
Canned cherries for the winter. Cherry compote for the winter What is made from cherries for the winter

Answers to gardeners' questions

And it seems that you have time to eat to satiety, but still, with the onset of cold weather, you remember this juicy berry with longing. In this article we will tell you what can be made from, the recipes will be simple and even a beginner can handle them.


By freezing cherries correctly, you can preserve all the vitamins and minerals contained in this delicious berry for a long time. First you need to decide in what form you will eat cherries in winter - with or without seeds. With bones, it is perfect for compotes and other drinks, and without - for filling in pies or dumplings.

If you decide to freeze in its pure form, then the first step is to select high-quality fruits - damaged or overripe ones will not work for storage in the freezer. The selected sweet cherry is well washed, all the stalks and leaves are removed. Before sending it to the freezer, it should dry well. Place the washed, dried berries on a wide dish, it is desirable that the berries do not touch each other. Freezing is enough for 3-4 hours in the freezer. After complete freezing, the berries can be packaged in a container convenient for you and sent to the freezer until the onset of cold weather.

Important! In order for frozen berries to retain their aroma and taste for a long time, follow the rules for storing them in freezers: store in sealed packaging, store meat and fish products away from berries, try not to re-freeze already thawed foods.

Another option for harvesting cherries for the winter includes recipes for freezing berries in your own syrup. The cooking technology is somewhat more complicated than the previous recipe, but in this form you can pamper your household with delicious cherry drinks all winter. From the selected and washed berries you need to prepare a syrup. For 1 kg of berries, 4 cups of water and half a cup of sugar are taken. The container with the ingredients is put on fire and the cherries are allowed to blanch for 5-7 minutes.


Dried cherries are not such a frequent guest on the table in winter, however, even in the form of dried fruits, they have a pleasant taste and contain a large amount of vitamins and minerals. The easiest way is to use an electric dryer. However, if you don't have it, don't despair. Using the oven, you can prepare dried cherries for the winter.

First of all, the berries need preliminary preparation - to speed up the drying process, they are poured over with boiling water and the skin is slightly cut in several places. Then they are placed in an electric dryer or oven. The temperature at which the process will proceed should not exceed 70-75 °C. If you are drying in the oven, then the door must be open. The drying time is 16-18 hours. It is very easy to check the readiness of the fruit - the finished drying has a burgundy, almost black color, does not release juice when pressed, and it does not stick to the hands at all.

Did you know? The oldest canned product was found by archaeologists in the Egyptian pyramids. It was a vessel made of clay, the lid of which was sealed with pitch. Inside was canned duck meat in olive oil. The age of the found canned food is more than 3 thousand years.

It is very important to properly store cherries in the form of dried fruits - it is best to use glass jars, in which the fruits are neatly, in a tight row. From above you need to close the lid with holes. Store jars of dried fruits in a cool and well ventilated area. Periodically, the blanks should be inspected for bugs and worms. Having found such cherry lovers - do not rush to throw it away. Reheating in the oven and microwave is sufficient.


Canning cherries for the winter is a great way to keep a piece of summer on a cold winter day. There are a huge number of recipes for making cherries, let's study the best of them with you.


Cherry jam is one of the most popular winter treats. There are a huge number of ways to cook it: with or without bones. We will tell you an easy recipe for making very tasty stoned cherry jam. Of the ingredients you will need:

  • berries - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 1-1.2 kg;
  • vanillin - a pinch.
Ripe berries are selected in the jam, spoiled and rotten ones are removed. Berries are transferred to the pan, covered with sugar on top and gently mixed. In order for the sweet cherry to release juice and be saturated with sugar, add vanillin and let it lie down for 2-3 hours. After that, the pan is put on a small fire and, stirring occasionally, boil. During the cooking process, sweet foam will appear - it must be removed. The jam is boiled for another 2 hours, but the fire must be slightly increased. It is easy to check the readiness - in the finished form, the consistency of the syrup should be obtained. The cooked jam is poured into sterilized jars and put away in a warm place for storage.


Lovers of delicious drinks will love our cherry compote recipe for the winter. In order for the compote to be enough for everyone, the proportions are calculated for three-liter jars:

  • sweet cherry - 5 glasses;
  • sugar - 1.5-2 cups;
  • water - 3 liters.
The cherries are washed, spoiled fruits are selected, the stalks are removed. Berries are poured into a pre-sterilized jar and poured with boiling water on top. A jar of berries is left to infuse for 15-20 minutes. Next, the water is poured into a separate pan, covered with sugar on top and put on fire - this is how cherry syrup will be cooked. The syrup will be ready when the sugar is completely dissolved. Ready syrup is again poured into the berries in a jar and screwed on top with a lid. Until the compote is completely cooled, the jars are placed with the lids up.

Important! If the technology for preparing your blanks involves sterilizing the jars in a large saucepan, then in order to prevent them from cracking during the cooking process, cover the bottom of the saucepan with a thick towel.

In own juice

There are two options for canning cherries in their own juice - with and without pre-sterilization. We will tell you about both. Recipe in own juice with pre-sterilization (per 1 liter jar):

  • sweet cherry - 700-800 g;
  • sugar - 100-150 g;
  • water - 500 ml.
The berries are carefully sorted and washed under running water, the stalks are removed. Berries and sugar are poured into a sterilized jar, boiled water is poured on top. Next, jars with cherries must be sterilized. Prepared jars are placed in a large saucepan at the bottom, pour water on top and boil for 15-20 minutes. After sterilization, the sweet cherry will release its juice and it can be hermetically sealed with a lid. Until completely cooled, the jars are turned upside down. Recipe in own juice without sterilization:
  • cherries - 2 cups;
  • sugar - 1 glass;
  • citric acid - 1 teaspoon.
Selected and washed berries are poured into sterilized jars, covered with sugar and citric acid. Boiling water is poured from above almost to the neck of the jar. As soon as boiling water is poured - immediately close the airtight lid. This recipe is very simple, even a beginner can handle it.


Jam is perfect for filling pies and buns. We suggest you cook jam according to the following recipe:

  • berries - 2 kg;
  • sugar - 1 kg.
To prepare jam, you can take slightly overripe fruits, they are washed and the bones are removed. Pour the ingredients into the pan and add a little water. We begin to cook jam - first on a small fire, gradually increase it. The main thing is not to forget to stir. Jam is considered ready when in the process of stirring a spoon leaves a mark on the bottom of the pan. The finished delicacy is poured into jars and closed with a lid on top. It is best to store jam in the refrigerator.


If in your garden this summer a large crop of sweet cherries has disfigured, then we suggest you prepare fruits in the form of jam for the winter. To prepare it you will need:

  • sweet cherry - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 500 g;
  • zest of half a lemon.
The fruits are covered with sugar and left for half an hour. During this time, the sugar will melt, and the cherries will release their juice. Next, put the pan on the fire and bring to a boil. While the jam is boiling, you stir it. Boiled fruits are cooled and ground. You can grind both with a blender and manually - using a strainer. Choose a method convenient for you, in any case, the jam will turn out to be very tasty.

Pureed with sugar

This is the simplest type of winter preparation - in our recipe, only berries and sugar are ingredients. The fruits are washed, the bones and stalks are removed. The proportions for 500 ml of such “cold” jam are 2 cups of sugar and 2 cups of cherries. The technology of preparation is very simple - berries and sugar are ground with a blender into a homogeneous mass. The finished product is poured into a convenient container and left to be stored in the refrigerator until winter.

Did you know? Wild cherries are used for the production of natural dyes. Only the color she gives is not red, as one would expect, but green.


The technology for preparing dried cherries is in many ways similar to preparing dried cherries. But in this recipe, the berries will be dried in the fresh air, without the use of an electric dryer or oven. First of all, the sweet cherry must be prepared - thoroughly rinse the selected berries. It is best to use running water. Remove leaves, stems and seeds. Prepared berries are covered with sugar, approximate proportions are 1 kg of sugar per 2 kg of cherries. Cherry with sugar should stand for a day in a cool place - this is done so that excess juice comes out, and the berry itself is saturated with sweetness.

The next step is to prepare the sugar syrup. Stir sugar in water (for 2 kg of cherries, the approximate amount of ingredients is 600 g of sugar and 600 ml of water) and put on fire. Our berries should boil in boiling syrup for 6-8 minutes. Be sure to let the fruits drain the excess juice - this will significantly speed up the drying process, and then spread it on a baking sheet or tray in one layer. In this form, it will be necessary to leave the berries for several days, after 3-4 days, carefully turn each berry on the other side and let them dry for 7-10 days. Berries should be dried in a dry and well ventilated place. Such a delicacy is stored in exactly the same way as dried cherries - in glass jars and in a cool place.


Cherries, closed for the winter in a pickled form, will definitely surprise your household with an original spicy taste. In this form, it perfectly emphasizes the taste of meat dishes, and is also an unusual snack for the festive table. Preparing pickled cherries is very simple, now you will see for yourself. For convenience, the calculation of spices and marinade for harvesting is designed for a jar with a volume of 500 to 700 ml, choose for yourself which one will be convenient for you:

  1. To prepare a mixture of spices: cloves, white pepper and allspice - 3 pcs each, bay leaf - 1 pc, currant or cherry leaves - 1 pc each, white grain mustard - 0.5 teaspoon;
  2. To prepare the marinade: boiled water - 1 l, table vinegar - 250 ml, sugar - 100 g.
As in previous recipes, the preparation of cherries begins with its preparation: the berries are washed, sorted, you can leave the stalks on half of the berries - this will give the treat a decorative look.

Let's start by preparing the marinade for the blanks. Water, vinegar and sugar are mixed in a saucepan, which is placed on the stove. Until the marinade boils, stir it occasionally. Cherry is placed in a jar and covered with a mixture of spices. Try to fill the jar tightly with berries, but make sure that they do not start to choke or burst. Fill jars with berries with boiled marinade to the very top, the main thing is that each berry is immersed in spicy water.

Many housewives advise pasteurizing blanks after closing. This process is recommended for berries and fruits, which are characterized by high acidity. Pasteurization will take 15-20 extra minutes, but you will have peace of mind that your preservation will last until the end of winter or even longer. Take a large saucepan and place a jar of pickled cherries on the bottom. Fill with water almost to the lid and put on fire. After the water boils in the pan, let the jars “boil” for 15-20 minutes. After carefully remove the blanks and place the lids down.

Cooking cherry compote for the winter

Here everything is as it usually happens, only even easier. Since the cherry itself is very sweet, it does not require much sugar. But, despite the fact that cherries do not have a special zest, like, say, cherries, compote turns out delicious. Especially from light varieties, which also look more presentable in compote, because they almost do not lose their pinkish color. So, let's wash the berries without closing the water. We take them on the basis that they take half a bottle or jar. Let's wash the cherries well, remove all the rubbish.

Step 1. Let's sort and wash the cherries thoroughly

Let's cut off all the tails. But we will leave the bones, otherwise we will not get compote, but gruel. Now let's talk about sugar. We put 4 tablespoons on a liter jar, although everyone does it to their liking. To add a little sourness, you can either add other berries, or drop a little lemon juice. Then we will scald with boiling water (or you can traditionally sterilize, steam) the jars into which the compote will be poured, and the lids (twisting) with which we will roll up.

Step 2. Let's sterilize the jars

Let's put water on gas. Pour sugar into it and, when it all boils, pour it into a jar where the berries are already located. Do not rush to close it, as you can do with cherries (as you remember, even without sugar, but sterilized, it will last all winter)! Here you need to sterilize the jars by covering them with lids and placing them in a pot of hot water. Bring to a boil, and from the beginning of boiling, sterilize a liter jar for about 15 minutes. This will be especially true if you add a little, say, red wine to the syrup! For even greater expressiveness, you can add vanilla, lemon balm a couple of leaves or mint.

Step 3. Making compote

Cherries in their own juice - step by step cooking with photos

No, you heard right. I understand your embarrassment, but I want to assure you - it turns out a great thing. It can go as a preparation for drinks, and for various fillings, and as a separate meal. Here it is important to observe the proportion of sugar and something like that, which would make the taste even brighter. Gooseberries would be good here, and red currants - literally add a fourth of the jar. So, we need to wash the berries and sort them out well, tearing off the tails and removing the rotten specimens.

Step 1. Tear off the tails and wash

Then we will cover the sorted cherries with sugar (how much to put it in? Depends on whether you add something sour or you like sweet. I put 2.5 cups of sugar per kilogram of berries, while dripping a little lemon) and set to stand. But do not overdo it, sweet cherries are a tender young lady, just a bit - a midge flies right above her. So, the berry juice will let go very quickly and a lot, it literally floats in it, like in compote.

Step 2. We fall asleep with sugar to let the juice go

We take advantage of the moment and send all this cauldrons. As soon as the berry boils, we remove the fire as much as possible - now the process of letting the juice and sugaring is important. Cook for a long time, but not like jam. As soon as it thickens a little and changes color to such a pleasant shade that you see in the photo, you can close it in jars! It will all be delicious, like honey, only with a cherry tint.

Step 3. Boil over low heat and roll into jars

Making delicious cherry filling

Yes, when I open a jar with such a filling in winter, I get upset - well, why did I close it so little. After all, with such cherries (you can specially remove the bones), the most luxurious pies are baked, the most delicious pies are obtained and shanezhki! What about dumplings? What about pasta stuffed with cherry filling? In a word, you can’t count everything that you can get with the participation of this type of preservation from cherries. Here we put a little more sugar. That is, 500 grams per kilogram. The process is almost the same as in the case of cherries in their own juice, but we will cook longer.

Step 1. Add more sugar and boil longer

Cook the cherries over low heat, but do not cover with a lid! And then you get pure porridge. Meanwhile, the berry for the filling for pies should turn out amber. Yes, so that it does not fall apart, and the pickle remains, however, very thick, like syrup. That is, we do not get tired of looking into the cauldron, but well, but gently mix the berries. There she is, a berry, beautiful and tasty! When hot, close in sterilized jars and leave to cool upside down.

Step 2. Filling for pies is ready

How to cook delicious cherry jam for the winter?

What a delicious and original amber-colored jam is obtained from sweet cherries! It can only be compared with honey, as I wrote above! There are several options for its preparation - in its pure form, with other berries. I will give two recipes, but in each of them you need to perform the same procedures - wash the cherries, clean them of debris and tails, you can also remove the bones (but this is more suitable for jelly). Here I put 700 grams of sugar per kilogram of berries. I filled them with cherries and immediately put them on fire. Juice gone? Boil for 10 minutes, stirring well. Let cool, then boil again for 10 minutes. You can add a little cardamom or other spices. In a word, the syrup should not flow down the nail to resemble honey. We close hot in sterile jars.

The second recipe I tried is prepared in the same way as the previous one, but here I reported the strawberries that remained from the strawberry jam. That is, I cooked fresh strawberries with cherries, only the process went on longer - I wanted something that would turn out like confiture.

Step 1. Combine strawberries with cherries and cook

But we cook differently than usual - here, when the juice has gone, we cook without turning it off until everything thickens. If you want, you can remove the bones, then you can generally grind and make something like marmalade! Yes, and close everything in dry sterile jars. If there is a cold place, you can not even close the lids - cover with a paper napkin folded four times and tie with a string.

Step 2. Cook for a long time until it thickens

What else can be done from cherries? Much! Marshmallow, marmalade, juice, jelly, dried (they turn out delicious, you just need to remove the bones, they will cook faster) or dried. In a word, we meet the winter fully armed, it will say “thank you” to the summer, without fail!

Having gone through many recipes for cherries, you can stop at this one, because it is not complicated and is suitable even for those who are just starting to comprehend the intricacies and features of the cooking craft.

In order to make it easier to start cooking, first prepare the following ingredients:

  • 0.5 kg of ripe cherries;
  • 250 g sugar;
  • 350 ml of water.


We sort the cherries, free them from the tails and remove the spoiled berries. Then thoroughly rinse and dry on kitchen napkins, towels or sieves.

While the berries are drying, we prepare glass jars for canning. To do this, we thoroughly wash them with detergent, and then either fry them in the oven, or treat them with steam, boiling water. Then we lay out the cherries in prepared jars.

Add boiling water.

After 5 minutes, drain the infusion and boil again to pour it back into the jars.

We keep the cherries in boiling water for another 5 minutes, while it is advisable to cover it with lids.

For the third time, we boil the water already with sugar, it is enough that the sugar dissolves and the syrup boils for 3-5 minutes.

After pouring the syrup, we seal the jars hermetically with lids.

You can additionally add a pinch or two of citric acid, then the berry turns out with a more pronounced and rich taste, but this is already an amateur.

Then we wrap it under a blanket, that is, we subject it to additional heat treatment.

Cherries in mint syrup for the winter

It was this option that I liked the most. Mint soaks both the syrup and the cherries themselves.

For a drink you will need the following:

  • 0.5 kg of cherries;
  • 3-4 sprigs of mint;
  • 0.7 kg of granulated sugar;
  • 1-1.5 cups of water.


Berries can be prepared in exactly the same way as described above. Pluck the mint leaves from the stem. Next, put the prepared berries, mint leaves in a deep saucepan.

We pour sugar.

We add water.

Mix lightly and put on the stove.

Bring to a boil, reduce heat and simmer for 20 minutes.

After cooking, pour the cherries into prepared jars.

Seal tightly with lids, turn over and leave until morning for additional processing.

The next day, we lower the finished preservation into the cellar for storage.

Cherry "Classic"

This recipe is probably considered the most common and simple. It does not take much time and effort to prepare, and the result will exceed all expectations.

First, let's prepare:

  • cherries (you can use different colors, then the blanks will look more appetizing);
  • water;
  • currant leaves;
  • sugar.

For one kilogram of sweet berries, they usually take 500 ml of water and a glass of granulated sugar. You should also prepare containers for conservation in advance (usually these are glass jars), which must be sterilized along with the lids. This is done in order to kill to the maximum all possible microbes that can disrupt the storage process of the product.


We prepare the berries, as expected - we sort, discard, wash, dry. We also prepare jars with lids. We put 3-5 pieces of currant leaves and a berry in each, and shake the jars a little so that the cherries lie closer to each other.

It is best to take a container of 0.5 liters, because it is convenient to store in it and it is quite suitable for a one-time use.

Next, boil water and pour the berry. Let stand for 30 seconds, drain back into the bowl in which they boiled and repeat the process again. We do this three times. For the fourth time, put a portion of sugar into the water, bring to a boil and pour the cherries with syrup already. Then tightly cork with sterilized lids, turn upside down and wrap under a warm blanket for the night.

These three recipes for cherries in syrup for the winter, which I showed you, are without sterilization. But in the next version, such processing will be required. It provides longer storage of conservation.

We thoroughly wash glass jars with baking soda, that is, so that they creak. Next, take a small saucepan, pour water and install a metal ring. We wait. As soon as the water boils, put a container for boiling on the ring. So we sterilize for 5-10 minutes. In the same water, we also process canning lids. Well, if the jars are small, then you can fry them well in the oven, I always do this.

After sterilization, dry the jars on a kitchen towel. Do not wipe, but let the remaining moisture evaporate on its own!

When the container is ready, fill it with cherries, pour hot syrup (for this, immediately bring water and sugar to a boil and pour into jars) and cover with lids on top without clogging.

After that, pour a little water into the pan, that is, so that when installing the jar of cherries, water does not get inside. At the bottom of the pan we lay gauze, folded in several layers, so that the jar does not crack during boiling. Next, boil, thus, for 15 minutes and then tightly cork with lids. Let cool and send to the cellar for storage.

Here, like everything. I hope that you liked something in this selection, and you will definitely cook cherries in syrup for the winter. Berries, by the way, are suitable for decorating fruit salads, and the syrup can be diluted with water, you get a great drink.

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Sweet cherry, in botany it is also called bird cherry, is one of the most ancient types of cherries grown in culture. Its fruits are real drupes. The stone in them is surrounded by a fleshy edible pericarp of light, almost white, red or very dark red color. The calorie content of compote from sweet cherries is on average 65-67 kcal / 100 g.

The easiest and fastest recipe for cherry compote with pits without sterilization - photo recipe

Fragrant cherries rolled up with compote for the winter are one of the favorite winter preparations in our family. I prepare a cherry drink quickly and easily, without bothering with its sterilization.

Your mark:

Cooking time: 30 minutes

Quantity: 1 portion


  • Cherry yellow: 280 g
  • Sugar: 4 tbsp. l.
  • Lemon acid: 2/3 tsp
  • Water: of necessity

Cooking instructions

    I fill the berries with cool water. I wash it very thoroughly to remove impurities. I review each berry so that not a single spoiled one gets into winter conservation. This point cannot be ignored, since one rotten copy can ruin everything.

    I clean the fruits from the stalks.

    Now I am preparing a glass container for compote, washing it especially carefully with baking soda. I also steam sterilize dishes. I boil the lid for sealing the preservation for several minutes in a ladle with water.

    I fill the prepared liter jar with sorted yellow cherries.

    I put purified water in a saucepan on the stove. I pour boiling water over the berries: I dip a metal spoon into a jar of cherries, and pour a bubbling liquid over it. I cover the neck with a towel for 10 minutes. Then I pour the liquid into a saucepan, using a special lid with holes so that the berries do not fall out. I add a little more water to the saucepan, put it on fire. I boil for a few minutes.

    In a container with cherries, I pour sugar and citric acid according to the recipe. Then I pour boiling water from a saucepan.

    I seal the container with a boiled lid. Then carefully turn it upside down to check the seaming. If everything is in order, then turn over a few more times to melt the sugar inside. Then I put the jar on the neck. I wrap it in a blanket, leave it to cool completely. After I clean the workpiece in a cool pantry for storage.

    How to close a compote of pitted cherries

    For home preservation of cherries, it is better to choose varieties with a well-separated stone. In this case, the losses will be minimal. Hardware stores have special pit separators for cherries and sweet cherries. If such a device is not at hand, you can use a female hairpin. For a delicious cherry drink for one liter jar you will need:

  • sweet cherry fruits 450-500 g;
  • sugar 160 g;
  • water about 0.6-0.7 liters.


  1. Sort the fruits, remove spoiled, overripe, unripe, wrinkled.
  2. Remove long petioles and wash cherries.
  3. When all the water has drained, remove the stone from each fruit in any way possible.
  4. Transfer the prepared raw materials to a glass dish, pour sugar on top and pour boiling water over it, cover with a lid.
  5. After 8-10 minutes, pour the liquid into a saucepan and heat to a boil.
  6. Boil the syrup for about 3 minutes.
  7. Pour them with cherries, tighten the jar with a lid, turn over, cover with a blanket and leave to cool completely. Then return the container to its normal position.

Delicious compote for the winter of cherries and cherries

Such a compote from two related crops can be prepared in two cases. If you freeze early cherries in advance and keep them in this form until the cherry season, or pick up late varieties of this crop that ripen with cherries.

For a liter jar you need:

  • cherries 200 g;
  • cherries 200 g;
  • sugar 180-200 g;
  • about 0.6 l of water or how much will go in.

What to do:

  1. Sort the berries of two types, remove the stalks.
  2. Rinse with warm water and allow all liquid to drain.
  3. Pour the fruits into the prepared container and pour them with boiling water.
  4. Cover the mouth with a lid and leave everything for 10 minutes.
  5. Drain the liquid into a saucepan, add sugar and heat everything to a boil.
  6. Boil for about 3 minutes until all sugar is dissolved.
  7. Pour the fruits in the jar with syrup, use a machine to roll the lid on, turn the container over, wrap it with a blanket.
  8. As soon as the compote has completely cooled down, return the container to the correct position.

From cherries and strawberries

For this compote, it is desirable to use sweet cherries with pits removed. So it will be more convenient to eat it with a fragrant drink.

For the preparation (volume 3 l) you will need:

  • strawberries 300 g;
  • cherries 400 g;
  • sugar 300 g;
  • about 1.8 liters of water or how much will take.

How to preserve:

  1. Sort the cherry fruits, remove the stalks and wash.
  2. When dry, take out the bones.
  3. Sort the strawberries, remove the sepals and rinse well. If the berries are heavily soiled, then you can soak them in water for 10-12 minutes, and then rinse well under the tap.
  4. Transfer the cherries and strawberries to a three-liter jar. Pour boiling water up to the top.
  5. Cover with a lid and let stand for a quarter of an hour.
  6. Drain the liquid from the jar into a suitable saucepan so that the berries remain inside.
  7. Add sugar and boil for about 4-5 minutes.
  8. Pour the syrup into a glass container, seal it with a lid, turn it over, wrap it in a blanket and keep it for 10-12 hours until it cools completely.

From cherries and apricots or peaches

Taking into account the fact that the ripening time of all these crops is significantly different, late cherries and the earliest apricots or peaches will have to be used for compote.

For cooking you will need:

  • cherries, dark, 400 g;
  • apricot or peaches 400 g;
  • sugar 300 g;
  • water 1.7-1.8 liters.

Action algorithm:

  1. Sort the cherries and apricots, remove the tails, wash well. If peaches are used, then after washing they need to be cut into 2-4 parts, remove the stone.
  2. Transfer the prepared raw materials to a jar and pour boiling water into it to the top.
  3. Cover the container with a metal lid and soak everything for a quarter of an hour.
  4. Drain the liquid into a saucepan, add sugar, bring the syrup to a boil. After 3-4 minutes, when the sugar dissolves, pour it into a jar, screw it with a lid.
  5. Immediately turn the container upside down and put it upside down, wrapped in a blanket. When the compote has cooled, return the jar to its normal position.

The subtleties of harvesting compote from red or black cherries

Cherry fruits with a red or dark red, almost black color are usually attributed to a varietal group called gins. Representatives of this group are distinguished by more juicy and most often tender pulp.

When preserving, especially pitted, you need to remember that the berries secrete a lot of juice. If light berries are preserved along with dark berries, they also acquire a dark color.

This property of dark cherries can be used to obtain homemade preparations with a beautiful rich color.

In addition, taking into account the more tender pulp, dark cherries for compote for the winter are taken ripe, but not overripe and not wrinkled. Due to the high content of phenolic compounds, anthocyanins, the taste of compote from red varieties is more saturated. Such a drink is especially useful for people with hypertension, problem joints.

Features of cooking compote for the winter from yellow or white cherries

Berries of white or light yellow color most often have a denser and slightly crunchy pulp, it contains more dietary fiber. When preserved, light cherries retain their shape better. However, given that the taste of such fruits is not as rich as that of dark ones, it is advisable to lay them in larger quantities.

In addition, to give white fruit compote a sweeter and richer taste, a little more sugar is added to it. Just one leaf of mint, lemon balm or vanilla on the tip of a knife will make the taste of the finished product more vivid.

White cherry compote is indicated for problems with the absorption of iodine, skin diseases, and a tendency to form blood clots.

Tips for preparing homemade compotes for the winter:

  1. Jars and lids that are used for home preservation should not only be washed, but also sterilized. For washing and degreasing glass, it is advisable to use baking soda. It removes various types of dirt well, is odorless and completely safe. Sterilize jars should be over steam. Before laying raw materials, the container must be dry.
  2. Canning lids can simply be boiled for 5-6 minutes.

I thought for a long time what to cook from cherries, since there were a lot of them this year. I don’t really like to freeze it and jam from this berry is too sweet for me. Therefore, I got cherries in syrup for the winter. I like the way I preserve it and I advise you to try it, at least a couple of jars for testing.

Such a recipe for canned cherries without sterilization and with seeds, so it won’t take you much time to make this preparation. And it is unlikely that anyone will refuse such berries in winter, especially since they can be added to cakes, dumplings or pies.

The recipe for pickled cherries for the winter is the easiest and is suitable even for beginners in this matter. If you do not know how to use a seaming key, this is also not a problem now, as there are special jars and lids that are easily twisted by hand.

Next, I describe in detail how to preserve cherries at home so that they stand all winter without problems. Be sure to try this recipe, you will definitely like it. I also recommend watching, which is also easy and simple to prepare.


  • Sweet cherry - 8 kg
  • Sugar - 3 tablespoons per 1 liter jar
  • Water - about 4 liters

How to close cherries for the winter

Preserving cherries is not a difficult task. I am preparing the berries. To do this, I wash them with running water, remove the leaves. If the berries are wormy, then fill them with salted water and leave for an hour. Thanks to such actions, the worms will crawl out of the berries.

Then I tear off the stalks of the cherries and put them in jars. At the same time I remove bad berries.

I fill a kettle or saucepan with water and put it on fire. As soon as the water boils, I pour it into jars. It is important to pour it in the very center and in several approaches so that the glass does not crack.

Then I cover them with lids and leave to cool. When the water becomes warm, I pour it back into the kettle and put it back on to boil. At this time, I fall asleep three tablespoons of sugar in each jar. As you can see, canning cherries in syrup is not a difficult task.

As soon as the water boils, I pour it a second time. Do this slowly so that the sugar has time to drain into the jar. Then I take the lids and the seaming key and roll up the jars.

After that, I turn them upside down and put them on a warm blanket or something similar. Then I wrap it up and leave it like that until it cools completely, maybe for a day or two. Now you also know what can be made from cherries, and what is the fastest way, especially when it comes to a large number of berries.

I got such a cherry in syrup for the winter. I got 9 liter jars, and you do for any amount that you have. Such a preparation for the winter from cherries is what you need in a cold winter to make up for the lack of vitamins. I will be very happy if my recipe is useful to you and you like it.