
Tyutchev is his biography. The last love triangle

Where to begin

Fedor Ivanovich Tyutchev. Born on November 23 (December 5) 1803 in Ovstug, Bryansk district, Oryol province - died on July 15 (27), 1873 in Tsarskoe Selo. Russian poet, diplomat, conservative publicist, corresponding member of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences since 1857.

Fyodor Ivanovich Tyutchev was born on December 5, 1803 in the family estate Ovstug, Oryol province. Tyutchev was educated at home. Under the guidance of the teacher, poet and translator S.E. Raich, who supported the student's interest in versification and classical languages, Tyutchev studied Latin and ancient Roman poetry, and at the age of twelve he translated Horace's odes.

Since 1817, as an auditor, he began to attend lectures at the Department of Words at Moscow University, where his teachers were Alexei Merzlyakov and Mikhail Kachenovsky. Even before enrollment, he was admitted to the number of students in November 1818, in 1819 he was elected a member of the Society of Lovers of Russian Literature.

Having received a certificate of graduation from the university in 1821, Tyutchev entered the service of the State Collegium of Foreign Affairs and went to Munich as a freelance attaché of the Russian diplomatic mission. Here he met Schelling and Heine and in 1826 married Eleanor Peterson, née Countess Bothmer, from whom he had three daughters. The eldest of them, Anna, later marries Ivan Aksakov.

The steamer "Nikolai I", on which the Tyutchev family is sailing from St. Petersburg to Turin, is in distress in the Baltic Sea. When rescuing Eleanor and the children, Ivan Turgenev, who was sailing on the same steamer, helps. This disaster seriously crippled the health of Eleanor Tyutcheva. She dies in 1838. Tyutchev is so saddened that, after spending the night at the coffin of his deceased wife, he allegedly turned gray in a few hours. However, already in 1839, Tyutchev was married to Ernestina Dörnberg (née Pfeffel), with whom, apparently, he had a relationship while he was still married to Eleanor. There are memories of Ernestine about a ball in February 1833, at which her first husband felt unwell. Not wanting to interfere with his wife's fun, Mr. Dörnberg decided to go home alone. Turning to the young Russian, with whom the Baroness spoke, he said: "I entrust you with my wife." This Russian was Tyutchev. A few days later, Baron Dörnberg died of typhus, an epidemic of which swept Munich at that time.

In 1835 Tyutchev received the rank of chamberlain. In 1839, Tyutchev's diplomatic activities were suddenly interrupted, but until 1844 he continued to live abroad. In 1843, he met with the all-powerful head of the III Department of His Imperial Majesty's Own Chancellery AH Benckendorff. The result of this meeting was the support by Emperor Nicholas I of all Tyutchev's initiatives in his work to create a positive image of Russia in the West. Tyutchev was given the go-ahead for an independent appearance in the press on political problems of relations between Europe and Russia.

Great interest of Nicholas I was aroused by the anonymously published Tyutchev article "Letter to Mr. Dr. Kolb" ("Russia and Germany"; 1844). This work was given to the emperor, who, as Tyutchev told his parents, "found all his thoughts in it and seemed to ask who its author was."

Returning to Russia in 1844, Tyutchev again entered the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (1845), where from 1848 he served as senior censor. As such, he did not allow the dissemination of the Communist Party manifesto in Russian in Russia, saying that "whoever needs it, they will read it in German."

Almost immediately upon his return, F.I.Tyutchev took an active part in Belinsky's circle.

Without printing poems at all during these years, Tyutchev published publicistic articles in French: "Letter to Mr. Dr. Kolb" (1844), "Note to the Tsar" (1845), "Russia and the Revolution" (1849), "The Papacy and the Roman question "(1850), and also later, already in Russia, the article" On censorship in Russia "(1857) was written. The last two are among the chapters of the unfinished treatise "Russia and the West", conceived by him under the impression of the revolutionary events of 1848-1849.

In this treatise, Tyutchev creates a kind of image of the thousand-year-old power of Russia. Outlining his "doctrine of the empire" and the nature of the empire in Russia, the poet noted its "Orthodox character." In the article "Russia and the Revolution" Tyutchev carried out the idea that in the "modern world" there are only two forces: revolutionary Europe and conservative Russia. The idea of ​​creating a union of Slavic-Orthodox states under the auspices of Russia was also presented.

During this period, Tyutchev's poetry itself was subordinated to state interests, as he understood them. He creates many "rhymed slogans" or "publicistic articles in verse": "Gus at the stake", "Slavs", "Contemporary", "Vatican anniversary".

On April 7, 1857, Tyutchev received the rank of full state councilor, and on April 17, 1858, he was appointed chairman of the Foreign Censorship Committee. In this post, despite numerous troubles and clashes with the government, Tyutchev stayed for 15 years, until his death. On August 30, 1865, Tyutchev was promoted to privy councilor, thereby reaching the third, and in fact even the second level in the state hierarchy of officials.

During his service he received 1,800 gold pieces of gold and 2,183 rubles in silver as awards (prizes).

Until the very end, Tyutchev was interested in the political situation in Europe. On December 4, 1872, the poet lost his freedom of movement with his left hand and felt a sharp deterioration in vision; excruciating headaches began to plague him. On the morning of January 1, 1873, despite the warnings of others, the poet went for a walk, intending to visit his acquaintances. On the street, he suffered a blow that paralyzed the entire left half of his body.

On July 15, 1873, Tyutchev died in Tsarskoe Selo. On July 18, 1873, the coffin with the poet's body was transported from Tsarskoe Selo to St. Petersburg and buried in the cemetery of the Novodevichy Convent.


Essay of a student of 10 "B" class, Lyceum No. 9 of Korzhanskaya Anastasia.


Fyodor Ivanovich Tyutchev was born into a noble family in the village of Ovstug, Oryol province (now the Bryansk region) on November 23, 1803. In 1810, the Tyutchev family moved to Moscow. A poet-translator, a connoisseur of classical antiquity and Italian literature S.E. Raich. Under the influence of the teacher, Tyutchev early joined literary work. Tyutchev wrote the earliest poem that has come down to us - "To my dear papa" at the age of 15 (November 1813). Already at the age of 12, Fyodor Ivanovich successfully translated Horace. And in 1819, a free transcription of "The Message of Horace to the Maecenas" was published - Tyutchev's first appearance in print. In the fall of this year, he enters the verbal department of Moscow University: he listens to lectures on the theory of literature and the history of Russian literature, on archeology and the history of fine arts.

In the fall of 1821, Tyutchev graduated from the university with a Ph.D. in verbal sciences. He gets a post of supernumerary officer of the Russian mission in Bavaria. In July 1822 he went to Munich and spent 22 years there.

Abroad Tyutchev translates Heine, Schiller and other European poets, and this helps him to acquire his voice in poetry to develop a special, unique style. Soon after arriving in Munich - apparently in the spring of 1823, Tyutchev fell in love with a very young Amalia von Lerchenfeld. Amalia was only considered the daughter of a prominent Munich diplomat Count Maximilian von Lerchenfeld-Kefering. In fact, she was the illegitimate daughter of the Prussian king Friedrich-Wilhelm III and the princess Thurn-y-Taxis (and was, thus, the bastard sister of another daughter of this king, the Russian empire Alexandra Feodorovna). A royal daughter of dazzling beauty, Amalia clearly sought to achieve the highest possible position in society. And she succeeded. During Tyutchev's departure on vacation, Amalia got married to his colleague, Baron Alexander Sergeevich Kründer. It is not known exactly when Tyutchev found out about Amalia's wedding, but it is easy to imagine his then pain and despair. But, despite the insults, Amalia's relationship with Tyutchev lasted for half a century, despite the fact that he was married to another, he shone poems to her:

“I remember the golden time,

I remember a sweet land in my heart.

The day was getting dark; we were two;

Below, in the shadows, the Danube was rustling ... "

There was even information that Tyutchev was a participant in a duel because of her.

Soon, on March 5, 1826, he married Eleanor Peterson, née Countess Bothmer. It was in many ways an unusual, strange marriage. Twenty-two-year-old Tyutchev secretly married a newly widowed woman, the mother of four sons between the ages of one and seven, and a woman four years older. Even two years later, many in Munich, according to Heinrich Heine, did not know about this wedding. "Serious mental inquiries were alien to her," but nevertheless the poet's biographer K.V. Pigarev about Eleanor. It can be assumed that Tyutchev decided to marry mainly for the sake of salvation from the torment and humiliation caused by the loss of his true beloved. But, one way or another, Tyutchev did not make a mistake. Eleanor loved him infinitely. She managed to create a cozy and welcoming home. Tyutchev lived with Eleanor for 12 years. From this marriage he had three daughters: Anna, Daria, Ekaterina.

Tyutchev served, and served poorly. Promotion was slow. The salary was not enough to support the family. The Tyutchevs could hardly make ends meet, they were constantly in debt.

“Fyodor Ivanovich was far from being what is called a good-natured person; he himself was very grumpy, very impatient, a decent grump and egoist to the marrow of his bones, to whom his peace of mind, his comforts and habits were dear to him, ”writes A.I. Georgievsky (publisher, teacher).

You can imagine what a difficult state of mind Tyutchev was in. Failures and hardships in all spheres - political activity, career and home life. In these conditions, Tyutchev surrenders to his new love.

In February 1833, at one of the balls, Tyutchev's friend, Bavarian publicist Karl Pfeffel introduces him to his sister, twenty-two-year-old beauty Ernestina and her already elderly husband Baron Döriberg. Ernestine is beautiful and dances skillfully. She made a strong impression on Tyutchev. In addition, a strange story happened: Dyori felt ill and left the ball, saying goodbye to Tyutchev: "I entrust you with my wife," and died a few days later.

That love began, which was probably a kind of way out, salvation for Tyutchev. He clearly could not, for the sake of a new love, not only part with Eleanor, but even stop loving her. And at the same time, he could not break off relations with Ernestina. And this could not remain a secret. Ernestine tried to run away from him. She left Munich. During this period of separation, Fyodor Ivanovich is in a terrible state, in which he burns most of his poetic exercises.

Eleanor tried to commit suicide by stabbing her chest several times with a dagger. But she remained alive, she forgave Tyutchev.

On May 14, Eleanor and her three daughters boarded a steamer heading from Kronstadt to Lubeck. Already near Lübeck, a fire broke out on the steamer. Eleanor suffered a nervous shock while rescuing the children. They escaped, but documents, papers, things, money were all gone. All this finally undermined Eleanor's health, and with a big cold on 08/27/1838 at the age of 39, she died.

And already on March 1, 1839. Tyutchev submitted an official declaration of his intention to marry Ernestina. Ernestina adopted Anna, Daria and Ekaterina. At the same time, while living in Munich, Tyutchev maintained the closest relations with the Russian mission, and continued to closely follow political life. There is no doubt that he still had a firm intention to return to the diplomatic service. But, fearing that he would not be given a diplomatic post, everything postpones his return from vacation to St. Petersburg, waiting for a more opportune moment. And, in the end, on June 30, 1841, Fyodor Ivanovich was dismissed from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and stripped of the title of chamberlain. In the fall of 1844 Tyutchev returned to his homeland. He began to actively participate in public life. And in March 1845 he was again enrolled in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

He loved his second wife Ernestina (Nettie), from her there were two sons Dmitry and Ivan. But 12 years after his marriage to her, Tyutchev fell in love with Denisieva. Fyodor Ivanovich was already under 50 when he was seized by his love, bold, excessive, irresistible, to Elena Aleksandrovna Denisyeva, a young girl, a cool lady of the institute where his daughters studied. A prosperous life, established with such difficulty, a career that was forcibly restored, public opinion, which he valued, friendships, political plans, the family itself, finally, everything went to pieces. For 14 years, from 1850 to 1864, this love storm raged. Continuing to love Ernestina, he lived in two houses and was torn between them. The relationship between Tyutchev and Ernestina Fedorovna for long periods was entirely reduced to correspondence. For 14 years she did not discover anything that she knew about her husband's love for another, and showed the rarest self-control.

Fyodor Ivanovich was more “spiritual” than “soulful”. The daughter wrote about him as a man, "that he seems to her, one of those primordial spirits that have nothing to do with matter, but which, however, does not have a soul."

Elena Alexandrovna loved Fyodor Ivanovich infinitely. Children born to Elena Alexandrovna (daughter Elena and son Fedor) were recorded as Tyutchevs. It had no legal effect. They were doomed to the sad fate of the "illegitimate" in those days. On May 22, 1864, Elena Alexandrovna gave birth to a son, Nikolai. Immediately after giving birth, she began to develop an exacerbation of tuberculosis. On August 4, 1864, she died in the arms of Fyodor Ivanovich Tyutchev. Tyutchev was tormented and tormented. After her death, he lived in a daze. Tyutchev seemed to be blinded by grief and wisdom. “A short, thin old man, with long, lagging temples. With gray hair that was never smoothed, dressed inconspicuously, not buttoned up to a single button as it should ... ”Khodasevich wrote in his memoirs about Tyutchev.

Fyodor Ivanovich continued to correspond with his wife Ernestina Fyodorovna. Later they met, and the Tyutchev family was reunited. In the last years of his life, Tyutchev devoted all his strength to a variety of activities aimed at establishing the correct direction of Russia's foreign policy. And Ernestina Fedorovna helps him in this. On January 1, 1873, the poet, says Aksakov, “in spite of any warnings, left the house for an ordinary walk, to visit friends and acquaintances ... He was soon brought back, broken with paralysis. The entire left side of the body was affected and affected irrevocably. " Ernestina Fyodorovna took care of the sick Fyodor Ivanovich.

Tyutchev died on July 15, 1873, just on the 23rd anniversary of the day when his romance with E.A. Denisieva began.

The artistic fate of the poet is unusual: this is the fate of the last Russian romantic, who worked in the era of the triumph of realism and nevertheless remained faithful to the precepts of romantic art.

The main merit of Fyodor Ivanovich's poems lies in a lively, graceful, plastically correct depiction of nature. He loves her dearly, understands perfectly well, the most subtle, elusive features and shades of her are available to him.

Tyutchev spiritualizes nature, animates, she is alive and humanized in his image:

And a sweet thrill, like a stream,

I ran through the veins of nature.

Like her hot legs

We touched the spring waters.

"Summer Evening" 1829

Nature -

... Not a cast, not a soulless face

She has a soul, she has freedom,

It has love, it has a language ...

"Not what you think of nature" ... 1836

Biography of Tyutchev.

The life and work of Tyutchev. abstract

From childhood, the poetry of Fyodor Ivanovich Tyutchev enters our life with a strange, bewitching purity of feeling, clarity and beauty of images:

I love the storm in early May,

When the spring, the first thunder,

How to frolic and play

Thunders in the blue sky ...

Fedor Ivanovich Tyutchev was born on November 23 / December 5, 1803 in the Ovstug estate of the Oryol province of the Bryansk district in a middle landowner, old noble family. Tyutchev received his primary education at home. Since 1813, his teacher of the Russian language was S.E. Raich, a young poet and translator. Raich introduced his student to the works of Russian and world poetry and encouraged his first experiments in poetry. “With what pleasure I remember those sweet hours,” Raich later recounted in his autobiography, “when, in the spring and summer, while living in the Moscow Region, we left the house together with F.I. from native writers and, having sat down in a grove, on a hill, plunged into reading and drowned in pure delights of the beauties of genius works of poetry ”. Speaking about the unusual abilities of his "naturally gifted" pupil, Raich mentions that "by the thirteenth year he had already translated the odes of Horace with remarkable success." These translations from Horace of 1815-1816 have not survived. But among the early poems of the poet there is an ode "To the new 1816", in which one can see imitations of the Latin classics. It was read on February 22, 1818 by the poet and translator, professor at Moscow University A.F.Merzlyakov in the Society of Lovers of Russian Literature. On March 30 of the same year, the young poet was elected an employee of the Society, and a year later a free transcription of Horace's “Epistle of Horace to the Maecenas” appeared in print.

In the fall of 1819, Tyutchev was admitted to the Moscow University in the verbal department. The diary of these years of Comrade Tyutchev, the future historian and writer M.P. Pogodin, testifies to the breadth of their interests. Pogodin began his diary in 1820, when he was still a university student, enthusiastic about the young, open to "the impressions of being", dreamed of a "golden age", that in a hundred, in a thousand years "there will be no rich, everyone will be equal." In Tyutchev, he found that "wonderful young man", everyone could check and trust their thoughts. They talked about the "future education" in Russia, about the "free noble spirit of thoughts", about Pushkin's ode to "Liberty" ... at liberty "), in which he greeted him as an accuser of" inveterate tyrants. " However, the free-thinking of young dreamers was of a rather moderate nature: Tyutchev compares the “fire of freedom” with the “flame of God,” the sparks of which are pouring down on the “brows of pale kings,” but at the same time, welcoming the herald of “holy truths,” he calls on him “ roznizhuvaty ”,“ touch ”,“ soften ”the hearts of the kings - without overshadowing the“ splendor of the crown ”.

In their youthful striving to comprehend the fullness of being, university comrades turned to literature, history, philosophy, subjecting everything to their critical analysis. This is how their disputes and conversations arose about Russian, German and French literature, "the influence that the literature of one language has on the literature of another", about the course of lectures on the history of Russian literature, they listened to the language department.

Tyutchev's early interest in the ideas of thinkers who were far from each other reflected both the search for his own solutions, and the feeling of complexity and ambiguity of these decisions. Tyutchev was looking for his own reading of the "book of nature", as all his further work convinces us.

Tyutchev graduated from University in two years. In the spring of 1822, he was already enlisted in the State Collegium of Foreign Affairs and was appointed a supernumerary officer at the Russian diplomatic mission in Munich, and soon left abroad. For the first six years of his stay abroad, the poet was listed as "overstaffed" at the Russian mission, and only in 1828 received the post of second secretary. He held this position until 1837. More than once in letters to relatives and friends, Tyutchev jokingly wrote that his expectation of promotion was too long, and just as jokingly explained: "Because I never took the service seriously, it is fair that the service also laughed at me."

Tyutchev was an opponent of serfdom and a supporter of a representative, established form of government - most of all, a constitutional monarchy. Tyutchev was acutely aware of the discrepancy between his idea of ​​the monarchy and its actual embodiment in the Russian autocratic system. "In Russia, the office and barracks", "everything moves around the whip and rank" - in such sarcastic aphorisms Tyutchev, who arrived in Russia in 1825, expressed his impressions of the Arakcheev regime of the last years of the reign of Alexander I.

Tyutchev spent more than twenty years abroad. There he continues to translate a lot. From Horace, Schiller, Lamartine, who attracted his attention back in Moscow, he turns to Goethe and the German romantics. Tyutchev was the first Russian poet to translate Heine's poems, and, moreover, before the publication of "Travel Pictures" and "Book of Songs", made the author's name so popular in Germany. At one time he had friendly relations with Heine. In 1828 letters to K.A. Farnhagen von Enze Heine called the Tyutchev house in Munich (in 1826 Tyutchev married the widow of a Russian diplomat, Eleanor Peterson) "a wonderful oasis", and the poet himself his best friend of that time.

Of course, translations were not limited to Tyutchev's poetic activities in those years. In the 1920s and 1930s, he wrote such original poems, testifying to the maturity and originality of his talent.

In the spring of 1836, fulfilling the request of a former colleague on the Russian mission in Munich, Prince. I. S. Gagarin, Tyutchev sent several dozen poems to St. Petersburg. Pushkin met them through Vyazemsky and Zhukovsky, met them with "surprise" and "capture" - with surprise and delight before the "unexpected appearance" of poems, "the depth of thought, the brightness of colors, news and the power of language." Twenty-four poems under the general heading "Poems Sent from Germany" and with the signature "F. T. "appeared in the third and fourth volumes of Pushkin's" Contemporary ". Tyutchev's poems were printed on the pages of Sovremennik even after Pushkin's death - until 1840. With some exceptions, they were selected by Pushkin himself.

In 1837, Tyutchev was appointed senior secretary of the Russian mission in Turin, and then soon - Charge d'Affaires. Leaving his family in St. Petersburg for a while, in August 1837 Tyutchev left for the capital of the Sardinian kingdom and four and a half months after his arrival in Turin he wrote to his parents: “Truly, I do not like it here at all, and only an absolute necessity makes me put up with such an existence. It is devoid of any kind of amusement and seems to me a bad performance, all the more boring because it sends boredom, while its only virtue was to amuse. Existence in Turin is exactly the same.

On May 30 / June 11, 1838, as the poet himself later said in a letter to his parents, they came to inform him that a Russian passenger steamer "Nikolai I", which left St. Petersburg, had burned down near Lubeck, off the coast of Prussia. Tyutchev knew that his wife and children, heading to Turin, must have been on this ship. He left Turin at once, but it was only in Munich that he learned the details of what had happened.

The fire on the ship broke out on the night of 18/30 to 19/31 May. When the awakened passengers ran out onto the deck, “two wide columns of smoke in half with fire rose on both sides of the chimney and a terrible commotion began along the masts, which did not stop. The riots were unimaginable ... "- recalled in his essay" Fire at Sea "I. S. Turgenev, who was also on this ship.

During the catastrophe, Eleanor Tyutcheva discovered complete self-control and presence of mind, but her already poor health was finally undermined by what she experienced on that terrible night. The death of his wife shocked the poet, eclipsing many years with the bitterness of memories:

Your sweet image, unforgettable

He is in front of me everywhere, always,

Available, unchanging,

Like a star in the sky at night ...

On the five-year anniversary of the death of Eleanor Tyutchev, he wrote to the one who helped to bear the weight of the loss and entered the poet's life, by his own admission, as an “earthly ghost”: “Today's September 9 is a sad number for me. It was the most terrible day in my life, and if it weren't for you, it would probably be my day too ”(letter from Ernestina Fedorovna Tyutchev, August 28 / September 9, 1843).

After entering into a second marriage with Ernestina, Dernberg Tyutchev was forced to resign due to an unauthorized departure to Switzerland on the occasion of the wedding, which took place on July 17/29, 1839. Having resigned, in the fall of 1839 Tyutchev settled again in Munich. However, further stay in a foreign land, not due to official position, became more and more difficult for the poet: “Although I am not used to living in Russia,” he wrote to his parents on March 18/30, 1843, “I think that it is impossible to be more privately “Tied to my country than I am, more constantly concerned with what is in it. And I rejoice in advance that I will be there again ”. At the end of September 1844 Tyutchev returned to his homeland with his family, and six months later he was again enrolled in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

The Petersburg period of the poet's life was marked by a new upsurge in his lyrical creativity. In the years 1848-1849, he wrote really made poems: "Reluctantly and timidly ...", "When in the circle of murderous worries ...", "Human tears, about human tears ..." "And others. In 1854, the first collection of Tyutchev's poems was published in the appendix to the March edition of that" Contemporary ", and nineteen more poems appeared in the May book of the same magazine. In the same year, Tyutchev's poems were published as a separate edition.

The appearance of Tyutchev's collection of poems was a great event in the literary life of that time. In Sovremennik, I.S.Turgenev published the article “A few words about the poems of F. I. Tyutchev”. would be conveyed to us with the greetings and approval of Pushkin. " In 1859, the journal "Russkoe slovo" published an article by A. A. Fet "On the poems of F. Tyutchev", which spoke of him as an original "master" of poetic thought, who is able to combine the "lyrical courage" of the poet with the unchanging " a sense of proportion. " In the same 1859, Dobrolyubov's famous article "The Dark Kingdom" appeared, in which, among judgments about art, there is an assessment of the peculiarities of Tyutchev's poetry, her "burning passion" and "harsh energy", "deep thought, excited not only by natural phenomena, but also by questions moral, interests of public life ”.

In a number of the poet's new creations, poems remarkable in their psychological depth stand out: "Oh, how destructively we love ...", "Predestination," "Don't say: he loves me, as before," ... In subsequent years, they were supplemented with such poetic masterpieces as “All day she lay in oblivion…”, “There is also in my suffering stagnation…”, “Today, friend, fifteen years have passed. ... "," On the eve of the anniversary of August 4, 1864 "," There is no day that the soul does not ache ... "- they made the so-called" Denisov cycle ". This cycle of poems is like a lyrical story about the love experienced by the poet "in his declining years" - about his love for Elena Aleksandrovna Denisova. Their "lawlessness" in the eyes of society, the relationship continued for fourteen years. In 1864, Denisova died of consumption. Failing to protect his beloved woman from the "human court", Tyutchev blames himself first of all for the suffering caused to her by her ambiguous position in society.

Tyutchev's political outlook basically took shape by the end of the 40s. A few months before his return to his homeland, he published in Munich a brochure in French "Letter to Mr. Dr. Gustav Kolbe" (subsequently reprinted under the title "Russia and Germany"). In this work, dedicated to the relationship of tsarist Russia with the German states, Tyutchev, in contrast to Western Europe, puts forward Eastern Europe as a special world, living its own unique life, where "Russia at all times served as a soul and a driving force." Impressed by the West European revolutionary events of 1848, Tyutchev conceived a large philosophical and journalistic treatise "Russia and the West". Only the general plan of this plan has survived, two chapters processed as independent articles in French (Russia and the Revolution, The Papacy and the Roman Question - published in 1849, 1850), and outline sketches of other sections.

As these articles, as well as Tyutchev's letters, testify, he is convinced that the "Europe of the treatises of 1815" has already ceased to exist and the deep revolutionary principle "has penetrated into the blood of the people." Seeing in the revolution only the element of destruction, Tyutchev seeks the result of that crisis, shakes the world, in the reactionary utopia of Pan-Slavism, refracted in his poetic imagination as the idea of ​​uniting the Slavs under the auspices of the Russian - "all-Slavic" tsar.

In the poetry of Tyutchev of the 50s and 60s, the tragedy of the perception of life intensifies. And the reason for this is not only in the drama he experienced, connected with his love for E. A. Denisova and her death. In his poems, generalized images of a desert land, "poor villages", "a poor beggar" arise. A sharp, merciless cruel contrast between wealth and poverty, luxury and deprivation is reflected in the poem "Send, Lord, your joy ...". The poem "Russian woman" is executed with "hopelessly sad, soul-tearing predictions of the poet". The ominous image of an inhuman “light” that destroys everything better with slander, the image of a crowd-light, appears in the verses “There are two forces - two fatal forces…” and “What did you pray for with love…”.

In 1858, he was appointed chairman of the Foreign Censorship Committee, Tyutchev more than once acted as a deputy to publications subjected to censorship punishment, and were under threat of persecution. The poet was deeply convinced that "it is impossible to impose on minds unconditional and too prolonged compression and oppression without significant harm to the entire social organism", that the government's task should not be to suppress, but to "direct" the press. Reality, as well as constantly said that for the government of Alexander II, as well as for the government of Nicholas I, the only acceptable method of "channeling" the press was the method of police persecution.

Although Tyutchev until the end of his days served as chairman of the Foreign Censorship Committee (the poet died on July 15/27, 1873), both the service and the court bureaucratic environment burdened him. The environment to which Tyutchev belonged was far from him, more than once from court ceremonies he endured a feeling of annoyance, deep dissatisfaction with himself and everyone around him. Therefore, almost all of Tyutchev's letters are permeated with a feeling of melancholy, loneliness, and disappointment. "I love him," wrote L. Tolstoy, "and I consider him one of those unfortunate people who are immeasurably higher than the crowd among which they live, and therefore are always alone."

Tyutchev's biography, Tyutchev's life and work abstract

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Russian poet, master of landscape, psychological, philosophical and patriotic lyrics, Fyodor Ivanovich Tyutchev comes from an ancient noble family. The future poet was born in the Oryol province, in the Ovstug family estate (today it is the territory of the Bryansk region), on November 23, 1803. By the era, Tyutchev is practically a contemporary of Pushkin, and, as biographers say, it is Pushkin who owes his unexpected glory to the poet, since by the nature of his main activity he was not closely associated with the world of art.

Life and service

He spent most of his childhood in Moscow, where the family moved when Fedor was 7 years old. The boy studied at home, under the guidance of a home teacher, a famous poet and translator, Semyon Raich. The teacher instilled in the ward a love of literature, noted his gift for poetry, but his parents predicted a more serious occupation for their son. Since Fedor had a gift for languages ​​(from the age of 12 he knows Latin and translates ancient Roman poetry), at the age of 14 he begins to attend lectures by students of language and literature at Moscow University. At the age of 15, he was enrolled in the course of the Literary Department, joined the Society of Lovers of Russian Literature. Linguistic education and the degree of candidate of verbal sciences allow Tyutchev to move in his career along the diplomatic line - at the beginning of 1822 Tyutchev entered the State Collegium of Foreign Affairs and almost forever became an official diplomat.

Tyutchev spends the next 23 years of his life in the service of the Russian diplomatic mission in Germany. Poems are written and translated by German authors exclusively "for the soul", with a literary career is almost in no way connected. Semyon Raich continues to keep in touch with the former student, he publishes several of Tyutchev's poems in his magazine, but they do not find an enthusiastic response from the reading public. Contemporaries considered Tyutchev's lyrics somewhat old-fashioned, as they felt the sentimental influence of the poets of the late 18th century. Meanwhile, today these first poems - "Summer Evening", "Insomnia", "Vision" - are considered one of the most successful in Tyutchev's lyrics, they testify to the already held poetic talent.

Poetic creativity

The first fame for Tyutchev was brought by Alexander Pushkin, in 1836. He selected 16 poems by an unknown author for publication in his collection. There is evidence that Pushkin meant a young aspiring poet in the author and predicted a future for him in poetry, not suspecting that he had a solid experience.

Tyutchev's poetic source of civic poetry is his work - the diplomat is too well aware of the cost of peaceful relations between countries, as he becomes a witness to the building of these relations. In 1848-49, the poet, acutely feeling the events of political life, creates poems "Russian woman", "Reluctantly and timidly ..." and others.

The poetic source of love lyrics is in many ways a tragic personal life. For the first time Tyutchev marries at the age of 23, in 1826, the Countess Eleanor Peterson. Tyutchev did not love, but respected his wife, and she idolized him like no one and no one. In a marriage that lasted 12 years, three daughters were born. Once on a trip, the family got into a disaster at sea - the spouses were rescued from the icy water, and Eleanor caught a bad cold. Having been ill for a year, my wife died.

Tyutchev remarried a year later with Ernestine Dörnberg, in 1844 the family returned to Russia, where Tyutchev again began climbing the career ladder - the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the position of privy councilor. But he dedicated the real pearls of his work not to his wife, but to a girl the same age as his first daughter, who was brought together by a fatal passion with a 50-year-old man. The poems "Oh, how murderously we love ...", "All day she lay in oblivion ..." are dedicated to Elena Denisieva and put together in the so-called "Denisievsky cycle". The girl, caught in connection with a married old man, was rejected both by society and by her own family, she gave birth to three children to Tyutchev. Unfortunately, both Denisyeva and two of their children died of consumption in the same year.

In 1854 Tyutchev was first published as a separate collection, in an appendix to the issue of Sovremennik. Turgenev, Fet, Nekrasov begin to comment on his work.

62-year-old Tyutchev retired. He thinks a lot, walks in the vicinity of the estate, writes a lot of landscape and philosophical lyrics, is published by Nekrasov in the collection "Russian Secondary Poets", gains fame and genuine recognition.

However, the poet is crushed by losses - in the 1860s, his mother, brother, eldest son, eldest daughter, children from Denisyeva and herself died. At the end of his life, the poet philosophizes a lot, writes about the role of the Russian Empire in the world, about the possibility of building international relations on mutual respect, observance of religious laws.

The poet died after a serious stroke that struck the right half of the body on July 15, 1873. He died in Tsarskoe Selo, before his death he managed to accidentally see his first love - Amalia Lerchenfeld and dedicated to her one of his most famous poems "I met you".

Tyutchev's poetic heritage is usually divided into stages:

1810-20 years - the beginning of the creative path. In the lyrics, the influence of sentimentalists, classical poetry is obvious.

1820-30 years - the formation of handwriting, the influence of romanticism is noted.

1850-73 years - brilliant, polished political poems, deep philosophical lyrics, "Denisievsky cycle" - an example of love and intimate lyrics.