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Middle-aged people are sensitive to global problems. They often think about the future of their children, the increased price of gasoline and the lack of legal action. After all, 40 years is the time when men and women become aware of the presence of chronic diseases.

In fact, not everything is so hopeless, and the midlife crisis can be overcome with minimal losses. Here are 40 life reminders that will help you succeed.

You can choose your worries

Life presents you with so many worries that you can choose the most important ones. You can get rid of stress if you prioritize correctly. Don't think about the end of the world and nuclear war, just help the kids do their homework.

You live in a unique era

Some things may seem bleak, but you live in an age of scientific and technological progress and important discoveries. Also remember that you have been given the opportunity to exist in the most peaceful time in human history.

Fake news can be real

A black stripe is always followed by a white stripe

Even the worst event cannot last forever. When you feel like the whole world is conspiring against you, no one can take away your right to happiness. Always tell yourself that behind the black line there is always a white line.

You can still change

At 40, it may seem like you have nothing more to strive for. However, there will always be a new goal, if there is a desire. You can always find new hobbies, new friends and new opportunities.

Let go of old grudges

There is too much stress around you, so do not create problems from scratch. Release old grudges by lightening your heart.

Lack of haters means no success

Elbert Hubbart wrote: "The way to avoid criticism is to say nothing, do nothing, and be empty." Therefore, all your ill-wishers are part of life.

Don't Forget About Breathing Practice

If you can counteract stress with deep breathing, you can avoid many health problems and improve your sleep. Relaxation in the form of yoga or mini-meditation will help normalize blood pressure.

Don't complain about your age

At 40, you can feel how life is rapidly passing you by. You can suddenly get sick, get new wrinkles and gain weight. However, those around them admiringly accept those who age beautifully, and do not complain about fate.

Relationship Priorities

It's easy to get caught up in career goals or all-consuming virtual communication. Remember that there are people around you who are waiting for your attention.

Put spirituality above material values

New things come and go, but there are truly priceless riches. Whenever you have a choice between material wealth and spiritual development, choose the latter.


The facial expression of a person has the ability not only to reflect the mood, but also to influence others. Smiling can be contagious.

Age is just a number on a passport

When you were 20 years old, 40 year old people looked like ancient dinosaurs to you. Now you understand how wrong these judgments were.

Strive for Simplification

If life is full of difficulties and obligations, it is not satisfying. Therefore, strive for simplification, refuse annoying friends, and also delegate authority. Children can clean the house, and you will go in for sports at this time.

Physical activity

Exercise is the cure for all diseases. Even if sport has never been a part of your life, make it a priority now.

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day

A good balanced breakfast will boost your metabolism and keep you from overeating later in the day. Vitamins and minerals will boost your performance, while healthy fats will lower your blood cholesterol levels.

Think before you get angry

When you can control your emotions, you can hold on to the threads of control of your own life.

Punctuality is a virtue

Your conscientiousness cannot go unnoticed by other people. If you are respectful of other people's time and show up to appointments and gatherings on time, you earn bonus points towards your reputation.

Don't Forget Patience

Give yourself a chance to make a mistake. Any brilliant ideas, as a rule, are the result of a long series of failures.

Be patient with others

Let other people make mistakes. High expectations lead to disappointment.

Rekindle old hobbies

When you were younger, you enjoyed playing basketball or snowboarding. Now daily worries push favorite hobbies into the background. But who said you can't pick up the ball again and head to the backyard basketball court?

Social media will not replace real life

Therefore, do not waste precious minutes on likes and reposts.

Focus on the important things

Work is not the only thing that can bring satisfaction.

Learn to enjoy the little things

The past is irretrievably gone, and tomorrow may never come. Keep this in mind every time things take you into their endless maelstrom. Stop for a moment and feel happy as you watch the sunset.

Friendship grows stronger over time

40-year-olds are busy working and taking care of children and elderly parents. In order not to lose old friends, you need to shift the focus on the quality of meetings, and not on their quantity.

Think first, then speak

An offensive word, especially if it is thrown in the hearts, leaves a deep wound on the heart of another person. Always think before you say something.

It's never too late to learn

Smart people prefer to study all their lives. Therefore, strive to update your skills and improve your skills.

Make the most of your senses

On your way to work, look for things that have changed since yesterday, or spot different smells. This will help keep the brain active.

Clothing according to age

Having reached the fifth decade, many of us are desperately trying to look younger by wearing ripped jeans and T-shirts. But if you dress according to your status and age, you will look irresistible.

Become your own worst critic

40 years is the age when someone else's opinion ceases to excite you.

Be the person the world needs

If the world lacks activists or fighters for the rights of the disadvantaged, fill this niche.

Allow yourself the right to be wrong

Wasting precious energy on self-flagellation is inappropriate. People make mistakes, and mistakes are part of personal growth.

Stand up for your rights

Instead of leaving angry comments under posts on social networks, stand up for your rights under the law.

Clothing is part of your success

People around you form an opinion about you based on how you look.

Cheering for your success is not forbidden

Not everyone around will wish you success. Do not look for fans on the side, become your own fan.

Little things add up to big things

Accept routine things as an important component of global success.

Not everything that you dreamed about in 20 years will come true

If you do not have a six-figure salary and have not purchased a country mansion, this does not detract from your merits as a person.

It's time to think about the future

Think about how to properly invest your savings to ensure a comfortable old age.

Don't despair if you're broke

If you are in financial trouble, don't despair. There is still time for everyone to find a new source of income.

Think about your heritage

In fact, you are at the equator of your life path. Think about the things you will leave behind for posterity.

© Design, cover, illustrations by Integer LLC, 2017.

Cover design Rezko I.V.

© AST Publishing House LLC, 2017

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1. Ten commandments according to the Synodal translation of the Bible:

"1. I am the Lord your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, from the house of bondage; Thou shalt have no other gods before Me.

2. Do not make for yourself an idol or any image of what is in heaven above, and what is on the earth below, and what is in the water below the earth; do not worship them and do not serve them, for I am the Lord your God, a jealous God, punishing the children for the guilt of the fathers to the third and fourth generations that hate Me, and showing mercy to thousands of generations of those who love Me and keep My commandments.

3. Do not pronounce the name of the Lord your God in vain, for the Lord will not leave without punishment the one who pronounces His name in vain.

4. Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy; work for six days and do all your work, but the seventh day is the Sabbath of the Lord your God: do not do any work on it, neither you, nor your son, nor your daughter, nor your servant, nor your maidservant, nor your livestock, nor the stranger that is in your dwellings; for in six days the Lord made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that is in them; and rested on the seventh day; wherefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath day and hallowed it.

5. Honor your father and your mother, that your days may be long in the land which the Lord your God is giving you.

6. Don't kill.

7. Do not commit adultery.

8. Don't steal.

9. Do not bear false witness against your neighbor.

10. Do not covet your neighbor's house; Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's wife, nor his manservant, nor his maidservant, nor his ox, nor his ass, nor anything that is thy neighbor's.

2. One of the seven wonders of the world - the pyramid of Cheops. It is considered the oldest miracle on the list - its construction is estimated around the XXVI century. BC e. Despite its antiquity, this is the only building of the seven old wonders of the world that has come down to our times. Its height is 137.2 m (originally 146.6 m), the length of each side at the base is 230.38 m, it is composed of 2,340,000 limestone blocks, each of which weighs more than 50 centners and is supported by its own gravity, without any fasteners. During the construction, primitive tools were used (diorite hammers, copper saws and axes, tools made of polished stone), but the blocks were so skillfully processed that the gaps between them did not exceed 0.5 mm.

Location: Egypt, the city of Giza, the cemetery of ancient Memphis on the left bank of the Nile. Today it is part of Greater Cairo.

3. The Nobel Prizes are awarded according to the will of Alfred Nobel, drawn up on November 27, 1895, which provided for the allocation of capital for the award of prizes in five areas: physics, chemistry, physiology and medicine, literature and contribution to world peace.

For this purpose, in 1900, the Nobel Foundation was created - a private, independent, non-governmental organization with an initial capital of 31 million Swedish kronor. The first prizes were awarded on December 10, 1901. Since 1969, on the initiative of the Swedish Bank, a prize in economics has also been awarded (the official name is the Alfred Nobel Memorial Prize in Economics, awarded by the decision of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences).

4. Cyrillic (Cyrillic script) - the alphabet used to write the words of the Russian, Ukrainian, Belarusian, Bulgarian, Serbian and Macedonian languages, as well as many languages ​​\u200b\u200bof non-Slavic peoples inhabiting Russia and neighboring states. In the Middle Ages, it was also used to write numbers. The Cyrillic alphabet is named after Cyril, the creator of the Glagolitic alphabet, the first Slavic alphabet. The authorship of the Cyrillic alphabet belongs to missionaries - followers of Cyril and Methodius. The oldest monuments of Cyrillic writing date back to the turn of the 9th–10th centuries. Most likely, this letter was invented in Bulgaria. At first, it was the Greek alphabet, to the 24 letters of which 19 letters were added to indicate the sounds of the Slavic languages ​​that were absent in the Greek language. From the 10th century Cyrillic began to write in Rus'.

5. Anthem of the Russian Federation

Music by A. Alexandrov. Words by S. Mikhalkov.

Russia is our sacred power,
Russia is our beloved country.
Mighty will, great glory -
Yours forever!

From the southern seas to the polar region
Our forests and fields are spread out.
You are the only one in the world! One you are -
Protected by God native land!

Hail, our free Fatherland,
Fraternal peoples age-old union,
Ancestors given the wisdom of the people!
Hail country! We are proud of you!

Wide scope for dreams and for life
The coming years open up to us.
Our loyalty to the Motherland gives us strength.
So it was, so it is, and so it will always be!

Hail, our free Fatherland,
Fraternal peoples age-old union,
Ancestors given the wisdom of the people!
Hail country! We are proud of you!

6. Researchers are sure that the cosmos was formed after the so-called Big Bang, before which nothing existed: neither time, nor matter, nor light. And then an inexplicable expansion of energy (an explosion) happened, and the greatest mystery was formed - the Universe. This explosion occurred in a matter of seconds, after which the Universe, which at first was a fireball, began to rapidly grow and cool. Since the Universe came into being as a result of an explosion, the most likely demise for it is the Big Freeze, scientists believe. And it will happen as a result of the fact that due to the constant movement and expansion of many galaxies, the Universe will eventually lose heat, that is, useful energy.

7. The most widespread of the world's religions is Christianity, whose followers are considered to be 1.6 billion people. It retains the strongest positions in Europe, America and Australia.

Christianity appeared at the beginning of our era as a development of biblical wisdom that had been built up over the previous 2000 years. The Bible teaches us to understand and fulfill the meaning of life. Biblical thinking gives decisive importance to the issue of life and death, the end of the world. Jesus Christ preached the ideas of brotherhood, diligence, non-acquisitiveness and peacefulness. The service to wealth was condemned and the superiority of spiritual values ​​over material ones was proclaimed. The First Ecumenical Council, which met in Nicaea in 325, laid the dogmatic foundations of the One Holy Catholic Apostolic Church for many centuries to come.

8. The human body consists of various chemical elements, and the amount of these elements produced over a lifetime is amazing. So, the chlorine in our bodies is enough to disinfect six huge pools, and more than 200 matchboxes can be made from phosphorus. The strongest part of the human body is hair, it takes the longest time to break down. Archaeologists have found mummies buried millennia before the beginning of our era, and the only thing that has survived from living tissues, in addition to the skeleton, is hair. The human body produces a lot of thermal energy every day: for example, the heat generated by our body in a day is enough to boil 30 liters of cold water.

In an adult of average build, the skin is about 2 m 2. The skin is constantly renewed throughout life, our body sheds about 18 kg of skin in a lifetime in the form of keratinized and dead cells, which are replaced by new cells.

9. The first feat of Heracles was accomplished by strangling the huge Nemean lion, which was born by the monsters Typhon and Echidna and devastated Argolis. The arrows of Hercules bounced off the thick skin of a lion, but the hero stunned the beast with a club and strangled it with his hands. In memory of his first feat, Hercules established the Nemean Games, which were held in the ancient Peloponnese every two years.

10. Countries of the world and their capitals

11. Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750) - the great German composer and organist, a representative of the Baroque era. One of the greatest composers in the history of music. During his life, Bach wrote more than 1000 works. All significant genres of that time, except for opera, are represented in his work. He summarized the achievements of the musical art of the Baroque period. He is the ancestor of the most famous musical dynasty.

12. The Julian calendar was introduced by Julius Caesar in 46 BC. e. It is believed that Egyptian astronomers developed it. And it was named after the Roman emperor. It acquired its final form in 8 AD. e.

The year began on January 1, since it was on this day that the elected consuls took office, and consisted of 12 months or 365 days, sometimes 366. It is this “sometimes” that distinguishes it from the Gregorian calendar.

The problem was that a full revolution around the Sun - a tropical year - the Earth makes in 365.24219878 days. The calendar has an integer number of days. It turns out that if there are 365 days in a year, then every year the calendar will go astray - go ahead by almost a quarter of a day. In the Julian calendar, they acted simply - to correct the discrepancy, it was assumed that every fourth year would become a leap year (annus bissextus) and would have 366 days. Thus, the average length of the year in the Julian calendar is 365.25 days, which is already much closer to the real tropical year. However, the calendar began to lag behind every year by 11 minutes 14 seconds. For 128 years, it will be a day. This led to the fact that some dates associated with astronomical phenomena began to shift. As a result, there was a need for calendar reform.

13. Ten masterpieces of world cinema (according to directors):

1. "Tokyo Tale" - Yasujiro Ozu, 1953

2. 2001: A Space Odyssey - Stanley Kubrick, 1968

3. "Citizen Kane" - Orson Welles, 1941

4. "8 and a half" - Federico Fellini, 1963

5. "Taxi Driver" - Martin Scorsese, 1976

6. Apocalypse Now - Francis Ford Coppola, 1979

7. The Godfather - Francis Ford Coppola, 1972

8 Vertigo - Alfred Hitchcock, 1958

9. "Mirror" - Andrei Tarkovsky, 1974

10 Bicycle Thieves - Vittorio De Sica, 1948

14. Darwinism is criticized by a number of representatives of religion, who believe that it contradicts the divine creation of man. The fact is that Darwinism explains the origin of man by a long evolution, and this, according to the literal reading of the sacred texts, runs counter to the relatively recent formation of the world. At the same time, the Catholic Church, in a special papal encyclical - Humani generis - recognized that the theory of evolution does not contradict the teachings of the Church and "can be considered as a hypothesis in the question of the origin of the human body."

15. Tsars and emperors of Russia:

Mikhail Fedorovich Krotkiy (1613–1645)

Alexey Mikhailovich the Quietest (1645–1676)

Fedor Alekseevich (1676–1682)

Sofia Alekseevna (1682–1689)

Peter I Alekseevich the Great (1689–1725)

Catherine I Alekseevna (1725–1727)

Peter II Alekseevich (1727–1730)

Anna Ioannovna (1730–1740)

Ivan VI Antonovich (1740–1741)

Elizaveta Petrovna (1741–1761)

Peter III Fedorovich (1761–1762)

Catherine II Alekseevna the Great (1762–1796)

Pavel I Petrovich (1796–1801)

Alexander I Pavlovich the Blessed (1801–1825)

Konstantin Pavlovich (1825)

Nicholas I Pavlovich (1825–1855)

Alexander II Nikolaevich (1855–1881)

Alexander III Alexandrovich (1881–1894)

Nicholas II Alexandrovich (1894–1917)

16. The Vatican is a dwarf state, the smallest in the world, located in Rome, the capital of Italy. In international law, the Vatican itself is only the territory on which the Holy See is currently located - the collective name of the Pope and the Roman Curia, one of the main administrative bodies of the Catholic Church. Thus, the embassies of other countries are not accredited to the Vatican, but to the Holy See. A significant part of the territory is occupied by St. Peter's Cathedral and the square of the same name, which are the center of worship for Catholics around the world. Almost the entire perimeter of the country (about 3,200 m) is limited by a wall preventing illegal entry. As befits a real state, the Vatican has everything: a railway and a telegraph, a telephone and television, a radio station and a treasury, rulers and subjects, a border guarded by guards.

17. Abstractionism (Latin abstractio - “removal, distraction”) is a direction of art that has abandoned the depiction of forms close to reality in painting and sculpture. By creating certain color combinations and geometric shapes, the viewer evokes a variety of associations. The main representatives of abstract art were: V. V. Kandinsky (1866-1944), P. Picasso (1881-1973).

18. A continent (mainland, part of the world) is a large piece of land or the earth's crust. Much of it is above sea level.

There are seven continents on Earth - Europe, Asia, Africa, North America, South America, Australia and Antarctica. However, one can often find other opinions about the number, because in different traditions a different number of continents is accepted, hence the periodic confusion with numbers. For example, sometimes North and South America are considered to be the single continent of America, since they are not, in fact, separated by water (the artificial Panama Canal is not taken into account). This interpretation is popular in Spanish-speaking countries. There is also an opinion that Europe, Asia and Africa are one continent - Afro-Eurasia - because they occupy an undivided landmass. Europe and Asia, which have an extremely implicit distinction, are often called Eurasia. Hence the results of the calculation, when there are from four to seven continents on Earth.

Asia is the largest continent. This applies both to the area (29 %), as well as the population (60 %). The smallest continent is Australia (5.14% and 0.54% respectively). Antarctica is not on the list because this icy continent is unsuitable for a comfortable life and is practically uninhabited.

19. Atlantis, according to the ancient Greeks, is a continent that allegedly occupied part of the Atlantic Ocean to the west of the Pillars of Hercules (Strait of Gibraltar), and later sank into the sea without a trace.

The idea of ​​the legendary Atlantis most likely developed from the stories of Phoenician and Carthaginian merchants who sailed far to the west, but numerous attempts to geographically fix Atlantis have so far been unsuccessful. If we collect all the data on where Atlantis could be located, we would get a fascinating book in which we would have to tell about South America, with which the famous philosopher Francis Bacon identified Atlantis in the utopia "New Atlantis", and about the North Sea, where, according to the German pastor Jurgen Spanut, not far from the island of Helgoland, there was a mysterious continent, and about the search for it at the beginning of the 19th century. from Yucatan to Mongolia and from Svalbard to Saint Helena. Atlantis was "registered" in Brazil, Scandinavia, Palestine, in the Pas de Calais, etc.

20. American astronauts July 20, 1969 landed on the surface of the moon. The first person to walk on the moon was Apollo 11 commander Neil Armstrong.

6 hours after the "landing" astronauts Neil Armstrong and Edwin Aldrin put on spacesuits with a knapsack system, opened the hatch and descended to the lunar surface. Television broadcasts about landing a man on the moon were carried out by all countries except the USSR and China.

The first people on the moon paid tribute to all American and Soviet fallen colleagues: their medals, as well as a capsule with messages from the heads of 74 states (the USSR was not among them) were left on the moon. Attached to the landing stage was a map of the Earth and a sign that read: “Here, people from planet Earth first set foot on the moon. We come in peace from all mankind." These words were signed by the astronauts and the President of the United States.

After the flight, the crew members and samples of lunar rock underwent strict quarantine, which did not reveal any lunar microorganisms.

The successful completion of the Apollo 11 flight program meant the achievement of the national goal set by US President John F. Kennedy in May 1961 - to land on the moon before the end of the decade, and marked the victory of the United States in the "moon race" with the USSR.

21. The Gregorian calendar was the result of the reform of the Julian calendar by Pope Gregory XIII. The project was developed by Luigi Lilio, and according to this project, in the future, only those century years were to be considered leap years, the number of hundreds of years of which is divisible by 4 (1600, 2000, 2400), while others will be considered simple. Also, the accumulated from 8 AD was eliminated. e. an error of 10 days, and according to the papal decree of February 24, 1582, it was established that for October 4, 1582, October 15 should immediately come.

In the new Gregorian calendar, the average length of the year was 365.2425 days. The error was only 26 s, and the discrepancy per day accumulated over about 3300 years. In the future, it will be possible to declare every year divisible by 4000 without a remainder as non-leap years, and then the average value of the year will be 365.24225 days, with an even smaller error.

22. The Hanging Gardens of Babylon are included in the list of seven wonders of the world. Created in the VI century. BC e. by order of the king of the desert Babylon Nebuchadnezzar II for his wife, these gardens were supposed to console her and remind her of her distant homeland. The name of Semiramis, the Assyrian queen, appeared here by mistake, but nevertheless firmly entrenched in history.

The tiers of gardens rose in ledges and were interconnected by staircases lined with slabs of pink and white stone. For watering the plants, water was pumped from the Euphrates all day long. Plants of near and far countries, trees, palm trees, flowers raised to great heights by complex structures - all this made an indelible impression on the people of that time, gardens in dusty, arid Babylon seemed a miracle. Location: Babylon, Mesopotamia (Mesopotamia), approximately 50 km south of modern Baghdad.

23. UNESCO World Heritage - natural or man-made objects, the priority tasks in relation to which, according to UNESCO, are their preservation and promotion due to their special cultural, historical or environmental significance. As of 2016, there are 1,031 properties on the World Heritage List, of which 802 are cultural, 197 are natural and 32 are mixed.

24. The most ancient of the world religions is Buddhism, which arose in the middle of the 1st millennium BC. e. in India. After more than 15 centuries of dominance in India, Buddhism gave way to Hinduism. However, Buddhism spread widely throughout the countries of Southeast Asia, penetrated into Sri Lanka, China, Korea, Japan, Tibet, and Mongolia. The number of its adherents is estimated at about 500 million people.

In Buddhism, all the social and moral tenets of Hinduism are preserved, but the requirements of caste and asceticism are weakened. Buddhism pays more attention to the current life.

25. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756-1791) - the great Austrian composer, instrumentalist and conductor, representative of the Viennese classical school, virtuoso violinist, harpsichordist, organist, conductor. He had a phenomenal musical ear, memory and ability to improvise. As a composer who excelled in every genre, Mozart is rightfully considered one of the greatest composers in the history of classical music.

26. Avant-gardism (French avant-garde - "vanguard") - a set of experimental, emphatically unusual, exploratory undertakings in the art of the 20th century. The avant-garde areas of painting include fauvism, cubism, futurism, expressionism, abstractionism, surrealism, actionism, pop art, and conceptual art.

27. The second feat of Hercules is the destruction of the Lernean hydra. This monster with the body of a snake and nine heads of a dragon crawled out of the swamp near the city of Lerna, killed people and destroyed entire herds. Hercules found the hydra in a cave and fought with her. In place of each hydra's head cut off by the hero, two new ones grew, until Hercules' assistant, Iolaus, began to burn the necks of the hydra with burning tree trunks. He also killed a giant cancer that crawled out of the swamp to help the hydra. In the poisonous bile of the Lernean hydra, Hercules soaked his arrows, making them deadly.

28. The holy book of Christians - the Bible - consists of the Old Testament and the New Testament. The Old Testament was borrowed from Judaism and compiled over several centuries. He describes those events and facts that, in fact, led to the appearance of Jesus Christ. The texts of the New Testament tell about his life. They were combined into one book only at the beginning of the II century. The authorship of portions of the Testament is currently a moot point. The texts of the Bible differ depending on the branches of Christianity, for example, the Protestant Bible contains several additional books of the Old Testament.

29. The statue of Zeus at Olympia is one of the seven wonders of the world. It was created for the temple in the large religious center of Ancient Greece - Olympia. The giant Zeus by the sculptor Phidias amazed the locals so much that they decided that the god himself personally posed for the master. Time of creation - 440-435 years. BC e. Location: Greece, the ancient city of Olympia on the western coast of the Peloponnese, about 300 km west of Athens.

30. Cubism (fr. cube - “cube”) is a modernist trend in painting of the early 20th century, which highlighted the formal task of constructing a three-dimensional form on a plane, minimizing the figurative and cognitive functions of art. The name "Cubists" was first used in 1908 and 1909. by the French critic L. Vossel as a derisive nickname for a group of artists who depicted objects as a combination of geometric bodies or figures. The most famous artist of this trend is P. Picasso (1881–1973).

It's good for everyone to know! ">It's good for everyone to know!" alt="15 psychology tricks It's good for everyone to know!!}">

These psychological tricks really work. So worth a try!

1. When a group of people laughs, everyone instinctively looks at the one they like the most (or at the one they would like to consider a close person).

2. When you have to do something especially responsible or requiring concentration, in a word, something that usually makes us nervous, you should try chewing gum or even eating something. This is associated on a subconscious level with a sense of security, since we usually eat when nothing threatens us.

3. If someone is angry with us, and we manage to remain calm, then the anger will probably only escalate from this. However, later this person will become ashamed of his behavior.

4. If a person answers a question only partially, or is too evasive, you should not ask again. Better to just look him in the eye. He, most likely, will understand that this answer did not satisfy the interlocutor, and will continue to talk.

5. Facial expressions, it turns out, can not only be the result of feelings, but also cause these same feelings. Feedback works almost flawlessly, so those who want to feel happy should smile as often and widely as possible.

6. It is better not to use such phrases as "I think" or "I think" in speech or letters. They go without saying, but they give the words a shade of uncertainty.

7. Before an important interview, it is useful to imagine that we have a long-standing close friendship with the interviewer. It almost always depends on us how to perceive the situation, and our calmness and ease can be transmitted to the interlocutor.

8. If we manage to force ourselves to be sincerely glad when we meet someone, the next time we meet, that person will be glad to see us. (By the way, dogs do this trick on us all the time.)

9. People tend to accept a smaller favor after they've denied us a larger one.

10. A lot of useful information can be extracted by paying attention to the position of the interlocutor's legs. If, say, the toes of his shoes are facing the opposite direction from us, this usually means that the person wants to end the conversation as soon as possible.

11. Many of us have been present at a meeting in a situation where there was reason to expect sharp and unpleasant criticism from someone. Under such circumstances, it is best to sit next to this person. Practice shows that he will lose all his ardor and intent to attack, or at least be much softer.

12. Most people do not distinguish magnificence from simple self-confidence. If you learn how to demonstrate confidence with all your appearance, people will be drawn to us.

13. A good tip for those who work in the service industry is to hang a mirror behind you. People will behave much more correctly, because no one likes to see themselves irritated and angry.

14. A very useful habit is to notice the color of a person's eyes when meeting. He will unconsciously feel sympathy for us due to slightly lengthened eye contact.

15. When you go on a first date, it's smart to take your partner somewhere exciting. Subsequently, positive emotions from this meeting will be associated with us.

Our life is our own, we all go our own way and sometimes need guidance to help us. What are the main life tips that can help us in our journey through life?

These nine vital things, which were formulated by former police officer Justin Freeman, can change your life:

1. Remember that no one cares about you or your success.

Raised wages? Nobody cares. Bought a new car? For a couple of days, close acquaintances will be curious. And then your car will become another shiny drop in one long traffic jam on Sadovoe. Others are just as interested in your new car as you are interested in all these shiny drops. In general, it is impossible that your happiness depended on the opinions of others. Because no one cares.

2. There are those who break the first rule.

Sometimes a person may appear in our life who really will not give a damn about you. True, he (or she) will still not care about your car. But if he appreciates you, he will appreciate both what you do and what you say.

3. Spend the rest of your life with those who break the first rule.

Marry them. Make friends with them. Work with them. Travel and relax with them. No matter how hard you try, you can never make someone worry about you, so if you do meet such a person, try not to lose him.

4. Money is too cheap

In the sense that there are too many of them on the planet - something like forty thousand billion dollars floating around the world, mostly in the form of paper, the value of which we have overestimated. Don't waste your life trying to get some of that paper. I knew a man who set himself the goal of collecting a six-figure figure in his bank account. He worked all his life and in the end he achieved it. However, almost immediately died of cancer. I am sure that his wife's new husband appreciated his diligence.

5. Money is too expensive

This paragraph is about debts and loans. You should never borrow money to satisfy your vanity (see rule number one). Living in debt has become the norm today, but the more loans you have, the less control you have over your life. The only case when it is worth taking out a loan is a loan for education.

True, such a loan is not always necessary, for example, my wife and I graduated ten years of college together without debts to the bank. I don't understand people who borrow tens of thousands of dollars from the bank to get some kind of "BA in Modern Arts" without understanding what they want out of life.

Here's a free tip for you: if you're going to spend a ton of money on education just because you can't think of anything better, just take a trip to Europe for a few months. I guarantee you will spend less and learn more.

6. Learn to speak

I mean the ancient art of rhetoric. The elements of rhetoric, in all their manifestations, are what makes the world move, because it is the power of persuasion that makes people make decisions. If you understand the rhetorical techniques, understand how they work, you will not only get immunity from all advertising, marketing tricks, hucksters and brainwashers, you will be able to influence people yourself.

When you understand how to speak, to change someone else's mind, to give someone confidence in their own abilities, to calm the fears of a child, you will fully feel the power of the word. Keep in mind, however, that you can only use this power if your opponent in any discussion is not another person, but his ignorance.

7. There are many people before to which you are responsible, but the only person behind which you are responsible is yourself

We are all responsible to others, even if it's just a simple act of humanity. However, you should often go beyond this principle and help others, especially those who are more difficult than you. On the other hand, only you yourself are responsible for yourself and no one is obliged to help you.

8. Learn to look at things systematically

When you understand that the world around you is an endless network in which all events are interconnected, everything becomes much less mysterious. At the same time, it is important to remember about unpredictable events with significant consequences (“The Black Swan Theory”): sometimes chaos can disrupt even the most accurate plans. Take risks, but always have a backup plan with you.

9. Always do a little more than is required of you.

It's not about you having to do something for free. But you must admit, because few people expect that someone is able to do more than he is asked. By doing a little more than what is required of you, you will look much better in the eyes of others, gain respect and win over yourself. And these are the factors that are often so difficult to give.