
View images in full screen. Showing scalable images

Onions, beets, carrots

Hello Dear Blog readers www.Syt.. Today we will continue to deal with the computer video.

It is enough to run in it to play the video file of interest and open the window. "Properties" through the menu "File", or from the context menu on the right click of the mouse on the player window, or by key combination "s hIFT + F10 ". To whom it is more convenient. Movie playback can be stopped at the same time.

On the tab "Detailed" window "Properties"that opens by default, the entire media file information you are interested in are represented.

If it is not enough, you can go to the tab "Mediainfo" And to get more detailed information about all the streams recorded in the file and even save this information in a text file.

32-bit version MPC-HC. It takes about 35 MB on the disk, 64-bit about 50. I think that today such volumes will not stop anyone.

My advice to the owners of computers with 64-bit systems do not rush to install the appropriate version MPC-HC. The fact is that some extended capabilities of this media player, which we will speak below are available today for a 32-bit version.

Automatic recording of frame frequency display

The displayed methods described above are good in the case when the frame frequency has to be changed not so often. For example, if you plan a long time to work with a video content recorded in the PAL system, you can safely install 50 Hz as the main frequency of the monitor update.

In practice, this happens not always. More often you have to play videos recorded in various formats. Naturally, each time you manually adjust the refresh is not too convenient.

Is it possible to automate this process? It turns out. And even need.

  • Switching the monitor mode in Media Player Classic Home Cinema

Run MPC-HC (in this case, its discharge 32 or 64 does not have the values) and open in the menu "View -\u003e Settings"or just click on the keyboard "O".

Customize the modes table approximately as shown in the figure. Naturally, only those modes that support your display will be available according to information from EDID.

After completing the table setting, we mark "switch the monitor mode in full screen mode", save and restart the media player.

Now, every time you switch to full screen mode when playing a movie player will automatically switch the display frequency in accordance with the video settings.

If you are lucky and your monitor has a set of frequencies similar to that presented in the table, you can assume that the task of smooth playback of any video is completely solved (of course, if there are no problems with the speed of the computer).

  • How to appreciate the video playback quality

After the monitor update frequency is configured in the desired way, it's time to objectively evaluate the result.

For a more or less objective visual estimate of the smooth video content, it is worth looking for a scene on which there is not a very fast and uniformly moving object. Well suits, such as a moving car.

However, it is not always easy to find such a suitable scene.

If using video viewing MPC-HC, then the task can be strongly simplified. The composition of this media player includes two highly useful tools.

One of them, very simple and efficient, called "Test jitter". It is called from the menu "View -\u003e Rendering Settings -\u003e Test Jitter" or by key combination "Ctrl + T".As a result, two vertical lines moving from left to right will appear on the screen.

If playback is configured correctly, the movement of the lines will be absolutely smooth. If there is a twitching, it means that something happened wrong. In addition to the smooth movement, the line should be absolutely straight and not to have breaks and displacements in height.

The second shows the statistics of video content reproduction. It is called from the menu "View -\u003e Rendering Settings -\u003e Show Statistics" or by key combination "Ctrl + J".

From the presented pattern, it is clear that in addition to the frame rate of the video (Frame Rate) and updates of the monitor, in the first place of the framework of the frame (Frame Rate) and the monitor updates (Refresh Rate), a large number of other parameters characterizing the rendering process are displayed.

On the graph at the bottom right side of the screen, the parameters reflecting the smooth playback are visualized. Ideally, both lines should be absolutely smooth. Periodic and sudden deviations of these graphs up or down from the horizontal axis speak of non-plays.

  • Switching the monitor mode using the MADVR render

Monitor mode can be shifted not only when switching to full screen, but also in window mode at the time starting the movie playback. This may be valuable, for example, in the case when there is a desire to comfortably view a kind of video content in the window and do in parallel on the computer something else.

In order to have such an opportunity, you must additionally install an advanced render madvr..

MADVR -an independent application written by Matias Rauen (Mathias Rauen). Its purpose is to improve the quality of processing and visualizing the video due to the exact conversion of color space and high-quality image scaling using the video adapter processor capabilities (GPU).

Today there is only its 32-bit version. Accordingly, the media players in which MADVR support enabled must also be 32-bit. That is why I recommended the above to set exactly the version of MPC-HC.

After unpacking the archive to any continuously affordable system folder, you need to find in it and run with administrator rights file Install.bat.

For more information about MADVR settings, we will talk next time. Today, we will limit ourselves to the part that is responsible for adjusting the frequency of the frame sweep of the display.

After you run Install.bat, there is nothing new in the Windows Program menu. The trick is that before the MADVR configuration can be reached exclusively in the process of playing a video file using this render.

Open the MPC-HC settings and select MADVR rendering as a video.

Run to play in MPC-HC any video file and looking for a tray MADVR icon -.

Click on the icon of any mouse button and find in the window that appears "Edit Madvr Settings".

The only thing to do is to register with the field "LIST ALL DISPLAY MODES ..."modes that are really supported by your monitor (the question of how to find out, we have already discussed above).

In the next section, select at what point you need to restore the initial frequency of the monitor update (you can not restore).

Below in this window shows examples of the correct writing of the modes and the explanation that the frame rate of 23.976 per second is indicated as "23".

After saving the settings made, restart video playback and enjoy the result. If everything was done correctly, the video will now be played smoothly not only in full-screen mode, but also in the window.

It must be borne in mind that at the time of switching the sweep frequency, the image on the screen will disappear on the screen. This is completely normal.


    Alexander! After reading your first article on this topic, I was looking forward to continuing. And he did not be deceived with his expectations. Excellent selected and intelligoable material. And most importantly, what is the benefit! I set up everything as described and the result exceeded all expectations. Correctly you said - watch PAL video from a computer on a monitor or TV with an initial refresh rate of 60 Hz and modified by 50, it's like heaven and earth. Many thanks. Helped "improve the quality of life" real. Waiting for the continuation.

    • Anton, thank you very much for your comment. I am very glad that my articles were helpful. In terms of continuation, already answered above.

    When the update frequency is set to 60 Hz, the image sharpness begins to be lost after 30 minutes, small letters become unreadable stains. When translating 50 Hz, this is not observed.
    Monitor BenQ 27 ".
    Surrious problem?

    • I remember that many years ago there was a similar problem on the batch of monitors, and it was BenQ. That's not to charge only today, what to smear they started after warming up, and not immediately. Solved the problem through the service center. If this is really to blame the monitor, of course. I would first have connected your monitor to another computer and drive. If it is repeated, then the point is exactly in it.

    I have a LG42LM669T TV. GTX570 video card, I5-3570K percent. Players I use TMT5, PowerDVD15. How many things have rummaged, never coped with the problem of troops in fast movements. When installing in 24 kadras in seconds in the NVIDIA menu, the image quality deteriorates, the picture goes smoothly, but at a certain interval stops for a fraction of seconds. Although it is clearly not the point in the players. After all, playback in the browser is also hampered, and how to set up the system without losing the quality of the picture? As I understand it is impossible?

    • Anatoly! Why is it impossible? Equipment more than suitable. The main thing is that it must be achieved, it is to coordinate the frame rate of the reproduced video with the frequency of the monitor or television update. The smooth playback from the player and its settings is very dependent. The browser is a completely separate song. As you probably understood, I have been using MPC-HC for many years with constant success. Install it and configure as described in the article. And you will be happy.

      you need to install 23Gz.
      And if the screen supports this standard, it will be broadcasting 23.976.
      Plus, unfortunately, the problem with the drivers, they also mowy water.
      Therefore, the recommendation is installed in the driver 23, and better than 59Hz from standard monitor frequencies, if any - create a custom permit, but already from 23.976 and 59.94.
      But it may not help. I remember, AMD and NVIDIA had some time setting like smooth video playback without falling personnel - this is also a turbid topic and some kind of crutch.
      Recently tried HD Graphics Intel. It is absolutely adequate, and as smoothly smoothly displays the video without any crutches, adequately determines the frequency, and when selecting 23 and 59Hz translates according to standard 23.976 and 59.94. Smoothly as much as possible. So the problem is in the drivers and the laziness of their developers. 10-15 years ago there were no such problems, and from which AMD and NVIDIA began with NVIDIA.

    So I did not understand where it is written what modes supports the monitor, the link would be left at least, nothing is clear at all. Too all in detail in all parts already before that nothing is clear. It would not write "To make smooth playback, you need to poke here, here and here, go here and poke here." It is not clear at all. And SVP this pancake installed, and still everything jershitsy yes plus also the artifacts appear that are thrown into the eyes. It would be better if the video was removed how to do everything and not throw by the words "We are doing just that, and how we discussed it above," where Bl * is above, there before it is written. Bombing bitch.

    • Vladislav, and what exactly does not understand? In the cycle of 4 articles there are answers to all your questions. Want to configure high-quality playback, read and apply new knowledge in relation to your system. And "poke here, here and here" will not work. For example, for a large monitor or TV, one approach for a laptop is completely different.

    // All subsequent attempts to change this frequency to a higher movement to achieve a greater smooth movement on the screen were not crowned with success.

    Yes, well ... what year is the article? :) I did not hear about IMAX? :))

    Put 59Hz, or configure the appropriate frequency through the video card driver Custom permission.
    And there will be no twigs at any 24 frames, nor at 30.
    Turn off the vertical synchronization.
    Any jerks, stripes or breaks - a sign of incorrectly working synchronization of vidyuhi with a monitor. It needs to be corrected and so should not be.
    As a reference player, install MPC-HC, in the EVR output settings of the buffers 5. You can also enable hardware acceleration in the embedded video codec settings. Subtitles - external handler. Everything else is the default and not change.

    • Better, and rather than 120Hz or 240Hz.
      But thanks to the manufacturers of monitors and interfaces to them, we look at the soap that it turns out when the real-time is broadcast at a speed of 60Hz.
      As a result, any movement \u003d soap, the faster, the more soap.
      When recording it also occurs, but when playing is still added.
      This is especially clearly noticeable in 1080p and 4k with a high bitrate.
      Well, not enough 60Hz for movement, in no way.
      Even if we look at the source with 24 frames, they should be translated into real-time, and Real Time is much faster than 60 times per second.

  1. In the brain of Badlam from such land!) Even clarify is difficult to my problem in your umuddy language.
    After 5 years of using the jetaudio combine, I decided to go to the VLC, since all it is straightforward. But after installing VLC, I marked that it does not have what Jetaudio has, even the simplest - flash photos to mp3 songs.
    For interest, I will have the third day in the VLC settings and I see that there is so much all unnecessary, to her! Well, why most of the functions are the majority? And the most interesting thing is that there is not even the entire instructions in the internet for each of these items and subparagraphs. It does not have such a clear and diverse video recoding and audio files like Jetaudio. Such heavy files like M2TS it reproduces with jerks and braking. And in order to get rid of them I had to re-read several articles, like this - B7% D0% B8% D1% 82-% D0% BB% D0% B5% D1% 87% D0% B8% D0% BC-% D0% BF% D0% BB% D0% B5% D0% B5% D1% 80-% D0% B0-% D0% BD% D0% B5-% D0% BA% D0% BE% D0% BC% D0% BF% D1% 8C% D1% 8E% D1% 82% D0% B5% D1 % 80 / # COMMENT-1335 More precisely, VLC has a lot of things, even more (different filters, output modules ....), But all these settings are also not needed, buried deep into the "Advanced Settings" and the usual user to get there and You need to make a lot of time to find the necessary function, because most of the users there are very rarely achieved because they do not understand what is responsible for :). And in Jetaudio, all the features on the player are standing.
    Why did I decide to change Jetaudio? I can not set up anything normally reproduced video while maintaining the aspect ratio. No, everything in default settings - "save the original video ratio", but the video frame itself jumps from the sides and on top / bottom, slightly. When the clip is played, it is clear that the frame is cut off - is not visible part of the inscription artist's clip. By default, the "EVR enhanced display of Vista and 7" was installed in the general settings -
    When I put on "VMR-9: Mixed video DirectX9 (XP and Vista)" - It became normal - it does not cut anything, you can see the text on the clips without trimming. But I noticed that a little worse than the quality, visible pixels appeared, a little bit. Maybe you need to put some filter ?? -
    I use Jetaudio for both music and video. Maybe it is naive, but I want one player for the video of all the masters without jambs and basic formats of music. And Jetaudio just satisfied me and liked, but as I said above there are shoals. In the internet there is both a lot of positive and negative relative to the VLC, and I myself have some bugs for myself (I emphasize - for myself) found in it.
    My parameters: HP Pavilion G6 laptop, / /

computer capabilities

In Windows 7 operating systems, Windows Vista is
special features allowing to facilitate work
on a computer and regular users, and people

All themes of this page

Where to find special features on your computer

Special abilities
on your computer

In the Windows 7, Windows Vista operating system - for your convenience
there are "Special Features". These features facilitate work on a computer and quite healthy users and users with a weak hearing, vision.

These opportunities include:

♦ Screen keyboard;
♦ Screen magnifier;
♦ Screen speaker;
♦ Setting high contrast.

To find "Special Features" on the computer click
"Start" → "All Programs" → "Standard" → "Special Features" → And choose from all available opportunities what you need.

Center special features
on your computer

And if you want any of the available opportunities to leave constantly, along with Windows download, then "Start" → "All Programs" → "Standard" → "Special Features" → "Center for Special Opportunities".

Click on any feature you want to include
and at the bottom, click the "Display all parameters" link.

If you select these parameters, any of the features will be run automatically each time when Windows is running. That is, each time the computer is turned on. There is a "help setting in setting up setting" button that will help you configure the selected feature correctly and convenient for you. Click on the desired button, and then below the "Assistance in setting parameter setting" button and this tab opens.

Carefully read the introductory part in the first of the 5 steps. Check the problem close to you and click the Next button. And in the same way, the remaining 4 steps setting parameters will pass.

Screen Magnifier on Computer

Screen Lup

To find the "screen magnifying glass" on the computer click "Start"
→ "All programs" → "Standard" → "Special Features"
→ And choose from all available features "screen magnifying glass".

The on-screen magnifier includes a place at the top of the screen,
horizontally. Unfortunately, show you in the form of a screenshot, what the on-screen magnifier looks like in an expanded form - I can not, because it looks like a clean part of the screen in the screenshot. Therefore, I will explain in words.

By downloading the "screen magnifier" occupies approximately the fourth
the top of the screen, horizontally. It does not have normal, for all applications and programs, window control buttons (collapse, deploy, close). Mouse over the object (text, image) you want to see in an enlarged form and upstairs, in the "screen loupe", an enlarged object will affect.

It must be said that to include "screen magnifying glass" through the "Center for Special Opportunities", in order for it to come out with Windows loading - not for everyone convenient. It is only necessary for those who have very bad eyesight and they need to see absolutely everything, through the prism of the "screen magnifying glass". Since the "screen magnifying glass" will occupy the top of the screen constantly. And it is not removed in the "tray." In any case, in my Windows 7 (initial), so. When you press the right mouse button on the "Magnifier" icon on the taskbar - only such a context menu appears.

Which of all the change in working with this application allows you to "close the window" only. Because included through the "Special Opportunities" "screen magnifying glass" and is fixed on the taskbar.

If we consider that the upper browser panel, loaded with all sorts of bars, tools, bookmarks and other amenities - in itself it takes a significant part of the screen, the additionally busy place on the screen "screen magnifying glass" leaves too little space for the content (content) of the site under consideration.

Therefore, to those whom the "screen magnifying glass" is needed only sometimes - it is better to include
its as needed. From "special features." Or simply press the keyboard with the Ctrl and + keys (plus), to increase text or pictures. To then reduce - press Ctrl and - (minus).

Simplify work with keyboard

Simplify work with keyboard

From the "Center for Special Opportunities". You can simplify work
with keyboard. You can use the keyboard to control the mouse and simplify the input of certain keyboard shortcuts. This can be configured on the "Lightweight" page.

You can enable "keyboard pointer management".
This parameter allows you instead of a mouse to move the pointer -
use the arrow keys on the keyboard or block
digital keys.

"Enable key sticking". When you turn on this parameter -
instead of pressing three keys at the same time (for example, if you need to simultaneously press the Ctrl, Alt and Delete keys to log in to the Windows system), you can use one key if you enable the "Slipping of the keys" function and set the appropriate parameters. Thus, you can press the Ctrl, SHIFT or ALT key and save it active before pressing another key.

"Enable voice switches." When this parameter is turned on, there will be voice switches. Warning signal each time you press the CAPS LOCK, NUM LOCK or SCROLL LOCK keys. These signals will help prevent errors due to the accidental pressing of these keys.

"Enable input filtering". You can configure Windows to ignore rapid short-term keystrokes or those that are no needed for a few seconds.

"Emphasize the combinations of keys and shortcut keys." This option simplifies access to keyboard controls in dialog boxes by selecting shortcut keys for controls in them. Additional information about key combinations can be found in the "key combinations" section.

Configure Alternative Sound Opportunities on Computer

Setting alternative sound
opportunities on the computer

From the "Center for Special Opportunities". You can configure alert to use text or visual objects instead of sound.

Windows provides parameters for using visual tips instead of sounds in many programs. These parameters can be configured on the page "Using text or visual images instead of sounds."

You can

"Enable visual notification of sound signals."
Sound alerts replace system sounds with visual prompts, such as flash on the screen. Thus, you can notice system warnings, even if they are not heard. You can also choose a method of sound alerts.

"Display subtitles in speech dialog boxes."
This parameter allows Windows to display subtitles instead of sounds. To inform about the events occurring while working on a computer (for example, the beginning or end of the printing of the document).

Setting up high contrast on the computer

Setting high contrast

An increase in color contrast helps reduce eye voltage and makes reading. Setting the high contrast on the computer is possible in two ways.

First way -
through the "Center for Special Opportunities". To find this program
on the computer, click "Start" → "All Programs" → "Standard" → "Center for Special Opportunities" → And choose from all available features "Setting high contrast".

Second way -
use the hot keys.
Press the SHIFT keys + Alt (left) + Print Screen, at the same time.

Once for printing photos I needed a professional photo laboratory or at least darkened rooms - in addition to compulsory serious preparation.

But over the past decade, digital cameras and computers have made a revolution in the field of photography: now everyone has the ability to print photos of the house.

Transferring Images from Camera to Computer

In many digital cameras, the images are saved on CompactFlash or SecureDigital (SD) memory cards. To view, order or print your photos, you need to import them to a computer. Then you can erase the images from the memory card and use it for a new photo series.

There are two main ways to import images.

Connecting a camera to a computer. You can import images by connecting the camera to the computer with a universal serial tire cable (USB).

In this case, the chamber must be enabled, so electricity from the battery will be consumed to import images. In addition, for regular imports, the cable must be kept at hand.

Using the memory card reader. The fastest way to import images is using a memory card reader. Remove the memory card from the camera, insert into the drive and connect it to the USB port on the computer.

Many computers have built-in card readers that allow you to insert memory cards directly to the computer.

For any selected Windows method should automatically recognize the chamber or memory card readerconnected to the computer.

Then execute the following actions:

In the dialog box Autostat Choose Import images and video using Windows. Windows will find an image (or video) on the memory card.

reference: Conventional photos can be turned into digital images using a device called a scanner.

Image Library and Photo View

Library of images - This is the main search and image viewing and viewing on the computer. To open the image library, click Start, then select Images.

Windows Photo Viewer - This is a Windows tool for view and print digital images. Double-click the image in the Image Library to open it in the Windows Photo Viewer.

Some features of the Windows Photo Viewer and image libraries coincide. For example, view images, print them and run a slideshow can be from the image library, and from the photo viewer. So what to use?

Search and streamline images better in the image library. The image library allows you to see the entire set of images and easily view them by sorting by date, tag or other criteria.

Meanwhile, in the Windows viewer viewer, the image can be rotated, increase their scale, view in full size and run the slide show.

Working with images

After transferring to a computer with them you can work. You can view several images on one screen, view one image in full, rotate images and view them in the slide show.

Use of sketches

IN library of images You can display images in the form of sketches - reduced versions of full-size images. To view as a larger number of sketches, open the image library window to the entire screen by clicking the Deploy button.

To resize the sketches, press the View button and move the slider up or down. To quickly view large build buildings, you can reduce sketches. To be seen more details in each image, you can increase the sketches. Changing the sketch size does not affect the full-size version of the image.

To return to medium sized sketches, click the View button and select Average pictograms.

Rotate the image

In the Windows Viewing window, vertical images can be displayed in horizontal orientation.

To fix the orientation, click Turn counterclockwise or button Rotate clockwise.

View image in full

To deploy an image of almost the entire window of the photo viewer, double-click this image in the Image Library. To view in a large size, expand the photo viewer to the full screen.

To enlarge the image part, press the scale button and move the slider up. When the scale is increased, you can move the image by dragging any part of it using a hand pointer. To return to the usual view, click the window to size.

Display slides of images

Digital images can be viewed in full-screen automatic slide display.

To start a slide show, open the image in the photo viewer, double-clicking it with the mouse. Next Press the button Start showing slides At the bottom of the photo viewer window. In the slide show displays all images from the current view.

During viewing slides, you can pause the display, change its speed, go forward or backward, and view images sequentially or in random order. To display controls, click the slide display window with the right mouse button.

To complete the slide show, press the ESC key on the keyboard or the output button in the context menu of the slide show.

Drawing and searching for images

If the digital camera is used regularly, hundreds or even thousands of images are quickly accumulated on the computer. The image library will help to find a specific image in the collection of your images.

Image Search by date

Digital cameras indicate the image creation date. In the image library, you can find and view this year, month or day of creation.

To find images by date, click the search field in the image library, select Date of shooting And specify a year, month, day or other period of time.

Adding tags to images

Using the image library to images, you can add tags - keywords or phrases to describe the pictures and shooting sites. Adding tags simplifies the following image searches as you can easily view all images with a common tag.

If adding tags to each image requires a lot of time, do not worry - tags can be added to the entire image series simultaneously. For example, you can add the Birthday Tag for 20 or 30 Celebration Images.

To add images tags, follow these steps:

  1. In the Image Library, select the image to which the tag must be added. To highlight multiple images, click the Ctrl key.
  2. In the field of information at the bottom of the image library, select Add tag, Enter the Tag Name field and press ENTER. The tag will be added to all selected images. You can add an unlimited number of tags.

Add tags to images follows immediately after import. Thus, you can avoid the accumulation of unsorted images to which you need to add tags. For more information, see Adding Tags to facilitate image search.

Search for images by tag

If the tag is added in the image library for the picture, it is easy to find it. You just need to enter the tag in the search field. All images that contain this tag will be found.

For example, entering the word Animals, We will find all the images that contain the word "animals". In addition, those images, the names of the files of which contain the word "animals" will be found.

If you do not remember which tags are already created, click the search field and select item. Tags. Clicking some tag, you will see a list of images with this tag.

For more information, see Image Management.

Image Transfer to other users

Access images mean others may seen them on their computers. The most common sharing methods are publishing images on the website and send by email.

Photos sharing websites

Most photo sharing sites allow you to publish to save images for free. But note that some sites can delete your images, guided by their internal regulations. Therefore, familiarize yourself with the site policy.

Sending images by email

Another way to provide sharing images - send by email. Sending images by email can be started in the image library or in the Windows photo viewer.

Starting sending images to the library, you can simultaneously resize multiple images. If you start passing in the photo viewer, you can change the size of the current image only. But wherever you start, the Windows Photo Viewer can automatically compress the image (reduce file size) so that the email message is faster, and the photos occupied less space on the recipient's computer. The originals of the images do not affect.

To transfer an image by email, Highlight them in the image library and click on the button toolbar Email. In the dialog box Attach files Select the image size (usually fits the default size - medium) and click the attach button.

Windows will open a new message in the email program. Selected images will be invested in the message.

To transfer the image, enter the email addresses of the recipients, the topic and write a short message. Then click the Send button. For more information, see