
World Chocolate Day: history, facts and delicious recipes. World Chocolate Day: History, Facts and Delicious Recipes Chocolate Lovers Day June 9


The birthplace of the oldest drink, according to legend, is South America - the Spanish conquerors, who first brought chocolate to Europe, dubbed the delicacy "black gold".

World Chocolate Day is a young holiday that was invented by the French and was first celebrated in 1995.

Then Italy, Switzerland, Germany, Russia and other countries joined the holiday. Today it is celebrated in many countries of the world, and the popularity of this holiday continues to grow.

How they celebrate

Special events are held in each country - exhibitions, fairs, master classes and tastings are dedicated to chocolate, various competitions, including those for eating more sweet delicacy, which pleases both children and adults on this day.

Mass festive events, as a rule, are arranged by large supermarkets or confectionery factories, where visitors on this day are shown how chocolate masterpieces are born.

© photo: Sputnik / Ruslan Krivobok

Restaurants and cafes offer a chic chocolate menu and serve chocolate surprises.

In Switzerland, on this day they ride the “chocolate train”, and in Belgium they visit real chocolate museums. A whole Chocolateland has been built in Germany, a separate world where sweet shows are arranged for visitors every day.

Americans love chocolate so much that the Chocolate Festival is celebrated twice a year.

Russians are also celebrating World Chocolate Day on a grand scale in Pokrov, where the only monument in the world, the Bronze Fairy, has been erected to the favorite delicacy of children and adults. The three-meter statue flaunts next to the Pokrovsky Chocolate Museum, which is full of tourists on holidays.

At the festival, the traditional occupation, of course, is eating chocolate. But chocolate body art is considered one of the main entertainments - with the help of a brush and liquid chocolate, real masterpieces are created on the face and body.

© photo: Sputnik / Igor Zarembo

Crown made of chocolate and marzipan, from the collection "Nikolya Chocolate Museum"

Chocolate baths are also popular, because chocolate has excellent cosmetic properties.

It should be noted that chocolate festivals are held in many cities around the world, and the date of their holding does not always coincide with World Chocolate Day. These sweet festivals delight residents and guests of Paris, Bruges, Turin, Hershey (USA), London, Toledo, Amsterdam, Dublin.

During such festivals, in addition to tasting all sorts of varieties and types of chocolate, you can stay in a chocolate hotel, visit a chocolate spa and take a walk in a chocolate park.

On this day, it is customary to congratulate your friends confectioners, artists who develop chocolate wrappers, sweet tooth and all chocolate lovers.

World Chocolate Day is a great occasion to have a chocolate party and give each other "sweet gifts".

divine drink

Chocolate is an ancient drink - it appeared about three thousand years ago in the form of a hot drink made from cocoa beans. It was first prepared by the Olmec Indians, who once lived on the territory of modern Mexico.

In the future, this tradition became part of the Mayan culture, who called the drink divine. The Maya ground roasted beans and mixed them with water, added special spices (in particular, pepper) and consumed the drink cold. Only the elite could drink the drink, since it was considered sacred - the Maya prayed and made sacrifices to the cocoa god Ek Chuah.

© photo: Sputnik / Andrey Alexandrov

In the XII-XIV centuries, the Aztec state existed on the territory of modern Mexico. Having conquered neighboring tribes, the Aztecs exacted tribute from them, which included cocoa beans used to make a drink, as well as a bargaining chip.

According to legend, the Aztec leader Montezuma was so fond of a drink made from the fruits of a cocoa tree that he drank 50 small cups of this drink daily. The ancient Indians called the drink chocolatl (from choco - "foam" and latl - "water"), from which the modern name of the delicacy may have come.

And they served chocolatl in golden glasses, decorated with precious stones.

Chocolate appeared in Europe only in the 16th century - the recipe was brought by the Spaniards in 1527, who were the first to appreciate this drink. The Spaniards believed that chocolate not only strengthens strength, but also contributes to the rapid healing of wounds.

© photo: Sputnik / Anar Movsumov

They changed the recipe - they added sugar, cinnamon and nutmeg, which made the chocolate more delicious. The ruling nobility immediately introduced huge taxes on cocoa beans, so only the elite could afford the divine drink in Spain, that is, those who were able to pay for chocolate.

France learned the taste of chocolate in 1615, thanks to the marriage concluded between Louis XIII with the Spanish Infanta Anna of Austria. A fashionable drink, which was drunk in all aristocratic houses and expensive coffee houses, gradually conquered all of Europe. It was an expensive pleasure that only rich and noble people could afford.

Until the beginning of the 19th century, chocolate was consumed exclusively in liquid form - the world's first bar of solid chocolate was created by the Swiss Francois Louis Caillet in 1819.

Only at the beginning of the 20th century, chocolate began to be produced in large volumes, and it became available to the general population. Today, chocolate is a delicacy without which many inhabitants of our planet cannot imagine their lives.

About the benefits of chocolate

Chocolate is not only delicious, but also very healthy. It has elements that promote relaxation and psychological recovery, as established by modern science.

Studies have shown that dark chocolate is much healthier than milk, white and other varieties.

© photo: Sputnik / Valery Melnikov

Dark varieties of chocolate stimulate the release of endorphins, hormones of happiness that affect the pleasure center, improve mood and maintain body tone.

German scientists suggest that the flavonoids found in chocolate absorb ultraviolet radiation, thereby helping to protect the skin and increase blood flow, which ultimately improves its appearance.

Research has also found that dark chocolate helps improve eyesight in countries with poor weather conditions, and lowers blood pressure, which is good for cholesterol levels, insulin sensitivity, and platelet function.

Chocolate is rich in nutrients, including fats, and therefore calories, which naturally cannot contribute to weight loss. At the same time, chocolate dulls the feeling of hunger - it is enough to eat 10 grams of dark chocolate to make the hunger go away.

Chocolate lovers live longer. Eating chocolate regularly can add a year to life - a study proving this has been going on for more than 60 years.

© photo: Sputnik / Ivan Rudnev

"Fights of the Amazons" in chocolate in Minsk

There is also a hypothesis according to which chocolate has an "anti-cancer" effect and is able to slow down the aging process.

Chocolate is good for the heart. People who regularly consume chocolate have a 37% lower risk of heart disease.

Chocolate reduces the risk of heart attacks in men by 17% - scientists made this conclusion after an experiment in which men ate 63 grams of chocolate per week for 10 years.

Italian scientists have proven that people who eat a lot of chocolate are less likely to suffer from dementia in old age.

In addition to a beneficial effect on the body, as they say, from the inside, chocolate has a unique effect on human skin, and therefore it is used in many beauty salons as anti-aging masks and body wraps.

Material prepared on the basis of open sources

Today, July 11, sweet lovers celebrate
World Chocolate Day.

Chocolate Day was first invented by the French in 1995.
It is believed that the Aztecs were the first to learn how to make chocolate. They called it "food of the gods". The Spanish conquistadors, who first brought it to Europe, dubbed the delicacy "black gold" and used it to strengthen physical strength and endurance.

A little later, the consumption of chocolate in Europe was limited only to aristocratic circles. Prominent women considered chocolate an aphrodisiac. So, Mother Teresa had a passion for chocolate, and Madame Pompadour was sure that only chocolate could kindle the fire of passion. Only at the beginning of the 20th century, with the advent of industrial production, non-aristocratic people could also enjoy chocolate.

World's first chocolate monument unveiled
July 1, 2009 in the city of Pokrov, Vladimir Region

The monument is a three-meter bronze figure of a fairy-tale fairy, which is as if created from a chocolate bar.
The fairy also holds a bar of chocolate in her hands.
She decorated a small picturesque square near the Pokrovsky Chocolate Museum.

“I was inspired by chocolate: I ate it a lot, unwrapped it from wrappers and looked at it like a model.
I decided to create a monument in the form of a fairy, because I wanted to bring mystery and mystery to it," Shanin said.

As established by modern science, there are elements in chocolate that promote relaxation and psychological recovery. Dark varieties of chocolate stimulate the release of endorphins - hormones of happiness that affect the pleasure center, improve mood and maintain body tone.

There is also a hypothesis according to which chocolate has an “anti-cancer” effect and is able to slow down the aging process. But what scientists are unanimous about is the denial of the ability of chocolate to reduce body weight! After all, it is well known that chocolate is rich in nutrients, including fats, and therefore calories.

Chocolate in facts and figures.
♦ Two sweets a day lowers blood pressure.

♦ Chocolate contains phenamine, a substance that creates a feeling of being in love.

♦ Cocoa and chocolate contain antiseptic substances that prevent the formation of plaque.

♦ Eating 25 grams of chocolate three times a month prolongs life by almost a year. But eating too much chocolate can increase your risk of heart disease due to its high fat content.

♦ 30 g of chocolate or cocoa contains 10% of the daily value of iron. Chocolate also contains vitamins A, B, C, D and E, calcium, potassium and sodium.

♦ 20 mg of caffeine contains the average chocolate bar. This is 5 times less than in a cup of coffee.

♦ 15% of women in the world eat chocolate daily.

♦ During the Renaissance, gout, fever and colds were treated with chocolate.

♦ An average Russian eats 4.4 kg of chocolate a year. Most chocolate is eaten in Switzerland, where each inhabitant has more than 10 kg of sweet treats per year.

♦ Dark chocolate lowers blood pressure. For a positive effect, just 2 dark chocolates a day are enough.

♦ 44% of Russians prefer milk chocolate. 42% of respondents admit their love for black (bitter) chocolate. White chocolate is loved by 6% of our compatriots, mostly young people under 20 years old.

♦ Milk chocolate with additives is considered the most colorful. The fewest calories are in bitter dark chocolate.

♦ Over 500 additives are used to complement chocolate. The most popular of them are nuts and raisins.

Real sweet tooth will always find a reason to enjoy their favorite sweets. But there is a special day when chocolate becomes the center of everyone's attention and you can eat it by the sea without worrying about extra calories.

This day is not everyone's favorite New Year or their own birthday. The sweetest, tastiest, most favorite holiday of the sweet tooth was Chocolate Day, which is celebrated all over the world on July 11th.

When is World Chocolate Day celebrated: the history of the holiday

The celebration dedicated to chocolate is quite young. It appeared quite recently - in 1995. The initiators of the chocolate day were the French, who are rightfully considered chocolate connoisseurs.

But there is no explanation for the choice of the date for celebrating World Chocolate Day. Probably, summer, warm weather, which is important for growing chocolate trees, played a role in choosing the date.

A year later, lovers of the divine dessert from Europe and America joined the French.

Americans liked the sweet idea so much that they now celebrate chocolate on October 28 and July 7 as well. Chocolate Day in Russia and other post-Soviet countries is also celebrated on July 11 in accordance with the international calendar.

Why did chocolate become a universal, almost worldwide favorite, to such an extent that its admirers came up with an original holiday Chocolate Day. The ancient delicacy has earned attention not only due to its taste, but also due to its centuries-old history. The first chocolate desserts appeared several millennia ago and were served as drinks.

Such a treat was called the "food of the gods" and was invented by the Maya Indians, the Aztecs.

A "divine drink" is prepared from the beans of the cocoa tree, which grows only near the equator. The hot and humid climate of Ghana, Brazil, Malaysia is the most suitable for growing cocoa trees. The botanical name sounds like Theobroma cacao, which is translated from Greek as god (theos) and food (broma). So not only the Indians of the ancient tribes of the Aztecs and Mayans called chocolate "divine food".

Plantations of cocoa trees appeared in the VI century. The Maya Indians, living in the territories of modern Mexico, considered the plant sacred, and the drink made from its beans was medicinal.

They not only revered cocoa, but also prayed to its god, believing in a strengthening and miraculous power.

Later, the Mayan beliefs were adopted by the Aztecs, who conquered these lands. For their leader Montezuma, the drink became so beloved that he could drink up to fifty cups of bitter delicacy in a day.

The first European to celebrate this unusual delicacy was Columbus, who was treated to chocolate by the Indians in 1502 as a sign of hospitality. But the bitterness of the drink did not suit his taste, and he refused the treat. Chocolate was appreciated by Cortes, who landed on the shores of Mexico in 1519.

To soften the bitterness, white guests began to add cane sugar to the drink.

Delivering beans to Europe, the Spaniards came up with improved recipes for chocolate with the addition of cinnamon, sugar, nutmeg. The drink received a new name "Black Gold".

Such a nickname was associated not only with taste.

The price of a cup of chocolate drink was really fabulous. Only noble persons could taste it, who purposefully visited Spain for this. The recipe was kept secret for a long time.

But the Spaniards could not save the recipe for "Black Gold". Thanks to smugglers, it gets to Italy by the end of the 16th century, and from there to other European countries.

Anna of Austria played a significant role in the prevalence of chocolate, who, having arrived in France as the wife of Louis XIII, brought with her several boxes of unusual beans. Her personal chocolatier brewed an amazing drink, which was appreciated not only by the king of France, but also by the courtiers. The popularity of the drink quickly reached incredible heights, ahead of the French love for tea and coffee.

It was in France that flocks of specialized chocolate cafes were opened, of which there were more than 500 by the middle of the 18th century. But the drink remained the prerogative of the rich and noble for a long time.

Chocolate was considered not only a delicious delicacy, but also healing. Chocolatiers came up with their own unique recipes, and for Louis XVI, the chocolate master prepared a drink with the addition of medicinal herbs, flower petals, and essential oils.

The British were the first to come up with the idea of ​​adding milk to chocolate in the 18th century. It was a real revolutionary breakthrough among confectioners.

But in Belgium, pharmacists began to brew chocolate as a healing potion. Until the middle of the 19th century, chocolate dessert was prepared only in liquid form.

The British, after inventing a way to extract oil from beans, introduced the world to the first bar of chocolate.

Milk chocolate began to be prepared in Switzerland only in 1875. But these delicacies remained inaccessible to the common people. Only in 1930 the world saw white chocolate.

The delicacy has long been associated with bourgeois remnants, which was explained by its high cost.

The domestic pioneer is the merchant Abrikosov, who was able to create the production of chocolate.

His factory produced funny candies in colorful wrappers and collectible sets. He owns the idea of ​​chocolate Santa Clauses and hares, as well as the recipe for "Duck noses" and "Goose feet", "Cancer necks".

Folk delicacy appeared only in 1965, when they launched the production of chocolate on an industrial scale.

The famous "Alenka" has become a national chocolate, which has not lost its popularity even today.

It is produced by many confectionery factories, but the name has practically remained the original. In Ukraine you can meet "Olenka", and in Belarus "Beloved Alenka".

Today, chocolate is the collective name for confectionery made from cocoa products and sugar.

The recipes use many different ingredients in the form of whole or chopped nuts, milk powder, cream, fruits, raisins, and other confectionery additives.

July 11 World Chocolate Day: Traditions

On Chocolate Day, many factories hold an open day. This is a great opportunity to see with your own eyes how cocoa powder, milk and delicious additives turn into a favorite delicacy in the most bizarre forms. Factories arrange not only tastings, but also allow guests to participate in the process of preparing desserts.

In Russia, three museums have been opened in honor of chocolate, which are located in the capitals and in the city of Pokrov. There is also a monument to a chocolate bar - "Bronze Fairy", and in 2009 the largest celebration was held.

The celebration of chocolate in large and not very cities is trying to be held on a large scale.

In honor of the favorite delicacy, unusual and exciting events are organized.

Fairs are organized where you can buy unusual treats or show people your desserts. There are also master classes of chocolate art and competitions for kids.

The Japanese and Chinese by this day produce chocolate of unusual colors of pink, light green, blue, orange shades.

And in Ukraine in 2014, a chocolate festival was held, where, in addition to the traditional fair and performances by chocolatiers and sculptors, a confectioners' championship was held.

An unusual entertainment was invented for the kids, which made it possible to assemble a steam locomotive from chocolate wagons, which went on a journey through a real chocolate country.

In Switzerland, in honor of the holiday, you can ride a chocolate train. During an unusual journey, you can learn the history of Swiss chocolate.

In all coffee houses of the world on this day, the menu always contains chocolate treats, and even small surprises for visitors.

Happy birthday chocolate: how to spend your chocolate day?

Although chocolate does not need much advertising, it is worth talking about its unique qualities for skeptics and opponents of sweets. The opinion about chocolate as a “sweet drug” is not unreasonable, because chocolate is really addictive and addictive.

Chocolate can reduce pain.

Everyone knows the ability of dark chocolate to stimulate the synthesis of endorphins. Happiness hormones act on the pleasure centers, improving mood and psychological state.

Of course, no one has come up with a workable chocolate diet yet. The delicacy is rich in fats, which undoubtedly affects its calorie content. But knowing the measure, you can enjoy healthy and tasty chocolate with pleasure, without worrying about the consequences on the sides.

And on chocolate day, giving up your favorite treat is just silly.

There are many ideas on how to spend a chocolate holiday. The most common option is a chocolate party or party. Invite friends with a sweet tooth or organize a holiday for children.

Of course, sweets, cakes, drinks, desserts will serve as treats.

Chocolate must be present everywhere. Make a chocolate fountain or chocolate fondue the centerpiece of the celebration.

But if you are already afraid for the figure, go to the spa. Procedures in the form of chocolate wraps, baths, massages, masks will help you get aesthetic pleasure with benefits for the figure.

Visit a factory or workshop where you can learn how to cook new delicacies in the form of hot chocolate or delicious pudding from eminent chocolatiers.

Do not forget to congratulate friends and relatives whose professional activities are related to the production of the famous delicacy on Chocolate Day.

Yes, and just to friends, children, beloved girlfriend, it would be useful to give small chocolate presents.

Interesting and unusual facts and stories related to chocolate can fill more than one volume. Let's take a look at the most incredible ones.

For eminent chocolatiers, it is not difficult to distinguish up to 400 cocoa flavors. Humanity's annual expenditure on chocolate is $20 billion, which is equivalent to 600,000 tons of chocolate products.

For the most expensive chocolate, lovers give $ 5,200 per kilogram.

The idea of ​​this delicacy belongs to Fritz Knipschildt and is kept in the strictest confidence.

The Belgian delicacy is considered the best chocolate - prizes among world manufacturers in competitions have been occupied by the Belgian company Godiva over the past 25 years.

In Europe, the chocolate boom falls just in time for the celebration of Chocolate Day. Americans buy tons of chocolate on Valentine's Day. But in Russia, most chocolate is sold before the New Year.

Chocolate records belong to different masters of confectionery art. Confectioners from New York, who were able to create a chocolate tower 6 m 40 cm high. The weight of the masterpiece exceeded 1 ton, and the craftsmen were engaged in almost 30 hours of construction.

Russian chocolate factory, which produced a chocolate bar in 500 kg. The length of the delicacy turned out to be 2.7 meters.

Italian craftsmen who hold the record for creating the heaviest chocolate bar weighing 2280 kg.

The chocolate festival is not the only sweet date in July. Literally in a few days on July 20 we will celebrate a new sweet holiday.

World Chocolate Day is arguably the sweetest day of the year. On this day, even if you are on a diet, it is a sin not to try at least a piece of dark or milk chocolate. But in fact, it is so difficult to choose which chocolate to give preference to, because its variety is diverse today.

Previously, chocolate did not spoil its lovers with such a choice of taste. It is believed that chocolate was first invented by the Indian people in Mexico (Aztecs) about 3 thousand years ago. They called it "the food of the gods" because they believed in a god and ate chocolate only during rituals. For them, it was a sacred drink that gives spiritual insight.

Initially, chocolate was consumed only as a drink. The Indian name "chocoatl" is translated as "bitter water". The chocolate drink was viscous and bitter in taste. The Indians added various spices and herbs to it.

Later, the Spanish conquistadors, led by Christopher Columbus, having visited the “homeland of chocolate”, brought it to Europe. But then chocolate was not appreciated and for a long time they forgot about it. Only a few years later, the viceroy of the king of New Spain, Fernando Cortes, having tasted it in Mexico and realizing that chocolate gives energy to the body, began the era of chocolate in Spain. There he was dubbed "black gold". Then they used chocolate strictly for its intended purpose - in order to strengthen strength and endurance.

Later chocolate becomes not only as a source of strength. It is served as a treat. But this was available only to the aristocratic circle. The chocolate drink was so expensive that 100 cocoa beans could buy a slave. By the way, Fernando Cortes became the richest owner of cocoa plantations.

The type of bar that we know well, chocolate acquired in 1879. Then the Swiss Daniel Peter conducted experiments and he managed to "transform" chocolate into a bar. This is how the first solid milk chocolate was born. In the same year, another inventor, Rudolf Lindt, creates chocolate that literally melts in your mouth. This chocolate has become a great success. And twenty years later, Lindt's invention was bought by a confectioner from Zurich for 1.5 million francs.

Nowadays, there is a huge variety of chocolate in the world. Even the most "capricious" sweet tooth will be able to find their own kind of well-known sweets. And not only aristocrats can enjoy its taste, but almost all segments of the population.

Cyprus is also famous for its sweet product. On the island, in various chocolate workshops, you can try and buy handmade chocolate. The amazing taste of this chocolate will not leave anyone indifferent.

Most often, the islanders make chocolate from. - This is a fine brown powder, which is extracted from the carob tree. It has a lot of useful properties, so carob chocolate can rightfully be considered beneficial for the body.

Also, chocolate is very often used in various kinds of pastries and decorations. Not to mention the fact that for almost all holidays it is the main gift or treat.

In addition, the aroma of chocolate is now present in perfumery. And also chocolate is used in cosmetology, creating face masks on its basis. The possibilities for chocolate are endless. And with the development of science, it will not be surprising if chocolate will be used in other areas.

Happy sweet day and may your life be exactly the bar of chocolate that you like!

Once I dreamed of working at a confectionery factory, but then I saw a CHOCOLATE TOAD in Belgium and ...

Once I dreamed of becoming a “chocolate man”, that is, if translated from a childish language into an adult language, such an uncle who does nothing but sweets and chocolates around the clock at work. This is probably the dream of most children, from three to 6 -ti. Not so long ago, however, I visited Belgium, the birthplace of chocolate, and there I suddenly saw this lucky man - an uncle who “rivets” chocolates from morning to evening.

At first, out of habit, he envied him violently, and then he thought ... From morning to evening? This is how you squeeze the chocolate mass into the molds. 25 grams per mold... Even if you professionally enjoy Belgian chocolate every single day, there are still more interesting professions in the world!

Yes, oddly enough, it was such serious people as the Belgians, and it was the Brussels people who hosted the “capital of Europe”, who were previously known to the world as the creators of chocolate!
In general, not life here in Belgium, but solid chocolate!

But it turns out that in this sweet industry, the Belgians first declared themselves as pragmatists. After all, it was not confectioners who first began to make chocolate, but pharmacists: 200 years ago, this drink from cocoa beans was considered a medicine. And only seventy years later, when the drink was tasted in Europe, the first confectioneries appeared in Belgium, making chocolates “for food”! And a little later, local craftsmen invented the famous "praline" - chocolates stuffed with chocolate mass and grated nuts. Unusual delicacy quickly won the love of European sweet tooth.

And one more trick - beautiful and tastefully designed packaging for chocolates (special boxes) - turned Belgian sweets into a European and world bestseller!

Today, the production of chocolate and sweets in Belgium amounts to hundreds of tons per year. In the center of Brussels (and other Belgian cities where I managed to visit) there are many confectionery shops, almost every one of which claims to make the MOST, MOST delicious chocolate in the world!

The virtuoso local confectioners offer - and quite at a reasonable price - praline chocolates with various fillings. Here are nuts, and various liqueurs, marzipans! Perhaps the Belgians in this matter were surpassed only by ... Ukrainians!

In one of the Lviv confectioneries, I was offered nothing more than "Salo in chocolate." Amazing shit, let me tell you!
So for now, the Ukrainians, and anyone else, should not, perhaps, compete with the Belgians in this sweet but painstaking craft.

By the way! Brussels is also experimenting with a traditional product: they add not only fruits, but also spices to chocolate. And along with the successful results of such innovative experiments, each confectioner keeps his secrets, often passed down from generation to generation.
History reference. In Europe, a chocolate drink made from cocoa has been known since the 1520s; the first to try it was the conquistador Cortes. Instead of cold and bitter, this drink in Europe soon became hot and sweet. Despite its popularity, the high cost of cocoa limited its consumption to a fairly narrow circle of the rich. But the era of chocolate was opened directly by a certain Dutchman Conrad van Gutten (I remind you that the Belgians separated from Holland into an independent state only a little later). He patented in 1828 an inexpensive method for extracting cocoa butter from cocoa liquor. This is how hard chocolate was born!

But, of course, the Belgians do not agree with this statement: they believe that the British are simply, as always and in everything, CRUSHING THE TOAD. And a kind of toad, made of pure chocolate, was made in Brussels, and I saw it with my own eyes!

(sweet greetings to readers from the site editor Vitaly Tsebriya)

Every year on July 11, sweet lovers celebrate World Chocolate Day. This delicious holiday was invented and first held by the French in 1995. It is believed that the Aztecs were the first to learn how to make chocolate. They called it "food of the gods".

World Chocolate Day: The History of Chocolate

The Spanish conquistadors, who first brought it to Europe, dubbed the delicacy "black gold" and used it to strengthen physical strength and endurance. A little later, the consumption of chocolate in Europe was limited only to aristocratic circles.

Prominent women considered chocolate an aphrodisiac. So, Mother Teresa had a passion for chocolate, and Madame Pompadour was sure that only chocolate could kindle the fire of passion. Only at the beginning of the 20th century, with the advent of industrial production, non-aristocratic people could also enjoy chocolate.

World Chocolate Day: Benefits of Chocolate

As established by modern science, there are elements in chocolate that promote relaxation and psychological recovery. Dark varieties of chocolate stimulate the release of endorphins - hormones of happiness that affect the pleasure center, improve mood and maintain body tone. There is also a hypothesis according to which chocolate has an “anti-cancer” effect and is able to slow down the aging process. But what scientists are unanimous about is the denial of the ability of chocolate to reduce body weight!

After all, it is well known that chocolate is rich in nutrients, including fats, and therefore calories. However, they do not argue that this delicacy can improve the mood of the majority of the world's population. On Chocolate Day itself, festivals and other events dedicated to this sweet holiday are held in different countries. It is especially interesting to visit factories, factories or confectioneries that make chocolate and its derivatives on this day. It is here that everyone is told how and from what chocolate is made, all kinds of competitions and tastings, exhibitions of chocolate products and even master classes where you can try yourself as a chocolatier are held.

World Chocolate Day: interesting facts about chocolate

There are at least 4 Days of Chocolate - July 11, June 9, September 2 and 13.
The first chocolate bar in the world was produced by the English factory Cadbury in 1842. The chocolate of the same chocolate factory is considered the most valuable in the world. It belonged to explorer Robert Scott and was with him during his first expedition to Antarctica. In 2001, it was sold at an auction in London for $687.

Most chocolate is eaten in Switzerland. Each inhabitant of this country eats an average of 11.8 kg of chocolate per year. But the Americans were already in 15th place with 5.4 kg per person per year.
In the Mayan civilization, cocoa beans were the main trading currency. For example, a slave could be bought for 100 beans, and a turkey for 20.
The consumption of chocolate was previously condemned by the Catholic Church. Witchcraft was seen in the action of chocolate, and everyone who used it was called heretics and blasphemers.
If a person wants to benefit from chocolate, it is better to use only dark, where at least 70% cocoa is in the composition. It has been proven that it improves vision under weather conditions, reaction speed, reduces the risk of heart attack in men by 17%, and also improves brain function. In addition, people who regularly consume chocolate have a 37% lower risk of heart disease.
Chocolate is better than kissing. Melting it in the mouth leads a person to a longer lasting feeling of euphoria.
According to Italian researchers, women who regularly consume chocolate have a better sex life, experience more attraction and satisfaction.
The largest chocolate bar was made in the UK at the Thorntons factory. Its weight is 5.8 tons.
Cocoa beans are one of the first goods brought to Spain by Christopher Columbus in the 16th century.
In nature, cocoa beans have 300 flavors and 400 aromas.
About 20% of all peanuts and 40% of all almonds in the world are supplied for chocolate products.
Cocoa trees live for about 200 years, but bear fruit for only 25 years.
The word "chocolate" from the Aztec language - Nahuatl - comes from the word "xocolātl" and means "bitter water"
Dark chocolate is great for high blood pressure, however, if you immediately drink it with milk, all the beneficial properties will come to naught.