
New in the fight against cancer. "Nobel fight" against cancer: a breakthrough in the treatment of deadly tumors


On our blog, I have already published posts several times about cancer and its treatment with the help of nutrition, herbal medicine, psychology and the patient's faith in recovery! This is and and . I think many will have a question - how does oncology intersect with the topic of our blog ?! Friends, everything is very simple, absolutely in all stories the fight against cancer begins with a dietary adjustment, namely the transition to VEGETARIAN (vegetarian diet). Like it or not, but this is one of the key vectors in the fight against cancer. And today's story is another example of this.

Today I am publishing the story of Valeria Kachalova, who developed her own cancer treatment system and cured her mother at a time when traditional medicine signed her own helplessness.

Here is her story:

7 years ago, my mother fell ill with cancer (diagnosed on 01/07/2010) - triple-negative breast cancer T2N0M0. This is an extremely aggressive form of the tumor, characterized by a high level of metastasis and low survival compared to other subtypes of breast cancer. They underwent surgery, radiation, and 1 course of chemotherapy. After 6 months - metastases in the lymph nodes of the mediastinum (considered distant, in fact, this is stage 4). The second course of chemotherapy was completed with zero effect. Immediately after it, metastases were more than before it. We were offered a 3 course, we refused. I realized that the fight against cancer is my task! I had to urgently create my own treatment system. It is the system, and not the search for a cure, because cancer is such a complex process that there simply cannot be a cure for it! Only an integrated approach is effective ...

Result: according to CT data, after 6 months, metastases decreased by 2 times, no new ones were detected. The last CT was done in May 2015 - there is no growth of metastases.

But first, a small digression:

Do you know why I decided to treat my mother according to my own system?! Yes, because everything is standard in modern medicine: both treatment and results. But they treated her through an acquaintance and for a lot of money at the Blokhin Russian Cancer Research Center. And it is precisely this, i.e. complete failure of official medicine, untied my hands. There was nothing to loose. The median survival for her type of cancer on the background of chemotherapy is 7 months.

Now about the system itself:

This is not just a treatment protocol. You can not take a course and return to the old way of life. (Another interesting story of healing, in which the author temporarily returns to the old way of life and what comes out of it you can read) This is a multi-component life modification program with the following tasks:

1. Delay and stop the growth of swelling and metastases.

2. Delay and stop metastasis.

3. Stimulate and correct immunity.

4. Help restore the whole organism in general and immunity in particular.

5. Achieve a gradual regression of the swelling against the background of stabilization of the process.

For this:

1. We make the right matter in the right amount and in the right proportions (natural foods with a high glycemic index should be consumed in small quantities and mixed with foods with a low glycemic index so that the total glycemic index of the dish is low. For those who are not familiar with the concept of the glycemic index products, we recommend reading).

2. We create the right conditions for the implementation of the program.

3. We load the correct programs.

4. We do all this with individuality in mind, i.e. the primary DNA program and the state of the system at a given point in time.

5. We remove harmful factors.

Fight Cancer Step 1: NUTRITION


2. Eliminate foods with a high glycemic index.

3. The calorie content of the diet is calculated individually. Protein - 8-10% of the calorie content of the diet, fats - 12-15%, the ratio of Omega 3 and Omega 6 PUFAs from 1:1 to 1:2. We have written a large and detailed article about Omega 3 and Omega 6 fatty acids, which you can read.

4. Eliminate all industrially processed food: ready meals, semi-finished products. Fast food is strictly prohibited.

5. All products are as fresh, diverse and environmentally friendly as possible. Preferably organic.

6. The choice of products from your region (taking into account the individual genotype, find out where the person and his ancestors come from).

7. Daily up to 1 kilogram of non-starchy vegetables and herbs (some raw, some boiled). Fresh fruits up to 0.5 kilograms. Berries fresh or frozen - maximum (minimum 200 grams)

8. Eat 5-6 times a day. Early breakfast, dinner 2 hours before bedtime.

9. No harsh cooking. It is absolutely impossible to fry, bake, smoke. Just boil or stew.

10. All nutrients must be supplied in sufficient, bioavailable form.

11. More about the choice of products in the books of Richard Beliveau. You can order these books.

Fight Cancer Stage 2: PSYCHOTHERAPY

1. We used the Simonts' method described in their book Psychotherapy for Cancer. .

2. Tried to solve chronic psychological problems. And radically. My mother divorced, we exchanged an apartment. According to her, this is a release after 25 years in prison. She was married to my stepfather for 25 years, of which for the last 10 years she dreamed of a divorce, but did not find enough courage in herself to take this step.

3. We tried to create the most psychologically comfortable environment in the house. Because everything that comes into view, especially regularly, has an impact on the psyche. She did the repairs herself according to her own design project, and finally realized her old dream - a winter garden. Believe me, this is important, especially when you consider that earlier even her husband chose the wallpaper, ignoring her opinion.

4. Trips were made to monasteries and to the relics of saints.

Fight Cancer Step 3: PHYSICAL ACTIVITY

The goal is to activate skeletal muscles to improve glucose utilization, eliminate insulin resistance, normalize blood circulation and hormonal balance. Increasing stress resistance of the immune system.

- Daily power aerobics

From the equipment you will need only dumbbells. Performed at home, preferably in the morning. The complex is selected individually, taking into account the state of the musculoskeletal system.

Basic principles:

1. Engage as many muscles as possible;

2. Harmonious load (i.e. if the flexors worked, the extensors should also work);

3. Exercises are performed sequentially from top to bottom (shoulder girdle-torso-legs);

4. Loads should be selected individually, especially carefully at the beginning of training;

5. Exercises are performed smoothly without jerks, in a physiologically favorable position of the joints;

6. All exercises are performed technically accurately, without cheating;

7. High-intensity training is prohibited due to the threat of immunosuppression;

- Swimming, cycling, outdoor activities, gardening and other physical activities are welcome, but subject to several conditions:

1. Avoid overwork;

2. Avoid excessive insolation and other extreme effects;

3. Do not breathe polluted air;

4. The type of activity should be pleasant (this is very important);

5. Take care of the joints and spine;

The fight against cancer, stage number 4: PHYTOTHERAPY

I’ll make a reservation right away: I don’t consider aconite and hemlock to be cytostatics. Rather, immunomodulators and immunostimulants. Aconite also has an antidepressant and psychostimulant effect. Secondly, I am against the standard scheme: 3 cycles of 39 days with a two-week break between them.

After stimulation with such a serious drug as the tincture of aconite dzhangarsky, which we used, it is worth letting the immune response come to fruition. With further intake, the body, at best, will stop responding.

So: tincture of Jungar aconite 10%, scheme - "slide". The initial dosage (on the first day of admission), which is one drop for each of 3 doses, increases by 1 drop per dose on each subsequent day, up to the twentieth day inclusive (on day 20, the patient takes 20 drops 3 times a day.

After that, on day 21, a systematic decrease in the dose by 1 drop from each dose daily begins. Those. on day 21, the patient takes 19 drops 3 times a day, on day 22, 18 drops 3 times a day, and so on until the drug is completely discontinued. It turns out the so-called "hill" with a peak reception on the 20th day and with an end on the 39th day. The dose is increased until the first toxic effects (but not more than 20 drops 3 times a day), followed by a gradual dose reduction.

1 course - February 2012. A sharp and stable improvement in well-being;

2 course - May 2012. End of June - normalization of the oncomarker CA15-3;

3 course - December 2012. Each time, against the background of taking aconite, there is a huge surge of strength, a significant improvement in mood, well-being and an increase in efficiency (for 6 months 3 business trips from the Crimea to Moscow, repair of 2 apartments and 2 large moves without deterioration in well-being.)

4 course - July 2012;

5 course - December 2013 (hemlock, Tishchenko's scheme);

6 course - April 2014 (hemlock, Tishchenko's scheme);

7 course - July 2014 (aconite);

8 course - March 2015 (aconite)

Additionally applied:

During the first year of treatment: freshly ground milk thistle seed - 1 tbsp. spoon, rosehip - 1 tbsp. spoon, dried chokeberry - 1 tablespoon, dried pomegranate partitions (source of ellagic acid) - 1 tsp. Everything is in the form of a finely ground mixture, washed down with green tea.

The following year, an anti-inflammatory course (from the beginning of August 2013 to the end of June 2014): raspberry leaf, strawberry leaf, willow bark, hibiscus (read more about this product in our article ""), ginger. Pour boiling water, insist, drink like tea.

2 times a year - inoant (black grape polyphenols, skin concentrate): 1 dessert spoon per day, course 1 month. Turmeric (1 teaspoon with a slide) and black pepper (0.5 teaspoon) in the form of a mixture - daily all these years.


1. Water. Ideally, the water should be with normal natural mineralization and clean. Read in very detailed and understandable about the internal structure of water and about water quality.

2. Air. Everything is clear here - ionized, rich in phytoncides and as pure as possible. Ideally, live outside the city in an ecologically clean place.

3. Daily routine. Early to bed and early to rise. Be sure to sleep. The bedroom should be quiet, dark, with good ventilation. Avoid light desynchronosis at all costs.

4. The psychological environment is of great importance. Attentive and sympathetic attitude of relatives. But at the same time, the patient himself must take responsibility for his health, actively relate to the treatment process, because. no one better than himself can control what he eats, what he drinks and what lifestyle he leads.

5. Fungotherapy. In addition to herbal medicine, we used shiitake mushroom. 1 hour heaped spoonful of finely ground powder in the morning on an empty stomach for 6 months (immediately after starting alternative treatment).

If you are interested in the story and would like to contact the author of the article, write to us in the comments and we will send you the contacts of Valeria Kachalova.

Consider the topics in this article:

  1. oncology and nutrition
  2. How does oncology occur?
  3. Does fasting help with cancer?
  4. Oncology of the prostate.
  5. Alternative medicine in the treatment of oncology.
  6. Our psychology is as follows: A story about a cancer patient.
  7. what not to eat with cancer
  8. sludge removers
  9. oncology depends on the pH of the environment.

1. oncology and nutrition.

Nutrition plays a decisive role in the treatment of serious diseases.

You yourself know that almost all diseases originate from the stomach, from improper nutrition, from how carefully you chew food.

All our little “weaknesses” in nutrition develop into bad habits of eating wrong.

But unfortunately, there are also congenital diseases, including hereditary oncological diseases.

Today we will touch on the topic of cancer. diseases and chronic diseases that appeared against the background of improper nutrition and bad habits.

The disease creeps up unnoticed.

People who do not have deviations in health are unlikely to understand this.

After all, as long as our buffer systems of the body keep the parameters of life standards within the normal range, we will not notice the manifestations of the disease.

But the strength of the body - the so-called resource of immunity, or the strength of the body's buffer systems is not infinite.

And this is very well understood by those who managed to sit on antibiotics, drowning out the symptoms of the disease in the hope of being cured, or at least knocking off their condition a little.

Ask these people: - did they think that due to some of their habits, this or that sore in them would worsen.

It is unlikely that any of them will say that he expected the disease.

Every day, undermining the immune system, they did not notice how the disease creeps up on small, indirect and hardly noticeable signs.

As a result, the disease came unnoticed.

2. how oncology occurs.

Unfortunately, in many cases, pills alone will not improve health.

Eating right can help.

So, nutrition should be right.

It should include a large number of products that create in the human body as few free radicals as possible, which damage healthy cells and which deplete the resources of our buffer systems.

Have you ever wondered why people who are seriously ill lose their appetite and stop eating normally?

According to some sources, this is due to the fact that the body is trying with all its might to return to a healthy cellular balance, and every meal, even the most healthy and useful, loads the body so that it simply does not have enough strength to fight the disease.

That is why in people with cancer and seriously ill with chronic diseases, after eating, a deterioration in well-being follows.

We know cases when people who did not receive food for a long time, independently cured themselves of their ailments.

But not always everything is so clear.

Not always the observance of the Ph balance of food can guarantee protection against ailments.

Yes, healthy food increases the chances that cancer will never get to you.

But trust us, we've seen cases of people going on pure vegetable diets, with no hint of meat.

And the oncology kept coming.

Perhaps in oncology the sums of many factors that modern medicine does not consider have been combined.

And these factors of cancer and chronic diseases are not only related to food or environmental cleanliness.

Apparently, and it certainly is. After all, the level of emotional and psychological stress provides the greatest nutrition for the development of cancer.

The lack of hormonal surges, which should be, but which do not occur for one reason or another, give oncology the ground to develop.

But the excessive release of certain hormones during stress gives oncology a big impetus for development.

And finally, the depressed moral and psychological state of a person also leads to illness.

What to expect after chemotherapy, or in general from any treatment, even natural remedies, if you have not worked on eliminating the factors that led you to cancer .

3. Does fasting help with oncology?

It's not exactly like that..

Here, too, you will not get by with starvation alone. We all remember the case of a man who had cancer and somehow ended up in the mountains, where he was cut off from the outside world.

So, from food he had only garlic.

Eating them from hopelessness, he did not die from cold and hunger, he was able to survive.

By the way, I didn’t get poisoned by garlic, since there is an opinion that garlic in large quantities (more than 1 medium clove per day) is toxic, dangerous, you can lose memory and vision from it. In general, what kind of horrors about garlic do not write!

So, this is not about garlic, but about a person who had a hopeless state of health!

He was found alive, emaciated and tired, and they examined his condition and could not find any signs of cancer in him.

Where did she go?

Was she eaten by garlic or hunger?

And if so, then you can sit at home in front of the TV on a hungry garlic ration and get cured? No, of course not, our dear guests.

We are sure that not only garlic played a role in this story, whose merits in the fight against oncology beat all records, and not hunger, which made oncology dissolve.

We think, and we have reason to believe, that this is a rapprochement with nature, with clean moist air, the absence of any kind of radiation, plus, besides, the body was not littered with unnecessary food, that this would happen at home, as well as contained in garlic, a complex of elements shockedly stopped oncology.

4. Oncology of the prostate.

Let's take prostatitis and oncological diseases against the background of prostatitis. The number of such diseases breaks all records. Hidden chronic prostatitis becomes more severe.

After a while, tumors, prostate adenomas may appear.

But for some reason, this prostatitis was, is and will be for some, while for others it turns into more serious consequences.

The answer is the fact that the hormonal background of some people with prostatitis is so unstable and influenced by the environment that the disease deepens and the pathology turns into the formation of foreign cells, whose division is not controlled by the body.

Prostatitis is a disease of the endocrine system.

Ecology, various electromagnetic radiations, bad water, lack of movement, nutrition are factors that allow oncology to step forward. Among these factors, there is one that can stop oncology, even if all others are violated. This factor is the presence of movement. If a person moves, forces himself to move, then this will slow down, stop or even get rid of oncology.

Movement is the strongest factor that supports immunity.

For example, prostatitis can be cured by three things. The first is movement. For example, walking 5 km a day.

The second is the rapprochement with the opposite sex, at least 2 times a week. And the third is the prevention of the disease with herbs, dietary supplements, or any natural means.

Prostate cancer stops the subject in the same ways.

These 3 important factors should be applied whenever possible.

In case of prostate oncology, it is also necessary with the doctor to select the most harmless drugs to control the pathogenic flora.

A few words about the radiation of at least one cell phone: in case of serious illnesses, harmful electromagnetic radiation affects the chronicle much more than a healthy person, but fortunately there are nowadays means of protection even from mobile phone radiation.

But let's get back to that person who lost food and all the adverse manifestations of human existence, including polluted air and the electromagnetic load of the city.

So, the most important thing saved him - this is a great desire to survive, a desire that made that person overcome those difficulties and stay alive.

Taken together, this has worked.

If you want to feel better, you need to leave a large city for the outback, for clean air, to be treated exclusively with natural remedies, and the result will be higher than that of any oncology clinic.

See a doctor who might be able to help.

It is possible to make an appointment for an interview with a doctor on the issue of cancer. It is possible that you have already been to the doctors more than once.

Perhaps the answers to your health conditions can be given by such a traditional Chinese medicine doctor as , which our team knows, and whose approach to the disease somewhat changes the prevailing opinion about medicine.

You can ask her: “What in general, in your case, can you advise you to do next, in some kind of impasse?” Whether it's oncology, a chronic illness or a simple sore throat. The doctor accepts in Moscow, but often flies to China.

Of course, with such a colossal experience as hers, many have hope.

The main thing is that she is looking for the cause of the disease, which is what we most of all approve of in her approach to the restoration of people.

5. Alternative medicine in the treatment of oncology.

The secret of the popularity of Dorogov's candles is their ease of use.

They also manage the problem with the unpleasant smell of Dorogov's drug, which not all people tolerate.

Candles also have this smell, but these candles are taken orally mainly rectally.

This moment simplifies the intake of Dorogov's drug for those people who could not overcome the fear of an unpleasant odor.

A little bit of the history of the use of Dorogov's drug is outlined! We tried to bring a versatile look into history, despite the great respect for Dr. Dorogov and his drug


These natural substances are very effective against cancer cells.

It will not cure, but cigarettes play a very important role in the formation of healthy cells, it corrects the immune system and it is also able to give an even greater result when used with other means of fighting oncology.

Celandine and are the names of herbs.

6. Our psychology is as follows: A story about a cancer patient.

A couple of words about oncology again.

I come to one of the cancer patients.

She asked me to bring her an ASD-2 made in Armavir to treat her illness.

Yes, ASD-2 helps with oncology, but here the story is like with garlic.

The strongest healing effect lasts just as long as you take the medicine on an empty stomach.

And it is practically useless when taken before or after a meal.

But we cannot resist, in every possible way tempting ourselves to eat as soon as possible, and even gobble up sweets after eating.

In fact, if you take up yourself in terms of explaining at the level of self-suggestion (you can’t, then you can’t, and under no circumstances reach for the refrigerator).

If you have taken stone oil (it is it that should be taken in oncology, it is it that has earned the trust of people whom it has saved their lives), and so taking stone oil is very strict on the diet.

That is, if you do not follow the strictest conditions of the diet, namely:

  • do not take too salty food,
  • complete rejection of sweets, coffee, chocolate,
  • refusal to overeat,
  • adherence to an alkaline diet (this is fruits and vegetables and no meat !!).

Plus, besides, it is required on an empty stomach, 2 hours before meals, to take stone oil and not eat these 2 hours, trying not to violate the conditions of the diet.

And so for at least 2-3 weeks at least, but in a good way it takes about 2-3 months to continuously such a diet, and yes, you will make sure that recovery will come, BUT !!!

Just think about whether you have the strength to comply with all these conditions when treating with stone oil for, say, 3 months, and take stone oil sitting 3 times a day, then for another 2 hours without food.

Few will survive.

Yes, stone oil requires the most restrictive diet, actually making a person feel constantly hungry, but it helps, and it's worth it to go through and heal.

and - these natural substances are very effective against cancer cells.

And do not think that I already drank propolis, and it did not cure me.

It will not cure, but it plays a very important role in the formation of healthy cells, it corrects the immune system and it is also able to give a result when used with other means of fighting oncology.

Celandine - an alkaloid that contains celandine is toxic.

It is 10 times more toxic for cancer cells than for healthy cells of the body - this is why celandine is notable for oncology.

Those dosages that a person tolerates completely painlessly - with such dosages of celandine, oncocells stop dividing.

Celandine and hemlock are the names of herbs.

But hemlock is more toxic to cancer cells.

Hemlock is, let's say, a fairly serious step in the treatment of cancer.

When taking hemlock, it is very important to monitor your condition, since its effect on a cancer cell is similar to celandine, only significantly more pronounced in terms of toxicity.

7. Means of purification from slags.

Syrups and tinctures for oncology.

Oncology is generally based on contamination of the body and stress.

Herbs and herbal syrups will help cleanse.

All this takes time and a competent approach.

To alleviate the condition in oncology, you can use.

We have already talked about them, describing the fact that this well-known Altai company manages to produce very high-quality herbal tinctures-syrups at a very favorable price. And this significantly distinguishes these syrups from other products.

Of these syrups, we note the most interesting, in terms of the fight against oncology - this is (oncology of the genitourinary system, lungs), (oncology of the respiratory tract), (oncology of the gastrointestinal tract, genitourinary system), this is a storehouse of trace elements that can be added to all other syrups , as an additional vitamin support.

Narine herbal tincture syrups are good because they do not require special preparation, they do not even require water for soldering, and they can be used everywhere.

This moment makes your favorite herbs always at hand, and you will not miss their intake on time.

8. what should not be eaten with cancer

Unfortunately, cancer is a disease of our time, and from this we can conclude that all products that have undergone heat treatment, conservation, products of modern production, in the manufacture of which preservatives are used to increase the shelf life, flour products, especially sweets, are very helpful to diseases. root.

It is very important to drink clean water for oncological diseases, also apply

With oncology, rye bread is useful, which is poured with linseed oil and moderately salted. Such bread is used with a small clove of garlic, which makes it especially useful for the treatment of intestinal disorders, with oncology of various stages, this recipe allows you to push back the disease if you use such bread on an empty stomach, 2 hours before meals.

Flaxseed oil is a source of omega acids...

This oil gives more strength to the body with mineral energy losses for the digestion of food, which gives strength to the body to fight the disease.

9. oncology depends on the pH of the environment.

Or rather, not the ph of the products themselves, but the ph of what enters the bloodstream as a result of metabolism in the liver and digestion of food in the stomach and intestines.

An important point is what residues become larger after eating a particular food, acidic or alkaline.

And this, by the way, does not know that if apple juice is used (it is slightly acidic in ph), then the body becomes acidic.

What matters is the metabolites after the decomposition of the juice.

After taking apple juice, the ph of the blood, saliva, and lymph rises.

Oncology - we noticed!

Recall that it is not necessary that acid-containing foods should acidify the body. Let's take apples - acids are a dime a dozen there, and after taking an apple, the ph of human saliva increases by almost 0.5-0.7 units. The fact is that alkalis are formed from acids and vice versa. With a complex chain of metabolism, the example of an apple can demonstrate this well.

Here is an example of products with different Ph values ​​of their environment, but, nevertheless, in the end, the most strongly alkalizing the human body.

Ph Lemon-(2.2-2.4)

Ph Watermelon-(5.5-6.0)

Ph Lime-(1.8-2.1)

Ph Grapefruit-(2.9-4)

Ph Asparagus-(6.0-6.5)

Ph Leek-(5.5-6.2)

But the drug antiseptic Dorogov, has a strongly alkaline reaction from the very beginning, and does not dissociate from alkali into acid.

Thus, it greatly helps a cancer patient to increase ph in the tissues of the body and, as one of the mechanisms that stops cancer and chronic diseases, will be one of the first to help increase the ph of the body.

It also has other mechanisms that stop oncology, cure chronically ill patients and boost immunity, but you can read about them on the following page:

Our reader shared her story of the fight against cancer, which has been going on for five years. She did not lose heart and found the strength to resist bad and, importantly, erroneous forecasts from doctors.

I am 41, I have a husband and a son, we lead an active life and always strive to communicate and travel. That autumn we were engaged in the construction of our house: we bought materials, hired builders. I had to do a lot on my own, from which I was constantly tired.

I had symptoms of an intestinal infection, but I wrote it off as a common story for the inhabitants of the south - poisoning is not uncommon in September with an abundance of fresh fruit. But the sick people around ended, and it became very difficult for me. A high temperature rose, weakness appeared, and a few more days later my husband and I went to a paid clinic.

I had an ultrasound - it immediately showed a large tumor on the ovary, and even then the specialist said that it was almost certainly cancer.

The diagnosis was clarified already in the oncological dispensary in the next three days - an urgent operation was required. I developed ascites, called dropsy, a situation in which excess fluid accumulates in the abdomen. Now I think that awareness was slow - my physical condition was very bad, and there was simply no time or energy left for any kind of reflection. Husband and son were there all the time, and probably prayed to all the gods that everything went well.

The operation was prescribed immediately - they removed both ovaries and the uterus, and also part of the intestine, since there were metastases.

Surprisingly, a histology analysis for making an accurate diagnosis and establishing a stage is done painfully for a long time, and even in another city. Based on this analysis, I was diagnosed with stage 3 ovarian cancer. As they explained to me, the disease is fairly advanced, but this is not uncommon, in 70-80% of women with ovarian cancer, the diagnosis is established at the 3rd stage. Doctors call this type of cancer the “silent killer”, since it does not manifest itself in any way until the onset of the 3rd stage, and women ignore or ignore those implicit symptoms that occur earlier.

I got a consultation with a specialist who warned me against unconditional faith that medical care under the MHI policy would be free and effective. Unfortunately, very often cancer patients are prescribed not those chemotherapy drugs that they really need, and those that the hospital has available, can underestimate doses, can interrupt courses, not wanting to take on extra responsibility. He made it clear to me that my life is in my hands, I myself must control the entire process of treatment. On the one hand, he shocked me and pretty scared me, and on the other hand, he explained that many people live with such a diagnosis, are treated constantly and live, raise children, work and travel. So, despite all my violent emotional reactions, I did not fall into depression, I decided not to give up, but to act and fight for myself, for my family, for the opportunity to see what my 10-year-old son will grow up to be.

The removal of the uterus and ovaries affected the hormonal background - I started menopause. I can’t say what exactly was the most terrible thing in my situation, chemotherapy overshadowed the rest of the symptoms.

Then the body adapted, and now I can say that I don’t feel anything special in connection with this operation: my weight has not increased, outwardly I still look younger than my years. It seemed unthinkable that all female organs would be removed, because my husband and I really wanted another child, but death from cancer was completely unillusory, and there was simply no other way to survive.

In social networks, I posted my photos, a medical report and a request for help. Friends and relatives, classmates and just acquaintances responded and quite quickly we managed to raise enough money to travel to Israel.

Before the new year, I flew to Jerusalem. It was my first trip abroad. I didn't think I would travel like this. I had to go without my husband, he was not even allowed to get a passport under an accelerated procedure.

There should be no more than three weeks between surgery and chemotherapy, and I had to wait more than a month. I wanted to be sure of the correctness of the prescribed treatment. In a large, well-equipped clinic, I was given a complete examination in just 3 days and was prescribed drugs.

On New Year's Eve in Russia they drink champagne, eat Russian salad and start firecrackers. And in Israel, December 31 is a common date, unremarkable, so on this day I was under a drip, and poison was slowly poured into me, which destroys cancer cells, and simultaneously kills my other completely healthy cells.

The chemo felt terrible, but knowing that I was already treating everything and would soon be healthy, I coped with it. I returned from Israel in a kind of foggy-nauseous state, I don’t even know how I even managed to get home, taking into account all the transfers by transport.

The first line of chemotherapy usually involves 6 courses: 1 drop every three weeks. Doctors then evaluate the effect and decide what to do next. I personally encountered the fact that after 6 courses they tried to send me to “rest and recover”, although the desired result was not achieved, and this was confirmed by the results of analyzes and computed tomography.

I insisted that I would continue chemotherapy until the result was achieved. Although my body “missed” cancer cells, it is otherwise quite strong, tolerates chemotherapy quite well and then recovers quite quickly. As a result, I completed 11 courses in the first line of chemotherapy, which led to 11 months of remission.

I work full time, and the management of the enterprise met me halfway, they let me go for three days during the treatment, so that I could recover a little.

After the third drop, I went from an attractive brown-haired woman to bald as a knee.

Here, the truth, my hidden virtues for the time being were revealed - it turned out that I have an ideal skull shape and a beautiful profile. Sometimes my exotic appearance at work created funny situations - scandalous clients were sent to me, who demanded their money back, and they instantly calmed down and became decent people.

Each visit to the hospital cost me many, many hours in line. I talked with other patients and repeatedly encountered a situation where people, less cautious, more trusting, agreed with the doctors and went to rest and recover, as they were strongly advised. Then they quickly died, as the chemotherapy was finished clearly earlier than required.
I constantly monitored my condition, as if turning on the “internal scanner”. If earlier I could simply ignore some symptoms and work, no matter what, now I have become very attentive to my body. This is what allows me not to relax and control all the processes taking place inside.

Since then, several more years and several courses of chemotherapy have passed. I no longer went to Israel, as it is quite expensive, and my husband and I already have to buy part of the drugs for treatment exclusively with our own money. I went several times for a consultation to Moscow, to a leading oncology center. In the fifth year of my illness, the doctor unexpectedly prescribed me an analysis for genetic mutations in the BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes, popularly the genes of Angelina Jolie. I have one of these mutations. This means that my disease is genetically determined, and if this was known right away, then perhaps a different treatment tactic should have been chosen, and also that the risk of the disease is inherited by all my close blood relatives, including my son. At least now it is known in advance.

A person gets used to everything, I got used to my disease. I've become quite adept at adjusting all my plans for chemotherapy courses. My family and I went on a wonderful trip to Istanbul and every year we try to go to the Black Sea, at least for a short time. I'm used to restrictions - I can't be in the sun, I can't eat certain foods, I need to constantly take tests and do tomography. My body has gotten used to chemotherapy, and now almost no drugs cause baldness, so I regularly go to the hairdresser, change hairstyles and hair color. I still work full-time, even though I was given a non-working disability. However, disability payments do not allow not only to be treated, but simply to live, and I still have many grandiose plans ahead.

It is still difficult for me to overcome some moments when communicating with the medical staff. Among them there are both wonderful, benevolent people who are professionals in their field, and notorious bastards who are trying to inspire such forecasts that they can only be called a curse. One of the doctors, who held a non-ordinary position in an oncology clinic, told me that my bone marrow had been killed.

You will never have a normal platelet count, and you will never have chemo again!

Sometimes I want to meet her on the street and stick the test results on her forehead, where the blood counts are absolutely normal.

I believe in myself and hope for modern science to create a drug that will cure cancer patients. And I'm going to wait for this moment, because I've been waiting for 5 years. I still want to see what my son will grow up to be. Now he is 15, and our family has remained just as strong.

Cancer is a disease that kills not thousands, but even millions of people every year. I never thought in my life that this could happen to me. Until that moment, life went on as usual and did not create any problems. Life was so beautiful until the disease began to completely consume me. I heard a lot from my friends, read in newspapers, on the Internet about this frightening diagnosis. But when I faced this disease myself, I did not know what to do. Left alone with the disease, you give up. I was in constant tension.

You feel like you're under some kind of pressure. It seems that nothing depends on you. There was a high temperature, which I did not pay attention to. I was scared at the initial stage of the disease, this:

  • metastases
  • drastic weight loss
  • dislike for something
  • prolonged discomfort in the lower abdomen,
  • fatigue,
  • dizziness,
  • swelling on the face.

I am currently unable to regain my weight. You manifest such qualities as: insomnia, irritability, as well as quarrels with relatives. There is also a strong loss of appetite and an aversion to food, a terrible yellowness and dryness of the skin appeared. The pains that bothered me prevented me from living. You are in a state between life and death.

Since I am in the process of treatment, it seems to me that the path to recovery will take a very long time. Due to illness, I had to leave work and take up treatment, as the illness prevented me from working. The path to complete recovery is very long, but we must strive for this with all our might. I did not know who to turn to for help, and decided to look for a way out of this difficult situation myself.


I can honestly say that the Internet has helped me a lot. She was looking for methods of healing and began to engage in herbal medicine. Since ancient times, people have turned to traditional medicine for help. This method of treatment takes a very long time, but it is effective.

On the Internet, I found enough information about the treatment of cancer, and began to select the most important for myself. After reading in one of the articles, I learned that if a person has an operation, there can be no guarantee for his recovery. That is, the operation can not always save a person's life. Therefore, how long a person can live after the operation is unknown. Cancer is a disease that can spread throughout the body and is very difficult to get rid of.

For six months now I have been fighting for my life. And for some reason, I thought and hoped that this was a minor ailment and everything would pass. But the disease progressed. What doctors could offer me was chemotherapy or radiation therapy, but I refused. And I think that I did the right thing, because I know the consequences of this method of treatment. Oddly enough, no one offered me the operation, seeing my difficult psychological state and, of course, the lack of material resources. You can borrow money, but it is completely impossible to get rid of the disease with the help of surgery. Maybe even for the better and I had to fight myself. Only the closest people help me survive and support me.

Life seems empty and indifferent. Although life goes on, the nature that surrounds us gives us a wonderful mood. The only thing that can save us is faith in ourselves. Once upon a time I loved to read fairy tales of different authors as a child, and these little stories inspired me and cheered me up. After all, it's never too late to dream, and of course you want your dream to come true. Only positive thoughts give birth in a person to the fact that he can overcome all obstacles and defeat an incurable disease. When the immune system is severely weakened, it means that there is a chance of getting cancer. It is necessary to strengthen the immune system in order to protect yourself from infection, fungi and pathogenic bacteria.

How to prevent disease

What can be the most important thing in our lives, of course, our health. In order to be healthy, it is necessary to undergo a medical examination at least once a year, to take tests so that you can prevent the disease. It is not necessary to neglect a visit to the doctor, but in a timely manner seek help from a specialist oncologist. This disease does not spare either adults or children. What is necessary in order to lead a healthy lifestyle is to lead an active lifestyle, if necessary, go in for sports, give up bad habits.

The main bad habits that prevent us from living a normal life are:

  • smoking
  • alcohol
  • obesity


A very strict diet is needed, which must contain: minerals, amino acids and vitamins that are contained in natural products. Add natural foods to your daily diet. This may include:

  • vegetables
  • fruits
  • nuts
  • greenery

In principle, adhere to a vegetarian diet, as well as a raw food diet. Refuse food that undergoes heat treatment, as there are no natural components left in it. It is very difficult to do this to give up many products, but your health is more expensive. Therefore, it is worth taking such measures in order to survive. Nature gave us natural products, so they need to be eaten. Of course, do exercises every day so that there is no constant chronic fatigue. Fatigue takes a lot of strength and energy from us.

Cleansing the body

How to cleanse the body? From my point of view, it is necessary to carry out a complete cleansing of the body, that is, to make cleansing enemas in order to cleanse your intestines. Approximately 10 procedures. If you do not cleanse your intestines, it is pointless to fight the disease. I convinced myself. If the intestines are slagged, then the body will not fully function. It will be much more difficult to clean it up. Unprocessed food remains accumulate in the body, which must leave it in the process of decay. A person's muscles stop working if he leads a sedentary lifestyle.


If this does not happen, intestinal inflammation occurs and tumors develop. From which at the last stage of the development of the disease it will be difficult to get rid of. Also, fasting can be a therapeutic effect. But you need to be prepared for this, as this is also a difficult stage for the body. Fasting can be done once a week so as not to completely deplete our body. The most important thing is that it is necessary to complete the treatment.

Time does not stand still. It goes forward and does not look back. And people do not think about the fact that they need to stop and think about their health. For some reason, it seems that it will hurt a little and pass, but it is not. The most valuable thing a person has is his health. A healthy body is given to us from birth. So why do people treat their health with disdain. If we treat ourselves with love and love our physical body, then I think that we will have much less diseases.

Health is the main element in our life. Because of the constant race, haste, somewhere or for something. We do not notice the main thing, that we are wasting our energy in vain. And why take energy if a person has already lost it. You need to love yourself and the world around you.

Illness is not a sentence, but a consequence that must be eliminated.

Let's fight for our lives. Do not despair, we must move forward.

Cancer is a disease to be fought

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We used to discuss cancer of a specific organ, but now we are discussing cancer with a specific genetic imprint, as is the case with conventional fingerprinting. It doesn’t matter where the cancer is, what matters is what genetic “finger” he has. This does not mean that we will cure all this in 10-15 years, but we will definitely treat on a different level.

Hematologist Satya Yadav: Tumors will no longer be a death sentence

In the future, using genetic technology, thanks to the CAR T cell therapy method, we will be able to teach patients' own cells to destroy malignant cells and heal the body from cancer. Bone marrow transplants will go into oblivion along with all the problems of finding a donor, bone marrow registries and graft versus host reactions.

Ekaterina Chistyakova: Until the last drop of blood

We can only look for those doctors who want something, who strive for development, and hope that the rest will simply have to catch up to this bar at some point. And if the doctor acts only on the principle of “cut off - take away - next”, what will you do with it?

Katyusha Remizova. About cancer, humility and forgiveness

A healthy person can largely rely on himself, can control himself, can create a certain image for himself, can do good deeds, and not particularly quarrel with anyone. It can take a long time to create such an appearance. But when you get sick, all this “selfhood” collapses sharply.

The legend of Russian cancer

Dad came to his senses quickly. Mom was helped by a pamphlet from the hospital, something like Lymphoma for Dummies. After her, she began to cry less often and even laughed at my jokes without regret. Everyone understood that I might not recover. I understood that too, but even so I didn't want to be pitied.

“I defeated chondrosarcoma and am expecting a third child”

I did not know how to save myself from the insane pain. She aggravated at night. I even tried to sleep in the bathroom: it was simply impossible to find a comfortable position for sleeping. And then she broke her leg out of the blue. And then the doctors finally saw the cancer. Several months passed from the moment of the first symptoms to the diagnosis.

Olesya and leukemia: “I had to pass judgment on myself”

For all my relatives and friends, the diagnosis was a shock. This is heavy information and the information that needs to be said personally. As soon as I got to the hospital, I tried to tell all my relatives and friends myself. I tried to tell them in such a way that they understood that I am able to cope with this information, and life does not end!

Katerina Gordeeva: Russian story about cancer and people

A person - both big and small - must understand the cyclical nature of life, its stages, understand that no one has yet managed to avoid death, but it is also a part of life. And you can't get away from this either. And we are afraid of completely different things: pain, fear, humiliation, ignorance, lack of rights in helplessness.

You have heard a terrible diagnosis. What's next?

And for sure, for sure, after the first shock, you will find your own methods of dealing with yourself - and the fight against cancer is precisely the fight against yourself! Share them then, okay? And the most important thing, in my opinion, is that it is not in our power to know our life span, but it is in our power to spend this time in such a way that others would envy us.

When the doctor says, "You have cancer," you feel like you're flying into a concrete well.

Yes, you have an additional problem, it is serious, it requires your life resources - material, non-material, spiritual and psychological state. But you don't have to put it off until you're well. Live now, within your means, as far as your well-being allows.

Worse than cancer

The main accomplice of a neglected, already almost incurable oncology is an oncophobic society. The one that prefers to be afraid and not know, to be inert and paralyzed by its own fears.

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This is not indifference, but distance - my heart still aches for the situation in the Middle East, for climate change, for the growing inequality between people, but all this does not concern me anymore, these events belong to the future. I am filled with joy when I meet gifted young people - even the one who diagnosed me with metastases. I know the future is in good hands.