
Genoese biscuit (chocolate). Genoese biscuit: ingredients, recipe Genoese chocolate biscuit

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One of the keys to success is the proper organization of the process, as well as a careful study of the recipe.
You should not cook this dough for the first time on the eve of important events (some experience is needed).
Since everything needs to be done quickly, it makes sense to prepare all products and inventory in advance.
Grind sugar in a blender to make it finer.
Melt butter and let cool to room temperature.
Line a detachable baking dish (made of high-quality steel) with parchment paper. The sides of the form remain free (neither lubricate them nor cover them with paper).

Sift flour with cocoa 2-3 times.
It turns out a beautiful uniform mixture.

Now let's move on to the main process.
Put a pot of water on the fire and bring it to a boil.
We knock out all the eggs into a large bowl (breaking one at a time into a separate container to avoid getting a spoiled egg into the dough).

Put a bowl of eggs on top of a pot of boiling water, immediately (!!!) pour fine sugar, constantly (!!!) stirring, bring the mixture to 35-40 degrees. The mass should be warm, in no case hot.
I confess, I checked the temperature with my hand. Eggs heat up in less than a minute in my glass bowl, with constant stirring with a whisk.
Now remove from heat and immediately begin to beat the eggs with a mixer. In parallel, turn on the oven to 180 degrees.
The egg mass should increase by 2-3 times, with a powerful mixer it takes about 8 minutes.
Whipping is over when a non-floating groove remains on the surface.

Now we introduce flour with cocoa and butter.
Sift 1/3 of the flour and cocoa mixture into the egg mixture. Mix with a whisk or spoon in several movements (there must be movements from the bottom up, not circular).
Now pour half of the cooled butter around the edges of the dough.
Mix again from top to bottom.
Another 1/3 flour mixture.
We mix.
And again oil.
The last third of flour with cocoa.
We mix.
Don't forget to move from top to bottom.
As soon as the mass becomes uniform in color, it must be poured into a form prepared in advance and sent immediately to a preheated oven (I put it in the center).
You can forget about the biscuit for 30-35 minutes.
You don't have to peek so that the dough doesn't fall off.
Readiness is determined by a wooden stick, and the finished dough should spring with a slight pressure.
Then take out the biscuit, with a sharp knife, walk along the edge, along the sides.

Remove carefully and let cool on a wire rack.
If you start cutting it now, it will crumble and fall apart in large pieces.
You need to let the biscuit stand for 8-12 hours.
Then it can be neatly cut.
In a mold with a diameter of 24 cm, a biscuit is obtained with a height of about 4 cm.
We decorate the cooled biscuit to your taste.

Genoese biscuit (chocolate).

The biscuit is simple and capricious at the same time, but for the persistent and stubborn, it will be a real gift, because it is an amazing basis for a mass of various cakes.


Eggs - 6 pcs
sugar (fine) - 190 g
flour - 100 g
cocoa powder - 30 g
butter - 80 g


One of the keys to success is the proper organization of the process, as well as a careful study of the recipe.
You should not cook this dough for the first time on the eve of important events (some experience is needed).
Since everything needs to be done quickly, it makes sense to prepare all products and inventory in advance.

Grind sugar in a blender to make it finer.
Melt butter and let cool to room temperature.
Line a detachable baking dish (made of high-quality steel) with parchment paper. The sides of the form remain free (neither lubricate them nor cover them with paper).

Sift flour with cocoa 2-3 times.
It turns out a beautiful uniform mixture.

Now let's move on to the main process.
Put a pot of water on the fire and bring it to a boil.
We knock out all the eggs into a large bowl (breaking one at a time into a separate container to avoid getting a spoiled egg into the dough).

Put a bowl of eggs on top of a pot of boiling water, immediately (!!!) pour fine sugar, constantly (!!!) stirring, bring the mixture to 35-40 degrees. The mass should be warm, in no case hot.
I confess, I checked the temperature with my hand. Eggs heat up in less than a minute in my glass bowl, with constant stirring with a whisk.
Now remove from heat and immediately begin to beat the eggs with a mixer. In parallel, turn on the oven to 180 degrees.
The egg mass should increase by 2-3 times, with a powerful mixer it takes about 8 minutes.
Whipping is over when a non-floating groove remains on the surface.

Now we introduce flour with cocoa and butter.
Sift 1/3 of the flour and cocoa mixture into the egg mixture. Mix with a whisk or spoon in several movements (there must be movements from the bottom up, not circular).
Now pour half of the cooled butter around the edges of the dough.
Mix again from top to bottom.
Another 1/3 flour mixture.
We mix.
And again oil.
The last third of flour with cocoa.
We mix.
Don't forget to move from top to bottom.
As soon as the mass becomes uniform in color, it must be poured into a form prepared in advance and sent immediately to a preheated oven (I put it in the center).
30-35 min. Don't forget about the biscuit.
You don't have to peek so that the dough doesn't fall off.
Readiness is determined by a wooden stick, and the finished dough should spring with a slight pressure.
Then take out the biscuit, with a sharp knife, walk along the edge, along the sides.

Remove carefully and let cool on a wire rack.
If you start cutting it now, it will crumble and fall apart in large pieces.
You need to let the biscuit stand for 8-12 hours.
Then it can be neatly cut.
In a mold with a diameter of 24 cm, a biscuit is obtained with a height of about 4 cm.
We decorate the cooled biscuit to your taste.

Genoese biscuit is a classic that will make you forget about shop-bought biscuit cakes, pastries and rolls! Lush and light, it is a real lifesaver, it cooks quickly and, with some skill, simply freezes perfectly. Use it as a base, experiment with various impregnations, creams, fruits, jams and chocolate. After baking, before impregnation, the biscuit must stand, so it is better to bake it on the eve of the holiday.

You will need:

  • 5 eggs;
  • 150 g of powdered sugar;
  • 150 g of flour (ideally, you need flour for muffin and biscuit, it is made from soft varieties of wheat, it should not contain a lot of gluten, it must be the highest grade, if you didn’t find one, don’t be upset, replace 20% of the flour with starch);
  • 60 g butter(fat content - 82.5%);
  • optional vanilla essence.


  1. Biscuit dough needs to be prepared in one breath, without being distracted by anything. Therefore, everything that we may need, we prepare in advance. We take out all the necessary products from the refrigerator. On hand should be a few clean spoons, a mixer ready to go, and a mold in which the biscuit will be baked. It is most convenient to use a detachable form with a diameter of 20-25 cm. The form must be covered with baking paper and lightly sprinkled with flour. If there is no paper, grease the bottom with oil, reconciliation - flour, it is not necessary to grease the walls of the form with oil, since the biscuit rises, as if "clinging" to the walls of the form.
    In addition, we need a heat-resistant bowl, say, stainless steel, which can be placed on some saucepan with boiling water. Pour a little water into the saucepan and put it on the stove to boil (the bowl placed on the saucepan should not touch the bottom of the water). We heat the oven to 195 ° C (it is better to turn off the convection function, if any).
  2. Now we measure all the ingredients and prepare them for further use. We sift the powdered sugar, this will save us from small lumps, you can also use sugar, but in this case, the smaller and better it is, the better. Sift the flour into a separate bowl, you can do this several times to enrich it with oxygen, if you replaced part of the flour with starch, sift these components together. Butter (and we need butter, not peasant, with a maximum fat content) needs to be melted: lower the container with butter into hot water or in a saucepan on the stove. When the butter is melted, leave it in a warm place, such as next to the stove or over a cup of hot water. By the time of use, the oil should maintain a temperature of 37 ° C, we check on the wrist, it should be warm.
  3. Break the eggs into a heatproof bowl and add the powdered sugar.
  4. We put the bowl on the prepared saucepan, we get a steam bath. Whisk the hot egg-sugar mixture. It is impossible to overheat the mixture, its temperature should not exceed 45-50 ° C. It is not necessary to check the temperature with a thermometer, just when you feel that the mass has become hot, remove the bowl from the steam bath and continue beating.
  5. While the mass is heated in a steam bath, I beat it with a whisk, when the bowl is on the table, I turn on the mixer. It takes quite a long time to beat the mass with a household mixer, 8-10 minutes. The mass should brighten, increase in volume by 2.5-3 times, while it should thicken and acquire a creamy texture. Whipping can be stopped when a pattern is clearly visible on the surface of the mass, if you draw a spoon over the mass, the groove is tightened slowly, reluctantly.
  6. Now very carefully introduce flour and butter into the egg-sugar mass. We do it in the following way. Add some flour. With the help of a spoon, and preferably a silicone spatula, with just a few movements from top to bottom, mix the flour into the mass. Our task is to keep the dough as voluminous as possible, so intensive and prolonged mixing should be avoided. Mix in some of the warm oil in the same way. In several steps, 2-3, we introduce all the flour and butter, it is necessary to finish with flour.
  7. Pour the finished dough into a pre-prepared form (the form is filled no more than 3/4 so that the biscuit has room to rise), and immediately put in a preheated oven. Depending on the size of the mold, the biscuit will bake for 30-40 minutes. The readiness of the dough is determined by the color of the crust, it will turn light brown, as well as by elasticity. If, when pressed with your fingers, the hole quickly recovers, the biscuit is baked and should no longer "settle". Do not open the oven during baking, at least for the first 20 minutes. In addition, biscuits do not like shakes closely, so beating meat or letting children jump around the oven should not be. Remove the finished cake from the oven and place on a wire rack to cool.
  8. After 20 minutes, the biscuit can be removed from the mold by carefully cutting the perimeter with a knife; the biscuit is removed from the detachable form without a knife. The finished semi-finished product can be used to make various cakes, you can soak it with syrup or smear it with cream, but for this it must stand for at least 4-8 hours, and preferably 24. So, without removing the paper, leave the biscuit to “rest” when it has completely cooled down , to prevent excessive drying, it can be covered with cling film.
    If there is no time to wait, then a freshly baked biscuit can be served as an independent dish, only sprinkled with powdered sugar on top. In this case, it can be served with fruit mashed with sugar or strong sweet coffee (a ceremony that has been described more than once in French novels). Pieces of biscuit are dipped into coffee, soaking it, so to speak, on-line, it turns out very tasty! And don't be surprised if a piece of good biscuit "drinks" your cup of coffee with ease :)

Bon Appetit!

Cooking time: 1 hour

Servings: 2 biscuits with a diameter of 18 cm or 1 biscuit with a diameter of 23 cm

How to cook a Genoese biscuit, a step by step recipe with a photo:

Step 1. Degrease the stewpan with alcohol or lemon juice, thoroughly wipe the container and mixer beaters.

Pour eggs into a saucepan and add sugar to them.

Carefully prepared little things in the preparation of a biscuit are the key to the success of its baking, which means you should not neglect degreasing.

Step 2. In a water bath, heat the eggs to 35-40 degrees, constantly stirring them with a whisk or a non-metallic spatula (the protein darkens from the metal), then remove the saucepan from the water bath and beat the Genoese biscuit until a dense foam (5-7 minutes) with mixer.

Step 3. Add the sifted flour and cocoa to the egg mixture, after each serving (approximately 30 gr.), Knead the dough thoroughly, but gently with a spatula in the direction from the bottom up so that the air bubbles contained in the egg white after beating do not burst.

Step 4. Bake the biscuit in an oven preheated to 170 degrees for 40-50 minutes.

In the first 20 minutes, do not open the oven, otherwise the Genoese biscuit will fall.

If your oven can turn off convection, do so. So the biscuit will not crack the “cap” and it will turn out even.

Step 5. Before cutting the biscuit, let it rest at least overnight in the refrigerator in cling film. So moisture is distributed throughout the cake, and it will not break when cutting.

I baked 2 cakes with a diameter of 18 cm from this amount of dough and that's how handsome it turned out!

Bon Appetit!