
The dirtiest man in the world: Amu Haji. The dirtiest and stinkiest person How many years has the dirtiest person not washed


This 80-year-old man named Amu Haji looks like a troll, or maybe some dark creature from The Lord of the Rings. His skin is covered with scales of exfoliating dirt, his eyes are almost invisible, and the stench from him is felt a mile away. The reason is simple, and it's not a skin disease or some terrible illness - it's just that this man has not washed for the past 60 years!

1. It's hard to believe that the photo shows human hands. More like elephant skin.

2. Meet this Iranian vagabond Amu Haji, who was born back in 1934 and is known for not washing for over 60 years.

3. This old tramp lives on the outskirts of the small Iranian village of Dezhga in the province of Fars. And he does not have a name as such, only a nickname: Amu - translated from Farsi as “a kind person”, and Haji is the honorary title of a Muslim who made the Hajj.

4. Amu leads a very primitive lifestyle, and his main treasure is a metal water pipe from which he smokes ... manure.

6. He lives in a dugout hole in the south of the country. In winter, when it gets very cold in his dwelling, he moves to a brick shack, which was built for the old man by the inhabitants of the local village.

The Iranian stopped bathing at a young age. Amu says that he refused to perform hygiene procedures due to emotional setbacks and psychological trauma. Now the man is afraid of water. He is sure that he will fall ill immediately after washing his hands or washing himself. Amu doesn’t really want to hear about the bath, he doesn’t even want to hear about tap water.

“People offered me several times to wash in their houses, but, fortunately, I always managed to escape,” Amu Haji shared his joy.

9. Amu tries on an old helmet. Why he has such a strange love for dirt is an open question, many are sure that psychotherapists could answer it. Of course, Amu Haji does not intend to seek psychological help and will not, and he himself is quite satisfied with the chosen way of life.

10. The old man basically does not eat fresh food and does not drink clean water. He prefers to eat rotten meat, and use an oil tank unwashed for several years as a container for water. Amu feeds on the corpses of animals, most often porcupines, which he bakes in a fire. Sometimes it is fed by the locals. Amu drinks at least five liters of water per day.

11. The most smelly man in the world is not married, but is in search of a companion. For the sake of success in his personal life, Amu Haji wants to be attractive and takes care of himself. To find out what he looks like, he looks in the rear-view mirrors of cars, and when he thinks that the beard and hair are too long, he makes himself a new hairstyle - sets fire to the excess. The Iranian wears the clothes brought by the neighboring villagers and even wears a helmet during the freezing winter months.

12. You might think that Amu is unhappy, but this is far from the case. Amu doesn't think about past due utility bills, he doesn't worry about someone stealing his stuff, he doesn't think about tomorrow. He feels happy, despite the lack of property and normal housing.

Amu Haji is the name of an 80-year-old Iranian citizen who has been considered the dirtiest person in the world for many years. It's amazing, but the record holder claims that he has not washed for 60 years!

In addition, the inhabitants of the small Iranian village of Dejah (Fars Province), near which Haji lives in a dugout hole, confirm the words were dirty. Difficult times for the homeless record holder begin in the winter. With the cold, Hadji moves to a small brick booth, which was built for him by compassionate locals. By the way, the stench emanating from the old man is felt at a distance of several meters.

And it's not just a complete rejection of hygiene products and procedures. The dirtiest man in the world can easily afford to eat a dead, rancid porcupine, or even smoke a homemade pipe stuffed with goat dung.

By the way, the reasons why the dirty man refused hygiene procedures in his youth are hidden in the psychological trauma and emotional failures of the Iranian. Amu is sure that water can harm him. He is afraid that he will get sick if he just washes himself.

Locals quite often offer the old man to bathe in their baths, but he constantly manages to slip away from the event. By the way, he has certain complexes in the field of nutrition. So, a man is accustomed to eating exclusively rotten food and drinking dirty water, claiming that his body is fully adapted to this.

It is also interesting that the dirtiest man in the world is still hoping to meet his soul mate, because he has never been married. In order to look more attractive, the Iranian often preens in the rearview mirror. And sometimes he completely singes himself with excess beard and hairline on his head, thus making a new hairstyle. The tramp is not picky about clothes, he wears what the locals give him. However, in winter, an Iranian can still put a helmet on his head, which, from his words, is very warm!

The dirtiest person living on our planet is an eighty-year-old man who lives near the village of Dezhga (Fars province, Iran). His name is Amou Haji. The appearance of the tramp is rather unattractive. Of course, after all, what can a man look like who has not taken a shower and has not used hygiene products for more than 64 years. Just imagine what aromas are circling in the air next to the dirty ones.

Perhaps his life philosophy, which no one wants to share with him. That is why Amu is very lonely, and this circumstance greatly upsets the old man.

Amu in Farsi is translated as a kind person. Hajji is an honorific title for a Muslim who performs Hajj. Looking at the tramp, you can be horrified. He looks more like a scary mystical character.

Amu is a real modern hippie who does not need much from life. At one time he lives in a clay halabud on the outskirts of the village, and at other times he lives in a dugout. His favorite thing is to sit and do nothing, just sit under the sun.

His entire body is covered with a thick layer of mud, and his hands resemble elephant skin. Smoking a pipe stuffed with dung is what Amu loves the most. The man's lodging for the night is dilapidated buildings, in which at times it is unbearably cold. The old man mainly eats the remains of dead animals cooked on a fire.

Some locals feel sorry for the man, so they bring him food. Still, the tramp has a mirror. Even sometimes he looks at him. But the reasons why the dirtiest man does not wash for so long, he never told anyone.

Amu avoids bathing on principle. Several times he was offered a free bath, but Amu refused, explaining that washing brings him pain and suffering.

The Iranian stopped bathing at a young age. Amu says that he refused to perform hygiene procedures due to emotional setbacks and psychological trauma. Now the man is afraid of water. He is sure that he will fall ill immediately after washing his hands or washing himself. Amu doesn’t really want to hear about the bath, he doesn’t even want to hear about tap water.

“People offered me several times to wash in their houses, but, fortunately, I always managed to escape,” Amu Haji shared his joy.
Why he has such a strange love for dirt is an open question, many are sure that psychotherapists could answer it. Of course, Amu Haji does not intend to seek psychological help and will not, and he himself is quite satisfied with the chosen way of life.

The old man basically does not eat fresh food and does not drink clean water. He prefers to eat rotten meat, and use an oil tank unwashed for several years as a container for water. Amu feeds on the corpses of animals, most often porcupines, which he bakes in a fire. Sometimes it is fed by the locals. Amu drinks at least five liters of water per day.

The dirtiest man in the world is not married, but is in search of a companion. For the sake of success in his personal life, Amu Haji wants to be attractive and takes care of himself. To find out what he looks like, he looks in the rear-view mirrors of cars, and when he thinks that the beard and hair are too long, he makes himself a new hairstyle - he sets fire to the excess. The Iranian wears the clothes brought by the neighboring villagers and even wears a helmet during the freezing winter months.

You might think that Amu is unhappy, but this is far from the case. Amu doesn't think about past due utility bills, he doesn't worry about someone stealing his stuff, he doesn't think about tomorrow. He feels happy, despite the lack of property and normal housing.
For how many meters you can smell the dirtiest person according to the Guinness Book of Records, it is not known, but the smelliest zorilla animal becomes noticeable to a person by smell for more than 1.5 km.


Meet! Amu Haj is an 80-year-old Iranian drifter from the Guinness Book of Records.

Mr. Hajj is famous for having not washed for about 60 years. Due to the thick layer of mud, his body resembles the skin of an elephant or reptile.

Amu Hajj doesn't even want to hear about personal hygiene. When compassionate residents offered him a bath, the poor man took to flight. He is convinced that clean water will bring illness to him.

The tramp lives in a stone shack in the village of Dezhga (Fars province, Iran). He wears rags, and on cold days he puts on an old helmet.

Hajj leads an uncomplicated lifestyle: basking in the sun or sleeping.

The elderly Iranian has peculiar gastronomic preferences. He prefers water from a rusty cistern and the meat of dead animals to fresh products. His favorite dish is the remains of a porcupine, which he bakes on a fire.

Another hobby is smoking dung from a "pipe" that once served as a water pipe.

How Amu Hajj came to such a life no one knows. He himself claims that the emotional upheavals of youth are to blame.

Even in such conditions, Hajj does not forget to look after his appearance. When he needs to cut his beard or hair, he looks in the car mirror and sets fire to the annoying patches.

The dirtiest man living on our planet - an eighty-year-old man living near the village of Dezhga (Fars province, Iranian territory). His name is Amou Haji. The appearance of the tramp is rather unattractive. Of course, after all, what can a man look like who has not taken a shower and has not used hygiene products for more than 60 years. Just imagine what aromas are circling in the air next to the dirty ones. Refusal of such things is perhaps his philosophy of life, which no one wants to share with him. That is why Amu is very lonely, and this circumstance greatly upsets the old man.

Looking at the tramp, you can be horrified. He looks more like a scary mystical character.

His entire body is covered with a thick layer of mud, and his hands resemble elephant skin.

Smoking a pipe stuffed with dung is what Amu likes the most.

The man's lodging for the night is dilapidated buildings, in which at times it is unbearably cold.

Temporary home of the eccentric.

The dirtiest person loves to soak up the sun, and sometimes take a nap.


The old man mainly eats the remains of dead animals cooked on a fire.

Some locals feel sorry for the man, so they bring him food.