
How to dry your phone - tips and tricks. How to dry your phone from water: step by step instructions How best to dry your phone

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Falling into water can be a serious threat to the life of your mobile phone, so it is important to know how to resuscitate it, such as drying the phone with rice.

This process consists of a number of stages, the sequential implementation of which will increase the chances of restoring the working condition of your mobile phone.

First steps before drying

  • First you need to remove the battery from the phone to avoid a short circuit. After that, remove the SIM card and wipe the body of the device dry with paper towels.
  • Try as much as possible to remove the water that got inside the phone. To do this, gently shake it and wipe it with napkins.
  • To make this process easier, try to use a screwdriver to remove as many parts from the phone as possible. This way you can blot them with a tissue and remove more moisture.
  • Remember to periodically shake your phone and remove moisture with dry wipes.
  • You can also use a vacuum cleaner to remove more moisture. It will draw out the water that you could not extract by shaking the device.

Drying process

When you have removed most of the water that got into the phone, you can begin to draw out the moisture.

In general, any material that absorbs and draws moisture well is suitable for this procedure. For example, rice can be replaced with silicone balls, a bag of which is placed in a box with shoes in stores. However, rice will be more effective.

  1. Pour the rice into a plastic container with an airtight lid or a plastic bag.
  2. Put your phone in a bowl of rice and leave it overnight in a warm place.
  3. The rice will draw any remaining moisture out of the phone, greatly increasing the chances that your phone will still work.
  4. It is very important that the rice is dry, otherwise it will not be able to absorb excess moisture.
  5. If after this procedure your phone does not work, try contacting a service center.
Keep in mind that phones have indicators that change color when exposed to moisture. Therefore, do not try to lie about the reason for the breakdown of the device, as the service center employees will easily recognize your lies.

We certainly hope you're wondering how to dry your phone when you accidentally spilled some tea on it, but let's be honest: you've probably washed it in the washing machine or dropped it in a body of water. Does this mean that now you have to buy a new one? Not always, but we warn you right away: the successful rescue of a phone that has been in the water depends almost as much on luck as on your operational actions, but it’s still worth trying to revive the gadget.

Rescue Guide

They say that if you quickly get the device out of the water, then the chances of drying it out are much greater, but just one drop that gets into your touch phone can cause a short circuit or corrosion of the circuits, which will negate the entire rescue operation. Therefore, it does not matter if the gadget fell into a puddle for a couple of seconds or you washed it in the washing machine: we recommend that you follow these instructions in any case.

Turn off your phone

If your sensory friend is still in working condition after bathing, this does not mean that you can do nothing, because it will most likely not take long to rejoice. Unplug your phone and don't turn it back on until you've dried it thoroughly, which won't happen until the next day.

Wipe the gadget with paper towels or napkins

By starting to disassemble your phone with too much water in it, you run the risk of allowing it to go where it hasn't gotten to during your time in the washing machine. Carry out the initial drying with any material that absorbs moisture well: cleaning wipes, paper or waffle towels, or even toilet paper - at this stage, everything that is at hand will do.

Clean up and disassemble your phone if possible

  • No, you don't need to remove the chips yet. To get started, simply remove the protective film from the touch screen, if you are using one, and remove the case.
  • Now you need to remove the battery: this will help to dry it thoroughly at least. If the circuits are not affected by water, then the phone will turn on or not, will greatly depend on its safety.
  • Oh, and don't forget the SIM card. True, they usually survive the water test without any special consequences, but still you should not risk unduplicated numbers and other important information.

Perhaps at this stage you have already realized how painstaking the process will be, and you want to return or repair the phone under warranty, saying that it just stopped working. But most modern touchscreen phones have a sensor that allows you to determine whether water has entered the gadget or not. Do you see a light circle or square near the battery? It is he. If the color of the sensor is white, then the water did not have time to wet it, but if it is pink, then you will have to dry your favorite device for a long time and thoroughly.

Secondary (advanced) drying

Now that the phone is disassembled, it's time to dry it thoroughly. We suggest choosing the method that suits you best, but the best option is to use all of these methods in turn.

  • Try to dry the device with a vacuum cleaner: just point it at the phone in the usual dust suction mode. Yes, it will take a long time to dry, but this method is quite gentle if you do not bring the vacuum cleaner too close to the details.
  • The fan will also help dry the parts a little faster if you place the device near it.
  • You can also dry a phone that has fallen into water by placing it near a heater or battery. Most importantly, do not place it close to a heat source.
  • Excess moisture is perfectly absorbed by rice or silicone balls, like those that are put in shoe boxes. But it takes a whole bowl to fill the entire phone, so start with rice.

When, then the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bdrying with a hairdryer comes to mind almost the first. So, you should not do this: the hair dryer blows the drops inside with a powerful stream of air, and even such warm air for the phone is not harmless. Also, you can not dry the gadget in the microwave or oven: the explanation here is limited to common sense and the threat of an explosion.

Phone won't turn on...

Have you followed our instructions, but your touch phone has not shown any signs of life? Well, it's either a bad chip or a recessed battery. You can check the battery on another phone of your model, and if it is the battery that is faulty, buy a new one. Microchips are more difficult. Yes, you can completely disassemble the phone, try to find corrosion on the boards and clean it off, but still it’s quite difficult to do this without some experience and knowledge. In this case, you will either have to trust the professionals, or treat yourself to a new purchase!

Rescuing your phone after taking it out of the washing machine is entirely possible, but don't be discouraged if none of our methods worked. Material wealth is not the most important thing in life, but now you will surely learn a lesson and become more accurate and attentive.

Do you know how to dry and keep your wet smartphone safe from complete soaking? Perhaps some of you will say - by putting it in a box filled with rice. And they are right. This helps, but there are more effective means that are not bad to use when it comes to neutralizing the consequences of such incidents, writes the British newspaper Daily Mail.
Crystal cat litter, available at any specialty store or pet section, is best at sucking moisture out of mobile devices, experts say. It contains special crystals that absorb moisture from the air and can save a wet phone if you keep it in a closed box with this content for as long as possible.
See the exact steps to follow if you need to dry your phone: open the device and shake it well. Dry it properly with a not too hot household hair dryer and then close it in a box of cat bedding. The ideal length of stay is three days.
The phone fell into the water: what to do

We do not let go of our phones, we are almost rooted to them. If you are especially lucky, you must have experienced such a misfortune as the “drowning” of the phone. What should I do if my phone falls into water? We know that! The phone fell into water: action plan
The first thing to do is to think faster and not waste precious time. Otherwise, you can lose the gadget. With lightning speed, you should remove the phone from the water, because the longer it is in it, the more serious the damage can be.
Turn off the device to avoid short circuit.
Dry your phone with paper towels or a soft cloth.
Remove the case and other accessories.
Remove the battery. Circuits can survive if they are not connected to a power source.
Take out the SIM card. Perhaps her rescue will be a priority for you, because there, as a rule, all contacts are stored. The SIM card must also be wiped dry and put in a ventilated place.
You need to remove all peripheral devices from the phone, such as headphones, memory cards, etc., that is, everything that blocks slots and gaps.
It is essential that a soft, highly absorbent fabric be used. One drop left inside the phone can destroy circuits and corrode them. Paper and lint towels should be used with caution, because their particles clog into the phone device.
These are urgent measures to save the phone. But there is a set of original ways that will help if the phone falls into the water.

Alternative ways to save your phone

Take alcohol and wipe the phone with it - it increases the rate of water evaporation.
Surprisingly, a vacuum cleaner can help you. It blows moisture out of the devices. Dry each part for 20 minutes. This is the fastest way to dry your phone. But if the phone has been in the water for a long time, this method may not work. And one more thing: do not bring the phone closer to the hose of the vacuum cleaner, static electricity may arise between them, which negatively affects the phone.
Good old rice will help to evaporate the moisture from the phone. Yes. you heard right, put the device overnight in a bag of uncooked rice, it will absorb moisture. It's better if you put your phone in a sealed bag with rice.
Silicone gel also belongs to miraculous remedies in this situation. The one you put in shoe boxes. It is desirable that it be fresh. You can also leave your phone with this dehumidifier overnight.
While drying, periodically turn the phone upside down so that moisture can flow out of the holes and crevices.
Find a warm place for your phone, but not in direct sunlight. This is important for drying holes.
If you decide not to contrive with folk remedies, still put the phone on absorbent napkins or towels. This will help dry the device as much as possible.
When moisture evaporates using rice, gel, or any other absorbent material, you should check the phone every hour for 5-6 hours, as you need to wipe the moisture formed on the surface. You can blow it out again with a vacuum cleaner.

It will be possible to understand whether you saved your phone somewhere in a day. It must be absolutely dry in appearance. All holes, slots and ports should also be carefully checked. If everything suits you, insert the power supply and turn it on. When turned on, strange noises and sounds may occur. This is an alarm signal, perhaps the device is still not working.

The phone may appear dry but will not turn on. There is a chance that he just ran out of battery. Analyze the health of the battery - it may be better to replace it. If the phone still does not turn on, run to the specialists: diagnostics and repairs are needed here.
After restoring your phone, buy a new waterproof case. The stores sell a set to rescue mobile phones, you can buy it and sleep peacefully.
If you have acquaintances who are connected with educational equipment, then you can borrow a vacuum chamber from them. It evaporates moisture even at room temperature. Take the phone on a flight if you have such a trip - the air in the cabin is dry. Since the phone is not covered by the warranty if it falls into water, you can take it apart and dry it yourself, just buy a set of suitable tools for this.
What not to do need
Do not dry your phone with a hair dryer. Ironically, it blows moisture back into the device. In addition, too warm air can melt the parts inside the phone.
Do not vacuum a wet phone, you may be electrocuted.
Do not dry your phone in the microwave.
Never heat the battery as it may leak or even explode. Always remove it from the device.
Moisture can sit deep in parts and circuits, so disassemble the phone as much as possible.
If you decide to treat your phone with alcohol, it is better to do it outdoors. It will dry out faster and draw out the moisture.
You should not dry a phone that has been in salty sea water until it has been perfectly rinsed with clean water. Otherwise, salt crystals may corrode the battery.
Do not turn on the phone until it is completely dry!
Most cell phones are equipped with a water damage indicator. This allows you to determine the nature of the breakdown, whether the phone really suffered from water, because other cases are covered by warranty, except for damage from moisture.
Now you can not be afraid that the phone fell into the water. We have prepared you as much as possible for this possible disaster and we are sure that you will not let you down!
What should I do if my phone falls into water? What can't be done?

An unforeseen situation may happen to you or your friends when the phone got wet, for example, you got caught in the pouring rain or the phone fell into the water.
Modern flagships are protected from moisture and even getting wet, but this still does not guarantee the safety of a smartphone that has fallen into the water. So what can and cannot be done with a smartphone that has fallen into the water?

What should be done?

1. If the smartphone was turned on at the time of getting wet, should turn it off. This is necessary so as not to disable the still dry components.

2. Place your smartphone in a horizontal position to avoid deep penetration of water into the phone.
3. Remove SD and SIM cards to keep their performance and information on them.

4. Put the smartphone in a mug where rice was previously poured. This will help absorb moisture and help dry the wet parts.

5. Turn on the smartphone, connect it to the charger if it was discharged.

6. If you doubt that the phone is intact, take it to the Service Center.

What NOT to do?

Based on the above:
1. Do not turn on the phone after it gets wet, it is fraught with damage
2. Do not shake, twist or hit the gadget. Otherwise, the water will penetrate deeper.

3. Do not disassemble the phone to dry it with a hair dryer.

4. Do not blow through speakers and microphone. It is likely that by such actions you will drive the water further.

There are a lot of situations when our smartphone can meet with water. You can get caught in a heavy downpour, knock over a cup of drink on a nearby smartphone, or even drop your phone into the water while taking a hot bath. Recently, smartphone manufacturers have been trying to introduce water protection into their devices. However, the percentage of such devices is still very small, so our article will be relevant for a long time.

We will talk about what not to do if your smartphone gets wet, as well as several ways to fix the current situation.

1. Pull the smartphone out of the water, turn off and disassemble

As we were taught in the lessons of life safety, the first thing to do is get rid of the source of danger. In our case, we immediately take the device out of the water and turn it off. The smartphone has both slots and headphone / charging connectors, through which water will instantly reach the insides and can cause a short circuit. After you take out the phone, you need to wipe it with a dry towel, and also pull out the battery. So you completely de-energize the device and reduce the likelihood of a short circuit to zero. Together with the battery, we advise you to pull out the SIM card and memory card.


Do not turn on the smartphone until you complete all the steps in the instructions.

2. Wipe well all parts of the device

After you take out the device, you need to thoroughly wipe it with a dry towel to get rid of all visible moisture. Do not use regular napkins or paper towels. It's no secret that paper napkins not only absorb moisture very well, but also quickly soak, breaking up into small fibers. These lint will get stuck in the holes and crevices of the device and will only make things worse.

Take a rag or cloth towel and wipe the device dry both outside and inside, if water still got there. Do not leave a single drop on the surface, because any little thing can cause corrosion and lead the device to inoperability.

3. Hair dryer or vacuum cleaner?

For most people whose phone has fallen under water, the following situation occurs. They successfully fulfill the first two points of our article, but then they start looking for additional solutions, what else can be done for a wet device. The most popular options are hair dryers and vacuum cleaners.

REMEMBER! Never use a hair dryer to dry your phone. Contrary to the idea that hot air will quickly dry out all the moisture, you need to understand: the air flow will not only drive the water even deeper, but can also melt some details.

You can use a vacuum cleaner to speed up the drying process. During drying, do not hold the hose too close to the smartphone, carry out the procedure for 7-10 minutes.

4. Put the phone in the sun in a box of absorbent or rice

Finally, when all the main steps are completed, you can proceed to the longest stage. The disassembled phone (we pulled out the battery, SIM card, USB flash drive) should be placed in a container with an absorbent. You have probably seen bags with such a substance in shoe boxes.

You can purchase such a substance in the store in advance, in case of such an unforeseen situation. But, if the water intrusion caught you by surprise, regular rice can be a good “homemade substitute”. Put the device in the substance for a day and periodically turn it over, allowing water to flow out of all the cracks. Only after a day, making sure that all the water is gone from the phone, you can try to start it.

If the device does not work, feel free to go to the service center.

5. What not to do

Finally, we want to list what absolutely cannot be done if your phone fell into the water

  • You can't turn on the device right away. You can turn on the phone only after complete drying, when you have waited a sufficient amount of time for all the moisture to come out of the device. Naturally, in a “wet” state, the device is strictly forbidden to be connected to a power source (put on charge or connected to a computer).
  • Do not disassemble the device into parts. Most likely you are not an expert, and by disassembling the smartphone into parts (more than pulling out the battery), you will only make it worse. The water will go even deeper, and you will break something.

All the best. Take care of yourself and your phones 🙂

A few centuries ago, when there were no mobile phones, we did not suffer from such a problem as a stationary telephone set getting wet. However, time goes by, technology does not stand still, and today almost every inhabitant of the planet has a mobile phone. We show up with a cell phone everywhere - on the street, in the pool, on the beach and even in the toilet. And it is not surprising if, in this mode, he accidentally falls into the toilet, a puddle, if a glass of water is spilled on him, or he is completely washed in the washing machine.

Many people think that getting a cell phone into water is equivalent to its complete failure. But it's not. If the phone fell into the water, it can still be saved. In this situation, it is very important to act quickly.

What to do if the phone fell into the water

  1. As soon as the phone gets into the water, water instantly gets inside through the headphone ports, charging ports and other openings. Therefore, the very first thing to do is to pull the device out of the water. If the cell phone fell into the toilet, you should not hesitate and waste time looking for rubber gloves. You can wash your hands later. The possibility of saving the phone depends on the time of your reaction.
  2. After that, the phone must be turned off immediately. If it does not turn off with the button, just remove the battery. Do not try to check the operation of the device in any case and do not turn it on when wet. This can lead to a short circuit of contacts and the phone will simply burn out.
  3. After turning off the device, try to disassemble it as much as possible. At a minimum, you can remove the battery, memory card and SIM card, remove the back cover. If the phone is not touch-sensitive, but of older models, you can disassemble the device completely, remove the rubber buttons. The touch phone can also be disassembled, but for this you need a special small screwdriver. In general, remove everything that can be removed, but be careful not to tear or break some thin parts. If you completely disassemble the device, do not forget what was removed and in what sequence. It is better to take a few photos in the process of parsing the phone.
  4. After that, take paper towels or dry wipes. Thoroughly wipe every part of the phone. Try to get hard-to-reach places with flagella folded from napkins. Never wrap the tip of a pencil or pen in a tissue to get moisture stuck in the corner. This is not safe for small parts of the phone, and it will not bring much benefit.
  5. After thoroughly wiping and drying all parts of the device with dry wipes, leave the phone for several days. Remember that the phone should not be turned on until it is completely dry. And this may take more than one day.

If you want to speed up the process of drying your phone, you can do it using the following methods.

In order for the phone to dry quickly and come to its senses, it must be placed in an absorbent composition.

  1. Rice. This is the most popular cereal, which quickly absorbs excess moisture. Take a bowl of dry rice and place your phone in it. Completely bury the case itself, the battery and other parts in rice. Leave overnight. In the morning, the phone will be completely dry, and the moisture will remain in the rice. Rice dust can be wiped with a cloth or vacuumed.
  2. Cat litter. If there is a cat in the house, then there will be no problems with drying the phone. Put the device and its parts in a clean filler, and it will draw excess moisture out of the phone in a few hours.
  3. Silicogel. Surely you have found silicone balls in the box with new shoes, which are placed there specifically to absorb excess moisture. Place the phone in the silica gel container so that the balls completely cover the device. This is a quick and safe way to dry the appliance.

Did the phone get wet

In order to check if the phone got wet and if its components were damaged, refer to the operating instructions for the device. Most modern models have a special indicator that changes color when wet. If in its normal state it is a white square or circle, then in a wet state it is a pinkish speck. It is usually located under the battery in the corner near the charging hole.

If the phone was charging when wet, unfortunately, most likely it will not be possible to save it. The fact is that during charging, most of the indoor units are activated, which immediately burn out when wet. When removing the phone and charger from the mains, be careful - water is an excellent conductor of electricity. It may be advisable to disconnect the apartment from the power supply and only then carry out all the manipulations.

Can I dry my phone with a hair dryer or vacuum cleaner

Among the tips for drying a phone that has fallen into water, you can find confident recommendations to dry the device with a hair dryer. However, you should not do this, even if you are going to dry the device with a cold stream of air. The fact is that the hair dryer blows out air and, under the influence of a strong jet, moisture sits even deeper in the small parts of the device.

If you want to use household appliances, use a vacuum cleaner. Put a nozzle with a narrow spout on the pipe and bring it to all the cracks and hard-to-reach places. The vacuum cleaner will carefully draw out all the excess moisture and dry the device.

If you dropped your phone not in water, but in juice, sweet tea or salt water, you do not need to rush to rinse the device under a stream of clean water. It is necessary to dry the cell phone according to the previous recommendations, and then wipe all parts of the phone with wet wipes.

After the phone falls into the water, do not rush to run for a new device. A wet phone can be revived. If after thorough drying the phone does not turn on, take it to the master. And so that next time such an incident does not happen again, be more careful. Indeed, sometimes, in addition to an expensive device, you can lose photos and video frames of dear and beloved people.

Video: how to dry your phone