
Swollen joints cause. Swollen joints on the hands: how to deal with it Joints hurt swollen than to treat

Fundamentals of garden composition

Edema, or swelling, of the legs is associated with the accumulation of fluid in the intercellular space. The causes of edema can be a variety of factors - from a long stay in one position to the development of a pathological process. Thus, swelling can be a temporary harmless phenomenon, and may indicate a threat to health.

In this article, we will look at why the joints on the arms and legs hurt and swell, the causes of which diseases are associated with edema, and what it can be.

Among main causes of leg swelling distinguish the following:

  • trauma;
  • inflammatory processes, including tendinitis, bursitis;
  • allergies cause various conditions, including those in which the muscle swells;
  • vascular diseases;
  • diseases of the endocrine system;
  • disturbances in the work of the lymphatic system;
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • kidney disease;
  • hypothermia;
  • diseases associated with metabolic disorders, this includes pathologies such as gout, rheumatoid arthritis, in which the joints hurt and swell;
  • degenerative aging processes, osteoporosis.

Possible diseases

In the direction of the spread of edema, one can judge the presence of a particular disease.

Swelling of the joints and soft tissues above the knee may indicate the following diseases:

If the swelling is located below the knee, then this may be a sign of such pathologies:

  • cardiovascular diseases associated with poor blood supply, cause bilateral edema, they occur daily in the evening, constant edema leads to the fact that the soft tissues gradually thicken. Venous insufficiency is associated with the formation of blood clots and varicose veins, only the leg where the pathological process develops swells, the tissues become dense to the touch, pain is felt when touched, the skin becomes bluish. Chronic venous insufficiency is accompanied by mild swelling, they disappear overnight, when the venous outflow is restored, while the person experiences heaviness and pain in the lower extremities, varicose veins begin to appear more clearly, spots and ulcers may appear;
  • kidney pathology accompanied by edema in the last stages, the skin color does not change and remains pale, the edema is soft and develops on both legs from the knee to the foot;
  • disturbances in the functioning of the lymphatic system manifest in the form of edema, which can spread from the thigh to the foot; with problems in the outflow of lymph, lymphodema occurs, the accumulation of lymphatic fluid leads to the fact that the legs become swollen, this condition is also called "elephant's disease"; one left leg can swell from the knee to the foot, or two legs at once.

The treatment of swelling of the joint below the knee will be discussed further.

Other reasons

Edema in cirrhosis of the liver is associated with a low dose of albumin production.

Pregnant women often suffer from leg swelling. This happens when the uterus begins to put pressure on the lower veins, hindering blood circulation. This condition resolves on its own without medical attention.

Improper nutrition can provoke a failure of metabolic processes in the body leading to various disorders, including edema and obesity. A large consumption of salty foods and salt leads to the development of swelling not only of the legs, but also of the face, eyelids, hands.

Also, the use of narcotic and toxic substances leads to edema.


To identify pathologies from a variety of diseases, a thorough diagnosis is carried out, which should determine the exact diagnosis. In some difficult cases, a differentiated approach is used, which makes it possible to exclude possible diseases.

Initially, the doctor conducts a thorough examination, finds out what preceded the onset of the disease. Then laboratory blood tests are prescribed for various indicators, an ultrasound examination of soft tissues.

X-ray is necessary to determine the condition of bones, joints and to identify the presence or absence of deformities, osteophytes and interarticular gaps. If the patient has purulent foci, a puncture is made to determine the causative agent of the infection.

If a detailed examination of the state of blood vessels, soft tissues, nerve fibers is necessary, magnetic resonance imaging or computed tomography is performed.

When to See a Doctor

Leg diseases bring great inconvenience to a person's life and significantly limit his activity. Therefore, at the first signs of the disease, it is necessary to seek medical help, undergo an examination and find out the cause of the changes.

First aid

What to do when the joint on the leg is swollen? In order to alleviate the condition of the victim, in the first hours it is necessary to ensure the immobility of the leg, relieve the load from the joints.

It is necessary to apply cold to the sore spot, but not more than 15 minutes. Any frozen food or cold water will do. You can repeat cooling compresses no more than 4 times a day. The leg should be placed on a raised platform, so that it is above the level of the heart. With severe pain, you can take an anesthetic.


Treatment for swollen leg joints is prescribed based on the cause of the disease. At the first stage, therapy is carried out to reduce the manifestation of symptoms - this is the removal of edema, a decrease in pain and inflammation. In some cases, surgical treatment is performed, for example, to remove accumulated fluid in the joint cavity and administer an anti-inflammatory drug.

During the rehabilitation period, measures are taken to restore the physiological processes and motor activity of the limb. For this, physiotherapy exercises, physiotherapy, massage and manual therapy techniques are used. In chronic diseases, the patient undergoes periodic examinations and therapy to maintain stable remission and prevent relapses of the disease.

Medical therapy

All the means used in the treatment can be divided into several groups. These are diuretics Furosemide""), anti-inflammatory drugs (""), decongestants, to normalize lymph flow (" Lymphomiazot"") and antihistamines (" Suprastin», « Tavegil»).

In addition, specific pathologies are treated with other means. Arthritis of autoimmune origin in the later stages is treated with hormonal drugs and immunosuppressants. Pathologies of the endocrine system - thyroid hormones. For vascular thrombosis, anticoagulants are prescribed. If an infection is detected, antibiotic treatment is given.

If swelling of the joints is associated with degenerative diseases, for example, arthrosis, a course of chondroprotectors and vitamin-mineral complexes is taken to maintain and nourish the bone tissue.

Folk remedies

It is advisable to discuss the use of folk recipes in the treatment of edema with a doctor. They can only be used during remission, when the acute phase of the disease has passed.

Used for washing decoction of herbs. Lingonberries, comfrey and burdock in equal proportions are poured into 1 liter of water and boiled until 0.5 liters of water boil away. After that, the decoction is ready for use.

Fresh potato compress. Grated potatoes are applied to the sore spot, wrapped with cling film and insulated with a cloth. The compress can be left overnight.

clay appliqué can be used to relieve small swelling.

Lavrushka decoction. Pour 30 leaves of laurel with boiling water, boil over low heat for 50 minutes, pour into a thermos and leave to infuse for a day. Then drink the decoction in small sips for 3 days. Take a break for 7 days and repeat if necessary.

horseradish treatment. Horseradish leaves scalded with boiling water can be applied to a sore spot, tied with a warm cloth. Mix the grated horseradish root with 1 teaspoon of vegetable oil and apply as an application, wrapped in warmth.

Physiotherapy procedures

Physiotherapy has a positive effect on improving blood circulation, lymph flow and metabolic processes in tissues. Therefore, it is successfully used to eliminate edema. It can be used for any diseases - from injuries to chronic arthrosis and arthritis.

As procedures, magnetic therapy, laser therapy, UHF, ultrasound, phonophoresis and electrophoresis with the use of drugs are carried out. Due to the physical properties of physiotherapy, medicinal substances penetrate better and deeper into tissues.

Manual therapy and exercise therapy

Massage and physiotherapy exercises are carried out during the period of remission to restore muscle tone and improve limb mobility. Massage makes muscles soft and supple, improves blood circulation and speeds up the healing process. The most effective are vacuum massage and lymphatic drainage.

Therapeutic exercise is necessary to prevent the development of congestion and stiffness in the joints after a long illness. Regular exercise, gradually increasing load will restore the previous state of the joints and muscle mass.


Operations are aimed at restoring damaged tissues in case of injuries (damage to the meniscus, sprain or fractures), removing foci of inflammation and clearing purulent accumulations (bursitis), to improve venous outflow (thrombosis, varicose veins).


To prevent swelling of the legs, it is important to lead an active lifestyle, play sports. Before going to bed, it is useful to do the exercise, keeping the legs upright, to improve venous outflow and lymph flow.

To prevent varicose veins, you can wear compression stockings and comfortable shoes. If you like salty foods, you need to limit their intake, as salt leads to excess fluid retention in the body.

The whole truth about: swollen joints cause and other interesting information about the treatment.

Joints are movable structures that connect the bones of the shoulder, knees, hips and other parts of the body. These structures are surrounded and supported by soft tissues. Swelling of the joints begins with the accumulation of exudate (fluid) in these tissues. The affected area increases in size, deforms, swelling appears. What caused this phenomenon and how to get rid of it? Let's get a look.

Soreness, discomfort and a clear increase in the surface of the joint are a consequence of the influence of a number of negative factors. These include:

  • various mechanical damage (bone fracture, rupture of ligaments and tendons);
  • joint infection;
  • response to an allergen;
  • intense physical activity;
  • factor of heredity;
  • malfunctions of the endocrine system;
  • disorders and diseases of the nervous system.

Autoimmune pathologies (lupus erythematosus) also provoke swelling of the joints.

What diseases are accompanied by swelling?

In most cases, obvious swelling is one of the symptoms of a developing pathology in the musculoskeletal system. The most common disease is arthritis and its types:

  1. Osteoarthritis occurs against the background of age-related changes in the body (there is a natural destruction of cartilage). When the cartilage wears out, the bones begin to rub - this causes swelling. Other characteristic manifestations include frequent crunching, pain when lifting, and a feeling of bone friction.
  2. Rheumatoid arthritis. With this ailment, the body takes its healthy tissues (the membranes that cover the joints) as foreign and gradually kills them. Fluid accumulates and edema develops. Other symptoms are prolonged morning stiffness of movements, redness of the affected joint, intense aching pain.
  3. Gout. Swelling is caused by uric acid, which accumulates in the joints. Symptoms are almost identical (increasing pain, external swelling, redness of the skin over the joint).
  4. Psoriatic arthritis(accompanies psoriasis).
  5. Septic arthritis. Swelling is a consequence of an infection (bacteria or fungi). A fluid with an admixture of pus collects in the joint. The patient is in severe pain.

Swollen joints are also a symptom of ailments such as bursitis, synovitis (inflammation of the joint bags), or tendinitis.

Signs that the knee is swollen due to various types of arthritis are very similar. This is crepitus (crunching of the joints), visible deformation, pain, stiffness of movements due to disruption of work.


Indications for a mandatory visit to a doctor are joint pain, swelling and high temperature (local and general) without obvious reasons. If the joint swelling appeared after an injury, you also need to visit the hospital. The specialist will study the medical history and prescribe a comprehensive diagnostic examination to accurately identify the cause.

At the initial admission of the patient, the doctor asks a number of clarifying questions:

  1. When did you notice swelling?
  2. Has this happened before? If so, how soon did the swelling subside?
  3. When is the pain most intense (afternoon, evening or morning)?
  4. Have you tried home treatment?
  5. Was there a rash or high body temperature?

For diagnostic purposes, they also carry out a blood test (general and biochemical), an x-ray of the affected joint, and a study of the accumulated fluid (puncture).

In this video, the doctor will tell you what to do and who to contact if the joints are not only swollen, but also hurt.

Traditional treatment

The purpose of the course of therapy depends on the cause and type of swelling:

  1. So, if the edema is caused by a consequence of an injury, then effective help is exposure to cold ( ice pack application). At low temperatures, capillary spasm and edema decrease (helps only on the first day after injury).
  2. The easiest way to get rid of swelling is alcohol bandage. A solution of Furacilin or Rivanol should be mixed with alcohol in a 1:1 ratio. Moisten a napkin in liquid, apply to the joint and bandage. The method is strictly prohibited in case of skin damage (scratches, abrasions, cuts, rashes).
  3. To stimulate local blood circulation and speedy resorption of the swollen area, ointments which contain various substances:

If there is pus in the joint cavity, it must be removed (only in a hospital). Ointments and dressings are applied only after cleaning.

Recipes from traditional medicine

Folk assistance is applied only after agreement with the attending physician. Otherwise, harm and the development of dangerous complications are possible:

  • Chestnut

Chestnut recipes are distinguished among home remedies.

Preparation and use of tincture:

  1. 250 g of ground ripe chestnuts should be poured with vodka (0.5 l) and closed with a lid;
  2. 2 weeks to store in a dark and dry place;
  3. strain the resulting liquid;
  4. rub the knee before going to bed every day (continue the procedure for 3-4 weeks).
  • Elecampane

Elecampane will help relieve inflammation and remove swelling. 100 g of the dry root of the plant must also be poured with vodka and insisted for 2 days. After strain and make compresses at night. Before applying, lubricate the affected area with oil.

  • Fat and herbs

If you suffer from pain in the joints, you can lubricate them with pork or interior fat (rub at night). Repeat 30 days. To establish metabolic processes in the body, you can also drink an infusion of medicinal herbs:

  1. mix calendula flowers, mint, nettle in equal proportions;
  2. pour boiling water (2 tablespoons per 1 liter);
  3. insist 12 hours.

Take 2-4 times a day (half a glass before meals). The course of treatment is 2 months.

All cases of joint swelling cannot be predicted or prevented. But any discomfort and soreness can be alleviated and eliminated. Contact the experts, do not try to get rid of the problem yourself.

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Why joints swell: causes and removal of edema Link to the main publication

Swelling of the joints of the legs is a very common problem, especially among women. A similar symptom often indicates the development of various joint diseases, so treatment can be prescribed only after the exact cause of the ailment has been established. Any swelling in the joint area requires the closest attention. In addition to being unattractive and making it difficult to wear shoes, a swollen joint causes pain and problems with movement.

Why the joints of the legs swell - the most common causes

A swollen joint is always a wake-up call that needs to be heeded. Edema can appear in the area of ​​​​the joints, both on the hands and on the legs, at any age, although older people are much more likely to suffer from the disease. In this case, the person experiences discomfort when walking and stiffness of movements in the area of ​​the affected joint.

The causes of edema can be divided into two groups:

  • mechanical injury;
  • internal diseases.

Quite often, the joints swell as a result of damage: a fracture, dislocation or bruise. In this case, after healing, the edema quickly subsides, the function of the joint is restored.

If swelling in the joint area occurs against the background of the disease, then the degree and dynamics of its severity depend on the development of the underlying pathology. Therefore, it is necessary to consider in more detail why the legs swell and hurt.


Inflammation of the joints, called arthritis, occurs as a result of infectious diseases (tuberculosis), metabolic disorders (gout), trauma, or as a result of an autoimmune pathology.

Arthritis is one of the causes of knee swelling

Forms of development of arthritis can be the following:

  • acute;
  • chronic.

The disease can affect one joint or cover several joints (polyarthritis).

Acute arthritis is characterized by intense pain and swelling in the area of ​​the affected joints, redness of the skin and an increase in body temperature over the joint. Such an inflammatory process can quickly destroy the cartilage and lead to a pronounced limitation of movement in the joint. Acute arthritis usually affects the knee and ankle.

In the chronic course of the disease, pain and swelling are not so pronounced. They occur periodically under the influence of adverse factors (hypothermia, development or exacerbation of concomitant pathology, excessive load on the affected joint).

The rheumatoid form of the disease is the most severe. It usually affects the small joints of the arms and legs, which swell and constantly ache.

Without treatment, rheumatoid arthritis can lead to severe deformity of the fingers and complete or partial loss of mobility in them.


This disease is a consequence of a violation of the metabolism of uric acid and an increase in the concentration of its compounds in the body. Gout is characterized by severe swelling of the tissues, the appearance of tophi in the area of ​​​​the hands, feet (big toe), knee or elbow joint.

During the period of exacerbation, severe pain appears. Gradually, the contents of tophi are liquefied, which is excreted through fistulas.

With a prolonged course of gout, inflammatory processes often occur in the adjacent joint bags (bursitis) or the inner sheaths of the tendons of the muscles (tendovaginitis).


The main cause of arthrosis is degenerative-dystrophic changes in cartilage and other structural elements of the joint. Puffiness appears as a result of excessive production of synovial fluid and its partial leakage from the periarticular sac. The articulation is often deformed.

Osteoarthritis usually affects the large joints of the legs (knee, hip) and is the cause of their swelling.


A pathology such as bursitis occurs as a result of inflammation of the periarticular bags and is most often localized in the knee, hip and ankle joints.

The cause of bursitis can be injuries, repeatedly repeated mechanical effects, allergic reactions or infectious diseases.

Edema in this disease is caused by the accumulation of synovial fluid and is manifested by severe pain, redness of the tissues over the joint. The skin in the area of ​​the pathology becomes hot to the touch.


Fractures, dislocations, sprains and bruises are quite common causes of swelling of the joints of the legs. For example, a tumor quickly occurs even with a slight dislocation of the foot or sprain in the ankle area.

With fractures, extensive edema develops with the capture of nearby tissues. Gradually decreasing, it persists for some time after the fusion of the bones. With fractures, in addition to severe swelling, the patient is concerned about intense pain, the formation of a hematoma and a significant limitation of mobility.

Often the cause of edema is venous insufficiency, which develops with thrombosis of the veins of the lower extremities. With vascular insufficiency, the legs usually swell in the evening, against the background of fatigue. The process is accompanied by heaviness and pain in the legs, discoloration of the skin. Veins become pronounced.

What to do if the joints of the legs are swollen - methods of therapy

How to properly treat edema? The fight against puffiness begins with an accurate diagnosis. After a complete examination, the specialist prescribes adequate treatment, in accordance with the individual characteristics of the patient.

In modern medicine, an integrated approach to therapy is widely used, which includes the following methods:

  1. Medicines.
  2. Physiotherapy procedures.
  3. Physiotherapy.

Before visiting a doctor, swelling can be reduced with cold compresses, foot baths, and using ointments with a cooling effect. However, self-treatment cannot be done for a long time.

Medical therapy

Since there are a lot of diseases that cause swelling of the legs, treatment should not be limited to the use of drugs from one group. In the fight against puffiness, it is recommended to use the following means:

  1. Diuretics - Diakarb, Furosemide, Indap, Dehydratin, Priretanide, Retapres, Indapamed, Fonurit.
  2. Anti-exudative drugs - L-lysine aescinate.
  3. Homeopathic preparations - Lymphomiazot, Ovarium compositum, Solidago Compositum C, Traumeel S.
  4. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs - Meloxicam, Ortofen, Diclofenac.
  5. Antihistamines - Loratadin, Tsetrin, Fenistil, Erius.
  6. Cooling and decongestant gels - Troxevasin, Lyoton, Heparin ointment.
Some joint ailments involve the appointment of antibacterial, glucocorticosteroid and antitumor drugs.

In folk medicine, it is believed that iodine therapy is excellent for gout. To prepare the medicine, iodine and aspirin are mixed. The finished solution lubricates the affected areas.


Physiotherapy treatments have a very good effect on swollen legs. Improving microcirculation, activating the metabolism in the affected tissues and normalizing vascular tone, the procedures quickly defeat edema and eliminate the accompanying inflammatory symptoms.

The following physiotherapy procedures are especially effective for swelling of the legs:

  • UHF treatment;
  • laser therapy;
  • magnetotherapy;
  • phonophoresis or electrophoresis with drugs;
  • mud applications.

To achieve the best effect, therapeutic exercises, manual exposure and diet are added to conservative methods.

Massage and exercise therapy

Specially selected sets of physical therapy exercises play an important role in the treatment of injuries and joint diseases. Exercise improves blood circulation and metabolism in the joints of the legs and nearby tissues. They must be done regularly, gradually increasing the load.

No less effective massage of the lower extremities. The procedure accelerates blood flow, improves lymph circulation, eliminates swelling and pain in the legs.

How to keep your feet healthy - swelling prevention

To reduce swelling and eliminate associated symptoms (pain and heaviness in the legs), you need to follow these simple recommendations:

  1. Avoid wearing tight-fitting clothing (socks, stockings). Instead, you should choose elastic stockings, which are made not only for women, but also for men.
  2. Keep your legs elevated several times during the day. This allows you to restore normal blood circulation in the limbs if they are swollen and swollen.
  3. Eliminate salty foods from your diet. Salt retains water in the body and contributes to the development of tissue swelling.

If the joints on the legs are swollen, resting with elevated legs will help.

These simple rules will help reduce swelling and alleviate the patient's condition. However, one should not try to defeat the disease only with their help. When the first signs of swelling of the joints appear, you should consult a specialist.

Swelling of the joints of the legs is not an independent disease, but only one of the symptoms of a developed disease. Therefore, the sooner the root cause of the ailment is established and the appropriate treatment is prescribed, the faster the recovery will come.

In the human body, the joints play an essential role in ensuring the fixation of the body in a certain position, as well as its ability to move in space. Therefore, their disease negatively affects the general condition of a person and his ability to be active.

If it hurts, the joint is swollen, you should immediately consult a doctor, as this may be the first symptom of the occurrence of one of the many diseases of the musculoskeletal system characteristic of different age groups.

If a pathology of each group of joints is detected - and their number in the human body reaches 360 - one can judge the occurrence of a specific disease.

The biggest danger in joint disease lies in the serious complications that occur with untimely or improper treatment. In this case, a person may partially lose his legal capacity, which subsequently threatens with disability.

The main causes of joint pain

Painful sensations and tumors of the joints are a consequence of pathologies, the main causes of which are:

  • Infectious infection;
  • Reactions of the body of an allergic or autoallergic type;
  • Dysfunction of the endocrine system;
  • Nervous diseases;
  • hereditary factor;
  • Cardiovascular diseases;
  • Overload or injury;
  • indirectly influencing factors.

The most common cause of the disease are infectious diseases.

In diseases of an infectious or non-infectious nature, the body often reacts when specific protein compounds are formed in it - tissue autoantigens and autoantibodies. They cause an autoallergic reaction that slows down the healing process.

On this basis, against the background of ongoing infectious diseases of tuberculosis, gonorrhea, dysentery, diseases such as rheumatism, polyarthritis, nonspecific infectious polyarthritis, accompanied by joint pains, arise.

In violation of the function of the endocrine glands, joint diseases can occur that have an endocrine etiology: deforming spondylosis, menopausal arthritis, arthropathies: arthromegalic or diabetic, as well as a number of similar pathologies.

In the event of malfunctions in the circulatory system, when the walls of blood vessels and capillaries lose their permeability, there is a violation of the nutrition of cartilage and bone tissues. This contributes to the development of an inflammatory process in the joints, leading to degenerative pathologies.

Joint tumors as a result of mechanical damage develop due to acute injuries or prolonged exposure to increased loads.

There are a number of factors that indirectly affect the occurrence and development of joint diseases:

  1. metabolic disorder;
  2. Prolonged exposure to cold or damp environment;
  3. Abuse of protein food;
  4. Gender (men are more prone to joint diseases than women).

Typical symptoms of joint diseases

We try non-standard treatment:

Each disease of the joints is characterized by a distinctive set of manifestations; however, there are common symptoms:

  • Pain syndrome;
  • Stiffness of movements as a result of a violation of the functionality of the joint;
  • Crepitus - a crunch felt in the joint bags during movements;
  • Swollen joints, their visible deformation and formation of knots.

The most important symptom that manifests itself in every articular disease is pain. Their localization is very important in the diagnosis, since they can spread far from the diseased joint.

For example, pronounced soreness of the knee joints sometimes occurs with inflammation of the hip.

Inflamed conditions are characterized by the manifestation of severe pain at the beginning of the movement; towards the end they subside a bit.

With arthritis, the pain subsides only after the body or limb takes a forced position; Oncology is characterized by "bone" pain.

The characteristic symptoms of the most common joint diseases in adults and children are:

  1. Accompanying pain fever, hyperemia, swelling of the joints, edema, skin rash - rheumatism or juvenile rheumatoid arthritis;
  2. Severe pain in one limb (joints and bones), with fever - osteomyelitis, infectious or reactive arthritis;
  3. Continued debilitating bone and joint pain is a possible signal of a developing bone tumor

How to relieve pain

The problem of treating joint diseases and getting rid of pain concerns a significant number of people, especially those who have crossed the half-century threshold.

In order to apply the correct treatment and alleviate the patient's condition, it is necessary to determine the true cause of pain. This can only be done by a doctor after a thorough examination.

Therapy for joint pain is prescribed depending on the cause of their origin.

After overload as a result of physical activity, aching pains in the joints occur, which disappear after a while. You can reduce the pain syndrome by using external preparations for rubbing, which have a warming and analgesic effect:

  • Diclofenac;
  • Finalgon;
  • Menovazin.

To alleviate the patient's condition after an injury, which is accompanied by reddening of the skin, a violation of the functionality of the articular joints, it is necessary to fix the damaged joint in a motionless state, apply a cold compress.

To prevent and relieve swelling, it is important, if the joints swell, to give the painful area an elevated position. Pain relievers and external agents with the effect of pain relief contribute to the reduction of pain.

Joint pain in pregnant women is a fairly common occurrence. They occur for several reasons:

  1. Pain in the lower back and hip joints - a consequence of hormonal changes in the body;
  2. Pain in the joints of the lower extremities and the lumbar region is the result of increased load due to weight gain;
  3. Pain in the joints of the hands appear due to compression of the median nerve caused by swelling.

In addition to the listed physiological causes that are characteristic of the condition of a pregnant woman, the causes of pain may be of a different nature - due to the onset of the disease.

Therefore, it is very important for pregnant women with the appearance of any pain in the musculoskeletal system, especially with fever, swelling and general weakness, a mandatory visit to a doctor who will give the necessary recommendations.

The causes of joint pain in children can be different. There are so-called "growing pains" and pains that signal the presence of a disease.

With pains characteristic of a growing organism, the child's physical activity and mobility, normal appetite, and good mood are preserved. Pain can either suddenly appear or disappear without a trace. To relieve pain, you can give the child a light massage, put a warm heating pad or a warm compress.

However, it should be remembered that children can also suffer from such "adult" diseases as rheumatoid arthritis.

Therefore, at the first complaints of a child about pain in the joints, you should immediately consult a doctor to rule out a possible disease.

Basic principles of treatment and prevention of joint pain

The choice of medications to relieve pain of any etiology should be made by the attending physician after clarifying the diagnosis.

You can alleviate the condition on your own by following simple recommendations:

  • Ensuring the state of rest of the diseased joint by fixation;
  • Timely regular use of medicines prescribed by a doctor;
  • Elimination of external factors that provoke the occurrence of pain;
  • Correction of the diet, regulation of metabolism and moderate physical activity;
  • Daily fluid intake of at least two liters during the day.

It is impossible to get rid of most joint diseases. However, observing the basic principles of behavior in the presence of a disease, one can maintain labor activity and a full-fledged lifestyle. And about what leads to swelling of the joint - in the video in this article.

It is important to know!

According to statistics, every THIRD inhabitant of the country suffers from various joint diseases (arthrosis, arthritis, etc.). And because of the limitation of mobility over time, accompanying diseases such as hernia, metabolic disorders (weight gain), curvature of the spine and the inability to walk arise. And the worst thing is that at the very last stages, neoplasms can occur in the joints that lead to cancer.

People taught by bitter experience for the treatment of joints use ...

Discomfort when walking, lameness, difficulty bending the knees, numbness of the lower extremities are unpleasant symptoms that are often experienced by older people. Doctors often hear complaints that the joints in the legs hurt and swell. Negative manifestations are aggravated by changing weather, stress on the limbs, weight lifting, exacerbation of chronic diseases.

What to do? What ointments and rubbing will help with negative symptoms? It is important to understand which factor caused discomfort in the joints, which disease develops. Only after an examination by an orthopedic traumatologist, rheumatologist or arthrologist can treatment be started.

Possible causes of pain and swelling in the joints of the legs

There are several dozen diseases in which destructive and degenerative-dystrophic changes occur in cartilage and bone tissue. A person without medical education cannot determine the cause of inflammation, swelling, aching or sharp pain in the joints of the legs.

Diagnosis requires a visit to a specialist dealing with problems of the musculoskeletal system. Often, an examination is carried out by a gastroenterologist, gynecologist, neurologist, urologist, infectious disease specialist. In many cases, the doctor prescribes not only ultrasound, MRI, CT or X-ray, but also blood and urine tests.

Rheumatoid arthritis


  • inflammatory process, accompanied by deformation, gradual destruction of the joints;
  • develops against the background of an autoimmune lesion of the body, due to a genetic predisposition. The more negative factors (hypothermia, injuries, infectious diseases), the higher the risk of severe damage to bone and cartilage tissue;
  • rheumatoid arthritis of the leg joints is in second place among the areas of localization of negative changes, accompanied by complications in other organs and tissues.


  • morning stiffness in inflamed joints;
  • severe pain in the knees, legs, feet;
  • the skin over the inflamed joints swell, turn red, painful on palpation, hot to the touch;
  • negative symptoms appear symmetrically;
  • in severe stages, the foot is deformed, the muscles atrophy;
  • in studies (MRI, X-ray, ultrasound, CT), destructive changes are visible in the nerve fibers of the spinal cord, heart, kidneys, and epidermis.

Learn about the benefits and features of laser therapy for osteoarthritis of the knee.

What should I do if my shoulder hurts when I raise my arm up? Treatment methods are described on this page.

Treatment of the joints of the legs with rheumatoid arthritis:

  • therapy is difficult there is no exact data on the etiology of the disease;
  • immunosuppressants are used to reduce the negative impact on the body in autoimmune lesions;
  • reduce inflammation glucocorticosteroids, NSAIDs;
  • in case of complications, symptomatic therapy is required to reduce negative manifestations, relieve inflammation in the nerve processes, tissue of the heart muscle, kidneys, and respiratory tract.

Deforming arthrosis


  • deforming arthrosis most often develops against the background of aging. Degenerative-dystrophic changes cause swelling, pain in the joints of the legs. Gradually, the cartilaginous tissue is destroyed, the limb cannot function;
  • provoking factors: hard work, malnutrition, lack of vitamins, wearing uncomfortable shoes, orthopedic pathologies, chronic diseases.


  • the main area of ​​localization of the lesion on the legs is the metatarsophalangeal joint of the thumb (the infamous "bone");
  • at an early stage, aching pain occurs during overloads, in the evenings, after a long walk. As the pathology progresses, the pain syndrome manifests itself more and more often, the cartilage is destroyed. The thumb deviates from the axis by 15–25 degrees or more;
  • with advanced pathologies, pain is present almost constantly, painful sensations in the foot cannot be removed even by potent analgesics. The finger is displaced by 30 degrees, it is impossible to move without severe pain, it is difficult to buy suitable shoes.


  • orthopedic insoles and accessories;
  • refusal of high loads on the zone of the lower extremities;
  • comfortable shoes;
  • analgesics;
  • proper nutrition;
  • non-steroidal anti-inflammatory compounds;
  • chondroprotectors;
  • multivitamins.

Psoriatic arthritis

Provoking factors:

  • psoriasis;
  • dermatological diseases;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • autoimmune factor;
  • often the etiology of the disease is not clear.


  • manifestations of the disease in many ways resemble those of rheumatoid arthritis;
  • there are features that are characteristic of the psoriatic form of the inflammatory disease;
  • toes swell, resemble irregularly shaped sausages;
  • the skin turns red, often turns blue, smooth areas alternate with scaly ones;
  • the pathological process affects all parts of the joints of the toes, the appearance of the nail plates changes;
  • exacerbation alternates with periods of remission;
  • severe deformation of the articular tissue, severe swelling of the fingers interferes with walking, often leads to disability of the patient.


  • hormonal compositions for the relief of inflammation. Corticosteroids reduce pain, relieve swelling;
  • chondroprotectors that slow down the deformation of the joints;
  • a group of NSAIDs to combat acute inflammation;
  • ointments and gels: compositions for external use improve the condition of the skin, reduce peeling, prevent the development of ulcers;
  • the potent drug Methotreskat is effective in psoriatic arthritis;
  • therapeutic exercises are carried out, preventing atrophy of muscles and ligaments;
  • folk remedies improve the condition of the joints: lingonberry tea, nettle decoction, chamomile + calendula, birch bud infusion (inside), carrot compress with oil and turpentine.
  • obligatory diet with restriction of products containing purines (offal, meat, spinach, tea and coffee), a ban on alcohol, a minimum of salt.


  • accumulation of urates in the joints with excessive production or insufficient excretion of uric acid;
  • among the provoking factors: excessive consumption of foods containing purines, which provoke the production of uric acid. A large amount of red meat, fatty fish (herring, sprat), offal is dangerous for the joints. You can not use a lot of strong tea, beer, coffee, sour vegetables and fruits;
  • failures in metabolic processes cause the growth of tophi (gouty nodules), worsen the general condition, increase pain in the joints during movement or exercise.


  • gout is a chronic pathology;
  • attacks are accompanied by excruciating pain in the toes, knees;
  • after the removal of urates, limiting the amount of coffee and meat, the intensity of pain decreases;
  • often accompanied by renal pathology;
  • small joints cover gouty nodules - formations that protrude under the skin near problem areas.


  • gout diet - exclusion or restriction of foods containing high amounts of purines and uric acid;
  • a group of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, glucocorticosteroids during gout attacks;
  • proper drinking regimen;
  • drugs to reduce production, accelerate the excretion of uric acid;
  • effective drugs: Colchicine, Allopurinol, Fullflex, Allupol, Diakarb, Blemaren.

Important! The more accurately the patient adheres to the diet, the less often acute manifestations of gout occur.



  • severe joint damage in many patients over 50 years of age is often associated with a decrease in bone density. For this reason, even a minor injury in any part of the musculoskeletal system is difficult to treat: loose tissue is poorly restored;
  • in women, leaching of calcium from bones after 45 years is associated with menopause, problems with the hormonal background.


  • a decrease in bone mineral density provokes instability of the joints, causes negative symptoms;
  • the first signs of osteoporosis appear in the spine, later discomfort develops in the lower extremities;
  • external signs join spasms in the muscles of the back, pain during palpation in the spine: decreased growth, stoop;
  • the slightest blow provokes injuries to the bones. The rehabilitation period is long. Fracture of the femoral neck is a dangerous injury in which elderly patients often become disabled;
  • the disease develops gradually: at first, negative signs necessarily appear in the spine, later looseness of the bone tissue occurs in the legs.

Learn about the rules for using Mucosat Belmed for the treatment of joint diseases.

About the symptoms and treatment of valgus deformity of the big toe in children is written on this page.

Treatment for osteoporosis:

  • the goal of therapy is to restore the optimal level of calcium in the bones as soon as possible;
  • Calcium D3 Nycomed, Calcimin, Calcitonin are prescribed;
  • recommended fish oil, vitamin D;
  • the menu should include moose fish, vegetable oils, low-fat dairy products, vegetables, nuts, dietary meat (rabbit, chicken). Useful cottage cheese, hard cheese, cereals;
  • walks in the fresh air in clear weather are obligatory for the accumulation of vitamin D in a natural way;
  • fluorine salts, somatropic, parathyroid hormone, Osteokhin drug slow down the destruction of bones;
  • to normalize the hormonal background, women are recommended drugs with phytoestrogens, for example, Gynoclin.

Infectious lesions

Causing factors, symptoms:

  • joints swell and hurt when pathogenic bacteria, dangerous fungi and viruses penetrate into bone, cartilage, synovial membrane, intra-articular fluid;
  • infectious agents penetrate through injury, trauma or with the flow of lymph / blood from other parts of the body;
  • the inflammatory process is accompanied by sharp pains, swelling of tissues, an increase in local (in severe cases - general body temperature);
  • infectious arthritis develops rapidly, negative signs quickly increase;
  • severe pain does not allow you to lean on your leg, pulsation inside the destructive focus makes you take analgesics;
  • the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe problem joint swells, turns red, pain increases with palpation;
  • lack of therapy provokes the spread of infection to neighboring tissues.


  • infectious arthritis requires timely intervention during the destructive process. An integrated approach will ensure a positive result;
  • it is important to find out which pathogen has entered the body, to choose an antiviral, antibacterial or antimycotic drug;
  • with severe pain, analgesics are needed;
  • compositions for topical application are recommended, which relieve swelling, reduce pain: Troxevasin, Lyoton, Heparin ointment;
  • folk remedies help well: a cabbage leaf compress, a combination of honey with aloe pulp for application to the inflamed area, a decoction of chamomile and nettle for oral administration. Home formulations are an addition to medical treatment, not a replacement for drugs. Without antibiotics and antiviral drugs, infectious arthritis cannot be cured.

With soreness, swelling of the joints, it is important to be examined on time. You can not start the pathology of the musculoskeletal system: severe forms of arthritis, osteoporosis, deforming arthrosis are difficult to treat, accompanied by painful symptoms.

Why do the joints of the legs and arms hurt and how to deal with negative symptoms? Useful tips in the following video:

Attention! Only today!

When the joints of the upper or lower extremities hurt and swell, the person has difficulty moving. The source of swollen movable joints is the accumulated fluid in adjacent tissues. In case of violation, the damaged area swells, increases in size and deforms. An urgent appeal to the doctor is required, which will help to find out why the articular structures are swollen and select the appropriate treatment.

Why does the joint swell: the main reasons?

Swollen joints on the legs and arms are formed under the influence of negative factors. The main cause of the violation is the pathological accumulation of exudate in the area near the movable joint. The following factors are the source of this deviation:

  • damage of a mechanical nature, in which tendons, ligaments are damaged, and the joints of the legs and arms swell;
  • penetration of infection into the cavity of the movable joint;
  • allergic reaction;
  • increased physical activity;
  • heredity;
  • dysfunction of the endocrine system;
  • diseases of the nervous system.

If the joints on the arms or legs are reddened and swollen, then this may be the first sign of the development of lupus erythematosus or another autoimmune disorder.

Disease symptoms

These symptoms are often seen in arthritis.

Swelling of small or large movable joints often occurs due to pathological disorders. Often such a reaction is noted with inflammation of the tissues localized near the articular bag. Swelling and pain in the joints are most often associated with arthritis and similar diseases. Common ailments and additional symptoms:

  • Osteoarthritis. With a deviation, degenerative processes in the cartilage associated with age-related changes are noted. Swelling is provoked by increased friction due to wear of the cartilage tissue. The patient hears a constant crunch when moving, the local temperature rises, and the joints hurt when lifting weights or during exercise.
  • Rheumatoid arthritis. The body ceases to perceive its healthy tissues, constantly killing them. Because of this, fluid accumulates, and swelling occurs. In the morning, a person complains of constrained movements, redness of the injured joint. Often the temperature in the affected area rises.
  • Gout. Swelling is associated with the accumulation of uric acid in the joint cavity. The patient is worried about an attack of pain, swelling and redness of the epidermis.
  • Arthritis of the septic type. A person's legs and arms swell due to the penetration of infection, bacteria, viruses, fungi into the joint. In this case, the articular bags accumulate purulent fluid, which provokes severe pain of an acute nature.

Less commonly, movable joints swell due to such diseases:

  • bursitis;
  • synovitis;
  • tendinitis.

Diagnostic procedures

If you have problems with your toes, you need to see a doctor.

If the middle toe or other movable joint is swollen and reddened, then you need to see a doctor. First, an examination of the damaged area is carried out and a detailed history is collected. It is important for the doctor to find out how long ago the symptom arose, when it manifests itself, whether it is accompanied by other pathological signs. Additionally, a comprehensive diagnosis is carried out using the following examination methods:

  • general and biochemical study of blood fluid;
  • radiography of the damaged movable joint;
  • puncture, in which the resulting intra-articular fluid is examined.

What to do and how to treat?

Conservative treatment

When swelling of the joint of the foot, hand or other part of the body, the doctor selects an effective remedy individually for each patient. It is possible to remove the tumor by means of a cold compress, in which the capillaries spasm, and the swelling is reduced. Such a therapeutic measure can reduce swelling only in the first hours after the injury. It is also recommended to make an alcohol bandage to help eliminate swelling of the leg joints. For its preparation, "Furacilin" or "Rivalon" is required, which is combined with alcohol in equal amounts. Also used ointment and other drugs presented in the table.

It is strictly forbidden to apply the gel and other local remedies if purulent fluid has accumulated at the site of the lesion. In this case, you must first remove it, and then use local medicines.

Joints are movable structures that connect the bones of the shoulder, knees, hips and other parts of the body. These structures are surrounded and supported by soft tissues. Swelling of the joints begins with the accumulation of exudate (fluid) in these tissues. The affected area increases in size, deforms, swelling appears. What caused this phenomenon and how to get rid of it? Let's get a look.

You will learn


Soreness, discomfort and a clear increase in the surface of the joint are a consequence of the influence of a number of negative factors. These include:

  • various mechanical damage (bone fracture, rupture of ligaments and tendons);
  • joint infection;
  • response to an allergen;
  • intense physical activity;
  • factor of heredity;
  • malfunctions of the endocrine system;
  • disorders and diseases of the nervous system.

Autoimmune pathologies (lupus erythematosus) also provoke swelling of the joints.

What diseases are accompanied by swelling?

In most cases, obvious swelling is one of the symptoms of a developing pathology in the musculoskeletal system. The most common disease is arthritis and its types:

  1. occurs against the background of age-related changes in the body (there is a natural destruction of cartilage). When the cartilage wears out, the bones begin to rub - this causes swelling. Other characteristic manifestations include frequent crunching, pain when lifting, and a feeling of bone friction.
  2. Rheumatoid arthritis. With this ailment, the body takes its healthy tissues (the membranes that cover the joints) as foreign and gradually kills them. Fluid accumulates and edema develops. Other symptoms are prolonged morning stiffness of movements, redness of the affected joint, intense aching pain.
  3. . Swelling is caused by uric acid, which accumulates in the joints. Symptoms are almost identical (increasing pain, external swelling, redness of the skin over the joint).
  4. Psoriatic arthritis(accompanies psoriasis).
  5. Septic arthritis. Swelling is a consequence of an infection (bacteria or fungi). A fluid with an admixture of pus collects in the joint. The patient is in severe pain.

Swollen joints are also a symptom of ailments such as bursitis, synovitis (inflammation of the joint bags), or tendinitis.

Signs that the knee is swollen due to various types of arthritis are very similar. This is crepitus (crunching of the joints), visible deformation, pain, stiffness of movements due to disruption of work.


Indications for a mandatory visit to a doctor are joint pain, swelling and high temperature (local and general) without obvious reasons. If the joint swelling appeared after an injury, you also need to visit the hospital. The specialist will study the medical history and prescribe a comprehensive diagnostic examination to accurately identify the cause.

At the initial admission of the patient, the doctor asks a number of clarifying questions:

  1. When did you notice swelling?
  2. Has this happened before? If so, how soon did the swelling subside?
  3. When is the pain most intense (afternoon, evening or morning)?
  4. Have you tried home treatment?
  5. Was there a rash or high body temperature?

For diagnostic purposes, they also carry out a blood test (general and biochemical), an x-ray of the affected joint, and a study of the accumulated fluid (puncture).

In this video, the doctor will tell you what to do and who to contact if the joints are not only swollen, but also hurt.

Traditional treatment

The purpose of the course of therapy depends on the cause and type of swelling:

  1. So, if the edema is caused by a consequence of an injury, then effective help is exposure to cold ( ice pack application). At low temperatures, capillary spasm and edema decrease (helps only on the first day after injury).
  2. The easiest way to get rid of swelling is alcohol bandage. A solution of Furacilin or Rivanol should be mixed with alcohol in a 1:1 ratio. Moisten a napkin in liquid, apply to the joint and bandage. The method is strictly prohibited in case of skin damage (scratches, abrasions, cuts, rashes).
  3. To stimulate local blood circulation and speedy resorption of the swollen area, ointments which contain various substances:

If there is pus in the joint cavity, it must be removed (only in a hospital). Ointments and dressings are applied only after cleaning.

Recipes from traditional medicine

Folk assistance is applied only after agreement with the attending physician. Otherwise, harm and the development of dangerous complications are possible:

  • Chestnut

Chestnut recipes are distinguished among home remedies.

Preparation and use of tincture:

  1. 250 g of ground ripe chestnuts should be poured with vodka (0.5 l) and closed with a lid;
  2. 2 weeks to store in a dark and dry place;
  3. strain the resulting liquid;
  4. rub the knee before going to bed every day (continue the procedure for 3-4 weeks).
  • Elecampane

Elecampane will help relieve inflammation and remove swelling. 100 g of the dry root of the plant must also be poured with vodka and insisted for 2 days. After strain and make compresses at night. Before applying, lubricate the affected area with oil.

  • Fat and herbs

If you suffer from pain in the joints, you can lubricate them with pork or interior fat (rub at night). Repeat 30 days. To establish metabolic processes in the body, you can also drink an infusion of medicinal herbs:

  1. mix calendula flowers, mint, nettle in equal proportions;
  2. pour boiling water (2 tablespoons per 1 liter);
  3. insist 12 hours.

Take 2-4 times a day (half a glass before meals). The course of treatment is 2 months.

All cases of joint swelling cannot be predicted or prevented. But any discomfort and soreness can be alleviated and eliminated. Contact the experts, do not try to get rid of the problem yourself.

It happens that the joint on the finger is swollen. How dangerous is it? What consequences can this entail? What to do to eliminate the tumor? There are many questions, and all of them are relevant.

Why do finger joints swell?

In addition to the joints of the fingers, other parts of the human skeletal system can also swell: groin, wrist, knees. However, in this case we are talking about the joints of the fingers. There are not too many reasons why the joints of the fingers may swell, but you need to know about them. Swollen joints need to be treated. So, what can cause swelling of the joints on the fingers?
The first reason is arthritis. Arthritis can be acute or chronic. The chronic variant mostly occurs in older people, especially those who have been engaged in hard physical work all their lives, spent a lot of time in the cold, did not take care of their hands, suffered viral or infectious diseases.
Chronic arthritis does not develop immediately, but over a long period of time. The fingers gradually become inflexible, lose their shape, hurt, and edema develops, especially when it is cold or the weather changes.
As for acute arthritis, it can affect people of any age, from children to the elderly. The main (and only) reason due to which acute arthritis, a viral or infectious disease (flu, tonsillitis, etc.) can develop. The mechanism of the appearance of tumors in infectious diseases is quite simple: viruses penetrate into the joints of the fingers and infect them.
For the most part, acute arthritis appears 1-2 weeks after the person who caught the flu or sore throat, it would seem, has already recovered. Suddenly and for no apparent reason, the fingers in the joints begin to hurt, and such pain is usually very strong. The finger itself swells, turns red, becomes numb, and begins to move poorly. The pain becomes stronger when the patient tries to move his finger.
Both chronic and acute arthritis may be accompanied by fever, malaise, weakness, and headache.
The second reason is arthrosis. Previously, only people over 50 suffered from arthrosis, but recently young people also suffer from arthrosis. The reasons lie in hereditary predisposition, finger injuries, metabolic disorders in the body, endocrine diseases.
The mechanism of osteoarthritis in general terms is as follows. The cartilage that is between the bones of the fingers begins to break down. Such cartilage is needed so that the joints of the fingers, when in contact, easily slide and absorb, without touching each other and without causing each other discomfort. Due to the destruction of this cartilage, a tumor forms in the joints of the fingers. First, the phalanges of the fingers begin to hurt, then the phalanx of the thumb. Then the fingers become almost immobile, hurt when moved, and become more and more swollen. It happens that sensitivity is lost in the entire hand.
And here it is important to start treatment on time, otherwise the process can develop into a chronic one. Sometimes there is almost complete immobility of the fingers.

What else can cause swelling?

Other possible factors:

  1. Getting injured.

It happens that a person has a finger injury while playing sports, at work, at home (it can be a fracture, dislocation or a severe bruise). An injured finger swells up instantly, starts to hurt a lot, swells, hemorrhage into internal tissues may occur.

  1. Open injury.

It happens that the finger swells even when an open wound forms on it: a cut, a bite, etc. An infection enters the open wound, and the finger swells. Yes, and not just swells, but also forms a purulent abscess on it. Such a swelling can be dangerous, especially when the wound is deep or the finger has been bitten by an animal.

  1. Restless Finger Syndrome.

Such a syndrome is most often observed in those people who, due to their professional duties, make the same movements with their fingers for a long time. With long monotonous movements, ligaments and tendons become inflamed. This inflammation then travels to the knuckles, causing them to swell and swell.

  1. Allergy.

This is a rare reason, but it is worth considering. When the joints of the fingers begin to react to any allergic irritant, not only the joints themselves swell, but the entire finger, itching occurs in the hands, swelling of the eyelids and the entire face may form, the skin turns red, and a rash appears on it.

  1. Sedentary lifestyle.

It also happens that a person took a walk, did some physical work, noticed in the late afternoon: his joint on his finger was swollen. What's the matter? The reason for the edema in this case is that there was a malfunction in the work of the heart or kidneys, because the person that day moved a lot and vigorously.
However, such edema cannot be considered true. In a person, fluid accumulates in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe joints, and it becomes difficult for him to move his fingers. Usually overnight, such a pseudotumor disappears without a trace.

How to treat a tumor on the joint of the finger?

It is very important to remember that such tumors should be treated only under medical supervision. Self-medication is dangerous. The fact is that it can be difficult to independently distinguish arthritis from arthrosis, and yet the methods of treating these diseases are different. However, there are methods that, with swelling of the joints of the fingers, must be applied before consulting a doctor:

  1. If the joint is swollen due to injury, you can apply a cold compress and try to move the swollen finger as little as possible, and at the same time with the whole hand.
  2. If the joint is inflamed for reasons other than injury, then it is recommended to lubricate it with an anti-inflammatory ointment: voltaren, nurofen, nimulide, fastum gel. In addition, you can take pills: ketorolac, indomethacin, piroxicam, ibuprofen, diclofenac.
  3. If allergic edema has formed, then you can take pills such as claritin, suprastin, ketotifen, loratodin.

It is possible to carry out alternative treatment before seeking medical help.
For example, prepare a special bath, which includes eucalyptus, sandalwood or calendula oil, etc. Any essential oil is applicable. Mix a few drops of essential oil in a small amount of warm water and dip your swollen finger into it. After 15-20 minutes, the pain will decrease.

You can grind the onion to a pulp and apply it to the swollen joint.

It is also possible for this purpose to attach a fresh cabbage leaf crumpled to the formation of juice to the swollen joint. By the way, such procedures can be done daily. They are very good at relieving pain and swelling.
Well helps with tumors of the joints of the fingers daily rubbing with fir oil.

It must be remembered that all these remedies, with all their effectiveness and availability, can bring only partial relief, and only for a short time. You can recover from the disease only by contacting a doctor.