
Vneyzhevich Alexander Maksimovich in a brief biographical encyclopedia. Biography Knyjhevich Finance Minister


The pseudonym, under which Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov writes to the political figure. ... In 1907 he spoke without successful candidate in the 2nd State Duma in St. Petersburg.

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No one of our big poets have such a number of right away from all points of view of the poems; Many poems he himself bequeathed not to include in the collection of his writings. Nekrasov did not even stand in their masterpieces: and in them suddenly grown the ear prosaic, sluggish verse.

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... Feldmarshal Kamensky publicly called him "a state thief, bribe, fool durable."

Popular biographies

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Slonde: Knappe - Kyhelbecker. A source: t. 9 (1903): Knappe - Kyhehelbecker, p. 5-10 ( scan · Post.) Other sources: MESBE: ESBE

Knyajevich, Alexander Maksimovich, Minister of Finance, Rod. October 11, 1792 in Ufa, mind. On March 2, 1872, his father, the Serbian native, arrived in Russia in 1773 and was adopted by the service in Kavaleargard; Subsequently, he consisted in the civil service - the prosecutor of the Upper Zemsky court, the provincial prosecutor in Ufa, and from 1797 in Kazan, where he was then the chairman of the Kazan Chamber. A. M. Knyajhevich was brought up in the Kazan gymnasium and in the Kazan University, entered the last in 1805 when he was on the older course, having only 16-17 years old from the family, the faculty instructed him as a better student, for the disease of the professor, Read their mathematics to your comrades. In 1811, he moved to Petersburg and entered the service on the expedition of state revenues, soon included in the Ministry of Finance.

Living in St. Petersburg first time with his three brothers, Knyajevich, in addition to official occupations, worked on the literary field: In 1822, the Brothers Knyazhevichi published a "library for reading", consisting of translations of foreign affairs and stories. This activity brought them closer to the literary world. In 1823, with marriage A. M. Knyuzhevich on the daughter of Baroneles Vytingausen, the directories of the Patriotic Institute, the Operations close to the Empress Alexander Fedorovna, he began to move in service somewhat faster; But even after 20 years of service, he received a more significant position - Vice-Director of the Department of State Treasury. Soon, then he was made by the Director of the Office of Finance Minister, and in 1844, director of the Department of State Treasury. In the 30s. He also instituted the affairs of the Committee on the Improvement of Agriculture, who was chaired by Mordvinov.

With the Minister of Finance, E. F. Kankrin, Knyajevich became closest in 1815, when Kankrin was an initian general, and he was sent to Vienna to participate in the elimination of accounts with Austria after the foreign trip of the Russian army. At the title of the Director of the Office of the Minister, and then the director of the Department of State Treasury, Knyazhevich, could be said, the right hand of the Minister and his student, and in society was considered his likely and desirable successor. Nevertheless, Kankinrin, departing in 1840 abroad to be treated, instructed the Office of the Ministry not by him, but, to the general surprise, F. P. Vrombchenko, who then managed the special office on the credit part, making him a comrade Minister of Finance. On the explanation of Knyazhevich himself, Kankarin did so because at that time the most important part in the financial management was part of the credit. Vronchenko ruled the Ministry and to the secondary trip of Cankrin abroad, in 1843, and with the final yield of Kankin retirement in 1844, he became minister. With the death of Vronchenko, in 1852, the Minister of Finance was again appointed not Knyazhevich, and P. F. Brock, who managed the cases of the Committee of Ministers, a little man in financial business. Knyajhevich, having a huge official experience, on the 40-year service of his mine in the Ministry of Finance, often challenged the opinions and suggestions of the new minister and this, naturally, has become unpleasant; In 1854, he was deleted from the ministry under a faithful pretext, having received an appointment to the Senate; Soon after that, he was appointed the firstborn in the Geroldiy Department. It may be very possible that the appointment of Kancina's succession in the successors of Kankin or at least in the companions of the Minister prevented the participation of him in the Pety Squares, although it was almost nominal to participate: he and his brothers gave their capital to flaws for collaterals on sputters; On the occasion of the malfunction of one decouper, rumors were taken about bribery, as if practiced in the Ministry of Finance, during the time damaged by Prince, although these rumors were completely unlailned and the intrigue was sent more against the Kankin itself than against Knyuzhevich; For him, she did not have further consequences.

On March 23, 1858, the place of dismissed P. F. Brock was intended to manage the Ministry of Finance A. M. Knyajhevich. Purpose it was, of course, it is very flattering, but they are not happy with pleasure. He knew perfectly with the complexity and difficulty of the duties of the Russian Minister of Finance and, like an honest and conscientious servant, not with a light heart accepted the proposal of the sovereign. He declared the emperor that "does not recognize the qualities and abilities necessary for this title, knowing quite all the duties and the difficulty of this position and its weak abilities," not to mention the years of your own and the difficulty of the then cases; In addition, he found that the Minister of Finance should have an independent state and communications in order to stand in his post, for, he said, a good finance minister should more often refuse him of different requests, petitioners and suggestions, which brings him to disappoints to harm him He, even black him. But the sovereign promised him his support, under the condition "to always truth". In this way, Knyuzhevich "to fall into this Omut", as he put himself in a letter to his brother, informing him of his appointment.

His relationship with the sovereign was excellent; But he could not not be illustrated with his new position: he had to work too much for his age - he was already far over 60 l.; In 1861, he celebrated the 50th anniversary of his service; Perhaps the new trends do not quite well sympathize like a man of old temper ... In January 1862, he was fired from the post of Finance Minister, with the appointment of the State Council. Influential circles were unhappy with his activities; They said: "He did not meet expectations."

Of course, in that era of universal revival and desire for reforms, Knyjhevich was not convenient at the head of the Ministry of Finance. He was a man with a good formation, a humane, honest, indulgent to human weaknesses and disadvantages; But all his past did not give him the opportunity to rise to the height of the requirements of that time, he apparently did not have a look noise, nor the courage of actions, which were required in the era of such feverish activities, which was the era of the 60s. He did not have enough energy, nor independent, so necessary to minister of finance; There is no doubt that he understood the work of financial management well, but one understanding of the case is not enough. Further essay of the activities of the Ministry of Finance in the Epoch of the Office of KM, Knyuzhevich quite confirm this conclusion. - In 1858, the Commission was established to revise the rules of state reporting and the system of the estimate, the result of which the rules were rules on May 22, 1862, who had the case were on the normal foundations. The activities of this commission, thus coincided with the period of control of Knyazhevich. But in general, the then state of affairs was not on his shoulder, it can be seen from the fact that in the era of state growth, which required the inevitably strong tension and the development of the financial and economic forces of the state, in the state of the economic and financial provisions presented in 1859. The empire puts itself the main goal and duty of extreme thrift. True, the Finance Committee, to which he addressed assistance, fully agreed with his statements, and the sovereign wrote to the conclusion of the Committee, which will be done all possible to reduce the estimates of the Military Ministry and measures to restrict the requirements of all ministries. At the same time, it is commanded that none of the ministry fails without prior agreement with the Minister of Finance. But all this were only Pia Desideria, incompatible with the course of public life. - More importance was the indication of the Finance Committee on a weak increase in state revenues (except for the Pite), as a sign of incorrect fundamental basis and the need to significantly change the tax system. Finance Minister adopted this requirement to note and answered him agency, on July 10, 1859, "Commissions for revising the supply system and fees." The establishment of such a commission was, of course, understandable; such a big thing could not be done immediately and soon; But this commission worked very slowly and sluggishly and, having existed for about 20 years, died slow death. Knyuzhevich, as long as necessary, it was necessary to take care of cutting costs and began to take measures to increase revenues, to correct the errors of its bracket predecessor and to prevent financial adversity expected from the reforms undertaken by the Government, mainly peasant. Indeed, our Foundations, well-standing and those who have stood and still raised since 1857 due to lowering bank interest, began to decrease since 1859 and especially fell in 1860; Quickly dropped a bill course. The continued elimination of the accounts of the Crimean War generated large deficits in the budget - over 100 rubles. per year for 1857 and 1858 The measures taken by Knyazhevich to correct the course, unfortunately, were not successful: the unsuccessful 3% loan of 1859. All went to maintain a bill of exchange; There is also a revenue from the release of 60 m. rub. 4% metal tickets of the State Bank - and all this without any benefit. It was equally useless to reinforce the internal loans with free capital (up to 30 m. R.), Transferred in 1860 to the Ministry of Finance from ministries and major departments; The same fate suffered 3 m. Rub. The capital of "state militia", which was from donations. The 4½% external loan taken during the prince of 41, was previously implemented after it, in 1863 to improve our loan was possible, of course, only by the alteration of an outdated financial system, as they inspired Rothschild and Perveyor who advised to our Ambassador in Paris. P. D. Kiselev. But for this, Knyyzhevich did not decrease; Yes, he did not have enough talent and energy to spend successfully such a difficult and important thing.

Under such circumstances, waiting for the development of the general reform of the finance system, it was necessary to turn to different private measures to increase government revenues, so persistently demanding to all the progress of state life.

The measures taken were as follows. Decree on December 30, 1861 increased (from 1862) salaries of the pitchdro and aperture supply - the first average number of 25 k. Per soul, - the second from 10 to 44 k. Per soul; increased from 1861. Prices of stamp paper and postal dachshund for parcels; The new rules for the salt business operated, however, after Knyazhevich, decree on May 14, 1862; improved tobacco excise system and increased most excise (1861); transformed, not only for the sake of increasing income, but also in nationwide and moral interests, the system of the Pite collection: the deposit is replaced by the excise system (the charter on the Pitecale collection July 4, 1861); The new system is introduced by the time after Knyazhevich, from January 1, 1863; But indirectly, she also contributed to the increase in peteed income: the last trading on the sputter, in 1858, gave a huge Nadach in the spier. "It's sad to rejoice in it," the Emperor Alexander II Knyuzhevich said about this. Finally, was made by the Central Statistical Committee a new classification of provinces for the layout of the Zemsky fees.

That's all the main thing that was done with Prince, in terms of the financial economy of the empire. These measures cannot be called either outstanding nor quite successful. So, the most important reform - the Piteanian - did not justify the expectations in the sense of moral, although he led to a significant increase in peteed income. In addition, Knyajeshevich sometimes allowed straight stretching, with the help of which a truly unenviable state of affairs was covered - for example, the unfulfilled costs of one year were recorded in saving resources for the coming year.

The most important measures of Knyuzhevich in the field of economic life of Russia were the following. Due to the intensified need for cast iron and iron, it was lowered from 1861 duties with their attainment, and then duty-free attributes for railways, mechanical plants and shipbuilding were allowed. At first, this measure brought quite prominent benefits, but at the same time she damaged the development of our mining, and without the already victims due to the cessation of serfdom. Next - it was given permission to acquire tea in China for gold and silver, instead of mandatory swallowing for goods. This measure was rational, although it was greatly crossed at one time. Indeed, our exchange trading was solid inconsistency: our manufactory products - especially with the opening of China's domestic markets by the British and the French, after their war with China - they inferior to the Chinese for half the war, and the losses of merchants decide on the cost of tea, so our tea consumers paid reduced apparel Chinese. The tea received by the purchase on metals began to cost cheaper, and the assumption since 1861, prohibited before the briefness of his sea even more contributed to his cheaper. Knyuzhevich hinders the honor that he understood the change in our trade with China, caused by the strength of the circumstances that changed the course of international trade; Persistent in the preservation of exchange bargaining, of course, would not lead to useful results. The consequences were quite reasonable to the measure of Knyuzhevich; Our commercial relations with China were undoubtedly established on the more correct foundations.

The share of Knyuzhevich also fell to carry out two major operations - bank reform and financial part of the peasant reform.

The need for the transformation of credit institutions was due to the mistakes of the predecessors of Knyuzhevich, partly with new views that penetrate our national economy. Our old credit institutions are guardian councils, banks - commercial and borrowed, and orders of public charity made deposits by paying for their complex interest by 4%. By decree on July 20, 1857, the percentage was lowered up to 3%, in order to cause the demand of deposits, not in full premises in the loans, and meanwhile constituent depositors percentaged. In 1857, such free amounts were up to 140 million rubles. Another reason for a decrease in the percentage was the difficult position of the State Treasury, as the consequence of the borrowing systems introduced from bank deposits for stateless orders. By 1857, these borrowings were already 553 million rubles, - over half of all deposits. Of these, 428 million rubles. Paid by interest from state treasury, the rest of the land fees and other sources. The expense of the treasury for this duty was 30½ million rubles. in year; Brock to reduce it, retracted repayment for 56 years, with a decrease in payment from 5% to 4½% (including 1/2% repayment). Consumption from this decreased by 11¾ million rubles; But the transition of treasury to a smaller percentage, naturally entailed and decreasing a decrease in interest on deposits - otherwise the credit institutions would not be able to pay with depositors. Since, according to the existing rules, the claimation of deposits was not determined by any deadlines, and the deposits were distributed almost everything into long-term loans, the measures taken to the expulsion of deposits from banks should have put these latter in great difficulty; The inconvenience of these measures was intensified by the fact that this pushing the deposits of the decrease in the percentage was done at such a time when the money was not cheap at all, and even in Western Europe, due to the economic crisis, the accounting percentage reached 7½%. The money displaced this path was nowhere to go; Exchange transactions with money and funds then almost did not exist; It remained all these free money to rush without parsing to different industrial enterprises, which happened to harm for our folk economy and to ruin the mass of gullible people.

The consequences of the error soon affected: due to the strong demand of deposits, it was necessary to suspend the issuance of loans for real estate and even reload; Then it turned out to be necessary to delay the unbearable for banks to claim their consolidation contributions. For this, 4% continuous-revenue tickets of the debt repayment commission were issued, with a proposal to pay bank deposits into them; In the public, these tickets did not find sympathies; But in them, estate and public deposits were faced. Later, these tickets and other deposits (but the latter is not necessary) were replaced by 5% tickets of the State Bank of the 1st issue (in the amount of 277½ million rubles); At first, the audience took them well, but soon they fell greatly in price. Thus, deposits from government credit institutions were supplanted, with an excess of credit tickets issued for the possibilities of war.

Finally, it was recognized to transform all credit institutions; By decree on May 31, 1860, the former commercial bank was transformed and called state; The borrowed bank is abolished; The preserved treasons and orders of public charity are left only before the final settlements with borrowers. The reform, however, was one-sided. The State Bank was awarded only a commercial purpose, without the right to issue long-term loans for real estate, which remained in this way without a loan, at the time when he was especially needed. Although the project of the Zemskoye banknote banks was developed at Prince, but he did not exercise, without meeting the sympathy in his successor to Reuter. In prince, the project of urban banks for the collateral of real estate was also drawn up; On the basis of this project and formed by the St. Petersburg City Credit Society, July 4, 1861

In general, the bank reform was manufactured under Knyazhevich insufficiently deliberately. But here he was more passive than an active figure; He was aware of the inability to leave agriculture without a loan, and especially in that critical for our land tenure, but he was powerless against a circle of persons who were doing this business in the top spheres.

As for the peasant reform, he has not yet been Minister, Knyazhevich sympathized with her, although he did not expect from her, as he said, "big improvements." His participation in this case was expressed by the redemption device. Again, it is impossible to say that this operation is quite successful. But here the fault is not Knyuzhevich, but in all likelihood - preceding bank reform, with the consequent revival of industrial enterprise, who swollen money released from banks. The government has released redemptions (under the name of the 5% tickets of the 2nd issue, 5% redeeming evidence and 5½% rent), having accepted special precautions so that they do not climb into the market. Nevertheless, these papers, thanks to the coastal sales of their landowners, were very fell in price, to the worst ruin of landowners. The essential error of the redemption operation was that the debts of landowners bank were not left behind them and were not even elevated, but completely deducted from the redemption amount. Thus, many have received only an insignificant redemption fee, which was extended by unproductive. Again, in this case it is difficult to say whether Knyajeshevich is to blame, as the performer's presenter, not from him emanating.

Many concerns caused him a decline of the value of the credit ruble, - the legacy of the Crimean War. Comparatively with the later slope was not yet great: the average course of the credit ruble was in 1858. 93.1 metal. kopecks; In 1859 - 90.5 kopecks; In 1860 - 92.51 kopecks; Even when the government stopped artificially maintaining the course, in the early 1861, the ruble cost about 86 kopecks. metal. Nevertheless, this condition of the course was taking care of the government. In April 1860, loan tickets were burned by 60 million rubles, this, however, did not affect the course. But since the whole trouble was still attributed to the surplus of credit tickets against the need of turnover, Knyjhevich offered to get rid of him by selling a part of state property. Fortunately, this measure was not realized; Obviously, she would not be practical: the treasury would lose a significant part of its property, the increase in the value of the paper ruble to the level with the metallic would hardly be achieved, judging by the former historical examples. - unsuccessful experience of the exchange of credit tickets for gold, according to the gradually increased rate, to normal 5 rubles. 15 kopecks For the half-improvision, he was accomplished after the dismissal of Knyuzhevich from the post of Minister of Finance.

With deep appreciation, it should be remembered that thanks to Knyazhevich, we had it possible to discuss financial issues to print. Conscious of the benefit of publicity, although not always a pleasant pride of the administration, Knyyzhevich asked the highest permission to allow the press to discuss financial events. He went even further and made a vowel state painting, which constituted the dotole deep state secret. The question of publishing painting was raised by the Council of Ministers in 1859, but did not receive approval; And only in 1862 the highest command of publishing painting for 1863 was held. Published was also the painting ("Tabel") of 1862, but not in the legislative order, but in the form of a simple message to the publication of the public. One of this introduction to Knyazhevich Glasnost to financial affair is enough to say that his management was not fruitless. - The last 10 years of the life of Knyuzhevich did not have anything interesting; He quietly faded and died on March 2, 1872.

Scalkovsky, "Our state and public figures", 1891; His: "Les Ministres Des Finances De La Russia"; Article of referee in "Russian Starina" 1892, XI, Blio "Finance of Russia XIX century", 1882

Knyjhevich Alexander Maksimovich

TO Nyazhevich Alexander Maksimovich - State Avestigator (1792 - 1872). He graduated from the course in Kazan University; He began the service on the expedition on state income. In 1815, he was sent to Vienna to participate in the elimination of settlements between Russia and Austria. At one time I published with the brothers "library for reading". In 1831, appointed director of the office of the Ministry of Finance. Rights with even during his stay in Austria, Knyjhevich is now its closest employee. In 1847, Knyyzhevich appointed director of the State Treasury Department; In 1854, Senator, Honorary Guardian and Managing Petersburg Saved Casnaya. In 1858, Knyjhevich was called for the post of Minister of Finance. It fell hard and not always sat for the elderly, who did not possess the widespread economic views of the human task - the elimination of the financial shocks of the Crimean War, the first and preparation of further reforms of the new reign. During it, the abolition of credit establishments and the state bank's device was not fully successfully carried out. Temporary borrowing of previous years was partly consolidated in 4% and 5% of the obligations, and the missing funds were produced by external and internal loans and special issues of credit tickets. Kneyzhevich himself considered the then money circulation with fallen and oscillations in the course of paper money abnormal and insisted in the early return to their change on metal. Knyuzhevich was able to lower, but not eliminate the shortages of the previous years largely by increasing the taxation: pillow of grade, postal taxes, serf and coat, and reorganization of tobacco, resin and sugar excise taxes. In contrast, Kankrina Knyyzhevich finally broke with the spoiled sale system of the feet, seeing the source of ruin and corruption of the people and the local administration, and moved to the excise system. In prince, individual customs rates were increased, but a number of relief was introduced mainly for the Russian engineering industry (duty-free import of iron, cast iron, machine parts and accessories, individual parts of agricultural machinery to the southern ports; the export of credit tickets abroad is allowed to pay for cars and etc.). In order to give the balance sheet more active, a number of export duties were canceled. In the railway policy, Knyazhevich was a supporter of private construction and provided railways with special benefits in the field of customs and coat of arms. In prince, the Riga Polytechnic was opened, the Mountain Institute was transformed, the Moscow Practical Academy was expanded, the formulation of the case in state-owned mining factories was improved, measures were taken to develop gold mining; A number of treatises have been concluded, especially in Asian trading, and the latter gradually lost its exceptional and strictly normalized nature; The import of Cantonese tea was allowed by the sea, mainly to eliminate the developed smuggling. Supporter of publicity in the financial management, Knyazhevich did not have time, however, to publish a budget. In his insistence, experts from the most significant cities and individual provinces were invited to revise the system of filing and fees. The growth of taxes and non-successfulness of the deficit struggle gradually created discontent against Knyazhevich, in which the successor and student of the Kankin, previously hoped to see; His resignation was adopted in 1862, and he was appointed a member of the State Council. - Cm.

Knyjhevich Alexander Maksimovich

Knyajeshevich Alexander Maksimovich - State Avestigator (1792 - 1872). He graduated from the course in Kazan University; He began the service on the expedition on state income. In 1815, he was sent to Vienna to participate in the elimination of settlements between Russia and Austria. At one time I published with the brothers "library for reading". In 1831, appointed director of the office of the Ministry of Finance. Running closer to E.F. Kankrin was still during his stay in Austria, Knyyzhevich now became his closest employee. In 1847, Knyyzhevich appointed director of the State Treasury Department; In 1854, Senator, Honorary Guardian and Managing Petersburg Saved Casnaya. In 1858, Knyjhevich was called for the post of Minister of Finance. It fell hard and not always sat for the elderly, who did not possess the widespread economic views of the human task - the elimination of the financial shocks of the Crimean War, the first and preparation of further reforms of the new reign. During it, the abolition of credit establishments and the state bank's device was not fully successfully carried out. Temporary borrowing of previous years was partly consolidated in 4% and 5% of the obligations, and the missing funds were produced by external and internal loans and special issues of credit tickets. Kneyzhevich himself considered the then money circulation with fallen and oscillations in the course of paper money abnormal and insisted in the early return to their change on metal. Knyuzhevich was able to lower, but not eliminate the shortages of the previous years largely by increasing the taxation: pillow of grade, postal taxes, serf and coat, and reorganization of tobacco, resin and sugar excise taxes. In contrast, Kankrina Knyyzhevich finally broke with the spoiled sale system of the feet, seeing the source of ruin and corruption of the people and the local administration, and moved to the excise system. In prince, individual customs rates were increased, but a number of relief was introduced mainly for the Russian engineering industry (duty-free import of iron, cast iron, machine parts and accessories, individual parts of agricultural machinery to the southern ports; the export of credit tickets abroad is allowed to pay for cars and etc.). In order to give the balance sheet more active, a number of export duties were canceled. In the railway policy, Knyazhevich was a supporter of private construction and provided railways with special benefits in the field of customs and coat of arms. In prince, the Riga Polytechnic was opened, the Mountain Institute was transformed, the Moscow Practical Academy was expanded, the formulation of the case in state-owned mining factories was improved, measures were taken to develop gold mining; A number of treatises have been concluded, especially in Asian trading, and the latter gradually lost its exceptional and strictly normalized nature; The import of Cantonese tea was allowed by the sea, mainly to eliminate the developed smuggling. Supporter of publicity in the financial management, Knyazhevich did not have time, however, to publish a budget. In his insistence, experts from the most significant cities and individual provinces were invited to revise the system of filing and fees. The growth of taxes and non-successfulness of the deficit struggle gradually created discontent against Knyazhevich, in which the successor and student of the Kankin, previously hoped to see; His resignation was adopted in 1862, and he was appointed a member of the State Council. - See V.T. Sudaiykin "A. M. K." ("Russian Starina", 1892); "Ministry of Finance 1802 - 1902" (anniversary edition).

Brief biographical encyclopedia. 2012

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    Alexander Mikhailovich (1866-1933), Rus. led. Prince, grandson Imp. Nicholas I, ADM. Both Gen.-Adjutant (1909). In 1901-05, the ministerial bargaining. Waving and ...
  • ALEXANDER in the big Russian encyclopedic dictionary:
    Alexander Mikhailovich (1301-39), led. Prince Vladimir (1325-27) and Tverskaya (1325-27 and from 1337). Son KN. Mikhail Yaroslavich. I rival with Ivan ...
  • ALEXANDER in the big Russian encyclopedic dictionary:
    Alexander Macedonsky, Alexander Great (356-323 BC), one of the greatest commander of antiquity, king of Macedonia with 336. Son of Tsar Philipp II; ...
  • ALEXANDER in the big Russian encyclopedic dictionary:
    Alexander I Karageorgievich (1888-1934), from 1921 King of Yugoslavia (up to 1929 Cor-in Serbs, Croats and Slovenians). Participant of the Balkan Wars 1912-13, in ...
  • ALEXANDER in the big Russian encyclopedic dictionary:
    Alexander Kazimirovich, Yagellon (1461-1506), led. Prince Lithuanian with 1492, Polish king with 1501. Casimir's son IV. With it intensified ...
  • ALEXANDER in the big Russian encyclopedic dictionary:
    Alexander Kind (? -1432), Mold. Lord from 1400. He promoted the strengthening of the independence of Mold. State-Wa, successfully fought against Ottoman aggression, encouraged trade and ...
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  • ALEXANDER in the big Russian encyclopedic dictionary:
    Alexander Aphrodiysky, Dr. Greek. Philosopher Peripatetich. Schools (Kon. 2 - Nach. 3 centches). Aristotle's commentator, influenced the Paduan school, P. ...
  • ALEXANDER in the big Russian encyclopedic dictionary:
    Alexander VI (1431-1503), Pope from 1492. In 1493, published Bullah about the division of spheres of influence in Zap. Hemisphere between Spain ...
  • ALEXANDER in the big Russian encyclopedic dictionary:
    Alexander III (? -1181), Pope from 1159. It sought to top. Putty authorities over secular sovereigns. In the fight against Friedrich I ...
  • ALEXANDER in the big Russian encyclopedic dictionary:
    Alexander II (? -1605), King Kakheti from 1574. Fought Iran. aggression. In 1587 he swore to the loyalty to Rus. Tsar Fyodor Ivanovich. ...
  • ALEXANDER in the big Russian encyclopedic dictionary:
    Alexander I Georgievich (? -1511), King Kakheti from 1476. Found with Iran-tour. Aggression, in 1491-92 sent friendships. Embassy to Russia. IN …
  • ALEXANDER in the big Russian encyclopedic dictionary:
    Alexander III (1845-94), Ros. Emperor with 1881. The second son of Alexander II. In the 1st floor. 80s. Performed cancellation of pillow, ...
  • ALEXANDER in the big Russian encyclopedic dictionary:
    Alexander II (1818-81), Ros. Emperor from 1855. The Senior Son of Nicholas I. carried out the abolition of serfdom and conducted a number of reforms (Zemskaya, ...
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    Alexander I (1777-1825), Ros. Emperor C 1801. The Senior Son of Paul I. At the beginning of the board, there were moderately liberal reforms developed by the unlawful ...
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  • ALEXANDER in the big Russian encyclopedic dictionary:
    Alexander from Galsis (OK 1170 or OK. 1185-1245), philosopher, prest. Augustinovsky Platonism, Franciscan. He taught in Paris. In his ...
  • ALEXANDER in the dictionary of the synonyms of the Russian language.
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    Asuanka (1898-1993), Serbian writer. In verses of the "smell of the earth" (1955), "Requires pardon" (1964), "Chronicle of the descendants of Perun" (1976) - philosophical ...
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    Dmitry Maksimovich (1788-1844), Russian writer, ethnographer. Composed "Complete Assembly of Russian Proverbs and sayings" (1822). Literary notes. Path essays. Published ...
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  • Tifun (Maksimovich)
    Open Orthodox Encyclopedia "Tree". See Maksimovich Tifun Tree - Open Orthodox Encyclopedia: About the project | Chronology | Calendar | ...
  • Maksimovich Tifun in the Orthodox Encyclopedia Tree:
    Open Orthodox Encyclopedia "Tree". Tifun Maksimovich (1873 - 1914), priest, priest. Memory July 11 among the priests ...
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    Open Orthodox Encyclopedia "Tree". John (Maksimovich) - the name of the two saints of the Orthodox Church: SVT. John, Mitre. Tobolsky and All Siberia (+ ...
  • Arkhipov Vasily Maksimovich in the Orthodox Encyclopedia Tree:
    Open Orthodox Encyclopedia "Tree". Arkhipov Vasily Maksimovich (1876 - 1938), Psalmist, Martyr. Memory March 1, ...

), Member of the State Council (from January 23, 1862).

short biography

Alexander Knyyezhevich was born in the family of a native from Serbia. His father Knyajeshevich, Maxim Dmitrievich fled through Austria to Russia in 1773 and was taken to the service in Kavalergard. Later, having resigned, he consisted in the civil service - was the provincial prosecutor in Ufa, where Alexander son was born. After disbanding the Ufa province in 1797, the family moved to Kazan, where his father received the position of Chairman of the Cassenaya Chamber. Alexander Knyyezhevich received an education first in the Kazan gymnasium, and then, in 1805 he entered Kazan University. He studied approximately and was on a good account. So, a case is known when a professor fell on the elder course, the faculty instructed Knyazhevich (as a better student), to read his homes lectures on pure mathematics. At that moment he was only 17 years old.

In 1811, Alexander Knyajhevich, together with his three brothers, moved to the city of St. Petersburg, where he entered the service in Expedition of state revenues, soon included in the Ministry of Finance. In 1815, Alexander Knyyezhevich was sent to Vienna as part of the Commission on the elimination of post-war settlements between Russia and Austria on the results of the Vienna Congress. During the work of the commission, Knyajeshevich became close to General -intendant (and the future Minister of Finance) Egor Kankrin and for many years he became his close employee. In addition to the execution of the position, Knyajhevich, together with its brothers, was fond of literary activities. In 1822, the Knyuzhevichi brothers jointly published a "library for reading", which included a selection of translations of foreign fiction. Publishing activities gave Kneyzhevich additional dating and relationships in literary circles.

In general, Alexander Knyuzhevich's career developed not quickly and not smoothly. Despite the long acquaintance with the Minister of Finance Kankrin, apparently, Knyyzhevich had a lot of ill-wishers. Yes, and the Minister of Finance itself did not complain him too much. Being by the director of the office of the Minister, and then by the director of the Department of State Treasury, that is, the right hand of the Minister and his faithful student, in the society of Knyazhevich for many years had a reputation for his likely successor. Nevertheless, in 1840, Egor Cankrin, departing abroad for treatment, committed to universal surprise the Office of the Ministry is not Knyazhevich, and a lower position of Fedor Vronchenko, who managed special office on the credit part. For the sake of this appointment, Kankrin specially erected Fedor Vronchenko to the rank of Comrade Minister of Finance (that is, made his deputy). Knyjhevich himself explained this annoying circumstance by the fact that the most important part of financial management at that time was a loan policy.

Also there are versions as if the appointment of Knjewshech in the successors of Kankin or at least in Comrades, the Minister prevented a well-known in some circles of his monetary part in the Peteing Spipes. And although this participation was almost nominal, (Knyajhevich himself and his brothers simply provided their capital to flaws for collaborations by sputters), but this circumstance was fully used for intrigue against him. So, on the occasion of a malfunction of a certain decouper, rumors of bribery went as if distributed in the Ministry of Finance. Naturally, these peresoni damaged Knyazhevich, although they did not have any reason. Most likely, the court intrigue was intended by the Minister of Cankrin himself, and not Knyazhevich, for whom she did not have any other consequences, except for the appointment of the Minister's Comrade.

As a result, the same Fedor Vronchenko ruled the Ministry of Finance and during the next trip of Cankrin abroad, and in 1844, after the final release of Egor Kankrina, he also took the post of Minister. All these years, Knyazhevich continued to remain essentially the second person in the Ministry of Finance. But even with the death of Vronchenko in 1852, the post of Minister of Finance received again not Knyazhevich, but Peter Brock, a person frankly competently competent in financial affairs, but she had extensive connections before ministerial Manager.

Five years (with the Minister of Broke) became the most difficult years in the career of Alexander Knyazhevich. Having to the point already a forty-year service and professional experience, Knyyzhevich often challenged the judgments and suggestions of the new minister, than very soon called his natural irritation. As a result, in 1854, Knyyezhevich was removed from the Ministry of Finance, having received an honorary appointment to the Senate. Soon after that he also received a position forefine In the Geroldy Department.

Minister of Finance

Knyajevich was a convinced supporter of publicity in the field of budget and financial management, however, he was able to realize these intentions only a day before his resignation:

The sovereign of the emperor was well-known to command: r about with P and with b public revenues and expenses to publish for universal information.

Now, the painting of this was awarded, the 22nd of January, the highest approval, and we inform here t a b e l b, compiled by painting articles in the form of how the latter was accustomed to submit to the consideration of the State Council. We consider it to fit to fit that, according to a well-known public reporting procedure for state control, between other assumptions, there is a change in the image of the estimation of the estimates of ministries and major departments, with more detailed and clearly deploying all costs of expenses, which will be introduced from the future 1863.


Signed: True, Finance Minister A. Knyajhevich

Feeling at all tired, unhealthy and not being able to carry a grievous cargo of financial economy during the period of big change, January 23, 1862 Alexander Knyjhevich resigned (on the seventieth year of life). Not committed or unfinished by Knyazhevich in four years of his reform leadership were assigned to the new, young minister of finance, Mikhail Reiterna, according to the general recognition - in general, one of the best ministers of Russia in the XIX century.

Buried in St. Petersburg at the Smolensk Orthodox Cemetery.


  • Possed by A. M. Knyjevich Alexander II "On the present situation of public finances" // Fate of Russia. Problems of economic development in the XIX - early XX centuries. Savior - Faces of Russia, St. Petersburg, 2007. ISBN 978-5-903672-02-8.

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  1. V. Sud'eikin. // Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron
  2. V. Lebedev. // Russian Biographical Dictionary
  3. // Russian history in the portrait
  4. Fursenko. Faces of Russia, 2008. - P. 368.
  5. The team of authors of St. Petersburg State University Ed. Acad.Fursenko. Management elite of the Russian Empire (1802-1917). - St. Petersburg.: LIKI OF RUSSIA, 2008. - P. 392.
  6. The team of authors of St. Petersburg State University Ed. Acad.Fursenko. Management elite of the Russian Empire (1802-1917). - St. Petersburg.: LIKI OF RUSSIA, 2008. - P. 333-335.
  7. .


  • V. Lebedev. // Russian Biographical Dictionary: in 25 volumes / under the supervision of the Chairman of the Imperial Russian Historical Society A. A. Polovtshev. - St. Petersburg. , 1903. - T. 9: Knappe - Kyhehelbecker. - P. 5-10.
  • V. Sud'eikin. // Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron: in 86 tons. (82 t. And 4 extra). - St. Petersburg. , 1895. - T. XV. - P. 467.


  • on the official website of the RAS
Petr Fedorovich Brock
Ministers of Finance of Russia
Mikhail Christforovich Reiterne

Excerpt characterizing Knyjhevich, Alexander Maksimovich

"Yes, because it says: who marries an adjustment wife ..." said the old princess.
- AH, MAMAN, NE DITES PAS DE BETISES. Vous Ne Comprenez Rien. Dans Ma Position J "Ai des Devoirs, [ah, mamma, don't talk nonsense. You do not understand anything. In my position there are duties.] - Helen spoke, translating the conversation to French from the Russian language, at which she always seemed some kind of ambiguity In her case.
- But my friend ...
- Ah, Maman, Comment Est Ce Que Vous Ne Comprenez Pas Que Le Saint Pere, Qui A Le Droit De Donner Des Dispenses ... [Ah, Mama, how you do not understand that the Holy Father, having the power of letters ...]
At this time, the lady of the companion, who lived at Helen, entered her to report that His Highness in the Hall and wishes her to see.
- Non, Dites Lui Que Je Ne Veux Pas Le Voir, Que Je Suis Furieuse Contre Lui, Parce Qu "Il M" A Manque Parole. [No, tell him that I do not want to see him that I rush against him, because he did not restrain the words.]
- Comtessse a Tout Peche Misericorde, [Countess, Mercy every sin.] - said, entering, young blond man with a long face and nose.
The old princess fell respectfully and sat down. The entered young man did not pay attention to her. The princess nodded his head of his daughter and swam to the door.
"No, she is right," the old princess thought, whose convictions were destroyed before the appearance of His Highness. - She's right; But how are we in our irrevocative youth, did not know this? And it was just like that, "thought, sitting in the carriage, the old princess.

In early August, the case of Helen was completely determined, and she wrote her husband (who loved her very much, as she thought) a letter in which he informed him about his intention to marry NN and that she entered into a single true religion and that she took Requests him to fulfill all those necessary for divorce the formalities, which will give him a submitter of this letter.
"SUR CE JE PREE DIEU, MON AMI, DE VOUS AVOIR SOUS SA Sainte et Puissante Garde. Votre Amie Helene.
["Then I pour God, let you, my friend, under the holy strengths. Your friend Elena "]
This letter was brought to Pierre's House while he was on the Borodino field.

For the second time, at the end of the Borodino battle, escaping from the battery Raevsky, Pierre with the crowds of the soldier headed for the ravine to Knyazkov, reached the dressing point and, seeing blood and hearing screams and moans, hastily went further, kneading in the crowd of soldiers.
One thing that Pierre was now walked by all the forces of his soul, it was to go out as soon as possible from those terrible impressions in which he lived this day to return to the usual living conditions and to fall asleep in the room on his bed. Only in the usual conditions of life, he felt that he would be able to understand himself and all that he saw and experienced. But these ordinary living conditions have not been anywhere.
Although the kernels and bullets do not whistled here on the road, on which he was walking, but on all sides it was the same thing that was there on the battlefield. The same were suffering, exhausted and sometimes strangely indifferentians, the same blood, the same soldiers, the same firing sounds, albeit distant, but still taking horror; In addition, there was a stuff and dust.
Passing the versts three along the big Mozhaisk road, Pierre sat on her edge.
Twilight went down to the ground, and the hum of the rolling guns. Pierre, climbing his hand, lay down and lay for so long, looking at the shadow moving past him in the dark. It seemed indifferent to him that the kernel was flewing with a terrible whistle; He shuddered and raised. He did not remember how much time he stayed here. In the middle of the night, three soldiers, dragging the branches, felt beside him and began to breed the fire.
The soldiers, having tried on Pierre, spread the fire, put a bowler on him, whined into him with superstars and put Sala. The pleasant smell of edible and bold dishes merged with the smell of smoke. Pierre raised and sighed. Soldiers (there were three of them) ate, not paying attention to Pierre, and talked among themselves.
- Yes, what are you from? - Suddenly one of the soldiers appealed to Pierre, obviously, implying something that Pierre thought, it is: if you want to eat, we will give, just say, are you honest?
- I? Me? .. - said Pierre, feeling the need to diminish as possible his social situation to be closer and clearer for soldiers. - I am truly a militant officer, only my squad is not here; I came to the battle and lost my own.
- You dick! Said one of the soldiers.
Another soldier shook his head.
- Well, you sing, if you want, Kuwardka! - said the first and filed Pierre, climbing her, a wooden spoon.
Pierre hooked up to fire and there was a Kuwardochka, then the Kushan, which was in the pot and which he seemed to him the most tasty of all the eats he had ever eaten. While he greedily, fed over the bowler, taking big spoons, chewed one after another and his face was visible in the light of fire, the soldiers silently looked at him.
- Do you need anywhere? You say! - asked again one of them.
- I'm in Mozhaisk.
- You, became a barin?
- Yes.
- And what to call?
- Peter Kirillovich.
- Well, Peter Kirillovich, let's go, we will assign you. In the perfect darkness of the soldiers together with Pierre went to Mozhaisk.
Already the roosters sang when they reached Mozhaisk and began to rise to the cool city mountain. Pierre walked along with the soldiers, completely forgetting that his stable yard was downstairs under the mountain and that he had already passed him. He would not remember this (in such he was a state of lost), if he would not face Him on half of the mountain, his Beretor, who went to find him in the city and returning back to his innocent court. Beretor recognized Pierre on his hat whiskers in the dark.
"Your shyness," he said, "and we desperately." What are you walking? Where are you, please!
"Oh yeah," said Pierre.
Soldiers suspended.
- Well, found yours? Said one of them.
- Well, forgive! Peter Kirillovich, it seems? Farek, Peter Kirillovich! - said other voices.
"Farewell," said Pierre and headed with his Beritor to the invented yard.
"We must give them!" - thought Pierre, holding a pocket. "No, no need," said some voice to him.
There was no place in the burnnors of the innovant yard: everyone was busy. Pierre passed on the yard and, hiding with his head, lay down in his stroller.

As soon as Pierre's headed head on a pillow, as he felt that he would fall asleep; But suddenly, the boom, boom, boom shots were heard with the clarity of almost reality, shouted, shouted, shouted with blood and gunpowder, and a feeling of horror, the fear of death embraced him. He frightened his eyes and raised his head from under the sheel. Everything was quiet in the yard. Only in the gate, talking to the janitor and sputtering on the mud, it was some kind of runner. Over the head of Pierre, under the dark inside of the seal canopy, the doves of the movement, which he did, raising. Along the yard was spilled by a peaceful, joyful for Pierre at this moment, the strong smell of the inn, smell of hay, manure and tar. Between two black canopies, a clean starry sky was visible.
"Thank God that this is no more," Pierre thought, closing his head again. - Oh, how terrible fear and how shamefully I gave him! And they ... They all the time, to the end were firm, calm ... - he thought. They in the concept of Pierre were soldiers - those who were on the battery, and those who fed him, and those who prayed to the icon. They are these strange, the unknown decorated it, they clearly and sharply separated into his thoughts from all other people.
"Soldier to be, just a soldier! - thought Pierre, falling asleep. - Enter this common life to all the creature, to imbued with what makes them such. But how to throw off all this too much, the devilish, all the burden of this external person? At one time I could be this. I could run away from my father, as I wanted. I could still be sent to the soldier even after a duel with Doolokhov. And in the imagination Pierla flashed dinner at the club, on which he called Dolokhov, and benefactor in Torzhok. And the solemn dining box appears to Pierre. This bed is happening in the English club. And someone familiar, close, dear, sits at the end of the table. Yes it is! This is benefactor. "Why did he die?" - thought Pierre. - Yes, died; But I did not know that he was alive. And how I feel sorry that he died, and how I am glad that he is alive again! " On the one hand, the table was sitting Anatole, Doolohov, Nesvitsky, Denisov and others the same (the category of these people was as clearly was defined in the soul of Pierre, as well as the category of those people he called), and these people, Anatole, Doolokhov shouted loudly, sang; But because of their scream, the voice of benefactor was heard, the voice of the said, and the sound of his words was as significant and continuously, like the root of the field of the battle, but he was pleasant and comfortable. Pierre did not understand what benefactor said, but he knew (the category of thoughts was as clear in a dream) that benefactor spoke of good, about the possibility of being what they were. And they from all sides, with their simple, kind, solid persons, surrounded benefactors. But although they were kind, they did not look at Pierre, did not know him. Pierre wanted to draw their attention and say. He brought, but at the same time his legs were frowning and exposed.
He became ashamed, and he closed his legs with his hand, from whom the sequel really fell. For a moment, Pierre, correcting the chinel, opened his eyes and saw the same canopies, pillars, courtyard, but all this was now blunt, light and twisted sparse dews or frost.
"Dawn," Pierre thought. - But this is not that. I need to hear and understand the words of benefactor. " He again covered with a chinel, but neither the dining room lodge, no benefactor was no longer. There were only thoughts, clearly expressed by the words, the thoughts that someone spoke or changed his mind to Pierre.
Pierre, remembering these thoughts, despite the fact that they were caused by the impressions of this day, was convinced that someone outside his told them to him. Never, as he seemed to him, he was not able to think so and express his thoughts.
"The war is the harpful subordination of human freedom of God," the voice said. - Easy is the humility to God; You won't leave him. And they are simple. They do not say, but do. The word Silver said, and the unspecified - golden. No one can own a man while he is afraid of death. And who is not afraid of her, it belongs to that. If there were no suffering, a person would not know the borders to himself, did not know himself. The most difficult thing (continued to think or hear Pierre in a dream) is to be able to combine all the importance of all. All connect? - said Pierre. - No, do not connect. You can not connect thoughts, and to match all these thoughts - that's what you need! Yes, you need to match, you need to match! - With the inner delight, I repeated myself Pierre, feeling that these exactly, and only these words are expressed by what he wants to express, and all the tormenting question is allowed.
- Yes, you need to match, it's time to match.
- Need to bargain, it's time to bargain, your shyness! Your shyness, - repeated some kind of voice, - you need to bargain, it's time to bargain ...
It was the voice of Beretor, who was awesome Pierre. The sun beat right in the face of Pierre. He glanced at the dirty inn, in the middle of whose well soldiers were closed with thin horses, from which the training was left. Pierre with disgust turned away and, closing his eyes, hastily fell again on the wheelchair seat. "No, I don't want this, I don't want to see this and understand, I want to understand what I was open during sleep. Another second, and I would understand everything. Yes, what should I do? Combine, but how to match everything? " And Pierre felt horror that the whole meaning of what he saw and thought in a dream was destroyed.
Beretor, Kucher and the janitor told Pierre that the officer came to the news that the French were moved under Mozhaisk and that our go.
Pierre stood up and, Velives lay and catch up with himself, went on foot through the city.
The troops went out and left about ten thousand wounded. The wounded these were visible in the courtyards and in the windows of houses and crowded on the streets. On the streets near the cart, which were to be angry with the wounded, were heard cries, curses and blows. Pierre gave him a familiar wounded general to his stroller and went to Moscow with him. Doro Goy Pierre found out about the death of his shurren and about the death of Prince Andrei.

The 30th Pierre returned to Moscow. Almost at the outpost, he met the adjutant of the Count Crimson.
"And we are looking for you everywhere," said Adjutant. - Count you must certainly see. He asks you now to come to him in a very important case.
Pierre, without going home, took the cab and drove to the commander-in-chief.
The Count Mensmen only arrived at this morning to the city from his country cottage in Sokolniki. The hallway and reception in the house of the graph were full of officials who were at the request of it or for orders. Vasilchors and boards have already seen with the graph and explained to him that it is impossible to defend Moscow and that it will be handed over. According to the news, although they were hidden from the inhabitants, but officials, the heads of various departments knew that Moscow would be in the hands of the enemy, just as he knew this Count Menschin; And they all, to make themselves responsibility, came to the commander-in-chief with questions, as they do with the parts entrusted.
While Pierre entered the reception room, the courier, who came from the army, left the graph.
The courier hopelessly waved his hand to the questions with which they turned to him, and passed through the hall.
Looking forward to the reception, Pierre looked at various, old and young, military and static, important and unimportant officials, who were in the room. Everyone seemed unhappy and restless. Pierre approached one group of officials in which one was familiar. Staying with Pierre, they continued their conversation.
- How to send yes to return again, there will be no trouble; And in this position it is impossible to answer.
"Why, here, he writes," said another, pointing to the printed paper, which he kept in his hand.
- That's another thing. For people it is necessary, "said the first.
- What is it? - asked Pierre.
- But the new poster.
Pierre took her in hand and began to read:
"The bright prince, in order to easily connect with the troops that go to him, Mozhaysk moved and became on a strong place where the enemy did not suddenly go to him. From here, the forty-eight guns with shells are sent to it, and the little one says that Moscow to protect Moscow to the last drop of blood and is ready to fight in the streets. You, brothers, do not look at the fact that the pretrial places were closed: it's necessary to take careless, and we will deal with our trial with a villain! When it comes to, I need to be needed and urban and rustic. I'm clicked for two days, and now it is not necessary, I'm silent. It's good with an ax, thoroughly with Rhozyina, and everything is better than a pitchfork: the Frenchman is not a heavy snop of rye. Tomorrow, after lunch, I raise the Iver in Ekaterininskaya Gozapl, to the wounded. There the water is sanctified: they will rather recover; And I am now healthy: I had an eye, and now I look at both. "
- And I was told the war people, "said Pierre, - that in the city it is impossible to fight and that the position ...
"Well, yes, we are talking about that," said the first official.
- And what does this mean: I had an eye, and now I look at both? - said Pierre.
"The count had a barley," said the adjutant, smiling, "and he was very worried when I told him that it came to asking what was with him." And what, the graph, "said the adjutant suddenly, turning to Pierre with a smile, - did we hear that you have family alarms? What seems to be a countess, your spouse ...
"I didn't heard anything," Pierre said indifferently. - What did you hear?
- No, you know, because you often invent. I say I heard.
- What did you hear?
- Yes, they say - again with the same smile said the adjutant - that the Countess, your wife, is going abroad. Probably nonsense ...
"Maybe," said Pierre, scattered around him. - Who's that? He asked, pointing to a low old man in a clean blue chuke, with a white as a snow beard, the same eyebrows and a ruddy face.
- It? This is a merchant one, that is, he is a teacher, Vereshchagin. Have you heard, maybe this story about the proclamation?
- Oh, this is a Vereshkin! - Pierre said, peering into the firm and calm face of the old merchant and looking for an expression of variation in it.
- It's not him the most. This is the father of the one who wrote the proclamation, "said Adjutant. - That young, sits in the pit, and it seems to be bad.
One old man, in the star, and the other - the official German, with a cross on her neck, came to the talking.
"You see," the adjutant told, is a confusing story. Then then, two months ago, this proclamation. Count reported. He ordered to investigate. Here Gavrilo Ivanovich was looking for, this procampia visited exactly sixty three hands. Will come to one: you have from? - From that. He goes to: you from whom? And so on. They got to Vereshchagin ... an incredited kidder, you know the bunch of a bunch, - smiling, said Adjutant. - Ask him: Do you have from? And most importantly, we know from whom it has. He is no longer from anyone to have, as the director's mail. But it can be seen, there was a strike between them. Says: Neither from whom, I have composed. And they threatened and asked, became on Tom: I compose himself. So reported graphs. Graf ordered to call him. "Do you have a proclamation from?" - "I composed". Well, you know the column! - with a proud and cheerful smile said the adjutant. - He flared terribly, and think: such anger, lie and perseverance! ..
- BUT! The count was needed so that he pointed to the keyareva, I understand! - said Pierre.
"No need," said Adjutant frightened. - Behind the keyway and without it there was a sinner, for which he is exiled. But the fact is that the count was very indignant. "How could you compose? - says Count. He took this "Hamburg newspaper" from the table. - Here she is. You did not compose, but translated, and turned it badly, because you and French, fool, do not know. " What do you think? "No, says I did not read any newspapers, I composed." - "And if so, then you are a traitor, and I will betray you, and you will hang. Speak from whom got? " "I didn't see any newspapers, but composed." So left. Count and Father called on: standing on his. And they were given to the trial, and sentenced, it seems to be to the cautious work. Now the father came to ask for him. But a crappy boy! You know, a merchant son, a frank, a seducer, listened somewhere lectures and it really thinks that he is not a brother. After all, this is what a young man! The father has a Tavern here at a stone bridge, so in the restaurant, you know, a big image of the god of the Almighty and is presented in one hand Scepter, in another power; So he took this image home for several days and what did! Found a burning painter ...

In the middle of this new story, Pierre called to the commander-in-chief.
Pierre entered the Count Count Crime. Mensor, wrinkling, rubbed his forehead and eyes with hand, while Pierre entered. A low person said something and as soon as Pierre entered, fell silent and came out.
- BUT! Hello, the Warrior is great, "said Mozchatchin, as soon as this man came out. - I heard about your pruesesses [Evidence]! But not the point. Mon Cher, Entre No, [Between us, my cute,] Are you a Mason? Said the Count crusher strict tone, as if something was bad in this, but that he intended to forgive. Pierre was silent. - MON CHER, JE SUIS BIEN INFORME, [I, kindly, everything is well known,] But I know that there are masons and masons, and I hope that you do not belong to those who, under the guise of salvation, they want to destroy Russia.