
Tomb rider passage on the ship. Walkthrough Tomb Raider

garden buildings

mountain forest

Once near the ashes, on the left behind you can find a document after reading which we set off in the indicated direction. Going forward through two arches down the stairs we will get into a small location overgrown with trees. Here you can find an artifact - a dagger of the Zhou dynasty, picking up mushrooms that will start the test "Silent hunting", several boxes with spare parts, a cache and wreckage of a helicopter on which they tried to fly away in the previous chapter. Passing under the next arch along the narrow passages, we will exit into another forest location, which will be much larger, with a camp in the center and patrols of the "brothers of the sun".

Moving around the location, we remove the enemies one at a time, trying not to make noise. We turn right from the bridge over the stream and pass to the wall along which you can climb up. Nearby on one of the trees there will be a platform with an artifact, and under it there will be a grid with spare parts, to get them it is enough to shoot with a burning arrow. Next, we approach the wall and jumping up, we cling to it with an ice ax by pressing E. Having risen up, we jump to the nearest platform on a neighboring tree, and from there we get on a rope to a tree on the platform of which lies an artifact - a jade ritual dagger. From this site it is very convenient to clear the territory in front of the camp on the other side of the stream, just destroying the enemies from here you can go down directly to the camp by shooting a "comet" at a pole on the other side wrapped in a rope.

If you go to the left of the hunting lodge, you can find a small building inside which there will be a chest with spare parts, the door to this barn is opened with the help of a "comet" or, more simply, an arrow with a rope. In the hunting lodge itself, you can find a document on the table, and if you go to the right from the camp to the base of the stream, a little to the right you will find a small building on the wall, you can climb into it after you pull out a support wrapped with a rope from under it by shooting a "comet". From this building, you can jump onto a ledge of a rock where another cache will lie or onto a platform on a tree from which you can get to two other platforms by shooting a "comet" at a tree wrapped with a rope, though from the top rope you will have to jump onto a rope stretched a little lower, for this we press Shift and immediately "Space" so that Lara has time to catch on to the rope below and not fall to the ground. on the very top platform you can find a box with spare parts and from it you can jump to a ledge with a cache near the waterfall. In the water next to the waterfall, you can find another cache.

To the left of the base of the stream with a waterfall there will be another ledge on which the artifact lies, you can get to it from a platform on a tree, which, in turn, you can climb over a stretched rope. Picking up a Japanese ritual dagger from the ledge. Having descended from the ledge, we go to the opposite part of the location, to the left of the hunting lodge you can find a tomb.

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Temple of the Guardians

We go through the cave until we get to the room with the fire - the camp, this will be the tomb "guardian temple", we need to get to its top. To do this, first of all, we shoot with a burning arrow at the gas going over a wooden building, after the explosion, when the garbage blocking our path burns, we jump to the top and until the gas appears again, quickly turn left and climb along the boards to the upper platform. From the site, you can jump onto the wall for which you will need to cling to the ice ax by pressing E, but before that you should burn the garbage blocking our way upstairs, for this it is enough to shoot at it with a burning arrow. Having risen upward, we go forward and open the chest, after which the tomb will be plundered, and you will receive experience, spare parts and an artifact map. We get out of the tomb the same way we got into it.

And so, having got out of the tomb, we pass to the left along the path leading to the exit from the location. Climbing up the stairs we go into the cave in which, after crossing the bridge, we open the door, for this you need to shoot at it with a "comet". Going forward through the cave, we will come across a room with cages in which wolves are sitting. Here we go up the stairs to a wooden platform, shoot with a "comet" at the carcass of a deer wrapped in a rope, and after that we quickly jump onto the pole from which Lara will jump onto the wall, press E to hook on it with an ice pick. Having climbed up and going a little forward, we collect spare parts from nets and boxes, and here you can also find the last cache of the "Mountain Forest" location. Going further, Lara will slide down the slope and hang over the abyss, press E to prevent her from falling off. Having climbed up, we move further along a narrow ledge that leads to the exit from the cave.

Having got out, we will again find ourselves in the "Slums" location, however, we will not stay here for long, We go down the stretched rope, talking on the radio, we pass to the destroyed bridge from which we jump onto the next rope along which we descend to one of the towers. Having jumped onto the next rope, we move along it to the next tower (where the cable car operates).

cable car

Having jumped onto one of the platforms, we go down the cable car until the platform stops. Standing next to the pillar, we shoot with a "comet" at the area wrapped in a rope on the tower on the left, after which we descend along the stretched rope to the tower. Having gone around, we climb the stairs to the upper platform, and from there we slide down the rope to a healthy structure (similar to part of the ship), where, having taken cover, we begin to destroy the attacking enemies. We hold the defense until the machine gunner appears, after which we watch a short cut-scene after which, under the machine-gun bursts, we begin to climb up, clinging to the yellow beams. Having risen up, we run to the left and jump through the gap, after which we watch another cut scene at the end of which Lara finds herself sliding along the rope. When time slows down and a prompt appears, you will need to press Shift to jump to another rope by sliding along which we press Shift again and jump to the third rope. In front of the iron structure, press Shift again to jump down, slide along the chute, shoot the obstacle with a shotgun, after which Lara will again be sliding along the rope from which you will again need to jump down to the rope lower by pressing Shift. Next, we jump into a stormy mountain river, swimming along which we shoot an obstacle and fall from a waterfall.

Shore of sorrow

Having got out of the water, we go forward along the path, jumping over the destroyed bridge, we find ourselves in a new location. On the right side you can find a couple of boxes from which parts to improve weapons will fall out. On the left, on a small ledge, you can find a cache, after which we go down the path, turning left and going to the shore, you can find another cache, as well as a mine by shooting which we will start the "Demining" test. You can also find a tomb nearby, but you can’t get into it yet. Going down in the water, you can find another cache and another mine, destroying which we pass along the coast in the direction of the camp, where you will hear the characteristic sound of a starting engine. At the fire, you can improve weapons and distribute talent points, in the building next to the camp on the first floor you will find a document and on the second floor you will find a cache. In a nearby building with a locked door that can be broken open with an ice pick, you will find another document. Next, we approach the boat and watch the cut scene.

A new task will be to search for pulleys, we pass to the shore, where you can find another cache on the left near the anchor, and another mine in the water. After you blow up the mine, climb the stairs to the ruined pier along which, jumping over the gaps, we will get to the crane. We climb the stairs to the top and then slide along the stretched rope to a wooden platform near the remains of a sailing ship. On the left in the water you can find another mine by destroying which we jump onto the crossbar from which Lara will jump onto a piece of rock suitable for hooking on it with an ice ax. Climbing up the rock, we jump over to the right to the hole in the ship's skin and climb into it. After destroying two enemies inside, we set fire to the grid with spare parts and go forward, jumping onto the bow of the ship, climb the stairs up, and then jumping over the beams on the right side, we climb to the top and shoot at a pair of pulleys hanging on a rope.

Having picked up the pulleys, we move to the stern of the ship along the fallen mast, shooting three "brothers of the sun" and picking up an artifact in the room on the left, we go back to the camp, for this we approach the cable stretched from the stern towards the coast and jumping down it to the next cable, pressing Shift we jump over it thus reaching the coast. Returning to the camp, we watch the next cut-scene at the end of which we receive the "Composite Bow" from Jonah.

Our new task is to go to the Endurance for tools, for this we pass to the left from the camp along the coast to the pier. On the left there will be a piece of rock on which you can climb with an ice ax, to get there we shoot a “comet” at the rock (fortunately, the new bow allows this). Then, jumping from one platform to another, you need to get to the healthy part of the ship standing on the left near the rocks. On the way to the place, on the ledge of the rock, you can find another cache, and on the wreckage of the ship, a box with spare parts and a couple of artifacts. If you climb to the top of the mast, then from it, along a stretched rope, you can cross to the opposite shore, you can also find a cache on this mast.

Going forward along the shore, we will stumble upon a small building with a pair of "brothers of the sun" inside, after shooting the enemies, we climb onto the building, but before climbing we go around the building from the sea side, destroying "Dolem" along the road and starting the test of the same name, you can also find another mine nearby. On the building itself, you can climb the destroyed bridge by jumping over the gaps. We rise to the very top of the tower along the stairs, boards and along the stone wall with the help of an ice ax. there will be a stretched rope on the milestone through which you can get to the inaccessible part of the coast, but before that go down to the lower room of the tower, there will be another artifact. Having reached the rope to the next piece of rock, we hide behind cover, after which we need to shoot a couple of enemies and jump over to the ledge where they stood. There will be another tomb behind the locked door.

Flooded Cache

Having opened the door with an ice ax and going forward a little, we will stumble upon another artifact, then we climb up the stairs and turning to the right we jump over the abyss, clinging to the wall with an ice ax. Having risen upward, we move along the corridor until we reach the premises of the tomb, picking up another artifact along the way. Before entering the tomb there will be a camp where you can distribute talent points and improve weapons. In order to get into the room of the tomb, you need to climb the stairs on the right and turn on the light. Having penetrated into the room, which is some kind of old laboratory, the first thing we do is free the raft standing on the left, for this we approach it and set fire to the rope to which it is tied. Then, with the help of a "comet", shooting at the raft, we drag it to get over to the right side of the room without climbing into the water. Then you still have to get wet, but so that Lara does not get electrocuted, we shoot with a "comet" in opposition to the energized lantern and while it slowly descends, we cross the water along the right wall of the room. From here it will be necessary to raise the lantern again and while it descends, pull the raft under it so that the lantern does not touch the water. Then we calmly cross the room and go up the stairs in its far left corner. Upstairs, Lara is waiting for a chest with "treasures". We leave the tomb the same way we came here.

Having got out, we continue our journey to the Endurance, turning left from the tomb, we pass along the suspension bridge and through a small cave. Next, you need to jump over to the beam leading to the old mast, but before that, turn right, there you can find another "share" and a couple of caches. Having reached the mast, we pull the rope across the abyss along which we move to its other side. Having gone a little forward, we will stumble upon a document, and climbing a shallow cave we will get to the next location.

Bunker on the rock

After we get out of the cave on the edge of the cliff on the left you can find a cache, and on the right there will be another camp. To get to the bunker, we shoot with a comet at the rock opposite, having moved there along the rope, we climb to the right, bending around the bunker through pipes and with the help of an ice ax. Having reached the loophole with a broken gun, we climb into it, before going further we set fire to the flag hanging on the wall on the left, starting the "Former inhabitants" test. Squeezing through the gap in the wall along a narrow corridor we get into the next room. After killing all the enemies, we select the cache to the right of the entrance, after which, after examining the corpses of the enemies and picking up the document in the far part of the room, we rise to the second floor. Destroying enemies, we rise to the third floor, and from it, jumping onto a suspended platform, we get out onto the roof of the bunker. On the roof you can find another cache and burn the flag, after which we go down to the site with a fire, here you can find an artifact behind an old truck, a document near the fire, and in front of the cliff behind the boxes, the cache, the rest of the caches and artifacts can be picked up only on the way back.

Standing near the pillar, we shoot with a “comet” at the rock opposite, after which we move onto it along the rope, before we go further we select another cache, after which we descend to the Endurance along the stretched rope. Three "brothers of the sun" will work on the deck, after shooting two ordinary hefty ones, we leave it in the end. After shooting the thug several times in the head, we run up to him and get there by pressing the F button at the moments when the icon with an exclamation mark appears. From the corpse of a big man, Lara will pick up the "Zhumar" device with which you can move heavy objects, as well as quickly move along stretched cables. We shoot with a "comet" at a suspended load and with the help of a "jumar" by pressing E we drop it onto the deck, after which we go down into the hole made. After passing along the corridor, we watch the cut scene in the cabin, and then we raise the document from the floor. Having passed further along the corridor and having shot a couple of enemies, we move along the rope to the stern of the Endurance.

Moving further along the corridors, we get into the engine room where we find Alex, to get to him you need to remove the bare wires from the door, for this you need to use the beam crane, pulling it up with the help of a "jumar". However, before you can unlock the passage, you need to remove the pipe that allows the beam to pass to the end, for this we move the beam to the left, forward and right (to the left to the right, the beam can be moved by jumping onto the stairs on it, and back and forth using the "comet" and "jumar"). Climbing up the stairs, remove the pipe by hitting it with your foot by pressing F, after which you need to return the beam to its original position by moving it back and to the left and then again pull it up to the blocked entrance. Having pulled the beam away from the entrance and having reached Alex, we watch the cut scene, after which we run along the burning corridor, jump onto the stretched cable along which, using the "jumar" by pressing E, we get to the bow of the Endurance.

Climbing on the boxes on the bow of the ship, we return to the rope to the bunker on the rock. In order to get into the bunker again, we drop a healthy engine from the roof by shooting it with a "comet". After jumping into the hole that has formed, we get into a previously inaccessible room, here you can find a document, and in the next room the door into which you can break down with the help of a "jumar" you can find an artifact. Before leaving the room, we set fire to the flag hanging on the wall above the exit. Having reached the broken cannon, we break the wall on the left with a "jumar" and before leaving the location we select an artifact and a treasure map. It remains to move to the side with the cave leading to the "Coast of Sorrow".

Shore of sorrow

After you get out of the cave, going forward, we break the wall wrapped with a rope on the left, we climb over the cliff along the stretched cable. Once on the other side, shoot the "brothers of the sun", after which you can go down to the shore along the stretched ropes, but before that you can look around, nearby you can find a couple of caches. As a result, having reached the camp, we watch the cut scene after which we go to the research station.

Having reached the lift, we open the door wrapped with rope with the help of the “comet”, activate the lift mechanism with the help of an ice ax by pressing E. However, the lift will collapse down so that you will have to make the way up by climbing the shaft of the collapsed lift with your hands. To climb to the very top, we move to the left, clinging to the rock with an ice ax. Here, on the top of the lifting mechanism, you can find another cache. Next, going to the pillar to the right of the lift, we launch the "comet" into the rock opposite to which we get on a stretched rope. To climb onto the platform from above, you will need to move along the rock to the right by jumping over a couple of sections. On the top platform you can find a document and a cache.

Next, you need to climb onto a piece of wall with white boards, from which you can jump to the barrel of the water tower, from which, in turn, you can get to the cable car tower. Having climbed the stairs to the top, we attract the first platform to ourselves by shooting with a "comet" at the area wrapped with a rope. Jumping to the first platform, we attract the second one. Having jumped to the second platform, we quickly jump from it to the next tower until we fell down along with the platform. Next, we cross the abyss along a stretched rope, jumping from which we climb, cling to the pipe on the wall in front of us and climb the pipe, skirting the building on the right side and jumping over the sections between the pipes.

In the end, we climb up the stairs, and then along the sheer wall, clinging to it with an ice ax. Climbing up to a small platform and taking the spare parts from the box, we jump to the platform on the left. Climb up the stairs and clear the area from the top of the enemies. Further along the pipe we get to a wall suitable for climbing with an ice ax, along it we climb to a platform from which, with the help of a stretched rope, we get to another rock along which we again climb up and to the left. Having jumped onto the stairs, we climb onto the platform where it remains to break a piece of the wall with the help of the "jumar". After passing through the room with the gun, we move forward until we get to the next location.

science station

Having gone forward, we jump onto the wall along which we go down, then we shoot from the grenade launcher at the wall on the right side. After destroying the first wall, we shoot from the grenade launcher at the second one on the left above, there in a small dead end you can find an artifact. Returning back, we pass along the corridor flooded with water, climb up and climb through a small hole in the wall. Before you go any further, you can shoot the sun-shaped totem hanging from the ceiling in front of you, starting the "Solar Assassin" challenge. Going down the corridor in a room with a fire, we will stumble upon a couple of enemy fighters who need to be eliminated. At the entrance to the left there will be a door that can be opened with an ice pick, then we jump through the corridor into the window through which we will get into a small dead end with a cache inside. Also in the room with the camp you can find a document. Further through the corridor, in which another totem will hang under the ceiling, we pass to the lift.

We need to go down to the floor below, but the door is blocked, by activating the panel on the left we lower the lift down. After the elevator stops, we climb onto the box on the right and break the first of the four gears on which the elevator moves with an ice pick. Having climbed onto the elevator platform, we climb the stairs through the hole in the elevator shaft. Climbing up to the floor above, you can find another document, after which we activate the elevator panels on this floor. Then, going down the stairs, we climb onto the platform from which we break another elevator stopper. We pass to the fourth floor and activate the elevator panel again, without waiting for the elevator to fully rise, we jump onto its platform and fire a shotgun at the boards that clog the hole, jump onto the wall clinging to it with an ice pick. Moving to the left along the wall we get to a small platform from which we break the third stopper. Then we go down to the third floor and along the stairs next to the elevator control panel we get to the last stopper by breaking which we will open our way to the lower part of the laboratory.

Having gone downstairs, we pass into the next room through a gap in the wall, after shooting a couple of "brothers of the sun" in the corridor, we select an artifact lying between the boxes and the door leading to the elevator. Moving along the corridor behind the grate on the right, you can shoot another solar totem. At the end of the corridor, after climbing over the boxes on the left, you can find a map with the secrets of the location, and behind the boxes on the right side there will be a cache. Going further along the corridor, we watch the cut-scene after which it will be necessary to repel the attack of the "brothers of the sun". After we destroy all the enemies, we pass into the cave from which they ran out. Sliding down the slope, we jump onto the wall, clinging to it with an ice ax, climbing to the top, we move to the exit from the location. Returning to the "Beach of Sorrow" we go down the stretched ropes, destroying enemies on our way. Having reached the camp, we watch another video.

Temple of the Servants

Before leaving the location "Sorrow's Shore" you can look into the second tomb located near the camp near the shore. To get inside by breaking the door you will need a "jumar". Having penetrated inside, we pass along the corridor to the premises of the tomb, during which you can find another camp. In order to get to the chest with "treasures" you first need to use the mechanism to raise the cage blocking the path of the buoy floating in the water. After the cage is raised, quickly climb onto the ledge on the left side. While swimming, the buoy will turn a pole on which there is a crossbar, clinging to which you can get to the next ledge. Next, we shoot with a "comet" at the second pillar by turning it 90 degrees, the floating buoy will turn it around and we will be able to jump onto the wall from the crossbar on the pillar and hook on it with an ice ax. Climbing up we get into a room with a chest, the tomb is looted. Having descended down the rope, we return to the surface in the same way that we came here.


And so, having finished all the work, we go on the boat and sail to the next location, after watching a short video, we go in search of Sami. Once at the edge of the cliff, we shoot with a "comet" at the rock opposite and move onto it along a stretched rope. Having gone forward in a small cave, we watch a short video, after which we cross another abyss by pulling a rope through it. After moving to the other side, we climb up and jumping along the wall through the window we penetrate into the room.


Moving along the corridor, we destroy a group of storm guards and then make our way through a dilapidated tunnel until we find ourselves in a long corridor along which a large number of storm guards walk. Trying not to catch the eye of the samurai, we climb up the stairs and then go along the log to the other side of the corridor. Clinging to a small ledge on the wall on the left, we climb along it until Lara jumps from one ledge to another and climbs through the window. Next, you will have to run without stopping along the burning floor under a hail of arrows until Lara slides down a stone chute into another cave. Moving forward, we eliminate one by one the storm guards attacking us until we get to the next camp. Having gone forward along the corridor, we open the door with the help of an ice pick and go out into the street.

Having reached the cliff, we climb onto a wooden building on the left side, from which we will get into another cave, after passing through which we will find ourselves on the bridge. After watching a short video, we begin to break through to the entrance to the temple, destroying the storm guards along the way. A hefty samurai with a club will appear in front of the entrance to the temple, but you will have to fight him a little later, this time the big man will be blown away by the wind. Having run into the premises of the temple, we find ourselves in a new location.

Temple over the gorge

In the first room of the temple, you can find an artifact, a document and a camp, as well as a variety of ammunition. Having opened the door to the next room with an ice ax, the first thing we do is select an artifact at the bottom left of the entrance, in addition, you can find a document on the second tier, and a map of the secrets of this location on the third. To get into the next room, you must first raise the cage suspended on a chain, for this we open a hole in the floor by rotating the wheel on the right side, and then we get the cage by rotating the wheel on the left side. Next, standing at the entrance to the room, we shoot at the cage with a “comet” and pull it up with a “jumar” and release it after which the cage will make a hole in the wall opposite. Now you need to get to this hole, for this we close the hole in the floor and lower the cage down. It remains to climb to the upper tier, shoot at the cage with a "comet" pulling it up to you, then jump on it and flying through the whole room jump from the cage into the hole in the wall. In the next room, after picking up a document, we go along a long corridor to the next location, picking up another artifact along the way, which will lie near the second camp.


Having opened the door with an ice ax, we go forward through the bridge, after watching the cut scene we turn left and go into the room. To get over the gap in the floor, we shoot with a "comet" at the opposite wall, after which we move onto it along a stretched rope. Clinging to the ice ax, we jump over to the wall on the right, and already from it to the remains of the floor of the upper floor. To the right of the exit from the room there will be a wall along which you can climb up. Having passed into the next room, you need to break the gate with the help of a suspended bell, for this we stand so that the gate is on the left and shoot with a "comet" at the bell, the wind will do the rest for you). After passing through the gap, we climb to the upper tier on the left side, from there, shooting a comet at the bell, we climb up the stretched rope. In the fall, we grab onto the wooden beam, passing along which we jump to the remains of the building on the left side.

Having passed along the wooden decks during the jump through one of the gaps, Lara breaks down, our task is to cling to the rock with an ice ax along which we climb to the next building. We climb up the building, at the top there will be a hole through which Lara will get inside. Then, pulling the rope, we move to the rock above the statue, move to the left and then down, after which we climb to the right and up, thus reaching the cave in the rock. There will be a camp inside, the last one along the way, so it's worth finishing the improvements or distributing the remaining talent points. Having gone forward, we jump onto a beam sticking out of the wall, and from it to the wall opposite, along which we will climb up. After the destruction of part of the wall, we shift to the right and continue climbing the wall, and then along the rock.

Climbing up and watching a short video, turning left, we begin to break forward with a fight, destroying both the brothers of the sun and the storm guards. The fallen column can be bypassed by climbing onto the platform on the right side. After you get over the formed abyss, a healthy storm guardian will appear (which was blown away by the wind last time). This enemy has a weak spot in the back, so when dodging his blows, we shoot in the back, and after the icon with a skull appears, run up to him and press F to finish off the enemy with an ice pick. We repeat this sequence of actions several times, shooting back along the way from ordinary enemies that will appear from time to time. As a result, to finish off the big man, you will need to press F several times, and then E, after which we run to save Sami. In the battle with Matthias, we press the buttons that appear on the screen, first F to hit him with an ice pick, then E to defend ourselves, eventually shooting the poor fellow with two pistols and dropping him into the abyss, watch how Lara kills Pimiko, on this Walkthrough Tomb Raider 2013 finished.

We start the game. First, you will be asked to watch an introductory video. After its completion, you appear in a cave, hanging upside down. Plus, the hands are tightly tied. To free yourself, you need to swing and set fire to the bag. A skeleton will fall out of the bag, but we don't stop until we set ourselves on fire. After falling to the floor, another wound will appear on Lara's body.

We go forward, we take a torch from the wall, we set fire to the fabric that is in front. While passing through the water, the torch will go out, but it is ignited when it comes into contact with a source of fire. We'll still need it.

Tomb Raider 2013 walkthrough - start

We proceed to activate the "Survival Instinct". It allows you to see significant highlighted objects. It is necessary to kindle a torch, climb up and set fire to the fabric. From it, the fire will go to the barrel. When the explosion occurs, you can move on. An unknown person will try to grab Lara. It is necessary to often and quickly press the buttons left and right.

After passing the stream, we again kindle the torch in order to set fire to two sticks with a cloth. We go up to jump onto the platform. The cage will become full of boxes, you need to approach it, set it on fire and push it. We leave the cave, but at the exit we fall down.

Tomb Raider 2013, the passage of the game, involves making constant jumps, running fast. So, we need to continue running after the fall, jumping over the abyss. An unknown person will appear here again to try to capture us. Also often and quickly press the movement buttons. When the button appears on the screen, click on it. We run along the wall, using the appropriate buttons. If necessary, deviate from the cobblestones falling from above.

Tomb Raider 2013 Walkthrough - Signs of Life

Once you're at the top, follow the path. There will be a boat on the shore, in which there may be living people. It will be necessary to pass on a log and not fall. We need to get to the crashed plane. We climb up the plane. To jump over obstacles, you need to hold the movement + jump buttons. When climbing walls, double-tap the jump button. We must find a backpack in which our first equipment is a walkie-talkie. It's time to set up camp.

Tomb Raider 2013 walkthrough - woman in the wild

Morning. It's time to take care of food. Following the path, you can find a body hanging from a tree. From the stone structure you can get to the branch, and there already to the body. We must collect as many arrows as possible, find the deer and kill him. Let's start interacting with the fire. This helps allocate skill points. We will have the opportunity to choose the ability from the list. A choice will have to be made. Then Conrad Rodd will be on the radio. He needs to be informed about the location and find out about those who survived.

Tomb Raider 2013 Walkthrough - Move Forward

It follows the path, we enter an open structure. There we take a torch, we go down. When we get to the other side of the river, you need to set fire to the fabric on the left, go into the room. There we find a pickaxe and break through the door to it. This is done as follows: press the desired button, often and quickly press it until the scale is full. We open another door, we go on the water. When we reach a dead end, jump up the stairs to get to the top.

Walks down the path towards Sammy. There we will have to meet Matthias. A fascinating story will begin, under which Lara will fall asleep. Upon awakening, both will disappear. In their search, we will fall into a trap. And at this very time, wolves will begin to steal up to us. When attacking wolves, we hit them with a bow. If you turn on the slow mode, then aiming is very easy. When a couple of wolves are killed, allies will appear to help get out of the trap.

After resting by the fire, we catch up with Whitman. On the way, Lara again encounters a pack of wolves. This time there will be no slow pace and everything will have to be done faster. To prevent the wolves from harming, you can use biases to the side. Approaching the gate, we will understand that they are locked.

Tomb Raider 2013 Walkthrough - Dead End

We find five boxes, break them. This is the extraction of spare parts. To facilitate the search, you can use the "Survival Instinct". There is a fire at the gate. It contains a modified pickaxe. With it, you can open large boxes so that there are more spare parts. We open the gate, often and quickly making a tedious button.

Tomb Raider 2013 walkthrough - Meeting in the mountains

We follow Whitman, we reach the pack of Pimiko. Lara is attacked by unknown people. Then allies appear and some run away after the fight. Slowly goes behind the stone cover. At the top of the next shelter awaits us. We wait for some time, and it goes a little to the left. Since enemies are moving towards you, you need to move to the right. If enemies appear on the left, we go into the narrow passage that is in front of us. When the bandit discovers us, we must resist him by pressing the buttons in a timely manner. After often and quickly press the movement buttons to the right - to the left. The gun aims at the bandit's head, we shoot.

Do not forget to take a bow with you, and go further along the path. We move up, there the enemy can hit us with an arrow. We take cartridges and in slow motion we defeat two bandits. Do not forget to take spare parts from the corpses. When we find ourselves in the building, the enemies will immediately set it on fire. A button will appear on the screen, by clicking on which you can knock out the boards. Once outside, we go to the right, jump over the abyss. A little further to see the enemy. He needs to be killed as quietly as possible. The best option is to hit the head.

Tomb Raider 2013 walkthrough is the ability to shoot accurately and quickly. We climb the wall, using the springboard, we jump to the fortification. On the way we will meet three enemies that will need to be killed. The bodies are worth searching.

We go forward, rises up, cross the bridge. There you need to hide behind cover, shoot at the wall. We shoot to the right side of the enemy. When the enemy is distracted, we kill the first and the one who is distracted.

We climb up the wall to get into the building. There we shoot at the lamp to start a fire. A passage opens into which you need to slowly pass in order to destroy the enemy without noise.

We rise up to slide down the cable from there. Then we go forward to a narrow passage, where again we have to climb up, helping by pressing the forward button.

Rott is waiting for us there, having just managed to fight off a pack of wolves. He will tell you about the backpack that was taken away by the wolves. There were things necessary for survival.

Tomb Raider 2013 Walkthrough - Help

After you rest by the fire, go for an important backpack. Go forward, jump up the hill, and from it onto the roof of the building. From the roof we jump to another building to climb to the very top. We get out to the other side, we pass through the aircraft wreckage.

We move along the central part of the plane, jump to the ledge. There you need to climb up and go into the cave, where to collect all the most valuable things and immediately leave. In the dark, wolves will come out to us, which must be dealt with in QTE mode. We return to the camp to cure Rott.

Tomb Raider 2013, the passage requires you to be attentive to your partner. Rott is unable to climb to the very top of the radio tower to send out a signal. Lara will have to do everything. Do not rush to immediately get down to business, but first check the equipment. When we go upstairs, we will notice the symbols that are written in front of the bridge. This means that there is a tomb nearby. We go down to the water and pass to the right. Next, you need to climb the wall, where we will see the entrance to the tomb. Light the torch in the tomb and jump onto the central structure. You need to set fire to all the bags, climb up and push the cage. After we get to the golden chest and leave the cave.

After passing through the bridge, you need to climb the wall on the right side. Tomb Raider 2013 walkthrough requires you to jump over the abyss in order to cling to the wall there. We kill two bandits who are on the left and one who hid on the right. We pass to the left, where a wooden structure awaits us. We climb up on it. We find a cart, jumping from which, you can get on the wall. He jumps from the wall to the rock, we go along the bridge, which is gradually collapsing. In order not to fall, turn on the slow mode and jump onto the wall, cling to it. We go forward and go down the rope. We hide behind cover and start shooting enemies. If necessary, he will retreat to another shelter. After you need to get to the fire.

Tomb Raider 2013 walkthrough to the base. We go towards the base. The enemy that gets hit first must be killed by approaching from behind. Then we kill the second, moving to the right. We kill the third by moving to the left.

When we get into the building, the fourth enemy will fall, who also needs to be killed and go upstairs.

Tomb Raider 2013, the passage of the game requires you to shoot and kill enemies often. Therefore, we pass along the corridor to find the passage to the neighboring building. We destroy the enemies, jump to the other side, climb the wall opposite. We go down the rope. We go through the water, find the valve and unscrew it to stop the supply of poisonous gases. The opening in the wall is a passage to another room. There you need to kill the enemies. We should be careful, because we can be attacked by opponents who have broken through the ventilation grill. Better shoot him in the leg to slow him down.

We jump through the opening to get into the next room. We find the valve and also twist it. Then you should return to the previous room to throw a lamp in the room with the valve. When the explosion occurs, go ahead and pick up an automatic rifle. Enemies will try to blind us, so it's worth shooting them in slow motion. Tomb Raider 2013, the passage is facilitated by the slow motion function.

In the corridor we find the door leading to the radiation room. We break it, but we see that the remote control is broken. We need another remote, which is located at the top of the radio tower. We move forward, shooting at the enemy. We climb onto the roof of the building, which is on the left side. We make shots on the barrel, we kill several enemies. We go down the cable, go to the other side. Seeing the bandit from the shields, we approach him to kill him. To do this, you need to get close, dodge him until he opens up and shoot.

Tomb Raider 2013 walkthrough requires attention and quick reaction. We go inside the building and go out to the roof. With the help of a cable we make our way to the tower. At the very top we find the remote control and work with it. You need to rotate the switch until the desired signal is caught. Then press the button shown and rotate the adjacent switch to improve the signal. After a short pause, Lara goes on the air. The rescue board contacted us. Searches are being conducted for a long time, but no one knows exactly where to look.

We go down with the help of a cable, we go along the path. He enters the building on the right, we take the steel from the shelf. We return to the tanks, unscrew the valve. It is necessary to kindle a torch and use it to set fire to the fuel. The plane noticed us and flies in our direction, but suddenly ignited. The fiery mass flies at us. You need to slide down the hill, dodge obstacles so as not to get hurt. Then press the button and hold on the ledge.

Tomb Raider 2013 walkthrough is a lot of levels that are filled with adventure and unexpected turns of events. We have considered only the initial stage, so that it is clear to you how to proceed further. Act by analogy and you can emerge victorious. Tomb raider 2013 passage may take several weeks, but you will feel like a real hero!

If you are having problems with Walkthrough Tomb Raider 2013, you can always use our advice and information for action. We detail the steps you need to follow to complete the game. Tomb Raider 2013. In the most difficult places, we add pictures that can help you. Walkthrough Tomb Raider 2013 read on our website.

Strength of will

Swing with the left and right arrows. Go to the exit from the cave, take a torch and set fire to the barrels on the way. Follow on, now you are at a dead end. Light the stick with the lantern, climb onto the ledge on the left and set fire to the rags. They blow up the barrel, climb up the ledge ahead and continue on your way. A person will attack you, press the right and left arrows very quickly. Follow further through the water passage. You need to blow up the barrels. Go right first, light the torch and light the two sticks ahead. All garbage will accumulate, it also needs to be set on fire. Climb up and jump on the hanging cage, then go to another cage (it's upstairs in the upper right corner) and foam it. Run to freedom, but along the way you need to jump over the pits 3 times. A person will attack you, press the arrows quickly, and then the letter F. Run up and jump. Now press the arrows again to climb up. Sometimes stones will fly at you, press the arrow that will appear. After watching the cutscene, go left.

Signs of life

Follow the path on the left side. Carefully walk along the log. Run further, jump over the cliff. When you get to the plane, jump on it, press E. Then Up + jump. Climb up, go a little to the right, climb onto the wing and move to the right, at some point you can fall off, so be ready to press E. Continue along the edge of the cliff. Run up the wall. Now go down a little further to the place where the camp was. Looking towards the waterfall, run up and try to jump onto the ledge. Follow the path through the waters, then over the rock. Watch the video. Continue your journey along the path.

woman in the wild

Follow the path to the house, climb it, follow it to the right and jump onto the ledge. Walk along the branch, take the bow. Now walk through the forest, find the beast and kill it. Return to the fire.

Move forward

Follow the path again to the house, go into it and go down the stairs. Continue your journey through the basement until you find yourself in a room with a closed door. There will be rags in the corner on the left, set them on fire and go into the room, take the tool. Use it to open the door. Go further along the corridor, go upstairs. After leaving the house, you will hear a voice, go up the stairs.

Now be on the lookout, watch the bushes. Three wolves will attack you, so keep your bow ready. After the cutscene, light the torch and point it at the grid, take the tools. Turn on instinct to know where to go. Better follow the path, kill three wolves, reach the temple.

Dead end

Now you need to collect the tools. The first box lies on the left side near the stones (when viewed from the exit of the temple). Go to the left side to the rocks, jump over the bridge. Kill three more wolves, take the thing you need and return to the entrance to the temple. Approach the fire, upgrade the Pickaxe. Use it to open the gate.

Meeting in the mountains

Follow Whitman. Hide behind a hill of rocks. Wait for the guard to pass. Walk along the path carefully, do not get caught by the hunters. Enter the house, go to the wall and wait for the moment when the enemy passes by. Climb up the stairs and hide in the rubble to the right. Now you are waiting for a quick press of the buttons: F, F, shot, right-left, E, shot. Now go along the path, you will meet enemies on the way - kill them with a pistol. Break the door with a pickaxe, then knock out the passage. Turn right and go further, jump over the hole. After reaching the wall, kill the enemy with a bow. Climb the wall, go to the ledge, jump onto the beam, climb the mountain along it. Kill the enemies and go up the stairs.

Now continue along the path. Distract the guards with an arrow shot at the wall, and then eliminate them. Move on until you reach a dead end. Climb into the house through the wall on the left. Shoot down the lantern with an arrow. Go through the opening that appears, kill the guard quietly. Now you just need to choose from the building, reaching the top. On the way there will be hunters, kill them first with a bow. If you are spotted, use a pistol. Get down the rope down from the balcony, run to the end of the path. Climb up through the walls of the gorge.

Turn on instinct. Climb the houses, through them you will get to the rocks. Climb on them to the plane, through which you will get to the desired point. Enter the cave, take your backpack and go to the exit. Now you are waiting for the next quick button presses: left-right, F, E, F, F. Return to the base with medicines.

For help

Turn on your instinct and see where you can climb mountains. Now use the ice ax to climb to the top of the cliff. When you get to the waterfall, be ready to kill the three guards in the hut and continue on to the top. Once you reach it, run across the bridge, jump and grab the ledge with the ice axe. Follow the path to the cave, there will be enemies on the way, due to bad weather they will not immediately notice you, so eliminate them with a bow. Continue on your way, there are a lot of guards in front of the entrance to the ruins. First, it is better to remove the archers from the balcony, and then the rest. Go up the stairs, then straight ahead and up the wall. Then a few more turns and down the rope. Go into the house, turn off the gas in the corner of the left wall near the door, go through the passage next to the pipe, then to the right. There will be enemies around the corner, quickly jump out and shoot the gas burner. Up the stairs to the end of the corridor, check into the upper passage on the left wall. Go forward, crawl through the upper passage. Turn on the gas in the room, go back and throw the lamp into the room with gas in the upper passage. Leave the building, straight ahead and to the left. You are surrounded, the game slowed down, kill everyone with a machine gun. Head into the building to the wheelhouse.

Carefully bypass the steam room and knock out the grate with your foot. Go across the bridge, QTM will start: left-right, F. Now you need to go straight - right and then straight again. The problem is that there will be three buildings on the way, in which there are a lot of enemies. Kill the guards with bombs with the bow, and then the rest with the pistol. Now the battle with the shield bearer awaits you: wait for his blows, press SHIFT during the swings, and then he will open his body for a couple of seconds - then you need to shoot him. Clear all the enemies in the house in front of you, go into it and follow up. Get on the rope to the tower. Now up the stairs to its very top. Now the most difficult task, you need to set up the radio. Twist the first sensor until you hear a voice, then switch to the second one and try to clean up the sound waves so that the voice can be heard better. Climb down the rope. Open the tanks with the valve, go into the house on the left and get a fire. Light up the gasoline. After the cutscene, control Lara's body so that she doesn't crash on the plane's parts.

slippery slope

Go forward until you see houses on the rock. Run up and jump forward, grab the canvas. Run and jump over cliffs, you need to do everything quickly otherwise you will die. After the video, kill the fighter with the shield according to the familiar pattern, it is better to eliminate the guards from the bow later. Continue on your way, passing a couple of cliffs, a cave and trails, watch another cutscene. Shoot quickly at the hunters and then at the castle. Now you know a new technique (shoot a whip from a bow when pressing the mouse wheel). Eliminate the first victims, then repeat the trick with the distant house. A box will hang to your right, pull it towards you. Use it to climb onto the house, through which go to the path. Go further to the cliff. Stand near the post and shoot the rope at the marked area. Crawl along the rope through the abyss, go further. Now with the bow and rope open the door, go through the cave.


Go to the cliff, use the bow and rope again to cross the abyss. Then kill two enemies with a bow in the back, and the rest can be done with a pistol. Climb up the stairs, take a run and jump off the cart, hook on the rope. Now you see blue smoke on the map - you need to go there. You just need to go through several islands with familiar actions: hook on the rope and crawl along it. It is worth noting that there will be enemies on the first island, but they will not see you, so kill them quietly. And at the last one, the cable will break and you will need to grab onto the rock with a pickaxe. Now go through the cave further.

Swing with the movement keys and press E. There is a passage in the right wall, go further through it. Having received a shotgun along the way - shoot obstacles. In the tomb, kill the guards, and then swing the barrel with the bow and rope. Go even further and find yourself on the street. Move carefully, if you start to fall, press E. On the first floor of the bell tower, kill the shield bearer and the guards. Rising upstairs, a puzzle awaits you: open the first window with a lever, swing the barrel with a whip and close the window. Then do the same with the second window. Eliminate the guard. Finally, open both windows and push the barrel a few times to make the bell fall. Run fast and jump over obstacles. Exit the cave, follow the path. Eliminate the last enemies and use the familiar scheme to bypass another cliff.

Friend is known in trouble

Jump over the hole, follow forward and go down the rope. Go forward along the path and destroy crowds of enemies. Once in the river, press right or left to move Lara. Now the real fun begins. Dodge rocks and shoot at obstacles with a shotgun. Take a parachute and open it twice with a small gap. Keep dodging obstacles, this time they will be trees.

open wounds

Go to the helicopter through the slums. Once under the house, continue on your way, but when you meet the guards, do not lean out. First, kill the enemies from the roof, then at the entrance - from the bow. The rest can be done automatically. Move on. Having already reached the helicopter, a couple of bandits will attack you, kill them with a machine gun, you can use a bow (there are a lot of shelters nearby). Open the rear of the helicopter with the rope.

Road to hell

You now have flaming arrows. The level goes fast. Kill all enemies at its beginning, follow to the desired point (look at the map or instinct). Now you need to eliminate a dozen more mercenaries. Open the gate with the lever. Fight off another attack of local residents.


Climb up the rope to the house. On it on a rope up. Jump on the box, and through it to another rope. Follow the path that goes along the rooftops. Kill guards with fire arrows. Once at the crate carrier, approach the ledge on the edge of the house. Wait until the box arrives, jump on it. Jump down to the house at the end of the path, eliminate the locals who are in the building opposite. There are a lot of barrels on it, so just shoot them.

We don't leave ours.

Using the cable, get to the location opposite you (where you killed the enemies at the end of the last mission). Go further along the destroyed bridge to the building. Climb up to the second floor in it and continue your way along the ledges under the huge bridge (sometimes you can fall off, so be ready to press E). Shooting starts, jump on the house in front of you, and then continue running-jumping to the right side. When you get to the waterfall, jump onto the rock wall in the left corner and grab onto it. Climb up and follow through the cave. Get out of the bloody river and move towards the exit. Shoot the gas passage with a fire arrow. Then, going further, scare away the martyrs with fire and go to the locked door. Open the gas to her left and shoot him with a fire arrow. Seeing the enemies, hide with the right behind the stones. Wait until they all disperse, silently kill them. Now up the stairs, open the gas with the red boxes and blow it up. You are on the balcony, there are a lot of guards, so eliminate them with regular arrows. Parallel to you, there is another passage along the top, jump on it and go to the end. Climb up the walls. On the way to meet the guard, kill him silently. Then shoot a fire arrow into the gas. Follow to the left end of the room, turn the lever at the top with the rope. You will see that the cage will begin to stagger, to shake it more strongly - blow up the gas under it. Run forward as fast as you can (do not get the arrows with fire), climb into the passage above the wall, which will be at the end of the path. It remains to kill the last guards. Everything will be easy, because they do not go with each other, and there is a lot of gas and barrels of fuel nearby. Watch the video and start saving your friends. Climb the left stairs, open the gas and blow it up. Follow even higher and jump onto the cage of friends through the hanging platform. Get to the end of it. A cage hangs a little further, blow up the gas under it, and the one behind it (you need to sequentially). Climb up the cage and to the left of it there is a ledge with a gas pipe. Jump on it and blow up the gas again. Run to the weighing cages and pass through the abyss through them.

Into the hell

Get out of the cave, and then the burning house. Break the closed door on your way. Then continue to move to freedom from the fortress, along the way you will meet enemies, but you can not kill them, because the fire will do its job before you. Having reached the fire, turn left and follow further along the ledges of the house, and then along the walls. Run through the corridors to freedom until the video starts and you are on the roof. Move down the rope. To your right there will be another house and there will be enemies on its roof, kill them and jump onto the wall of the building, climb up. Move on. After the cutscene, you will need to hold back the army of locals in the hall. Now leave the palace through the corridors, on the way you will meet enemies, it is better to shoot at them with a shotgun. Move carefully between covers to the wall in the left corner. Climb up it and go down the rope to the enemy, shoot after the video at the boss with a grenade launcher. From it, destroy the gate.

Pick up ammo and eliminate the enemy squad in the alley, I advise you to use a grenade launcher. Climb up the wall, crawl under the rubble and destroy the wall. Jump on the rope, go into the house, go down and get rid of another wall. Now you need to pass the whole block, but it will be very difficult to do this - there are a lot of enemies. Therefore, use grenades more often and shoot as accurately as possible. Again the roller and you need to get to the left corner again and climb the wall. Kill the enemies in the building opposite with a grenade and get down to them with a rope, go into the house. The machine gun will open the window, shoot a grenade launcher at the machine gunner from it. And further down the rope. On the right there are ledges for climbing, follow them up, and then climb through the wall into the house. Quickly run up the building and kill enemies on the way, if you hesitate, you will burn.

Get to the helicopter

Jump on the rope, and then run across the bridge further. Further, the entire mission is passed on acrobatics. You need to quickly get to the top of the building along the paved path.


Head to your friends through the forest. You are in a very large area. You need to get to the far right corner. Kill enemies with a bow, and when you get close to the target, shoot from a grenade launcher, because in addition to the soldiers, three wolves will run out of the cave. Then go into the cave, open it with a rope and continue on your way. After reaching the cells, climb onto the left ledge. Pull the dead body with a rope, then an acrobatics stick will appear for a few seconds. Jump across to the opposite wall. Leave the cave.

accelerated descent

Climb down the rope. Then the other way up. Climb onto the moving platform. Attach a rope to the tower and move on along it. Climb up the stairs, run up and grab the rope while jumping. Repel an enemy attack. Now climb up the debris, pipes and more. Now you need to quickly jump from rope to rope, sometimes shooting obstacles along the way.

pirate life

Get to the crane by jumping over the remains of the bridge. Climb up and jump onto the rope. Climb up the rock into the ship. Kill the guards, go straight, up the wall and you need to climb to the bow of the ship. Shoot the anchor, take the detail. Walk along the log, kill the enemies in front and return to the beach by the rope. Follow the camp.


Jump on the rubble until you are next to the tower. Climb onto it and go down the rope. Now jump through the columns to the enemy base, kill everyone there. Climb up and continue along the rope again. Kill two guards, go up to the ledge, run across the bridge. With the help of a rope, hook on the mountain, crawl on it. Go through the cave and use the rope again to the next mountain. On it, climb sideways, climb into the opening with the old gun. Go through the gap in the room. Now you are in a three-story building and you need to go upstairs. Kill enemies with a bow or grenades (there will be a lot of them, so try to be as quiet as possible). After reaching the third floor, jump onto the box in the center and through it to the roof. With it, jump onto the rope and straight to the ship. Get out of the pipes and get ready for battle. Kill two small guards, and then attack the boss: dodge blows and shoot in the head, then when he weakens, make a blow with a pickaxe and then the QTE starts - press F twice. At the top left, pull the piece of iron, only during the capture you need to press E many times. Jump down and go deep into the ship. Then after the corridors you will need to use the rope to move to the other side of the ship, but first kill the guards with a bow or grenades. Follow on, now you need to save Alex: move the hook towards Alex, then to the right, back and left. Climb up the stairs, break the pipe. Now hook in the opposite direction and as a result he will go to the left to the limit, now back, to the right and back to Alex. Use jumps and ropes to quickly leave the ship. Cross another chasm with the help of a rope, and now you will find yourself on a building with a cannon. Throw a metal block on the floor. Now you, simply put, need to return the same way you came. True, the rope path must be made in a new way, and the walls must be broken using a new ability. Talk to your friends on the beach.

chasing the wind

Break the freight elevator door and call him. Climb up the walls. Go further, use the rope to get to the ruins ahead. Jump from the stone to the big barrel, and from it to the tower. Climb up. Now approach the platforms with the help of a rope and jump from one to another. Go further through the rope, and then climb up the side walls. Kill the guard. Make your way further up the cliff. Go further, go through the mine to the research station. Go down, walk on the water and then go up. Go through the corridors, eliminate enemies quietly. Open the gate, call the elevator.

To follow further, you need to break the elevator, for this you need to do four actions: 1) Jump onto the barrel, break the nut; 2) Climb into the elevator, and in its right corner, go into the passage. Go to the fourth floor. In the mine you will see that between the 3rd and 4th floors on the right there is a clogged opening, break it. Call the elevator and at the right moment jump into the opening, and through it to the wall. Climb up the wall to a secret place and break the second nut; 3) Go to the third floor, call the elevator. There is a ledge above the stairs between the 2nd and 3rd floors, jump on it and break the third nut; 4) Call the elevator again to the fourth floor, and go to the switch on the third. There is a ladder above it. Jump on it and climb up, break the last nut. Now the elevator has broken and fallen, go down the shaft.

Follow the hall through the corridors, kill the enemies in them quietly. Kill all the guards that will appear. Climb to the platform on the right. Go straight and to the right into the caves, through them you will get out. With the help of a few ropes, make your way to the camp.


Get on the boat. Hook on the rope to the marked area in the right corner. Get into the temple. Walk in it carefully, do not get caught by the eyes of the guards. Set fire to the barrels in the corridor and head through the passage to the hall. Go up the stairs, then through the board get to the opposite side. Jump to the left wall and crawl to the center where there is a passage at the top. Go further through the cave and kill the samurai with a shotgun. Now you are on the street and you need to catch up with Matthias. On the way, you just need to kill the warriors of the sun, and the entrance to the temple needs to be broken with a rope. Now you need to get further out of the hall of torment: open the pit with the lever on the right side, then pick up the block on the left side. Close up the hole. On the left side, climb even higher and pull the block towards you in the center, break the stones to make a passage and then lower the block down. Jump quickly onto it and while swinging, jump onto the wall. Go further, on the way to meet a fire - this is the last chance to go back to any location. Continue the pursuit.

You need to climb the walls of the rocks and the ruins of the building to the top of the temple. As you climb, continue your way to Sammy, you need to kill a few squads of enemies. After completing the task, a battle with the main guardian of the Sun awaits you: dodge his blows and shoot him in the back. After 2-3 hits, the enemy kneels, walk up to him and press F and then 2 more times F in QTE. He will die after three such successful attacks. Do not rejoice, you still need to kill Matthias. After the cutscene, he will run at you, be ready to press F. Then press E, when your enemy moves away - shoot him with both pistols. Watch the final video. Game completed.

Finding yourself in this place, you will see how a helicopter with a rescue expedition landed near the edge of the Fortress. You should quickly get to it. When you reach the rope, then crawl along it to the bridge on which you need to jump. Is it possible that someone will attack you from behind? No, Matthias is already dead, unless his unknown twin brother does. Quickly run across the dilapidated bridge, otherwise it is about to fall. I advise you to first jogging backwards, repulsing the attack of the enemy along the way, and then just jump on this old bridge.

fortress tower
You will slide down and watch the helicopter start up to fly off in an unknown direction. When passing through this location in the game "Tomb Raider" you should climb to the very top of the tower along a rather difficult, deadly path in the form of a giant spiral staircase. You will make a detour around the tower, which will be filled with numerous obstacles. Ultimately, you will need to make an epic jump into a flying helicopter when you find yourself on the roof of a falling tower.

After you get into the cockpit of the helicopter, you will see Rott and the Japanese pilot. Regarding all the other members of the expedition, they are fighting off the islanders below. A little later, it becomes clear that the pilot does not even think about picking them up. Lightning will then hit the helicopter, causing it to fall to the ground. After an unscheduled hard landing, Rott will wake up first. He feels much better than Lara Croft, who is unconscious and barely breathing. Here Rott will begin to do artificial respiration from mouth to mouth. After that, you will wake up, and you will immediately need to repel the attack of opponents led by Matthias. An ax will fly into Rott, after which he will still try to eliminate a couple of enemies, but, alas, you won’t last long with an ax in your back. In the further passage of "Tomb Raider", after Father Matthias leaves, the rest of the expedition members will arrive in time for you, with the exception of Whitman. They'll take care of building a funeral pyre for Rott. Then you will be left in splendid isolation, while others will be engaged in the repair of an incomprehensible boat. I advise you to join the repair work, as you will be able to get into the "ritual hall" that you saw when looking through the stolen map of Father Matthias from the office in the Fortress.

Chapter 18

mountain forest
When passing this location in the "Tomb Raider", located near the Slums, be sure to hurry to catch up with the group. On the positive side, you will pass through the forest, where you can hunt and enjoy nature to your heart's content, thus resting from gloomy caves and burning houses. But, of course, do not forget about the wolves, making the passage through the forest in the game "Tomb Raider". But patrol hunters will appear before them, which are easier to eliminate with a pistol with a silencer so that there is no noise. If you want, then climb a tree and admire the forest from above.

Going further, you will see a rock on the left side, where there is a cave, which is a tomb. Here will be the main obstacle - pitch darkness, which can be dispelled with the help of instinct. If you find trash, just set it on fire.

In the further passage of this level in "Tomb Raider" you need to return to the hunting village. After passing it, you will come to the next control point, which is patrolled by wolves and hunters. It is worth noting that although the cave is called the wolf's lair, it was clearly not without human participation, because cages with wolves, doors and stairs are everywhere. It's probably some kind of nursery. Seize the moment while the animals are locked up and destroy them with a pistol shot at each one. After you deal with them, get experience. When you reach the hanging deer, you will need to pull it up with a rope, so it will move the crossbar from its place. Go to it and continue passing this test in the game "Tomb Raider". Having passed to the end, you will find yourself in that part of the cave in which no one has been for a long time. And a flock of bats will meet the guest.

After you exit the cave, you will find yourself back in the slums. Then you will need to climb down using the rope stretched over the waterfall.

Chapter 19

For some reason, you will be required in order to repair the boat, but in fact the mechanic, the Flight. But that might be for the best, because they have to wait for you. And ahead you will see many more cables that promise to end with the final game.

cable car
Don't think that when you pass this level in "Tomb Raider" you will have to make your way along short ropes. No, the cable car is a well-oiled mechanism that moves from bottom to top and vice versa, small cabins with a missing roof over a beautiful winding mountain river. Start your descent when there is thick fog, which will gradually dissipate, and then the cable car will stop. You'd better get out of the cab as quickly as possible. You should throw a rope on a nearby tower. Once there, find the stairs leading up and climb it. Climbing up, you will see a rope. But, probably, someone noticed you, because the movement of the cable car was stopped. Then, when you enter the ship, suspended high above the ground, you will be massively attacked by enemies. You don't even have to come out of cover, because the newly arriving enemies descending the ropes will destroy each other, leaving a mountain of corpses in the middle. Reminds me of a game about "lemmings", only the other way around. Continuing the passage of this stage in the game "Tomb Raider", the smartest of the enemies will think of standing near the machine gun and shooting through the cables that hold the ship. Of course, the ship lists sharply down and you will be thrown sharply against the railing, against which you will hit your back very hard. After that, immediately try to climb up, but you should be careful, because the ship will still fall down astern, and you will find yourself on the platform. Here you will see a lot of ropes that you need to jump over to get to the river. Congratulations, you made it to shore. It seems that forever enjoyed the ski resorts.

Shore of sorrow
In this location, a huge number of remnants of sea vessels are scattered. It is worth noting that it will not be boring here either, and you can find underwater tires and a tank. But for now, Lara Croft decided to take a break.

Chapter 20

This chapter is not titled as such because you will print counterfeit discs. On the contrary, you will need to get the rigging to repair the boat. And you can do this if you rob ships. In order to start the path to the ship, you need to go to the ruined pier. In the further passage of this level in "Tomb Raider", find the tower and use the rope to get to the galleon. Once there, you will see two witnesses who saw you land on the wreckage. You need to kill them, as they can add trouble to you. After dealing with them, head to the bow of the ship. In order for the anchor mount (rigging) to fall down, you just need to shoot at it. Then the mast will be on deck. Now raise the rigging and return to your comrades.

With cries of attack, Whitman suddenly appears. But the enemy is not visible yet. It becomes clear that the chase was staged. Suppose Whitman was released from captivity, or was he simply released to spy? It is not yet clear. You won't have to think for a long time, because Grace will arrive in time, who will ask you to keep her company in search of Alex, providing you with a composite bow. Now you will have access to such a new type of weapon as "napalm arrows", a feature of which is that they can ignite any surface.

Chapter 21

In the further passage of the game "Tomb Raider" Alex will go for tools to Endurance. Join him, it's so interesting to see how the ship looks now. To start your journey to it, head to the East. If you need to make new ropes, then use a composite bow, breaking through stone walls. By the way, you can try to do it now, because you already need to get to the target marker. Here, on the radio, Alex will transmit that he is already on the ship and is looking for tools. In order to make a successful passage to the next goal in "Tomb Raider", you have to go through a very non-linear path. You will see two guards who will communicate with each other, discussing you. After standing and eavesdropping on their conversation, you will find out that Boris and his fighters are currently on Endurance. What? Alex got caught? Now climb up, constantly jumping from one piece to another. Then look up and see a rope that you can go down.

In the further passage of this stage in the game "Tomb Raider" you will stumble upon two opponents who guard the entrance to a tomb hidden from prying eyes. There, behind the door, is a military bunker, inside of which there is a laboratory for the study of local storms. Be careful when you want to step on the floor - it is under high voltage. You first need to set fire to the raft mount, then get a shotgun and demolish the barricade, so pull up the raft twice to get over it to the opposite side. Then shoot the rope at the mount that serves as the raising of the current source, and then calmly step through the water to the opposite side. Now you need to raise the current source back, only first pull the raft under it. Everyone, with a measured step, head to the stairs along the water and rummage through the chest.

Now it's worth returning to the shore of sorrow. Do not forget to use a new bow to drive ropes into the walls. When you get to the opposite side, you will find a passage to the cave there.

Bunker on the rock
When you're on the other side, you'll find a campsite and a great view of what's left of the Endurance as the locals are slowly tearing it apart, and a cable car. When passing this stage in the game "Tomb Raider" you need to attach the rope to the wall. After overcoming the wall, you will get straight to the military cannon, which has a warped barrel. Then you will have to go through the pipes to get to the room in which the local population is busy repairing something. Their number will be replenished by descent from the cables coming from a large crane. If you make the passage of "Tomb Raider" on the bottom, you will reach the stairs, guarded by several opponents. Then go upstairs and eliminate the attack of the fighters, which will be a little more difficult. Here the enemies have excellent armor and they include well-aimed Demomen. After climbing to the third floor, you will need to climb onto the forklift, from which you can climb onto the roof. There will be a wonderful view of the sunset, but this means that darkness will soon envelop this island. You now need to make a rope to go down to a piece of land from which a pole sticks out with a cable leading to the ship. You will fall on the pipes and roll down, but no one will notice. As you get closer to the Endurance, you'll see one big guy helping the others take the ship apart. Of course, when passing this test in "Tomb Raider", you will need to engage in combat with them. I advise you to shoot the goon in the head, because this is his only weak spot. When you stun him, then run up and finish what you started with an ice pick. Now search it and find the "zhumar" - this is such a device that makes it possible to carry on a rope those objects that were beyond their strength before. Now he will take one item and, using the jumar, throw it onto the deck, breaking through it, thereby opening a passage to the hold.

When you enter the hold, you will see a bunch of debris with trash. It is not clear how the islanders managed to cause such damage to the ship. After walking a little along the corridor, you will see in what a terrible state Samantha's cabin is. And what about the middle of the ship with a broken stern, it gives the impression that some kind of monster just bit off a piece of the ship. In the further passage of this level in "Tomb Raider" you need to get to the engine room by cable. Now you will find yourself in the water and hear how Alex, crushed by the wreckage, will give a voice. But you cannot come close to it, because there is an obstacle in the form of bare wiring. You should shoot the crane with the rope, then use the jumar to pull it closer. The crane has two ladders: long and short. You need to climb on them and start pushing the crane to the end of the other side. But first you need to climb the ladder, which is shorter, pull the rope and climb the long ladder. Thus, you can climb into the hatch, which is located in the ceiling. Continuing through this challenge in the game "Tomb Raider" break the pipe that interferes with the crane. Then open the passage by repeating the same steps as with the previous crane, returning it to its original position. You will see Alex pinned down, but bad luck, the opponents are right there. In the end, he will be left alone and is going to undermine everyone, and then the ship will sink. Find the wrench and screwdriver, then quickly run away from the Endurance. It is worth noting that using a jumar, you can climb the ropes as quickly as you can descend. Alex is somewhere behind, and you should continue on your way, returning to the bunker along the cables.

Twilight has come to an end, and the moon is already visible. The load that you find at the top, pull it down. Thus, the ceiling will be broken, and you can jump down. When you see the diary, go up to it and read that the scientists went to the monastery, but what happened next is unknown. When you go through the door, you will enter a room that you have already been in. Also, some locations are now available as you have a jumar in your arsenal. Get to the place where the cannon stands, because from there you can get out along the cable. And ahead of you is the passage of "Tomb Raider" through the tunnel.

Shore of sorrow
You can get to friends by returning along the same path. But if there is a desire, then apply the jumar to create a new one. Further you will see a fire, which can be reached by jumping from one cable to another.