
Mats on Korean. Korean obscene words


He told us how to properly use the Intective Korean vocabulary in writing. We did not know that our Far Eastern brothers swear so prickly!

Invitive vocabulary is a linguistic phenomenon inherent in all languages. However, for a long time, scientists did not consider it as a facility of a serious philological research.

The process of democratization of society entailed changes, affected all spheres of public life: politics, economy, culture, which was accompanied by a change in public consciousness, revising the rules adopted and stereotypes of behavior. All this could not not find its reflection in the language. The use of an incompening vocabulary has become free not only in the conversational discourse, but also in the media and in the artistic literature, striving to get close to the real language of household verbal communications.

Science responded to these processes with a sharp increase in interest in the incompening vocabulary, separate articles and monographs appeared on studying it. Modern linguists give different designations of this category of language units: "Salad", "taboo", "reduced", "non-print" vocabulary. In this article, we will use the term "Intective Vocabulary", since it most accurately reveals this concept.

Invitive vocabulary is a cumulative linguistic phenomenon that chooses any lexical units of the national language and speech, which implements or change their semantics in negative (conflict) sociocultural communication.

Invoice vocabulary is multifunctional and serves, first of all, a means of representing negative (aggressive, conflict) intentions and emotions of communication participants. In the communicative process, it activates manifestations of verbal aggression, devalorization, violence, reducing the status of the addressee, the manipulation of the consciousness and behavior of the communicants.

In the Korean language picture of the world, an incompening vocabulary plays an important role, however, this phenomenon is practically not investigated in Korean linguistics. The complexity in the study of this language phenomenon is, first of all, in the "moral component" of representatives of Korean culture.

The Korean Society is based on the principles of Confucianism, according to which people from generation into generation brought up in the spirit of the supersaturated traditions. Such traditions include strict observance of the rules of interpersonal relations in society, which are determined by social status, the ratio of ages, floors, degree of proximity and the situation of communication. Westing the elders, a complex Horing system, strict its observance in speech are essential components of the Korean language. However, the end of the last century has become for many crops time of change. The emergence of various subcultures, large-scale changes in politics, economics and culture introduced radical changes in the language. People began to freely express their thoughts, emotions, resulting in a new (updated) language. Therefore, science is obliged to draw his attention to such a phenomenon as "non-normative" speech.

Invoice vocabulary is a full part of the Korean language, but it is necessary to use it in writing speech extremely cautiously, which cannot be said about orally, where socialized forms have a place to be. When studying this phenomenon in Korean, attention should be paid to Korean cinema, which is abounding with an abnormative vocabulary. At the same time, the rapid use of such a vocabulary, in our opinion, threatens its special status and exceptional emotional expressiveness, which is impoverished.
Koreans allocate the following structure of Korean Intective vocabulary:

1) "Noun A + noun in"

Example: 개 + 자식 병신 + 세끼 [Ke + Chasic Pongyin + Seques] "Crazy"
Most often used when there is any social ban or to the object want to express hatred.

2) "Noun A + verb actions / verb of quality + noun"

Example: 좆 + 만 한 + 놈 [Chot + Manhan + Mr.] "bastard"
Most often used to describe the characteristics of the object, in relation to which they want to express a negative assessment.

In Korean, you can allocate the following discharges of Intective vocabulary:

1) words with a pronounced negative color, constituting the main meaning of their use: 개세 끼 [Keesca], \u200b\u200b개자식 [Kajasik], 병태 [PonhThe] "Pervert" (borrowing from Chinese); 싸이코 [SSAIKHO] "MANYYACK-VLEAR" (Borrowing from English), 창녀, 절개 를 를 사람 [Chhanno, Cholkherryl Phann Sarah] "Man selling loyalty" (typical for book style).

2) the names of professions used in the portable meaning: 십장 [Sipdjan] "supervisioner" (used since the time of Japanese intervention); 짭새 [Cheapse] and a more coarse option 씨방새 [Ссянасесе] "CENT / Garbage".

3) zoosemantic metaphors that send to the names of animals: 건반진 놈 [Conduzhin Nome] "petty beam"; 씹새끼 [SIPSEGI] "Sukina Children."

4) verbs with "condemning" semantics or even with a direct negative assessment: 죽인다 [Chugint] "Ditch" (used in a conversation between men in relation to the girl).

5) Okkazional (specially created) punctures, aimed at humiliation or insulting the addressee: 족발 색 끼 [Chokbal Schuckle] "I ....... and", 짱게 [Chechanka] "K ....... s" .

Today, the Korean language is gaining great popularity, so many travelers want to know the main Korean words and phrases that will use them in communicating with people. You need to visit South Korea at least once in my life, because there is really very beautiful and comfortable. In this article we collected for you the main phrases in Korean with translation and transcription, which will be useful to you during tourism.

Greetings in Korean

To make a pleasant impression, it is necessary to properly greet the Koreans. In Korean culture, age hierarchy and politeness plays a big role. Be decent and polite, so you can show yourself from the best side. Here are some of the necessary phrases and words that will help you greet other residents of the country:

  • Hey! - Annong Ha-Sea - 안녕 하세요!
  • I am glad to meet (applied at the first meeting) - Childly Pep Chessem-Ni-yes - 처음 뵙겠습니다
  • Good day! - Annong'hatnikovka! - 안녕 하십니까!
  • Glad to meet - Mann-from Pan-Ga-Wo - 만나서 반가워 요
  • Good night - Cal Jaya - 잘 자 요.
  • Goodbye (happy path) - Annong Hee Ka-Sip-Sio - 안녕히 가십시오
  • How are you? - Chal Jinezoo? - 잘 지냈어 요?
  • So far - Annong - 안녕
  • My name is ___. - Chonn ___ IEE / her - 저 는 ___ 이에요 / 에요.
  • How are you? - The outflow of the jinechik? - 어떻게 지내십니까?
  • Happily - cal ka - 잘 가
  • Nice to meet you. - Manno Pangauyo - 만나서 반가워 요.

Korean Words for Hotels

If you wish to order in South Korea number, then you will help you phrases for a conversation with room staff:

  • I want to order a room. - Nag Puyuhaya - 내 가 보유 해야.
  • What is the cost of a single / double room? - Khan Sarah / TU Sarandan 'Bang'gi Olmimine? - 한 사람 / 두 사람당 방이 얼마 입니까?
  • I would like to book a hotel room. - Naga Yayakhago Shpundaye. - 내 가 예약 하고 싶은데 요.
  • Who's there? - Nugusiao? ..
  • I wish the room with the bathroom. - Magnaya Ban '- 목욕 과 방.
  • Sign in - Osayio's hole ..
  • Can I look first number? - Bang'gyl Montjo Budeo Due Ghesings? - 방 을 먼저 봐도 되겠습니까?
  • Wait a minute - Chambkan-Man Cadcro Chusaio.
  • Bring ... - ... Katta Chusaio.
  • Wake me up in (6) in the morning. - Naile Achim (Yostot) Si-e Cavo Chusaio.
  • Well, I take this number. - Chosymnide, Kygosiro Hagessmnid. - 좋습니다, 그것 으로 하겠습니다.
  • Bring me boiling water - Masinun Tykcooon Muryl Katta Chusaio.
  • Bring me ice and water - Ory Gva Mes Cutt Chusaio.
  • Do you have rooms available? - Bin Ban Ismodnik?
  • I wish to pay the bill. - Gya Pliah Zhipulhagochahannn - 그 법안 에 지불 하는.
  • Please remove my number. - Ban Chunso Zhom Hachussey.
  • I will stay in the room for another night. - Haru to Mukgo Sipsymnid.

Important Korean words during communication

  • Many thanks. - Tadani Camshamnida. - 대단히 감사 합니다.
  • I do not understand. - at Muregsymnid. - 나 몰 에개습니다.
  • Thanks for the help. - Kamashhamnida Product. - 도와서 감사 합니다.
  • Do you speak Russian? - Roshcho Marao? - 러시어 말아 요?
  • Do not mention it. - Chhomanelo. - 천 만 에요.
  • Come together. - Kacchi capsid. - 같이 갑시다.
  • Please (when you ask for). - Chabal - 제발.
  • Please (when you are responsible for gratitude). - Kuenchanyo - 괸자나 요
  • I'm from Russia. - Rosiaso Vasso. - 러시아 에서 왔어 요.
  • Heat. - Nalsig Tattythelo. - 날씨 가 따뜻해 요.
  • Hot. - Nalsig Towo. - 날씨 가 더워 요.
  • Cold. - Nalsig Chhuvoo. - 날씨 가 추워 요.
  • It's raining. - Piga Wao. - 비 가 와 요.
  • Snowing. - Nui Wao. - 눈이 와 요.
  • Thank you. - Camachamnida - 감사 합니다.
  • Thank you. - Kumapsymnida - 고맙습니다.
  • What does this word mean? - And T Plyonn Musane Ttyysyo? - 이 단어는 무슨 뜻이에요?
  • Yes. - NE - 네.
  • Yeah. - E - 에.
  • Not. - Ania - 아니요.
  • I wish to buy shoes. - Curville Sago Sipho. - 구두 를 사고 싶어 요.
  • Sorry. - Chueseison'hamnida - 죄송합니다.
  • Where is the restroom? - Plugaanchiri Vietinte? - 화장실 이 어디 에는데?
  • How much does it cost? - Cape Olmaye? - 값 이 얼마 예요?
  • It is very expensive. Pissary. - 너무 비싸요.
  • I have something hurts. - on apay - 나 아파 요.
  • What do you do? - Chigobi Moouusimine? - 직업 이 무엇 입니까?
  • Russia - Rosia - 러시아
  • Moscow - Moskhyba - 모스크바
  • Now. - Chigym - 지금.

Currency exchange

  • Where can I exchange currency? - HVANCHONSO SERION?
  • Which time do banks work here? - Is Jun Macy-Kcadi Khamnik?
  • Exchange for dollars - Talla Roble Pakko Chusayio
  • Exchange rate - Koshuzhn-Yul
  • Signature - Sain
  • Covera - Chip.
  • Coin - Kongwa

Hike in the store

There are many popular stores in South Korea, which sell beautiful and luxurious things. To safely buy in local stores, we recommend that you learn the following phrases and words:

  • Where are they selling ...? - ... Panyyn Gosyn Odam Imnich?
  • Show me ... - ... Singo Chusaio.
  • Is there something bigger (smaller)? - Chomdo Khyn (Chagyin) Gosi Useumnik?
  • I'm just watching. - Kugen-Hago Medumnida.
  • Expensive. - Pissan - 비싼.
  • Cheap. - SSAN - 싼.
  • I want to see another. - Daryn-go sowing Chusseio.
  • Is there something cheaper? - Chomdo Svan-Gosi Useumnik?
  • I want to buy ... - ... Sago Sipoyo.
  • Well, I'll take it. - Chosymnide, Sagessmnid - 좋습니다, 사겠습니다.
  • I do not like this color. - and SEK (Tapa) Sirao.
  • Can I see? - MONCHO FADO TVMnik?
  • When do you close? - Onje Thadsychnikka? - 언제 닫습니까?


  • Before dinner, I wish to drink. - Six Chong, Suryl Chusaio.
  • I want to order it. - Kygosil Moksasso.
  • This is please. - Gamel Chusaio.
  • I want a comprehensive lunch. - Cho-Nowan Chonsigyro Haghesmao.
  • Bring me the menu please. - Menao-Ryl Sauzyo Chusaio.
  • Is there an English menu? - Manyan Isubista?
  • Salt (pepper), please. - Sogum (whale) Chom Chusaio.
  • Bring me to water, please. - M. Chom Chusaio.
  • May I have bread, please. - Ban CHOM to Chusaio.
  • I have not yet brought my order. - Yeri ha Azhik Anvyio.
  • I will be the same. - Chohot-Gva Katyn Goslyl Chusaio.
  • For dessert, I want fruit. - Ditchhotu-Ro Quuty Chucheio.
  • I ordered (30 minutes) back. - (Samsippun) Choe Chumun Hessumnid.
  • It was very tasty. - Call Mogorsumnid.

... Of course, the list is not complete, Slang in Korean, as in any other, the fully presented below - who came to mind, which I hear in everyday speech most often.

대박: Exclamation of admiration, surprise or approval, in Russian, you can approximately translate as "Wow!", "Wow (including his obscene options)", "Super!", "Class!", "Fait!" And the etymology of the word, unfortunately, I do not know, none of my friends really could say to me, where did this word come from? Used, however, very often. Of course, mainly in the youth environment.

엄친아: An interesting word that is literally translated as "엄마 친구 의 아들" ("Son Mamina Girlfriend"). You can approximately translate into Russian as "approximate", "diligent", "Mamyenkin Son", "Example for imitation". The situation from which this word has grown, I think, is familiar with absolutely everyone: all moms in the world usually put in the example of their children of their children (sometimes fictional) friends who learn better, and earn more, and the groom / the bride has already found good, and the apartment we bought, and now they already wink ... My mom is also not an exception, I often hear "But remember Sasha (Seryos, Petya, Vasya, the name to substitute anyone), lived on the third floor. So, he lived on the third floor Such a good girl, the daughter of the director, bought an apartment, tomorrow they fly to Bali on vacation ... ". It is clear that I have no positive feelings for this hypothetical seinery.

진상 부리: "To do", "click", "arise", "stink." Usually they say about the client who swings the rights from scratch, with screams and mats in speech. I think you know, always and everywhere there are such people who do not like everything decisively, and which, not embarrassed in the lexical means of expressing their own thoughts, can arrange a scandal anywhere. The expression has a rather strong negative shade and expresses extremely dismissive and disrespectful attitude of the speaker to the object.

쩔다: The word, which was extremely popular a year ago, but now it is not so often used. Literally into Russian it is translated as "quashe", "plant", and by meaning it looks like Russian Slang-free "sausage", but much stronger in value. It can be used both in the value of extreme approval and admiration and the opposite, extreme disapproval and neglect (well, as well as the Russian "oh ... h" can express both the top of admiration and the top of irritation).

썸녀: Another neoplasm that can be translated as "a girl with whom the relationship is tied above ordinary friendly, but not yet becoming a" girl "in the romantic meaning of this word", "direction in which there is a potential for further development." It consists of two words: "썸" from English "Something" and "여" - "girl; female sex". Usually used as a teaser between the guys, when one of them is seen in too much pastime with some kind of girl.

어장 관리: literally "control the situation in the aquarium," Aquarium Management ". Usually they say about the guy (less often about the girl), whom they suspect in relations more than with one representative of the opposite sex. Usually they say a joke and emphasizes the popularity of a young man from the opposite sex, its visible employment and organizational abilities in relations with other people. Not to be confused with "양다리 걸치다" - it is already "to go to the left", "change", "simultaneously meet with two (or more) partners."

된장녀: "Fashion", "FIFA", "Tsatsa". Usually referred to disregard and / or joking. Saying wants to emphasize the fact that the girl about whom he says loves fashionable (and not always tasteful) will be drawn up, "to be frozen", to shape expensive perfumes (as a rule, with a fake), carry the bag "Louis Viton" in his hands (as The rule is also fake). The word "강남녀" (literally: "Girl with Cannama") has about similar importance, but there is a difference. If "Twenchzhanne" has a shade of expressing neglect to a person who wants to give himself for a rich, who is not really not, then "Cannamne" talks about a girl who loves to walk on expensive cafes and restaurants, dress in stylish clothes in Dear boutiques, and any other ways, demonstratively to emphasize the presence of funds from her such events. A typical "cannamne" can say something like "imagine, I go to" Guchi "after massage, and they ended with those pearl shoes, which I told you yesterday! What am I going to fly tomorrow at the Maldives ??.

멘붕: Abbreviated from "맨탈 붕괴" - "gap / removal of the brain". One of the few expressions to which there is accurate matching in Russian, with the same tint in the meaning! Initially appeared in the comedy show "개그 콘서트" and very quickly stuck "in the people."

훈남: A young man positive on all sides, an ideal candidate for the groom, from a good family, earns well, very pretty, raised and polite. The dream of any girl, in general.

흑기사: A person who drinks the penalty glass of alcohol instead of someone who should be of her drink initially. For example, in the game at the table, when the loser drinks, lost the girl, then her boyfriend can lead himself in Gentelmen and drink her glass instead of her.

을 / 갑: Another expression coming from "개그 콘서트". These words, as a rule, are indicated by the parties in the contract (any), which can be translated into Russian as "side A" and "side B", or "Customer" and "performer", etc. On Slanga, "을" denotes a subordinate, a person who, due to certain circumstances, has no rights and is forced to obey stronger and powerful, and, accordingly, "갑" - "boss", which can turn this "l" as he pleases .

치사 하다: "Low", "unworthy", "petty" (about soldering or actions). The word is so often used that even the Koreans themselves do not perceive it as Salng.

헐: In a conversational speech, the word came from the game "Angry Birds", and means exclamation, strong surprise from some completely unexpected fact or situation. Exclamation, which arose as if you were hit by the breath and had sharply air in the lungs (from strong surprise, for example), nevertheless, having a comic effect. I really love this word, it's so many emotions that I don't even know how to properly pass it into Russian.

웃프다: The combination of words "웃다" (laugh) and "슬프 다" (sad). Usually used in situations, about which in Russian it is customary to speak "and laughter, and sin", "I want to laugh and cry at the same time", "it would be very funny if it were not so sad", etc.

사진빨: "Photogamic", well-receptacled in photographs, although in real life at all any. Usually it is so fooling over a particular picture of a friend, or vice versa, they suggest unnecessary modesty when everyone around is taking some photo.

Korean language is known for its respect. However, despite all the ideas about this language, in it, as in any other, there is an obscene vocabulary. In the media, of course, the Korean obscene words are rarely used. Although it will not often meet it on the street, but the hot young people or raging adults will not be stamped and on it.

Such a vocabulary is divided into two types: 욕설 eksol(or abbreviated 욕 eK.), which means "swearing", and 상소리 sansori. - More rougher expressions or mat. Through though they are negative, but in conversations with friends are sometimes used and as a way to express emotions without intent to insult someone.

A few examples:

바보 (PABO) - Fool

어리 벙벙 ... (Ori Ponbonhan) - Fit ...

야비 한 (Yabikhanne) - Ham

지랄 (Chiral) - nonsense

꺼져 (Kkochezho) - Get out

미친 놈 (Michen) - Crazy Guy

미친년 (Michchinnong) - Crazy Girl

The mat, as in any country, is used in extremely irritably, since there is no such rude words to their address everyone can suffer. Many of these words are formed or related to the word 개 (CE), that is, "dog". For example, 개자식 (Cachezhasik) - the son of a dog.

It is worth noting that you need to be careful with the pronunciation of some words. For example, harmless eighteen - 십팔, read as "Sipphal", can become an exclamation, growing Russian "Bl ***" - 씨발, sounding like "Segal"

Salang, like a lexical layer of a modern spoken language, rarely when studying during academic studies. As a rule, Slang Louds studying language is already recruited directly in the medium, communicating with the native speakers. And, of course, it is always more fun to teach Slang than to memorize boring "ordinary" words.
With the use of Slang in the incurred language, nevertheless, it is necessary to be extremely careful. My position: Use in your speech Salng only if you have already reached the level of the language of the language (or at least the level of the previously prior to it), in all other cases, Salang and the jargon in your speech will look very and very funny and ridiculous. It is necessary to know this layer of vocabulary to understand the language, but here to use it itself (in most cases) is simply not necessary. This rule applies to all languages, not only to Korean. Sometimes it is very funny to look at the students who came to study Korean in language schools are trying to insert Slang experts into their speech, which they taught their Korean friends, without understanding their meanings or / and not feeling exactly what a shade of emotion transfers this or that expression. Remember until you learn to feel the language at the intuitive level, Slang for you is a closed topic. Learn it, recognize others to speech, laugh at jokes, but try not to use yourself. I have already been tired of correcting Korean students who have learned their Russian friends for the sake of Khohma to teach all this "prevented", "Krasavcheg" and "Afftar Pehi Ischo". Even completely harmless "damn" in a person's speech, which is a case of something confuses, it looks not to the place. Salang is all very situationally and emotionally. I know when we can say that "the blonde happened to cognitive dissonance," and Korean, who studies Russian, just a couple of years, will not be able to fully feel the complexity of this metaphor.
Nevertheless, as I have already said above, Salng know is an advantage and even need if you want to achieve a good level of language proficiency. Below, I took my memory a bit of the most frequently used spelledes, which, as I think, should know anyone studying modern Korean. Translation into Russian is always very exemplary, for it is simply impossible to translate Slanga expressions. Of course, the list is not complete, Slang in the Korean language, as in any other, fully, presented below - who came to mind, which I hear in everyday speech most often.

대박 : Exclamation of admiration, surprise or approval, you can approximately translate into Russian as "Wow!", "Wow (including his obscene options)", "Super!", "Class!", "Fa!" And the etymology of the word, unfortunately, I do not know, none of my friends really could say to me, where did this word come from? Used, however, very often. Of course, mainly in the youth environment.

엄친아 : An interesting word that is literally translated as "엄마 친구 의 아들" ("Son of Mamina Girlfriend"). You can approximately translate into Russian as "approximate", "diligent", "Mamyenkin Son", "Example for imitation". The situation from which this word has grown, I think, is familiar with absolutely everyone: all moms in the world usually put in the example of their children of their children (sometimes fictional) friends who learn better, and earn more, and the groom / the bride has already found good, and the apartment we bought, and now they already wink ... My mom is also not an exception, I often hear "But remember Sasha (Seryos, Petya, Vasya, the name to substitute anyone), lived on the third floor. So, he lived on the third floor Such a good girl, the daughter of the director, bought an apartment, tomorrow they fly to Bali on vacation ... ". It is clear that I have no positive feelings for this hypothetical seinery.

진상 부리다 : "To come down", "buck", "arise", "stink." Usually they say about the client who swings the rights from scratch, with screams and mats in speech. I think you know, always and everywhere there are such people who do not like everything decisively, and which, not embarrassed in the lexical means of expressing their own thoughts, can arrange a scandal anywhere. The expression has a rather strong negative shade and expresses extremely dismissive and disrespectful attitude of the speaker to the object.

쩔다 : The word, which was extremely popular a year ago, but is now not so often used. Literally into Russian it is translated as "quashe", "plant", and by meaning it looks like Russian Slang-free "sausage", but much stronger in value. It can be used both in the value of extreme approval and admiration and the opposite, extreme disapproval and neglect (well, as well as the Russian "oh ... h" can express both the top of admiration and the top of irritation).

썸녀 : Another neoplasm that can be translated as "a girl with whom the relationship is tied above ordinary friendly, but not yet becoming a" girl "in the romantic meaning of this word", "the direction in which there is a potential for further development." It consists of two words: "썸" from English "Something" and "여" - "girl; female sex". Usually used as a teaser between the guys, when one of them is seen in too much pastime with some kind of girl.

어장관리: Literally "Control the situation in the aquarium," Aquarium Management ". Usually they say about the guy (less often about the girl), whom they suspect in relations more than with one representative of the opposite sex. Usually they say a joke and emphasizes the popularity of a young man from the opposite sex, its visible employment and organizational abilities in relations with other people. Not to be confused with "양다리 걸치다" - it is already "to go to the left", "change", "simultaneously meet with two (or more) partners."

된장녀: "Fashion", "FIFA", "Tsats". Usually referred to disregard and / or joking. Saying wants to emphasize the fact that the girl about whom he says loves fashionable (and not always tasteful) will be drawn up, "to be frozen", to shape expensive perfumes (as a rule, with a fake), carry the bag "Louis Viton" in his hands (as The rule is also fake). About similar importance and the word armed after hitting the Say 강남녀 "(Literally:" Girl with cannama "), but there is a difference. If" Twenchzhanne "has a shade of expressing dissemination to a person who wants to give himself for a rich, who he is not really not, then" cannamne "talk about a girl who loves to walk on expensive cafes and restaurants, dress in stylish clothes in expensive boutiques, and by any other ways to demonstratively emphasize the presence of funds from her such events. A typical "cannamne" can say something like "imagine, I go to" Guchi "After the massage, and they ended with those pearl shoes, which I told you yesterday! What will I fly to the Maldives tomorrow ?? ".

멘붕 : Abbreviated from "맨탈 붕괴" - "gap / removal of the brain." One of the few expressions to which there is accurate matching in Russian, with the same tint in the meaning! Initially appeared in the comedy show "개그 콘서트" and very quickly stuck "in the people."

훈남 : A young man positive on all sides, the perfect candidate for the groom, from a good family, earns well, very pretty, raised and polite. The dream of any girl, in general.

흑기사 : A person who drinks the penalty glass of alcohol instead of someone who should be to drink her originally. For example, in the game at the table, when the loser drinks, lost the girl, then her boyfriend can lead himself in Gentelmen and drink her glass instead of her.

을 / 갑: Another expression coming from "개그 콘서트". These words, as a rule, are indicated by the parties in the contract (any), which can be translated into Russian as "side A" and "side B", or "Customer" and "performer", etc. On Slanga, "을" denotes a subordinate, a person who, due to certain circumstances, has no rights and is forced to obey stronger and powerful, and, accordingly, "갑" - "boss", which can turn this "l" as he pleases .

치사하다: "Low", "unworthy", "petty" (about soldering or actions). The word is so often used that even the Koreans themselves do not perceive it as Salng.

: In a conversational speech, the word came from the game "Angry Birds", and means exclamation, a strong surprise from some completely unexpected fact or situation. Exclamation, which arose as if you were hit by the breath and had sharply air in the lungs (from strong surprise, for example), nevertheless, having a comic effect. I really love this word, it's so many emotions that I don't even know how to properly pass it into Russian.

웃프다 : The combination of words "웃다" (laugh) and "슬프 다" (sad). Usually used in situations, about which in Russian it is customary to speak "and laughter, and sin", "I want to laugh and cry at the same time", "it would be very funny if it were not so sad", etc.

사진빨: "Photogamic", well-produced in the photos, although in real life at all any. Usually it is so fooling over a particular picture of a friend, or vice versa, they suggest unnecessary modesty when everyone around is taking some photo.