripens 3-4 years after planting.

The planting hole for the crop should be 60 cm deep and 60 cm wide. Stones, expanded clay are placed at the bottom. For drainage - soil mixture. It needs to be prepared from peat, garden soil with sand, humus, fertilizers. After that, earth is poured onto the soil mixture in the form of a mound. Actinidia roots are placed on it. Everything is sprinkled with earth, well spilled and mulched with hay.

The fruits are harvested in early October. Before winter, the plant is removed from the support and covered with peat, hay or film.

Reproduction is allowed by layering, cuttings, seeds. The formation of the bush is normal.

Viti kiwi

The variety is self-fertile, high-yielding. Often grown commercially. The fruits are juicy, outwardly resemble very small elongated green apples. In the context, they can be mistaken for pitted kiwi.

Important. You can not plant in a place where the wind blows, little light and cold. Does not tolerate acidification of the soil. It must have drainage. Landing often takes place on a hill to exclude the accumulation of groundwater.

A distinctive feature of the variety is that there are no seeds in the berries of Viti kiwi. Therefore, the variety propagates only by layering, cuttings. Cuttings planted in a greenhouse must be covered for the winter so that they do not freeze.

Particular attention to the care of the culture should be given to timely watering.


You can plant on the site, both the male variety of Veiki and the female. Berries have a sweet taste with sourness. Light green color. In places where sunlight falls, reddish spots form on the fruits. Wake is ideal for decorating the site. In addition, the variety is abundant. Up to 10 kg of selected berries are collected from a bush. Landing takes place according to traditional technology. The bush grows a lot. Careful pruning and pinching of twigs is necessary every autumn.

Reproduction by seeds and vegetatively is allowed. Seeds of the variety can be stored in the refrigerator for quite a long time. Before planting, they are removed to the cellar, where they are stratified. They should be removed to the cellar in December. At an air temperature of about + 3 ... + 5 degrees Celsius, the seeds will lie for 80-90 days. In March, they are placed in a container with loose, light soil and cleaned in heat. For example, they leave it in a living room, where it is about +25 degrees Celsius. Do not place a container with earth under the sun's rays. In mid-May, the container is transferred to fresh air. It is better to put them in a shady place. Shoots by July-August should get stronger. At this time, they can be planted in a greenhouse. For the winter they cover with leaves, hay.

Important! Reproduction by seeds has several significant disadvantages. Firstly, the method is too long, requiring painstaking work with seed material. Secondly, Arguta, grown from seed, bears fruit only 6-7 years after planting. Third, plants that emerge from seed may not have the characteristics of the mother plant. Often they change gender. You can find out which bush has grown only after the first flowering.


The variety is named so because of the bright pineapple flavor. The description of the berries contains information about the rich taste, reminiscent of sweet gooseberries and kiwi. The fruits are bicolor. From the side where the sun does not fall - light green. On the sunny side - reddish-pink.

The soil in the garden where actinidia will grow is selected neutral, loose, with a sufficient amount of peat and sand. Drainage, which falls asleep at the bottom of the landing pit, should not consist of building rubble. This product contains lime, and it affects the acidity of the soil, significantly reducing it.

It is worth paying attention to the formation of the crown of the vine. The pineapple bush needs to be trimmed more carefully than many others. If the crown is allowed to thicken, you can lose the crop. Pruning is recommended in late autumn. Pineapple liana can be very stretched, so it must be planted away from other varieties. It is better if she has neighbors who are at a distance of 2 meters.

Pros and cons of the variety

Advantages of varieties of the species:

  1. Frost resistance. Almost all of the listed varieties are frost-resistant. Arguta Geneva endures winter without additional shelter, when the temperature drops to -30 ... -35 degrees. Jumbo, Pineapple, Waiki have similar characteristics;
  2. high yield gives Veiki, Viti kiwi. 10 kg of berries are removed from the bush. Regular varieties give 5-7 kg;
  3. Excellent fruit taste. Varieties of Arguta are distinguished by a rich sweetish taste with a pleasant sourness. The Geneva variety is considered the sweetest. According to reviews, its fruits have a honey taste, melt in the mouth. The berries of the varieties Kokuva, Purple Garden have very pleasant taste characteristics. They can be consumed directly with soft skins;
  4. Very nice looking shrub. Varieties of Kolomikty Acute are distinguished by a powerful crown, strong stem. The leaves change color, and the berries can be seen in a variety of shades. For example, in Purple Garden they are burgundy-pink, and in Pineapple they are light green-red;
  5. Lightness and transportability. Varieties Kens Red, Jumbo at a temperature of 0 ... + 3 degrees can be stored for several months;
  6. Berries do not fall. Unlike varieties of actinidia Kolomikta, varieties of Arguta can boast of a long stay on the twigs even after ripening.

Disadvantages of varieties of the species:

  1. Requires additional shelter before winter. The variety Kokuva needs it. Its frost resistance is only -22 degrees;
  2. Required timely watering. In this case, waterlogging of the soil should not be allowed. This is especially true for the varieties Issei, Viti kiwi;
  3. All varieties require special arranging a landing pit. There should be drainage at the bottom of it. It is made from stones. Do not use materials containing lime, for example, crushed stone;
  4. Before boarding you need prepare the ground. Arguta varieties will not grow in acidic or alkaline soils. They need fertile neutral lands.

Actinidia Arguta is a decorative and useful inhabitant of the garden. It is distinguished by a massive crown, which can wrap around any obstacle, decorating buildings. If you know the main points in growing, breeding, then both an experienced gardener and a beginner can plant any of the varieties.

If you have always wanted to plant an unusual plant on your site, then Actinidia arguta is for you. It is rarely found in gardeners' plots, but at the same time it looks wonderful and gives delicious fruits. Of the advantages, it is also worth noting unpretentiousness and resistance to frost. Learn more about this pet below.

General description of culture

The name of this plant in Latin means "sharp", it came to our latitudes from Asian countries - Japan, China. In Russia, this perennial deciduous liana is found in natural conditions in the Far East, the Kuriles.

The life span of one actinidia argut creeper is 70–90 years.

Stem and leaves

In nature, the actinidia stem can reach 20–30 m in height, and be only 20 cm thick. In favorable conditions, when grown in garden plots, the vine can reach 7 m or more. Growing, the shoots become woody, acquire a gray-brown hue. Throughout the growing period, the plant needs a support along which it can climb. The leaves bloom in early spring and look spectacular all season long. A bright green hue turns into light green with the beginning of flowering. By autumn, the leaves become lemon, gradually changing color to raspberry and burgundy, and in the second half of October they fall off. The shape of the leaves is a pointed ellipse, 10 cm long, with small teeth along the edges.

Flowering and type of pollination

The flowers are white or greenish in color, 2 cm in diameter. Flowering lasts 2.5 weeks, starting from the end of May. The pollen is almost black in color. Actinidia arguta is a dioecious plant, so both male and female flowers are required for fruiting. Interestingly, the proportion should be about 1 to 5 or 2 to 5. Currently, breeders have bred self-fertile varieties, but in practice, small fruits ripen, and the yield drops. Plants can be distinguished at the flowering stage - male flowers are small, in the form of a corymb or an umbrella, collected in inflorescences, they have many stamens in the absence of a pistil, while female flowers are large, solitary (less often collected in 3).

Fruit quality, yield

In appearance, the fruits are similar to small kiwi or feijoa, whose average weight is 5 g. The pulp is tender, has a sweet and sour pleasant taste and rich aroma. Most of the varieties are green in color, sometimes with dark stripes, but varieties with raspberry thin skins have now been bred.

Under favorable conditions, the vine bears fruit well - up to 20 kg of berries can be removed per year. The fruits do not fall off for a long time even under non-ideal conditions. Usually, actinidia begins to bear fruit in early autumn, in the middle latitudes (for example, the Moscow region), the berries are picked a little unripe and left to ripen in a dry, dark place.

Note! Unripe fruits are inedible and can cause indigestion, so it is best to be patient and wait for full ripening.

Frost and disease resistance

As mentioned above, actinidia tolerates adverse conditions well. Many varieties are able to tolerate frosts down to -30˚С. As for insects, they rarely damage the plant. Cats are a great danger, they can expose the roots and damage them and shoots, trying to get to the juice. The plant is also not subject to frequent diseases. Sometimes there are various types of mold and rot caused by too much moisture.

Harvest use

Harvest of actinidia is eaten. Fruits contain much more vitamin C than blackcurrant, lemon, as well as vitamins:

  • carotene;
  • organic acids.

During heat treatment, useful substances are not lost, so you can safely cook from berries:

  • jams;
  • jams;
  • jelly;
  • compotes, etc.

It also retains a pleasant aroma.

Make blanks in enameled dishes without chips so that vitamin C is not lost, store finished products in jars in a dark place.


Currently, a large number of different varieties are offered, you can buy and grow actinidia on the territory of almost all of Russia due to its frost resistance. There are two varieties of actinidia - arguta and kolomikta.

The names of the varieties may be the same, so when buying, pay attention to this. Under natural conditions, the kolomikta reaches only 10 m; it is recognized as the most resistant to cold. Kolomikta berries contain more vitamin C, while arguta has a better yield.

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VarietyFruiting termsCharacteristicsDescription of the fruit
"Geneva"You can harvest in the first half of SeptemberIt grows well and bears fruit in sunny areas, protected from wind and freezing. Able to survive frosts down to -30˚СLarge barrel-shaped fruits with purple skin, weighing 5–8 g. They have a honey flavor
"Issei" ("issai", "issei")Fruits can be harvested in late September - early OctoberIn summer, it does not tolerate drying out and the proximity of groundwater, keep this in mind when planting and leaving. In winter, it can withstand temperatures down to -25˚С. Positioned as a self-fertile variety. Compact liana for a summer cottage, ovaries appear in the first yearThe description of the fruits of the variety is not much different from most. Small sweetish berries up to 4 cm long, weight 10-15 g. Ripe fruits quickly soften and fall off
"Jumbo"Harvest takes place in the second half of SeptemberLiana can reach 8 m in height, tolerates frosts down to -28˚С. "jumbo" has a high yield, but a pollinator is needed ("bayern kiwi").Fruits elongated up to 6 cm with a green or yellowish skin, weighing 25–30 g
"Kokuva"Harvested from mid-SeptemberPositioned as a self-pollinating variety. The plant is able to tolerate frosts down to -22˚С. The proximity of groundwater and acidification of the soil negatively affectMedium-sized fruits 2–2.5 cm long with a lemon aroma. Taste sweet, slightly sour
"Pineapple" ("anna")Fruiting in the second half of OctoberIt can reach a height of 10 m. In the hot season, it requires frequent watering, as well as regular sanitary pruning. cold hardy plantThe name of the variety was due to the bright aroma of the pulp, and the pleasant sweet and sour taste resembles kiwi. There is practically no core and seeds inside. In places exposed to the sun, the fruits turn crimson.
"Purple garden"Harvest ripens in late September or early OctoberThere can be both male and female plants. For fruiting, a pollinator is required (varieties "zeya's daughter", "giantess" are suitable)The variety got its name due to the color of the berries - burgundy and purple. Fruit length 4 cm, weight 6 g
VitikiviHarvested in late SeptemberSelf-fertile variety, able to bear fruit already in the second season. Male creepers provoke a larger harvest. Frost resistance up to -26˚СRegular oval fruits with shiny green skin. No seeds inside
"Primorskaya"The fruits ripen at the end of SeptemberThe creepers are covered with brown matte bark, the plant itself does not suffer from diseases and rarely attracts the attention of pests. Tolerates cold down to -20˚СBerries about 3 cm, weight 8 g, covered with green skin. The taste is sweet and sour, the aroma resembles apples
"September"The fruits ripen in AugustFemale grade. Two types of actinidia have it: kolomikta and argut, so when buying, you need to specify the type of plant. It reaches a height of 7-8 m, life expectancy - 30-40 years. It is frost-resistant - up to -40 ˚СBerries about 2 cm, deep green, with dark stripes. The flesh is tender and sweet
"Taiga Emerald"Ripening - at the end of AugustLiana reaches a height of 3-4 m, can grow both in the sun and in partial shade. Frost resistance up to -30˚СFruits up to 3 cm long and weighing 4 g. The name of the variety was due to the emerald skin. Tastes like strawberry
"Roguw"The fruits ripen in late September - early OctoberFemale variety, requires pollination. Begins to bear fruit in 3-4 years, requires well-drained moist soil. Withstands frosts down to -28˚С.Fruits up to 3 cm in length, have a sweet and sour taste. Suitable for use with peel
"Wake"You can harvest in OctoberTolerates frosts down to -30˚СThe fruits are smooth, with a green skin. Sides facing the sun may acquire a brown tint. Berries can be picked unripe, they will ripen at home

There are varieties that are rarely found in private gardening, for example, "mail" ("mail") - a male plant, blooms in June, it is enough to plant 1 plant for 6-8 females, "cassiopeia", "ganiber" - belong to the type of kolomikta.

Landing features

Actinidia can be planted both in autumn and in spring. Autumn planting is suitable for warm regions in which unexpected frosts rarely occur. At the same time, at least two months should remain until the first cold snap. But the spring landing is suitable for a temperate climate, where cooling can be unpredictable. The best period is the beginning of May, before the sap flow is activated.

As for the choice of location, actinidia does not like the bright sun, it often gets burned (especially young seedlings), so settle the pet in partial shade. It is also not necessary to overdo it with dimming - with a lack of sunlight, the yield and quality of fruits are reduced.

Note! So that there is a natural or artificial barrier from the north near the landing site to protect against cold winds.

The soil for the liana should be nutritious, slightly acidic or neutral in reaction (5.0–5.6), loamy or sandy loam. Not suitable:

  • dense clay;
  • muddy;
  • peat soil.

Also places where groundwater is closer than 1 m from the surface. The plant is planted in holes 70 cm deep with a diameter of 50–60. If a hedge is planned, the distance between the pits is 50 cm, otherwise they are left 2–3 m each. Also, install an arch, a wall, a trellis in advance, along which the vine will crawl, because after planting their device can damage the root system.

A pit for a seedling is prepared 2-3 weeks before planting. A drainage layer of about 10 cm is necessarily placed at the bottom (expanded clay, small pebbles, crushed bricks are suitable). Next, add to the extracted soil:

  • humus - 20 l;
  • superphosphate - 160-180 g;
  • potassium sulfate - 60 g.

Potassium in a mixture of mineral fertilizers can be replaced with wood ash. But exclude chlorine products. Also, the plant does not like lime, so you should not adjust the pH balance of the substrate with it. Plant male and female plants evenly, in a ratio of 1:3–1:8, arrange shoots on trellises so that both female and male flowers are on the building.

Care rules

Growing actinidia arguta does not require constant attention, but it should be provided with proper care, then it will please both the appearance and the fruits. Thanks to its unpretentiousness, even beginner gardeners can do it.

Watering and fertilizing

When watering, it is important to find the perfect balance - the plant does not like waterlogging and drought, both can adversely affect the pet and even kill it. When determining the frequency, evaluate the current climatic conditions. During heavy rains, watering can be removed, and during severe drought, at least 10 liters per day will be required to moisten the plant. The best way is sprinkling or watering from a watering can. In extreme heat in the evenings, the leaves are still sprayed. After each watering, the soil around the base of the vine is loosened, if necessary, the mulch layer is updated.

Do all these procedures carefully, as the roots of the plant are close to the surface. Fertilizers are applied 3 times a year: The first time is added in mid-April. Around the trunk, 20–25 g of urea, ammonium sulfate, and ammonium nitrate are distributed in dry form. Humus is added every two years (up to 20 liters). Before fruit development begins, it is watered with a solution of 50–60 g of simple superphosphate and 25–30 g of potassium sulfate (proportions per 10 l). Repeatedly the same top dressing is carried out in the fall two weeks after the end of fruiting. You can also use an infusion of wood ash (2 liters of ash per 5 liters of boiling water) or complex fertilizers ("Autumn", "AVA").

Shaping and tying to the trellis

Since actinidia grows quickly, pruning should be done at least once a year. This will keep the plant neat. The procedure is carried out about a month before frost, after the leaves fall, or at the very end of winter, so that the sections have time to at least “heal” a little. In no case do not cut during active sap flow! Pruning is carried out for the third season after the pet is planted in the ground: all non-fruitful, dried and broken shoots are removed, as well as crookedly growing ones (down, thickening the crown). The rest are pruned by about 1/3 to stimulate the growth of shoots. At the end, the shoots are fixed on a trellis or other prepared structure, directed vertically or fanned out. The following year, the cut shoots are turned perpendicular to these.

Every decade, anti-aging pruning is carried out - shoots older than 8–10 years old are removed, leaving 20–30 cm.

Methods for controlling diseases and pests

As mentioned above, actinidia is not subject to frequent diseases, but various types of mold and rot can occur. This problem is solved by reducing irrigation (if it is not rain) and the use of fungicides, Bordeaux liquid, copper sulfate.

How to prepare for winter

Only young plants up to 5 years old need preparation for winter, older ones are able to winter on their own. You only need to remove all plant debris near the trunk and renew the mulch layer, making it 12-15 cm thick. Young vines are removed from the trellis, carefully laid out on the ground, then covered with fallen leaves, straw, covered with spruce branches, air-permeable covering material is placed on top . After snow falls over a sheltered plant, a snowdrift is formed. 2-3 times per season it needs to be updated - break the crust and pour snow.

Reproduction methods

There are several ways to propagate actinidia, which one to choose is up to you. layering. This method gives good results. The lower 2-3-year-old shoots are laid on the ground in prepared grooves, pressed with horns in several places and covered with earth so that side shoots remain outside. After that, water thoroughly. Roots will begin to form by autumn. A year later, in the spring, new plants can be separated from the mother and planted in a permanent place. cuttings. This method allows you to quickly get a large number of plants. A 2-year-old shoot is cut off, then segments with 4-5 buds or two internodes are harvested. Then an oblique cut is made at one end, roots develop better from it. The cuttings are wrapped in a damp cloth, placed in a warm place. After a week, you can plant in the ground.

Use in landscape design

The plant is widely used in landscape design. Thanks to the "creep" hedges are excellent, arbors and verandas are beautifully decorated. An unsympathetic building can be "camouflaged" with this plant. Actinidia of any variety will not only be an excellent decoration for your site, but also a source of tasty and healthy fruits. In addition, unpretentiousness in conditions and care will not take you much time. Is this not a reason to acquire this plant ?!

Of the Far Eastern species, Actinidia kolomikta with clusters of sweet and sour fruits and decorative foliage is rightfully recognized as the most popular. Actinidia arguta will not decorate the garden with pink and white flashes, like its relative, but it will endow miniature kiwi with a crop.

Compared to actinidia kolomikta, plants of this species are much more powerful and taller. Tree-like vines, reaching a height of seven meters, live up to 70–90 years, starting from the age of 5 to supply the gardener with rather large fruits with sweet or pleasantly sweet and sour fruits.

A distinctive feature of actinidia argut is abundant fruiting and excellent preservation of the ovary, which crumbles a little even under adverse conditions. In addition, there are varieties that give fruits not only green, but also an unusual purple hue.

The selection of actinidia in the USSR was first taken up even before the Great Patriotic War. Taking wild plants from the Far East as a basis, scientists obtained the first varieties that became the prototypes of modern varieties of actinidia argut. However, even then it was far from the present diversity.

In the list of varieties available for cultivation in Russian summer cottages, today there are several dozen productive, winter-hardy varieties from domestic and foreign breeders.

Actinidia arguta Geneva (Geneva)

This variety of late ripening is well known to culture fans. Large, barrel-shaped fruits are ready for harvest in the first half of September, have a recognizable barrel-shaped shape and a weight of 5 to 8 grams.

Green-brown ovaries change color as they mature, becoming completely reddish. This American-bred Actinidia arguta variety will grow and fruit comfortably in full sun, sheltered from the wind and danger of freezing during the spring cold spell. In winter, the plant is not afraid of frosts down to -30 ° C.

Thanks to the honey taste and bright aroma, the fruits of actinidia arguta Geneva, sweet with a pleasant sourness, will appeal to the most demanding gourmets. The main thing is to harvest a bountiful harvest in time, otherwise the softened fruits of actinidia may fall off.

The first ovaries on the vine are formed in the fourth year.

Actinidia arguta Issai (Issai)

The variety of actinidia arguta of Japanese origin is interesting in that its plants do not depend much on the presence of special varieties of pollinators. Thanks to the ability to self-pollinate, even from one female plant of actinidia argut Issei, you can get an excellent harvest of sweetish, pleasant-tasting fruits ripening in late September. Their sizes are not large and do not exceed 3–4 cm in length.

This is not the only advantage of culture. The first ovaries on plants do not appear a few years after planting, but almost in the first year. This is due to the compactness of the vine, which grows to a height of only three meters and is perfect for small summer cottages.

The plant withstands frosts down to -25 ° C, but in the summer it does not tolerate drying out and the proximity of groundwater, this must be taken into account when planting and caring, as in the photo, for actinidia argut.

Variety of actinidia arguta Jumbo (Jumbo)

The variety of actinidia arguta, created by Italian breeders, is distinguished by elongated, up to 6 cm, fruits of green or yellowish color, high yield and excellent safety. The first ovaries on the vines of actinidia argut Jumbo appear 3–4 years after planting the seedlings in the ground. Stable fruiting begins after another 2-3 years.

Large, weighing up to 30 grams, fruits are a kind of champions among the cultivars of this species. They are not as fragrant as actinidia arguta Geneva, but they have an excellent sweet taste and are stored fresh for a long time. The harvest is in the second half of September.

In winter, tall plants reaching eight meters in height tolerate frosts down to -28 ° C without visible damage.

Actinidia arguta Kens Red (Ken's Red)

Greenish-red with a purple tint, the fruits of this New Zealand variety of actinidia arguta are very attractive. Despite the lack of aroma, due to the high density of berries and their good taste, this crop is a welcome resident of summer cottages and even industrial plantings.

Strong barrels - the fruits of actinidia arguta Kens Red ripen by the end of September, have a length of up to 4 cm, retain consumer qualities for a long time, do not crumple during transportation and storage. Plants are quite frost-resistant and without shelter tolerate colds down to -25 ° C.

Variety of actinidia arguta Kokuwa (Kokuwa)

Foreign breeders are actively working to obtain not only productive, but also self-pollinating varieties. Japanese craftsmen created the Kokuwa variety of just this kind. For the formation of an ovary, plants do not need additional pollinators, which greatly simplifies the planting and care of actinidia argut, as in the photo it regularly brings a mass of medium-sized edible fruits with a lemon aroma.

Harvesting begins in mid-September, and when the berries are removed, the vines must be pruned, removing weakly ripened, old, damaged shoots, as well as branches that interfere with the airing of the crown.

The shoots curl, so the plants can be used not only as a fruit crop, but also as a means of landscaping arbors, terraces, for zoning the garden using trellises.

Actinidia arguta Purpurna Sadowa (Purpurna Sadowa)

One of the most famous arguta was obtained by Ukrainian enthusiasts and today it is grown not only in their homeland, but also in Russia, in the near and far abroad.

The highlight of the variety is the original purple color of the fruits and their pulp, which gave the name to the fruit crop. But color is not the only advantage of the actinidia argut Purpurna Sadov. The fruits have an excellent sweet-sour taste, attractive aroma and juicy pulp, hidden under the edible skin.

Fruiting begins in the third year, harvesting is carried out in the first decade of October. With the right place for planting and care, actinidia argut, as in the photo, consistently gives a crop of beautiful fruits up to 4 cm long. In winter, plants do not freeze at temperatures down to -25 ° C.

Actinidia arguta VitiKiwi (VitiKiwi)

A self-fertile variety of actinidia arguta that has proven itself in private gardens and in industrial cultivation. Without neighborhood with varieties of pollinators, actinidia arguta VitiKiwi bears fruit abundantly, providing the gardener with beautiful, regular oval-shaped green fruits with thin skin and tasty juicy pulp.

A feature of the berries of this variety is the frequent absence of seeds inside the pulp, which even more attracts the attention of gourmets.

The variety grows well, so in the fall, after harvesting the fruits, the plants must be pruned, thinning the crown and removing the growth that did not have time to ripen.

Actinidia arguta Weiki (Weiki)

The German actinidia arguta variety is famous for being an excellent pollinator for other self-sterile varieties, and a source of tasty, medium-sized, round-oval fruits.

Female plants of actinidia arguta Veiki are very productive. And their fruits not only bring joy to gourmets and adherents of a healthy diet, but also to aesthetes. Against a green background, a bright red-brown blush, which forms on the berries turned to the sun, looks very decorative. Petioles of green leaves are also painted in purple or reddish tones.

Actinidia arguta of this variety is excellent for Russian conditions, since it is not afraid of frosts down to -30 ° C.

Actinidia arguta Pineapple

Among the varieties of domestic breeding most often mention actinidia arguta Pineapple with oval, sour-sweet fruits that ripen in October. The name of this variety is due to the exquisite fruity aroma that spreads around, one has only to cut a thin, edible skin.

Plants are exceptionally frost-resistant, unpretentious and require regular sanitary pruning from the gardener, as well as frequent watering, especially during the hot season.

Video about the types and varieties of actinidia