
Best Grandmaster Armor Witcher 3. Cheat codes for grandmaster armor


The grandmaster armor of the Witch School of Cat, which appeared in the addition of blood and wine, is not so difficult to detect. You will have to visit only 4 different locations to collect a complete set of armor of this witch school. A complete set of cat school equipment by 25% will increase damage applied by heralete from the back, and all opponents attacked with

To telegraph


The grandmaster armor of the Witch School of Cat, which appeared in the addition of blood and wine, is not so difficult to detect. You will have to visit only 4 different locations to collect a complete set of armor of this witch school.

A complete set of cat school equipment by 25% will increase the damage applied by heralete from the back, and all opponents attacked from the rear will be stunned. In addition, the kit is just beautiful.

Grandmaster School Armor Cat - Where to Find Armor
Cat school armored armored armor armor drawings are located in the village located behind the swamps in the north of Tussman (the map in the gallery will help you). Locate local gangsters and find the red home with a white door - the drawing will be inside.

Grossmaster School Armor Kota - Where to Find Boots and Pants
Drawings of the boot and grandparents School of School of School of Gossomaster Schools are hidden in the ruins of the Arccell Palace - he is the left of the previous village, by won't pass by. Rear to the dilapidated bridge on which a good noticeable fire is burning - it will be stuck with the drawings right next to this bone.

Glossmaster Kota School Armor - where to find gloves, steel and silver witch swords
And again the swamps. The drawings of the witch swords and gloves of the grandmaster of the cat's school armor are located south of the first village, inside the cave with the Monsters Log.

Please note - to use the grandmaster armor of the School of Cat Heralt should be pumped at least 40 levels. In addition, after the successful detection of all the drawings, you will need to find a local blacksmith that can make new armor and weapons.

The blacksmith capable of making grandmake armor can be found in the slab, the capital of the Principality of Tussten - his shop is located near the Nilfgarda embassy.

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With the addition of the "blood and wine", the level of opponents was noticeably increased, in contrast to this, the developers added to the game new sets of witch armor and swords - grandmaster (they are also great / Grandmaster). The characteristics of these sets are described on pages devoted to each Witch School separately. On this page there is a guide on the search and detection of all grandmasters (all of them are in Tussent).

How to find a blacksmith-grandmaster

First of all, you need to find the blacksmith of the Lafarga, which is located next to the Nilfgard's embassy in the slab. Talking to him, you will learn about the lost witch drawings of Armor and the swords of the highest level. The same blacksmith will tell you about the armor of the Manticor's school.

After talking to him, you can start searching for the first drawings. After your return, Lafarg for the symbolic amount will be trained with you craft forging armor and swords on grandmaster drawings.

Location of grandmaster set School of Wolf

Grassmaster armor and weapons of the Wolf School are in the ruins of the elf castle southeast Blokler.

The location of the grandmaster School of the Bear School

To collect the whole set, you need to visit two locations. First location - Flood Flood. For the destroyed building, demolfate the fragments, go down and find the drawing there. The north of the flood is a cave where you need to take a note and follow the marks on the walls of the cave.

Location grandmaster set School cat

  1. Cat school breast armor is far away in the north of Bokler. There you need to get into the south-eastern corner and deal with the bandit. In one of the bags, nearby will be the key that will open a small room with a picture on the wall. For the picture - a cache with the desired drawing.
  2. Cat's pants and boots are in the ruins of the castle in the west of the previous place in the chest at the burning fire.
  3. Steel and silver swords, as well as gloves are in the northern part of the cave, which is south of the first two locations.

The location of the grandmaster set of a griffin school

Steel sword, boots and gloves are in the ruins of Fort Ussar. The desired chest lies under a low stone staircase.

Pants, a silver sword and a bib can be found north of the Ussar fort in the ganza shelter. Here you need to get to the northwestern wall (from cart and torch), replace the illusion and go down to the catacombs. On the table next to the shelves, take the crystal, go to the corridor and find the button on the wall, which blocks the road. Stack the crystal into the slot and use the Aark sign on it. In the cave you will be waiting for the golem. His defenders, you will find the schemes of the other parts of grandmakers and swords.

Location of grandmaster set of Manticor's School

Most of the objects from the Manticori set are located in different places - their location is described together with the description of the entire set, since there are no other gradations in addition to the grandmaster in this school.

Location of the grandmaster seta Snake School

Grossmaster Armor Snake School in the original game and no supplements - their developers went around attention.

The drawings are collected during the passage of the "Witmancraft of the Antiquity: Grandmaster Cottal School". Bonuses for the kit: 3 parts - a powerful attack increases damage fast attacks for 5 seconds. 10% for each element of the kit; 6 parts - the attacks in the back are applied by 50% more damage, stun the opponent and spend 1 adrenaline point.
  1. Drawing: Grassmaster School Armor Cat (Required level - 40): In the portrait on the wall in a house on the territory of the estate of the gunsmith Bartolomeo de Lona, north of the merchant facility, in the northern part of Tussgen.
    • The required ingredients: the master's master's armor - 1, the fortified Draconide skiing - 2, the plate of the enriched Delmer - 2, the liver of the monsters - 2, the heart of the monster - 2.
    • Characteristics: Armor - 240, + 22% Attack power, + 12% resistance with strokes, + 17% resistance to chopping strikes and damage from monsters, + 46% resistance to the elements.
  2. Drawing: Cat School Grassmaster Pants
    • Required ingredients: Workshops School Pants - 1, fortified Dragonide skins - 1, a plate of enriched Deremerita - 1, the language of the monster - 2, the blood of the monster - 2.
    • Characteristics: Armor - 91, + 11% Attack power, + 5% resistance to stacking, + 7% resistance to chopping strikes and damage from monsters, + 16% resistance to the elements.
  3. Drawing: Grassmaster School Boots Cat (Required level - 40): In the chest before signaling fire in the ruins of the Palace of Gallion, under the protection of Hanza Antoine "Skvortz" Straggen, north-west of the merchant factory in the northern part of Tussman.
    • The required ingredients: workshops School boots - 1, fortified draconide skins - 1, a plate of enriched Delmer - 1, the bone of the monsters - 2, the claw of the monster - 4.
    • Characteristics: Armor - 91, + 11% Attack power, + 6% resistance to crossing shocks, + 6% resistance to chopping strikes, damage from monsters and elements.
  4. Drawing: Steel Sword Grossmaster School Cat
    • The required ingredients: the workshop of the steel sword of the Cat School - 1, skin trimming - 2, the ingot of the enriched dying is 2, sapphire - 1, the blood of the monster - 1.
    • Characteristics: damage - 335-409, + 15% of the relics of award and chance to cause bleeding, + 10% chance of a critical strike and a chance modifier to cut off the limb, + 5% extra. Experience for a fatal blow to man.
  5. Drawing: Silver Sword Grossmister School Cat (Required level - 40): In the casket at the fire at the end of the cave, stuffy pits, north-west of the merchant facility, in the northern part of Tussten.
    • Required ingredients: Cat Silver Sword Warm Sword - 1, skin trimming - 2, the ingot of the enriched dying is 2, sapphire - 1, tooth of the monster - 1.
    • Characteristics: damage - 472-576, + 15% power of aarta and chance to cause bleeding, + 10% chance of a critical strike and a chance modifier cut off the limb, + 20% extra. Experience for death on the monster.
  6. Drawing: Gossometer Gloves School Cat (Required level - 40): In the casket at the fire at the end of the cave, stuffy pits, north-west of the merchant facility, in the northern part of Tussten.
    • Required ingredients: Workshops School Gloves - 1, reinforced Dragonide skin - 1, ingot of enriched dying - 1, the bone of the monster - 2, the thick of the monsters - 1.
    • Characteristics: Armor - 87, + 11% Attack power, + 5% Resistance to damage from monsters, stitching and chopping strikes, + 6% resistance to the elements.

Location of drawings for the manufacture of grandmaster weapons and armor of the Griffin school in the "Witcher 3: Blood and Wine":

The drawings are collected during the passage of the task of the "Witch of Antiquity: Grandmaster of the Griffin School". Bonuses for the kit: 3 parts - all subsequent signs created in standard mode for 3 seconds after the first sign, do not spend energy; 6 parts - the size of the IMDD traps increases by 40%, while heralt remains inside the circle, the energy is restored to 5 seconds faster, the power of the signs increases by 100%, and the resulting damage decreases by 20%.
  1. Drawing: Griffon School Grandmaster Sword
    • Required ingredients: the workshop of the steel sword of the griffin - 1, skin trimming - 2, the ingot of the enriched dying is 2, the heart of the monster - 1, the essence of the monsters - 1.
    • Characteristics: Damage 335-409, + 21% Power of signs, + 25% additional. Damage at critical strike, + 10% chance modifier cut off the limb, + 5% chance of critical impact and add. Experience for a fatal blow to man.
  2. Drawing: Grossmaster Griffin School Gloves (Required level - 40): In the chest under the stairs to the second floor in the ruins of the Fort of the Ussar in the eastern part of Tussman.
    • Required ingredients: Griffin School Gloves - 1, Reinforced Dragonide Skin - 1, the ingot of the enriched Delmer - 1, the heart of the monster - 1, the blood of the monster - 2.
  3. Drawing: Grossmaster School Boots Griffin (Required level - 40): In the chest under the stairs to the second floor in the ruins of the Fort of the Ussar in the eastern part of Tussman.
    • The required ingredients: the workshops of the griffin school boots - 1, the fortified skin of the Draconide - 1, the plate of the enriched Deremeritis - 1, the plowing flesh of the monsters - 2, the claw of the monster - 4.
    • Characteristics: Armor - 91, + 11% Power of characters, + 5% resistance to stamps and shock damage, + 6% resistance to chopping strikes and damage from monsters.
  4. Drawing: Griffin Grandmaster Armor (The required level is 40): In the box on the shelf opposite the portal in the dungeon of Jerome in the refuge of Moro in the Monkran castle, north-east of the ruins of the Fort of the Ussar, in the northeastern part of Tussten. The entrance to the dungeon is located in the courtyard of the castle, to the right of the catapult, behind the illusory wall, which is removed by the eye is notch. The amplifying crystal lies on the table near the portal. After activating the portal by the Aark, the Witcher will turn out to be in the dungeon of Jerome.
    • The required ingredients: the master's master's armor of the griffin - 1, the reinforced skiing of the draconide - 2, the plate of the enriched Delmer - 2, the heart of the monster - 2, the essence of the monsters - 1.
    • Characteristics: Armor - 240, + 22% Power of signs, + 19% resistance with strokes, + 17% resistance to shock damage, + 24% resistance to chopping strikes, + 31% Resistance damage from monsters.
  5. Drawing: Grossmaster Harfon School Pants (The required level is 40): in a bag on a chair in the dungeon of Jerome in the refuge of Moro in the castle of Monkran, northeast of the ruins of Fort Ussar, in the northeastern part of Tussten.
    • The required ingredients: the workshops of the griffin school pants - 1, the fortified skins of the draconide - 1, the plate of the enriched dying - 1, the blood of the monster - 2, the brain of the monster - 2.
    • CHARACTERISTICS: Armor - 91, + 11% Power of signs, + 6% resistance with strokes, + 9% resistance to choping strikes, + 11% Resistance damage from monsters, + 33% resistance to the elements.
  6. Drawing: Silver Sword Griffin Grandmaster Sword (Necessary level - 40): on the table at the moonshine in the dungeon of Jerome in the refuge of Moro in the castle of Monkran, northeast of the ruins of the Fort of the Ussar, in the northeastern part of Tussten.
    • The required ingredients: the masterful Silver Sword of the Griffin School - 1, skin trimming - 2, the ingot of the enriched Deremerita - 2, the heart of the monster - 1, the essence of the monster - 1.
    • Characteristics: damage 472-576, + 21% power signs, + 25% extra. Damage at critical strike, + 5% Critical impact chance, + 10% chance modifier Calm the limb, + 20% additional. Experience for death on the monster.

Location of drawings for the manufacture of grandmaster weapons and armor of the Bear School in "Witcher 3: Blood and Wine":

The drawings are going during the passage of the task of the "Witch of Antiquity: the grandmaster of the Bear School Armor." Bonuses for the kit: 3 details - an increased chance to impose a new Cven Shield without waste of energy; 6 parts - damage from the abilities associated with the Kven sign, increases by 200%.
  1. Drawing: Silver Sword Grossmaster School Bear
    • Required ingredients: Mastery of the Silver Sword of the Bear School - 1, skin trimming - 2, the ingot of the enriched dying is 2, the saliva of the monster - 1, the monster language - 1.
    • Characteristics: damage 472-576, + 21% Obtaining adrenaline, + 75% additional. Damage at critical strike, + 5% Critical impact chance, + 14% chance modifier Calm the limb, + 20% additional. Experience for death on the monster.
  2. Drawing: Bear Grandmaster School Armor (Required level - 40): In the chest under the rubble houses on the territory of the winery Tufo in the village of Flood in the central part of Tussman. Divues are cleared by Aark.
    • Required ingredients: Workshops of the Bear School Armor - 1, fortified Dragonide skins - 2, the plate of enriched Delmer - 2, the essence of the monsters - 1, the heart of the monster - 1.
    • Characteristics: Armor - 240, + 22% Obtaining adrenaline, + 26% resistance with strokes, + 25% resistance to shock damage, + 32% resistance to chopping strikes, + 46% resistance damage from monsters.
  3. Drawing: Grossmaster Bear School Gloves (Required level - 40): In the chest under the rubble houses on the territory of the winery Tufo in the village of Flood in the central part of Tussman. Divues are cleared by Aark.
    • Required ingredients: Schools of the Bear School Gloves - 1, a fortified Dragonide skin - 1, the ingot of the enriched dying - 1, the claw of the monster - 2, the plowing flesh of the monsters - 1.
    • Characteristics: Armor - 87, + 11% Obtaining adrenaline, + 6% resistance to crossing and chopping strikes, damage from monsters and elements.
  4. Drawing: Grassmaster Bear School Pants
    • The required ingredients: the workshop of the Bear School pants - 1, the fortified skin of the draconide - 1, the plane of the enriched Delmer - 1, the hair of the monster - 2, the essence of the monsters - 2.
    • Characteristics: Armor - 91, + 11% Obtaining adrenaline, + 6% resistance with strokes, + 11% resistance to chopping strikes, + 16% Resistance damage from monsters, + 25% resistance to the elements.
  5. Drawing: Steel Sword Grossmaster Bear School (required level - 40): on the remains of the Witcher at the lower level of the Sovic Grotto, north-west of the Flood village, in the central part of Tussten.
    • The required ingredients: the workshop of the Steel Sword of the Bear School - 1, skin trimming - 2, the ingot of the enriched dying is 2, the blood of the monster - 1, the brain of the monster - 1.
    • Characteristics: Damage 335-409, + 21% Obtaining adrenaline, + 75% additional. Damage at critical impact, + 5% chance of a critical strike, + 14% chance modifier cut off the limb, + 5% additional. Experience for a fatal blow to man.
  6. Drawing: GrassMakes School Boots (required level - 40): on the remains of the Witcher at the lower level of the Sovic Grotto, north-west of the Flood village, in the central part of Tussten.
    • Required ingredients: School Boots Boots - 1, Fortified Draconide Skore - 1, Plate of Enriched Delmer - 1, Salus Monsters - 3, Tooth Monsters - 3.
    • Characteristics: Armor - 91, + 11% Obtaining adrenaline, + 5% resistance to shock damage, + 6% Resistance to damage from monsters, stitching and chopping strikes.

Location of drawings for the manufacture of grandmaster weapons and armor of the Wolf School in "Witcher 3: Blood and Wine":

The drawings are collected during the passage of the task of the "Witmancraft of antiquity: the grandmaster armor of the Wolf School." Bonuses for the kit: 3 parts - you can apply up to three different oils at a sword at a time; 6 details - bombs can be thrown without delay.
  1. Drawing: Steel Sword Grossmister School Wolf Diary Isabelle Dushampy lies in the box under the bench in the archaeological camp. The barrier is cleaned with the help of a purple ruby \u200b\u200bon the body of the archaeologist at the entrance to the ruins.
    • The required ingredients: skin trimming - 2, the ingot of the enriched dying is 2, ruby \u200b\u200b- 1, the essence of the monster - 1.
    • Characteristics: damage 335-409, + 11% power of signs, receiving adrenaline, chance of critical impact and bleeding, + 5% additional. Experience for a fatal blow to man.
  2. Drawing: Silver Sword Grossmister School Wolf (Required level - 40): On the remains of the Witcher crushed by the stone slab, at the lower level of the Rouins of the Terminos Palace in the eastern part of Tussman.
    • The required ingredients: skin trimming - 2, the ingot of the enriched dying is 2, Ruby - 1, the thick of the monsters - 1.
    • Characteristics: Damage 472-576, + 11% Power of signs, obtaining adrenaline, chance of critical impact and bleeding, + 20% additional. Experience for death on the monster.
  3. Drawing: Grassmaster School Gloves Wolf (Required level - 40): On the remains of the Witcher crushed by the stone slab, at the lower level of the Rouins of the Terminos Palace in the eastern part of Tussman.
    • The required ingredients: fortified draconide skin - 1, the ingot of the enriched dying - 1, the plowing flesh of the monsters - 2, the heart of the monster - 1.
    • Characteristics: Armor - 87, + 11% Power of signs, + 5% resistance with strokes, + 6% resistance to chopping strikes and damage from monsters, + 12% resistance to the elements.
  4. Drawing: School Grassmaster Armor School
    • Required ingredients: a strengthened Dragonide skin - 2, a plate of enriched Deremerita - 2, the heart of the monster - 1, Belubo Monsters - 1.
    • Characteristics: Armor - 240, + 22% Obtaining adrenaline, + 17% resistance to shock damage, + 19% resistance with strokes, + 24% resistance to chopping strikes, + 31% resistance damage from monsters.
  5. Drawing: Grassmaster Wolf School Pants (Required level - 40): In the witch bag in the next hall from its remains at the lower level, the ruins of the Terminos Palace in the eastern part of Tussman.
    • The required ingredients: a fortified draconide skin - 1, a plate of enriched Deremerit - 1, the blood of the monster - 2, the heart of the monster - 2.
    • Characteristics: Armor - 91, + 11% Attack power, power signs and resistance damage from monsters, + 9% resistance to chopping strikes, + 33% resistance to the elements.
  6. Drawing: Grassmaster School Wolf Boots (Required level - 40): In the witch bag in the next hall from its remains at the lower level, the ruins of the Terminos Palace in the eastern part of Tussman.
    • Required ingredients: a strengthened Draconide skin - 1, a plate of enriched Delmer - 1, the blood of the monster - 4, the heart of the monster - 2.
    • Characteristics: Armor - 91, + 11% Attack power, + 5% resistance to crossing shocks and shock damn, + 6% resistance to chopping strikes and damage from monsters.

Connecting the console without using mods:

  1. The first thing to do to input cheat code for grandmake armor It is found on your computer folder with the Witcher's game installed in it 3, its standard location here - (Steam \\ Steamapps \\ Common \\ the Wild Hunt \\ Bin \\ Config \\ Base).
  2. Next, we need a file called general.ini. Open the file using a notepad and add a "dbgconcoleon \u003d True" in the end "and save the file.
  3. We go to the game Witcher 3, load. Press Tilda (~) and enter the codes you are interested in. Have a good game.

Grassmaster School Armor Wolf

Armor of the Wolf School (Middle Armor) Required level 40. Armor 240. Increases adrenaline recruitment speed by 22%. Countering stocks is increased by 19%. Anti-shock damage increases by 17%. The opposition to the separation strikes is increased by 24%. Increases countering damage by 31%. 3 cells for glyphs are available. addItem ("Wolf Armor 4")
Wolf School Boots (Middle Armor) Necessary level 40. Armor 91. Increases the power of your attack by 11%. Countering stocks increases by 5%. Anti-shock damage increases by 5%. Countering the separating strikes is increased by 6%. Increases countering damage by 6%. 2 cells for glyphs are available. addItem ("Wolf Boots 5")
Wolf School Pants (Middle Armor) Necessary level 40. Armor 91. Increases the power of your attack by 11%. Increases the strength of your signs by 11%. The opposition to the separation strikes is increased by 9%. Increases counteraction damage by monster by 11%. Countering the elements is increased by 33%. 2 cells for glyphs are available. addItem ("Wolf Pants 5")
Wolf School Gloves (Middle Armor) Necessary level 40. Armor 87. Increases the power of your signs by 11%. Countering stocks increases by 5%. Countering the separating strikes is increased by 6%. Increases countering damage by 6%. Countering the elements increases by 12%. 2 cells for glyphs are available. addItem ("Wolf Gloves")

Grossmaster Bear School Armor

Bear School Armor (Heavy Armor) Required level 40. Armor 240. Increases adrenaline recruitment speed by 22%. Countering stocks increases by 26%. Anti-shock damage increases by 25%. The opposition to the separation strikes is increased by 32%. Increases counteraction damage by 46%. 3 cells for glyphs are available. addItem ("Bear Armor 4")
Bear Boots (Heavy Armor) Required level 40. Armor 91. Increases adrenaline recruitment speed by 11%. The countering strokes increases by 6%. Anti-shock damage increases by 5%. Countering the separating strikes is increased by 6%. Increases countering damage by 6%. 2 cells for glyphs are available. addItem ("Bear Boots 5")
Bear School Pants (Heavy Armor) Required level 40. Armor 91. Increases adrenaline recruitment speed by 11%. The countering strokes increases by 6%. The opposition to the separation strikes is increased by 11%. Increases countering damage by 16%. Countering the elements is increased by 25%. 2 cells for glyphs are available. addItem ("Bear Pants 5")
School Bear Gloves (Heavy Armor) Required level 40. Armor 87. Increases adrenaline recruitment speed by 11%. The countering strokes increases by 6%. Countering the separating strikes is increased by 6%. Increases countering damage by 6%. Countering the elements increases by 6%. 2 cells for glyphs are available. addItem ("Bear Gloves 5")

Grossmaster School Armor Cat

Kota School Armor (Easy Armor) Necessary level 40. Armor 240. Increases the power of your attack by 22%. Countering strokes increases by 12%. The opposition to the separating strikes increases by 17%. Increases countering damage by 17%. Countering the elements increases by 46% 3 cells for glyphs are available. addItem ("Lynx Armor 4")
Cat School Boots (Easy Armor) Necessary level 40. Armor 91. Increases the power of your attack by 11%. Countering stocks increases by 5%. Countering the separating strikes is increased by 6%. Increases countering damage by 6%. Countering the elements increases by 6%. 2 cells for glyphs are available. addItem ("Lynx Boots 5")
Cat School Pants (Easy Armor) Necessary level 40. Armor 91. Increases the power of your attack by 11%. Countering stocks increases by 5%. The opposition to the separating strikes is increased by 7%. Increases countering damage by 7%. Countering the elements increases by 16%. 2 cells for glyphs are available. addItem ("Lynx Pants 5")
School Gloves Cat (Easy Armor) Necessary level 40. Armor 87. Increases the power of your attack by 11%. Countering stocks increases by 5%. The opposition to the split shocks increases by 5%. Increases countering damage by 5%. Countering the elements increases by 6%. 2 cells for glyphs are available. addItem ("Lynx Gloves 5")

Griffin Grandmaster School Armor

Griffin School Armor (Middle Armor) Necessary level 40. Armor 240. Increases the power of your signs by 22%. Countering stocks is increased by 19%. Countering the impact damage increases by 17%. Countering the chopping damage increases by 24%. Increases countering damage by 31%. 3 cells for glyphs are available. addItem ("GRYPHONE ARMOR 4")
Griffin School Boots (Middle Armor) Necessary level 40. Armor 91. Increases the power of your signs by 11%. Countering stocks increases by 5%. Countering the impact damage increased by 5%. Countering the separating strikes is increased by 6%. Increases countering damage by 6%. 2 cells for glyphs are available. addItem ("Gryphon Boots 5")
Griffin School Pants (Middle Armor) Necessary level 40. Armor 91. Increases the power of your signs by 11%. The countering strokes increases by 6%. The opposition to the separation strikes is increased by 9%. Increases counteraction damage by monster by 11%. Countering the elements is increased by 33%. 2 cells for glyphs are available. addItem ("Gryphon Pants 5")
Griffin School Gloves (Middle Armor) Necessary level 40. Armor 87. Increases the power of your signs by 11%. Countering stocks increases by 5%. Countering the separating strikes is increased by 6%. Increases countering damage by 6%. Countering the elements increases by 12%. 2 cells for glyphs are available. addItem ("Gryphon Gloves 5")

Such a large-scale and deep game like The Witcher 3 is difficult to master from the first passage. In RPG, many additional scenes, equipment sets. To collect all the most time you need to spend a lot of time. However, the result is worth it - heralt will be almost immortal (with proper pumping abilities). Consider the best gear, as well as its classification.

Weapons and armor ranks

Absolutely all equipment in this game can be divided into ordinary, rare, unique and legendary. Any person familiar with the computer games does not need to explain these designations. The legendary weapon has not only high basic characteristics, but also boasts bonuses, as well as a combination with other objects.

Most often come across The Witcher 3 - Normal and Witch Equipment. The first type of armor and weapons can be mined by chance: pick up from the enemy, buy from a blacksmith, find in the cache. Equipment schools can be created independently, but this will require recipes that are quite difficult to collect. The efforts will be rewarded, and you will get the best armor and weapons in the "Witcher 3", which can only be created. Their beauty lies in the fact that when collecting the entire grandmaster kit, the player gets very steep bonuses.

Classification Equipment Witch Schools

Weapons and armor can be divided into belonging to a specific school:

  • cat School;
  • griffin School;
  • bear School.

Also in addition "Stone Hearts" The developers introduced part of the Snake School set - steel and silver swords. They were added to the armor of the Wolf School. DLC "Blood and Wine" makes a game for another set of best armor in the "Witcher 3" - this is a school of manticari.

The second classification of the Armor of Witcher - in terms of improvement:

  • base;
  • improved;
  • a great;
  • workshop;
  • grandmaster.

Improve items to the last level can only be in Tussten during the passage of the "blood and wine" add-on. Before viewing more than witch armor, we will stop on conventional equipment that can compete with the grandmaster weapons in power.

Rare swords and armor

Among the entire weapon manifold, any player will find a sword to taste - it all depends on style and pumping. We offer you several rare and unique things that are not so easy to find:

  • The steel sword "Garval" - it is possible to insert already three runes, has the ability to adjourn enemies. Located near the gangster camp called the Devilov Yama.
  • The lunar blade is a silver sword on three slots under stones. Freezes enemies when hit and has an increased chance of critical damage.
  • A steel sword from Tir Tikhair - does not always appear, so you need to try to success with a reboot of saving near the chest. Located in the flooded grotto on curvoic tops.
  • The Wild Hunting Warrior Ax is a powerful weapon that can be found on the Nilfgardian corpse after the quest "OKO OCO" is completed. It is noteworthy in that the infantry block can be pierced with one blow.
  • Witch Hunter Armor - is a reward for fulfilling the "master-bronper" quest. He has increased protection characteristics, but reduced weight. In the future, it can be modified.
  • Alfir Armor - Available in the Supplement "Stone Hearts". Suitable for those who scratched the ability to light armor. Enhances the power of all signs.
  • Armor from Tehsam Mutna is one of the best armor in the "Witcher 3" outside school kits. Increases resistance to shocks, bleeding, poisons, damage from monsters.

Gracemaster equipment

Consider only grandmaster options, because we are talking about the best armor in the "Witcher 3". Before Kraft, you need to prepare workshop equipment and collect resources according to instructions in recipes.

Before you take a task for grandpars, you need to find a black-grandmaster in a slash. He will give you a task to find all the drawings. It does not make sense to describe the quest in detail - all locations are marked on the map.

Kota School

Detect the recipe for armor in the house of Bartolomew de Londa. You need to jump inside the designs outside and kill a small gangster whip.

Recipes on pants and boots are close to Antoine Traggen camp. It is enough for you to kill the leader of the gang so that all his minions disappear. As a result, access to the staircase will open, at the end of which you can find the drawings. Swords and braces of the Cota School are also located nearby - in the cave marked on the map.

Bonus for 3 things is an increase in damage from all fast attacks by 10% for 5 seconds from each element of the kit. If you collect all 6 things, then you will get an increase to the dam in the back on enemies by 50%.

School Griffon

In the first part of the quest, you need to find armor, silver sword and pants. To do this, go to the marked place on the map and use the Cape Lamp. Inside you need to defeat the golem and pick up the necessary drawings.

Recipes on a steel sword, boots and gloves are almost in one place - find them will be easy by tags on the map. Having collected the three elements of the set, you will get a bonus on the second use of the sign in a row - it will not spend energy. The full set allows you to expand the radius of the IRDEN trap, as well as increase the power of the remaining signs 100% and reduce the incoming damage by 20%. Grossmaster Armor Griffin Schools are the best armor in the "Witcher 3" for the combat mage.

Medvechaya School

First we are looking for recipes on a silver sword, a bib and gloves near the marked cave, the entrance is broken by Aark. Steel sword, boots and pants can be found in another similar cave. The Bear School Equipment is the best armor in the "Witcher 3" for those who have made from Gerality of the Immortal Tank. Three elements of the kit give 5% of the chance for each for the overlay of the Quente without energy spending. The full set increases the damage of all the abilities associated with the Kpen sign, 200%.

School of Wolf.

Collect all the armor of the grandmaster from the Wolf School is also easy. It is enough to follow the instructions for the quest and marks. For three things from the set you will get the opportunity to apply to the sword to 3 oils at the same time, and for 6 - the ability to throw bombs without delay.

Manticory School

The last set of the best armor in the "Witcher 3", which is available only in the addition of "blood and wine". Quest for collecting recipes can be taken from 40 levels. If you wear 3 subjects, you will get an increased chance of critical damage, which also applies to all bombs. A complete set of grandmaster increases on 1 charges of all alchemical units.

Now you know which armor in the "Witcher 3" best suited for a particular character of the character. It is quite simple to collect them, but the whole process stretches along the passage of the entire game, since improvements have limitations at certain levels.