
The checked unstressed voice in the root of the word is correct. Words with unstressed vowels

Decorative trees and shrubs

The largest quantity of orthograms is associated with writing vowels in the root of the word. Need to distinguish three types unstressed vowels In the root of words:

  • not verified accent;
  • unstressed vowels in the root of words checked accent;
  • alternating Unstressed vowels in the root of words.

There are such words in which the vowels are always in the root are always in an unstressed position, so they cannot be checked, for example, for example: Kapa'st - Kapuby, SpoP.g - Sapo`s. Spelling Such words need to be remembered, and in case of doubt, contact the spelling dictionary.

To check the unstressed vowel in the root, it is necessary to choose such a single word or so to change the verifiable word so that this sound is under the stress, for example: nose - n n n nose;

Rules for spelling roots with alternation of vowels A - about

They can be combined into three groups:

  • the spelling of the roots depends on the place of emphasis;
  • the spelling of the roots depends on the sound following the root;
  • the spelling of the root depends on its lexical significance.

1 from the place of emphasis depends on the spelling of the roots -Zar (-N) ; -Gor (-gar); -Lelon (-Klan); -tvar (-maker); -pase (-Pozd); Under the emphasis in all these roots, we write the vowels that hear: zO'RK, ZOOVO; Zaga'r; Nallo`s, clay; Twee'r, Your Day; Op` about, at the same time. In an unstressed position only in the root zar (-N) Written but. The rest of the listed roots are written about: zag`a, but Zagor'yet, Pokon'y), creativity`ing, late. Exception words: dawn, zoroy, zoryana;

2 from the last letters in the root depends on the spelling of the vowel: grew, but grow, offered, but to offer. Exception words: Rostov, Rostov, Rostovist, Rostislav, branch. Canopy.

3 in root -Kas (-Kos) Written a letter A, if in the root too the letter A: concern.

4 from lexical significance depends on the spelling of the root -st (- equal). The key is written in the root, if the word with the meaning "smooth" is written, the letter A is written, if the word is "the same" value: fir the beds, but an equilibried triangle. Exception words: plain, fool (in Shero).

5 in root -Ilov (-Plav) Only in a nutshell the letter is written about: swimmer and plovcich. In other words, the letter A is written: float, melted, etc.

The spelling of the roots with alternation of vowels E - and

In the roots of S. alternating The vowels E - and writes and, if after the root goes suffix-and-. In other cases, it is written. die - die, cheat - bed, glitter - shine, lock - lock, collect - collect, wipe - wipe.

In roots with alternation A (I) - they (in) are written by them, in, if after them is underfix -a-. For example: shah - to catch up, lean - familize.

How to write correctly: hawk or cold, ship or karabl, increase or grow up? These issues arise from most people who have long graduated with a general educational institution, and those who are still in the learning process. As a rule, such a confusion is connected with the fact that the vowel letter in the root of these words does not fall accent.

Unstressed vowels are the right path to the erroneous writing of the letter. But if you explore all the necessary rules, you can easily create a competent text.

What is the difficulty?

In Russian, there are quite a lot of expressions, when writing, there are different questions regarding their "correctness". So, all the words with the rootless vowel can be divided into 3 groups:

  • unstressed vowels in the root, checked by the stress of the word;
  • words that have the letters in the root;
  • words having unverified unstressed vowels are rooted.

To write a letter correctly, you should know exactly how the unstressed vowel is written in the root. The rule for such words there is not one, but several (for each case separate). Consider them in more detail.

Stress words

In the root of which there is an unstressed vowel? Reply to this question right now. It is necessary to choose a single check word, where the emphasis will be falling on the same letter. After such an inspection in the unmarked symbol, the root can safely put the same vowel, which is in the shock syllable.

Examples of words

To make it more clear how the unstressed vowels are inspected in the root in practice, we give a few examples:

  • How to write the word "Wow ... to diet". To begin with, you should choose verification words. As they can be "move" or "care". As you managed to notice, in these words, the emphasis falls on "O". That is why doubts about how the unstressed syllable written is written, should not arise ("leave").
  • How to write the word "Arguum ... to Nut"? For him, it is also necessary to choose a check word. For example, "argument". The emphasis in it falls on "E". Consequently, it will be correct to "argue".

Features Rules

The unknown vowel is rooted, checked by the stress of the word, is the simplest rule in spelling. However, during such an inspection, difficulties may arise. After all, it is very important to choose the correct otherwise, you can easily allow an error.

So, consider the words "Enterprise" and "promotion ...". The inspection word for "dedication" is "holiness", so it should be written through the letter "I". The inspection word for "prosooming ..." is "light". In this regard, it must be written through the letter "e".

Having considered these examples, we can safely conclude that the verification words used should be one-called (that is, as close as possible in meaning).

What difficulties may arise?

Despite the fact that the rule "unstressed vowels in the root, checked by the stress of the word", is quite simple, difficulties may still have difficulty. What are they connected with? The fact is that when writing some words, it arises difficulty in choosing for them suitable test words.

Consider a few of them:

  • conquer - borne;
  • exemplary - Sample;
  • comprehend - comprehend;
  • apology - innocent;
  • shepherd - subfast or pass;
  • inexhaustible - run out;
  • absorb - a throat;
  • straighten - bulky;
  • strip - Nag;
  • lay - line.


The vowels "A" and "O" in the roots of the verbs of the perfect form in no case cannot be checked by the verbs of the imperfect.

We give examples:

  • Switch - a throat. It is impossible to use the word "swallow".
  • Late late. It is impossible to use the word "late".
  • Fall - floods. It is impossible to use the word "buy".
  • Split - two. It is impossible to use the word "split".

Using this rule in practice and paying attention to its features, you can competently make any text or letter.

Words that have alternating vowel letters in the root

In Russian there is a huge number of roots in which alternate. Thus, in some words, these roots are written with one vowel, and in others - on the other. It should be especially noted that such expressions can be fairly easy for those that need to be checked using a shock syllable. In this regard, the list of such roots must be remembered. At the same time, the choice of one or another vowel may depend on the presence in the words of the suffix -but-, on the root value, as well as from the emphasis or letter following it. Let us give an example several such roots:

  • -the ---model;
  • -Kos- - -Kas-;
  • -Ber- - -Bir-;
  • - - - -th-one;
  • - - - -cite-;
  • -Mer- - -mir-;
  • -Mine-version;
  • - Mak - -mok-;
  • -Dir-;
  • -best- - -bird;
  • -wi- -s-;
  • per---pir-;
  • -the - -styl-;
  • - - - -Rext-, ---;
  • - - - - -zhig-;
  • - - - -;
  • -oln- - -thn-;
  • -Ter- and so on.

Words having unverified unstressed vowels in the root

In some cases, the spelling of unstressed vowels in the root is not amenable to any of the rules submitted. In such situations, teachers and teachers require them to just remember. However, they are so much that to memorize these words is problematic. In this regard, it is recommended to write them on a separate leaflet and use it when you have difficulties during the competent writing of the letter.

Imagine an incomplete list of words, whose writing you want to know by heart:

  • avangard, adventure, agronomist, almanac, orange, appeal;
  • cylinder, crimson, chatting, burgrel, unprecedented;
  • vaccine, magnificent, option, vacancy, great, lobby, vinaigrette, virtuoso, veteran, admiration, stained glass window;
  • genius, herbarium, gymnasium, hypothesis, hypnosis, hot, horizon;
  • diagnosis, director, expensive, document, road;
  • rail, desire;
  • interest, tomorrow;
  • dependent, ignore, informational, interest, incident, information;
  • calendar, careerist, break, comment, society, companion;
  • cherish, azure, linguistic, lilac;
  • mandarine, metaphor, mechanics, miniature, milk;
  • obscure, reluctant, adverb;
  • concerned, wait, original, stunned;
  • panorama, landscape, foam rubber, president, privilege, thunder;
  • real, mode, review, solve;
  • sympathy, dog, fight, stereotype, scholarship;
  • hurry, solemn, traditional;
  • tamper, awarded, destroy;
  • philharmonic, philosophy, phraseology;
  • character, characteristic;
  • ceremony;
  • human;
  • masterpiece;
  • exposure, element, experiment, label.

The spelling of the roots.

Task A13 checks your knowledge of the rules with which you determine which vowel to write in the root. In accordance with these rules, the roots are divided into three types:

Let's start with the simplest rule - checked vowel at rootWith which you met in the second grade.


The vowel valued in the root in an unstound position is checked by an emphasis in a single word.

Trap number 1!

It is impossible to check the vowels at the root verb with a suffix - Iva - (- Iva-):

khor.ABOUTyeh - KortanBUTshWILLOW.

As you see, there is an alternation of sounds, and you can make a mistake.

Trap number 2!

In modern Russian, there are many parallel words from Old Russian and Old Slavonic languages:

inOro.ta - Prost.R.soup

h.Oro.thread - OhR.on the,

z.Olo.what is Z.Lathen

h.Olo.bottom - prok.Layes.

As you probably understood You can not check these words with each other.If in verified -Ono - / - Oolo(Russian word) - We are looking for one-sided with - - / - Oholo.In the same way, act with the words on - ra - \\ - La(Staroslavyanskoye).

In Russian, it is full of words that you can not check. Some amount we obligedknow at home the rest are looking in the dictionary. Writing that you can not check the stress are calledunverified.

ab ... Tourist -?

in ... WINDOW -?

oR ... Gynal -?

Roots with alternation of vowels -some of the most difficult! They need to know by heart! Learn these examples.

The wording of the A13 task may be different:

  • In which row in all words is the unstressed checked (unverified) vowel root?
  • In which row in all the words the letter is missing (the letter is indicated)?
  • In which row in all the words, the unstressed vowel root led by the stress is missing?

Algorithm of action number 1.

1. In each version of the answer, highlight the roots.

2. Slide the missed vowels in alternating roots.

3. To the rest of the words, try to choose verification words in which the emphasis falls at the place of pass.

4. The remaining words seems to be vocabulary. We have to remember how they are written !!!

Help the task.

In which row in all three words, the same letter is missing?

1) absless, Ost..LBENET, OZ ...

2) Aviak..Mompania, SK .. off, pl..ver

3) Automotive, page ...

4) b..lagurizer, ONN .. Slim ..

Option number 1.

ABS .. Load, Ost..LBenet, Oz ..

The first word is the vocabulary (absolute), the second is the checked (pillar), the third - with alternation in the root (in an unstressed position is written -a-).

Option number 2.

Aviak..Mipania, SK .. off, pl..ver.

The first word is the vocabulary (company), the second is the checked (savage), the third - with alternation (Swimmer - the Word that needs to be remembered!).

Option number 3.

Automotive, page.

The first word is the verifiable (automatic), the second is the checked (strict), the third - with alternation (touched - depends on the final consonant root, remember the vocabulary - to concern, but touch).

Option number 4.

B..lagurization, ONN .. Slim .. Hard: The first word is vocabulary (balagen), the second is the checked (new), the third - with alternation (depends on the final consonant root, remember the publication - lag, but s).

In this way, The correct option number 2 (everywhere inserted the letter O).

Algorithm actions.

1) In each version of the answer, highlight the roots.

2) Look, whether the vowel is really missing precisely in the root, and not in the suffix or console. If such a word comes across, then this option is incorrect.

3) will have to remember alternating roots. Not knowing them, you will not be able to cope with the task !!! Options with alternating roots exception!

4) To the remaining words, try to choose a single check word, that is, put the place of passage under the stress.

5) Except those options where the test word is not selected. Apparently, you ran into a vocabulary word.

Remember!The task with this wording does not imply that all missed letters in the answer options were the same. In the correct answer, the missed vowels can be different. The main thing - All three words should be at one rule.

Help the task.

In which row in all the words the unstressed checked vowel root is missing?

1) R ... Step, Crossed .. High, HV .. Mal

2) d ... Lina, Ned .., in ... give

3) st ... Retain, cry .. I, Pon ... Mother

4) TV..urgo, dist ..

We follow the algorithm. We highlight the roots:

1) p ... Artpere sK ... C.iL vN ...

2) d ... L.inna, on ... D., in ... D.aT

3) S. t ... R.bye, for cL ... N.ayu, P. n ... M.aT

4) tV ... R.honor, ra st ... L.aT, B. h ... n.aT

We made sure that all the vowels are missed precisely in the root. We find alternating roots.

1) p ... Artpere sK ... C.iL vN ...

2) d ... L.inna, on ... D., in ... D.aT

3) S. t ... R.bye, for cL ... N.ayu, P. n ... M.aT

4) tV ... R.honor, ra st ... L.aT, B. h ... n.aT

Knowledge of alternating roots gives the result. One version of the answer remains - №2. We will check it: d ... Lina - Dol, Ned ... Dension - to attack, in ... give - I know.

It means The correct answer is option number 2.


1. In which row in all the words the unstressed checked vowel root is missing?

1) xp..nuter, din .. amic, met..orology

2) section..V., to ...

3) UB .. yes, with..mpathy, cans ..

4) please ... alert, incoming, anal

2. In which row in all the words the unstressed checked vowel root is missing?

1) witch, sob..torger, h..mpionate

2) whatever, op .. while, discharged .. climbed

3), post .., bl ..

4), size .. next, sod ..

3. In which row in all the words is missing the unstressed checked vowel root?

1) Exhibitions .. degree, parade ..xal, floor .. (cat)

2) av..ngard, ur..amm, Range ..

3) Phil..Rononia, REST..Vearn, IMO

4) C..remonia, knife-up, nice ..

In unmatched vowels, two or more sounds corresponding to the shock, and any of the letters of the coincided shock vowels are read equally. The choice is established by the norm - its tradition or the action of the morphoforological principle of spelling. For example, we say r [ъ] l [λ] va, and write head, Choosing out A, Oh, E for sound [ъ] and from A, O. for sound [λ] letter ABOUT,according to the verification rule ( heads, head), that is, guided by the morphoforological principle of spelling. This is the main principle of drinking letters for vowels, so almost all vowels (except [y], which with other vowels does not coincide, is not neutralized) in a weak, unstressed position should be checked. This also applies to vowels after the unpaired, with which this spell is combined.

To check the writing of unstressed vowels in the root, it is necessary to change the word or choose a kindred so that this sound in the same root is under the stress: d .. delay - divides, with ..rookoy - forty.

It is only important not to confuse externally similar verification words - paronyms. In single words, there should be a common part of the value. And do not forget that the question of the roots "with alternation" should first be resolved.

Cf. . : rage but: discharge

fade but: see (sees)

reconcile but: (measure)

Cf. also: usv aboutixlike u st. aboutiTbut not as usv butwillowt.

gov aboutryat as run aboutrbut not as run butr willowt.

Russian spelling is deeply traditional, and many checks may be formations on the verge of etymology. Therefore, the methodologists allow, for example, check wheelin short okolitsawith an explanation of communication. At the same time, naturally, it is impossible to check words kalach, shovel According to these etymologically single immovas Occolic, paw.Some methodologists allow testing artificial formations of the type of diminitory to abouttickfor boiler,spatrical Sh aboutfer for chauffeur, diminishing about rLILEfor eagle, parts of comprehensive words ( statepublicitycf. Hyprostorsoe State, ship - battle, watercolor -lat. Aqua, aquarium). After all, the main thing is to remember the writing! With such violations of the principle of learning, we are forced to face due to the unjustified traditional of our spelling, the costs of the "leading" position of its basic principle.

Remember: Words with full-eyed combinations oro.-, -ol- It should be checked by related words with full-person, eg: watching - watchman, climbing, cooling - cold, cold.The words with independious combinations -Re- need to check in words with mis, eg: cool - Cold, Cool, announce - publicity.

The very presence of roots close on the value of the roots with such compliance also usually indicates a compliance with the writings: powder - dust, roads - preciousand t.

n. N. pencil, Kalachietc. This does not belong.

Check is such a change in the environment of this morpheme, which leads to the formulation of the indicated sound in a strong position. For a vowel, this is a position under the stress. The vowel is fundamentally - it means to change the environment of the root, that is, replacing the console, ending suffixes in order to find this vowel under stress (after all, the point of emphasis in the Word is determined by the presence of a certain morphem). The totality of all the root environments (inspection paradigm) is the forms of the word (the first stage of verification) and "related words" (single-damned words with different suffixes and consoles). The derivatives of the first stage are called the second stage of verification, the derivatives of the second stage - the third-stage checks.

Verification forms of the same word Defined by the laws of adventure mobility in this part of speech. The roots of the nouns are checked by a change in the number, the end of the positive to zero (other cases on the nominative unit. Numbers or genitive MN.: umbrella - umbrella, leg - legs. Exceptions: sem e.n.sem in., stupidstring in.). For adjectives, the brief form of the nominative case of a male genus and a form of comparative degree is important ( green - green, dear - roads - more expensive). The roots of the verbs (except the "root with alternation") are checked by the form of a third party (with the exception of forms syasyand lyazhet), form of units. Numbers of the past time of the male race ( blossom - bloom), the shape of one form on the infinitive of the opposite type (except the verbs with the suffix -willow- for O / A.: pulled out - pull, stick together - stick together), infinitive of the same species ( ber.e. camely - Ber e.whose), peritative commander of the past time ( break away - broken, unfold - deployed, understand - understood), welcome ( sitting - Sitting), the form of a third party of the singular or the form of an infinitive of the verb of another kind ( challenged - Running, scream - shout), the form of the imperative lifting of the verb of the same and the opposite type ( stand - Stop, get up - stand up.An exception lige), interconnected type of instant action type look!. Clear!Comparative degree of surgery is checked positive ( worse - passion shna).

Checks for single words Determined by the laws of emphasis in derivative words depending on the properties of various prefixes and suffixes. They are represented from nouns single-sided nouns without suffix ( girl - girl, Virgo, foliage - leaf),adjective ( milk - Milk, Fire - Fire), diminutive noun ( beard - a beard, leg - leg),verb ( train - ride, prayer - pray, rubber - cut). Adjectives are checked by nouns ( heavy - severity, coast - coast), verb ( trunk - fasten, developed - develop) adjective without suffix ( gravy - Grave, White - White), the diminutive form ( young - young, simple - simple, inferior ( cheerful - fun, cheap - cheap). Verbs can be checked single-handed noun ( asked - the question, stand - sweat), verb without a console ( call - call, shouted - shouted, set - sitting) adjective ( shine - Blue, Green - Green), adverias ( have fun - fun, cold - cold). Adcharations are checked by nouns ( endless - tip, mysterious - mystery) adjective ( far away - good, good - good), verbs ( fearless - fear, incomprehensible - understood), impose with the replacement or absence of suffix ( home - houses, often - often). Third steps are also possible: from the formations obtained in the second method, new formations and producing, as well as on the second stage, are used.

Special indirect type of checking for variable speech parts - checking the vowel for fluency. If a vice running, then it is indicated by the letter ABOUT After the letters of solid consonants and the letter HER)after the unpaired and soft: shop - shops, mug - mugs, knot - knotThis "check" cannot be recognized as phonological, since alternations are not mandatory from any side: there is no position predicting mandatory fluency or unfinished. In addition, other vowels alternate with zero: [and] ( singer andy - singing, gorges andy - gorge, fox andy - fox, zap andraint - the bond, carried and - Sit b, Nest and - Bit b, O. andn - one, worthy andn - worthyalso crawr - convene)and even I(per its -zitsa). Obviously, the rule is only a mnemonic remediation of memorizing traditional writing.

UPR. 40. Insert the missed letters a or o, e or and and pick up the test word. Indicate the emphasis.

Captivity..r .. the guilty, performed. Crane lingerie, grazing, mountains ..zhanin, zadr .. with anger, charges, groof, giving art, for .. involutionary. metering, mining contractions, obligs .. idea, oblast..k..t, obliging .. well, unite..note, Ovl..Dong language, mark, turn, p..dali, plan circles, vs..r..t the neck, it is repeated, universal dummy, flood, post .. survey, prevented a thunderstorm, prompted .., (God's) prov. Obl..Very, Socre .. Sorry, Sost .., UGR .., mind .. The complex, complication, appropriate.

UPR. 41. With these words, make a phrase. Explain the writing of the selected letters by selecting checks (samples, see answers).Sample : he lived (lived) in Voronezh - he was lying (vigorous) and swallowed.

UPR. 42. Specify, in what pairs is incorrect or incorrectly selected the test word. Motivate your answer.

T. iyellow - severity, cr - loan, concenthe e.nKA - condensation, uv e.doman - notify, special butlysed - special, deputy e.reta - Dead, Obva andto raise - borrowed, b e.check - Beach, Ug aboutretain - tan, vyh aboutensure - even andrail - Cools, R butwrite off - painting, global - globe, s aboutcheer - dawns.

UPR. 43. . Insert the missed O or A, correctly, where possible, verification words, Old Slavic or Russian couples.

Vl..Stlinin, in .. Salt Starin, BP .. good movement, in ... business, BP..ta Paradise, g..l..tea (detachment), ch..var (gangs), c. . Even (Debt), Zag.D. (Construction), Z..l..tea (chain), kr .. sufficient, Proc. .. Single, ISS. (look) Pom..l .. Love, post..r..nia, (heavy) subbu ..rons, okhr..y (warehouse), sv..r..t (from the road), CK .. r..tet (dress), Prem..tite Noise, Ukr..the Beast, Cher..d.

Remember: Specifying the letters of unstressed vowels <а>, <о>, in root, it is impossible to check with the help of verbs with suffix -Iva (Iva) -.

In these verbs root ABOUToften alternate S. BUT. For example, a word ask It is impossible to check the word ask (inspection words may be demand will ask, demand). An exception: hardware (ka) (from look after, not from care). Other vowels before You do not alternate.

In spoken, children's and slang speech in some formations under the stress May meet vowels, not coinciding with writing under the emphasis. They say: grandma tower, vengeo, boschka, Stemp, Stepha, Polit, Tom, Extreme, Spurs,at least under the stress speech I ha, B. butscrapb. aRH butt, Barh buttat, barh buttisty, Art andpendia, P butlloo, T. butmara, Extra e.maly, SP butrodka.there is F. butntasiaand Fantasy. Word leb. e.dy and derivatives can not be checked in a word swan. Letter ANDwritten only in the forms of the only number of words child (and spacious diet, childcare), wed: dietyatko: baby, Devora, Babyetc.

Often, false etyology-analogies are carried out to errors: in e.ntulant - "Screw", to B. aboutboards - "To your requirement", subgr buthas - "shivering", p ocheRK - "emphasize", sP butrtakiada - "Sport", purple - "violet", g. butpricing - "the guest", d. aboutlina - Dal, l. aboutpath- "Lapa", nau butzag. - "Went", Nare sNiK(persie 'Chest') - "finger", art andpendia - "degree", w. cRhOUSE - "Talk", etc. Such words require special work.

Some roots have writing options that you have to remember "Piece" in vocabulary. Usually written magn andt,but there is I. magn e.thism, Magn e.tICHICAL, MAGN e.tit, Magn e.throne(cf. magneto). Usually dEB. e.t, but dEB. andthor, Deb. andtormi.Usually a boatbut there is older Slavonic rook;it is also believed that L. aboutpathsnaply word paw.there is gram aboutthat gram abouttay, gram abouttat But there is I. gram buttika. there is inf e.kling, Pez. e.pTION, corr e.quationbut there is I. inf andpepper andcorr andhang.there is this, of this and sia, Syone, seia. Such options for writing are usually borrowing from different languages, alternating in the source language. Often writing changes due to other associations, according to "folk etymology", for pronunciation: st. andchildinstead st. ѣ duplerfrom in ѣ date; to butlachinstead to aboutlachcf. to aboutforers, ring, groove;in all Slavic languages \u200b\u200bare written BUT in words OV aboutd, gentle aboutoutbut in Russian both words and in Ukrainian odd.write with O.All these difficulties are associated with the traditional and morphologicalness of our spelling.

UPR. 44.. Insert the missing letters about or a, find test words. Find out what kind of related words is the alternation of vowels about // and in the root under the stress. Explain why these words cannot be used as verification.

Scream .. like, extended .. remove, vyat..Ved, OP..Deep, OPC .., pl..t, pumped, pore .. znin, stop ... Bard .. Ass, Bill .. with, ramp .. it is, t .. bob, ukore..t.

UPR. 45. . Find the maximum number of checks a) first and b) the second stage for data below the word mold. Complete your answers using the test methods described above. Record them and remember as samples.

a) the strip, dear, stretch, grab, is more painful; b) Valley, tablecloth, strengthening, thunderstorm, young, patient, tied up, carry, got out, carry, came to life, darken, carefully, easy, rhetoric.

UPR. 46. Rewrite, inserting the missed letters of vowels or choosing the necessary, in brackets, specify the most difficult spells of orthograms, emphasize words with false-chemped writing.

About the benefits of the Old Slavonic language

Russian Language Lodged about the XIV century. Long as a language, scho..mating from other East Slavic languages \u200b\u200b- Ukrainian and Belarusian. In the development and obligation .. the Russian language b..ldly zn..JSC had a pop .. the remnation of him at the expense of borrowings from other Heb .. Peace languages. But especially the floor .. the relative effect on it is OK .. the highest-to-the-spot..taroslavansky (ancient Bolgarian) language that was in Russia the language of religion. Starroslavansky absorbed and verses .. of the ancient Greek language, on which, according to M. V. Lomonosov, "the great Christian church teachers and TV.Runts, elevated an ancient eloquence of high b ... O / a) Renia of the zealous singing to God. "

In the standard. G.). In it, M. V. Lomonosov I was lying .. I had a doctrine about three calm and I gotten .. Lilted ones .. In the way genres, for which the high, medium and low riveted is appropriate. High calmly binded to precisely with the UPOTR. The fact of the age of starms and GR..sismov, already mastered by the Russian language in the process of b..mulluses. "SIM SHTILE COST .. Essential poems, ODD, etc. Avic Speech about important matters that they are from about..t..t .. the factory tower."

The role of Starroslavyansky in the camp .. and r..zvilatiya of the Russian letter, His spelling noted by A. Kh. Eastov in 1820 "If Russian from the very beginning was not in indispensable soothe .. Singing with ... , then we, maybe now they would write, have a lot .. by the folk yield .. however: maevo, Twaevoor more mavo, Tvavoinstead my, your, Fsevoinstead total, hto, itinstead who what etc".

D.. is the least development of style styles .. but the Russian language also became an ORD .. and for the development of not only the languages \u200b\u200bof the peoples of the USSR, many of whom he is under his writing, but also for languages \u200b\u200bst ..opnative, For languages \u200b\u200bof the surrounding countries. According to the region. The Russian is in them created .. scientific T.R.Rogolology, official-business turns and genres of scientific, public, public, formal business and artistic styles.

UPR. 47.Decide Orphograms, explain the most difficult.

1. We are idolska nav..ribution tolerance. Not for that we, the municipality, a thousand years ago, the arrived for you. (WILL). 2. Not far from this place, in Art .. from the track, there was a small gazebo from acacia; I pores .. I had been with her and had already passed by ... (t). 3. B (o \\ a) Rye gray and similar to M..kritsa (EC). 4. The old Sv.Sh..Rotniki robbed us into the trans a multi-dasse bang. Sv .. snamped poems ("Soldier Good luck"). 5. ... Fold scoundrels and dressed, and honest feed on crumbs; Schools are needed, a local newspaper with a honest for example, the theater, public reading, SPL .. The intelligence of intelligence .. forces; It is necessary that the society is aware of themselves and already .. therefore (Ch.) 6. Thought Aksinya. Approx .. lighted. Changed his mind. The only one decided to redeems: to take away the mushroom from everyone, pour love, Vl .. Take them, as before (Sh.). 7. His face when taking .. On the request .. the first personality has become even more matte and swelling ... (Cor.). 8. Not only, - they are still His power to robbing arms .. and said that she was from God, and anointed his oil (L. T.). 9. Cm .. For the maneuvers of the yamshchikov, I am a boredom couple .. the American Cooper in its descriptions of marine evolution (Pushkin). 10. - They, the hell know, crazy with fear: Nar (and \\ e \\ me) Dili to the robbers and spies (G.). 11. Apparently, when our sins were built, a lot of pines were dumped, the bows ..Dili, the army .. the forest (K. Vanshkin). 12. Faces have both drowned, dark bruises poured, Eki Kras ..ti! They were sorted by, measuring each other, the break (and \\ e \\ me) dili malice. Something next will be? (AST.). 13. It turned out that there was not Senya comforted the old man, but rather, the old man approx. Lit for a young one with her doubt of death (L. M. Leonov). 14. Circle fun green young tr .. Va, TR .. Comething over her in the blue sky. Countless Flashing. ... Tychi, graze in the veil greener. Severe geese and wipe the sockets on the summer. 15. Avos, the sounds of music UKR..Thit African Seeds. Konstantin Diomidych sat down for the piano and played an etude to a very satisfying .. existently (Turgenev). 16. It was arranged under the mountain, in the messenger; They stretched at home d .. Rino, as if in the palms of the hills, were covered by the eternal winds of T .. the overwhelming.

Russian, as you know, one of the richest in the world. The lexical structure is so diverse that except for the generally accepted rules there are additional provisions, exceptions and other tools that contribute to the graphical image of oral speech. Ordography unites rules on how correctly writing words and their significant parts. The discipline contains information about the defisquam and separate designs, the use and methods of transfer. All this system is called even spelling. There are three principles for constructing constructive elements of speech: morphological, phonetic and semantic. In the article, consider some basic rules that contain language (Russian).

Unstressed vowel: General information

Using graphics, the spelling formulates words in one proper image and grammatical form. Thanks to this design system, one sole graphic image has. It usually has a certain value that is not associated with the sound side of the speech element. All unstressed vowels in the root can be divided into several groups. For each of them there are their own rules. In the article, we consider what words with unstressed vowels represent.

Common cases

Let's start studying the unstressed vowels, checked by stress. We will analyze the term. Checked unstressed vowels are elements that cause certain doubts when writing in some cases. To eliminate these difficulties, there are words in which dubious sounds are in a strong position. Thanks to this, the writer sees how to properly write unstressed vowels at the root. For example: water (water) or heat (heat), fox (fox). In these are present vocabulary vowels.

Word designs

Above the unstressed vowel root tested by the emphasis was described. Consider cases when there is no design in speech, in which it would be clear how to write the letter in the "weak" position. That is, there is an unchecked unstressed vowel. Such elements in sufficient quantities are contained in the reference. They need to remember. This, for example, what words? Unstressed vowels are in borrowed, and in the original Russian structures: vinaigrette, utilitarian, parisader, privilege. In the same list you can enable words antagonism, Beefstex, Cannonade, Initiative, Macaque. These include words broccolin, Demagog, Holster, Badminton, Airship, Kabala, Criminology, Panorama, Optimism, Painchirik. Also in the list there are quite well-known concepts: confusion, obsession, lobby, violence, delicacy, dependency, waste paper, bona. Unchecked unstressed vowel present in such elements as: Plasticine, range, hardware, charm, wrap, tunnel, aborigine, Esperanto. And this is not the entire list. At the beginning of the study of these designs, writing often refer to reference literature.

Connecting letters

Speech applies different words with unstressed vowels. In some structures, the letters perform a connecting function. Such a need arises in cases of formation of complex structures. As a rule, such structures consist of two connecting function perform certain letters. In these cases, it is easy to remember which unstressed vowels are present in the structures.

Thus, "E" and "O" are used in the battles of parts of an international nature. Connecting vowels is used in a letter after paired and at the same time in this case use "O". After pair and at the same time soft, as well as hissing "C" and "Well" used "E". Examples of words where such letters are found: Worldview, Straw, Mousetrap, Senokos, Mud Castle, Sheepfold, Old Russian, Millennary, Moskvoretsky, Ninety, Dictaphone. In the same list you can include: employer, disposable, vacuum cleaner, fresh, navigator. The category under consideration refers: public, sound engineer, oil-saved, tea party. Among such designs are also present: horse breeding and konokrad, blood and bruise, sanding and chanting, long-range and far-sighted and others.

Letters "O", "A", "I", "and", "s"

Consider others with unstressed vowels. The letter "O" is customary to write after "e" or "and" in the structures that have the first part with the basics of on-one, -iy and -e. For example: bacteria (bacteria carrier), religion (religion), chemistry (chemotherapy), trachea (tracheobronchitis), history (historiography), museum (museology, but exception: musevia). In some cases, instead of "E" and "O" use letters that coincide with the case endings of speech elements, the main parts of which are present in complex combinations. Apply:

1. "I" - in words that have the first half:

  • "ourselves" (for example, selfish; but there are words-exceptions: cost);
  • "Time" (example: pastime, presentation);
  • "Name": (Imaslavia);
  • "Seed" (seeds; but exceptions: the seed, nameslas, seed).

2. "A" - in such speech elements as "crazy" and "saming", as well as in the structures that are in the first parts:

  • "Soroka-" (forty-seated, forty-thousands, forty-hour; but: fortyst, forty-glass);
  • "One and a half" (one and a half year old, half-and-half-and-half-year).

"And" and "s"

The letter "and" is used in words that are in the first half of some numeral. Examples: seven, tencotomic, sixtieth anniversary, thirty, triune, shaded tribal, triipostaste, trinity (but: tripod, triangular). The same list includes such structures as: Vertikhvostka, Sorvigolov, Uncle Stupin, Di-Ruilt.

1. In difficult words (at the end of their first half) are put "and" and "a":

  • avia, Aqua, Mega-, Media, Maxi, Milli, Mini (as well as all words that have such first parts).

2. Letter "and" is also used in words with parts:

  • -ymmetry (for example, dosimetry);
  • - Private and -ification (for example, electrify).

3. The letter "s" is present in such elements of speech, such as "Anna-Petrovnin" or "Baba-Dusin".

Borrowed structures

There are such speech elements to which the rules of spelling cannot be applied. This is happening in cases where different languages \u200b\u200bare. For example, unstressed combinations of "RA", "La", (gates, chapter), being insignificant, have an old Slavonic origin and are always written with the letter "A". In the root of the same words with such a combination used today, "ORO", "OLO" (Gate, Head) corresponds.

The rules of spelling cannot be extended to foreign-speaking structures, since words with unstressed vowels may differ from those in which the dubious component is in a strong position.

Rules for speech elements with alternating "O" and "A"

Some verbs in perfect form (if these are words with an unstressed vowel "O" for example) cannot be used to test the verb structures in the imperfect. For example: be late - late, and not late; Switch - the throat, and not swallow and so on. In other words, in these cases it is impossible to be used to verify the verbs with an imperfect suffix -Iv- (-YU-). Also, in the doubtful case, "trample" should be used to use the shape of "bays", but not "tap".

Cases of alternation "E" and "and"

Carefully should be treated for writing words with lessonimic roots. In such structures, dubious elements are pronounced equally, but when writing, they are marked by different letters. You can compare in pairs: sit (sitting) and develop (Sed). After the soft consonant and hissing letter "E" is pronounced in accordance with the emphasisment of both "E" and "O". The letter denotes both "E" and "E". Example: toolind (rustling) and silk (Silk).

Writing dubious letters after "c"

When writing non-Russian own names, for example, geographical names, after the consonant "C" in words should be written "Yu" and "I". Example: Zurich. If the syllable is percussion, then write "O", in case the letter is pronounced. It should be written in derivatives from this word. Example: Tsoke, ground. Also use the letter "O" follows in foreign language words. Example: Duke. When writing words with the letter "C" in the root, you should write the letter "and", and not "s", for example, in the word "circus". But in this rule there are a number of exceptions when in the Word it is necessary to write the letter "s": Gypsy, chicken, tiptoe, ksyz and derivatives from them. They should be remembered.

Hard cases in spelling

There are some designs that do not fall under the rules. They must be remembered. For example, when writing a word as "velvet", in a strong position, the letter "A" (velvety) is used, but in an unstressed position it is necessary to use "O" (vengery). When writing such a speech element as "Devora", in a weak position should be written "E". The same letter applies both in the main word "children", where "E" is also written under the stress, and in the derivative from him - "Children's". However, when writing a speech element "Child" to use the letter "and". As well as in the word "diet", where under stress is written "and". Difficulties may occur with such a speech element as "magnet". This word (Greek in its origin) in a number of single designs has a shock vowel "e", and in a weak position, the sound is indicated as "E" and "and". Example: Magnet, Magnetic; Magnetola, magnetism.

The presence of such options in spelling writing is maintained by side stress in the introductory part of complex words on the letters "E" or "and". Also they differ in pronunciation. The root of the financial term "debit" the second vowel in single words is always unstable. In such a design, as "debit", it is transmitted to the letter "E", and in the word "debtor" - letter "and". In the basics of such words as "infection" and "disinfection" in the stress position is written "E". In a weak position, use the "and". When writing, the difference in the use of letters can be explained by the origin of the source of the base. In such cases, the definition of writing is carried out with the help of the reference edition.

The role of spelling in practice

Orthography performs the function of language communication in writing. This fact undoubtedly makes it a rather significant discipline for society. Orthography and the entire system of development of the sound base language are generally in constant interaction. The adopted spelling rules are mandatory for all writing people, no matter, makes a letter to a letter, an article, a statement or applying to the newspaper. Not in vain spelling begin to study from primary classes. For children, it is included in the mandatory school curriculum as one of the main items. When writing original Russians or use strictly established rules. If a doubtful position does not obey any of them, then you should contact the reference literature, find a difficult case and try to remember it.