
Field. Essay based on "The Tale of a Real Man" by B. Polevoy Essay on a Tale of a Real Man

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“The Tale of a Real Man” is a heroic work by B. Polevoy. Written in the post-war years, the book reflects real events. The central character of the story is Alexei Meresyev, a Soviet fighter pilot. During the battle, Meresyev's plane crashes, and the surviving fighter finds himself in a reserved thicket. The hero loses both legs, but, overcoming difficulties, after a year and a half, he again sits at the helm of the aircraft and again rushes into battle.

Alexei had a difficult childhood. Born in the city of Kamyshin, he was the youngest child in the family. The father passed away early, and the elderly mother raised three sons alone. As a teenager, Alexei helped his mother by working at a lathe; after - he worked as a builder of an flying club in the Far East. There he learned to fly.

The war found Meresyev when he taught at the aviation school. Duty to the Motherland forced him to leave the job of an instructor and join the army. Since the beginning of the war, he has served in aviation.

Stocky, strong, nimble, twenty-two-year-old Alexei Meresyev first appears as a senior lieutenant in command of the flight unit. He has an attractive appearance: he has a beautiful face, dark hair and eyes, a charming smile.

But the main thing in the image of Meresyev is his character. Having survived the accident and having received severe injuries in both legs, he does not give up, but for eighteen days, exhausted, crawls through the winter forest.

After the amputation of both legs, becoming an invalid, Alexey, despite the unbearable pain, learns to walk again, only with the help of prostheses. Others need months - he did it in a week.

Having a stubborn and persistent character, after eighteen months of training, he again becomes a pilot and is already performing unprecedented turns. The only legless fighter pilot in the world becomes the lead pilot of the regiment. Making seven sorties with combat, he accomplishes a feat every day.

After a while, Alexey becomes a squadron commander. The former cheerfulness and "recklessness" inherent in all pilots returns to him.

"The Tale of a Real Man" teaches never, under any circumstances, to give up, to always believe in oneself and be able to overcome any difficulties.

The image of Alexei Meresyev is a worthy example of courage, steadfastness, loyalty to the Motherland - the main qualities of a real person.

The image and characteristics of Alexei Meresyev

I got acquainted with The Tale of a Real Man. The author wrote this legendary work based on facts from the life of the hero of the Great Patriotic War, pilot Alexei Meresyev.

In an air battle, his fighter was shot down by an enemy aircraft. The pilot ended up in the forest, and seriously wounded, he did not give up, but began a dangerous path from the encirclement to our units.

The protagonist, despite his broken legs, severe frost and hunger, made his way through the environment to people for more than two weeks. Six days later, Alexey could only crawl, because he stopped feeling his legs. In the winter forest, the pilot stumbled upon wild animals, and he also tried not to meet the Nazis - for him this meant losing another battle.

During a breakout from the encirclement, the pilot ate bark and plants that he came across on the way. And once he was lucky - with pleasure, he ate the sinewy and not quite cold meat of the forest hedgehog.

On a difficult journey, the pilot thought about his home, about his mother and beloved girl, and he did not forget about the enemies that must be destroyed! For 18 days and nights, the pilot tried to get to "ours". He believed in success and did not give up hope that everything would work out.

Perhaps the most dramatic moment of the story is the experiences of the protagonist shortly before a difficult operation. Meresyev, cannot and does not want to realize that he will be left without lower limbs and will be disabled, but the doctor said that this cannot be avoided. Alexei spent a long time preparing himself for the upcoming operation. But the hour came, and he was told that they would operate. The protagonist of the book - gritting his teeth, buried himself in a pillow, silently began to cry.

The image of the pilot Alexei Meresyev has many positive personal qualities of the hero. Of course, a strong feature of his character is perseverance in achieving his goal, and faith in success becomes the reason for the fight against obstacles on a long and dangerous path. Seriously wounded, he does not give up, but continues to fight, even if for many people there is no hope of salvation. Alexey loves and appreciates life and is ready to fight for it. In the spring of 1942, the pilot returned to the front and shot down nine fighters!

Thus, the author of the story showed the reader an outstanding and quite self-confident person. Of course, the hero of the work has his shortcomings, but his desire to serve people and love his homeland, mercilessly "beat" the Nazis for the sake of the new generation, and the perseverance with which he overcomes difficulties crosses out all his possible weaknesses.

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Analysis of the work and reviews: "The Tale of a Real Man" The reviews left about him often help to understand the meaning, meaning and ideological intent of the work. "The Tale of a Real Man" is a book written by the famous Soviet writer B. Polev in 1946. The story is based on a real story that happened to the pilot Alexei Maresyev. This book tells about the difficult struggle of the hero not only for his physical survival, but also for moral dignity, the honor of a soldier and the right to fight in the army, despite terrible injuries. The work was so popular that the following year, the film adaptation of the same name was released on the screens of the country, which doubled the interest in this amazing story. About the introduction About how much the essay was to the liking of the readers, testify to the reviews. "The Tale of a Real Man" is a detailed canvas about the formation of a personality, overcoming obstacles, about an unbending will and a stubborn desire to achieve the goal in the name of justice. This is how lovers of the writer's work characterize the ideological concept of the book. In their opinion, the first part, describing the inhuman efforts made by the pilot to save his life in an enemy environment in a wild forest, turned out to be especially vital and at the same time terrible in its persuasiveness. This chapter, according to some users, strikes with the cruel truth and a frightening picture of the war.

Opinions about the struggle of the hero Reviews will help prepare a school lesson on the work in question. "The Tale of a Real Man" is a book, half of which is devoted to Meresyev's stubborn struggle for life after his plane was shot down, and he found himself alone in the forest, not far from the front line, risking being noticed by enemies every minute. All readers claim that the author managed to convey not only the physical suffering of the character, but also his moral experiences. Some readers pay attention to Meresyev's resemblance to the hero of J. London's story "Love of Life", who also, with his last strength, literally wrested victory from death. The Soviet pilot showed remarkable courage and great fortitude when, literally turning into a half-corpse, he managed to crawl to the hut of Soviet partisans. The fans of this work were most impressed by those scenes that show the specific actions taken by the hero to save himself, as evidenced by the reviews. "The Tale of a Real Man" is a book dedicated to the pilot's struggle with nature and himself, which is its enduring significance.

About the second part Those who have read the work in question agree that the author was especially good at conveying the state of mind of the pilot during the recovery period. He was greatly influenced by his comrades in the hospital ward. Their fate turned out to be inextricably linked with Meresyev, who found solace in communicating with them. The work “The Tale of a Real Man”, reviews of which show the continued interest of readers in this story, shows the difficult psychological struggle that the hero had to endure in order to find the desire to live again. In this part, we learn about his experiences because of the bride Olga, to whom he is afraid to confess his tragedy. The fact is that his legs were cut off, as the doctors could not stop the gangrene. In the end, Meresyev, under the influence of his new comrades, begins to gradually learn to walk again. According to readers, this detailed psychological analysis of the stubborn internal struggle with oneself is the key scene in the entire work.

About the fourth part Review of the book "The Tale of a Real Man" shows that this work has not lost its significance in our days. Users claim that the author was able to convincingly and believably show the new formation of his hero not so much physically as spiritually. Readers especially liked those scenes in which Meresyev, already without legs and using prostheses, learned to dance in order to finally get rid of stiffness. According to them, it was in this episode that he showed the real character of the pilot Polevoy. "The Tale of a Real Man", reviews of which testify to how much the author managed to touch the feelings of his readers, ends with a description of the character's heroic deeds after he returned to aviation.

Many writers during the war considered it their duty to be at the center of events in order to write truthfully about it later. So did the Soviet writer Boris Polevoy. Thanks to his talent and the work of a war correspondent, he managed to create a real artistic masterpiece - "The Tale of a Real Man." This work, published in 1946, made a strong impression on the author's contemporaries, who still heard the sounds of war in their heads. But even today the story surprises the reader with high morality.

The theme of the work is a story about a pilot who, thanks to his thirst for life and patriotism, managed to survive in an extreme situation and then, despite the amputation of both legs, decided to return to the front.

The idea is to celebrate the high morality of a real patriot who fights for his life in order to help others fight in the war. The protagonist during the tests thinks that it is impossible to let the enemy get further.

How did the idea to write the story come about? In 1943, Boris Polevoy, as a military correspondent, communicated with the brave pilot Maresyev, who managed to shoot down two German planes at once. The story of a new acquaintance so captivated the writer that he stayed overnight in his dugout. Waking up from a strange knock, Polevoy saw some legs in boots and thought that the enemy had climbed up to them. But the pilot, laughing, explained that these were his prostheses. This detail excited the writer so much that he definitely decided that he would write a work about this real person. Thus, a real pilot named Maresyev became the prototype of the main character. The author slightly modified his last name, changing one letter. After all, the work was conceived as a work of art, not a documentary.

The plot of the work. Pilot Meresyev gets into "double pincers" while performing a combat mission. Despite experience and talent, the hero falls to the ground. He finds himself in the midst of a gloomy forest. The writer describes in detail the winter landscape of the forest, showing that even nature suffers from war. A bear awakened by shots is trying to find food. Seeing a fallen man, he approaches him. There is a fight between a brave pilot and a hungry beast, which ends with the victory of man.

But the suffering of the protagonist does not end there. He tries to get to his feet, and realizes that his feet are badly damaged and every step causes him terrible pain. However, Meresyev has no choice - he must go in order to survive. The author devotes many chapters to how a pilot courageously overcomes pain and first walks, and then crawls forward in the hope of finding help. Not only pain, but also hunger torments the hero. That is why he is so happy even when he finds a moldy cracker. Thanks to endurance, the pilot still finds partisans who help him recover. But, having lost both legs, Meresiev is in despair until a friend inspires him to fight and return to work.

Boris Polevoy wrote his famous story in 1946, during the difficult post-war period. The work, widely known in the USSR and Russia, was based on the feat of the real pilot Alexei Meresyev, who was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union for his feat.

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What is this book about

Boris Polevoy wrote about a strong man with an unbending will, about true friendship, love for the motherland and true patriotism. Reading "The Tale of a Real Man", everyone is imbued with the strength of Meresyev's spirit, who managed to overcome a huge personal tragedy, get back on his feet and return to the ranks of pilots to continue defending the Motherland.

In his work, Polevoy sings of such personality traits as:

  • willpower
  • love to motherland
  • decency
  • honesty
  • perseverance in achieving the goal

Main heroes

In his work, Boris Polevoy describes several characters, each of which is a bright, self-sufficient personality and plays a significant role in the events.

At present, Polevoy's work is one of the recognized masterpieces of classical Soviet literature. The sequence of events in the book is as follows:

  • Fight with the enemy.
  • Hospital treatment.
  • Treatment in a sanatorium. Meresyev convinces the doctors to send him to a retraining school for pilots.
  • And again in battle.

If we analyze the plot of the work, then it can be divided into several main parts, each of which can be described as an independent story. But in each of them, the intertwining of the fates of both the main characters of the work and new faces, with whom the author introduces the reader, can be traced. In all parts, one can trace the willpower of the protagonist, his long, full of pain and obstacles, the path to achieving his main goal - returning to the sky, to flying, to fighting with the enemy for his homeland, for loved ones, for his love.

Fight with the enemy

Escorting attack aircraft, Meresyev's fighter hit the "Double Pincers" and was shot down by an enemy fighter. When the plane crashed, Alexei was thrown out of the cockpit, but the blow was softened by soft spruce branches, on which the pilot fell. Waking up, the pilot found a bear nearby. Shot him with a service pistol, which ended up in the pocket of his overalls, the pilot tries to get to his feet in order to start the path to his own.

Having oriented himself on the ground, Meresyev realizes that he is not far from the Black Forest, 35 kilometers from the front line. When he tries to get up, he feels a strong pain in his legs and, pulling off his high boots, finds that his feet are crushed. There was nowhere for the pilot to get help. Therefore, the only salvation in this difficult and dangerous situation was to get up and go towards the front line.

On the first day of his journey, he finds a knife and a can of stew, which was his only food supply for the whole trip. On the third day, chilled to the bone, he finds a homemade lighter in his pocket and for the first time warms himself by the fire. After the food runs out, the exhausted pilot moves on his feet, rolling from side to side and eating the found cranberry leaves.

As a result, the half-dead pilot is found by the inhabitants of the village burned by the Germans and transported to his native squadron for subsequent transfer to the hospital.

Hospital treatment

Meresyev ends up in a Moscow hospital. One day, a famous professor of medicine, walking along the corridor, learns that the pilot lying there for 18 days tried to crawl out of German captivity on his own with broken legs. After that, Meresyev is transferred to the ward intended for senior officers.

There are three other people in this room with him. One of them is a tanker, Hero of the Soviet Union Grigory Gvozdev, who was badly burned in battle with the enemy. Gvozdev was seriously ill, not interested in absolutely anything. He simply waited for the onset of death and desired it. The nurse, a pretty woman Klavdia Mikhailovna, looked after the wounded.

The professor did everything possible, tried various methods of treatment, but Meresyev did not go to the mandrel. On the contrary, the pilot's toes turned black and gangrene began. Then, to save the life of the pilot, the doctors make the only correct decision - to amputate the legs to the middle of the calf. Aleksey steadfastly struggles with such a heavy blow of fate, rereading letters from his mother and fiancee Olga, to which he does not find the strength to admit that he no longer has legs.

Another patient is placed in Meresyev's ward - the commissar of the Red Army Semyon Vorobyov. Despite the severe concussion, this strong-willed man managed to stir up his neighbors, restore their desire to live. With the advent of spring, the burnt tanker Gvozdev also comes to life and turns out to be a merry fellow and a joker. Vorobyov arranges for Grigory to correspond with a young student at the medical university, Anna Gribova, with whom the tanker then falls in love.

For Meresyev, aviation was the meaning of life, and without legs he felt lost and useless. And when the Commissar showed him the article about the pilot World War I Karpov, who was able to fly a plane without a foot, Alexei at first doubted his own abilities. But over time, convinced by the Commissar and believing in his own strength, the pilot begins to actively prepare for his return to aviation. But the Commissar himself is getting worse - every movement gives him severe pain, but he tries not to show it. A nurse, Klavdiya Mikhailovna, is on duty at his bedside at night, having managed to fall in love with the Commissar.

On the first of May the Commissar dies. And it was his death that prompted Meresyev to make the final decision to get on his feet and return to his squadron. He began to do gymnastics and master prostheses with even greater persistence. And after Anyuta began looking for the discharged tanker Gvozdev, Meresyev decided, after the first plane he shot down in battle, to inform Olga in a letter about what had happened to him.

Treatment in a sanatorium

In the summer of 1942, Meresyev was discharged from the hospital and sent to the Air Force sanatorium to heal his wounds. In the sanatorium, Aleksey asks the nurse Zinochka to teach him to dance the waltz and diligently attends dance lessons every day. After some time, the pilot already danced well and participated in all dance evenings. And it was not noticeable to anyone - what pain is hidden behind the light smile of the dancing Meresyev.

Alexey receives a letter from Olga, where the girl writes to him that she is offended by Alexei's distrust and that he would not have been forgiven if not for the war. Olga also reports that she is busy digging anti-tank ditches near Stalingrad. At that time, the situation near Stalingrad worried each of the vacationers in the sanatorium, and as a result, the military demanded an urgent discharge and sending to the front.

On the commission of the recruitment department of the Air Force, Meresyev was at first going to be categorically refused, but he managed to persuade the military doctor Mirovolsky to attend the dances organized in the sanatorium. There, the military doctor was surprised to see how the legless pilot was dancing and gave Meresyev an opinion on the possibility of retraining and further sending to the front.

Arriving in Moscow, Meresyev, by perseverance and long walks around the offices, managed to be sent to a flight school. After a five-month training, Meresyev brilliantly passed the exam for the head of the flight school and went to the flight personnel retraining school, where Alexei was trained until early spring to perfectly control the most modern LA-5 fighter at that time.

And again into battle

After Meresyev arrived at the headquarters of the regiment, he was registered in the squadron of Captain Cheslov. And on the very first night, the pilot Meresyev already took part in the legendary battle on the Kursk Bulge.

Now Aleksey flew the new LA-5 fighter and took part in battles with the fascist single-engine dive bombers Yu-87. On the day, Meresyev had several sorties and he read letters from Olga occasionally, at night. But Meresyev was in no hurry to reveal the truth to Olga - he did not consider the Yu-87 a worthy opponent.

Finally, during one of the sorties to Alexei managed to shoot down three modern Foke-Wulf fighters and save his wingman. After this battle, he was appointed squadron commander and wrote Olga the truth about the amputated legs.

In the epilogue of his work, Polevoy also talks about how the fate of the heroic pilot developed in the future: he received the title of Hero of the Soviet Union, married Olga, and they had a son.

A brief retelling of "The Tale of a Real Man" will not be able to convey the wide range of feelings that embrace anyone when reading this work. Therefore, we strongly recommend that you read the book itself.

One of the central problems of The Tale of a Real Man is patriotism. The author, who went through the entire war from beginning to end and was one of the first journalists to see the death camps, knew that love for the Motherland does not lie in lofty words. They do things in her name.

date of creation

The analysis of The Tale of a Real Man should begin with the fact that the work was written in 1946. In the difficult post-war period, this book shamed the faint-hearted and helped to become stronger, it brought back to life those who despaired. Polevoy wrote the story in just nineteen days, when he was a special correspondent at the Nuremberg trials. After the publication of the work, thousands of letters went to the editorial office of the magazine from people who did not remain indifferent to the fate of the pilot Meresyev.

This book is amazing not only because it is read in different countries, but also because it helped many people in difficult times, taught them courage. In the work, the author clearly shows how, in the all-destroying conditions of the war, an ordinary person showed real heroism, courage and moral endurance. B. Polevoy tells with admiration how Alexei stubbornly achieves his goal. Overcoming terrible pain, hunger and loneliness, he does not give in to despair and chooses life instead of death. The willpower of this hero is admirable.

Meeting with a hero

Continuing the analysis of The Tale of a Real Man, it should be noted that the work is based on the biography of a real person. Pilot Maresyev was shot down in the territory occupied by the enemy. With injured feet, he made his way through the forest for a long time and ended up with the partisans. Without both legs, he again stood up to do as much as possible for his country, to sit at the helm again, to win again.

During the war, Boris Polevoy went to the front as a correspondent. In the summer of 1943, the military commander met with a pilot who shot down two enemy fighters. They talked until late in the evening, Polevoy stayed overnight in his dugout and was awakened by a strange knock. The writer saw that from under the bunk, where the pilot was lying, someone's legs in officer's boots were visible.

The military commissar instinctively put his hand behind the pistol, but heard the perky laughter of his new acquaintance: “These are my prostheses.” Polevoy, who had seen a lot during the two years of the war, lost sleep in an instant. The military commander wrote down a story behind the pilot, which is impossible to believe. But it was true - from beginning to end: the hero of this story - the pilot Maresyev - was sitting in front of him. In his story, the author changed one letter in the hero's surname, since this is still an artistic image, and not a documentary one.

Air battle

We continue the analysis of "The Tale of a Real Man". The story is told on behalf of the author. The story about the hero-pilot opens with a description of a winter landscape. Already from the first lines, the tension of the situation is felt. The forest is restless and disturbing: the stars sparkled coldly, the trees froze in a daze, “wolves squabble” and “foxes yelp” are heard. A man's groan was heard in the eerie silence. The bear, raised from the den by the roar of close combat, crunched on the hard crust and headed for the human figure, "driven into the snow."

The pilot lay on the snow and recalled the last battle. Let's continue the analysis of "The Tale of a Real Man" with a description of the details of the battle: Alexei "rushed like a stone" at the enemy's plane and "fired" with machine-gun bursts. The pilot did not even look at how the plane "poke into the ground", he attacked the next car and, having "laid down the Junkers", outlined the next target, but hit the "double pincers". The pilot managed to escape from under their convoy, but his plane was shot down.

From the episode of the air battle it is clear that Meresyev is a brave and courageous person: he shot down two enemy planes and, having no ammunition, again rushed into battle. Aleksey is an experienced pilot, because “pincers” are the worst thing that can happen in an air battle. Alexei still managed to escape.

Fight with a bear

We continue the analysis of "The Tale of a Real Man" by Polevoy with an episode of a fight between a pilot and a bear. Meresyev's plane fell into the forest, the tops of the trees softened the blow. Alexei was "torn out of the seat" and, sliding along the tree, he fell into a huge snowdrift. After the pilot realized that he was alive, he heard someone breathing. Thinking it was the Germans, he didn't move. But when he opened his eyes, he saw a large, hungry bear in front of him.

Meresiev did not lose his head: he closed his eyes, and it took him "great effort" to suppress the desire to open them, when the beast "teared" his overalls with its claws. Alexei put his hand into his pocket with a "slow" movement and felt for the pistol grip. The bear tugged at the overalls even harder. And at that moment, when the beast grabbed the overalls with its teeth for the third time, pinching the pilot's body, he, overcoming pain, pulled the trigger at the moment when the animal tore him out of the snowdrift. The animal was dead.

“The tension subsided,” and Alexei felt such severe pain that he lost consciousness. From this episode it is clear that Meresyev is a strong-willed person: he gathered all his will into a fist and survived in a mortal battle with a wild beast.

Thousand steps

Alexei tried to get up, but the pain pierced his entire body so that he screamed. Both feet were broken and the legs were swollen. Under normal conditions, the pilot would not even try to stand on them. But he was alone in the forest, behind enemy lines, so he decided to go. With the first movement in the head from the pain rustled. Every few steps he had to stop.

We continue the analysis of "The Tale of a Real Man". Boris Polevoy devoted several chapters of the work to the story of how his hero courageously endured hunger, cold, unbearable pain. The desire to live and fight further gave him strength.

To ease the pain, he switched all his attention to "counting." The first thousand steps were hard for him. After another five hundred steps, Alexei began to get confused and could not think of anything but burning pain. He stopped after a thousand, then after five hundred steps. But on the seventh day, his wounded legs refused to obey him. Alexei could only crawl. He ate the bark and buds of trees, since a can of canned meat did not last long.

Along the way, he met traces of the battle and the brutality of the invaders. Sometimes his strength completely left him, but hatred of the invaders and the desire to beat them to the last forced him to crawl further. On the way, Alexei was warmed by memories of a distant home. Once, when it seemed that he did not even have the strength to raise his head, he heard the rumble of aircraft in the sky and thought: “There! To the guys."


Not feeling his legs, Alexei crawled on. Suddenly I saw a moldy cracker. Biting into him with his teeth, he thought that there must be partisans somewhere nearby. Then he heard the crackling of branches and someone's excited whisper. He seemed to be speaking Russian. Crazy with joy, he jumped to his feet with the last of his strength and, like a hack, fell to the ground, losing consciousness.

Further analysis of the work "The Tale of a Real Man" shows that the inhabitants of the village of Plavni selflessly came to the aid of the pilot. They fled from the German-occupied village and settled in dugouts in the forest, which they dug together. They settled in them in brigades, preserving the "collective farm customs": suffering from hunger, they carried "to the common dugout" everything that they had left after the flight, and took care of the "communal livestock".

A third of the settlers died of starvation, but the inhabitants supplied the wounded pilot with the last one: the woman brought a “pouch of semolina”, and Fedyunka noisily “sucks in her saliva”, looking greedily at the “lumps of sugar”. Grandmother Vasilisa brought the only chicken for "her own" pilot of the Red Army. When Meresyev was found, he was "a real skeleton." Vasilisa brought him chicken soup, looked at him "with infinite pity", and said not to thank him: "Mine are also fighting."

Newspaper article

Meresyev was so weak that he did not notice the absence of grandfather Mikhaila, who informed his friends about the "foundling". His friend Degtyarenko flew in for Alexei, calculated that Alexei had been in the forest without food for eighteen days. He also said that they were already waiting in the Moscow hospital. On the airfield, while waiting for an ambulance, he saw his colleagues and told the doctor that he wanted to stay here in the hospital. Meresyev, no matter what, wanted to get back into the ranks.

Before the operation, he "was getting cold and shrinking", Alexei was scared and his eyes "expanded with horror." After the operation, he lay motionless and looked at one and the same point on the ceiling, "did not complain", but "was losing weight and wasting away." A pilot who lost his legs, he thought he was gone. To fly means to live and fight for the Motherland. And the meaning of life disappeared, the desire to live also disappeared: “Was it worth it to crawl?” thought Alexei.

The attention and support of Commissar Vorobyov, the professor and the people around him in the hospital brought him back to life. Himself seriously wounded, the commissar treated everyone with care and attention. He instilled faith in people and aroused interest in life. Once he gave Alexei an article to read about a World War I pilot who did not want to leave the army after losing his foot. He stubbornly engaged in gymnastics, invented a prosthesis and returned to duty.

Back in service

Alexei had a goal - to become a full-fledged pilot. Meresyev, with the same tenacity with which he crawled out to his own, began to work on himself. Alexei followed all the doctor's orders, forced himself to eat and sleep more. He came up with his own gymnastics, which he complicated. Comrades in the ward teased him, the exercises brought unbearable pain. But he, biting his lips to the blood, was engaged.

When Meresyev sat at the helm, his eyes filled with tears. The instructor Naumenko, having learned that Alexei had no legs, said: “Darling, you don’t know what kind of PERSON you are!” Alexey returned to the sky and continued to fight. Courage, endurance and immense love for the Motherland helped him to return to life. To complete the analysis of "The Tale of a Real Man" by B. Polevoy I would like the words of the regiment commander Meresyev: "You won't lose a war with such people."