
What is needed to pass the exam. USE: compulsory subjects for passing the exam

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In Russian schools, since 2009, the Unified State Examination (USE) has been introduced to assess the quality of education of graduates. This form of student assessment allows both to sum up the results of secondary school education and serve as a pass ticket to higher educational institutions. But the content, structure, and the obligatory delivery of subjects are constantly discussed by the general public and specialists, and adjustments are made to the KIM. So the USE in 2020 is waiting for improvement not only in terms of modernizing the structure, but also in adding new subjects as mandatory.

The Unified State Examination made it possible to equalize the rights of the youth of the provinces and large cities in enrolling in prestigious universities, since the objectivity of checking KIMs leaves no doubt about the results of the exams. So there is no need to talk about the abolition of the exam.

Until 2019, two subjects were mandatory:

  1. Russian language.
  2. Mathematics.

In 2020, it is planned to introduce another compulsory subject - national history.

USE in history in 2020

Minister of Education Olga Vasilyeva as part of the course "Army and Society" at the Military Academy of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation at the lecture "The Role and Place of Science and Education in Today's Russia. Challenges and Prospects” announced that the unified state exam in history would become mandatory. She stressed that without an idea of ​​what happened to our country before, it is impossible to develop further.

With this statement, Vasilyeva confirmed the previously made message about a possible change in the list of compulsory subjects for graduation tests.

The first thing that worries everyone in this regard is the increase in the burden on graduates. I must say that she is not small at the moment. The beginning of the year, for example, is devoted to preparing for the final December essay. Without it, they will not be allowed to take the exam.

Watch until the end! - EASTER in 2020

There are six months left. During this time, you can prepare well for the exams! But no one canceled school ... Lessons, grades, extracurricular activities - this is a natural school life that every student should have. Therefore, the news about the additional burden in the form of a mandatory USE in history, and by 2022 in a foreign language, caused outrage among children and parents.


In addition to compulsory subjects, students in grade 11 can choose for certification those subjects that they will need to pass to universities. Usually, guys entering technical specialties choose the following subjects:

  • physics;
  • Informatics.

In humanitarian institutions they rent:

  • literature;
  • social science;
  • history;
  • geography;
  • foreign language.

For the natural science direction are selected:

  • chemistry;
  • biology.

So the answer to the question of how many subjects to take in grade 11 in 2020 will be the following: two mandatory for the current time (2019) and the presumable introduction of national history. By choice, graduates can take as many exams as they need to enter various specialties in universities.

Changes in the exam

In 2019, a number of exams in grade 11 have changed. They touched on the following:

  • Russian language.
  • Biology.
  • Foreign languages.
  • Literature.
  • Social science.
  • Story.
  • Chinese.

The compilers of KIMs claim that there have been no fundamental changes. So, for example, in the Unified State Exam in the Russian language, the number of tasks has changed. Now there are 27 of them. One task has been introduced, aimed at the ability to analyze the text in terms of punctuation.

The structure of the essay has changed:

  1. There are now no criteria by which arguments were evaluated (both literary and life).
  2. But the requirements for commentary have expanded. In the new version of the exam, it is required to give 2 examples of illustrations from the read text, an explanation is given for these examples and a semantic connection between them is established.

No changes in 2019

No wonder people say that the best news is the absence of any news! So the lucky ones in this regard will be graduates who have chosen the following subjects for the exams:

  1. Mathematics.
  2. Geography.
  3. Physics.
  4. Chemistry.
  5. Informatics and ICT.

Children can easily prepare for exams using the official USE website, where they can view and download the main documents of the Unified State Exam:

  • demo version;
  • codifier;
  • specification.

OGE in 2020

Ninth-graders also undergo an attestation procedure upon completion of basic general education. How many subjects do you have to take in 9th grade? The OGE procedure includes 4 exams in subjects.

  1. Required: Russian and mathematics.
  2. Exams of choice in the amount of two.

Also, recently, the final interview in the Russian language has become the admission procedure for passing exams. It was introduced to test the speaking skills of schoolchildren.

The interview model includes the following types of tasks:

All reading texts that will be offered to the interview participants are texts about outstanding people of Russia, such as the first cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin, the famous surgeon Nikolai Pirogov, our contemporaries Doctor Lisa (Elizaveta Glinka) and a doctor from Krasnoyarsk, who performed an operation in difficult conditions and saved a child's life.

The time allotted for the entire job is 15 minutes. The entire process of the student's speaking is recorded on audio.

The student's work is evaluated directly during the exam by an expert philologist in accordance with the response criteria presented on the FIPI website.

Graduates of the 9th grade pass the final interview at their schools. It is evaluated according to the “pass” / “fail” system.

In contact with -

As you know, the USE combines the functions of final exams from school and entrance exams to universities. Compulsory subjects - those without passing which the graduate will not receive a certificate of secondary education. Their set is the same in all regions of Russia, with the exception of Crimea - there 2018 graduates take the exam only at their own request.

In 2018, as in previous years, there are only two such compulsory subjects:

  • Russian language (one version of the exam for everyone, without division into levels);

  • mathematics (basic or profile level at the choice of the graduate).

In addition, for admission to the exam, students must write a final essay - it is massive in December and is assessed for "pass" or "fail". Eleventh-graders who missed an essay for a good reason or failed to get credit will have the opportunity to write it on reserve days during the school year.

The number of points required for the mandatory exam to be considered successfully passed is small - and the vast majority of graduates successfully cope with the tests. Those who need to take rather complicated mathematics at a specialized level for admission often “insure themselves” and additionally write a basic level exam (these exams are held on different days, and the student has the right to choose both options at once). Writing a “base” for a triple is not difficult - therefore, if profile mathematics cannot be written at the proper level, a certificate will still be issued.

Are changes to the list of mandatory USE possible?

In recent years, the leaders of the Ministry of Education have periodically voiced their intention to expand the list of exams required to obtain a certificate. From time to time, representatives of various public organizations take the initiative to supplement the list with one or another subject - from geography to technology. The motive is usually the same - this knowledge is necessary for every educated person, and it is necessary to force schoolchildren to study not only those subjects that are required for admission to the chosen specialty, but also everyone else. All these statements are confusing and make schoolchildren nervous - whether it turns out 2 months before the exams that all graduates are required to take physics or, for example, literature.

However, 2018 graduates may not fear sudden changes. While Russia's Education Minister Olga Vasilyeva has advocated expanding the set of mandatory USEs, she also insists that changes should be gradual, without "sudden movements." And in accordance with the plans announced by the ministry, new subjects will become mandatory no earlier than 2020. It is then that the history exam may become mandatory. From 2022, the list may also be replenished with a foreign language exam.

In recent years, any significant changes in the USE are first tested, the results are analyzed, and so on - therefore, innovations in any case will be preceded by lengthy preparation, the course of which will be announced by officials. Moreover, no one is interested in leaving schoolchildren en masse without certificates (and it is obvious that in the event of a sudden introduction of a new compulsory subject with unadapted CIMs, not everyone will be able to cross the threshold).

How many exams of choice should be taken in 2018

The mandatory minimum of the Unified State Examination, which must be passed to graduate from school, is only Russian and mathematics. The number of exams that a student takes in addition depends only on his desire and further life plans, there are no rules from the series “at least two elective subjects” exist.

If a graduate does not plan to enter a university this year, he can limit himself to compulsory subjects only. If he is going to apply to several universities that require a different set of subjects, he has every right to pass tests at least in all subjects included in the USE list.

As a rule, 11th-graders who pass mathematics only at the basic level (it is assessed on a five-point scale and the results of this exam are not accepted by universities as entrance exams) choose at least two additional exams. After all, usually (if there are no entrance creative or professional tests at the university), you need to present the results of three exams for admission.

Applicants to technical specialties and passing the profile mathematics as a mandatory exam can often get by with just one elective exam. A common strategy is to include an additional subject “just in case” in the list of selected exams. In this case, one failure in passing one of the elective subjects does not cross out the opportunity to continue education in the same year.

An important point: passing the exam of choice is voluntary. And this means that the graduate has every right not to appear for the exam if, for any reason, he changed his mind about taking it. And this will not affect his certificate in any way. But to supplement the list of selected exams after the submission of applications has officially been completed is almost impossible. Registration usually lasts until the end of January, and by this time not all eleventh graders have decided on the list of educational institutions to which they will apply. In this case, it’s better to sign up for the exam “with a margin” - it’s better than finding out at the last moment that the exam needed at the “dream university” was not on the list.

Are you a graduate of previous years and want to pass the exam? Especially for you, we have compiled step-by-step instructions. Read and memorize.

In this article:

Submit an application to the registration office of the exam

This must be done by February 1st. Later, you will be able to apply only if you have a valid reason, which will be documented, but no later than two weeks before the start of the exams. The decision in this case is made by the State Examination Commission (SEC).

At this stage, you need to decide on the period for passing the exams and the subjects that you will take.

Be careful with the list of items to indicate in the application. You can change your choice after February 1, but only if there are good reasons, documented. If in doubt, it is better to indicate several items.

Where to find USE registration points

Addresses of registration points and application forms with samples can be found on the website of the local department of education. You have the right to choose any region for passing the exam, regardless of your place of residence.

A complete list of registration points and phone numbers of the "hot line" on the issues of the exam can be found here:

Where to call to apply for the exam to a graduate of previous years?

If you are going to take the exam after graduation, then you will have to contact the local executive authority and apply for the exam as a graduate of previous years.


What documents are needed to register for the exam

You need to provide:

  • passport;
  • SNILS certificate (if available);
  • consent to the processing of personal data;
  • school certificate or diploma of graduation from a technical school or college;
  • a certificate from a secondary professional institution, if you are still continuing your studies;
  • a document from a medical institution if you have health restrictions (a certificate or a certified copy of disability, a copy of the recommendations of the psychological, medical and pedagogical commission).

At some locations, you may be asked for additional copies of these documents, so it's best to make them in advance.

Get notified

To do this, you need to arrive at the time specified by the registration point. Usually no later than two weeks before the start of the exam. The notice will include the dates and addresses of Exam Sites (ETs) and your unique registration number. Notification is issued only after the presentation of the passport.

Registration for the exam begins in November, so you need to prepare for it in advance

Come to the exam

Admission to the PES is carried out strictly according to the passport. For graduates of previous years, there are no other options. If you have forgotten your identity document, you will not be allowed to enter.

Exams in all subjects begin at 10:00 local time. We recommend arriving 45 minutes before the start. Calculate the time in advance. If you are late, you will miss the briefing. You will have less time to complete tasks.

Read also:

USE Score Transfer Scale 2020 - Admissions Navigator


Listen carefully to all the introductory information from the organizers of the exam, ask questions if something is not clear.

If you missed the exam for a good reason, submit a supporting document to the SEC. After consideration, you may be given a reserve day for delivery.

What to bring to the exam

According to the rules for conducting the exam in PES, you must take:

  • passport;
  • black gel pen
  • permitted aids depending on the subject: physics - a ruler and a non-programmable calculator; mathematics - ruler; geography - protractor, non-programmable calculator and ruler; chemistry - non-programmable calculator;
  • medicines and nutrition (if necessary);
  • special technical means if you have a disability or limited physical abilities.
  • certificate confirming the diagnosis or disability.

All other personal items are not allowed to be taken with you. They can be left in specially designated places.

For extra items on the table can be kicked out of the PES

Find out your results

Each region independently establishes the timing and methods of notification of the results of the exam. However, the timing of verification and processing of the results should not be longer than the schedule approved by Rosobrnadzor. For example: verification and processing of the results of the exam in mathematics and the Russian language must be completed no later than six days after the date of delivery. For other subjects - in four days.

You can find out your results at the local educational authorities (on the website or a special stand) or at the points where you registered. You can also use a special service where you need to enter your registration number (indicated on the coupon that you need to keep) or your passport number.

Certificate is not issued. All results are entered into an electronic database. Their validity period is 4 years (the year of delivery is not considered). If you do not agree with the scores, then within two working days from the date of the official publication of the results, you have the right to file a written appeal at the place of registration of the exam. You can retake the exams only next year.

What to do if I passed the exam worse than last time

If there are several USE results that have not expired, it is indicated which USE results and in which general education subjects should be used. So take a deep breath and calm down.

Thus, we have described the main algorithm of actions when passing the exam. Prepare for exams, take tests and enter the best universities in the country.