
What to do if you wet your smartphone. What to do if your phone gets wet? Useful tips and tricks What to do if the phone gets wet in the rain


As practice shows, even very neat and attentive people often get the phone wet. It can accidentally slip out of your hands and fall into a sink, pond. You can forget it in your jeans pocket and wash it in the washing machine. You may be deliberately pushed into the water, for example, into the pool. Or you left the house without an umbrella, and it suddenly began to rain outside. Some in such situations immediately go to buy a new device. But you can try to revive the old one. How to dry a mobile phone at home correctly? Let's figure it out.

First steps

Remember: if the phone was in the water for only a few seconds, then it is likely that it was not badly damaged. But even a smartphone that has undergone washing can be brought back to life. To successfully resuscitate a wet sensor device, remove it from the water as quickly as possible. Holes for charging and headphones, USB ports, gaps between the case and the battery allow moisture to get inside the device in a matter of seconds. Therefore, to prevent a short circuit from occurring, immediately turn off the communication device and, if possible, remove the battery.

Non-separable phones can not be dried at home.

Never shake your phone to try to free it from excess moisture. So you will only achieve that the water will penetrate even deeper. It is better to wipe the device and the battery with paper towels or a cloth. At this stage, you can check how badly the device was damaged. To do this, inspect the indicator in the corner of the hole under the battery. It looks different for every manufacturer. Most often it is a white square or circle. The pink color of the indicator will signal that the device has been damaged by water.

Many users prefer to store important contacts on the SIM card. It is made of materials that are resistant to damp environments, but still remove it from the device, wipe it dry and set it aside until the phone is ready for use. If the gadget has an additional memory card, remove it from the slot and dry thoroughly.

Drying methods

Once you've disassembled your phone and removed all the extra accessories from it, it's time to dry it properly. We offer several ways to dry the touch device at home. You can use one of them, but for a faster and more reliable result, it is advisable to combine 2-3 methods.

  • Start drying your mobile phone with a vacuum cleaner. Point the hose at the machine and remove excess moisture in the normal dust suction mode. This process is not fast, so please be patient. To avoid static electricity, keep the hose 20 to 30 cm away from the phone.
  • Instead of a vacuum cleaner, you can use a fan. Put the device under a stream of air and leave for 15-20 minutes.
  • Some owners of affected devices recommend placing them near a heat source. The main thing - do not put them close to the heater or battery.
  • Rice or silicone balls, which are placed in a box with shoes, absorb excess moisture well. Fill the container with one of the listed products. Place the phone in it so that it is completely covered with the desiccant. Cover the top of the container with a plastic bag or cling film. In 10-12 hours the device will be as good as new.

Do not forget to turn the device over from time to time so that the water can drain easily. Periodically check the degree of drying. To do this, place your phone on paper towels or absorbent towels. If wet spots remain on their surface, continue the process further.

Never use a hair dryer to dry your phone. You will achieve the opposite effect. Powerful airflow drives water droplets deeper into the smartphone, and high temperatures adversely affect the chips.

Health check

After 24 hours, the gadget must be assembled and tested for performance. Be sure to make sure that the device is well dried and does not leave wet spots. Carefully inspect all ports, slots and openings. Just make sure that the phone is completely dry, put the battery back in place and turn on the device. Listen for any strange sounds or noises that your sensory friend is making, indicating a malfunction.

If the device does not turn on, then the battery may be dead. Be sure to charge it. You can check the battery health in another phone of a similar model. Worst case, it can be replaced. But if the reason lies in the failed microcircuits, then you cannot do without a service center. Don't try to find the damage yourself.

If the phone starts up but is unstable, then moisture has probably damaged some of its elements. Turn off the device, remove the cover and battery. Take a close look at the SIM and memory slots. Perhaps somewhere you will find rust spots that prevent normal operation. Scrub them off with a toothbrush or hard brush.

  • In advance, purchase a special kit for resuscitation of a wet phone. Let it lie idle rather than find yourself without improvised means in a critical situation.
  • Wipe the sensor device affected by salt water with a damp cloth soaked in fresh water. So you save it from salt crystals when it dries.
  • Before putting the memory card, battery and SIM card back in, wipe them with an alcohol wipe. This treatment will protect the elements from corrosion and evaporate excess moisture.
  • If you find yourself in a situation where you don’t have a vacuum cleaner or other means to dry your wet phone, place it close to your body and try to use your own heat to solve the problem.
  • Compressed air cans can be used to remove excess moisture. Direct the jet so that it enters the cracks and gaps at an angle, not at a right angle.

That's the whole sequence of steps for proper drying of a wet phone. Remember: the faster you remove the touch gadget from the water and turn it off, the more likely it is to be saved. Never turn on the device until you are sure it is completely dry. To get rid of the water, do not expose the machine to high temperatures for a long time. It negatively affects the microcircuits of the device. Take care of your phone and avoid dangerous situations for it.

Unpleasant situations happen in life. For example, with careless handling, your brand new smartphone can be dropped into a bath of hot water, or, even worse, into the toilet. If the phone falls into water, it will not affect its operation in the best way. How to recover a drowned phone? In this article, we will give seven tips, following which you can give first aid to your smartphone.

If your phone does not have water protection and an unpleasant force majeure happened to it. Tips that in practice helped to revive a drowned smartphone.

Get your phone out of the water quickly

The first step is to quickly remove the phone from the water and turn it off. In the event that it remains on, this may cause a short circuit. Please note that the USB cable connector as well as the headphone jack can quickly let water into the device. The same goes for its back cover.

When you take your phone out of the water and turn it off, remove the memory card, SIM card and battery (if it is removable).

Remove moisture from the surface of the phone

The next step is to remove visible moisture from the phone. You will need a soft cloth or paper towel.

Be careful, during drying, try not to get moisture into the visible holes of the phone. Remove moisture as gently as possible, then wipe the screen dry with a paper towel or tissue. Be careful not to let the paper get into the gaps on the phone case.

Use a vacuum cleaner

In the fight against moisture, all means are good. So, if there is a lot of moisture on the smartphone, it can be removed with a vacuum cleaner. It will help clear hard-to-reach places from drops of liquid.

Before you start drying with a vacuum cleaner, you should make sure that the memory card, SIM card and battery are removed from the smartphone.

phone in pic

Rice absorbs water well, so put your phone in rice to dry it and quickly clean its surface of excess moisture.

All you need to do is to dip the device into a bowl of dry rice and then put it in the fridge. The rice will remove all the moisture from the phone, and the temperature in the refrigerator will allow it to dry quickly. When using this method, you should remember to constantly change the location of the device in the dish so that the water comes out through the holes in its body.

Put your phone on a dry towel

When the phone is dry, it should be placed on absorbent material. This is necessary so that the smallest particles of moisture are removed from the device.

Towels should be changed regularly, every 4-6 hours. If moisture remains after drying with a towel, then it should be dried again with a vacuum cleaner and rice.

Let your smartphone rest for a couple of days

After complete drying, let the phone lie down for a couple of days without turning it on. After the time has passed, you can turn on the device. If it turns on, then you can start charging the reanimated smartphone for the first time. If charging fails, the battery is most likely damaged. Try using a different battery.


Now you know what to do if your Xiaomi phone gets into the water. In the event that, after drying and replacing the battery, the phone still does not show signs of life, it should be taken to a service center.

In any case, such prevention will not hurt. As Xiaomi repair specialists say, if there is a recessed phone and at least a drop of moisture remains in it, then over time it will make itself felt when the process of oxidation of the contact surfaces begins.

Probably every person at least once in his life dropped the phone into the water. In most cases, such an incident ends badly. You have to go to the store for a new device. But is everything as bad as it might seem at first glance? Professionals give practical advice that will help rehabilitate the device.

What to do if the touch phone gets wet? Disable it first. The less time he spends in the water, the more likely he is to work further. Do not turn on a wet phone - a short circuit may occur.

As soon as the phone is taken out of the water, it is advisable to disconnect all removable parts if possible. We are talking about the battery, port caps, slots (in smartphones), etc. If the case is easily disassembled, then you can remove it. This will prevent moisture from accumulating on the internal circuits.

We must not forget about SIM and memory cards. Before putting the device to dry, they must be removed. It is important to wipe all parts with napkins or a soft cloth. Lay them out on a paper towel in a well-ventilated area.

What to do if the speaker on the phone gets wet? Some users advise to dry it with a vacuum cleaner. It takes about 20 minutes to purge the part. This will help remove any remaining water if it has already seeped in. However, you must be prepared for the fact that the speaker will have to be replaced with a new one. Most often, after getting wet, he begins to hiss and wheeze.

In no case should you use a hair dryer to dry the gadget. Even cold air can be harmful. It will simply push the water drops deeper, so they can easily penetrate the microcircuit. And this will lead to failure of electronic parts. After that, the phone cannot be rehabilitated.

The health benefits of rice should not be underestimated. It is not only a nutritious product, but also a moisture-absorbing one. Wondering what to do if your phone gets wet? It is necessary to prepare a container of such dimensions that the apparatus can fit there. Pour rice into it. Immerse the device for at least 2-3 days. There is no need to hurry. Rice absorbs moisture slowly but effectively. The only thing to do is turn it over periodically.

If there is no rice or you simply do not believe in its properties, then you can use silica gel. This absorbent material is placed in shoes to absorb moisture. This gel works better than rice. You will need to turn the phone over every hour, checking if water droplets have accumulated on its surface. If they are, then you will have to wipe the case again with a paper towel. After this procedure, the phone is re-immersed in silica gel.

What to do if your phone gets wet? First of all, follow the above instructions. After that, you can put the device on the windowsill, where the rays of the sun penetrate. This is necessary in order to dry deep holes. However, it is important to ensure that the phone does not overheat too much. This may damage some parts.

When disassembled, the phone should dry for at least a day. After that, you need to carefully inspect it, especially connectors, compartments and other recesses. After making sure that there is no moisture, you can install the battery in place and turn on the device. In this case, it is advisable to listen for extraneous sounds inside the case, such as crackling or hissing. This suggests that some parts are not functioning correctly.

Wet your phone? Doesn't turn on? What to do? All the methods described above have already been tried, but it does not help? The main thing is not to lose your temper. The most common cause is a dead battery. Before connecting to the network, you should make sure that the phone is completely dry. It must be turned on again no earlier than after 5-10 minutes. If the device does not show signs of life, then only to the service center.


So, what to do if the phone gets wet has already been told. Now, in conclusion, a few recommendations:

  • It is advisable to purchase a special “rescue” kit for devices that have got moisture inside.
  • If the phone is "dipped" in salt water, then be sure to wipe the contacts, for example, with alcohol. You can use clean fresh water for these purposes.
  • In no case should the phone be connected to the charger after getting wet.
  • The battery must not be exposed to prolonged heating.
  • It is undesirable to disassemble the device without skills. You ask what to do if the phone gets wet? Entrust this business to professionals.

Let's face it - this is one of our worst nightmares. You accidentally dropped your mobile phone in the bath or jumped into the pool with it, or your phone got wet in the rain. It doesn't matter what the reason was, the only important thing is that the phone does not want to turn on.

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Wet problems

The trouble is that the manufacturer's warranty does not cover any damage caused by water. This means that all your photos and contacts can be lost at once! This alone is enough to cause trembling and panic.

But don't panic! We have good news: not everything is lost and something can even be fixed if you use our advice.

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Take it out of the water immediately

It seems to sound obvious, but you might think that it's already too late and you shouldn't even rush into it. However, the faster you get your phone out of the water, the more chances you have to save it.

Turn off your phone

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Most often, your phone will automatically turn off when it gets into water, but if it doesn't, turn it off immediately. This will protect the device from a possible short circuit.

Take out the battery

If your mobile phone does not support battery removal, such as the iPhone, skip this step. But if it is possible to remove the battery from the phone, do it without delay. This will help prevent your phone from overheating. By removing the battery, you will reduce the power supply and avoid further damage.

Remove SIM cards and memory cards

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Remove any covers and plugs that cover gaps and slots in the phone. Wipe your phone with a dry microfiber cloth. Repairers do not recommend using paper because paper particles can clog phone jacks.

Put your phone in a vacuum bag

This way you will be able to extract any water stuck in slots and hard to reach places. Put your phone in a plastic bag and pull out the air, creating a vacuum effect. If you have special vacuum bags, that's great.

The winter months are over, which means it's time to put yourself in order before the warm season. I suggest following just these 10 tips and your appearance will freshen up in just 30 days. 1 tip. …

If not, try putting your phone in a zip-lock bag, then cut a hole in it the size of your vacuum cleaner's pipe. Pass the vacuum cleaner through this hole and fix the edges tightly with a rubber band. Now, at the lowest speed, turn on the vacuum cleaner and suck the air out of the bag to the maximum.

Put your phone in rice

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No, this is not a myth. Drying the phone with a handkerchief will prevent getting inside the phone. Which means you'll need something to absorb moisture - dry rice. Put the phone and all of its parts in a bowl of rice and leave it there for about two days. You can use other materials that absorb water, such as cat bedding or silica gel (commonly found in dry foods, vitamins, or new shoe boxes).

Turn it up...and cross your fingers

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Although technical experts warn that the chance of damage to the phone in the event of a drop in water is high, we try to always believe in a positive result.

It is very important to let your phone dry for at least two days. So stop your desire to turn it on earlier. After all, if even a tiny particle of water remains inside, all your efforts will be useless. Good luck!

Today, we are surrounded by a plastic world everywhere. which marking indicates the safety of plastic products.

To begin with, you can immediately answer the question of the most common question that torments!

How much does it cost to repair a wet phone

We will answer right away. From 800 rubles! More precisely, the master will determine. But as a rule, repairs are much cheaper than buying a new phone.
And another subtle question

Does it make sense to repair a drowned smartphone

Of course yes! Like we said, it's much cheaper.
Think for yourself...
The cost of a new average phone
10-15 thousand rubles

Drowned man repair price

average 800-2000 rubles
Does it make sense to buy when your refurbished cell phone will work like new. In this case, it will not be necessary to restore contacts!

So about the cell "diver-diver" ...

This article spurred me to write a large number of calls with the questions “My phone fell into the water, what should I do, how much will it cost to repair a drowned phone?”, Or “My phone got wet, it worked right away, then it stopped turning on”, or “Washed the phone in the washing typewriter, the phone does not turn on, can it be repaired? etc.

First, I’ll tell you what to do first of all if liquid gets into the phone:

  1. The first step is to remove the battery from the phone. and do not insert it for at least a day. Oddly enough, it is not water that kills the elements inside the phone, but electric current, which oxidizes the elements inside and disables the radio elements and the device board.
  2. second thing the phone needs to dry from the inside. But based on practice, I will tell you that the liquid gets inside the phone very quickly, but it can dry for a very long time, far from one day. And even if all the liquid dries up inside, salts dissolved in water still remain, which corrode the radioelements during the operation of the phone, since salts are conductors of electric current.
  3. Therefore, the third step in saving the phone after moisture gets into it, I advise apply to phone repair service center, and it’s better not to hesitate, the faster it is done, the cheaper the repair will cost, and perhaps only the prevention of phone elements will be enough.

But it's not always so easy. Let's say they dropped an iPhone into the water, and it's not so easy to get the battery in it without disassembling the device. In this case, if you cannot contact the service center as soon as possible, I advise put iPhone in rice(just don’t laugh, but it really helps! the most ordinary food rice, at first I didn’t believe it myself, but after people brought drowned iPhones dried in rice, during the repair it was really clear that the effects of moisture were minimal). The photo shows the board of a recessed iPhone 4, which was put in rice and then brought to the service. The board was perfectly clean, the only thing that oxidized was the touch screen connector (marked with a red circle). The red diamond represents the indicator that liquid has entered the iPhone.

And now I want to answer the most common question: “How much will it cost to repair a recessed phone?” If the phone does not turn on after liquid gets inside, then I will answer honestly: “I don’t know.” In this case, it is impossible to do without fault diagnosis, since water could disable any element, and therefore the phone must be disassembled and tested to identify a fault.

The most harmless case, when the phone was dropped into the water, it continues to work, but there are water stains on the screen. It seems to be nothing terrible, but it looks unpleasant, especially against a light background. The only way out of this situation is to replace the display on the phone. Even after the water dries, traces of it still remain, and it is impossible to remove them from the old screen, since the display contains several layers of film that scatter the backlight, and it is unrealistic to disassemble them without damaging them.

The worst case is when water that gets into the phone oxidizes the radio elements and disables them. The degree of oxidation depends on the time the phone was in the water, on the amount of liquid that got inside, on whether the battery was pulled out immediately from the drowned phone or after a while. If you do not immediately take action after liquid gets into the phone, then it will be approximately the same as with the phone in the photo. Elements oxidize, salts corrode phone parts, and a recessed phone becomes unrepairable.

The last picture shows the board of the phone, which fell into the water and the battery was not taken out of it right away. The phone worked for a while, and then turned off and did not turn on again. Yes, it will not turn on anymore, the phone cannot be repaired, since many radio elements inside have simply rotted. In this case, it is necessary to completely change the board on the phone, which is usually comparable in cost to the price of a used phone of the same model.

Therefore, in order to avoid this and extend the life of your phone after liquid gets into it, immediately take the measures that I wrote about at the beginning of the article.