
Perm twins fortune telling online tetherin. Pocket magic instrument: how to make twins yourself

All about the lawn

To perform a burning click on the picture at the bottom of the page. Focus on obtaining the result. Hold down pictures until the feeling comes that it is time to make a throw.

Fortune telling twins Perm oracle. Original fortune telling is not similar to any other. As his author calls, Sergey Tetherin - a pocket tool for making decisions. The philosophy of this prediction is based on the peoples of inhabiting Komi, the harmony of color and the "binary" algorithm. In more detail, the divination is told in the section "How to spend a burner", and here we will tell you what can be determined with it. The scope of application is large, but for the correct divination you must clearly formulate the question, so that you can get a type of type, it will be correct, or not correctly etc., but you can not ask questions "how much I will earn" and the like, since oracle only Gives tips to act in one situation or another, but does not disclose details and does not sharpen attention to the trifles. Oracle does not refute anything, he tells how the situation will develop in one way or another. This prediction can be performed very often. What is the same as one of his features, just no need to ask two times the answer to the same question is not correct.

Technique of online divination:

For a burning twins Perm Oracle you will need two cubes, but these cubes differ from those that you are accustomed, here on the edges are colors, and not numeric tags. There are mandatory conditions for making cubes. There must be six colors, namely white, yellow, green, red, blue and black and placed on the edges they should strictly. Black opposite white, red opposite blue, yellow opposite green. Before the ritual, you must think about the question so that there is the possibility of getting a response of the type "all right, act" or "not in any way do not do that" and after that you can make a cast of cubes on a flat surface. And another rule, the result will be only when the colors of both cutting cubes will be the same. Only after that you can proceed to interpretation. Having a fortune telling with our help you can get specific answers, as well as the experience you need for future independent ghosts. To do this, click on the cube located just below on the page.

Description of flowers of a double.

White color

- Oracle says: "That's right! Even if you doubt, there are logic and common sense in the events. Soon with uncertainty will be finished, and you will clearly see what. New relationships will be clean, all actions will be reasonable. It will be much easier for you than now. You are on the right track! Nothing bad happens, the experiences are in vain, you can relax. Everything will work out a little boring, but safely. "
Keywords: Clean, common sense, correctness, norm, security. And here you are destined: satisfaction, calm, optimism
Comment by Sergey Tetherin. For several years of experiments with cubes, I perfectly understood the value of this color. In most cases, white double is a positive answer. If you ask about the success of some business or enterprises - it is hardly the best forecast. White color is safe and fatally sterile. He warns about success, but about success is boring and not inspiring. Everything will work out, you will achieve your own, only this will not be anything special.
If we are talking about a holiday or a party, or about some amur prospects - a white double should alert you. A boring holiday is an unsuccessful holiday, even if all the treats are eaten and no one will poison fish.
But how this answer calms down when you ask about what is nervous! For example, about your health. No wonder the white color is traditionally considered "medical color", symbolizing calm, confident "normality".


- Oracle says: "You are waiting for pleasant surprises! Causes will go uphill. What you ask about will cause a significant improvement in the material situation. Or money, or new profitable dating. The possibility of an unexpected career, a whole series of pleasant surprises and pleasures. Or even all together and immediately! Your life is ready to improve. The fate is ready to "move" towards success and prosperity. Do not miss your chance - it is very good! "
Keywords: Material success, benefit, new energy, speed, negligence. And here you are destined: joy, excitement, self-confidence
Under any circumstances, Yellow Doubles is a great answer. He talks about brilliant prospects that are present in the subject of your question. This is a promise answer. Twin-first twins approve your intention and full hopes.
White good luck, so far, and eventually get gold!.

Red color

- Oracle says: "Something unusual comes! Large emotional shocks ... The most incredible events will develop rapidly and uncontrollably. You will be stunned, the risk of fatal recklessness increases. You will behave unpredictably, obeying inspiration and internal impulses. Important changes will occur in your life. You will be frightened by new events, but at the same time you will like it. "
Keywords: Activity, uncontrollability, fatal circumstances, destruction of old, brightness. And here you are destined: excitement, fright, pleasure.
Comment by Sergey Tetherin. As I understand it, rather ambiguous color. In business matter, in business, he foreshadows unnecessary, even the fatal shocks. Oracle predicts that emotions will be seized, and for a while you will stop thinking rationally and fall.
For example, if you buy a new apartment - this is a bad omen. If you are in love and ask "twins" about the future of new love - the answer is positive.
Also, the red double is good if you asked anything like:
- Is it worth going to a friend to a friend?
- How does your favorite person relate to you?
- Does the invitation from Hollywood, where did you decide to make a movie star from you?

Green color

- Oracle says: "Nour! You have chances, although small. You can make progress and do in your own way if you try. Be careful to today: so far everything is too shaky and unreliable, the influence of chaos. You will need determination and perseverance. The situation is unstable and requires immediate active actions. Future victory, future joy must be raised and protected. "
Keywords: Growth, hope, uncertainty, vulnerability, expectation. And here you are destined: limitations, uncertainty, the desire to do better.

The fortune telling twins or Perm Oracle is based on the concept of a double ("Wegere", as it is called Komi shamans). Based on their idea of \u200b\u200bthe world, each subject has a steam, there is a double, which can be called the spirit of the subject.

If suddenly you decide to start your "twins" (it can be two conventional cubes with color (white, black, yellow, red, blue and green colors) markers on each of the sides, made, for example, from wood, polymer clay or other material ), then you should know a number of important nuances:

  1. - twins should always be together;
  2. - Best of all, if you will constantly carry them with you so that they make your energy as much as possible;
  3. - You can only use your twins, passing them in your hands, you lose touch with them.

Extremely arrogant twins can answer your question not immediately. Throwing cubes, you have six attempts (exactly by the number of sides of the cube) to get the answer. If there is no answer (empty tambourine falls out), you should rephrase your question and throw cubes again. If you have not answered twins again, it means that there is still no time to get information. If the colors coincided, you can only get acquainted with their meaning.

It should be noted that "twins" is a certain projection of the personality of the cubes. To repay online for free and find out the answer from twins, you should clearly formulate your question and throw cubes.

As you know, fortune-class practices have been used by people from the most pressing times. Playing cards and bones are also descendants of fortunes that were used in earlier times. There are also twins - Perm Oracle, relatively recently emerged in free access in the Internet space and received well-deserved popularity that still enjoys.

Magic actively uses the likeness method, and such a figure as the twin is of great importance. Here we are talking about the global sense of the meaning of this term, that is, under the twin it is understood and a doll Voodoo and a paired subject. It makes no sense to go deeply, as the topic is huge, you just need to emphasize the origins of the pair aspect of magical practices.

If we talk about the modern revival of this gadetting practice, it is largely due to the advent of the Internet. It is thanks to him that he has the opportunity to use Perm Oracle twins and guess online on a variety of sites. The interface is also available for download, that is, it is divination can be available on a computer or any other device, For example, on a smartphone.

I discovered Sergey this method during the institute folk practitioner, when I met in the city of Kudymkar with a sorcerer. She told the student a lot of interesting things, including methods of color divination on buttons, as well as pair divination.

It was Sergei who popularized this method, wrote a thematic book, which tells more detail how to use Permytsky Oracle and gives useful tips on assisted practice.

For the most part, the divination of twins Perm oracle is used precisely as a program on a computer, but it should not be skeptical, because. In fact, there is no difference between the difference whether the computer code or the physical embodiment of gadetting tools. This means that the fortune telling can be fully online or use a real object (for example, a cube, etc.).

Fundamentals of fortune telling

Initially, it should be referred to every process of divination reasonably and try to deeply understand this method of psychological work. In fact, the competent fortune telling twins online is able to bring significant benefits if competently understand how to apply it for its own benefit.

The following tips apply to any option (both on a computer, and cubes):

  • relax the mind, calm the thoughts;
  • run the fortune telling or take the cubes in your hand;
  • in the mind, say the question of interest;
  • throw cubes (on the screen either on a flat surface) before getting a double;
  • rate the response of twins, repeat the cycle again or complete the process.

Regarding the questions themselves, you need to understand the following:

  • it should not be asked for extensive questions (why the sky is blue or what people exist) or actual issues (who won the Gagarin Cup in the previous year);
  • it is necessary to have any information on the exciting topic, to imagine what exactly the answer must be obtained and competently formulate it.

It is best to use Perm twins fortune telling online when you need to clarify some situation. For example, you want to get an answer about whether the ratio of some person has changed to you or whether to accept some kind of offer, that is, it is best to use the technique as a prompt, assuming the answer is negative or positive.

Often, this is how the oracle helps to clarify the necessary details. If you use fortune track regularly and work out practice in this, and you also have confirmation of the right answers from twins, then over time you can almost immediately receive the necessary tips and choose optimal solutions. The program interface offers a convenient interpretation for each color. Based on this, it is necessary to draw conclusions about the specified question.

The proposed tips are only common, albeit quite effective. But if you are more interested in twins, Perm Oracle online can offer a deeper and fascinating process. Such an option involves analytics of fallen colors and even consideration of not only paired layouts, but also not pair.

This option requires consideration of some moments.:

  • your relationship with twins;
  • features of the situation and the topic of divination;
  • sequence of fallen colors;
  • number of iterations;
  • selected gadetting method.

To consider the superficially this topic is inappropriate, and those who do not want to deepen, quite enough and the main method with throws to the first dubl.

But the relevance of a deeper study of twins should still be noted. If we learn advanced techniques, then the fortune telling becomes more than fascinating and in terms of depth and versatility may well compare with tarot or runes. Accordingly, everyone who is fond of similar topics, or simply if you want to choose your own personal oracle for myself, it is recommended to consider this option.

ATTENTION, only today!

answers "twins"

There are six options for the answer oracle. Behind each color coincidence is your mood, your message, its own estimate. The essence of the answer is very quickly absorbed at the intuitive level, and you will not need to look into this book to understand what is behind in some color. (In the world of computer programs it is called an intuitive interface).
With these six colors, the options and their combinations of the Oracle can describe any event and any process in the universe. Yes, and the universe itself can be described using the Magic Triad "Black - Red - White", symbolizing the relationship of the lower world of spirits, the average "human" world and the upper world of angels.
Learn to understand the magic duplicas is not difficult. By experimenting with "twins", postpone this book aside and try to interpret the answers of the oracle, relying on your own intuitive understanding of the meaning of one or another color.
Ultimately, it will be more correct.

White / white.
Oracle says: "Everything is right! Even if you doubt, there are logic and common sense in the events. Soon with uncertainty will be finished, and you will clearly see what. New relationships will be clean, all actions will be reasonable. You will be much easier What now. You are on the right track! nothing bad happens, experiences are in vain, you can relax. Everything will turn out a little boring, but it's safely. "
Keywords: Cleanliness, common sense, correctness, norm, safety
And here you are destined: Satisfaction, calm, optimism

Comment by the author of the book. For several years of experiments with cubes, I perfectly understood the value of this color. In most cases, white double is a positive answer. If you ask about the success of some business or enterprises - it is hardly the best forecast. White color is safe and fatally sterile. He warns about success, but about success is boring and not inspiring. Everything will work out, you will achieve your own, only this will not be anything special.
If we are talking about a holiday or party, or some "amur prospects" - a white double should alert you. A boring holiday is an unsuccessful holiday, even if all the treats are eaten and no one will poison fish.
But how this answer calms down when you ask about what is nervous! For example, about your health. No wonder the white color is traditionally considered "medical color", symbolizing calm, confident "normality".

Yellow / yellow.
Oracle says: "You are waiting for pleasant surprises!" Causes will go uphill. What you ask about will cause a significant improvement in the material situation. Or money, or new favorable dating. The possibility of an unexpected career, a whole series of pleasant surprises and pleasures. Or even all Together and immediately! Your life is ready to improve. The fate is ready to "move" in the direction of success and prosperity. Do not miss your chance - it is very good! "
Keywords: Material success, benefit, new energy, speed, negligence
And here you are destined: Joy, excitement, self-confidence

Comment by the author of the book. There was a time when I myself doubted "twins". I invented and made the first cubes, but was not sure that they would "work correctly." And in general - that this, everyone needs to be engaged seriously, that this oracle is worth it.
And the first one who told me that yes, it is worth, he himself was Oracle.
One of the first significant questions I asked "twins" was the question: "Does the project called" twins "Real Perspectives"? And from the first time, there was nowhere to go, I fell a yellow double. "Twins" sucked success, good luck, spiritual and material acquisitions. I hinted to me that they are special, the main good luck in my life.
Under any circumstances, Yellow Doubles is a great answer. He talks about brilliant prospects that are present in the subject of your question. This is a promise answer. Twin-first twins approve your intention and full hopes.
Bute hard luck, while hot, and eventually get gold!

Red / red.
Oracle says: "Something unusual is coming! Large emotional shocks ... The most incredible events will develop rapidly and uncontrollably. You will be stunned, the risk of fatal recklessness increases. You will behave unpredictably, obeying inspiration and internal impulses. In your life there will be important Change. New events will be frightened, but at the same time you will like it. "
Keywords: Activity, uncontrollability, fatal circumstances, destruction of old, brightness
And here you are destined: Excitation, fright, enjoyment

Comment by the author of the book. As I understand it, rather ambiguous color. In business matter, in business, he foreshadows unnecessary, even the fatal shocks. Oracle predicts that emotions will be seized, and for a while you will stop thinking rationally and fall.
For example, if you buy a new apartment - this is a bad omen. If you are in love and ask "twins" about the future of new love - the answer is positive (on my romantic look).
Also, the red double is good if you asked anything like:
- Is it worth going to a friend to a friend?
- How does your favorite person relate to you?
- Does the invitation from Hollywood, where did you decide to make a movie star from you?

Green / green.
Oracle says: "Nour! You have chances, though small. You can make progress and do in your own way if you try. Be careful to today's day: So far everything is too shaky and unreliable, the influence of chaos will need a decisiveness. And perseverance. The situation is unstable and requires immediate active actions. The future victory, future joy you need to grow and protect. "
Keywords: Growth, hope, uncertainty, unprotected, waiting
And here you are destined: Limited, uncertainty, the desire to do better

Comment by the author of the book. In my opinion, this is not the best answer. Although definitely, Oracle leaves hope. Green color and there is a color of hope.
You need to think again, there are no more win-win options. Green double is saturated with uncertainty: maybe it will turn out, and maybe there is no ... if it turns out as you want, then only thanks to your efforts. Oracle believes that the situation requires you effort, a lot of painstaking work.
I asked somehow "twins", do not make me a cat. Oracle answered green that I interpreted as a counter question: Will you have patience and responsibility to take care of a living being?
I thought - and did not decide so far.

Blue / blue.
Oracle says: "Everything will calm down soon! How much today in this extra, unnecessary, apparent! In the near future, everything is too much disappeared by itself. You will feel more confident. Relationships will become deeper and strengthened. Much will clear up, extra experience will disappear. Perhaps you will become dependent What now, but the important will be sustainable. New connections are installed and new, stable things. The time of locks in the sand passes - soon you will feel a reliable foundation. "
Keywords: Cooling, depth, passivity, harmony, sustainability
And here you are destined: Calm, relaxation, connected

Online fortune telling on Perm Oracle - twins

Twins are a Perm Oracle, which was borrowed from the people of Komi. This oracle can be used in any situation, absolutely any life sphere when you need to take one single solution. In order to get an accurate answer to your question, you need it well and correctly formulate; So you will get a reliable answer to your question from the Perm oracle "twins"

Fortune telling on the oracle "twins" - for the future. This divination will show how events will develop a relatively exciting situation. Here you can get an accurate answer to any question; To do this, it is necessary to correctly formulate it. The feature of the oracle "twins" is that for one question you can guess no more than six times, if no combination has coincided in the fortune telling - it means the question is formulated inaccurately or has not yet come time to get a response

Fortune telling on the oracle "twins" - for love. This divination gives answers to any questions related to the love sphere. If you definitely formulate your question, oracle "twins" will give an accurate and reliable answer. You can guess one question for no more than six times until one of the combinations coincides

Fortune telling on the oracle "twins" - on business. This fortune telling is used to receive answers to questions about affairs, finance, business, career, - about everything related to the business sphere. To get a response, specify your question and start ghosting. You can ask the same question to the oracle for no more than six times until a certain combination falls. If nothing coincided - you should more accurately formulate your question

Fortune telling on the oracle "twins" - on health. With this divination, you can get an answer to the question of health. The more accurately, your question is formulated - the point is the answer oracle. On the oracle "twins" you can guess one question for no more than six times until your combination falls out. If no combination coincided - try to repay later or ask a question more accurately