
What Tanya studied at the tibidox school. List of characters in the book series Tanya Grotter

Where to begin

"Tibidox - a school of magic for difficult-to-educate young wizards" - this is the name of this magic school. Just do not think that it is intended for some psychologically inadequate persons. No, nothing like that. The guys there are completely normal, for Muggles they look difficult to educate: after all, sometimes all sorts of troubles happen to those who offend young magicians. Moreover, children do not realize their abilities for a long time: Tibidox is a Russian school, and in Russia many years ago events took place that had such an unfavorable effect on magic that there were no traditions, not even magical families themselves. Many students of Tibidox are magicians in the first generation.


Tibidox is located in the most magical place imaginable: it is none other than the famous island of Buyan, picturesque, located far in the ocean and completely unknown to the Muggles. The magical potential of the island is high, very high. True, there are not only positive forces here, but also a negative charge: Chaos, defeated in ancient days and imprisoned, languishes in the vast stone cellars of the castle in which the School building is located. These are ancient creepy gods, spirits of destruction, all sorts of vile entities... All this diversity rages behind the Creepy Gate, which sometimes shakes great. All sorts of small evil spirits are scurrying around the gate in concentration: swamp bastards, kikimorkas, goblin ... Well, of course, no one is afraid of them, except for the greenest first-year students. Everyone knows that the undead are incapable of organized action. Although you need to be able to cope with it, and there is such a subject in the schedule.

Education system

Magically gifted children are brought to Tibidox at the age of 10 and are immediately enrolled in one of the departments of the school, Light or Dark. In fact, of course, there are not so many fundamental differences between these departments, except for paraphernalia: spiders, bats, gothic darkness ... In fact, the light ones are taught to follow the light, and the dark ones to cope with their dark impulses. It is also possible to move from one department to another if one side or the other prevails in the soul of the student. There are not very many subjects in Tibidox, but they are taught at a high level, and the requirements are very strict. Here is a list of Tibidox's academic disciplines and the professors who teach them:

The theory of magic - academician Sardanapal Chernomorov, director of Tibidox, kindest soul;
- non-life science - associate professor Medusia Zevsovna Gorgonova, a very strict teacher;
- protection from spirits - head teacher of the school Poklep Poklepych, the subject is taught to senior students;
- the practice of the evil eye (removal and imposition) - Zuboderikha (nicknamed the Great Tooth), a recent graduate of the Dark Department;
- practical magic, potions and everyday spells - the head of the Dark Department, Professor Sigmund Klopp;
- history of otherworldly worlds - Eyeless Horror, ghost;
- veterinary magic - Tararakh, the immortal Pithecanthropus;
- magic aerobatics and dragonball - Nightingale Odikhmantyevich the Robber.

During their studies, young wizards have enough entertainment and adventures of all kinds. The guys study for five years, then the most talented ones can stay in the graduate school.

Life after graduation

With the distribution after school, things are not so good: in Russia, due to certain historical reasons and the vast territory, the magical community is not very developed. Graduates can either travel to a few magical settlements in Russia (however, the nearest of them, Bald Mountain, has a distinctly dark tint), or return to the ordinary world. It is not always easy for young magicians to adapt there: there are not enough usual miracles. However, it is always difficult for any young person at the beginning of the journey: to live life is not to play solitaire.

Yemets D. Tanya Grotter and magic double bass
Yemets D. Tanya Grotter and the disappearing floor
Yemets D. Tanya Grotter and golden leech
Yemets D. Tanya Grotter and the throne of Drevnir
Yemets D. Tanya Grotter and the staff of the Magi
Yemets D. Tanya Grotter and hammer of Perun

Tanya Grotter and the Magic Double Bass

The black sorceress Plague-del-Cake, whose name they are afraid to even pronounce out loud, striving for power, destroys light wizards one by one. Among her victims is the wonderful white magician Leopold Grotter. His daughter Tanya somehow manages to avoid death, but a mysterious mole remains on the tip of her nose for the rest of her life... Plague del Cake mysteriously disappears, and Tanya Grotter is thrown into the family of businessman Durnev, her distant relative... In this She lives in an extremely unpleasant family until she is ten years old, and then ends up in the only magic school in the world, Tibidox...

Tanya Grotter and the Disappearing Floor

Tanya Grotter was not lucky. While Sardanapal, Medusia Gorgonova and other teachers are rebuilding the destroyed school of magic Tibidox, the students are sent home. So Tanya is forced to return to Moscow to the Durnev family. Yes, even take with you a whole suitcase of quarrelsome ghosts. Well, nothing! During her studies at Tibidokhs, Tanya managed to learn something, so Uncle Herman and Aunt Ninel will have a hard time. And finally it is time to return to Tibidox. It was rebuilt and even better than before, but the Disappearing Floor: something incredible is happening to it. None of those who dared to penetrate there, did not return back. Or is it back?...
Tanya Grotter and Golden Leech

Thunder shakes the Tibidox magic school. Lightning strikes at one point - in the masonry near the roof of the Great Tower. And in an abandoned gatehouse near the swamp, Tanya Grotter discovers the forgotten prophecy of Drevnir. If the ancient spirit is released, the Golden Leech will crawl into the magical fire and the rope in the neck of the double bass will burst, time will turn back, the revived pagan idols will go to war against the Turtle of Eternity and the Creepy Gates will collapse! Predictions come true one after another... And all this during the World Dragonball Championship, in which the Tibidox team will fight with the invisible team, where the inimitable Gury Pupper shines!!!
Tanya Grotter and the throne of Drevnir

For a long time in Tibidox there were no such troubles! The main sources of magic are stolen: items that once belonged to Drevnir. True, there is still the throne of an ancient magician, the energy of which will last for millennia. But the trouble is, no one knows where he is. Day by day, the stocks of magic in Tibidox are running out, and all students are sent to the world of moronoids. Tanya Grotter and Bab-Yagun find themselves in the Durnev family... But nothing in the magical world can be more important than dragonball. Everyone is looking forward to the match between the invisible team and the Tibidox team. The intrigue is heated by the fact that the legendary Guria Pupper is finally in love. Hundreds of cupids flying with flowers and letters! I wonder who Pupper sends them to? It obviously could not have done without enthralling magic... But Tanya didn't want that at all!!!

Tanya Grotter and the Staff of the Magi

There is a strict law of balance between the other world and the world of magicians. Nothing can pass from world to world without upsetting the delicate balance of power. But the centuries-old balance has been disturbed: something exceptionally valuable has been stolen from the Other World... At the same time, due to Tanya's negligence, a strong spirit settles in the mirror, which opens the passage between the worlds. Three mighty ancient gods, Perun, Veles and Triglav, and the keeper of the world tree Simorgh demand the return of the stolen, threatening to destroy Buyan and the whole magical world with him ... Well, the stubborn Gury Pupper is still doing everything to win the love of Tanya Grotter. He sends hundreds of cupids and even ... moves from the invisible team to the Tibidox dragonball team ...
Tanya Grotter and the Hammer of Perun

Someone, night after night, breaks Buyan's magical protection, knocking out mysterious symbols on the impenetrable dome. At the same time, Coffinya loses her magic and is forced to return to moronoids, Gunya Glomov loses her strength, Katya Lotkova loses her beauty. Something incomprehensible is happening in Tibidox... Meanwhile, life does not stand still. Pipa Durneva, who has discovered intuitive magic, ends up in a school of magic. Tanya Grotter experiences the effect of voodoo magic and, like a cat, falls in love with Pupper. And the Tibidokhs dragonball team will have to fight with the team of eternity, which includes the most famous players of all times and peoples, among which...

Based on the book series of the same name by D. Yemets


Character search

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Character groups

Total characters - 85

1 0 0

Genie, head of the school library. Has a vile character, but usually he still agrees to help. He likes to make various curses, however, to his great annoyance, he almost fails to use them.

0 0 0

A swamp hmyr close to Plague del Cake. Her personal servant.

18 7 0

Nimble, talkative and excessively curious friend and classmate of Tanya, the grandson of the mistress of the medical center - the goddess Yagge. Playing dragonball commentator, big fan of new and powerful flying vacuum cleaners, which he is always experimenting with, which makes their life extremely short. He is very good at “mirroring” - reading thoughts. In love with Katya Lotkova. Yagun has his trademark saying: “Mommy is my grandmother!”

2 0 0

The Eyeless Horror is a terrible ghost of Tibidox. Once a month he goes to the basement to rattle his shackles. Before Tibidox, he lived in the now destroyed Scaredo school. From time to time, he recalls that he actually teaches the history of other worlds.

1 0 0

The first fallen guardian of the light (under the name Two-faced Kvodnon). Became the master of darkness. The embodiment of evil. One part of the essence of Kvodnon was imprisoned behind the Creepy Gate, and the second, the spirit - the Faceless Kvodnon - feeds the darkness by the very fact of its existence. A character from the universe of Methodius Buslaev, but is mentioned in Poseidon's Well.

2 1 0

Manager from Bald Mountain, ill-wisher of Tibidokhs. The head referee in dragonball matches is always trying to judge.

7 8 1

Friend and boyfriend of Tanya. He is also friends with Bab-Yagun. Loves food and animals. He is a favorite student of Tararakh, has the ability to veterinary magic - animals, both magical and ordinary, do not see him as an enemy. Together with Tanya and Yagun, he went through many trials. Fundamental. Capable of reckless, courageous and strong-willed actions. Often, risking his life, saving friends.

0 0 0

Competitor of Gryziana Pripyatskaya. Runs his own program.

0 0 0

One of the main gossips of Tibidox, so curious that she gained the gift of seeing through objects.

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She studies with Kolya Kiryanov, that is, for the grown-up Tanya, she is a junior student. Demonstrates his amazing ability on Rita Shito-Kryto: if Vika is angered, all her words come true, and there is no protection from this gift. She first appears in the “Curse of the Necromagus”: she was brought to Tibidox by Yagun and Slander.

0 0 0

The only one who can hardly be called Tanya's school friend in the world of moronoids.

0 0 0

Head of the Durnev family.

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19 10 0

Necromage. First appears in Poseidon's Well.

From an early age, he was brought up in Altai along with Lena Svekolt and Zhanna Abbatikova by a dark witch - an ally of Plague-del-Cake. Somewhat maniacally in love with Tanya Grotter. He conjures with a bamboo cane, he also uses amulets. He plays dragonball well, flies on a mortar.

0 0 0

Pupper's girlfriend, gurrekeeper. Walks with an evil eye. A committed feminist.

0 0 0

Sleeping Beauty. He was put to sleep by Drevnir himself as a person who in the distant future will be able to save Tibidox from terrible danger.

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4 0 0

The main, strongest and most intelligent dragon of Tibidox, the father of six dragons - Mercury, Sparkling, Smoky, Swift and Ashy are known. He treats Tanya well, and she often spends time in his hangar, especially with Vanka.

0 0 0

Together with Tishtrei, he judges dragonball matches - he is the chairman of the panel of arbitrators. Like Tishtrya and Immortelle, he judges dishonestly. Moves around in the dentist's chair. He is friendly with the magwokat Hudson.

19 4 0

Neighbor and peculiar friend of Tanya Grotter. Known to everyone as Coffinya, her real name is Anya. She studies on the same course with Tanya, but in the dark department. Bright, strong personality with his own style. Sharp-tongued, worldly smart, if necessary, knows how to cheat. Throughout the series, he meets with one, then with another.

0 0 0

Pretty popular caustic TV presenter, reads magic. Competitor of Veni Viya. After graduation, Grobynya, as a kindred spirit, works for her. Gryziana has a thorn in her right eye, which she skillfully hides with bangs, and she looks three hundred years old, although everyone knows that she is over six hundred years old.

0 0 0

1 0 0

The power is there - the mind is not needed. There is such a proverb among moronoids, and Gunya completely justifies it, having served four years in his first year. Likes fights. Under his "Glomus-vlomus" it is better for an ordinary person not to fall.

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1 4 0

Parody of Harry Potter. Famous dragonball player. He collects glasses with useful functions and brooms, or rather, not that he collects, but he is too modest to refuse when his godfather gives them. Has the most dangerous aunts, which it is better not to remember at all.

Light magician, among the achievements - killed the basilisk. In dragonball, he plays in the main team of Mugford - the team of invisibility (each player has an invisibility cloak).

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1 1 0

A dark magician who is best kept away from dairy products. Yes, and it’s just not worth eating next to him - next to him, everything that can only go bad turns sour and moldy. Not on good terms with Yagun.

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0 0 0

A long time ago he was a guardian of light, leaving behind a vague biography full of white spots. Most magicians consider him to be the greatest magician who ever lived. He was a student of Noah and collected magic bit by bit, founding the entire magical tradition - both light and dark. Immediately banned some spells with a list of a hundred banned. He saw through the streams of time, although Triglav in “The Hammer of Perun” said that Drevnir saw only what he wanted to see - something that did not interfere with the harmony of his ideas about the world.

Drevnir founded and equipped Tibidokhs, although his gatehouse was built first on Buyan. Sardanapal is one of the disciples of Drevnir.

The magicians preserved many expressions with his name: “I swear by the hair of Drevnir!”, “Glory to Drevnir”, “Save Drevnir” and so on.

0 0 0

A student of the light department, a friend of Verka Popugaeva.

1 0 0

Skeleton Page belonging to Grobyna. It is in her room. He is very attached to Coffin, protects her and allows her to hang clothes on herself, like on a hanger.

0 1 0

One of the trinity of necromages. She grew up with Gleb Beybarsov and Lena Svekolt.

2 0 0

Handsome and womanizer. Dark magician.

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Inspector Tibidokhs from the "Ring with a Pearl".

1 0 0

The dark magician, teaches the removal of the evil eye from the white department and its imposition - from the dark one.

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2 0 0

Kind, very beautiful girl. Light Mage. Plays dragonball.

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0 0 0

Practical magic teacher in Tibidox (decoctions, potions). Head of the Dark Section.

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0 0 0

A junior student at Tibidox, studying with Vika Ryzhova. His magic is intuitive - when he cries or laughs, those around him feel bad. He is very sociable and suffers very much that because of his dangerous gift no one wants to be friends with him - everyone shuns him and tries to stay away.

0 0 0

Light Mage. Pretty dumb and forgetful. He does not part with his flight instrument, on which he plays dragonball - a jet broom. He takes the position of protecting the dragon, but unlike Katya Lotkova, he is not of much use in the game.

1 1 0

Fatal girl from the invisible team. Emotional: sometimes laughing, sometimes crying. It is capable of seriously jinxing it with just one look, and sometimes even protective vests do not save it. Even pictures of Karilyn have magic.

2 0 0

One of the trinity of necromages. She grew up with Gleb Beibarsov and Zhanna Abbatikova.

Very serious, calm, thoughtful. Does not understand humor very well and hardly knows how to have a carefree fun. Lena is tall, with high cheekbones, with a high forehead. Her hair changes color, but is always braided in braids of various bright colors.

Lena is Shurasik's soul mate and also loves books.

1 0 0

Tanya's father, also known simply as Leo or LeGros. Magnificent explorer and alchemist. While studying at Tibidox, he was still a prankster, although not out of evil, but out of a thirst for research, and Slander often tried to get him transferred to the dark department. He loved his double bass very much, which he then handed over to Tanya, and was well versed in its properties. He was great at dragonball.

1 0 0

Light magician, but does not shun dark magic. Not afraid of fire. He plays dragonball as an attacker, flies on a cuckoo clock. She has a difficult relationship with Tanya.

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0 0 0

A real porcelain doll in appearance, and a selfish, vindictive bitch in character. No one knows what she really thinks, because it is always easy for her to put on a show. He dresses brightly, defiantly and catchy. She participated in the epoch-making match "Team of the World - Team of Eternity", although she cannot be found in any dragon-sick reference book.

1 0 0

Egyptian of Russian origin, a very strong dark magician. Her life is an eternal struggle. The baby was thrown to the foot of one of the Egyptian pyramids from a passing tourist bus with Ryazan license plates. She was picked up by a priest of an ancient cult, who, disguised as a beggar, collected alms from the pyramid. When they tried to sacrifice her, she let out such a cry that a lot of free vacancies immediately formed in the priestly sect. The surviving priests passed on their knowledge and skills to Malanya.

Plays in the world team, flies on the tomb of the pharaoh.

0 0 0

A first-vampire who temporarily acts as head of Transylvania.

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0 1 0

A centaur from the world of the Four Kingdoms. His eight-letter name speaks of his great mind. A friend of Vanka Valyalkin, who was called I-Vana there. The character of the book "Tanya Grotter and the boots of the centaur".

0 1 0

Panther girl. She is small, with a white pigtail, and flies on a stuffed crocodile four meters long, which also sometimes comes to life. As a child (in “The Hammer of Perun”) she climbed with questions to Guna and enthusiastically treated Tanya (“I really want to be like you! Our whole course admires you!”), Then she entered the “junior” Tibidokhs dragonball team and was one of the best there.

0 0 0

A dark pagan demigod, a scoundrel and a traitor, who once in ancient times chose the body and appearance of the Assyrian sphinx. The key character in the book The Chatty Sphinx.

10 1 0

Associate Professor of the Department of Unliving Studies and Deputy Director. Light mage with firm principles. She has a proud posture, confident gait, copper-red hair, which in moments of anger turn into snakes, a face with regular, delicate features.

She is very strict. Everyone respects her and knows that she will learn about an impolite statement about herself even from a distance. And at the same time, she is kind and sympathetic, always sees to the very essence, bending over an empty form.

Tanya Grotter is the main character in a series of fantasy novels by Dmitry Yemets about a magical girl studying at the Tibidox magic school. The series began to be published in 2002, when the first book "and the magic double bass" was written. Currently, 16 books have been published, the last one was published in 2012.

Tanya Grotter

The main character is a girl whose parents died at the hands of the evil sorceress Plague-del-Cake, whose name ordinary magicians and sorceresses are afraid to pronounce, replacing with the nickname That-Who-No and other kennings. Tanya herself could not be killed, since she simply crushed the scorpion of death and was protected by the talisman of the four elements. The director of the magic school Tibidokhs, academician Sardanapal Chernomorov, left Tanya in a double bass case in front of the door of the girl's only relatives among moronoids, the family of Deputy Durnev. Tanya spent her childhood with them, constantly enduring ridicule and bullying from her dearest relatives. Then she was taken to Tibidox, which became her home. Tanya has experienced so many adventures. Love, choice, death, deceit, goodness and secrets.

Tanya Grotter

Borrowing plot twists is limited to the first few books, in the future, a series of novels about Tanya Grotter develops its own storylines and does not at all resemble the Harry Potter books.